De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius"
)JJ "De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius" Upcoming Meetings and May 26, 1994, 10 a.m- 5:00 p.rn.: June 1-5, 1994: 7th Interdiscipli Events All-day Conference on the Dutch nary Conference on Nether Atlantic Empire in the 17th and landic Studies. Contact Prof. Feb. 25 - March 6, 1994: New 18th Centuries at Leiden Univer William Z. Shetter, German De partment, Indiana University, Bal Jersey Flower and Garden Show sity. Talks by: • Paul Otto on "Dutch Contacts with the at the Garden State Exhibit Center lantine Hall 644, Bloomington, IN Indians in New Netherland" 47405; [812] 855-1080. in Somerset, New Jersey. Visitors • NatalieEverts,"WestAfricanCultural can stroll through six larger-than Society in the 18th Century: Huyde life gardens designed by premier kopers of the Elmina Gold Coast" June 3-4,1994: Conference on • Martha Shattuck on "Dutch Women landscape designers from Holland. New York State History at Brook and Trade in New Netherland" lyn College. Contact Stefan Bielin There is also a market and a series • Renee Baesjou, "Dutch Culture in of seminars and design classes. 17th Century Elmina" ski, CEC 3093, Albany, NY • Victor Enthoven or Alex von Slip 12230; [518] 474-6917 for further rieen, "Trade ofSurinam" information. May 8, 1994: Hofstra University • Wim Klooster. "Curacao's Trade in Dutch Festival on the theme "Cele the 18th Century" brate Mother Earth." 100,000 tu For complete information contact June 18, 1994, 11:00 a.m. (Rain lips will bloom on south campus Wim Klooster, Rijksuniversiteit date June 19): Hotaling Family this Mother's Day. Dutch vendors Leiden, Postbus 9515, 2300 RA Reunion, celebrating the Bicenten sought.
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