New Chaplain Strengthens Latin Mass Community
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50¢ March 9, 2008 Volume 82, No. 10 Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Springing forward New chaplain strengthens Daylight Saving Time begins Latin Mass community March 9; get to Mass on time Baptism dilemma BY DON CLEMMER Using wrong words FORT WAYNE — Father George Gabet discovered ruled not valid his love for the old Latin Mass years before his ordi- nation while attending it at Sacred Heart Parish in Fort Page 5 Wayne. Now he will be serving Sacred Heart, as well as Catholics in South Bend, through his new assign- ment as a chaplain of a community formed especially for Catholics who worship in the pre-Vatican II rite. This rite, called the 1962 Roman Missal, the Award winning Tridentine Rite and, more recently, the extraordinary teachers form of the Roman Missal, has received greater atten- tion since the July 2007 publication of Pope Benedict Theology teachers XVI’s motu proprio, “Summorum Pontificum,” allowed for greater use of it. cited for gifts To meet the needs of Catholics wishing to worship in this rite in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Page 10 Bishop John M. D’Arcy has established the St. Mother Theodore Guérin Community. This community, which came into effect March 1, will consist of parishioners at Sacred Heart in Fort Wayne and St. John the Baptist Vices and virtues in South Bend, two parishes that have offered the Tridentine rite Mass since 1990. Father George Gabet Envy and sloth explored will be the community’s chaplain. While a native of Fort Wayne, Father Gabet is a this week priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, an interna- Page 13 tional community of priests formed in 1988 by Pope John Paul II, the charism of which is the celebration of the Tridentine rite. DON CLEMMER Father Gabet is a graduate of Bishop Dwenger High Father George Gabet of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter speaks at a pro-life event in May School and Ball State University. Partly through his of 2007. Father Gabet, a Fort Wayne native, will serve as chaplain of the newly formed St. Sheen to receive Mother Theodore Guérin Community, who worship in the Tridentine rite. GABET, PAGE 3 medal Notre Dame’s Laetare DIOCESAN TEENS GATHER Medal awarded Faith outfoxes tragedy: Page 18 A story of hope and survival FOR RETREAT earnest. It’s a real love story,” says Father BY KAY COZAD Scheidt, who is now the pastor of Queen of Peace Parish in Mishawaka. GRANGER — Joel Fox and Lauren Kreager The following years of high school had are two young people in love. This past year the couple attending Mass at St. Pius X they excitedly anticipated their wedding day, Parish, youth group and several weekend set for Dec. 29 of 2007. This year they are retreats to strengthen their faith. just happy that Fox is alive. This after a dev- “As our relationship started to become astating accident last September left him stronger, we became more faithful,” says burned and in a coma for six weeks. Fox. They were known in the community for The couple met as juniors attending their chaste lifestyle choice and spoke on the Marian High School. Kreager was an active subject to all who would listen. faith-filled Catholic, while Fox, like many Following high school graduation, the CINDY BLACK other students his age, had fallen-away. two attended college together, as they contin- One Consuming Passion was the theme for During the early days of their relationship, ued to offer talks on chastity and faith issues Kreager questioned whether she should con- to those around them. Kreager studied theol- the high school students’ retreat held last tinue to see this boy who lived a very secular ogy and philosophy, while Fox, whose fami- weekend at Epworth Forest in North lifestyle. ly is part owner in J.R. Fox Jewelry Store, “I always knew I wanted to marry a majored in general studies. Webster. Fifty-one teens participated in Catholic guy. I wasn’t sure I should date “My goal was to get a general studies him,” she says. degree so I could work at Fox Jewelers,” he the retreat. A reconciliation service was led After meeting with her parish priest, says. by Father Mark Gurtner, pastor of Our Father Dan Scheidt, then-associate pastor at In 2006, Kreager was off to Austria to St. Pius X, Granger, and speaking to Fox study while Fox transferred to South Bend to Lady of Good Hope, Fort Wayne, and about his faith, one-on-one faith counseling attend Indiana University-South Bend eucharistic adoration and Mass were cele- brought Fox back to the church. (IUSB). “For the love of her, he came to speak brated by Father Glenn Kohrman, pastor of with me. And he began to practice his faith in FOX, PAGE 20 St. Mary of the Lake, Culver. 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 9, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Diocese solidifies Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 celebration of the Latin Mass PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy years ago at the Cathedral of the Holy privileged to do so, and now I intend to do EDITOR: Tim Johnson Cross in Boston. For many years, my good so again. I have asked Father George to set ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer friend Dominic (Nick) Harris has asked me up a time so I can celebrate this Mass in STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad to bring in a member of Father George’s each end of the diocese. I will need to community, the Fraternity of St. Peter, to rehearse again, and it will bring back so NEWS give assurance that this Mass could be cele- many memories. I look forward to it and to Editorial Department brated well into the future. The significant meeting those many people including, I am PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES number that attend the Mass in Fort Wayne told, a few young people who come from FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, are worried that with priests aging, they the surrounding area to pray at this Mass. Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Elmer BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY may not have anyone to celebrate this J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie Mass. Father George is a member of a reli- Saint Joe Medical Center Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane gious congregation called The Priestly Recently I made a pastoral visitation to Freeby, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Must be given due honor for its Fraternity of St. Peter and they are dedicat- Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center, ed to the celebration of Mass under this Jennifer Murray, Jennifer Ochstein venerable and ancient usage South Bend. Founded, like so many other form. institutions in our diocese, by the and Deb Wagner With such words does Pope Benedict With the help of Father Bob Schulte, our Congregation of Holy Cross, in this case XVI present to us the reason for the right vicar general, we reached Father George, the sisters. This hospital has served with a Business Department use of what he has called the extraordinary and with the approval of his superiors, he special devotion to the poor and needy in BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice form of the Roman rite. In this decision, began his ministry with us this past Sunday. this diocese since 1882. I offered Mass in AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber Pope Benedict showed his great pastoral Father Gabet will be responsible for cel- the chapel and concelebrated with Father heart and gave a place to the traditional ebrating the Mass according to the extraor- Henry Byekwaso, the chaplain. Also pres- BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol Latin Mass, the Mass promulgated by [email protected] dinary rite in both Fort Wayne and South ent was Father David Tyson, CSC, provin- blessed Pope John XXIII in 1962, “never Bend. He will have the spiritual care of cial of Holy Cross, and Father Tony abrogated” and named it as “extraordinary Advertising Sales each community. To the extent possible, he Szakaly, CSC, associate provincial, along form of the liturgy of the church” — he will celebrate the Mass in each church each Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) with many South Bend pastors. also showed his understanding of history. In Sunday, and where necessary, he will call (260) 456-2824 I want to single out one beautiful event a letter written to bishops, the Holy Father on other priests to help him. that was shared with us at the luncheon that Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) said too often the serious divisions in the Father George will also assist as part- followed. You know that one of the most (574) 234-0687 church could have been avoided if the time priest chaplain at Lutheran Hospital, painful things that can happen to a mother, Web site: church or the Holy See had taken an extra Fort Wayne and will try to visit each indeed to a father as well, is the loss of an step toward reconciliation. He hopes to rec- Catholic patient there twice a week. unborn child through a miscarriage. Just Published weekly except the last oncile those who have separated themselves His community has asked that he be when it seems there is to be a new person Sunday in June, second and fourth from the church. assigned as a chaplain to each group and in the world, something unexpected hap- weeks in July, second week in August Mindful of all those who treasure the that the group have a heavenly patron.