$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 6 14 CHESHVAN 5768 trhu ,arp OCTOBER 26, 2007

INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK REMEMBERING ZEV CHAIT Building Wealth In BY LARRY GORDON Book Review By Ari Sher 21 Keeping Lists A Creative Peace Hannah Reich Berman 24 France’s President, Nicolas maybe, we will be able to MindBiz Sarkozy, met in Paris last make some progress. Esther Mann, LMSW 26 Monday with Israel’s Prime As you know, there are Minister Olmert and urged three core issues that Israel Daf Yomi Insights him to “be creative” when it and others are hesitant about Avrohom Sebrow 46 comes to making peace with dealing with. Those issues are the Palestinians. I agree with the borders of the two states Commentary Mr. Sarkozy. If Mr. Olmert, envisioned as living side by Ben Nathan 69 who is presently the subject of side, the division of Jerusa- at least three criminal investi- lem, and the matter of gations in Israel, is only half Palestinian refugees and their as creative with the peace right to return to the land they process as he has been in Refoel Zev Chait, a’h, with his father, Chaim Chait, and Rav Simcha business, then maybe, just Continued on Page 6 HaKohen Kook. Refoel Zev, 29, passed away last week. See Page 9 OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE

The Ultimate Commuter, of Isaac) in a shul a half hour’s AManhattan Miracle Part 20 drive from where the event Akerman-Lukin wedding. BY DANNY BLOCK occurred. I also poked fun at BY LARRY GORDON Shacharis last Sunday morn- See Page 42 how difficult a three-day yom ing on the Upper East Side of The last time I wrote an tov is for Israelis, who are We sat with the captains of . entry for this column was just beside themselves at the end industry and government in We were in the third-floor after Rosh Hashanah. It was of the first day. At the time, I old . They are long portrait gallery of the New York rendered unreadable by did not have any idea that I gone, of course, but their rich Genealogical and Biographical Microsoft Word 2007. My would be in the U.S. for the individual legacies live on— Society building on East 58th article discussed how incredi- next yom tov, Sukkot, which John Pierpont Morgan, Elihu Street in Manhattan. As we ble it was to spend Rosh this year happened to include Root, Franklin Delano Roose- davened amid the portraits of Hashanah in Israel, to listen two such three-day periods. velt, General Douglas Mac- these distinguished gentle- to the reading refer to Arthur, and others. Their glit- man, an urn of coffee was akeidat Yitzchak (the binding Continued on Page 20 tering, almost true-to-life por- brewing and a young man was traits surrounded us as we sat, in tallis and tefillin, davening Continued on Page 5 The world’s oldest living Jew. My Hero Died Last Week See Page 54 Still On IS STARBUCKS Strike KOSHER? Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 61 Halachic Musings BY SHMUEL KATZ BY RABBI YAIR HOFFMAN Finally, a quiet week (most- DIRECTOR, TIFERET CHAYA ly). The junior high/high- PROGRAM FOR GIRLS school teachers’ union is still on strike. Our older girls both Jews like coffee. The prac- continue to have modified tice of Jews drinking coffee schedules. Chaya again had a dates back well over a thou- Rebbetzin Rivkah Blau complete day off last week and sand years, since its exporta- heading up new 5T HS. a second day where she had tion from the Arab city of See Page 71 only one class the entire day Kefa. Its appearance in the (her math teacher was ill and responsa oeuvres of the CANDLE LIGHTING she was scheduled for a double Rishonim and Oct. 26 – 5:41 PM Mitch Merlis, a’h, former University wrestling champion, math class that day). attests to the fact that it is a Nov. 2 – 5:32 PM passed away last week at the age of 50 after a long illness. See Story by Paul Freedman, Page 50 Continued on Page 14 Continued on Page 18 2 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 3 4 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE of the mechitzah in his shul is not high Continued from Front Cover enough for some. But when it comes to drawing Jews to shul to observe busy in a corner of the room laying out Shabbos, Rabbi Schneier’s approach is some traditional Sunday-morning uncompromising. fare—bagels and lox, cream cheese, egg “To me it’s all about davening,” he salad, and tuna. said as we sat across from one another Why were we there, and how in the at a communal Shabbos lunch follow- world did all this come about? The ing services in the new shul last upper crust of high society in Shabbos. “If I can just get Jews to shul Manhattan had made way for morn- to daven,I believe it can change their ing prayers followed by a hearty lives.” And as one looked around this breakfast. Where else but New York setting and this room in which we could this happen? spent Friday night and Shabbos morn- The story begins with the vision of ing, one could see it was indeed Rabbi Marc Schneier, rabbi for the stuffed to the maximum with Jews who last 18 years of the popular wanted to get into shul for services. Westhampton Synagogue and now And Rabbi Schneier knows what it also what is known as the New York takes to get those who have drifted Synagogue, as it gently but very and are perhaps not regular attendees quickly takes its place among the to Shabbos or other services (and leading shuls serving Orthodox Jewry there are many). On this Shabbos— on the Upper East Side. last weekend—the New York The fact is that this Sunday-morn- Synagogue featured three generations ing minyan is the tail end of the story, of a prominent cantorial family well- the fruition of Rabbi Schneier’s dream. known around the world. Cantor The previous day, Shabbos, was some- Naftali Hershtik is the chazzan in the thing to behold. On both Friday night Great Synagogue in , and and Shabbos—here in the midst of one his son Netanel Hershtik now splits of the busiest sections of the city, in an his time between The Shul in Miami area dotted with designer boutiques as Beach and the New York Synagogue. well as the famous Bloomingdale’s The father and son were joined by department store—hundreds of people their nephew and cousin, Srulik jammed their way into a relatively Hershtik of , and the bill small temporary shul to welcome the also featured 11-year-old Lior Shabbos. Hershtik, who displayed an extraordi- I suppose you can say that Rabbi nary range in a voice that is sure to Marc Schneier dreams with his eyes one day captivate cantorial aficiona- open. And maybe you think that he is dos around the world. too open-minded and perhaps even too liberal on some issues; maybe the top Continued on Page 8

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 5 FROM THE EDITOR could have done was wound him and FEATURES Continued from Front Cover possibly kill a few of his security person- nel. Thankfully, the peace process lives. left in the aftermath of the establish- But realistically, once we get past Around The Five Towns 54 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 ment of the State of Israel. these small technical details of assassi- 516-984-0079 Progress on these issues has been at nation, how can the two sides possibly [email protected] Ask The Lawyer [email protected] a stalemate for years, and there does get past what seems like other insur- not seem to be any possible break- mountable issues? Well, I have a few Howard M. Adelsberg 34 LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON throughs in sight. Further complicat- suggestions that I hope can break the Publisher/Editor Managing Editor Classified Ads 76 YOSSI GORDON ing these difficulties was the report logjam between the sides in this old Director of Sales over last weekend that there was an dispute. Some of the suggestions are Daf Yomi Insights CHANA ROCHEL ROSS assassination attempt orchestrated by as silly as some of the peace ideas, so Editorial Assistant members of Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah please bear with me. Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 46 SIDI BARON party on the life of Prime Minister Most will agree that among the most YAKOV SERLE Olmert back in June. Even more both- difficult issues is how to deal with the Five Towns Simcha 42 JERRY MARKOVITZ ersome to some was that after Israeli demand of the Palestinians that Sales Representatives intelligence tipped off Palestinian Jerusalem be declared the capital city of H ock Of The Rock SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC security services about the plot against the new Palestine. Clearly, no one wants Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Eli Shapiro 44 the prime minister’s life, the alleged to relinquish any part of Jerusalem. Yes, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS perpetrators were detained but then today’s Israeli leadership is willing to lis- Howard M. Adelsberg, Irwin H. Benjamin Insights On The Torah Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen quickly and quietly released. ten to ideas about dividing Jerusalem, Danny Block, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Olmert said that while he was dis- though a sound majority of the popula- Rabbi Yoni Posnick 80 Yochanan Gordon, Michele Herenstein turbed about the plot on his life, it was tion is against the idea, as is a majority Rabbi Yanki Tauber 52 Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky not an issue that would cause him to of the Knesset that would have to vote Shmuel Katz, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller Rabbi Yoni Posnick, Naomi Ross cancel talks with Mr. Abbas or the on the matter. The problem for the Letters To The Editor 38 Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro Palestinians. That’s an interesting Palestinians with the Israeli creative MICHAL WEINSTEIN, ROB FILONUK response to finding out that your peace ideas on Jerusalem is that the Israelis Luach 11 Staff Graphic Artists partner wants to murder you. It was fur- have two simultaneous positions: The IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS ther learned earlier this week that the first is that they are willing to divide Michele Herenstein 36 Staff Photographers perpetrators were part of the Palestinian Jerusalem. The second is that they are FRANKEL & CO., CREATIVE DESIGN LLC security services and were responsible not willing to divide Jerusalem. The MindBiz Design & Production for protecting the Israeli prime minister Israelis see no problem with this seem- TALIYE CORLEY on the Palestinian side of the de facto ingly contradictory stance, but the Esther Mann, LMSW 26 Art Director border that exists in Jericho. Palestinians just cannot seem to under- SUZETTE LEE But here’s the real reason why stand how this formula will work. Real Estate Assistant Art Director Olmert harbors no grudges about their The answer is that it cannot work. Anessa V. Cohen 30 The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- intent to kill him. Luckily the The solution is to take areas on the out- paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not Palestinian police only carry light skirts of Jerusalem, tell the Palestinians necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not That’s The Way It Is! weapons; as a result, an Olmert aide that this is Jerusalem, and then tell the responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or Hannah Reich Berman 24 establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. said, the alleged assassins would not have been able to kill. The worst they Continued on Page 13

6 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 7 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE shul to add to the eclectic mix of shuls derland—a dream come true for so there in the world, the word Orthodox Continued from Page 5 already in the area. The need is defi- many of the longtime fans of the chaz- means many different things and levels nitely there. This is densely populated zanus art form. of observance to different people. Even for a person not in tune with Manhattan, as evidenced by the Rabbi Marc Schneier founded the “Our goal is to bring the people into the art of chazzanus, the presentation, Starbucks on almost every block— Westhampton Synagogue 18 years ago, shul to daven,” Rabbi Schneier said. “I although it took some time, did ulti- actually, one block I walked through and that shul has become a magnet for believe the davening has immense mately make a deep impression. featured two of the coffee emporiums. Shabbos services and Torah study in power and the ability to do the rest.” Cantors like the Hershtik family On that Shabbos, within a ten-block an environment in which one would And maybe it’s not for you, but there breathe life into tefillos that may have radius you could daven with the think that the last thing anyone would are some very positive things happen- been recited so often as to unfortu- ing out there in Midtown and on the nately be glossed over sometimes and Upper East Side of Manhattan. And not receive the attention they really that includes, in addition to the daven- deserve. At the other end of the spec- ing, the Shabbos meals that the syna- trum, there are those for whom canto- They just do it to reach out to gogue offers to those who join for rial displays like this one are the sum services on both Friday night and total of their connection to Jewish life Shabbos. One family that lives in the and Yiddishkeit. A good chazzan is Jews, and that’s all there is to it. neighborhood has undertaken the what brings them out to shul and entire preparation of the meals. I dis- keeps them coming back for more. cussed at length with members of the There is a bit more to tell about this family the various efforts that go into building, its history, and the plans for Hershtiks, walk a few blocks north to have on his mind on a summer serving Shabbos dinner and lunch to it in the future. Rabbi Schneier and his hear Cantor Yitzchak Helfgot at The Saturday is going to shul. Perhaps as many as 300 people, and they group purchased the building recently Park East Synagogue, or walk a few that’s a little difficult to fathom, but acknowledged that it is indeed quite from the New York Genealogical more blocks to the west to hear Cantor Jewish life—even Orthodox Jewish an undertaking for them. One request Society for $24 million. The plan is to Joseph Malovany at the Fifth Avenue life—outside of our carefully crafted that each family member made was do a major renovation, with a budget Synagogue. So, as you can see, there modern ghetto-like existence is not that they not be named in this story, of about $15 million, bringing to this are some Shabbosos on which this bor- always what we imagine it is or can be. because they do not do what they do part of the city a premier Orthodox ough of Manhattan is a cantorial won- Additionally, the reality is that out for credit or acknowledgment. They each said—and they even called me during the week to repeat—that they just do it to reach out to Jews, and that’s all there is to it. There are many diverse facets to Shabbos in the city. People congregate in this one place from far-flung parts of the big town. The fashions in which they observe their are proba- bly as diverse as the directions from which they congregate. In retrospect, I can say that on some level this is a microcosmic look of what Jewish unity can look like. It is also to Rabbi Schneier’s credit that here in this urban jungle, amid the hustle and bustle of crass commercialism, there is a room in the New York Genealogical Society building where, behind closed doors, people are wel- coming the peace and serenity of Shabbos in a place where once upon a time such a thing was most likely thought to be impossible. O

Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at [email protected].

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, October 29 at 5:00 P.M.

All graphics for ads must be in by Tuesday, October 30 at 5:00 P.M.

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8 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES A Piece Of Our Heart: The Legacy Of A Beloved Cousin, Refoel Zev Chait, a’h BY RABBI DOV KEILSON WITH sadness and pride. I cried over the irre- machalah during which he endured boy who had entered Darchei in sev- MRS. ILANA KEILSON placeable loss and the awesomeness of tremendous yesurim, returned his pure enth grade remembers how Zevi the tragedy, yet at the same time my soul to his Maker. befriended him and made him feel “Al eilleh ani bochiyyah, eini eini heart filled with pride over my little There is so much to be said that this comfortable in the class. yordah mayim…”(Eichah 1:16). small article cannot do justice to; yet I In our family, we always marked his How many tears were shed on hope b’ezras Hashem to paint a small innocent and reserved personality, and Thursday of last week as we sat picture of the short yet full life of my in his youth he was somewhat shy. among the hundreds upon hundreds cousin Zevi. However, as he entered the ninth who had gathered in the beis midrash Zevi grew up in Far Rockaway and grade in of to honor attended Yeshiva Darchei Torah ele- (where he remained the rest of his life, my cousin Zevi, a’h. mentary school. An old classmate of including a year and a half in the The Gemara (Shabbos 153a) tells us his commented to me a few days ago Chofetz Chaim in Yerushalayim) he that “Meihespeido shel adam nikur im how he remembers Zevi’s sweetness began to mature and blossom, and that ben haOlam HaBa hu im lav,” from the already at that young age. “He could- quiet Zevi became a flourishing ben eulogy of a person you can tell if he is n’t hurt a fly,” he commented. The Torah—a ben Torah who not only a ben Olam HaBa or not. Rashi rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Yaakov Bender, learned, but had influence upon oth- explains that if he is a righteous per- said, “He was always dignified and ers. Boys from the yeshiva commented son, everyone sheds tears for him and mentschlich; he got along with every- how he would set aside time to learn extols his virtues. body, a perfect child all his years in with boys who needed some help. The palpable emotion at Zevi’s lev- elementary school.” Rabbi Bender Relating one example of his hash- ayah was something extraordinary. It cousin who had become so great. As added that it was truly an extraordi- pa’ah, a young surgeon came to the was so abundantly evident how much my uncle, his beloved father, R’ Chaim nary thing that Zevi’s father did when shivah house and explained that he the loss was felt by all those present. Chait, in his moving hesped comment- Zevi began in yeshiva many years ago. was there to express hakaras ha’tov. Rebbeim, friends, and family ed, he brought his little boy to Yeshivas Instead of sending Zevi on the bus to When he was in Chofetz Chaim in mourned together, shedding a river of Chofetz Chaim in ninth grade, and he yeshiva, he brought him into the Eretz Yisrael, Zevi used to learn with tears as we painfully came to terms came back years later a gavra rabbah, a classroom on that special first day to him after night seder and he helped with the fact that our beloved Zevi great man. meet his rebbi and begin his yeshiva him prepare for the next day’s shiur. had left this world. On that last morning of his life, we career with true confidence. Before he returned to America, Zevi As I walked up the steps among the all stood around his bed, 15 members His seventh-grade rebbi, Rabbi urged him to try to learn half the day relatives and yedidim who held the of his beloved family, and we loudly Mordechai Finkelman (now mashgiach even while he was attending college, aron, and looked around at all the hun- proclaimed together “Hashem Hu at Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim in ) and that’s what he did for the next four dreds of Yidden standing and giving haElokim” as Refoel Zev ben Chaim commented, “I loved him; he was so true kavod acharon,I felt a mixture of Tzvi, after a two-year battle against the pleasant to have in my class.” Another Continued on Page 10

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 9 Zev Chait, a’h extremely troubling news of the dis- was a hallmark of his essence. He moved in a slightly rough manner. Continued from Page 9 ease spreading, I found him in the also had amazing shalom bayis. At the Someone scolded the ones carrying beis midrash with his father learning shivah, his wife said that in the five him for not being more gentle with years, due to what he says was Zevi’s a sugya in Beitzah in depth, with years they were married, she had him. Zevi softly said, “Please don’t encouragement. Tosefos and Rishonim. I joined them never heard him raise his voice reprimand them; they are doing the His father commented in his hesped for half an hour and I was over- except for once when he was upset best they can.” that the yeshiva had taught Zevi how whelmed by the incredible peace of that a certain thing had not been per- Not only did he portray midos in to think. He was very bright and he mind that he portrayed, as he was formed with yashrus. his conduct, he understood the sug- had an extremely creative mind, which able to delve into the learning even His beloved brother-in-law, Rabbi yah of midos and the principle of gad- he utilized to become one of the at such a challenging time. Yitzchok Wurem, spoke about the lus ha’adam (the greatness of man) chashuvim in the beis midrash. In his A close friend, R’ Moshe Katz, spoke incredible midah of hakaras ha’tov that very well. In our last conversation, stirring hesped, R’ Dovid Harris in his hesped of Zevi’s love for learning. Zevi possessed. His brothers com- we spoke about the topic of hurtful exclaimed that Zevi had learned Bava He had recently visited Zevi, and even mented that he would thank every per- words, and he explained it to me as it Kama with him in ninth grade, and though Zevi was really not feeling well, son that came by, no matter what he relates to the human being and how recently he learned it with him again; he said to his chavrusah and friend, was doing for him. I, too, witnessed he must always recognize his great- as now Zevi was involved in helping “Let’s learn.” They went on to learn this gratitude after any detail that I ness. Hurtful words aimed at others, the boys in beis midrash review R’ together although Zevi was really in a tried to help him with: overflowing he said, take away this great recogni- Harris’s shiurim. lot of pain. h akaras ha’tov. tion of the self. Zevi loved to learn, and his only It wasn’t just a love of learning Zevi’s father-in-law, Mr. Paul Although the yeshiva truly molded desire was to return to the beis that Zevi acquired, though. He Pincus, cried while delivering his Zevi, R’ Dovid Weinberger (mara midrash to finish his semichah learned midos and mussar, and how hesped, saying what a wonderful d’asra of Shaaray Tefila in Lawrence) before this coming Pesach. On one to live like a true mentsch. Many of son-in-law he was zocheh to have. made a very important point: Zevi’s of my visits to the hospital, someone the hespeidim were dedicated to his He praised his exceptional midos wonderful parents raised him in a commented that the halachos of exemplary humility and eidelkeit. In and chashivus haTorah, and he home imbued with a love for Torah Yoreh De‘ah are very difficult. In a certain sense, he had true great- shared a very telling anecdote: One and mitzvos. They were mechanech response, Zevi replied, “Really? I ness clothed in simplicity. His time Zevi was being transported to him (as they continue to do with yb’l find it very geshmak!” On one occa- demeanor was soft and pleasant and undergo radiation in another hospi- their other beautiful children) to live sion, after he had just heard some he exuded a certain sweetness; that tal building, and he was being with true midos tovos and true Torah values. Zevi loved his family very much and took great care to make them his top priority. His brother-in-law spoke about his extraordinary kibud av v’em. Before he would tell his parents the details and developments of his situation, he would first contemplate how to share it with them in a way that wouldn’t hurt them too much. Reb Yitzchok emphasized how much Zevi truly loved his parents. Zevi cared very much for his entire family. Some years ago, our aunt was extremely ill, and some of the family gathered to daven for her. Zevi came from Queens that night, and as he was leaving I thanked him for coming. He looked at me and said, “For family, what’s the question?” Zevi’s lifelong dream was to become a marbitz Torah. He told me before Yom Kippur that this was the berachah that his beloved rosh yeshiva continued to give him throughout his illness: “You should get better quickly so that you can come back and be marbitz Torah.” It is evident that this was his mindset in life from the following two anecdotes: On my first visit after he was diag- nosed, he told me, “Go and tell your talmidim—Your cousin is 27; he is a regular guy just like you; he plays bas- ketball just like you do. One day he was diagnosed with cancer.” His mes- sage was that they should appreciate life and utilize it to its fullest. In a similar vein, Zevi’s uncle, Rabbi Bentzion Chait, closed the levayah with a message from Zevi to the yeshi- va. Zevi didn’t want any attention called to him at all. He just wanted people to know that he came to learn in kollel even while he was sick and undergoing treatments, so that they should be inspired to learn more. His focus was zikui harabim, influencing others to become better. His beloved mashgiach, Rabbi Mordechai Tropper, wept and expounded upon an eye-opening Chazal. We are told that if a 20-year- old comes to Shamayim and says to Hashem, “I wanted to live 80 years to be able to do much more,” Hashem says to him, “I will give you the reward as if you lived 80 years.” R’ Tropper 10 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES explained that if it’s clear that this is concept of zechuyos for a refuah bration. Zevi soaked in the Torah and exceptional ben Torah . However, his the direction the person was going, sheleimah, and what happens if the hashkafas haTorah from the rosh illness brought out a greatness and then in Shamayim they look at him as person c has v’shalom passes away. He yeshiva and all his rebbeim. It was strength in emunah and bitachon that if he had lived that way for 80 years. commented to me, “Who knows what clear how much he held of this prin- was truly remarkable. R’ Yitzchok Zevi’s brother-in-law, R’ Yitzchok, said the zechusim will accomplish? They ciple, for on one of my visits he com- cried when he told of the fear that that he was marbitz Torah in unbeliev- will be for him in Gan Eden, and they mented how every bachur needs to Zevi had when he realized the seri- able ways. “Everyone feels like they are will be there for his family.” In his have a rebbi. ousness of his situation. Zevi said, a talmid of Zevi’s, as we all learned so beautiful hesped, R’ Akiva Grunblatt And he utilized that special close- “We are going to fight this and we will much from him.” spoke about this question, and insisted ness and subservience when it came overcome.” Besides the incredible lessons that that all the learning and tefillos did to his difficult predicament. Every “You fought it, Refoel Zev,” R’ he taught through his illness, it must not, chas v’shalom, go for naught. He step along the way was first dis- Yitzchok exclaimed, “And you did be noted how much Torah he caused brought proof from a Gemara in cussed with his rebbeim, and he overcome. We might not have to be learned, as a merit for him. Berachos that says “ein tefillaso choz- learned from them exactly how to received the outcome that we want- Many programs of extra learning eres reikam,” earnest prayers do not view each challenge and exactly ed, but you were the gibor who perse- were instituted in the yeshiva in his come back empty. what he should do. R’ Yitzchok com- vered throughout.” behalf—a seder of learning of Ahavas It’s amazing to note the incredible mented that both Zevi and yb’l his Throughout the two years of his ill- Chesed, a grand program of ten min- fulfillment of the dictum “Asei lecha eishes chayil, Shira, asked da’as ness, he worked on his emunah and utes of learning mussar e ach day, and rav” that was seen in Zevi, especially Torah, and followed whatever they bitachon. He had the Sefer Chovos many others. As of the Sunday throughout his illness. I remember a were instructed until the last HaLevovos next to his bed, and used before his passing, a thousand time before his illness when he visit- moments of Zevi’s life. the chapter on bitachon as his guide- Yidden had accepted upon them- ed my family for Shabbos when in In his hesped, R’ Grunblatt com- post. During one phone call, he selves to learn the sefer Guard Your Eretz Yisrael. He described the love mented on Zevi’s attribute of “tocho expressed to me his feelings about Tongue in his behalf. In a campaign and respect that he and all the k’baro.” Zevi portrayed no phoniness. how wonderful mussar is and I was that began several months ago, 15 talmidim had for the rosh yeshiva of Zevi was erliche. He was sincere and amazed to note the Mesillas Yesharim yeshivos, two Beis Yaakovs, and six Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, R’ Henoch he was real about his avodas Hashem. that was by his hospital bedside. different camps had joined the Leibowitz, zul gezunt zayn. When the He was sincere about his tefillah and At the shivah, Zevi’s mother-in-law learning for his refuah. rosh yeshiva would visit the yeshiva in he was truly yashar. A number of months ago I spoke to Eretz Yisrael, there was a great cele- Before he became sick, Zevi was an Continued on Page 12 Rav Matisyahu Salomon about the CALENDAR LUACH Oct. 26–Nov. 3 ZIP Code: 11516

14 MarCheshvan – Erev Shabbos Friday, October 26 Daf yomi: Kesuvos 55 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:24 am Sunrise: 7:18 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:22 am Gr’a 9:58 am Candle Lighting: 5:41 pm 15 MarCheshvan – Shabbos Saturday, October 27 Shabbos Parashas Vayeira Shabbos ends**: 6:40 pm 72 min. 7:11 pm 21 MarCheshvan – Erev Shabbos Friday, November 2 Daf yomi: Kesuvos 62 Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:31 am Sunrise: 7:26 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:26 am Gr’a 10:02 am Candle Lighting: 5:32 pm 22 MarCheshvan – Shabbos Saturday, November 3 Shabbos Parashas Chayei Sarah Shabbos ends**: 6:32 pm 72 min. 7:02 pm * from MyZmanim.com ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag Municipal Calendar For 5 Towns and NYC Thursday, November 1 NYC alternate-side parking regulations suspended. Saturday night/Sunday November 4 Daylight-Saving Time ends (turn clocks back 1 hour). 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 11 Zev Chait, a’h Zevi accepted his fate as gezeiras merit that yesurim bring a person in we must have. Continued from Page 11 Hashem. He was mekabel the yesurim the next world. He explained how all We might also take consolation in with love. The attitude of both Zevi the suffering is placed on the scale the following thought: Hashem tells told of a conversation that took place and yb’l his wife was that whatever together with the mitzvos and has a K’lal Yisrael on Shemini Atzeres, “Stay in Chicago this past summer. Hashem does is for the best. R’ tremendous impact on a person’s eter- with Me another day because our sep- Someone who was trying to give Yitzchok told of how Zevi’s wife truly nal reward. Zevi’s father told us at the aration is so difficult.” The question encouragement spoke to Zevi of the accepted Hashem’s will, saying, “We levayah that Zevi never complained, is, what will that extra day help? The challenges people have when facing tried all that we could; this is clearly despite the tremendous yesurim seforim explain that that extra day of such a difficult test; they might strug- the decree of Hashem.” Both Zevi and throughout. He always tried to hide Shemini Atzeres is the day that must gle and comment that Hashem is not his wife were so full of emunah, how much pain he really was in. Zevi’s be utilized to gather in all the close- fair. At that point Zevi spoke up and accepting their situation with love and father recounted that in one of his last ness that we have reached in the pre- said, “Hashem is always fair.” In his never asking “why me?” They tried to attempts to communicate, Zevi ceding days, and allow it to help carry hesped, Zevi’s father recounted that make every day count. Zevi wished to expressed that he knew that Hashem us through the winter when we will be Zevi’s mother was davening one day teach people through his yesurim that loved him. somewhat distanced. In a similar by his bedside, saying how it was dif- the ikar of life is learning Torah day The death of this young budding sense, we try to spend this week of ficult for her to say the “Hallelukas” after day, and appreciating each day to talmid chacham is not only a great shivah gathering in all the closeness watching him in such a predicament. utilize it properly. loss for our family and all those who and all the myriad lessons that we Her beloved son looked at her and On erev Rosh Hashanah Zevi was truly loved him; it is a loss for K’lal have learned from this special Yid, to said, “Mommy, what do you mean? quite ill and extremely weak. With Yisrael. Hundreds came to escort the help carry us through the time ahead, You have so much to be thankful to whatever kochos he had, he told me I niftar to the kevurah in the Mount when we will be somewhat distanced Hashem for! You b’H raised a beauti- should make the best of my davening on Judah cemetery, and even after the from each other, albeit never truly ful family. B’li ayin ha’ra!” Rosh Hashanah. As we escorted him to kevurah was over, people just separated, as one day we will reunite In his hesped, his brother Netanel the elevator to go to radiation, his remained by his kever and wept over once again. cried as he tried to share certain les- father asked him if he was up to putting their beloved Zevi. May Zevi be a meilitz yosher for his sons that he learned from Zevi. They on tefillin. He responded that his rebbi We must encourage ourselves with extremely dedicated and devoted were once learning together and Zevi had told him that his only mitzvah right the great inspiration that R’ Harris wife, who stood by his side with self- expressed the happiness of this world now is to focus on Hashem. A week shared at the levayah, urging us that lessness, emunah, and bitachon, and and the joy of being able to serve later, before Yom Kippur, I shared with Hashem is only good and everything for his beloved daughters, whom he Hashem. him how amazed I was about that com- He does in this world is only good. In loved so much and only wanted to be Zevi once shared with me a per- ment. He said to me, “Of course. That’s a similar vein, I pointed out to Zevi’s true erliche frum Yidden, and for his spective that he received from a tzad- why Hashem did it! So that I should brother a number of weeks ago, a par- beloved parents and siblings, who dik in Eretz Yisrael. He had told Zevi think about him more.” ticularly beautiful passage found in have stood with him throughout his that he should say the following to During his illness, Zevi suffered a the tefillah of Yom Kippur. In the ordeal, being there for him in every Hashem: “Hashem, thank you for tremendous amount of yesurim. In his piyut describing the death of the Ten way possible, and for the entire fam- granting me today to be able to serve hesped, Rabbi Harris spoke of how Martyrs, it states that the malach says ily, the yeshiva, and all of K’lal You. Please allow me to have tomor- Zevi found the expressway to Gan to these tzadikim: “Accept the decree Yisrael. row, as well.” As Zevi’s father com- Eden, as the yesurim that he endured of the all-merciful G-d.” It’s fascinat- May Hashem bring the day of only mented, Zevi would always say, “We over two years purified his neshamah ing to note that although it speaks simchas, and may He wipe away all take one day at a time.” and he undoubtedly entered Gan about the difficult decree, it refers to the tears of K’lal Yisrael with the Even when things got worse and his Eden immediately. Rabbi Dovid Hashem specifically as the all-merci- geulah sheleimah bimheirah biya- situation became much more serious, Weinberger spoke about the great ful One. That is the perspective that menu, amen. O

12 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES FROM THE EDITOR years, if either side is not happy, the Continued from Page 6 UN can oversee the parties switching floors, with Israelis living upstairs and Israeli citizenry that these parts that we Palestinians downstairs. Yes, such an gave up to be the Palestinian capital of undertaking would be extremely expen- Jerusalem, are not really Jerusalem. sive, but the international community Israel thinks that this is a compromise is willing to spend as many billions as it formula and in an obtuse and even takes to be able to say that they’ve absurd way of thinking, it is. Does Israel found a workable solution to the Israel- have the power and ability to reclassify Palestinian differences. the outer edges of a city and declare it as Yes, thank you, I know. I know it’s a not being part of the Jewish capital? And ridiculous idea, but no more ridiculous at the same time, this solution raises the following problem: the Palestinians want the Jews to cede Jerusalem to them. They don’t want some suburb of the city that the Jews no longer call Is that a Jerusalem signed over to them and called “Jerusalem.” Clearly, dividing Jerusalem is the key creative irresolvable sticking point. A few years ago I addressed the issue with a solu- solution tion that I believe is no more or less ridiculous than the ones currently being seriously considered by the par- or not? ties in the process. No one is going to go for splitting up Jerusalem. So I understand that Jerusalem cannot be split in half. But can it be sliced in half? than some of the other suggestions being And yes, there is a difference; don’t for- considered. Israel, the U.S., and the UN get, we are trying to be creative. are seriously entertaining the idea of My suggestion will allow both having one city serve as the capital of Palestinians and Israelis to declare sov- two different countries. Where else in ereignty over the entire Jerusalem. It’s history has that ever worked or even the perfectly typical insincere Israeli- been tried? How about nowhere? This Palestinian double-talk solution. What two floor/two state solution also does is needed is to build a second floor to away with the impossible concept of two the city of Jerusalem. At the outset countries living side by side in peace Israel can occupy—no, let’s say live on with one another. Like I said, we need the first floor, and the Arabs can live on the second floor. After a couple of Continued on Page 15

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 13 Aliyah Chronicle doesn’t pay for. These extras continue to all started and are moving forward full usually walk along the main road up Continued from Front Cover be provided, or so they will claim. swing. In a normal year, the fact that to the entrance of the individual sec- Being immigrants, we have no idea things only kick off after the chagim tion of the cemetery where the burial She is incredibly bored. For a kid what is extra and what is normal, so of would seem silly to us, but not as cru- takes place and then I watch the bur- who always loved snow days or any course we will have no response to cial, since this is the way they do ial from afar. After this kevurah (bur- excuse not to go to school, even she this. It’s kind of like our bank state- things here. With the strike, things are ial), one of the members of the has come to the realization that she ment. It comes every month, just like obviously different for the older girls. chevrah kadisha (burial society) cannot simply sit and do nothing all in the U.S. Unfortunately, unlike in On erev Shabbat, Goldie and I had a walked over to me as I stood 100 feet day. She has finished all her homework the U.S., we have no clue what this kind of weird day, existentially. We away in the middle of the road and (even long-term projects) and is going bank statement actually says. Review pointed out that the section of the crazy with nothing to do. the credit card charges on the state- cemetery he was buried in had no Aliza also has shortened days. One ment? No way! Too hard. other graves and I really could enter day she decided not to wait for the reg- The only way we can figure anything that section as long as I avoided any ular bus home and instead went with out (and this holds true for most of our They also admitted graves. I was a little freaked out when one of her girlfriends to the mall, bills) is to look at each transaction on first thinking about it, but by the time where she met up with another two the website. Since there is much more that they don’t even the unveiling began I was OK, and it friends and they enjoyed a few hours detail provided on the website, Goldie was a unique thing for me to be at together. Since the train station is at is able to piece together what is what. bother to try anything in a cemetery. the mall, I met them for the train ride Most of the time. With all that has happened with home and Goldie was able to pick us I had thought that we were unique the chagim and our own personal all up. in this regard. However, last Shabbat understanding the simchas, we have not really been My nephew is much worse off. His we hosted Ilan and Ahuva Prager on there for Chaia these past few weeks, school is totally closed and he has Friday night (their oldest son is one of credit card bill and I know that it bothers Goldie. been sitting on his hands all day. He Mordechai’s good friends from school Chaia has been one of Goldie’s told my sister last week that he can’t and they live right across the street anymore. friends since 7th grade, and the only take it anymore—he is looking for from us). Ilan served in the army and saving grace is that Chaia’s mother some kind of job to help pass the time. has excellent Hebrew skills. Yet, when has been with her until this week, He has also done all of his homework. the subject of understanding the cred- and they have been a mutual support It is a shame, when you consider that it card bill came up, they also admit- started off the morning with a b’rit group since Sukkot. I am sure it was this is being carried out nationwide for ted that they don’t even bother to try milah for the son of one of our neigh- difficult for Chaia and her mother, 600,000-plus kids. understanding it anymore. So we set bors, the Yashars. It was their first son especially since her mother was due Of course, the schools both still felt up automatic bill-pay from the bank and third child; it was a very nice sim- to leave a few days later. comfortable in charging my credit card with each utility and with places like cha. We went from there to the unveil- The other big news for the week was for the monthly tuition fees. I will even- the kids’ schools, and we hope and ing at the grave of Chaia Broderick’s the birth of another nephew whose tually call to ask them about it, but I am pray that there isn’t an error made in father Mendel, a’h, who had passed b’rit milah I am going to miss. My sure they will tell me that the money the computation of the charges. away just before Sukkot and was brother Ely and his wife Ilana had a they charge me (very little in truth— The other kids are more or less buried in the cemetery son on erev Shabbat. I am going to be $350 per month for both kids, and finally settled in their “after the chag- on erev Sukkot. in the U.S. for the last two weeks of much, much less for Batya and im” schedule. School is a full day now As a kohein, I stand outside at October (I am writing this on the Mordechai) does not go to pay teachers; (except for the early dismissal day, funerals, and due to the unique it is for the extras that the government Tuesday). After-school activities have design of cemeteries in Israel, I can Continued on Page 16

14 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES FROM THE EDITOR Continued from Page 13 something to break this logjam. Now we s”xc can have two countries living in peace with one another—not side by side, but rather sitting on top of each other. Building this second floor can also pro- vide both peoples with thousands of jobs—and the actual construction, like Noah’s Ark, may take up to 120 years. Is that a creative solution or not? Once we get past this Jerusalem problem, there are still two issues that need to be resolved if we are to get to an agreement. One is the borders of the two countries, and the other is refugees. On the matter of borders, I’d say that the only way out of this problem is to erase all border demarcations. You can’t argue and negotiate over borders between two countries if there aren’t any. So there will be no borders, but the final agreement will at the same time say that the two peoples cannot mix with one another. Perfectly peaceful. How will both Israelis and Palestinians know where they can and cannot go? Well, one way of knowing for sure is that if someone is shooting at you, you are probably in the wrong place. Also, we have to consider how the waves from the ocean, which is so vast and so immense, know where to stop. It just knows. We’ll have to adapt the same principles of natural law here if this new commitment to peace is going to work. And finally there is the matter of refugees. The Palestinians say that there are millions in exile waiting to reclaim their homes in Israel. For many, this is the toughest issue, since allowing all the so-called refugees to return would mean they would flood what is now the State of Israel, changing its very character to the point where it would no longer be recognizable as a Jewish state (which, to the Palestinians, represents a just and fair peace). Israeli leaders are ready to go to Annapolis, Maryland, for the interna- tional conference even though there is no chance of any agreement on these issues. The way things look today, it is unlikely there will even be enough of an understanding for any party to show up at all. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni—who, like Defense Minister Ehud Barak, desperately wants to be prime minister at any cost—has been chosen to lead the Israeli delegation. She said this week that the basis for the talks to move forward is the commit- ment of both sides to the Road Map. The first element of this so-called vision of President Bush is for the Palestinians to fight terror and arrest terrorists. They feel they have fulfilled their obligation, as deputizing them as police or a securi- ty force has indeed eliminated many of the terrorists. Additionally, the Road Map says the terrorists should be arrest- ed; it does not say that they cannot be released two or three days later. Parties feel that many of these prob- lems—perhaps with the emotional exception of Jerusalem—can be cre- atively overcome. I don’t see any hope for this process unless someone, akin to Noah and his Ark, is ready to take out the hammer and nails and begin building that second floor. O Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at [email protected]. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 15 Aliyah Chronicle ond week in a row without the street Continued from Page 14 being obstructed by our chareidi neighbors. They still came out to yell plane), so I will miss the fifth b’rit “Shaabbooss!” but there were much milah of an Israeli nephew and the fewer of them this week and they did- sixth one on my side (my brother Ozer n’t really stick it out. Hopefully in the made one on the second day of Pesach coming weeks things will continue to and we couldn’t make it). return to normal. We will still hear When we got the call, my brother them shouting at cars as they pass, told Goldie that he had to put togeth- but it will be mostly little kids shout- er a shalom zachor party in the next ing accompanied only by those adults five to six hours and that nothing had who happen to be around. been prepared. We had actually As I mentioned, I am now experi- bought something for a local Beit encing the least enjoyable part of my Shemesh shalom zachor for that job. I wouldn’t want to give up travel- evening, and Goldie packed some ing and having the opportunity to see homemade cookies up and added it to relatives occasionally. Yet, being away what we had on hand and sent me for extended trips is definitely a (and three kids) off to Chashmonaim downer. Shabbat is the worst to deal (a 30- to 40-minute drive) to deliver it with. I am away for about seven of to my brother. them a year and that is a lot of time— When we got there, his mother-in- especially for the little kids. law told us that they had decided to After one attempt, we discarded the merge the shalom zachor with a shul idea of being away for more that one oneg that was happening that night Shabbat at a time; it was just too much and that they didn’t need anything. for us. Ironically, that was the trip that Not only that, but all the kids were coincided with the onset of Goldie’s sleeping or out, so we didn’t even get vision problems and subsequent med- to wish mazal tov to anybody (well, ical issues. OK, we did see the savta/grandmoth- So we are back to the eleven- er). However, we get the brownie day/one Shabbat trip. If I have a points for having driven out there, chance to see you while I am in, it was and we got to give the Sladowskys great seeing you. If not, I am sorry I (yes, originally from Far Rockaway) missed you—maybe we’ll catch up something for the shalom zachor of with each other next time. O their first grandson (they had a grand- daughter a couple of weeks ago) as Shmuel Katz is the director of Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi in the Katamon neighborhood in well. We did leave the cookies behind Jerusalem. Shmuel, his wife Goldie, and their six as a treat for the kids, so we are children made aliyah in July of 2006. Prior to his aliyah, Shmuel was the executive director of heroes all around. the in Hewlett. You can This Shabbat also marked the sec- contact him at [email protected].

16 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 17 Starbucks vorings that need supervision. Non- Continued from Front Cover kosher ingredients are often placed in these flavorings and are not halachi- drink of Jews.1 The practice of coffee cally considered batel—annulled— consumption continues until today because they are avida l’timah—done with many Jews drinking coffee at that for the purpose of flavoring. When this “cool” and “hip” number one coffee is done, even if there is less than chain in America—Starbucks. 1/60th, the laws of bitul do not apply. Enter the halachic component, how- Can one order just a Tazo latte, or a ever. Is every coffee in this store permit- buttery caramel macchiato? The short ted? The stores are under no hashgachah. answer is no. The reason is that these “But, it’s only coffee!” some protest. coffees are mixed while they are piping “What could be wrong with coffee?” hot in containers and machinery that Starbucks, of course, is the king of are washed in a hot dishwasher with marketing. Through the injection of a tarfus, non-kosher. When something is hefty dose of super-charged caffeine used only cold, there are few halachic and some incredible marketing (over complications that can arise. When 87,000 possible combinations of ingre- something is used hot, however, we dients, for example), this chain has have to look at when and with what the managed to seemingly take over all of item has been used before. If the item Manhattan, have a branch on Central was used for hot non-kosher within the Avenue, and now Rockaway Turnpike. past 24 hours, then there is a problem. It seems that it has become the mover (If it was used over 24 hours previous- and shaker of contemporary culture.2 ly, then b’dieved—ex post facto—one Starbucks logos have become ubiqui- can assume that the non-kosher taste tous. They have over 10,000 stores infusion has become putrid.) One can across the nation, and according to also assume that in commercial stores, Kiplinger’s they are about to double in vessels are used hot and certainly have size this year. Starbucks has clearly been washed in the dishwasher within taken over. More significantly, however, the past 24 hours.3 Starbucks has taken over the minds of A major problem arises with dish- people who would normally have never washers. Notwithstanding the pres- even entered a store lacking supervision. ence of soaps that may make pagum In fact, there are numerous halachic (make distasteful) the taste of non- problems. Flavored coffees require kosher food in a dishwasher, there are kashrus supervision, plain and simple. many times when non-kosher food is Why? Because these flavors are added present when these dishes are there, artificially to the bean after it is roast- without the soap. In other words, after ed. These flavors—hazelnut, vanilla the soap has been washed away, the bean, or chocolate—are not pure non-kosher food is still there when pieces of the same, but come from fla- these dishes are being cleaned.

18 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Some may argue that the dishwash- lishment is known to regularly serve er is not considered a kli rishon (liter- items that are also kosher, there is no ally, a first vessel, which receives heat problem of maris ayin. Thus Rav directly from a heat source). They Heinemann would forbid entering a would further argue that non-kosher regular McDonalds, but would permit taste infusions can only occur in an entering a coffee house, based on this. item that receives its heat directly from In previous times, of course, travelers a heat source. It should be noted, how- would always enter into such estab- ever, that both of these assumptions lishments, because there were no are highly questionable. alternatives. We therefore do not find We will start with the first assump- any responsa forbidding entering such tion. Most dishwashers have an inter- an establishment based upon maras nal heating mechanism or booster ayin grounds. Nowadays, the situation where the water is directly heated. The seems to have changed and maras ayin water stream is still connected to the would exist when one enters a diner water heating source and thus renders that is noted for serving non-kosher. O the dishwasher into a kli rishon 4 The author may be contacted at according to all opinions. [email protected]. The next assumption is argued among the Acharonim. Many Acharon- 1. Shailos and Teshuvos range from if there is a problem of bishul akum. (The Arizal said yes, im hold that with solid matters, taste the Pri Chadash ruled that there is not on can be infused when the items are pip- account of it mostly being water.) May one drink coffee before davening? Yes, but without sugar— ing hot—even if there is no direct heat until recent times when sugar consumption source at play. This is the normative became universal. Is there a problem of moshav halachic view that is followed. leitzim? Once, see Chochmas Odom 66:14, but not anymore for most coffee shops. So what can be ordered at 2. See article by Chana Gila Ovits in the current Starbucks? While there are no guaran- issue of the YU newspaper. 3. In other words, the assumptive heter of stam tees here, it has been told to this kailim of a gentile (see YD 122:6), that it may author that the regular coffee and the be assumed that they are more than 24 hours old, does not apply to commercial establish- espresso (even the triple one) are gen- ments, according to numerous poskim with erally washed separately and therefore which this author has consulted. would not present a problem of 4. There is a responsum from Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l concerning dishwasher racks kashrus. It seems that the mixing ves- where he writes that dishwashers do not have sels used for even the pumpkin spice internal heating mechanisms, and are therefore considered a kli sheini (secondary vessel) and specialty coffees, however, are washed not a kli rishon. However, this was based upon in the general dishwashers. technical information provided to him by others Some people bring up the issue of that proved to be incorrect. Even though he later repeated this assumption in a letter to maras ayin (the appearance of wrong- Rabbi Noach Yitzchok Oelbaum, now in Kew doing) in going into an establishment Gardens Hills, this author spoke to Rabbi Feinstein’s original source and determined that that serves non-kosher. Rav Heine- the ruling was based upon the information the mann is of the view that if the estab- source had provided him.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 19 Ultimate Commuter person who complains of pain in the tal that evening. research on blood clots and the corre- Continued from Front Cover chest, who takes long trips by plane, I was extremely lucky. The blood lation with flying. One article I read and has shortness of breath. I was clot in my lungs had broken off from said that it is so common, that on every I have not written in a while short of breath simply because it was somewhere else in my body, probably a 747 flight at least one person will have because my commuting lifestyle hit a very painful to take a deep breath. leg. Had the clot gone to my heart or some sort of blood clot, but not neces- “bump in the road.” I landed early on When I went to the hospital I thought brain it could have been a very differ- sarily symptomatic. So I guess on my the Sunday morning before Yom that I would be there for a couple of ent story. I was eventually sent home flight I was the “one” and no one else Kippur and went to work as usual. I hours. with anticoagulant medication, which had to participate. At least I “took one noticed as I was working that a strange After my problem was diagnosed, I I will have to take for the next six to for the team.” Some articles referred to pain was developing in the middle of was admitted and stayed for three nine months. Our friends in New York this phenomenon as “economy-class my back on the right side. I had been days. I called my wife, Laura, from the were absolutely fantastic. Everyone syndrome,” which I thought was working out with weights that week, so emergency room, and when I told her called and/or visited me in the hospi- appropriate in light of the way I sign I thought it was a pulled muscle. As I was in the hospital, I expected her to tal. Our friends prepared our house for off on each of my articles. The relevant the day wore on, the pain became point is that this can happen to anyone more intense, and by the time I went on a long flight, as the chances are to bed that night, I could not find a greater in economy-class seats due to comfortable position for sleeping. the more constricted seating. The key When I arrived at work the next When I told her I was in the hospital, to avoiding this problem is to get up morning, I told my office manager, and move about the cabin several Susan, to call her daughter, who hap- times during a long flight. pens to be a doctor, to refer me to a I expected her to sound shocked and My wife was extremely relieved to good orthopedist. At that point I was see me and took very good care of me still convinced that I had a very bad upset. Instead, she sounded relieved. when she arrived, as she always does. muscle pull. Sue’s daughter is the My children were also happy to see me type of doctor that hospitals call when and we had some fun acting as tourists they cannot figure out a problem. I while we were all in New York. We saw told her about my pain and when I some sites and took in a Broadway asked her for a referral, she suggested sound shocked and upset. Instead, she our arrival, complete with linens. We show. that I meet her at the hospital to rule sounded relieved. She had spoken to were invited out for every Shabbat and As I mentioned earlier, we were in out anything more serious than a her sister, who is also a physician, and yom tov meal. New York for Sukkot. It was strange to muscle pull. Because of the respect I told her about my discomfort, and was I had some visits and phone calls be here and celebrate only one day of have for her diagnostic skills, I told by her that I should get to the hos- from some of my “ultimate commuter” yom tov. The thing that was strangest agreed. She is familiar with my travel pital right away to rule out a P.E. friends. Aside from their genuine con- was putting on tefillin, before going to habits and said she was concerned Laura immediately called my travel cern for my well-being, some of them shul, on what was celebrated in the that I might have a “P.E.” I did not agent and was in New York with the became a bit nervous about their own U.S. as Simchat Torah. know at the time that P.E. stands for kids in less than 48 hours. I was reluc- travel habits after seeing what hap- When my wife left Israel, the pass- pulmonary embolism, or a blood clot tant to call my parents, because I did- pened to me. I had quite a few tests in port control officer noticed that she that has gone to the lungs. n’t want to alarm them, and I didn’t the hospital, and the doctors deter- and the children had overstayed their It took about an hour for the hospi- want them to have reservations about mined that my only risk factor for a visas. This situation was to be rectified tal to confirm that I had a P.E. my future travels. Laura called them P.E. was my flying. Evidently I was the textbook case—a and they came to see me at the hospi- After returning home I did a little Continued on Page 22

20 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

Mr. Harris describes current Israeli tax Book Review: ‘Building Wealth In Israel’ law in great detail (personally, it’s about as interesting as a description of BY ARI SHER monthly paychecks. In the insurance and savings services provided by root canal, but the information is, nev- component, both the employer and American banks, Israeli banks do not ertheless, important.). If you’re interested in living in employee split the expenses for pur- usually offer money market accounts. Should you make aliyah or not? This Israel, read this book by Douglas chasing and maintaining life and dis- This means that liquid assets, like well-written book will not help you Goldstein, CFP, but only after you ability insurance. In the severance money in a checking account, remains answer that question. Whatever choice have already settled down in the pay component, called pitzuim, the in an open account earning no interest you do eventually make, however, will Holy Land. employee receives his money if he is whatsoever. In addition, the Israeli not be due to a lack knowledge of This caveat stems from one sen- fired or forced to leave work for rea- government does not provide an insur- investment or banking options in the tence in the book: sons such as retirement or military ance program similar to that offered by holy land. “U.S. [residents] in Israel must service. Leaving work voluntarily the Federal government in the U.S., As the author states (playing on report to the tax authorities of both does not entitle the worker to receive such as the FDIC. the famous joke, “How do you make countries, and divide their foreign tax this compensation, although the Two of the most common accounts a million dollars in Israel? Come credits and resulting tax payments employer, at his own discretion, is in Israeli banks are pikdonot (closed with two million.”): “Whether or not according to special rules in the tax allowed to grant him some or all of deposits) and patach (open there is a pot of gold at the end of the laws…and to the U.S.-Israel tax the funds in this account (called accounts). In a pikdonot account, you rainbow, you can indeed establish treaty.” In plain English, this means “protectzia” in Hebrew). commit funds for a specific period of yourself in your new homeland and that once in Israel, an American citi- The author also gives us an excel- time. In return, you receive a favor- build a comfortable financial future zen has to report to the U.S. as well lent guide to Israeli style banking. able interest rate on the deposited for your family...regardless of your as to Israeli authorities and must be From a personal perspective, I would funds. A patach account is a standard level of wealth when you arrive. You proficient in the tax laws of both say that Israeli banks have become shekel savings account with check can increase your net worth with countries. Now that I have gotten much more user-friendly than they writing privileges and is similar to an earnings, investments, and diligent that out of the way, let’s talk about may have been in the past. American checking account. management of your assets... In the the rest of the book. Nevertheless, many differences There is also a special guest chapter pages that follow…you will learn The title, “Building Wealth In remain. For example, while Israeli by Leon Harris, CPA who writes about how to turn a small fortune back into Israel”, is somewhat misleading. In banks offer many of the same checking “The Tax Scene for Israeli Investors.” a large one.” O actuality, the book contains an excel- lent introduction to investing and to financial planning in general. It would make a great gift for anyone interested in learning about or boning up on investment basics. Therefore the subtitle, “A Guide To International Investments and Financial Planning” is much more descriptive of the actual content. The early chapters of the book deal primarily with general investment options and strategies with an Israeli slant. The later chapters give an overview and explanation of the Israeli tax code, as well as the U.S.- Israel Tax Treaty. Mr. Goldstein introduces us to a new system of work-related benefit plans such as bituach leumi, keren hishtalmut and bituach minahalim. Bituach leumi is Israel’s national insurance and provides services such as child allowance, maternity leave, unemployment insurance, work-relat- ed injury compensation, and aid to the disabled. According to the bitu- ach leumi website (www.btl.gov.il), the basic government check for a retired worker (in 2005 when the book was published) was about NIS 1100 per month. That is not a lot of money, even by Israeli standards. Keren hishtalmut is basically a con- tinuing education fund. This fund uses money set aside by both the employer and the employee for a peri- od of about six years. After that time, funds can be withdrawn from this account and used for family celebra- tions, renovations, overdrafts (ok, you get the idea) and even for further education. Bituach minahalim (manger’s insurance) is a three-tiered retire- ment plan consisting of savings, insurance, and severance pay. In the savings component, both the employ- er and employee put about 5% of the gross paycheck into this fund. Since taxes are not paid on the growth of this fund, the money deposited increases at a faster rate than it would in a general taxable investing account. Once the employee retires, he can receive either a lump sum or 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 21 Ultimate Commuter Jewish family to go to Israel is utterly asked all kinds of questions, nervously class in tai chi. Eventually, I suppose Continued from Page 20 baffling and, from the point of view of considering how they could avoid what I’ll come up with my own workout. It encouraging aliyah, ridiculous. happened to me. The children on the was very helpful that I was seated in one day later, when Laura had been I contacted several influential peo- yishuv made welcome-home parties for business class. scheduled to go to the Misrad HaP’nim ple in New York, as well as my lawyer my children. Gratefully, they seemed I have scared a lot of people with my (Department of the Interior). When in Israel, for help. Before anyone could not to miss much school. Even our latest commuting “adventure.” Some Laura told this to the passport control help in the U.S., my lawyer had dog, Yogi, greeted us with frantic joy. were scared for my health and well- officer, she was told to stay in Israel checked Israeli law and told us that it He had been residing at a kennel for a being, and some are scared for their one more day to rectify the situation. was illegal for a Jew not to be allowed month where they raise German shep- own. I am changing my schedule so My wife had already told the officer into Israel unless they were a criminal. herds for the army and police. I would that I spend more time between flights that she and the children were rushing The worst they could do is give us a venture to say my Yorkie-poo was on in both countries. It will mean that I out of the country to see me in the shorter visa. When we finally arrived in the small side for this particular facili- have to spend the occasional Shabbat hospital. This did not seem to affect in New York. We also have some major the officer, who told her that I was decisions to make as a family. But for going to be cared for by the staff of the now I will go through my assorted con- hospital and that if she did not take tortions on each flight—and, of care of the visa issue, she might not be She and our children left Israel course, I hope to get the upgrades. O allowed back into the country. The officer said that if she did not stay in Danny Block, a dentist from Cedarhurst, moved to Israel in 2006 and commutes weekly from his Israel to rectify the matter, she would and its bureaucracy to deal with it family’s home there to his office in Forest Hills. have to take it up with the Israeli con- He can be reached at [email protected]. sulate in New York. So she and our in New York instead. children left Israel and its bureaucracy to deal with it in New York instead. During Chol HaMo‘ed, we went to Submit your photo to the the Israeli consulate, as instructed, to get a long-term visa. After telling the Israel, they yelled at us in passport ty—and no, we were not going to have 5 Towns Jewish Times! entire story to an official at the Israeli control for a minute and then stamped him train as the first attack Yorkie-poo consulate, the response was that they our passports with the usual visa. They in Israel. could not give us visas and that we should have welcomed us home. I made my first trip back to the U.S. You can upload your should return to Israel and take our Ridiculous! this week fully equipped with my anti- chances—but there was a chance that It was good to get back to Israel and coagulants and my new flying strategy. digital photos and see them we would be sent back to the U.S. The the yishuv. Our friends welcomed us I no longer sleep in a chair and get supervisor then said to me that if I and were glad to see that I was all moved from place to place. I now get printed in the weekly edition were an Israeli and had overstayed a right. They invited us for Shabbat up and move about several times dur- of the 5 Towns Jewish Times visa in the U.S., I would not be allowed meals and even stocked our refrigera- ing the flight. The first time I left my back into the U.S. for 10 to 15 years. I tor for us before we arrived. Many of seat, I walked around the plane once responded that one should never even them visited to see how I was doing. and it didn’t seem like enough, so I attempt to equate an Israeli coming to Chashmonaim is a community that went through a series of random www.5tjt.com/sendphotos America with a Jew going to Israel. has a great deal of “Anglos,” most of stretches and exercises that must have That Israel makes it difficult for a whom commute in some way. They looked like someone who had failed a

22 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 23

I write what I write. Some habits are Meyer Sokol, atty for Karen Weiss. hard to break. And, given the fact that Don’t call before twelve, b/c Schor I’ve been a patient of this doctor for will be in court in the morning.” the past ten years, why do I need to Atty, w/, b/c, and & are my only write his name? It’s not as if I might concessions to symbols and abbrevia- get confused and go looking for tion. Undoubtedly it would be suffi- Doctor Zhivago. cient if I wrote “PM—call Mintz & I do the same thing with the den- Weiss attys.” But for some reason tist. There is no worse pain than a (compulsiveness would be a good Keeping Lists toothache, and if I’ve been lucky guess) I write it all out. enough to get an immediate appoint- This list-making extends to my ment, one would think it wouldn’t be socialization, as well. I even write Making and using shopping lists is without glancing in the mirror, one necessary to write it down. But there down what time I’m playing mah-jongg nothing new. Many people do it. But quick look would be a reminder. I go: “nine AM dental appointment or canasta, and at whose house I’m some of us carry list-making to an Nevertheless, I put it on my list: w/ Ranan.” The fact that I’m in playing: “Mah jongg game at Joan extreme. For instance, there isn’t any- “Four PM—haircut w/ Armando.” agony is reminder enough! And Gold’s house twelve PM.” There I go thing that I don’t use a list for. My Oh, come on, now! I wouldn’t be again with the AM/PM nonsense. We lists have lists! I not only make a going at four in the morning, now wouldn’t be starting a game at mid- shopping list to ensure that I don’t would I? Still, I always write “AM” or night. And I know only one Joan. So a forget to pick something up at the “PM.” And why do I write down his simple “12:00—Joan” would do it. supermarket, but I also carry around name? Armando has been cutting my There I go Short and sweet! a list of all the errands that need to hair since the day I moved into this My daily errands, personal appoint- be done. That might not seem odd, neighborhood, and that day was in ments, social engagements, and busi- unless one considers that some of 1967. He’s seen me through every again with the ness calls are my own business and these errands are things I could not change of style and length. So a sim- nobody else’s. And if I like to keep possibly forget. If a soiled shirt is sit- ple scribble of “4:00 haircut” would AM/PM detailed lists, that too is my business. ting in front of my eyes on the car be sufficient. I know that my haircut A problem arises, however, when I seat next to me, why in the world do appointment is in the afternoon, and lose my list, which is exactly what I need to write down “take shirt to with whom. nonsense. happened recently. cleaner”? And if I do feel the need to The same holds true for a doctor’s If, without my list, I forget the time put it on a list, shouldn’t one word— visit. If I have a raging sore throat and of a doctor, dentist, or haircut “cleaner”—be sufficient? But I tend the doctor has refused to prescribe an appointment, I can always call the to be verbose, and the trait extends to antibiotic until he sees me, I call for Ranan just happens to be my son-in- office or salon to find out when it is. my list-making. an appointment. One would think that law. So why, exactly, do I put his And having been a real-estate broker If my hair is unmanageable and I I need no reminder to keep my eleven name down? A simple “dentist— for 35 years, there is no way I would can’t style it the way I like to, I know o’clock appointment. Still, I feel the 9:00” would suffice. forget to “move a deal along.” It’s it’s time for a haircut. But why do I need to write it down. “Eleven AM, go When I’m in the process of putting what I do. After an offer on a home need to write that down? Once I’ve to Doctor Klahr.” Again—I write that together a deal to sell a house, I write has been tendered by a purchaser and made the appointment with my beau- my appointment is in the AM. Hello! it all out. “Sometime after twelve accepted by the seller, I call their tician, that should be enough. And Is it possible that I have an eleven PM noon, call Harris Schor, attorney for lawyers, give them the details of the since I rarely get into the driver’s seat appointment? Of course not! But still Charlie Mintz & put him in touch w/ sale, and give each of them the

24 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES other’s name and phone number so purchaser. The party in question that the contract can be drawn up. (that would be the girl still sitting at Calling two lawyers is standard oper- the mah-jongg game) is discreet, but ating procedure, and it’s a given that that was hardly the point. It would I’m going to remember to do it. And not have been a good thing had she since playing mah-jongg or a game of gotten wind of that very private bit of cards gives me immeasurable pleas- information. ure, there’s not a chance I would for- I hadn’t won at mah-jongg that day, get about a game. but Lady Luck was with me after all! So I wasn’t worried that, having lost The good news was that nobody had the list, I might forget where I needed to seen or read my list. Sonya agreed to go and what I had to do. I knew all of it put it out of sight immediately and to cold. My concern was about who might hold it for me until I could pick it up. have found that list with my personal Whew—that was a close one! information on it. Because the one I have since promised myself that thing I couldn’t recall was whether my I’ll be more careful with what I put to name appeared anywhere on the paper. paper. No more details. From now I knew it was doubtful, but the possibil- on, I’ll do more abbreviating, and use ity did exist that there was something on initials only. it that would identify me. I didn’t quite In the meantime…2 all of u, T Y 4 wring my hands in despair, but I came rdg this pc. O close. I was upset. And then suddenly, it hit me. Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and is a licensed real-estate broker associated with Eureka! I had left my notebook, with Marjorie Hausman Realty. She can be reached at all my copious notes, at my friend [email protected] or 516-902-3733. Sonya’s house when I was there for a mah-jongg game. Realizing that I had left the game early while the others played on, panic overtook me. I dialed her number to ask if she had "I have been advertising in spotted it, and got a resounding, “Yes, the Five Towns Jewish Times I can see it from here. It’s on the for 5 months, and business chair where your handbag was. It must have fallen out.” I gulped hard! has jumped over 35% on Lest it appear that I’m making a Long Island. I am definitely a mountain out of a molehill—I am satisfied customer." not. On that list was the first and last name of a customer who was in the –Avi Ackerman of process of buying a house from me. I Know a Guy, Inc. And at that game was another player who is a cousin of the prospective

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 25 confused. Watching your dear friend describe as extremely selfish. If you engage in behavior that is so antisocial care about her as much as you say you (certainly by our community’s stan- do, I believe you should have a serious dards) is disturbing, to say the very conversation with her. You don’t even least. Let me say straight out that we have to ask her what specifically is must give your friend the benefit of the going on between her and this man. doubt; sometimes what seems so obvi- You don’t have to ask her where her ous to people may actually be some- husband is in all of this. Whatever Dear Esther, all over town, with their children—and thing quite different than what it problem exists here—and there most This is a biggie, so here goes… no sight of spouses anywhere. Anyway, appears to be. certainly is some kind of problem— I believe wholeheartedly that a very I don’t want to give away too much Having said that, you are bringing you really don’t even need to know the dear old friend of mine is involved with detail, so let me get to the point. For your question to a woman who makes a details. Your mission, should you a married man. She is a married the past few months, people have been living by telling it like it is. There are choose to accept it, is to explain to her woman herself, and she has become asking me if the two of them are now many situations that require honesty, that, although she may not realize it, very close with this married man in the together. My friend has never said any- even if it’s risky. I think this is just such she is making a mess of her life and same community. thing to me. I love her with all my a situation. The risk is clear: you risk will most likely regret it some day. The two couples hang out together heart, but I find her actions odd, con- losing this woman as your friend. But Our reputation, our shem tov, is one all the time. I have no problem with fusing, and disturbing. let’s look at the risk/reward ratio. The of the most valuable assets we have. It that aspect; my husband and I enjoy Lately, I cannot even look at her reward would be saving her reputation should not be taken lightly. She may our couple friends immensely. when I see her shopping or at shul. and, on some level, perhaps even saving presently be swept up in something However, there have been times on She has not told me if she is involved, her. Your friend’s behavior has been spi- that fills a need for her—at best, let’s Shabbos afternoon when I go to my but she talks about him and his chil- raling out of control. Whether she is say the need for a dear friend. But the friend’s house, and this other man will dren constantly (never mentioning his guilty of the worst behavior, or whether price she is paying is much greater pop in. At first, I naturally assumed he wife). Do I say something to her? Do I she is merely using very poor judgment than she realizes. For if she realized was coming over to hang out with my let her know people are talking about in her choice of a close friend, she is the buzz that exists around her, she friend’s husband. One time on a whim her? On the one hand, because of her acting horrendously, and she is hurting surely would think twice. I decided to visit their home without behavior, I don’t even want to be asso- many people in the process. If you’re lucky, your friend will being invited, and to my utter surprise ciated with her; on the other, I love her For better or for worse, we are talk- appreciate your honesty and rethink guess who’s there…and no sign of her and miss our friendship. I could write ing about a close-knit community, and her actions. But, even if she drops you own husband! This was a complete a megillah about all the weird circum- though many strive to put a lid on gos- like a hot potato, your words may still shock to my system, but I don’t think it stances in which I have seen them— sip and lashon ha’ra, people still like to stay with her, and she may ultimately registered at that moment when I out in the open—but it would take up talk. If you and your husband are won- realize that you spoke out of love and came in. There was a very open frater- the whole newspaper! My husband is dering and discussing among your- had her best interests at heart. nization between the two. They made going to have a talk with my friend’s selves the odd sightings of these two, Though I don’t take friendships no apologies for being alone, created husband soon to let him know what it’s safe to assume that not only are lightly—and it sounds as though you no excuses. people are saying. He feels we owe him other people doing so, but that such and she have a history and a meaning- We daven in a very popular shul, and at least that. talk is taking on a life of its own. ful relationship—should she disregard these two are often talking with one Bewildered Your friend is ruining her reputa- your advice but continue to maintain another after davening, without their Dear Bewildered, tion, acting inappropriately, belittling her friendship with you, I would advise spouses around. People have spotted What a mess! I can surely under- her husband, hurting her children, and you to think long and hard as to my friend and the other man together stand why you are feeling upset and behaving in a way that I can only whether this is something you want in

26 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES your life. It’s complicated; think about the implications. Say you drop by to visit with one of your children, and she and this married man are sit- ting together in the living room alone. What message does this send to your child? How do you explain such an odd arrangement? I don’t think this is something you want to be around or expose your family to. And yes, though we all know that judging one anoth- er is a no-no, let’s face it: we are judged by the company we keep. If the neighborhood is talking, and this woman is one of your closest friends, it does not bode well for you or your reputation. This piece of advice may sound shallow, but facts are facts. Why would you want to be swept into her drama and possibly associated with that type of behavior? It takes a really good and caring friend to have the con- versation I suggest you have with this woman. My gut tells me that you have what it takes to take the plunge. I wish you luck and hope that you’re able to enable her to see the light. Esther

Esther Mann, LMSW, has a private practice in Lawrence. She can be reached at 516-314-2295 or [email protected]. Esther works with individuals and couples.

And G-d revealed Himself to him…as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day (Bereishis 18:1) It was the third day from Avraham’s circumcision, and G-d came to inquire after Avraham’s health. G-d drew the sun out of its sheath, so that the righteous one should not be troubled with wayfarers.Avraham sent Eliezer out [to seek travelers], but he found none. Said Avraham,“I do not believe you,” and himself went out, and saw G-d standing at the door.

(, Bava Metzia 86b)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 27 28 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 29 Get Ready, Buy Now! and then those who haven’t bought There have been many months of yet really lose out. not knowing which way to turn—buy a Now, it seems like all the financial house, don’t buy a house, wait till the powers that be seem to have conclud- prices drop more, wait till they’re giv- ed that they have to get the housing ing them away for free, wait till the industry fired again, and it seems to be sellers pay you to take them… a sign that something is going to give— If this all sounds ridiculous to you, and very soon. imagine how I feel watching it all go The Fed has already dropped the down in play from various buyers—out prime rate a half percent in there, not out there, back there. September, sparking some interest in In the meantime, whereas those everyone who wanted home-equity buyers who have been afraid to get lines but felt they had become too their toes wet have been sitting on expensive. The word on the street the fence, making themselves and again is that by the next meeting of the everyone else nuts with indecisive- Fed on October 31, the signs are ness, a more resilient group of buy- strong that an additional drop of the ers have been out there, carefully prime rate might be announced to studying the market and the hous- strengthen the economy. ing available, and making strong Washington has finally decided purchases now rather than waiting that the next heavy push is to get the and worrying about what will be housing resale market bustling again, tomorrow. so my conclusion in all this is, I guess Years ago, a very popular saying in we have reached the bottom, so buy, the real-estate industry was that you buy, buy! O buy before real estate hits bottom to Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a get the best deal. Why? Because you licensed real-estate broker (Anessa V Cohen never really know when it will actual- Realty) and a licensed N.Y.S. mortgage broker (A.C. Action Mortgage Corp.) with over 20 years ly hit rock bottom, and by not waiting of experience, offering full-service residential and but purchasing after the real estate commercial real-estate services in the Five Towns has dropped substantially, you ensure and throughout the tri-state area. She can be that you get a great deal, since at that reached at 516-569-5007 or via her website, www.AVCrealty.com. Readers are encouraged to point it may really have hit bottom send questions or comments to and all of a sudden start climbing— [email protected].

30 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 31 32 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 33 incurred would be covered under their cannot take action against unlicensed own insurance policies. However, this contractors. Therefore, homeowners isn’t the case. Most homeowner policies may find that their only recourse is a require that any work to the property be civil lawsuit. Since many unlicensed done by licensed contractors; coverage is contractors go in and out of business often specifically excluded for damages readily, such a lawsuit is frequently a caused by “bootleg” contractors. waste of time. In areas where licensing is • Sloppy work by an unlicensed con- required, contracts with unlicensed con- Q. We are planning on expanding side, however, by making sure you hire tractor could have serious ramifications. tractors may be legally unenforceable. our house. Friends have recommended only licensed contractors. It becomes a safety hazard if your work • Limited recourse for broken con- a contractor, but I found out that he is While licensing is not necessarily a isn’t done properly. If the work done is tracts. If you have a dispute with a not licensed. What should I know about measure of competence, it does imply not structurally sound, or if it is not licensed contractor, you can call his using an unlicensed contractor? a certain level of professionalism and wired properly, you run the risk of cata- licensing agency. Some licensing agen- A. Beware of unlicensed contractors! suggests that the contractor is commit- strophic damage. cies offer mediation services or maintain When planning a home-improvement ted to his or her job. More significant- • Con artists posing as qualified con- a guaranty fund to help consumers project such as a deck, a new bathroom, ly, licensing can protect you from a tractors, and often targeting the elderly, recover their losses. At the very least, the or a garage, you will need to hire a build- number of potential problems: have made national news a number of licensing agency has the authority to ing contractor. This is not an easy task. • Unlicensed usually means unin- times. Even so, unwary homeowners suspend or revoke a dishonest contrac- There is no shortage of building con- sured. A contractor who is uninsured continue to be taken in by these pseudo- tor’s license. While this doesn’t necessar- tractor horror stories. Almost everyone may have no way of reimbursing you for contractors, who often promise unreal- ily ensure a contractor will play fair, it has heard tales of damage, scams, shod- any property damage he or she causes. istically low prices or use scare tactics to gives him or her considerably more dy workmanship, and builders who dis- This means you end up paying the price. close the deal. In these cases, the home- incentive to do so. appear in the middle of a project. In Likewise, if contractor carelessness leads owner typically ends up with either an Even when a license is required, fact, aside from auto-repair shops and to injury or damage to someone else’s incomplete or a low-quality improve- there is no assurance that every contrac- car dealerships, no other industry has property, the problem is likely to become ment project—and several hundred, or tor you encounter will actually have generated as many complaints, accord- yours. Some homeowners believe it is even thousands, of dollars poorer. one. It is essentially up to you to protect ing to the Council of Better Business safe to use an uninsured contractor, • Regulatory authorities, such as the yourself. Therefore, when evaluating Bureaus. You can put the odds on your under the assumption that any damages Department of Consumer Affairs, often potential contractors, you should be diligent in your screening process. There are a number of “red flags” you should watch for: Unsolicited phone calls or visits. Although some reputable contractors market their services in this way, it is a tactic more often used by the remodel- ing con artist. Be especially wary of a contractor who offers you a bargain price, claiming that he or she is doing a job in the neighborhood and has left- over materials. High-pressure sales pitches or scare tactics. Don’t be pushed into hiring a contractor by forceful sales techniques, special “today only” deals, or the threat that some defect in your house is a safe- ty hazard. Dishonest and disreputable contractors often prey on their victims’ fears, warning them that their furnace is about to blow up, their roof is about to collapse, or some similar catastrophe is about to occur. Large down payments. If a contrac- tor asks for too much money up front, or insists that you pay in cash, it can be a sign that he or she is going to take your money and run. No verifiable address and phone number. Be cautious of contractors who give you a post-office box with no street address, or who seem to use only an answering service. Most home- improvement con artists operate with- out a traceable phone number and are difficult to track down. Unwillingness to give you a price. A reputable contractor should be able to provide you with a bid before beginning work on your project. If the contractor says he or she can’t do so, or skirts the issue of cost, you are at great risk of being taken advantage of. Unwillingness to sign a written contract. Always get the terms of the construction agreement in writing. A complete contract should include a description of the work done, materials used, labor cost, timetable, payment schedule, completion date, names of subcontractors, warranty agreements, cleanup, and financing arrangements. It should also include the contractor’s license number and should address the issues of project cancellation and how overruns of time and cost will be han- 34 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES dled. Don’t rely on a handshake! Insurance or licensing information you cannot verify. A qualified contrac- tor should be able to provide you with proof of both licensing and insurance coverage. If the contractor can’t give you a copy of his license and insurance pol- icy, have him at least give you the license and policy numbers. It is a good idea, also, to ask for some other proof of identification, so you can be sure you are actually dealing with the person whose name appears on the license. Familiarize yourself with the licensing requirements for contractors. If you have Internet access, you can find this infor- mation online. You can also call your local building or planning department to inquire about licensing requirements. When you’re shopping for contractors, be sure to verify that both the license and insurance information you get is correct. Using the insurance policy number, call the contractor’s carrier to make sure the policy is still in effect and that it covers projects such as yours. Also, call your local licensing board to verify the con- tractor’s licensing information. The licensing agency should also be able to tell you if there have been any com- plaints registered against that contractor. You might also call your consumer-affairs department to ask about any consumer complaints they have received. To better your chances of being satis- fied with a contractor’s work, you can also check with neighbors, friends, and relatives who have recently completed a home-improvement project to see if they can recommend their contractor. Ask potential contractors for references from people they have worked for in your area. If possible, get photographs of some of their previous projects. Get several estimates—at least three—so you can comparison shop. Any indication of being financially unsound or behind on bills or payments should be taken as a warning sign. Check the public records in your local courthouse to see if there are any liens filed against a potential contractor. Request a warranty, lasting at least one year from completion date. The statute of limitations in New York for negligence is three years, and for a breach of contract it is six years. Have an attorney review all con- tracts or other paperwork before sign- ing anything. Even after you hire a contractor, your work is not complete. You will still need to remain in close contact with the con- tractor to ensure work proceeds on schedule and according to contract. And you may encounter complications or disagreements that need to be ironed out as the project unfolds. However, if you select your contractor carefully in the beginning, you are less likely to have problems later. While screening con- tractors may seem like more work than the construction project itself, the effort can save enormous amounts of money, annoyance, and time. O

This column should not be construed as formal professional advice. The Law Offices Of Howard M. Adelsberg (www.lawofhma.com) is a full-service law firm with over 22 years of experience, and handles a variety of legal matters in the areas of personal injury, estate matters, real-estate transactions and litigation, commercial litigation, and family law. You can contact the office at 516- 569-6930, [email protected], or Law Offices Of Howard M. Adelsberg, 445 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 35 on Norfolk Street in New York. It’s something you would like to do with In NYC, Winter Rocks! called DRV-IN, and it bills itself as your family or friends, I say call them “Manhattan’s only drive-in cinema.” ASAP so you can get your drive-in Customers are seated in a 1965 Ford movie experience. And please let me B Y MICHELE HERENSTEIN you really like staying in every night, Falcon convertible, which seats up to know how it goes. Sounds like a blast which can get kind of old after a while. 6, as they watch films from the ’60s from the past. Yeah, yeah, yeah, winter’s And yet going out doesn’t have to and onward, for the price of $75 per If you are a celebrity, a tycoon, or an approaching—tell me about it. With mean doing the same things you do show. Some of the classics they’ve aristocrat, here is just the thing for temperatures in the 60s and 70s as every winter, like coffee with friends, been showing include titles such as you: Steven Cohen, known as “the mil- we near the end of October, it sure renting a movie, or taking the kids to Star Wars, Annie Hall, ET, Beaches, lionaires’ magician,” learned magic doesn’t feel like it. I’m not like some from his uncle, who trained under of my friends who are enjoying this Houdini. Cohen can often be found at last breath of warm weather before the famed Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, per- winter rushes in. I like the days cool It’s great to go on a date and beat the guys forming his show, “Chamber Magic.” and the nights cooler. But I know that If you want to see this “awe-inspiring I won’t have to wait long. Even with in the games when these same guys conjurer,” I suggest you do some global warming and all that jazz, it research to figure out how to become always gets cold eventually. thought there was no contest. part of his select audience. To receive So what to do when winter arrives? updates on Cohen’s tour or to arrange Hide out in your house or apartment? a public performance in your city, you Snuggle up with a cup of hot choco- can go to chambermagic.com. late, tea, or coffee? Or do like I did, the closest bookstore, toy store, or Big, Moonstruck, and Forrest Gump, Some of you are probably thinking, and go on the Net, check out the mag- Dunkin’ Donuts. There are lots of pos- among others. If there is anyone out “Is there anything normal out there for azines, and see what’s going on this sibilities, and I’d like to introduce you there who can seriously tell me these us to do?” Normal is subjective, but winter in this great city of ours (and to some of them. aren’t some of the greatest movies of the answer is yes, there are tons of reg- the surrounding areas, too). The first one that got my attention, all time, please write to me and we’ll ular, everyday fun wintry activities for There’s no real reason to do the and blew me away, was the grand begin our film debate. As most of the you to enjoy. There are several ice- same-old same-old this year, unless opening of a drive-in movie theater films are already booked, if this is skating rinks in Manhattan and Queens, which is always fun whether you’re on a date or with friends—or solo, practicing for your next perform- ance in the Ice Capades. There is ice- skating at Bryant Park, Rockefeller Center, Wollman Rink in Central Park, Laser Rink in Central Park, Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers, and Kate Wollman Rink in Prospect Park. I would say that there is no lack of places to go skating this winter. So whether you’re a novice who would like to take lessons or an expert who would like to show off, skating this winter could be just the thing for you. If one of your goals this winter is to see some famous people but not to have to make idle conversation with them, Madame Tussauds is the place to go. The wax figures in Madame Tussauds are incredibly realistic, and the plus to this museum is that it’s partly interactive, which your kids, your date, or your friends will love. Some of the surreal experiences you can partake in are riding in the Tour de France with Lance Armstrong, walking the red carpet with Jennifer Aniston, and singing along with some of the American Idol stars. If you want to just spend a cold day with your mom, one of your girl- friends whose company is thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable, you might want to try spending some time at a day spa in the city, as I’ve heard that there are some good deals in the win- ter. This might even be a perfect alter- native while your husband, dad, or guy friends are watching football and do not want to converse with you in any way, shape, or form. Another female bonding day would be to go with your friend, if you ladies are brave, and be hair models for some of the upscale salons. If you need a haircut, or would like to get your hair highlighted or colored, there are upscale salons who would like to use you (or, more specifically, your hair) as a “model,” while train- ing their student hairstylists. One of my friends did this several months ago, and I thought she received one of the best haircuts I have ever seen on her. I’m still a coward, afraid they 36 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES will want to cut ten inches off my long hair, but the money I would save (New York salons are quite expen- sive) is making me think twice, even three times, about going ahead and trying it. And of course there’s the famous Times Square area, which has plenty of things for families, dates, and friends to do. Toys ‘R’ Us, which you might think of solely as a kids’ place, is fun too for those adults who like to laugh and giggle and can lose them- selves in the mindset of a kid (totally doable for me, especially on the 60- foot-high indoor Ferris wheel and seeing the 34-foot-long animatronic T-Rex). Also located in Times Square is the flagship Disney Store; ESPN Zone (it’s great to go on a date and beat the guys in the games when these same guys thought there was no contest); arcades filled with laser tag and other virtual-reality games (get back to me on the laser tag; I can go rappelling off a mountain several hundred feet high and feel a major thrill and very little fear, but the idea of someone trying to “shoot” me in the dark sets my heart to pounding, and the one time I did it, I hid behind my boyfriend the entire time); and of course Build-A-Bear Workshop and American Girl Place, which are not exclusively for kids (I’ve been to both, but please don’t tell anyone). If it’s an ice-cold day outside and a movie in one of the megalarge movie theaters is what you want to do, try out Dale and Thomas Popcorn on 48th Street. To check the kosher certifica- tions for the various types of popcorn they sell, just go online at dale- andthomaspopcorn.com. A good movie and a delicious bag of popcorn is often just what the doctor ordered. For snow lovers, there’s the Snow Day sleigh-riding fest in Lower Highland Park in Queens (if there’s an adequate amount of snow), cross- country skiing, and also snowshoeing, all in Queens. For adventure lovers, there’s the Watson Adventures scav- enger hunts. Many of the scavenger hunts take place in areas around the city—the Murder at the Met scavenger hunt and the Secrets of Central Park family scavenger hunt, to name two. And for nature lovers, there are some cruises up the Hudson River to see the fall foliage, such as the New York Waterway “Shades of Autumn” river cruise and the Circle Line Downtown “Fall Foliage” cruise. So if anyone you know whines or complains to you this winter saying, “There’s nothing to do,” please give them this article and tell them to get back to you when they’ve experienced some or all of the activities mentioned herein. And know that what I’ve laid out for you in this article is probably just a small percent of what there is to do in and around New York. So have a great winter, stay warm, and have fun. Don’t let any Southerners or out-of-towners tell you that winter’s boring on the East Coast. If you live in New York, and if you have a bit of an imagination, then guess what—winter rocks! O

Michele Herenstein is a freelance journalist who lives and works in New York City. She can be reached at [email protected]. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 37 tious Arab crooks are on the other side, and Jewish artifacts and bodies are dug destroying our sacred site? up and discarded as common trash. We go to the Wall to pray for redemp- Must we then also stop visiting the tion, to restore our once-glorious graves of our forefathers because they Temple. And although it is not a party, are in conflict areas? Should Hebron you might see people dress in beautiful be avoided due to the shootings that clothes and dance in the Kotel plaza— are almost certain to happen? How can and do you know why? Because they are we abandon our dead? The ones that Davening At The Kotel door, right in the midst of the flames. celebrating our freedom, our strength to came before us? Is it a matter of, Dear Editor, Many would find refuge by the survive, and the miracles that continual- “Sorry, guys, we are tying to make a This letter is in response to the arti- house, whose wall was attached to ly happen to us. They are praising G-d point, rest in peace”? cle “Still Davening at the Kotel?” by the aron kodesh. That house would be in a place at which not so long ago His A year after a loved one passes we Shmuel Sackett in last week’s Five a safe haven for the weary, and people presence was not seen as it is today. are commanded to stop mourning, to Towns Jewish Times. would eventually feel a presence of Now, His Temple has been destroyed visit their gravesites, and to pray for Imagine there is a party. You have G-d there, in a place where such an and He manifests His Divine Presence their souls. How many souls were been waiting to go all year. An hour open miracle happened. in the ancient stones of the Kotel, which taken within a three-mile radius of before you are about to leave your This scenario is more akin to the testify to His greatness. Should we that holy place? The number is too house, dressed to the nines, you are destruction of the Temple than the one abandon such a holy site to make a drastic to even mention. How can we informed of a fire that has destroyed I respond to. I believe it is a heinous statement? What kind of statement run from such a place? We are a nation the venue. Your first thoughts are not offense to Jewry worldwide to encour- would we make by running away from in mourning, not a nation in hiding. “Well, I’m dressed anyway; I should go age the idea that Jews should not pray at the Arabs? While those individuals who Do we really believe that if we stop and see if the party is still on.” A nor- the Kotel because of the excavations encourage such a practice carry on with coming to the Kotel, the Arabs will get mal reaction is shock and panic. You occurring on Har HaBayit, regardless of their charade, Arabs laugh next door to the picture and stop excavating? Or do think “What can I do?” You drive over the fact that Arab thieves are stealing us and praise Allah. you think they will laugh and destroy to see the venue completely leveled, our ancient vessels and destroying evi- I agree that the government and the what we have left of the Kotel today and blackened by fire. People are weeping. dence to dim our claim to the Temple Israel Antiquities Authority are in the extend Har HaBayit as we run away They have lost loved ones. You comfort Mount. Boycotting our last remaining wrong and should be condemned for tol- from their heavy machinery and metal the grieving, you wander among the edifice, the stones of our sacred Temple, erating this excavation of our holy site. shovels? The Kotel is a standing marvel, ashes, you pray to G-d. is no way to counteract the violation of We should take a stand, but why not a tombstone that marks where our Now what if I told you this event Har HaBayit. Mr. Sackett is gravely mis- write a letter to them, or protest? Why try Temple had been and where its remains took place at a local shul (G-d for- taken in his train of thought, which to rally an entire Jewish nation to stop lie. Let us not forget how the Romans bid). As the smoke settles, you see seems to have temporarily derailed. Is visiting and praying at our most holy site? tried to push it down for days and days, what looks like the remains of the Sackett really saying that all Jews should We might as well all refuse to visit Israel and yet failed. It is a place of wonder aron kodesh. The back of it was leave the only remaining holy wall that as the same saga continues throughout and G-dliness. attached to the Jewish home next exists from our Temple because preten- all parts of the country where holy sites Is the next article by Sackett going

38 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES to be entitled “Still Visiting Israel?” We the Bayit Sheni are discovered in a Nathan Birnbaum published a pam- president , the disciple of are not going to back down, nor are we construction site? Would there be a phlet called “Confessions,” in which the late dictator Stalin, is walking down going to passively stand by as our holy loud scream if chas v’shalom a yeshiva’s he harshly accuses the Litivish world the same path of his mentor, by embrac- mountain becomes an abyss for seforim were publicly ripped to shreds? of diminishing the belief and physical ing Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Muslims on a path of destruction. Bottom line, we are concerned yearnings for the Mashiach and Russian president has chosen a path I agree that we should, as Sackett says, about some things but not others. Why Redemption. obviously leading to a disaster that may be “outraged by what is happening there” is the question. There are many We do not feel the spiritual void that be costlier in human lives and resources and we should take big steps to stop it. answers to this seminal why. I will start a lack of a Beit HaMikdash brings us. than World War II. But evacuating the Kotel and leaving it with two honest responses. First, K’lal Thank you for igniting my soul. Does Mr. Putin believe that the doc- desolate is an action which Arabs will Yisrael has a limited amount of energy Caren V. May, trines of Iran and are similar to interpret as weakness and will give them to fulfill its mission in the world. New York City each other, or that they can exist in yet another stronghold in our city. Presently the majority of energies are peace side by side? He, like Stalin, is Mr. Sackett asks a very reasonable dedicated to building from within— Let’s Avoid A due for a rude awakening, since the question: “Where are the rabbanim establishing yeshivos, kollelim, chesed Russian History Repeat systems of Iran and Russia are more during this crisis? Where is da’as organizations, kiruv centers, job Dear Editor, dissimilar than those of Communism Torah? Where are the gedolim?” I’ll tell opportunities, hospitals, and more. By Prior to World War II, the Soviet and Fascism. you exactly where they are. They are the end of the day, the “ein li koach” dictator Josef Stalin made a deal with Let us hope that history will judge praying, most of them at the Kotel. Yes, (no more strength) syndrome arrives. the devil in the person of Adolf Hitler. Mr. Putin more kindly than his prede- their “silence is deafening,” as he says, Second, Eretz Yisrael, and particu- This blunder was a great contributor to cessors, the dictators Hitler and Stalin. but that’s because they are in prayer larly the Temple Mount, just ain’t on the death of 55 million people during Sincerely, with the “big guns” upstairs. We may the drawing board. Essential parts of the years 1939–1945, including about Joseph Ceder, want them to rally against the govern- Yiddishkeit have been sublimated and 20 million citizens of the Soviet Far Rockaway ment and hold up signs and sleep in even erased from Torah’s ideology. Union. History is a great teacher for tents, but most of them are old men, Terms like ge’ulah, Mashiach, taharah, those who are able and willing to learn The Danger Of Ann Coulter and quite frankly, by praying, they are and kedushah are outdated and absent. from mistakes made, and that may pre- Dear Editor, doing more than most of us as we sit Yearning for the Bayit Shelishi is ethe- vent repeats of disasters the likes of Regarding your column defending on our plush couches watching the real and solely found among the “mes- World War II. Ann Coulter (“Heard In The Bagel demolition on CNN and saying, “Tsk, sianic” chevrah. In the early 1900s, Almost 70 years later, the Russian Continued on Page 40 tsk; I should write a letter or some- thing.” The perpetual problem with us as a nation is that we think we have new solutions to old problems. But we don’t. We must stand our ground. We must protect our holy sites, and we must pray at them. For the one Who can truly help us is neither the government, nor the peace protestors, nor the Tsfat hippies, nor ourselves. Yes, we must do our part, but we often forget that the One Who can help us in this time and every time is the One Who has, Who will, and Who always does. If you can’t remem- ber who that is, take a trip to the Kotel, press your face up against the ancient stones, and speak to Him. Sincerely, Ayala Salfinger

No Party At The Kotel Dear Editor, Shmuel Sackett’s article “Still Davening at the Kotel?” speaks about da’as Torah, and da’as Torah informs us to follow the majority—and the majority of gedolim do not advocate going up to Har HaBayit. To compare praying at the Kotel to attending a party, albeit in the so- called backyard, is odious, as the writer does not take into account the necessity to perform keriah when visiting the Kotel. Recommending that Jews do not pray at the Kotel is almost as destructive as the work of the Islamic waqf. Eliezer Book (Visiting from the UK)

Do We Care About The Temple Mount? There is no comparison to Shmuel Sackett’s writings on issues in Israel. His articles are filled with fire, fury, passion, and an unabated love for Eretz Yisrael. Truth be told, daily destruction of Har HaBayit is relent- lessly continuing without a sound of anger or protest. Why has not an eyebrow been raised in Torah circles? Have we paused a moment to feel the tza‘ar that Hashem’s bayit is being razed, destroyed, and demolished? Why are there large protests when kevarim of 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 39

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Continued from Page 39

Store,” October 19): First, I must disclose that I attend shul twice a day, so perhaps I am the exception to your “rule” that observant Jews are not bothered by anti- Semitism, while non-observant Jews are. On the other hand, non-observant right-wing commentators Dennis Prager (Reform) and Zev Chafets (sec- ular) have defended Ann Coulter’s recent statements. That said, unlike you, I am very bothered by Coulter’s statements. I am well aware that every time Coulter has a new book, she spews some vile venom to get publicity. In the past, she has called for the poisoning of a Supreme Court Associate Justice, ridiculed 9/11 widows, etc. Now, she has targeted the Jews as her ticket to book sales. I couldn’t care less what this hate-monger’s personal opinion of Jews and Judaism is. The problem is, the media in this country are only too willing to give any fellow right-winger a podium, no matter how outrageous their statements. Thus, by one count, Coulter has ranted on the various NBC-owned media outlets 195 times. Let me make this clear: I am not offended by Coulter thinking her reli- gion is superior. Everybody thinks their own religion is superior; otherwise, they’d pick up and join another religion! What is offensive, and more important, dangerous, are her other statements. She started her shtick with Donny Deutsch by stating that her ideal America would be Christian, because Christians are “tolerant, they defend America.” Obviously, we Jews are not tolerant, and do not defend America. She stated later in the conversation that the obstinate Jews refuse to accept the “New Testament,” while “tolerant” Christians accept the “Old Testament.” You know the “tolerant” Christians. Those are the ones responsible for the Inquisition, witch trials, genocide against the Indians, the Holocaust, etc. In an October 15 radio interview with right-wing commentator Michael Medved, Coulter ramped up her attack by saying that Jews consider her savior “a raving lunatic.” So my question is that age-old one: “Is it good for the Jews?” Here we have someone who is given frequent, free exposure on TV and radio and is touring the country. She will address people, who have already been primed by such other right-wing commentators as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, to believe that in America there is a war against Xmas and a war against their religion. Coulter will speak to them the truth as she sees it: the obdurate Jews refuse to accept their bible, consider their savior a lunatic, and aren’t loyal citizens; they therefore must be converted to be per- fect, tolerant, loyal Americans. If this sounds familiar, it is because it is the same exact excuse that Christians have been using for millennia to slaughter Jews. Yes, her position that Jews refuse to accept the “obvious truth” of Christianity, and are not loyal citizens, and are therefore a foreign, dangerous element has been the rallying cry of

Continued on Page 43 40 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 41 A Five Towns Simcha

Meredith Lukin of Woodmere, daughter of Phoebe and Michael, and David Akerman of Kew Gardens Hills, son of Felecie and Hershey, were wedded on October 21 at Eden Palace.

42 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR astounding. You wrote that observant former candidate praised the Jews’ innate abroad or homegrown charlatans trying Continued from Page 40 Jews are not offended due to our strong ability to make money. A current front- to sell books via our blood, we should belief system. Yet I remember a short runner has said he would be uncomfort- not let an anti-Semitic statement go anti-Semites for generations. time ago, when “Jews” appeared on able with a non-Christian president. Mitt unchallenged. You point out that Christians wishing Central Avenue espousing the very same Romney has been challenged as to if he Sincerely, to convert Jews have been responsible beliefs that Coulter has espoused, and is really a Christian; when his father ran Carl Maltzman, for the Inquisition, etc. However, you the observant Jews of the area became for the presidency decades ago, his reli- North Woodmere state that modern-day Christians wish quite enraged. Amazing that there was gion wasn’t an issue. to convert us in “smooth and non- no talk then of cutting these oddballs the My Jewish brethren, we are not in a Contemplating Coulter threatening ways,” so there is nothing to same slack given a right-wing pundit. shtetl. We don’t have to cower, waiting Dear Editor, fear. You seem to have forgotten Martin There are some forces that desire a for the next attack by the Cossacks. We This is just a quick note to tell you Luther. He, too, thought he would con- return to a less tolerant society. Anti- are in the of America, that I appreciated your editorial on the vert Jews through “smooth and non- Semitic incidents have increased. It was with liberty and justice for all. It Ann Coulter situation. Thanks for threatening ways.” When that failed, he revealed that a former presidential hope- behooves us to strongly condemn anti- bringing your insight and perspective to became a rabid anti-Semite, calling for ful has a Jewish mother, who was afraid Semitism, regardless of its source. the story. the death of the obstinate Jews. If you to tell her family her “secret.” Another Whether it is from a petty tyrant from Ron Markovitz don’t know the past, you are doomed to repeat it—G-d forbid. There are two other disturbing aspects to this contretemps: First, when a “liberal” source says something offen- sive to the right wing, right-wing politi- cians immediately demand that their opposing progressive politicians refute and apologize. To my knowledge, in the Coulter affair, although progressive politicians have criticized Coulter, not a single right-wing politician has had the spine to go against Coulter and come to the defense of the Jews. Second, the contortions that right-wing Jews must go through to dismiss Coulter’s remarks are

And he said: “My Lord! if now I have found favor in your eyes, pass not away, I beg you, from your servant.”

(Bereishis 18:4)

This verse has two meanings. One meaning is that Avraham is addressing the most prominent of the three guests, asking him and the others not to pass by his tent without availing themselves of his hospitality. Another meaning is that Avraham is addressing G-d, asking Him to stand by while he attends to his guests. Said Rabbi Yehudah in the name of Rav:This is to teach us that taking in guests is greater than receiving the Divine Presence.

(Rashi on verse;Talmud, Shevuos 35b)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 43 cant similarities between the two Campbell of the 101st Precinct and waves of burglaries. This time there is James Byrnes, firefighter at Ladder some strong evidence to help the 121, 4th battalion, both of whom will police apprehend the individual. In be accepting public service awards. one house the attempted burglar left The breakfast is a great opportunity blood while breaking a window. Police for the community to show support are now trying to match the blood to DNA in existing data banks. Police are asking residents to call the 101st The Midnight Prowler precinct immediately if they see any suspicious activity. Captain McMahon The students credited the community’s vigilance in It has been a slow news week in Commanding Officer of the 101st helping to end the previous robbery paraded, the rock. However, I did have the Precinct, Captain Brian McMahon. spree back in May. opportunity to attend a meeting at The next meeting will take place on I am pleased to invite all the loyal the Police Community Council. For November 21 at 6:00 p.m. at the sta- readers of this column to the Jewish following the those of you who don’t know, the tion house located at the corner of Community Council of the Rockaway Police Community Council meets on Mott and Cornaga Avenues. Peninsula’s Annual Legislative route to their the third Wednesday of every month. At the October meeting, the captain Breakfast. The breakfast will iy”H be It is a public meeting where residents addressed the issue of the reemer- taking place at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday who are serviced by the 101st gence of what they are calling “the October 28 at Congregation Kneseth new building precinct can come to hear the latest midnight prowler.” On October 6 there Israel. The honorees include Guest of crime statistics and community inter- were three attempted break-ins on Honor Deputy Mayor Dennis on Heyson ventions as well as have the opportu- Beck and Henry Roads as well as on Walcott, chief of staff for Assembly nity to voice their concerns with the Virginia Street. Although they are not Member Audrey Pheffer; Jo Ann precinct. It is a great opportunity for certain that this is the same individual Shapiro (no relation to me) who will Road. residents to be sure that their con- who had broken into a number of be accepting the Community Service cerns are being heard by the homes back in May, there are signifi- Award; and Police Officer Kevin

for the agency that supports the com- munity. For more information please contact the JCCRP at 718-327-7755. The Jewish Community Council is also presenting a first-time home buy- ers workshop. It will take place on Monday evening, October 29 at Khal Shomrei Shabbos (Rabbi Katz’s shul) 515 Hicksville Road in Far Rockaway. Topics will include: The steps to buying a home; credit and credit reports; qualifying for and selecting a mortgage; first-time home buyer assistance programs; buying within your budget; single family vs. multi family homes; closing process and expenses; the expenses of run- ning a home: legal protection for home buyers; the role of a realtor in buying a home. The guest speakers for the event include: Henoch Grumet, home buyer educator; Yossi Gross, real estate lawyer; Allen Rekant, realtor. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. There was a momentous occasion this week, heralded by parades, cele- brating the imminent construction of the new Yeshiva Darchei Torah ele- mentary school building. As many of you know, Yeshiva Darchei Torah has begun the process of building a state- of-the-art education facility on its current Beach 17th Street site. In the interim, the preschool moved to its temporary quarters on Seagirt and Beach 19th. Grades 1–5 have moved to Heyson Road, in the newly refur- bished building that was formerly HILI Manor. And finally, the junior high school is currently located in the building on Beach 17th. Last week, the 1-5 graders paraded, follow- ing the route to their new building on Heyson Road, and this week the pre- school celebrated by marching to their new facility as well. The demoli- tion of the old building is expected to take place within the next 2 weeks, and it is anticipated that construction will be completed within 2 years. Until next time, stay safe… O Eli Shapiro can be reached at his group “I love hock of the Rock” at Facebook.com. 44 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 45

has an obligation to shake a lulav and sic Yissachar–Zevulun relationship, esrog on Sukkos, and the mitzvah is a where Zevulun earns a living and Daf Yomi Insights personal one that no one else can per- Yissachar learns Torah, Zevulun gives form for him. This is analogous to the Yissachar substantially more than 20 aforementioned case where there are percent of his earnings. Furthermore, BY RABBI in front of you asking for charity and poor people standing in front of you and the Chofetz Chaim cites as a proof the A VROHOM SEBROW there is seemingly no other individual no one else can help them. Therefore, a famous conduct of Hillel. who can provide for them. In that case, similar ruling would result that if it costs Hillel would earn a tropik (an amount since the mitzvah to give tzedakah is more than 20 percent of one’s assets to of money) each day. Half of it would be Faithful People right in front of you, perhaps you are acquire an esrog he may do so. In fact, used to support his family and the other I’m sure that many of you who learn permitted to give away more than a fifth the Ba‘al HaItur writes that one is obli- half would be used to gain entrance to the daf were dismayed this week to dis- of your assets. The takanah might apply gated to spend more than 20 percent of the beis midrash. So Hillel used half of cover that one of the takanos that were only where someone else can provide his assets to fulfill a passing mitzvah his profit to learn Torah. made in Usha severely limits your char- for the poor people, or the poor people that cannot be fulfilled at a later point. The Rambam in Pirush HaMishnayos itable actions. There was a rabbinic seems to reason that the entire idea of a enactment that a person should not give limitation might only be to curtail one’s more than one fifth of his assets to char- obligation. However, if one wishes to ity (Kesuvos 50a). The Tosefos explain adopt midas chassidus, he may give more that after one has given 20 percent of Rav Elyashiv said that “anshei than 20 percent to charity (see the his principal to charity, each successive Aruch HaShulchan, Y.D. 249). year he may give up to 20 percent of his HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, shlita, further profit to charity. emunah,” faithful people, are was once approached by a wealthy I always look for a good kulah individual. He explained to the rav that (leniency), so if one desires to give he makes a very comfortable living. For more than 20 percent of his wealth to allowed to give more than years he had been giving 20 percent to charity, is there any permissible way to tzedakah. He had acquired many do so? (The text of the Talmud does 20 percent. assets, and he felt it was time to not specifically say that the 20 percent reverse the situation—he wanted to rule is limited to charity; many com- live on 20 percent of his income and mentators also apply it to other distribute the remaining funds to char- mitzvos, as will be evident shortly.) ity. So his question for Rav Zilberstein The Rema writes (Y.D. 249) that one are not in front of you asking for money. The mitzvah of lulav and esrog is one was if this was permitted. may put a clause in his will to distrib- In those cases, your donation must be such example. Rav Zilberstein replied that the ute more than 20 percent of his money limited to 20 percent of your net worth. Another leniency pertains to Torah Gemara clearly states that it is forbid- to tzedakah. Some commentators See the Biur Halachah (O.C. 656) from study. The Shittah Mekubetzes writes den. (He obviously did not hold like write, however, that there is a limit to which it may emerge that he holds of that Rashi’s opinion is that the limita- some of the points I mentioned earlier.) the amount of one’s estate that may be this leniency. tion of 20 percent only applies to char- The man was persistent, however, and distributed to charity in a will, of either The Chofetz Chaim’s discussion ity for poor people. However, to sup- demanded a heter! The rav finally told one third or one half of his assets. there is regarding whether one may port Torah study, one may spend more him to ask Rav Shlomo Zalman for a Another possible leniency might be in spend more than 20 percent of his than 20 percent of his assets. The heter. The man traveled to Yerushlayim. a situation where there are poor people assets to acquire an esrog. Every man Chofetz Chaim writes that in the clas- When the man returned, he told the

46 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES rav that initially Rav Shlomo Zalman was hesitant to permit it, but when he was persistent, Rav Shlomo Zalman said he could give more than 20 percent of his profits to tzedakah. Rav Zilberstein was at a loss to explain Rav Shlomo Zalman’s position. Later that day, Rav Zilberstein himself went to Yerushalayim and attended the Gemara shiur given by his father-in-law, Rav Elyashiv, shlita. They “happened” to be learning Maseches Sotah (48b) and the Gemara there says that “nowadays, there are no longer faithful people.” Rashi explains that there are no longer people who spend their money freely to beautify a mitzvah, for charity, and for Shabbos and Yom Tov expenditures. R’ Elyashiv questioned this Gemara. “Are we discussing a person who gives 20 percent of his assets to charity? Why does the Gemara say that there are no longer people like this? There are wealthy individuals who routinely give 20 percent to tzedakah even today!” R’ Elyashiv concluded that the Gemara must be discussing people who give more than 20 percent to charity. But doesn’t our Gemara in Kesuvos say that it’s forbidden? Rav Elyashiv said that “anshei emunah,” faithful people, are allowed to give more than 20 percent. Perhaps the difference is that an indi- vidual who one time becomes inspired to give more than 20 percent of his assets is precluded from doing so. However, someone who is ready to live his entire life giving away most of his money would be called a “faithful per- son.” Such a person is so close to Hashem that he has no limitations on his charity. R’ Zilberstein marveled that on the same day he questioned Rav Shlomo Zalman’s ruling, he received his answer! O

Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead. He can be contacted at [email protected].

And Avraham called the name of that place Adonai-Yireh

(Bereishis 22:14)

Shem (the son of Noach) called it Salem, as it is written “And Melchizedek king of Salem” (Bereishis 14:18). Said the Holy One, blessed be He: If I call it Yireh as did Avraham, then Shem, a righteous man, will resent it; while if I call it Salem as did Shem, Avraham, the righteous man, will resent it. Hence I will call it Yerushalayim, including both names,Yireh Salem.

(Midrash Rabbah)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 47 48 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 49 unquestionable courage, strength, Imagine…Mitch’s opponent actually My Hero Died and absolute pure koach u’gevurah. crawled to a neutral corner and Mitch Gevurah is what we all saw, as we pulled him back in! The gadlus! The grew up with Mitch. I remember play- kiddush Hashem—especially the real- ing ball with him in eleventh grade at ly tough guys, or the robot-like Last Week: the “outdoor athletic field” (a 20' x 30' wrestlers—they all ran or crawled driveway, complete with al-Qaeda-size from Mitch. bomb craters), outside the hallowed Then, the Maccabiah games came Mitch Merlis, a’h hallways of BTA. He wasn’t exception- in Israel, and Mitch won more ally skilled, nor was he overpowering. medals than any other yeshiva ath- (1957–2007) Yet, from the fall and into the cold win- lete—ever. We were all so proud of ter months of 1972, Mitch played out- our “Menachem Mendel,” just as we side, with his dark sweatshirt and were all so proud of other stars in B Y PAUL FREEDMAN famous wool winter hat. That hat high school. Moshe (Witzy) Hoenig would later evolve into the more (still very much alive) and Mike October 16—As I write this tribute famous “NAPA hat” worn in his col- Halpern a’h (wasted talent, personi- to a giant in my life, tears well up in lege years—shooting, dribbling, many fied), who broke Jerry Jozsef’s nose my eyes, and I am not alone. Wherever times alone outside. whenever he got a little upset during I have gone throughout our town in By the spring of 1973, Mitch was practice. These were all our heroes— the past week, I have bumped into a out-rebounding everyone on the court. and now some of them are just gone. friend who stares at me for a brief Even me. And, I watched him in awe, When Mitch returned from Israel, moment and I back at him. And we as I watch him now. our coach, the revered Neil Elman, both instantly commiserate on the In the year following the Yom pranced around the YU campus with tragedy that has befallen us. We nod. Kippur War, Watergate, and the oil cri- Mitch as if he were carrying around We sigh. All in absolute love and awe sis, the year of BTA seniors waiting on thief on Avenue L. Another famous his own human trophy. of our hero. Like Whitey, a’h. Neil gas lines at 4:00 a.m. so our parents story, yet to be told. Indeed, Mitch If Mitch was indeed a hero, then Goldberg, a’h. Eddie Jacobs, a’h. could drive to work, the legend of learned from his brother Paul how to his wife Elaina was a heroine. I shall Benjamin Strauss, a’h. Shelly Mitch Merlis began in earnest. And be a giant, but how to act as a frum never forget seeing her as she waited Rokeach, a’h. Little Duvie Cooper, a’h. the legend has never ended. giant should. for Mitch in the lobby of the Morg Donald Adler, a’h. Phil Braunstein, a’h. I played with Mitch on that admas At YU, Mitch and his abilities dorms. She carried a little sefer Chaim Weinstein, a’h. So many kodesh backyard, watching him get soared. This is only one of ten thou- Tehillim with her. I envisioned her heroes, in my one lifetime, v’chulu, stronger, faster, and more agile. sand stories about Mitch and his four reciting Tehillim on the No. 1 train v’chulu… Then, there was the sledge-hammer wonderful years at filled with all kinds of riffraff. In Now, Mitch joins these tzaddikim, incident. Kids try to take dangerous that need to be told: those days, you took your life in your perhaps a long-awaited place of rest. risks. Walking onto the public-school To have been on Mitch’s team, the hands just getting on the No. 1 train, After five years of fighting that dread playground on Avenue K and East YU wrestling team, was to see the but Elaina was an eishes chayil before disease, that Malach HaMaves. A l8th Street was exactly the kind of ultimate concept of kiddush Hashem she was even engaged. young man, who defined so many risk that BTA bachurim took. Mitch played out before everyone’s eyes. What was my special kesher to aspects of what Modern Orthodoxy didn’t start fights in that park. But, I Indeed, the Eighth Wonder of the Mitch? I turned Mitch into a personifies. There isn’t a person on did see him end them. I saw Paul too, World was to watch a YU wrestling Freedmaniac—that strain of young this earth who would deny the in my memories, grabbing a bike match and see Mitch at work. men who braved the wilderness at

50 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES night. Turkey Lake. Lake Superior. What does HaKadosh Baruch Hu high-tech 8-track tape machine. So ends the legend and legacy of Lake George. Camp Ramah. Did need with Mitch Merlis up there, Mitch loved Dust in the Wind by Mitch Merlis. Tzaddik hayah Mitch actually confront members of when we all need him so badly Kansas. He couldn’t turn that song b’dorosav.” the Klu Klux Klan in Wingdale, New down here? I walked onto on until we were far along the How can we, the survivors, teach York? Yes. Did Mitch actually fright- Washington Avenue in front of my Palisades Parkway, past Exit 9 and in the next generation of ballplayers what en off a black bear at Lake Superior, shul. And I respectfully lifted both Harriman State Park. And, he would unbelievable purity Mitch brought to with two soup cans? Yes. I was a wit- my hands to the sky and shouted insist on silence when those wonder- athletics? How can we explain to our ness to these events, too. They were out, “Why Mitch Merlis? Why take ful words would come on. youngsters that the coolest guy in any as real as the fleeing thugs on yeshiva summer camp wore a yarmul- Avenue K. ke and tzitzis and had zero tolerance Alas, Mitch was greater than life. for nivul peh? The toughest, strongest It’s hard to explain to today’s youth guy in the yeshiva leagues always put what priceless kedushah there is They watch the Jew in competition— his arm around the simplest, weakest when you go amongst goyim with guy? How can our boys make any your kippah on your head. Mitch how we take losing and how we deal sense of that? taught me that in athletic competi- Those of us, the survivors of this tion, that yarmulke means something tragedy, who loved that giant of a to us, but it means something to with being the hero. hero, can only say exactly what Mitch them, as well. They watch the Jew in would want us to say: “Don’t ever give competition—and in real life, how we up your fight. Remember me for what act and how we treat our opponents; I represented both on the mat and off how we take losing and how we deal my hero? Why now?” And the tears “…Don’t hang on, nothing lasts for- the mat. And please, never give up with being the hero. welled in my eyes, because I knew ever but the earth and sky…” If only I your bitachon.” Then, Mitch got sick. The rumors the answer. could have been with you, Mitch, to Because Mitch Merlis never did. O flew. Perhaps Hashem, in some sort Mitch loved to drive up to the play that ancient 8-track to you, so at of inexplicable way, actually did want mountains from Washington Heights least you would have gone on this great In tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merlis; Paul, Mark, Elaina; and the Merlis children. tzaddikim to be close to him, and that late at night. Jerry Jozsef had this journey, down the long, long trail, with HaMakom yenachem eschem b’soch sha’ar is why he takes them when they are cool, l974 Brown Camaro, with a a smile on your face. av’lei Tzion v’Yerushalayim. young. When the news came out that Mitch Merlis had cancer, I think all of his friends felt a little bit of that cancer, too. And then, the shocking story became a horror story. Mitch was just going into remission from his cancer when, while playing softball at his bungalow colony, he had a freak injury and was paralyzed. He was rushed by helicopter to Westchester Medical Center. They told his father, Henry Merlis (another hero of mine from high school), “Your son will never walk again,” and the story became surreal. I visited Mitch sever- al months after his accident. Sitting in this couch-like chair, with a piece of his jaw removed, he was so majes- tic to me that I did not see one bit of his illness. It was like an elderly man, seeing his wife of 50 years deteriorate with Parkinson’s Disease, tell her vis- itors “how absolutely beautiful my wife is”! That is the love and admira- tion that I had for this man. Time, and false hopes, and pure bitachon, tricked us into believing that Mitch would be redeemed, that he would beat off the hammer-wielding Malach HaMaves. The bear with a death-watch. A Klansman with an evil look at his face. Who knows the true face of death? Then, silence. Then, I saw my dearest friend Zevvie, who wrestled with Mitch and me all those years, who voted for me (so he claims) at BTA when I ran for school president. On Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan, everyone was happy at the 8:30 Beth Sholom minyan in Lawrence. I tried to give Big Zev a friendly bear hug as I normally do. But, Zev stepped back, holding me off, for the first time since the Cutlass Salons rolled down Church Avenue in Flatbush. I beheld his pal- lor and my heart sank. I knew what he knew. And he told me, in the most solemn of voices, “We lost a good man yesterday.” And, that was it. The culmination of 30 years of respect, honor, love, admiration, and fun was over. The legacy, vanquished. The bear, victorious. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 51 cent of the ram which replaced father and say to him: ‘You bound one Yitzchak as an offering) as if to say: If offering upon the altar, and I have we have no other merit, remember bound seven offerings…’” Avraham’s deed. Remember how the Furthermore, while Avraham was first Jew bound all succeeding genera- prepared to sacrifice his son, in thou- tions of Jews in a covenant of self-sac- sands of akeidos throughout our histo- rifice to You. ry Jews actually gave up their lives and Obviously, the supreme test of a per- the lives of their entire families. And, son’s faith is his willingness to sacrifice unlike Avraham, G-d had not directly From The Chassidic Masters his very existence for its sake. But what spoken to them and requested their is unique about Avraham’s sacrifice? sacrifice; their deeds were based on Have not countless thousands of Jews their own convictions and the strength The Binding Of Yitzchak given their lives rather than renounce of their commitment to an invisible their covenant with the Al-mighty? and often elusive G-d. And many gave We may ask, What was the specialty G-d. Every morning, we preface our One might perhaps explain that the their lives rather than violate even a of the test of the akeidah? If G-d had prayers by reading the Torah’s account willingness to sacrifice one’s child is a relatively minor tenet of their faith, revealed Himself to any of His ser- of the akeidah and then say: “Master far greater demonstration of faith than even in cases in which the Torah does vants, commanding them to sacrifice of the Universe! Just as Avraham our to forfeit one’s own life. But in this, not require the Jew to do so. their only son, would they not obey? father suppressed his compassion for too, Avraham was not unique. Time Nevertheless, as the Abarvanel writes This particular question—What is it his only son to do Your will with a and again through the generations, in his commentary on Bereishis, it is the that sets apart the akeidah from the whole heart, so may Your compassion Jews have encouraged their children to akeidas Yitzchak “that is forever on our countless other instances of human suppress Your wrath against us, and go to their deaths rather than violate lips in our prayers… For in it lies the martyrdom and self-sacrifice?—is may Your mercy prevail over Your their faith. Typical is the story of entire strength of Israel and their merit raised by almost all the commentaries attributes of strict justice.” Chanah and her seven sons. When before their Heavenly Father…” Why? and expounders of Torah. And on Rosh Hashanah, when the Chanah saw her seven children being What about the many thousands who For the akeidas Yitzchak, the “bind- world trembles in judgment before tortured to death rather than bow made the ultimate sacrifice in reitera- ing of Isaac” has come to represent G–d, we evoke the akeidas Yitzchak by before a Greek idol, she proclaimed: tion of our loyalty to G-d? the ultimate in the Jew’s devotion to sounding the horn of a ram (reminis- “My children! Go to Avraham your The same question may be asked in regard to Avraham himself. The akeidah was the tenth and final “test” in Avraham’s life. In his first test of faith, Avraham was cast into a fiery furnace for his refusal to acknowledge the arch- idol of his native Ur Casdim, the emperor Nimrod, and his continued commitment to teaching the world the truth of a one, non-corporeal, and omnipotent G-d. All this before G-d had revealed Himself to him and had cho- sen him and his descendents to serve as a “light unto the nations” and the pur- veyors of His word to humanity. This early act of self-sacrifice seems, in a certain respect, to be even greater than the latter ones. A man, all on his own, comes to recognize the truth and devotes himself to its dis- semination—to the extent that he is even willing to sacrifice his very life to this end. All this without a command or even sign from Above. And yet, the akeidas Yitzchak is con- sidered the most important test of Avraham’s faith. The Talmud asks: Why did G-d, in commanding Avraham on the akeidah, say, “Please, take your son”? Answers the Talmud: “G-d said to Avraham: ‘I have tried you with many tests and you have withstood them all. Now, I beg you, please with- stand this test for Me, lest they say that the earlier ones were of no sub- stance’” (Sanhedrin 89b). Again we ask, why? Granted that the akeidah was the most demanding test of all; but why are the others “of no substance” without it? The Chassidic masters explain the significance of the akeidah with a metaphor: Once there was an untamed wilder- ness. Not a trail penetrated its thick underbrush, not a map charted its for- bidding terrain. But one day there came a man who accomplished the impossi- ble: he cut a path through this impreg- nable land. Many trod in his footsteps. It was still a most difficult journey, but they had his charts to consult, his trail to follow. Over the years, there were some who made the journey under even more trying conditions than those which had challenged the first pioneer: while he had done his work in broad 52 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES daylight, they stumbled about in the for the sake of the self projected by his G-d, “and I shall establish My fice—previous or subsequent, of his black of night; while he had only his obsession, the spiritual self of his covenant with him for an everlasting own or of his descendents—could be determination for company, they made immortal soul, or a broader, universal covenant, and with his descendants presumed to be of any “substance,” to the trip weighed down by heavy bur- “self” he has come to identify with. after him.” be anything more than a product of dens. But all were equally indebted to Ultimately, his is a selfish act; “selfish” And then G-d told him to destroy it the self. But when Avraham bound him. Indeed, all their attainments could in the most positive and altruistic all. Yitzchak upon the altar, the heavenly be said to be but extensions of his own sense of the word—here is an individ- When Avraham bound Yitzchak upon voice proclaimed: “Now I know that great deed. ual who has succeeded in transcend- the altar, it was not in the service of any you fear G-d.” Now I know that the Avraham was the pioneer of self-sac- ing the narrow, material definition of calling or cause. In fact, it ran contrary will of G-d supersedes even your most rifice. And the first instance of true “self” which dominates in our corpore- to everything he believed in and taught, basic instincts. Now I know that all self-sacrifice in all of history was the to everything he had sacrificed his life your deeds, including those which akeidas Yitzchak. For to sacrifice one’s for, to everything G-d Himself had told could be explained as self-motivated, self is not the same as to sacrifice one’s him. He could see no reason, no pur- are, in essence, driven by the desire to life—there is a world of difference When Avraham pose for his act. Every element of his serve your Creator. Now I know that between the two. self cried out against it—his material your entire life was of true, selfless The human story includes many self, his spiritual self, his transcendent, substance. chapters of heroic sacrifice. Every bound Yitzchak upon altruistic self. But he did it. Why? So when we speak of the akeidah, generation and society has had its Because G-d had told him to. we also speak of those who trod the martyrs—individuals who gave their the altar, it was not in Before Avraham, the self was invio- path this great deed blazed, of the lives for their faith, for their home- lable territory. Man could enlighten countless thousands who died for the land, and for virtually every cause the service of any the self’s priorities—he could even creed of Avraham, and of the many under the sun. They did so for a vari- broaden and sublimate it—but he millions who lived for its sake. Their ety of reasons. For some it was an act calling or cause. could not supersede it. Indeed, how sacrifices, great and petty, cata- of desperation: to them, their lives could he? As a creature of free choice, clysmic and everyday, may, on the were not worth living unless a certain man’s every act stems from within: his surface, seem but the outgrowth of objective could be attained. Others every deed has a motive (conscious or their personal beliefs and aspirations: believed that their deed would be rich- al world—but selfish nonetheless. otherwise), and his every motive has a commendable and extraordinary, but ly rewarded in the hereafter, so they Avraham was a man with a mis- rationale, a reason why it is beneficial only the fulfillment of an individual readily exchanged the temporal bene- sion—a mission for which he sacri- to his own existence. So how could he soul’s identity. fits of physical life for the soul’s eter- ficed everything, a mission more be motivated to annihilate his own But the akeidah revealed them to be nal gain. Finally, there were those for important to him than his own life. For self? The instinct to preserve and so much more than that. For Avraham whom their cause had grown to be many years he had agonized over the enhance one’s self is the source and bequeathed to his descendents the more significant to them than their fact that there was no heir to this mis- objective of a creature’s every drive and essence of Jewishness: that at the core lives: they had come to so completely sion, that his work of bringing the desire—man could no more transcend of one’s very being lies not the self but identify with a certain goal that it beliefs and ethics of monotheism to a it than lift himself up by pulling on the one’s commitment to the Creator. And became more integral to their “self” pagan world would cease with his pass- hair of his own head. that, ultimately, one’s every choice and than their existence as individuals. ing from the world. Then came the Yet Avraham did the impossible. He act is an expression of that “spark of In all the above cases, the martyr is Divine promise: miraculously, at the sacrificed his self for the sake of some- Divinity” within. O sacrificing his life, but not his self. age of 100, he will have a son, out of thing beyond the scope of the most Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Indeed, he is sacrificing his physical whom will stem the People of Israel. transcendent of identities. Had he not ; adapted by Yanki Tauber. Courtesy of life for the sake of his self, whether it is “You shall call his name Yitzchak,” said done so, no other act of self-sacri- MeaningfulLife.com.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 53 Hebrew Academy of Nassau County’s Expecting? Childbirth Classes Will Brookdale High School held “A Day of Help Get You Prepared Solidarity with a United Jerusalem.” If you are expecting, childbirth Republican activist Jeffrey Ballabon classes may help you get ready. addressed the student body on the sig- Learning what to expect with cesarean nificance of what is taking place in delivery, pain medications, and the Israel and what we as Americans can do warning signs of preterm labor are just Oldest Living Jew Celebrates 107th said Efimov, who through - about it. Students then broke off into some of the topics covered at these Birthday In Moscow Lubavitch emissaries in Moscow has working groups to discuss what high classes for pregnant women and their Caricaturist Boris Efimov celebrated started to learn about his Jewish roots. school students can do. The morning’s coaches. The classes will also cover his 107th birthday this week at the Beit “It took till 100 for that to come true program concluded with an inspiring breathing, relaxation exercises, exer- Menachem Chabad-Lubavitch Marinah recently, when I started to learn about concert featuring Chaim Dovid singing cises for pregnant women, nutrition, Roshtza synagogue in Moscow. Efimov, Judaism and even put on tefillin,” he music of Yerushalayim. O breast and bottle feeding, stages of who etched political caricatures until related in Yiddish, a holdover from his labor, postpartum depression, and tak- the early 1980s, received Soviet State pre-Revolution childhood. Events At Ohab Tzedek ing care of yourself and your baby. Prizes twice and was People’s Painter of of Russia Berel Lazar, Henry Kaye Memorial Lecture Taught by certified prepared child- the USSR in 1967. director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Series. “Jewish Philosophy Throughout birth educators, the classes will be Russia, personally congratulated the The Ages.” This three-week series will held in three sessions on Thursdays, elder and wished him, as is done in begin on Wednesday, October 31 at November 1, 8, and 15, from 6:30 optimistic Jewish tradition, to live to 8:00 p.m., when Dr. Shira Weiss will p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at St. John’s the age of 120. Many other communi- speak about “Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi’s Episcopal Hospital. The hospital is ty leaders, friends, and families also defense of a despised religion.” On located at 327 Beach 19th Street in joined in the celebration. Efimov is November 7 at 8:00 p.m., Rabbi Dr. Far Rockaway. The classes will be held believed to be the oldest living Jew in Bernard Rosensweig will speak about in the hospital’s boardroom. Fees are the world. (Chabad.org) O “The Philosophy of the Rambam in the affordable. For registration informa- Light of Traditional Judaism.” On tion, please call 718-869-7182. O Torah Time For Kids At November 14 at 8:00 p.m., Rabbi Dr. Lido Beach Synagogue Jacob J. Schacter will speak about Medical Derashah Series At MAY Children ages 3 through 8 are wel- “The Life and Times of Rabbi Josef , the Ruth and come to join in at the Lido Beach Soloveitchik (The Rav).” Hyman Simon High School, is proud Synagogue for a story, craft, snack, and a Read Hebrew America. Learn to to present the continuing medical Hebrew and Judaic studies lesson on the read Hebrew in only five weeks in this derashah series. These derashos feature following Sundays, 10:00–11:30 a.m.: innovative crash-course program. guest speakers who explore halachic Chabad.or October 28 (“mitzvot”); November 11 Sessions begin on Tuesday, November and hashkafic issues for physicians and

g (“Shabbat”); December 9 (“Miracles”/ 6, at 7:00 p.m. for five consecutive those in the medical industry. “Last Boris Efimov, who just turned 107, chats with Chanukah party). For more information Tuesdays until December 4. year’s series was a great success. I have Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar. call Gail at 516-431-2882. O All classes are free of charge and are spoken to many of the doctors who held at 134-01 Rockaway Beach attended the shiurim last year, and Born Boris Fridland, his father want- Day Of Solidarity At HANC Boulevard in Belle Harbor. For more they are eager for the series to begin,” ed him to have a Jewish education. On October 23, in commemoration information, please call the shul office said Michael Salzbank, executive That never came to fruition, though, of the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu, the at 718-474-3300. O director of MAY.

54 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Rockaway/Five Towns community is Institute for Advanced Professional the ’s annual Training at . “Autism Spectrum “Night at the Futersaks.” This year the Disorders: Addressing the Challenge” women’s league is proud to sponsor “In will take place from 9:00 a.m. to the Trenches” about kiruv workers on 3:30 p.m. at the Newman Conference the front lines. The event is being Center of Baruch College. chaired by Mrs. Risa Sonnenblick and The conference will feature Ami Mrs. Rivky Grumet. Klin, Ph.D., director of the autism pro- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Futersak will gram at the Yale Child Study Center, once again graciously host this event and Ellen Notbohm, award-winning in their home at 28 Auerbach Lane in author, columnist, and mother of a Lawrence on motzaei Shabbos child with autism. Participants will November 10, at 8:30 p.m. gain practical strategies and invaluable The guest speaker will be Rabbi insights into the experience of autism Rabbi Aaron Glatt, M.D. Mordechai Becher, a senior lecturer and the implications of recent for Gateways Organization and a for- research and clinical findings. mer chaplain in the Israel Defense The conference will draw a dynamic The “kickoff” lecture will be given Forces. He is co-author of After The mix of treatment professionals, advo- by Rabbi Aaron Glatt, M.D., president Return and recently published cates, and family members, and will and chief medical officer of New Gateway to Judaism. Rabbi Becher offer opportunities for an enriched Island Hospital and assistant rabbi of received his ordination from the Chief exchange of ideas. Advance registra- Congregation Anshei Chesed and the Rabbinate of Israel and is on the tion is required. Group rates for Young Israel of Woodmere. Rabbi speakers bureau of the Israeli schools and agencies, and limited Glatt will discuss “The Halachic and Consulate in New York. scholarship assistance for family mem- Practical Considerations of the Please support the Yeshiva of Far bers are available. As space is limited, Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim.” According Rockaway by attending this event. There early registration is advised. to Rabbi Glatt, people often run to do will be a delicious dairy buffet served. The conference is open to profes- bikur cholim without the understand- The couvert is $54 per couple. For more sionals, family members, and advo- ing of how one fulfills this mitzvah information please call the Yeshiva of Far cates, as well as anyone who wants to properly. Rockaway at 718-327-7600. O provide support and assistance to a Iy’H, the shiur will take place friend, relative, or neighbor. For fur- Sunday, November 11 at 8:00 p.m., at OHEL Brings Experts On Autism ther information or to register, visit Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, 1170A William To New York www.ohelfamily.org/asd, or call the Street in Hewlett. For more informa- On Thursday, November 15, profes- Institute for Advanced Professional tion, contact Rachel Shapiro at MAY sionals, family members, and advo- Training at Ohel at 718-851-6300. O at 516-374-6465 ext. 4. O cates for children and adults with autism, PDD, and Asperger’s syndrome The JCC Of The Greater Five Towns Rabbi Becher At Yeshiva Of Far will have the valuable opportunity to Cedarhurst Rockaway, November 10 participate in the second annual com- • The JCC of the Greater Five One of the most entertaining yet munity conference on autism spec- informative events in the Far trum disorders, sponsored by the Continued on Page 56

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 55 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS the Young Israel of Far Rockaway. For will feature a special presentation a band for the evening so guests Continued from Page 55 further information, please call never before seen on a public major could kick back and let themselves go Corrine Fuchs at 718-471-7070. O Jewish music concert stage. You will a little after enjoying the inspiring Towns Kosher Culinary Institute is not want to miss this breathtaking divrei Torah. offering a class on entrées and vegeta- Souvenir CD For OHEL Concert opportunity to participate in an That blend of fun and Torah is the bles and Jewish perspectives on food Attendees And Benefactors enjoyable concert as well as to be part secret of TBT’s success, filling a and eating on Wednesday, October A free souvenir CD featuring the of the lasting mitzvah of participating unique niche. With the aim of provid- 31, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. A cupcake stars of the November 12 Ohel benefit in the Ohel Bais Ezra Sefer Torah ing a vibrant learning and social net- class is scheduled for Tuesday, concert will be given to all attendees Campaign. work for young yeshiva and seminary November 6, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and sponsors of the major event. IDT The evening, to be emceed by graduates in the work world, it now and 7:30–9:00 p.m. Baking and help- is the proud sponsor of this CD. famous radio personality Nachum operates branches in , ful hints is scheduled for Wednesday, Created specifically for this concert, Segal, promises to be a magical one Queens, and Monsey. Each branch November 7, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. the one of a kind, one-hour CD fea- that will also feature musical surprises offers a wide array of shiurim, day and For further information or to register tures a compilation of favorite songs and original compositions to be night, geared especially toward the for any of these classes, please call and melodies performed by these tal- announced and introduced that working man’s schedule. Recognizing Sheryl Wyszkowski at 516-569-6733, ented entertainers. Others who will evening. The concert is an Adam that women are key in motivating their ext. 222. receive the complimentary CD will Melzer Production. husbands to learn, TBT also offers • A variety of programs for children include benefactors, sponsors, and Ohel is proud of the stars that have special shiurim just for them. And in from pre-kindergarten through fifth friends of Ohel. The concert is spon- joined to make this concert a success. keeping with everyone’s need for grade are offered at the JCC. Children sored by Ohel’s friends and supporters The past two years were a sell-out. friends, social programming like shab- are encouraged to explore their cre- Elly and Brochie Kleinman and the Please buy your tickets early! batons, Purim and Chanukah chagi- ative and social selves through play in Americare Companies. Proceeds of the Sponsorship opportunities are avail- gas, and of course the dinner are parts a safe and structured environment. concert benefit the children and fami- able by calling the Ohel development of the picture. They offer jazz/taps, basketball, super lies of Ohel and the Ohel Bais Ezra office at 888-311-OHEL. For credit card The centerpiece of Tiferes Bnei sports, hip hop, and tons of talent. For Sefer Torah Campaign. orders and more information, call 866- Torah is the weekly shmuz that Rabbi further information, please call Some of the brightest stars in the OHEL-TIX (866-643-5849). You can Shafier delivers in each of the three Rebecca Mintz at ext. 205. Jewish musical world will fill the also purchase tickets online by visiting branches. Engaging and down-to- • Birthday parties on Sundays start- Marquis Theatre on Broadway for the www.ohelfamily.org/concert. O earth, the shmuz addresses the real ing at 10:30 a.m. A choice of activities concert (November 12, 7:30 p.m.) issues these young people face on a is offered that will keep your children with the best in popular and Chassidic Tiferes B’nei Torah Dinner, daily basis. The tremendous turnout excited. For further information, Jewish music. Headlining the stellar November 11 attests to just how much the shmuz please call Rebecca Mintz at ext. 205. night are Yaakov Shwekey, Shalsheles “It’s more like a reunion than a strikes a chord in people’s hearts. Lawrence. A special screening of Junior, Shlomo Simcha, Shloime dinner,” said one of the attendees of Three of TBT’s most devoted mem- Autism Every Day is scheduled for Dachs, and introducing the golden last year’s Tiferes B’nei Torah dinner. bers will be honored at this year’s din- Monday, October 29 at 7:30 p.m. at voice of chazan Yechezkel Klang “It was almost like a chasunah,” ner. Ben Chafetz of Monsey, who was Temple Israel. For further informa- accompanied by cantor Daniel Gildar. agreed another, remembering the a talmid of Rabbi Shafier’s as far back tion or to register, please call Bracha Also featured will be a special presen- lively dancing of some of the guests. as high school, is one of TBT’s found- Arnan at ext. 204 or Chana Pfeifer at tation by Mordechai Ben David and The joy of meeting with friends they ing members. He attends the Monsey ext. 213. some surprise guests! hadn’t seen since the TBT retreat was kollel boker on a daily basis, and his Far Rockaway. Birthday parties on You won’t want to miss the first 15 cause enough for celebration. Sundays at the Far Rockaway site at minutes of this unique show, which Anticipating that, Rabbi Shafier hired Continued on Page 59

56 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 57 58 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS humanitarian ideals and the lives of at least 100,000 men, courage in the dramatic res- Committee and for so many Continued from Page 56 nonviolent courage of Raoul women, and children—but he cue of his American employ- others.” Wallenberg, considered by could not save himself. On ees being held in Iran”; Miep According to Raoul wife Smadar heads the many to be one of the great January 17, 1945, he was Gies, “the Dutch heroine who Wallenberg Committee chair- Monsey n’shei. Yaakov humanitarians of the 20th arrested by Soviet troops and provided a hideout and protec- woman Rachel Oestreicher Kreindler of Far Rockaway century. At the request of a his fate remains a mystery. tion for Anne Frank and her Bernheim, Wallenberg said and Raphael Levy of Kew United States government The Raoul Wallenberg family”; Elizabeth Dole, “for during his life-saving mission Gardens Hills are both active agency, the War Refugee Award, first presented in her humanitarian work as to Hungary, “…I have come to members in TBT’s Queens Board, the 31-year-old Swede 1985, has been bestowed on a president of the American Red save a nation. I must save the branch. Raphael Levy takes voluntarily went to war-torn select number of individuals Cross”; Harvey M. Meyerhoff, young ones first.” responsibility for the refresh- Hungary; Wallenberg’s orders whose courage, selflessness, “for his unceasing work to Elliott Broidy has strived to ments served at the shiurim, were to save as many Jews as and success against great odds make the United States help strengthen nations: the and Yaakov Kreindler is on possible. Pitted directly personified those of Raoul Holocaust Museum a reality”; beloved country of his birth, TBT’s expansion committee. against SS Colonel Adolph Wallenberg himself. Previous and Alan C. Greenberg, “for the United States of America; As a long-range goal, both Eichmann, Wallenberg is recipients include H. Ross the very special ‘magic’ he has men are helping to organize credited with having saved the Perot, “for his personal performed for the Wallenberg Continued on Page 61 future TBT shabbatons espe- cially for singles. The second annual TBT din- ner will iy’H take place on Sunday, November 11 at Kneseth Israel (the White Shul) in Far Rockaway. Between Rabbi Shafier’s divrei Torah and the leibidigge atmosphere expected, it is not a night to be missed. For more information please call 866-613-TORAH or visit www.TheShmuz.com. O

Elliott Broidy To Receive Raoul Wallenberg Award philanthropist and investor Elliott Broidy has been named recipient of the Raoul Wallenberg Award, given periodically by the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States. The committee was founded in 1981 to perpetuate the

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 59 60 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Touro Law Center which we revealed at the ded- Celebrates Building Continued from Page 59 ication, is an acknowledgment Dedication of thanks to all of our donors, and his spiritual home, the The Touro College Jacob D. both large and small, who State of Israel. In 2002, when Fuchsberg Law Center cele- contributed to this effort,” the second intifada threatened brated the dedication of its said Dean Lawrence Raful. Israel’s security as well as its new building on Sunday, “We are now able to provide economic stability, Mr. Broidy October 21. The dedication opportunities and programs formed Markstone Capital marked the culmination of a for students that take advan- Partners with the intent of 14-year effort to create a law tage of our relationship with providing a superior return to campus consisting of a law and proximity to the court- its investors while strengthen- school, federal courthouse, houses unlike any other law ing Israel’s economic viability. and state courthouse working school in the country.” With $800 million under man- agement, Markstone is Israel’s largest private-equity fund. To date, the fund has invested nearly half a billion dollars in Israeli companies, creating hundreds of new jobs and helping to build a strong econ- omy for Israel. Mr. Broidy’s commitment to civic duty and philanthropy are recognized far beyond Los Angeles, where he resides with his wife Robin and their three children. The Raoul Wallenberg Dean Lawrence Raful (L) and Touro College President and Founder Dr. Bernard Lander (R) present Senator Charles Schumer with an honorary Juris Award is scheduled to be Doctor degree from Touro Law Center. given at a gala awards ceremo- ny at the Waldorf-Astoria on February 27, 2008. The din- together to enhance the edu- The ceremony included a ner will be co-hosted by the cational experience for law keynote address by Senator Raoul Wallenberg Committee students. Charles Schumer, who and the Gateways Organiz- “This celebration was a way received an honorary degree ation. In less than ten years, to say thank-you to the Touro from Touro Law Center fol- Gateways has established a Law Center community and lowing his speech. Other foothold in America as one of all who helped make the speakers included Dean the premier non-profit Jewish dream of creating a law cam- educational organizations. O pus a reality. The donor wall, Continued on Page 62

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Lawrence Raful, Dean Emeritus Howard Glickstein, Touro College President Dr. Bernard Lander, Touro College Board of Trustees President Dr. Mark Hasten, Touro Law Center Board of Governors Chair Howard Stein, and Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy. Following the formal pro- gram, a portrait of the Honorable Jacob D. Fuchsberg was unveiled by family members as a tribute to his long-standing commitment to the law school. Also in attendance were Islip Town Supervisor Phil Nolan, Senator John Flanagan (’98), Islip Town Councilwoman Pamela Greene (’90), Suffolk County Legislator Ricardo Montano, Nassau County Bar Association President Lance Clark, Suffolk County Bar Association President Barry Smolowitz (’84), and several federal and state judges. During the ceremony, Dean Raful thanked Howard Glickstein, dean emeritus and professor of law at Touro Law Center, and Ron Parr of the Parr Organization for their unwavering commitment to the project, and he announced that two adjacent class- rooms would be named in their honor. In addition, Dean Raful announced that the four-story atrium would be named in honor of the Honorable Leon Lazer, a respected judge, profes- sor of law, and member of the Touro Law community for decades. Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center moved to the newly con- structed 185,000-square-foot, state-of- the-art building earlier this year. The building includes two large class- rooms, four medium-sized classrooms, three small classrooms, three seminar rooms, two trial courtroom class- rooms, two computer labs, a two-level auditorium that can be used as both a trial and appellate courtroom, student study space, a new bookstore, adminis- trative offices, a café, a multipurpose conference center, and an alumni boardroom. The Gould Law Library is three times the size of the former law library, with plenty of group study rooms. The infrastructure is high-tech, supporting wireless access, smart podiums, and new technology throughout. In addi- tion, the building is home to the William Randolph Hearst Public Advocacy Center, housing 14 fur- nished offices for local non-profit agencies free of charge. Touro law stu- dents can work with these organiza- tions to gain hands-on legal experience while developing an understanding of the problems facing the local commu- nity. The public advocacy center, the only one of its kind in the nation, was included to have an impact on social justice, legal training, and the lives of countless individuals. O

Halachic Forum On Conversions Begins November 4 In Washington, DC The nation’s capital will be the venue for the fourth major national halachic forum on universally accepted conversions in intermarriage. Sched- uled to take place November 4–7 at the

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Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in Washington, the forum is a follow-up to the highly suc- cessful conclaves held in Newark, N.J., Hollywood, Fla., and Boston, Mass., as well as the international con- ference that took place in Jerusalem in 2006. The con- ferences gathered more than 1,200 rabbinic authorities from across the Orthodox spectrum in forming com- mon ground on procedures for the growing number of intermarried couples that opt for universally accepted con- versions. The Washington forum and the earlier conferences have been sponsored by the Eternal Jewish Family and the Lillian Jean Kaplan Jewish Pride Through Education Project of Horizons, an internationally recognized institute of Jewish education and outreach based in Monsey. EJF’s mission is to preserve the sanctity of the Jewish family in accordance with halachah. According to Rabbi Leib Tropper, dean of Yeshiva Kol Yaakov in Monsey, this fourth national conference “is an extraordinary opportunity for rabbanim and dayanim who are involved in geirus in inter- marriage to exchange views and to reach a halachic con- sensus.” He noted that the conference will be an enor- mous resource for those who are in the field dealing with the issue. The Washington conclave will address many important topics, including havchanah, the acceptance of mitzvos at the time of conversion, invit- ing an intermarried couple for a yom tov meal, conversion of a pregnant woman, status of a child in the conversion process, keeping Shabbos in preparation for conversion, and delaying release of the conversion certificate. Major presentations will be delivered by Torah luminaries from around the world, including Rav Reuven Feinstein (), president of the EJF halachic committee; Rav Baruch Dov Povarsky (Ponevezh); Rav Yitzchok Scheiner (Kaminetz), via video link; Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi (Ateres Yisroel); Rav Moshe Shapiro (Ulpana); Rav Hillel David (Sharey Torah); Rav Simcha HaCohen Kook (Rechovot); Rav Shmuel Lazer Stern (beis din of HaRav HaGaon Shmuel Wosner), chairman, EJF halachic committee in Israel; Rav Shmuel Dishon (Yad Yisroel, Karlin-Stolin);

Continued on Page 66 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 65 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS family and to respond to the needs of found, so intense one could almost recent bein haz’manim he happened to Continued from Page 65 those who wish to live their lives as feel the anxiety in the air. Inside, avre- observe several Kinyan Shas partici- Jews after undergoing a halachic con- ichim were bent over reams of test pants preparing for the big bechinah. Rav Abba Bronspigel (Touro version.” To accommodate the large papers, brows furrowed in concentra- “To say that they were masmidim Rabbinical College); Rav Nochum demand of wishing to attend the tion. The avreichim were participating would be an understatement. Yom Tov Eisenstein (Va’ad l’Inyonei Giyur, Washington conference, EJF upgraded in the historic 1,000 blatt cumulative afternoons, following the nightly yom Yerushalayim); Rav Yakov Velvel Katz to a larger hotel and added a third day test in the Dirshu Kinyan Shas pro- tov seudos, morning to night through- (rosh kollel, Yad Chaim Mordechai); to the conference. gram. The test encompassed the out Chol HaMo‘ed, these avreichim Rav Mordechai Dov Fine (rav, Founded in 1995, EJF/Horizons pro- entire shas learned thus far from the could be found with their heads Machzikeh Hadas, Scranton); Rav vides comprehensive programming aimed beginning of this daf yomi cycle buried in Gemaras reviewing one blatt Moshe Meiselman (Toras Moshe); Rav at people of all ages who may be search- through the middle of Kesuvos. after another.” Mordechai Neugroschel, Rav Pinchus ing for answers to life’s most difficult Kinyan Shas is the Dirshu program Attaining the title of a true shas Yid Rabinowitz (rosh beis din Ezer questions. The programs offered through designed to create shas Yidden—Jews requires an investment of days and Mishpat); Rav Shlomo Ryback Horizons provide meaningful and rich who will be familiar with the entire shas nights and sacrifices. Nevertheless, all (Rabbinical Council of America); Rav ways of responding to these issues based and will be able to recall virtually every involved will tell you that in the end it Nota Schiller (Ohr Somayach on Torah values and leading to fuller Gemara or sugya from the entire body was worthwhile. The hanhalah of International); Rav Dovid Schochet more active Jewish lives. For more infor- of shas. Kinyan Shas is the third and Dirshu has received written correspon- (beis din of Toronto); Rav Mendel mation regarding future conferences highest level in the Dirshu daf yomi dence and verbal feedback from the Senderovic (rosh beis din, ); please contact 866-504-6749. O pyramid. The first level, Kinyan Torah, families of Dirshu members, especially Rav Moshe Soloveitchik (Merkaz comprises the monthly 30 blatt Dirshu those in the Kinyan Shas program, Rabbonim, Chicago); Rav Leib Dirshu’s Kinyan Shas daf yomi tests. The next level, Chazoras attesting to the tremendous metamor- Tropper (Yeshiva Kol Yaakov/Horizons); Cumulative Test HaShas, offers thrice yearly tests on phosis their homes have undergone Rav Avrohom Union (Va’ad Rabbinical By Ezra Roth the previous 120 blatt learned in the since beginning the daf yomi machzor Council of ); Rav Yisroel Simchas Torah on erev Rosh Dirshu program. The highest level, two and a half years ago. Their homes Webster (beis din of New York); Rav Chodesh Cheshvan? Although K’lal Kinyan Shas, is the biannual Dirshu have assumed a new aura of kedushah. David Yosef (Yichaveh Daas and son of Yisrael recently celebrated Simchas cumulative test held at the end of the The kedushas haTorah has permeated HaRav HaGaon R’ Ovadia Yosef); as Torah, hundreds of avreichim celebrat- Sukkos and Pesach bein haz’manim. the husbands and fathers who rarely well as conference chairmen Marvin ed another one a week later. Could there be a greater Simchas take their heads out of a sefer, but even Jacob, Esq., Neil Auerbach, Malcolm On October 11, at the Breslover Torah than acquiring a knowledge and more, it has become infused throughout Hoenlein, and Thomas S. Kaplan. beis midrash in Bnei Brak, Yeshivas retention of 1,000 blatt Gemara? The their entire homes. Mr. Kaplan, chairman of the Lillian Ohr Elchonon in Yerushalyim, the participants have come to realize that During the Sukkos bein haz’manim Jean Kaplan Jewish Pride Through Belzer beis midrash in Ashdod, the the requirement for extraordinary ded- in Beit Shemesh, Rabbi Menachem Education Project, said that “the Shotzer beis midrash in Haifa, and ication and motivation defies descrip- Levenstein, an educator by profession, Washington conference is part of the batei midrashim across the U.S. and tion. One yungerman, not a Kinyan historic effort to preserve the Jewish Canada, an unusual silence was Shas participant, related that over the Continued on Page 68

66 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 67 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS utmost with barely a second to Action Committee), sponsored by the and excitement that brings those Continued from Page 66 breathe. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, goals to life in their schools. Through “All hesitation, however, evaporat- which is making the concept of careful SHAC, sh’mirat halashon has become saw several pairs of chavrusos prepar- ed this past Simchas Torah. On speech an exciting and important goal more appealing and popular with ing for the Kinyan Shas bechinah. He Simchas Torah I was davening in the among the students. every passing month. was so inspired at the hasmadah, the same shul as an avreich who partici- Today, the program reaches 24 As the students boarded the cruise complete and single-minded dedica- pates in the Kinyan Shas program. I Modern Orthodox schools and has 600 liner, they received membership cards tion of these avreichim, that he took it could not take my eyes off him core participants, with potential to and SHAC paraphernalia, which upon himself to establish a Kinyan throughout the hakkafos. The way he reach a total of 7,000 students. It is revealed the theme for the cruise: “Are Shas kollel. All 18 Beit Shemesh par- danced, his enthusiasm, his glow, and active in Los Angeles, Montreal, your lips on cruise control?” The ticipants in the Kinyan Shas program the simcha on his face as he hugged , Miami, Chicago, New York, theme conveyed the idea that people could come together every night in a the Torah close to him, convinced me , and other communities. tend to speak “on automatic pilot,” local beis midrash to learn, review, and that Kinyan Shas is the greatest facil- By imbuing students with a deeper without thinking first. benefit from the mutual knowledge of itator of simcha and sipuk ha’nefesh commitment to sh’mirat halashon, the As the ship set sail, program director a larger group all involved in the same possible.” Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Elana Jacobs addressed the students. program. Rabbi Levenstein even Indeed, for Kinyan Shas members, aims to provide young people with the She roused everyone’s enthusiasm by undertook to raise funds to pay each Simchas Torah is not limited to key to establishing homes and living highlighting the bottom line of what avreich an additional stipend over and Simchas Torah or even to erev Rosh lives of peace and harmony. they were all working for—bringing above the stipend that Dirshu grants Chodesh Cheshvan. It is every day! O Last week, 170 girls from SHAC the geulah. The Chofetz Chaim taught for excellent test results. schools throughout the region, that sh’mirat halashon is a prime A distinguished talmid chacham Sh’mirat Halashon Action including HAFTR, HANC, SKA, and means to build the ahavat Yisrael that from Eretz Yisrael recently contacted Committee Rides Wave North Shore, set sail on a Manhattan is the prerequisite for the geulah. a member of the hanhalah of Dirshu Of Inspiration cruise organized by SHAC for its Enthused by their mission, the stu- and said, “Initially when I saw how For the past two years, awareness of members. It was a chance for girls to dents grabbed the purple ribbons that much time the Kinyan HaShas avre- sh’mirat halashon has been rising network with SHAC members from were distributed for them to wear and ichim were spending on preparation, among high-school students across the other schools, build momentum for bring back to their schools for fellow I was concerned. Their whole bein country, due to an innovative program the important goals they are striving supporters of sh’mirat halashon to wear haz’manim break was utilized to the called SHAC (Sh’miras Halashon toward, and ignite the spirit of fun with pride. After dinner and an enlightening address came a full agen- da of entertainment—hilarious skits, fun and meaningful games, and cama- raderie that made this a night that the students would not forget. Faculty advisors also attended the event. They enjoyed the opportunity to meet CCHF staff and discuss ways of run- ning the program more effectively in their schools. As the sun set over the river and the cruise liner headed back to its dock, the students gathered together for a kumzitz. The singing and words of Torah soon inspired the girls to rise ti their feet for dancing, which did not stop until the final moments on board. As they left, they received a CD of the song Mi Ha’ish HaChofetz Chaim to help them keep the evening’s inspi- ration fresh. They returned to their schools with new friends, new inspira- tion, and an overflowing enthusiasm about sharing their commitment to sh’mirat halashon with their fellow stu- dents. No doubt, when the SHAC cruise sets sail next year, there will be many more students on board, eager to turn up the sh’mirat halashon energy a few notches higher. O Continued on Page 71

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68 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

The short-term effects, Putnam that the diversity would lead to long- A Commentary On Commentary concluded, were rather negative. term positive effects. Increased diversity led to increased Putnam’s results created a stir in the BY BEN NATHAN how racial and ethnic diversity affects fear and anxiety. It led to anger at the academic world. Wilson, the author of our lives. More particularly, how diver- local government, and less participa- the Commentary article, wrote that it In the latest issue of Commentary sity changes the way people feel about tion in wider communal events. should not have, as numerous other Magazine, James Q. Wilson, the public their neighbors, about their local gov- Putnam re-examined his short-term studies and academics pointed to the policy professor at Pepperdine ernment, and about how likely they are results, adjusting them statistically to same conclusions. University in California and a former to join in various communal activities. account for differences in income, Wilson further rejected most of Harvard professor discusses two fasci- Putnam’s results were quite fasci- age, ethnicity, education, poverty, Putnam’s long-term positive effects. It nating ideas—the concept of “social nating. Before we examine them, we homeownership, and citizenship or is worth noting that the unhappiness capital” and the idea of ethnic diversi- must understand that Putnam is a seri- non-citizenship. The results were the was universal. Whether the ethnicity ty and how it affects social capital. The ous Harvard scholar, who reports his same. The more homogeneous (the was poor or wealthy, homeowners or article deals with the work of Robert results honestly and fairly. He has same ethnic structure) the communi- non-homeowners, they were less Putnam, a prominent political scien- happy when they were mixed. tist who wrote a book seven years ago Recently, Supreme Court Justice entitled Bowling Alone. Clarence Thomas wrote a book about To help us understand the article, his life experiences. He found enor- let’s begin with some definitions. The more homogeneous the mous difficulty in dealing with the lib- Social capital can be defined as how eral-minded busing advocates of the much people socialize with each other. 1970’s who disagreed with his posi- In the language of Chazal, how meurav community, the happier they tions. Thomas felt that forced integra- we are with the briyos. [In Torah soci- tion was negative and counter-produc- ety, there are many institutions that were and the more tive to the interests of the less econom- actually imbue us with a higher degree ically developed ethnicities. The liber- of social capital than other ethnicities. al minded busing advocates would not For example, shuls, yeshivos, kosher social capital they had. even let him express his opinion with- shopping, and just reading the Five out being derided as a patsy for the Towns Jewish Times creates a social wealthier classes. glue of sorts that is almost absent in There are laws on the books that other societies]. Putnam actually recognition in his field and has a ty, the happier they were and the more also attempt to promote and create found a way to measure social capital. remarkable reputation. social capital they had. The more something that can be called forced Indeed, after his book was published, Conventional wisdom states that diverse the community, the less social diversity. Wilson concludes that volun- some 41 different communities hired diversity is good and creates lasting capital they had. tary diversity is a good thing, but when him to measure their particular social social bonds and increases what The long-term effects were positive it is shoved down one’s throat it is gen- capital. The communities involved Putnam has termed social capital. in that the diversity allowed the people erally a bad thing. some 30,000 Americans and ranged in Aside from certain specific areas, to develop better methods to deal with If one takes an honest look at some size from Los Angeles to Washington Putnam’s results were mixed. [The negative forms of ethnic hatred. It also of the laws binding real estate profes- to South Dakota. specific areas were, for example, in developed greater opportunities for sionals, one comes up with an interest- Now, another definition: By “ethnic sports and in the army.] He delineated economic growth. Putnam offered a diversity” the author means to study short-term and long-term effects. few other areas where he suggested Continued on Page 70

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 69 Commentary that it will prevent the policies of have always been a losing proposition. ered very quickly, but that was only Continued from Page 69 diversifying neighborhoods that the If one reads the new book written by because they were only Communist for courts wish to implement. Alan Greenspan, enlightening perspec- four decades. There were still lawyers ing conclusion. These people, whose The suppression of information is tives can be gained. When the Soviet and professionals that remembered free sole purpose is pretty much to make a never good. Even before Adam Smith, in Union fell apart, the world recognized markets. Not so in Russia. They were living, have now become the police- the ancient world, it was recognized that the devastating impact that seven Communist for so long there were no men of a policy that has been imple- the free flow of markets, goods, and decades of Communist rule had upon people that could help. mented by the courts to increase diver- information was a good and positive the economy of Russia. No one realized, People talk about how communism sity in neighborhoods. It is illegal to thing for the economic and social growth writes Alan Greenspan, how so very, failed with regard to economics, but publish data regarding the ethnic of a country or city-state. Tariffs, quotas, very, backward they actually were. True, what about their plans of social inte- makeup of any area because it is feared and laws that prevented free markets the Communist satellite nations recov- gration in their attempts to destroy ethnicities? That failed even more. They tried suppressing the national aspirations of Latvians, Estonians, and Lithuanians. It did little good. In the eighties they tried to destroy the aspirations of the ethnic Muslims. The results were devastating. These attempts not only backfired, they cre- ated the likes of Osama Bin Ladin. The conclusions that we can make about forcing an agenda down people’s throats is quite clear. O Comments on this article may be sent to [email protected].

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70 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS of Shalhevet: “Think for yourself; do well as a tradition of producing Modern Continued from Page 68 for others.” This message beautifully Orthodox leaders. Rambam is a long- summarizes their core educational phi- standing leader among all schools, not Midreshet Shalhevet: losophy and will become one of the key just yeshivos, in scores on major stan- Shalhevet High School For Girls themes of the Shalhevet program. dardized examinations—Regents exams, Shalhevet will offer an outstanding “Dr. Blau personifies our vision for APs, and SATs—and has a limudei alternative for parents seeking an all- Shalhevet,” says Rabbi Zev Meir kodesh program that is among the most girls yeshiva high school for their daugh- Friedman, the rosh yeshiva of the celebrated at the Yeshivot Eretz Yisrael ters. It will be based upon the model of Machon. “Like us, she believes that and at Yeshiva University. We expect the Machon’s Rambam division: excel- Shalhevet should encourage its girls to that the girls at Shalhevet will quickly lence in limudei kodesh and college pursue their own individual dreams produce these types of results as well.” preparatory studies, a small school by and aspirations, working out the best Rabbi Friedman adds: “When we design to ensure warmth and individual- proportions of time for family and pro- announced the formation of the ized attention for all girls, merit-based fessional careers at progressive stages Machon, we promised that we would admissions to ensure a unique and of their lives. And girls should be com- open a Rambam-style girls’ school. tightly-knit chevrah, and an emphasis fortable making these choices for Since then, we’ve been approached by on Torah values and midos. themselves, because no two girls are many parents in the community asking Shalhevet will initially begin with a alike. Moreover, Dr. Blau is an incred- us about timing. So we believe there is 9th grade with additional classes to be ibly warm and nurturing person, who Dr. Rivkah Blau a real need and interest in this.” added on demand until it becomes a will ensure that the girls are not just In addition to its three divisional full four-year high school by growing spiritually and intellectually, pooled an outstanding body of talented campuses, the Machon will be building September 2011. It will be located in a but are actually smiling throughout educators at both of our existing divi- a beautiful beit midrash and state-of- standalone school building at the cor- the school day. We want them to love sions—HAFTR and Rambam—and the-art sports center on Central Avenue. ner of Broadway and Locust Avenue in their school and know that they will.” these will be available to Shalhevet as For further information, please feel Lawrence. “Shalhevet is a natural addition to the well. HAFTR, for example, is the lead- free to contact Rabbi Zev Meir Shalhevet will attract girls from the Machon’s educational roster,” says ing yeshiva in the country in terms of Friedman at 516-371-5528 ext. 105. O greater Long Island area as well as from Rabbi Yotav Eliach, the principal of the national science awards and has an out- Queens and Brooklyn. It will be headed Machon. “We believe that we have standing college admissions program as Continued on Page 73 by Dr. Rivkah Blau, one of the foremost and best-known figures in the field of Torah education of young women. Dr. Blau has previously served as the found- ing principal of Ulpana Ohr Torah, an innovative high school established by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin that is now the Central High School for Girls division of Yeshiva University. She also headed Shevach High School for Girls for 14 years, during which the school grew from 70 students to over 230 students. Dr. Blau is the author or editor of a number of scholarly publications, including a biography of her father, Rabbi Mordechai Pinchas Teitz, enti- tled Learn Torah, Love Torah, Live Torah (Ktav, 2001), and the author of numerous articles and essays in popu- lar and academic journals on subjects pertaining to Jewish women. She has also taught and lectured extensively on topics relating to Jewish women at adult-education institutes in Boston, Chicago, and throughout the New York metropolitan area, and has lectured for student groups at Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. She is currently a professor of English composition at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. Dr. Blau wrote her doctoral thesis in English and comparative literature at Columbia University on the topic of Tehillim in English poetry. As a division of Machon HaTorah, Shalhevet will be under the supervision of the Machon leadership team of Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman and Rabbi Yotav Eliach, and will have access to the best of the Machon’s educational resources. For example, Shalhevet girls will be able to attend shiurim given by Prof. Smadar Rosensweig of Stern College and be mentored in national science competitions by the Machon’s science coordinator, Mrs. Rivki Isseroff. With the opening of Shalhevet in addi- tion to its existing Rambam and HAFTR divisions, Machon HaTorah will now be able to offer an outstanding Torah educational alternative to all par- ents regardless of whether their prefer- ence is for a single or mixed-gender educational environment. Dr. Blau has a message for the girls 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 71 72 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS on behalf of the network of the institu- curriculum. of these broken families and helped Continued from Page 71 tions of the Vizhnitzer Chassidim in The rabbanim who tested the many to resume supporting them- Eretz Yisrael, that are located in Kiryas bachurim attested in their letters to selves. All help is given discreetly and Rav Of Kiryas Vizhnitz, Bnei Brak, Vizhnitz, Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim, the bachurim their admiration and the in an honorable fashion. To Visit Lawrence Ashdod, Elad, Modiin Ilit, and Beit reverence they hold for these students. A respectable group of local activists, Shemesh. In these institutions, the The rav, shlita, also oversees the city residents, local rabbanim, and influ- With much joy and jubilation were ential members of the community, have the heartening tidings received, that joined forces to serve as a planning com- the famed Harav Hatzaddik mittee ahead of this exalted Shabbos, Menachem Mendel Hager, shlita, Rav The group is led by the well known of Kiryas Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak and son askan, R’ Sender Schwartz, who is the of the venerated Vizhnitzer Rebbe, first and the foremost with every matter shlita, is to visit in Lawrence on the of tzedakah and kedushah which comes upcoming Shabbos Parashas Toldos. to the Five Towns, and especially to help The rav, shlita, is renowned as an Chasidishe Mosdos regardless of their honorable personality, a gadol affiliations or their locations, to organize b’Torah, and a captivating speaker, the logistics and all the necessary and is also looked up to as a requirements for this very special PhotoBySendyS Chassidishe manhig. Shabbos. R’ Sender has been a great and Because of the current state of health wonderful friend of Vizhnitz for many of his father, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, shli- chw years and has helped to raise consider- ar ta, the rav presides every Shabbos and tz able amounts of funds on behalf of mos- yom tov, both on leil Shabbos and at seu- Rabbi Mendel Hager, shlita, sitting next to his brother-in-law, Grand Rabbi Dovid Twersky, dos Vizhnitz in Eretz Yisrael. dah shlishis, with the attendance of hun- Sqverer Rebbe, shlita, during a recent visit. He attributes his closeness to dreds of Yidden, young and old, Vizhnitz and especially to the Rebbe, bachurim and avreichim, who gather shlita, to having had the great opportu- together to warm themselves with much pure and precious children are educat- famous tzedakah fund, Chaim nity to closely observe the Rebbe, shlita, Chassidic enthusiasm, singing warm ed in Torah and yiras Shamayim, and Bchessed, which toils full time on with his receiving and dealing with peo- Chassidic niggunim, and to listen and the bachurim learn with great dili- behalf of the community and on behalf ple regardless of who they are, with the be inspired by the rav’s fiery divrei gence. Recently, the bachurim suc- of every individual, to help care for the same warmth, caring, and tender Torah, that are spiced with quotes from cessfully passed a test on ten mitzvos in welfare of all families. demeanor. many of the famous Chassidic masters, the sefer Minchas Chinuch. Amongst these families are many There is no doubt that this Shabbos most notably from his father, the holy They were tested by esteemed rab- broken homes—widows, orphans, and will bring much honor and will be a Rebbe, shlita. banim, the likes of Harav Shmuel families who lack even the minimum source of great merit for the communi- The rav, shlita, is also famous as a Eliezer Stern, shlita , Rav of West Bnei necessities, both in Eretz Yisrael and in ty, and to all those who will partake in wise and clever person, with whom Brak, and Harav Chaim Tzvi Shapiro, the Diaspora. These activities have this Shabbos, together with the rav, one can discuss and elaborate on all shlita, Rav of Bnei Brak’s Ramat been increased as of late, due to the shlita. He will be staying in the com- topics. He receives and greets all peti- Aharon neighborhood. The novelty of unfortunate state of many chareidi munity for the week, and the entire tioners with an open and wide heart, this is that these were learned by the families, especially in Eretz Yisrael. schedule of his stay will be published with his exalted love for all. The visit in bachurim not during the normal With thanks to Hashem, the fund has shortly. For more information please America is combined with an appeal yeshivah hours nor was this part of the been very successful in helping many contact 718-384-0374. O

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 73 74 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Your Ad Could Be Here.


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Secretary, Executive, full time, 5 Accounts Payable, Accounts Law: Hi Ranch. Must see, 4br, Far Rockaway: 2 Fam. All NU Towns area. Great working environ- Receivable Lawrence location, part 2.5bth, fam rm, CAC, 2gar, lg prop. 3 over 3 Br. 4Fbth, Dr, Full bsmt ment & benefits. Applicants should be time, knowledge of Quickbooks and ...... $800sK All features...... $779K highly organized, computer literate, Excel. Collections $12/hr. References Law: Nu Construc’n, 6br, 5bth, Call 516-263-6417 have letter writing experience, knowl- required. Call 516-869-4449 lg prop, walk all, with all goodies. Far Rockaway — 2 Family House edge of DDC a plus. E-mail resume Plans can be seen in office. Office manager needed, detail-ori- Ced: Nu2Mkt, 2Fam, 3br/3br, 2fpl, For Sale. Newly Constructed, 3 to [email protected] or fax ented. Looking for long-term position, deck, all new, grt loc, full bsmt. $795K BR/2BA over 2 BR/1 BA, plus Bonus to 516-977-1282 experience required, computer knowl- Wdm: Reduced. Ranch, 3br, 3 bth, lg Floor w/ Private Entrance...... $699K Facialist needed for Cedarhurst edge, Microsoft Word & Excel, 5 prop, grt loc, walk all...... $749K Call Owner 917-836-6838. Towns location. For more info, call Oceanside: Col, renov’d, lr, dr, nu EIK, salon. Call 516-374-1144 Far Rockaway/Lawrence- House Elana @ 516-295-7284 den, 3br, fin bsmt. Best Buy! .....$439K For Sale 2 BR/ 2 BA, Newly Assistant Manager wanted. Must Cedarhurst: CH col., new quality Seeking Art teacher, immediately. Renovated, Dead-end street, Price be early riser and energetic. Call Joel construction. 7 bedroom, 4.5 bths, Degree and experience required...... $539,000 at 516-233-5808 den, LR, DR, oversized gourmet, Queens girls high school. Please fax Call Owner: 516-750-9257 granite EIK, huge FDR, 9' ceiling, Driver wanted from Lawrence to resume to 718-263-3759 finished basement prime location. Brooklyn to drive daughter to school Ced: Nu 2 Mkt. Col, 4Br, 2.5bth, All West Hempstead CPA firm seeks part Asking...... $1.25M daily. Leaving Lawrence at 7:45 AM NU, Den, Mrbl Eik, Full Fin. Bsmt, or full time experienced accountant. 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 walk to all...... $799K and leaving Brooklyn at 4:15 PM. Flexible hours. Full benefits available. 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 718-207-2800, 516-371-3672 Fax 516-485-9603 Far Rockaway: 2 Fam. All NU F/T P/T entry-level positions avail- Preschool — Yeshiva in Far 3 over 1 Br. 3Fbth, Grt able at local office. Must have good Rockaway/5 Towns area seeks warm Location...... $599K computer skills, be organized, and be and energetic p reschool assistant. Call 516-322-3555 good with people. Also, seeking preschool teacher for Please call 718-868-0818, 6-week substituting job beginning Hewlett — Col. MIC, 4br., 2bth, fax resume 718-868-9161 December. Call 516-295-0815 2fpl, full deck, wood flr, Lg. den. Walk to all...... $729K Part time job available for behind Lawrence — NU 2 MKT. Legal counter. 7 AM-12 PM. 3FAM. Lg. 3Br/2/2, Full FIN. bsmt., 516-295-2957 walk to all. NYU sep. mtr,htg & Wtr...... $949K REAL ESTATE 5 TOWN HOMES 516-322-3555 FOR SALE Woodmere/Cedarhurst Oppty! Luxurious apartments: Penthouse in 12,000 sq. ft. approx. 90’x150’, Bucman, Modiin. 5 BR, balconies, N.Wdmr: HiRanch, 4Br, 2.5Bth, Nu Colonial, 17 rooms, full bsmt. with hi Shabbos elevator, 2 sinks, 2.5 bths. Kit, Lg. Den, deck, Overlg Prop. ceilings, clean 2 car garage plus stor- $350K. Villa 6 BR, c/ac, parking, stor- Reduced...... $659K age, 6 space parking, 2 family, profes- age, backyard. $550K 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 sional use, accountant, Esq., medical 718-471-8888 and/or educational and religious uses. — Brand new construction, Miami Beach — Oceanfront Hewlett Grand colonial with charm and great 5 bdrms, 2.5 bths, office, wood flrs, Buildings: 50's and Collins — Deals!! possibilities. Available at once. CAC, Landry rm on 2nd flr.....$799K The Alexander Hotel/Condo....$425K $875K Negotiable. Call Jackie 516-526-8841 Your Real Estate, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Ocean view. Owner 516-322-3555 Woodmere Park —5600 sq. ft. of Service, or Carriage Club North - 2 bedroom, 2 brand new construction on 80x114 bath...... $475K Bayswater —"Forget Far Rockaway" lot, 7 BR, 5 full bths with radiant Help Wanted Ad Oceanfront Realty 305-785-5288 Move to this cozy Bayswater 1 BR heat, custom kosher kitchen, FDR Here apartment. Furnished or unfurnished, and study with custom built-ins, walk- private entrance, washer and dryer. Every Thursday in-closets galore, full walk-up third Call 516-374-3635. floor. POR. 100,000 readers look Call Jackie 516-526-8841 Far Rockaway- House For Sale 3 Woodmere—Sprawling ranch on forward to what’s Br/ 2 Bath plus guest room. deep property 4 bedrms, 3 baths, happening in the Renovated w/ New Kitchen, New Master suite, walk to all...... $1.4M Call Jackie 516-526-8841 5 Towns by reading Bathrooms. Huge Master Bedroom. Price ...... $499,000 Lawrence—New listing. On best The Five Towns Call Owner 917-836-6838 block. 5 BR splanch, master suite, FLR/FDR, beautiful pool and peace- Jewish Times. North Woodmere — Open House ful patio. A must see. Deadline is Monday Sunday. 6 BR, split, 3.5 bth, large Call Sherri 516-297-7995 kitchen, dinette with skylight, at 5:00 p.m. Far Rockaway — Perfect Starter deck/patio, large den, brick fireplace, house in the best location. Newly ren- 1 Week ...... $35 finished basement garage, CAC, all ovated 3 bedroom 2.5 bath. new 2 Weeks ...... $60 systems. $738K Call 516-791-2711 kitchen wall to wall carpets, full fin- Inwood: Open House Oct 28th. ished basement...... $499K 4 Weeks ...... $100 294 Doughty Blvd. 1PM-3PM Legal 2 Kings Point Delray Beach condo Call Shira 516-410-5505 family, 6 BR, 2.5 baths, 2 fp, CAC, for sale 1,100 sq. feet. 2 BR, 2 bths, Cedarhurst Coop for sale— Weekly Ads of up to 25 words garage, a/g pool, Scrn porch w/grill, new European kitchen and appli- Spacious 2br, 2 bath, LR, DR, EIK, fin bsmnt w/wetbar...$729K Prime ances, updated bath, new carpets, Call: 516-569-0502 wash/dry, Terrace...... $359K location & block. 24-hour guarded community. Golf, Call Avi @ 917-512-5442 Fax: 516-977-0608 theater, library. $199,999. Weissman Realty Group, LLC North Woodmere (Sale-Rent) Call 631-664-0075 Or E-mail ads to: (Extended Woodmere 400). Price 516-791-6100 [email protected] drastically reduced 7BR, 3FBA, fin- Ced: Nu 2 Mkt. LgLr, Dr,EIK, Den, ished basement, Lg property 84x100. 5 Br, 3bth, Skilits, Cabana, Lg prop. Classified Ads are Include payment info. Walking to 4 shuls...... $679K. IG pool, Walk to all...... $699K Continued on the Next Page. 917-238-0098 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 77 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 77 FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bayswater—House for sale. Cul-de- Far Rockaway — 2 Huge Office Cedarhurst — House Rental; kit, sac. Best block! 4 BR, 2 bths, LR/DR, Spaces. 6,000 and 2,500 Sq Ft. 2nd den, 3br., 2.5 bth. bsmt. $2,400 fin. basement, EIK, den. $549K. By Floor. Near Subway & LIRR. Build to 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 Suit. Can Be Divided. Cedarhurst—Open Houses owner. Call 917-902-5211 Far Rockaway — Apartment avail- Owner 917-359-9776. 349 Westminster Road by appt. able. Brand new construction. Renovated col. 3 BR, new kitchen FOR RENT Private office space in Furnished or unfurnished. 3 BR, and new 2.5 bths...... $549K Hewlett/Woodmere — All utilities 2bths. Cleaning and laundry services 304 Linwood Ave. 3-4:30. Restored included, conference room, on-site available. Perfect for the elderly. Call Sherri 516-569-5450. Victorian. 6 BR, large kosher EIK, parking, 24/7 Access. $600/mo. Ced. — 3+ br apt, 1.5 bth, lg fdr, new finished basement, c/ac...... $900's 516-792-9444 Bayswater — Beautiful apartment. 1 EIK, on quiet st, walk to all.....$2,200 W. Lawrence—Open house by appt. EquiShares Real Estate BR, all utilities included plus wireless N Wdm. — house rental. Hi-ranch 11-44 Sage Street. Legal 2-family, 6 connection. 1000 sq. ft. Fully fur- in MIC. 4 br, CAC, den, on quiet st. Warehouse Space in nished. Close to shuls...... $950 over 7 with fin. basement...... $800's 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Hewlett/Woodmere — 1150 Call 917-251-2400 Drs. Row—3 story col. 7 BR, fin. Broadway 5,000-30,000 avail. Will Cedarhurst — House for rent basement plus med. Office...... $900's divide. 516-792-9444 Far Rockaway — House For Rent 5 3 BR/ 2 BA, Newly Renovated, Great Lawrence—114 Cumberland Place EquiShares Real Estate BR/ 3 BA, Newly Constructed, High Location, Largest Backyard In 10:30-12 charming brick c/h col. 4+ End Finishes, 2 Car Garage, Dead- Cedarhurst. Asking $2,900 BR, full finished basement...... $649K Far Rockaway — 2 family houses: 3 end Street, Rent ...... $2,900 Call Owner: 917-836-6838 W. Lawrence— Open House, by bdrms, 2 full baths, granite countertops, Call Owner: 917-836-6838 hardwood flrs, double sinks, great loca- appointment Semi-detached col. new Woodmere/Cedarhurst— 1 and 2 tion, near LIRR. Call 516-792-9444 Far Rockaway — Lg. Hse Rental: kitchen, full basement...... $300's BR available. Updated EIK, close to all and Woodmere Train Station. Call EquiShares Real Estate 4br, 2bth, bsmt., Hi ceil’g, NU bths, Milky Forst Properties, Inc. Far Rockaway—1 BR, 2 BR and 3 W\D. Call 516-322-3555. 516-239-0306 Looking for short-term apt — BR apartments. some balconies. New Furnished or unfurnished. kitchens, lots of closets, 24 hr door- Jerusalem Properties for Sale: Call 516-902-3373 The deadline for Balfor Street- Designer apartment, 4 man, security cameras. Close to White Shul, Shor Yoshuv and train. placing classified ads bedrooms, Ground floor, Parking, 2-3 BR rental apt 2 family house 2 Call Sherri 516-297-7995 Garden, Option of combining second BR, lg LR, DR, EIK, den, quiet loca- in the next issue of the 5TJT is Weissman Realty Group, LLC apartment. Achad Haam- Beautiful 4 tion...... $2,200 bedroom move right in! Parking, ele- 516-791-6100 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Monday, October 29 vator, storage. Many more to choose from. Distinctive Properties, Far Rockaway — Walk-in Apt on at 5:00 P.M. +972-544-553-649 or Beach 9. Newly renovated. Close to Cedarhurst — House Rental Call 516-569-0502 516-620-0668 (+ 6 hours) synagogues. $675 including all. Call LR/FDR, den, 3br, 2.5bth, Fin. Bsmt. [email protected] 646-342-4030 or 718-350-6303 $2,300. Call 516-322-3555.

78 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Harold Gellis Explains Jewish Demographic Trends For Kol Israel’s ‘Israel Connection’ Across the street from the Forest Yissocher Frand in late October. Hills post office, the tan, Jerusalem In Kew Gardens Hills, Simchas stones of the Bukharian Jewish Torah was enhanced with the joyous Community Center symbolize a renais- dancing of three synagogues on a sance of Jewish life in Queens. The street along 73rd Avenue. Dozens of looming five-story Bukharian Jewish members of the Ahavas Yisroel (Rabbi Community Center, with its stained Welcher), Etz Chaim (Rabbi glass magen david, can be seen from Rosenberg), and Rabbi Teitz’s congre- half a mile away. gations danced and sang with their Further along Queens Boulevard, in the street as bystanders and the long-abandoned Trylon movie the- spectators joined in the celebration. atre is now Ohr Natan, a Bukharian Recently, Elihu Ben-Onn, the Israeli educational center. At the inauguration Broadcasting Authority’s producer of the of Ohr Natan on the evening following “The Israel Connection,” interviewed Lag BaOmer, the former movie theatre Harold Gellis, an authority on demo- was packed with people including graphics and social and historical trends Councilwoman Melinda Katz, Senator in the Jewish community. Following are Toby Ann Stavisky, and two representa- excerpts from the interview: tives of Senator Hillary Clinton. Ben-Onn: “Now we want to be in Along 108th Street, Congregation the big city, New York, in Queens. Zvi Beth Gavriel is a thriving center of Harold Gellis is on the line. Hello Zvi!” educational activity for the communi- Gellis: “Shalom u’brachah.” ty. Every Saturday night, the Chazaq Ben-Onn: “How are you? We are organization sponsors video lectures happy to speak with you. I want to and seminars from outstanding rabbis remind our listeners we met you in on a variety of timely topics. Free pizza Miami in January when we did our and refreshments are also provided. live broadcast. Now, Zvi, you study On Simchas Torah, the Bukharian demography…” community of Beth Gavriel danced a Gellis: “There are major changes in hakkafah with the Ashkenazim of the the demography of New York that one adjacent Queens Jewish Center, an can see. It is very interesting. For uplifting experience for both commu- example, I live in New York, and in the nities. Rabbi Geiger, the newly past number of years there has been appointed rabbi of the Queens Jewish massive immigration from Russia, Center, and the Chazaq organization, Bukharia, and the Middle East, and I are jointly sponsoring a forthcoming lecture by the renowned Rabbi Continued on Page 82

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 79 It Does Help!

B Y RABBI YONI POSNICK completely and totally destroyed. At first glance, this episode is diffi- The pesukim tell us that when cult for us to understand. Hashem Hashem was about to destroy S’dom, certainly knew that S’dom did not He said, “Will I hide from Avraham possess even 10 righteous people and that which I am about to do?” He was therefore fated for destruction. comes to Avraham and tells him about So what exactly was the purpose of

No prayer goes entirely unanswered. In this case, Avraham’s tefillah saved Lot, the ancestor of Mashiach.

the imminent destruction of the telling Avraham so he would daven? It cities. Avraham immediately springs almost seems as if G-d was dangling a into action, and davens to Hashem little prize called S’dom in front of with all his might to save the city in Avraham, challenging him to save the the merit of 50 tzaddikim, 45 tzad- city, knowing full well there was no dikim, 30, 20…even 10 righteous way that Avraham could win the individuals. But S’dom was so wicked prize! It appears as if Hashem was that there was not even one tzaddik, setting Avraham up for disappoint- and S’dom is turned upside down, ment, and indeed in the end it seems

80 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

all of Avraham’s tefillos, all of his was conveying to Avraham Avinu, and change, a Heavenly decree against should have a set place—a makom prayers and heartfelt pleas, were for thereby (ma’aseh avos siman l’banim) you can be rescinded, for you are no kavua—for davening. R’ Tzaddok naught. to each of us. “Daven!I will not longer the same individual against HaKohen, zt’l, in P’ri Tzaddik, notes This episode of Avraham and destroy S’dom until you pray. Why? I whom the decree was issued. that there is some irony in learning a S’dom gives us a tremendous insight know your prayers will not be effective. Similarly, when we daven for some- halachah about davening from into our own lives and tefillos. The Al- I know full well S’dom is doomed. But one else, we become a better person Avraham’s prayer for S’dom. After all, mighty was not “teasing” Avraham that’s not the point. You, Avraham, will because of them, for they are causing Avraham’s prayer on that occasion Avinu. In fact, Hashem was actually become a different person as a result us to cry out and beseech G-d, and so seemingly was unsuccessful. However, doing a tremendous service to of those prayers. You will perfect your the z’chus goes to them and can there is a lesson here: no prayer goes Avraham. We fail to realize that when attribute of chesed, your midah of car- effect great results. Even if we don’t entirely unanswered. In this case, we pray for something or for some- ing and compassion.” see a tangible change, however, we Avraham’s tefillah saved Lot, the one, those prayers have an effect on The Chovos HaLevavos writes that have bettered and elevated our- ancestor of Mashiach. We see that us regardless of whether they are the purpose of tefillah is not to selves—the main purpose of tefillah. even though his tefillah did not pro- answered or not. “change the Al-mighty’s mind,” but This is a crucial realization when we duce immediate results and seemed HaRav Matisyahu Salomon, shlita, rather to change and transform our- pray for something or someone. We for naught, the effect was saved till in the preface to the book Praying selves, to bring us and make us feel should never think that our tefillos the end of days! with Fire by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, closer to Hashem, so we are no are for naught. No heartfelt prayer We may not know what the prayers writes, “A woman called me after her longer the same person we were goes to waste. accomplished—even for the person for husband had passed away after a before we prayed. In truth, every The Steipler Gaon, zt’l, would often whom we are praying. We may never long and painful illness. ‘What about tefillah is supposed to be a “transfor- repeat that Hashem watches over and know. But there is one thing regarding all the tefillos I davened? What about mation chamber.” It’s not about guards every tefillah. Even if those which we can be absolutely certain— the rivers of tears I shed? Were they changing G-d—but changing our- prayers and tears did not work now, we we became different people as a result for nothing?’” This woman was not selves! We walk away from every can rest assured they will achieve of those prayers, and that indeed is the lacking emunah or questioning Shemoneh Esreih, from every heart- results at some future point or in some whole point! O Hashem’s justice, says Rav Salomon. felt Tehillim session, from every sin- different situation. She was simply frustrated and con- cere tefillah, with a new perspective Chazal learn from the pasuk Rabbi Posnick gives a weekly shiur, “Practical Messages from the Parashah,” on Tuesday evenings, fused—she wanted to know what and deeper closeness to Hashem and “Avraham stood in the place before 8:30 p.m. at the Young Israel of Far Rockaway. All happened to all her prayers. What who we really are. As a result of this Hashem” the halachah that one men and women are invited to attend. had she accomplished with all her emotional efforts? We all relate to this question on our own level. How many times have we come together as individuals or as a community and poured out our prayers for somebody? There are unfortunate- ly times when “it did not work” and the effort was seemingly to no avail. We say to ourselves, “We did what we could! We fasted; we cried; we said Tehillim; we gave tzedakah; we dav- ened. But it did not help!” This is a tremendous misconcep- tion. It did indeed help. Even if it did not help anyone else, it helped us! Tefillah is not about the other person. It is about ourselves. We became bet- ter people because we were concerned about somebody else—a neighbor, a friend, a member of the community. We davened and we gave our hearts. We did something tremendous—we became better. This is what Hashem

He raised his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him

(Bereishis 18:2) Who were the three men? The angels Michael, Gavriel, and Rephael. Michael (“Who is like G-d?”) came to bring the tidings to Sarah of Yitzchak’s birth; Rephael (“Healing of G-d”), to heal Avraham; and Gavriel (“Might of G-d”), to over- turn S’dom. But is it not written,“And there came the two angels to S’dom at evening”? Michael accompa- nied Gavriel to rescue Lot. (Talmud, Bava Metzia 86b)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 81 Gellis spreading across many kilometers.” Ben-Onn: “Recently in Israel, there or in another place in Israel, I have Continued from Page 79 Ben-Onn: “I wanted to ask you. You was a graduation ceremony for fliers. excitement. I have the feeling of holi- remember the American religious Jews Four girls will become new fliers in the ness. When I spend Shabbos in chutz see major changes. The Jewish popula- who went to Tehran, to Iran, to the Israeli air force. Now, Zvi, you hear laAretz I don’t have this feeling any- tion in New York is changing. The palace of Ahmadinejad. Now, you live about girls in Israel flying combat air- where, even in Lakewood. Ashkenazic population is shrinking. in New York, you were born there, you craft and helicopters. In contrast, “I received information from Canada They are leaving New York. The grew up there, correct? Can you tell there are Jewish girls in New York, in and England. In England, there are Sephardim are increasing. The us, whether in New York, it is possible these years, who are certainly preoccu- 300,000 Jews according to Daniel Sephardic Jews are coming from to know, to distinguish who is pro- pied with other activities. Either they Vulcan, who is affiliated with the Board Bukharia. For example, in my neigh- Zionist and who is anti-Zionist? I am get married or go to college. What do of Jewish Deputies. Most of the Jews in borhood, there are 75,000 Russian- talking about the chareidim.” you think when you hear that Israeli England are concentrated in Man- speaking Jews, many from Bukharia. Gellis: “The number of anti-Zionists girls will be fliers? chester and London. In Canada, also, They are involved in razing houses and among even the haredim is minuscule. Gellis: “I think there is a disparity most of the Jews are concentrated in building palaces—very beautiful On Yom HaAtzma’ut, there was a between the Jewish community in Toronto and Montreal. When you go homes. They are changing the appear- outside these two centers, it is a desert. ance of the neighborhood…” In the United States, there is a phenom- “Unfortunately, there is mostly no enon that there are Jewish communities interaction between the Ashkenazim in many places—in Baltimore, and the Sephardim. This is a problem The number of anti-Zionists Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and in New York. Recently, there was a b’ris . Florida is very, very big now. in the Bukharian synagogue and I went “In the summer, people go to the there. The people were very moved among even the charedim is country, to the Poconos in Penn- that Ashkenazim came to the b’ris…” sylvania, to the Berkshires in “In Queens, the borough is chang- minuscule. Massachusetts. But most of the cha- ing, becoming Bukharian, and the sidim from Boro Park and Flatbush go Ashkenazim are leaving the city to go to the Catskills. The hills of the to Long Island, to the Five Towns, to Catskills have become very religious.” Teaneck, and in general leaving the Ben-Onn: “…I want to say thank- city. In Brooklyn, there is a different march in Manhattan, and there were a Israel and the Jewish community in you to you, Zvi Harold Gellis, whom demographic change. The Syrians, the group of maybe 20 or 25 of those who chutz laAretz. The Jews in Israel are we spoke to from New York.” Halabis, are building many syna- were anti-Zionists. They were a drop in supporting the state, they are fighting Gellis: “Thank you, and shalom!” O gogues. The Ashkenazim, more reli- the ocean! Most religious Jews don’t for the state. The Jews in chutz laAretz gious, are also leaving, many to support them at all. There was a rally are, unfortunately, neglecting this…” “The Israel Connection: Conversations with Lakewood. Lakewood, in New Jersey, against the anti-Zionists in Monsey. “Despite the fact that there are Israelis Abroad” is a weekly worldwide show is the largest, most religious city in the Anti-Zionists are a very, very small per- strong religious communities in New broadcast on the Kol Israel Reshet Bet Network. world, and is rapidly growing. It is said centage of Jews, very insignificant York, I, personally, feel the Jewish The show is hosted by retired Brigadier-General Elihu Ben-Onn and is designed to be a bridge that in Ocean County, which even in the world of religious and emotion, the emotion of Shabbos only between Israelis and world Jewry. The Israel Lakewood is in, is the fastest growing Chasidic Jews. Those that went to in Israel. Shabbos in chutz laAretz, Connection is broadcast on shortwave every county in the country. It is said that Tehran are a drop in the ocean! The regardless of where I am, does not Sunday evening, 5:00–10:00 p.m. Eastern Time there are more than 30,000 Jews media makes a bigger deal out of it compare to Shabbos in Israel. When I in the United States, and simultaneously webcast there. It is growing very large and than what it really is.” spend Shabbos in Israel, in Jerusalem, on the Internet at http://media.iba.org.il.

82 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 26, 2007 83 84 October 26, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES