Forward As One!
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Ain’t No Stopping Us Now! Forward as One! USW Civil and Human Rights Conference Minneapolis, MN July 21-25, 2019 Sunday, July 21, 2019 Opening Session 5:00 p.m. Blessings Elise Bryant Mary Lyons, OJibwe Great Grandmother Call to Order and Welcome Emil Ramirez, Director District 11, USW Greetings Tina Smith, US Senator, Minnesota Bill McCarthy, President, MN AFL-CIO Chelsie Glaubitz Gabiou, President, Minneapolis CLC Keith Ellison Attorney General of Minnesota “You Said You Wanted To” Charleeka Thompson, District 13, USW Debrief Fred Redmond, International Vice-President, USW Tefere Gebre ExecutiVe Vice-President, AFL-CIO Amanda Green-Hawkins Director, CiVil and Human Rights 7:30 p.m. Director’s Reception All member are encouraged to attend 1 Monday, July 22 Past Victories and Current Campaigns 8:00 a.m. Opening and Blessing Kim Smith, Staff District 9, USW The Poor People’s Campaign Roz Pelles, Vice-President, Repairers of the Breach We Shall OVercome: The Highlander and Change How Far We HaVe Come Robin Williams, International Vice-President and Director of CiVil Rights and Community Action, UFCW (United Food and Commercial) Workers) If Pawns Could Move Backwards: Poetry, Kyle (Guante) Tran Myhre Protest and Possibility So Many Workshops, So Little Time Amanda Green-Hawkins, Moderator Greeting Leo Gerard, Video 11:00 a.m. Morning Workshops (Those with an asterisk will be offered twice) Topic Lead Instructor Location LGBTQ+: Voices From Within* LGBTQ+ AdVisory Committee Marquette 4 Me Too/Times Up: What Unions are Doing to Make a Elise Bryant, Charleeka Thompson Marquette 3 Change* Black LiVes Matter and the Black Liberation Nakisha Lewis Marquette 1/2 MoVement The Past, Present and Future of Immigration Policy in Guillermo Perez, Sabrina Liu Marquette 9 the United States Not One More (Canadian First Nations) Delee Nikal Marquette 5 Disability Rights and the ADA Antonia Domingo Marquette 6 Fighting for Workers’ Rights in the Global Economy Facilitator: Ben DaVis Marquette 7 Susan Matthews, Rosana Sousa Fernandes, Almir Costa de Aguiar, Thiago Eizo Coutinho Maeda, TaJ Salam, Patricia DaVis, DaVid Agbley Women Make a Difference Andrea Hunter Marquette 8 12:30 p.m. Lunch on your own 2 2:00 p.m. Afternoon Workshops Topic Facilitators Location LGBTQ+ Voices From Within * LGBTQIA AdVisory Council Marquette 4 Me Too/Times Up: What Unions are Doing to Make a Elise Bryant, Charleeka Thompson Marquette 3 Change* Black Labor History Week Ephrin E.J. Jenkins, Brigitte Womer Marquette 9 Anti-discrimination Law Amanda Green-Hawkins Marquette 1/2 EnVironmental Justice Lisa Jordan, Katherine Houston Marquette 6 Getting Our CiVil On Kim Miller Marquette 7 Women of Steel-Building a Different Union Ann Flener Marquette 5 3:30 p.m. Break 3:45 p.m. Immigration in the Spotlight Immigration Issues Panel Guillermo Perez, Moderator Michelle RiVero, Director, Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Yanira Merino, President, Labor Council for Latin American AdVancement (LCLAA) Carolina Ortiz, Director of Communications COPAL MN Alfreda Daniels, Co-founder, Black Immigrant CollectiVe Ernesto Achoa, Member, USW Local 6787 Taking Action Cathy Drummond, Guillermo Perez 5:00 p.m. Dinner on Your Own 6:30 p.m. Poster Making for Rally Marquette 1/2 7:30 p.m. BlacKkKlansman From Visionary filmmaker Spike Lee comes the incredible true story of an American hero. It's the early 1970s, and Ron Stallworth is the first African-American detectiVe to serVe in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Stallworth braVely sets out on a dangerous mission: infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan. The young detectiVe soon recruits a more seasoned colleague, Flip Zimmerman into the undercoVer inVestigation of a lifetime. 3 Tuesday, July 23 Issues We Face 8:00 a.m. Opening Wendy Goldberg Tim Walz GoVernor, Minnesota A Voice from the Frontlines Valerie Castile This Moment: Fighting for Justice in the Black Community Connie Mabin, Facilitator The Honorable Marilyn Mosby The Honorable Nick Mosby Desmond Meade This Moment: Our Struggle is Broad Marsha Zakowski, Moderator Marya Axner, Jewish Labor Committee Jayalani Hussein, Council on American- Islamic Relations Jessica Rios Viner and Luis Mendoza, USW Ken Neumann National Director for Canada, USW 10:15 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. Workshops (Those with an asterisk will be offered twice.) Topic Lead Instructor Location White Fragility* Kai Lai Marquette 3 Islamophobia* Jayalani Hussein, CAIR Marquette 5 The Crisis for Workers in Puerto Rico* Jessica Rios Viner, Luis Mendoza Marquette6 Mass Incarceration, Part 1 Doug Ward, Emily Jefferson Marquette 1/2 How Workers Centers Work and Why We Need Them Guillermo Perez Marquette 4 Fighting Anti-Semitism Marya Axner Marquette 7 Preparing for 2020 Julie Green Marquette 9 Workplace Violence Tamara Lefcowitz, Kim Miller Marquette 8 12:00 p.m. Lunch 4 1:30 p.m. Workshops (Those with an asterisk will be offered twice) Topic Facilitators Location White Fragility* Kai Lai Marquette 3 Islamophobia* Jayalani Hussein, CAIR Marquette 5 The Crisis for Workers in Puerto Rico* Jessica Rios Viner, Luis Mendoza Marquette 6 Mass Incarceration, Parts 2 Doug Ward, Emily Jefferson Marquette 1/2 Voter Suppression Julie Green Marquette 4 How to Be a True LGBTQ+ Ally LGBTQIA AdVisory Council Marquette 8 Implicit Bias Elise Bryant Marquette 7 Young, Person of Color and Union Ephrin E.J. Jenkins Marquette 9 3:00 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m. Taking Action Briefing on action Cathy Drummond and Guillermo Perez 4:00 p.m. Action Stand up and fight back for immigrant families! Join us in a march for immigrant and worker rights. 5:30 p.m. Dinner on your own The moment we choose to love we begin to move away from domination, oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move toward freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others -bell hooks 5 Wednesday, July 24 Ain’t No Stopping Us Now 8:00 a.m. Opening and Blessing Jayalani Hussein Unions Change EVerything Harry Bains, Minister of Labour, British Columbia Tom Conway President, USW The Challenge of Labor Susan Matthews, ExecutiVe Council, National Black or Asian Minority Seat, Unite the Union Constituency Groups and allied organizations Guillermo Perez, Moderator CBTU Terry MelVin APRI Kermit Moore LCLAA Yanira Merino APALA Sabrina Liu CLUW Janet Hill PRIDE@Work Jerame Davis Jewish Labor Committee Marya Axner LGBTQ+ AdVisory Fred Redmond, International Vice-President, USW Kerner Commission: A Long Way to Go Alan Curtis, Eisenhower Foundation Digital Action 10:30 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. Workshops (Those with an asterisk will be offered twice) Topic Lead Instructor Location Lobbying Workshop* Kim Miller Marquette 8 Culture Change Curriculum (A Tool; Part 1)* Kate Shaughnessy, Charleeka Thompson Marquette 5 CARRY THE TORCH! Local union Civil and Human Rights Marsha Zakowski Marquette 1/2 Committees Building Labor/Community Coalitions Guillermo Perez, Sabrina Liu, Antonia Marquette 3 Domingo Using the Arts to Mobilize Kyle (Guante) Tran Myhre Marquette 9 The USW Fight on LegislatiVe Issues that Change Our LiVes John Paul Smith, Emily Jefferson Marquette 6 Digital Tools for ActiVists Connie Mabin Marquette 4 Mindfulness for Compassion Patricia Enstad Marquette 7 6 12:30 p.m. Lunch on your own 1:45 p.m. Afternoon Workshops (Those with an asterisk will be offered twice) Topic Facilitators Location Lobbying Workshop* Kim Miller Marquette 8 Culture Change Curriculum (A Tool: Part 2)* Kate Shaughnessy, Charleeka Marquette 5 Thompson Building Leadership Skills Emily Jefferson, Lisa Jordan Marquette 9 Strategic Planning for CiVil and Human Rights Amanda Green-Hawkins, Marsh Marquette 1/2 Committees Zakowski Breaking the Glass Ceiling Andrea Hunter Marquette 6 Representing Immigrant Workers Guillermo Perez, Antonia Domingo Marquette 3 Building Community Engagement Connie Mabin Marquette 4 Lessons for ActiVism form an OJibwe Great Grandmother Mary Lyons Marquette 7 3:15 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m. Closing Plenary Roxanne Brown International Vice-President, USW When you go home Lisa Jordan, Facilitator Fred Redmond International Vice-President, USW 7:00 p.m. Closing Banquet Bill Lucy, Secretary-Treasurer, AFSCME, Retired After dinner please join us for music, dancing, fellowship and cash bar 7 Civil Rights Conference Workshop Descriptions July 21-25, 2019 Minneapolis, MN Workshops July 22. 2019 Topic Description Lead Facilitator This workshop examines the radical resistance of the Black LiVes Matter moVement to state-sanctioned Violence against black and Nakisha Lewis, Director Black Lives Matter and the Black brown communities. We will discuss the inception of the modern Civil, Human & Women's Rights Liberation Movement moVement to present struggles for Black liberation. We will AFL-CIO explore the intersectional nature of the moVement, and how the [email protected] moVement is intentionally leaderful . In this interactiVe workshop participants will share their own Guillermo Perez, migration story and learn about the historic waVes of mass Education Department USW, LCLAA The Past, Present and Future of migration that haVe shaped our nation and our labor moVement. [email protected] Immigration Policy in the United States The workshop will also examine the United States’ current broken system of immigration and what a functioning, compassionate Sabrina Liu immigration policy might look like. [email protected] This workshop focuses on the history and significance of the Stonewall riots and the actiVists behind the explosiVe eVent that LGBTQ+ Voices From Within became a moVement. It will also feature a panel of LGBTQ+ LGBTQIA AdVisory Council members who will speak about their experiences liVing at the intersection of work and identity. Sexual harassment is not new but women are speaking up like neVer before. Tarana Burke, a social actiVist and community Elise Bryant organizer, began using the phrase "Me Too" as early as 2006; a Retiree Labor College Me Too/Times Up: What Unions are and phrase later popularized by actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter.