Ogo Malane Tolitoli City Drinking Water Priority Services

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Ogo Malane Tolitoli City Drinking Water Priority Services International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol-1, Issue-1, 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.31934/ijhess e-ISSN: 2685-6689 Ogo Malane Tolitoli City Drinking Water Priority Services Suratnan Tahir 1*, Sulfiati 2, Burhanuddin3 1,2 Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu, Indonesia 3 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu, Indonesia *Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This research was conducted in Tolitoli Regency, from February to June 2012 Analysis of Clean Water Services for Low-Income Customers at the Tolitoli City Water Supply Company. This study aims to determine the priority service for drinking water in PDAM Ogo Malane Tolitoli City. The sample in this study was 54 heads of households from the group of low-income household customers in five villages in Tolitoli Regency that were served by the Ogo Malane Regional Water Supply Company in Tolitoli City. The entire research sample in the five villages mentioned above was determined as a research sample using random sampling techniques, namely by providing equal opportunities to every low-income customer residing in the five villages to be selected as a research sample. Data analysis tools in this study used the Spearman Rank Correlation analysis approach. The results of this study illustrate that: first, clean water services to low-income customers are considered not good at the Regional Water Supply Company Ogo Malane Tolitoli City, because the results of the study indicate the response given by the company to customer complaints is unsatisfactory. This is due to the Regional Water Supply Company. Ogo Malane Tolitoli City seems slow to respond when there are complaints from low-income customers in connection with clean water services provided by the company through the use of Public Hydrants. Second, there is a negative and significant relationship between clean water tariffs and services to low-income customers in the Regional Water Supply Company of Ogo Malane Tolitoli City. This negative relationship occurs because the clean water tariff charged by the company is considered low-income customers less than the equivalent of clean water services provided by the company through the use of Public Hydrants. Keywords — Clean Water Services, Customers, Low Income INTRODUCTION sector is also given the maximum National Development is a series of opportunity to be involved in sustainable development efforts covering development to support development in the lives of the entire community, nation, all fields, Lukman, Tolitoli Municipal and state. The goal to be achieved from Water Company (PDAM) is required to be the development is a just and prosperous able to provide water needs clean to be society. To accelerate and support the consumed by the people with the motto process of achieving development, must be able to serve the needs of clean namely a just and prosperous society, it is water both in quantity, quality and hoped that all parties will participate in continuity, because until now the development. In this case, not only the Regional Water Company as a provider of government plays a role, but the private clean water in Indonesia is considered to Published by : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu Page 18 International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol-1, Issue-1, 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.31934/ijhess e-ISSN: 2685-6689 have very poor performance and low customer groups often complain about productivity. This is indicated by the the large amount of clean water tariffs national average water loss rate of 40% that are deemed unequal to the clean and the minimum national average water services provided by the Tolitoli service coverage of 30%. Municipal Water Supply Company In carrying out its operations, the through existing public hydrant facilities, Tolitoli Municipal Water Supply where water flows often occur non- Company, besides hoping for profits, does current (small) public hydrants that are a not neglect its social function, which is source of complaints about low-income oriented towards the welfare of the people because the availability of water general public. As a regional company, from public hydrants is not in accordance the Tolitoli Municipal Water Supply with the clean water needs that they Company must run its business based on need. the company's principles of being In connection with the complaints demanded to be able to be efficient and of the low-income customers above, if the generate profits to develop the company. customer complains about the clean On the other hand, the Tolitoli City water services provided, the Tolitoli Regional Water Company (PDAM) must Municipal Water Supply Company tends also be able to serve all levels of society to be impressed not to respond quickly from low-income to high-income groups. and correctly to the complaints The Tolitoli Municipal Water Supply submitted by the low-income customers. Company always pays attention to the This condition has resulted in low- best service to customer groups, so that income customers not willing to pay their customer groups are satisfied. The clean water bills because they are service strategy that has been carried out disappointed that the clean water they by the Tolitoli Municipal Water Supply need from public hydrant facilities often Company, especially for low-income does not flow smoothly (the water debit customer groups, is to carry out a plan in is small) or even until it does not flow. the form of analyzing the estimated needs While on the other hand, another and amount of clean water tariff charged customer group that also uses clean to low-income customer groups because water flow from the Tolitoli Municipal most of the Tolitoli Municipal Water Water Supply Company, then the low- Supply Company customers are income customer reports his complaints customers simple and very simple through the staff even repeatedly, not the household that needs clean water to good service the customer receives but support the activities of daily life. the service below standard. Estimates of the level of water The preceding is unfair for low- demand are needed to improve the income customers because each productivity of services provided by the customer has the right to be served Tolitoli Municipal Water Supply Company quickly and appropriately. Besides that, to low-income customer groups. Whereas clean water is one of the natural the determination of clean water tariffs resources that is destined for the must also favor low-income customer prosperity of all levels of society to groups, not only favor the interests of realize public welfare fairly and local government agencies and industry equitably, the management of which is groups. handed over to state-owned enterprises, Low-income people who come from in this case, managed by the Regional simple and very simple household Water Supply Company of Tolitoli City. Published by : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu Page 19 International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol-1, Issue-1, 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.31934/ijhess e-ISSN: 2685-6689 Tuweley Village, Panasakan Village, METHODOLOGY Sidoarjo Village, Baru Village, and Nalu This type of research used in this Village. Based on information from the study is a type of survey research. The Tolgoli City Ogo Malane Regional Water purpose of the survey can be a simple Company, it is known that the number of data collection, such as the internal state low-income household customers in the of the organization and others. The goal five villages served by the Tolitoli City can also be further than that, is explained Ogo Malane Drinking Water Company is or explained, namely studying social 121 households. The sample in this study phenomena by examining the is a portion of the total number of low- relationship of research variables. So it income customers in the five villages can be practical but can also be served by the Tolitoli City Ogo Malane theoretical. This research is focused on Regional Water Company, whose five urban villages consisting of Tuweley characteristics will be observed as the Urban Village, Panasakan Urban Village, main source of research data. Based on Sidoarjo Urban Village, Baru Urban 121 households (heads of households) of Village, and Nalu Urban Village, which is low-income households, the entire study served by the Tolitoli City Ogo Malane sample above was determined using Drinking Water Company with the random sampling techniques by research planned for April to May 2012. providing equal opportunities to every Data triangulation is carried out with low-income customer residing in extensive research, starting from Kelurahan Tuweley, Kelurahan September 2018 to January 2019. The Panasakan, Kelurahan Sidoarjo, population in this study is low-income Kelurahan Baru and Kelurahan Nalu, to customers in five villages that are served be selected as a research sample. by the Ogo Malane Regional Water Supply Company, Tolitoli City, namely city of Chicago (US) averaged 800 RESULT & DISCUSSION liters/capita, the city of Paris (France) Ogo Malane Regional Drinking averaged 640 liters/capita, the city of Water Company was established based Tokyo (Japan) rat average 645 on the Regulations of the Buol Tolitoli liters/capita, Uppsala city (Sweden) an Region II in 1987 on October 1, 1987 average of 750 liters/capita (Suriawiria, built with a reservoir capacity of 125 m³, 1996: 81). with a water treatment plant (IPA) of 20 The water source of the Ogo Malane liters/sec from year to year Regional Regional Drinking Water Company is Corporation Ogo Malane Drinking Water taken from the Tuweley River and increases its production capacity to a Sumalinep River where the Tuweley 1000 M³ Reservoir with a 50 ltr / sec River is taken by means of catching with Water treatment plant (IPA) thus the a gravity system from a capture tank and Reservoir Capacity is 1,125 m³ and its then flowing to the Reservoir (Reservoir), IPA capacity becomes 70 liters / second.
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