
Are you the next Vice-President of Young ?

At its General Assembly on May 30th in Reykjavík, Iceland, Young Humanists International will elect its new Vice-President. The application deadline is May 14th, 2019. ​ ​

What is Young Humanists International?

Young Humanists International or YHI is the youth branch of Humanists International. Young is defined as ages 18 to 35. Our purpose is to build and represent the global that defends human rights and promotes humanist values worldwide. We are a dynamic team of young adults all over the world sharing this vision and giving ourselves the mission to bring into active association youth groups and young humanist individuals throughout the world interested in promoting .

For more info, visit humanists.international/young! ​ ​

What does a Vice-President do?

The Vice-President works closely with the President, Secretary-General, Communication Officer, and Working Groups to make Young Humanists International what it is. As a Vice-President, you are a representative of YHI and are the stand-in if the President is not available. The Vice-President is also responsible for keeping an eye on the finances, takes part in developing YHI’s strategy, and helps with other internal tasks.

What are the perks of being the Vice-President?

● You can attend YHI international meetings and meet young Humanists all over the world, for which YHI does provide limited travel support. ● You learn more about financial management in an international setting. ● You learn about the international governance of a vibrant community. ● You can contribute to the network and support young humanists all over the world.

What are the requirements for the position?

● Must be part of a member organization of Humanists International / Young Humanists International. ● Must be 18 - 35 years old. ● 1-3 hours of work per week (varies depending on deadlines and projects). ● Basic financial know-how and responsibility . ● High proficiency in English. ● Strong communicative skills. ● Most importantly, motivation and a sense of initiative to volunteer to our cause!

Interested? Fill in this form to apply! ​ ​ ​ Questions? Write to [email protected] and ask away! ​ ​ ​