Transactions of the Ossianic Society
m m iim ^tí?í>w-ái{M,f,c.§ TRANSACTIONS OF THE OSSIANIC SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS THE OSSIAMC SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1856. VOL. IV. t9iO)z\)e> y:)9mnu)'5\)e9ic\)V9i. DUBLIN: PRINTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL, 70R THE USE OF THE MEUBERS. 1859. OR, FENIAN POEMS, EDITED BY JOHN O'DALY. DUBLIN : PRINTED FOR THE OSSIANIC SOCIETY, By JOHN O'DALY, 0, ANGLESEA-STREET. 1859. PIUNTID BT OOODTVI», 60N, AND NEIHEnCOTT, 79, MARI.B0I10UGII-STREKT, : re ®$siró Bmb, Founded on St. Patrick's Day, 1853, for the Preservation and Publi- cation of MSS. in the Irish Language, illustrative of the Fenian period of Irish History, &c.j with Literal Translations and Notes. OFFICERS ELECTED ON THE 17th MARCH, 1858. "William S. O'Brien, Esq , M.R.I. A., Cahirmoyle, Newcastle West. Rev. Ulick J. Bourke, Professor of Irish, St. Jarlatli's College, Tuam. Rev. Euseby D. Cleaver, M.A., S. Barnabas, Pimlico, Lo7idon. John O'Donovan, LL.D., M.R.I.A., Dublin. Standish Hates O'Gradv, Esq., Erinagh House, Castleconnell. Cniinril Rev. John Clarke, C.C, Louth Professor Connellan, Queen's College, Cork. Rev. Sidney L. Cousins, Bantire, Cork. Rev. John Forrest, D.D., Kingstown. Rev. James Goodman, A.B., Ardgroom, Castletown, Berehaven. William Hackett, Esq., Midleton, Cork, Rev. Patrick Lamb, P.P., Newtownhamilton. Michael Lysaght, Esq., Ennis. Michael J. Mac Carthy, Esq., Derrynanoul, Mitchelstown. M. M'Ginty, Esq., Bray. Professor John O'Beirne-Crowe, A.B., Queen's College, Galway. John O'Daly, Esq., O'Dahfs Bridge, Kclls. John O'Duffy, Esq., 26, Great Brunswick-street, Dublin.
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