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/, .’ I p _,, ,, ) , .d ? S/l 1 B27fRmf.l 1 1 .’ :./‘] ” EIGHTH REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED IN PURSUANCE OF RESOLUTION 253 (1968) CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF SOUTHERN RHODESIA iy‘--‘$ECURlTY COUNCIL OFFICIALRECORDS THIRTY-FIRST YEAR Iv: *jr ,:, * f ” “ii SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT No. 2, \’ . $7 , ,/.^ I Volume II UNITED NATIONS NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/...) are normally published in ' quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in whiph information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a ' i system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. CONTENTS \ I ANNEXES PW&? 8I III. Import of chrome, nickel and other materials from Southern Rhodesia into the United States of America . , . , e , . , 1 i1 IV. Cases of transactions conducted with the consent or knowledge of reporting Governments e . , , . , . 32 V. Cases opened from information supplied by individuals and non-governmental organizations . n . 40 VI. Note from the Secretary-General and replies from Governments concerning the implementation of paragraph 21 of the Committee's second special report approved by Security Council resolution 333 (1973) 89 VII. Note and statistical data prepared by the Secretariat on Southern Rhodesian trade for 1974 . 92 Appendix I. Imports of all commodities from Southern Rhodesia . I a 124 Appendix II. Exports of all commodities to Southern Rhodesia . 127 Appendix III. (a) External trade of South Africa (Customs Union) - Tobacco . e . D . 129 (b) External trade of Mozambique - Tobacco . o . 130 (c) External trade of Angola - Tobacco . 131 Appendix IV. (a) Ex t ernal trade of South Africa (Customs Union) - Asbestos . a . 132 (b) External t rade of Mozambique - Asbestos . 134 Appendix V. (a) External trade of South Africa (Customs Union) - Chrome ore . a a . 135 (b) External trade of Mozambique - Chrome ore . 136 iii ‘\> i: \ \ ‘5 ‘, \. ’ \ ‘\\ \ \ \ \ Annex III IMPORT OF CHROME, NICKEL AND OTHER MATERIALS FROM SOUTHERN RHODESIA INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A. SPECIFIC CASES (32) Case No. 130. Chrome ore - "Aaios Georgios": information submitted by Somalia on 27 March 1972 1. Previous information concerning this case is contained in the sixth report. 2. For additii)nal information regarding the action taken on the case since the submission of that report see paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of (63) Case No. 114 in annex II. (33) Case No. 135. Chrome ore - "Santos Veaa": information submitted by Somalia on 20 March 1972 There is no new information concerning this case in addition to that contained in the fifth report. B. QUARTERLY REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1. Previous information concerning this matter is contained in the seventh report. 2. Additional information regarding the action taken on the matter since the submission of that report is given below. 3. A letter dated 17 March 1975 addressed to the Chairman of the Committee was received from the representative of the United States, the substantive part of which reads as follows: "In conformity with the statement made by the United States, representative on 22 March 1972 at the Committee's 68th meeting, I am submitting for the information of the Committee a report on shipments of strategic materials that have been imported into the United Stat&s from Southern Rhodesia in the period 1 October 1974 to 31 December 1974. Attached please find a list of these imports." &/ '4. In accordance with the Committee's decision, under the no-objection procedure, the letter from the representative of the United States and its attachment were issued as a press release on 8 April 1975, and notes of inquiry were sent to the &/ The lists referred to in this and subsequent communications from the United States are contained in the pages following para. 8 of this section. , -l- ? Governments of the registry of the ships concerned, except the United States, &/ as indicated in the relevant individual cases in section C below. 1 The text of the press release is reproduced below. 'i "By a report dated 17 March 1975 the Permanent Mission of the United 1! States to the United Nations submitted to the Security Council Committee established in pursuance of resolution 253 (1968) concerning the question of Southern Rhodesia a list of shipments of chrome ore, nickel and other materials that were imported in violation of the Security Council resolution 253 (1968) into the United States from Southern Rhodesia in the period 1 October 1974 to 31 December 1974. 'i "After examining that report, the Committee expressed once again its deep concern at this continued violation by the United States Government of 1 the sanctions provisions, especially paragraph 3 (a) of Security Council resolution 253 (1968), by its continuous importation of chrome ore, nickel and other materials from the illegal &gime in Southern Rhodesia; and it appealed to the United States Government to take the appropriate and necessary ! measures and actions to terminate this flagrant violation. "The Committee also decided to ask the Secretary-General to request the ~ Governments of the countries of registration of the ships concerned other than the United States, to investigate the circumstances in which cargoes of Southern Rhodesian origin, the carriage of which is also prohibited by paragraph 3 (c), of Security Council resolution 253 (1968), were carried on their vessels. vFFurthermore, recalling that paragraph 18 of the first special report of the Committee (s/10632), c/ which was approved by Security Council resolution 318 (1972), stated, interalia, that as part of the need to keep the international community regularly informed the Committee should consider the issuance of press releases covering its work and matters of topical interest, the Committee decided to make the matter public. "Accordingly, the text of the United. States report, which includes the quantities involved, is reproduced below: "In conformity with the statement made by the United States representative on 22 March 1972 at the Committee's sixty-eighth meeting, I am submitting for the information of the Committee a report on shipments Of strategic materials that have been imported into the United States from Southern Rhodesia in the period 1 October 1974 to 31 December 197%. Attached please find a list of these imports." b/ See 5'/11178/Rev.l, annex II, sect. B, paras. 9 and 10. c/ See Official Records of the Security Council, Twenty-seventh Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1972. -2- 5. A letter'dated 16 July 1975 addressed to the Chairman of the Committee was received from the representative of the United States, the substantive part of which reads as follows: "In conformity with the statement made by the United States representative on 22 March 1972 at the Committee's 68th meeting, I am submitting for the information of the Committee a report on shipments of strategic materials that have been imported into the United States from Southern Rhodesia in the period 1 January to 30 June 1975. Attached please find a list of these imports." 6. In accordance with the Committee's decision, under the no-objection procedure, the letter from the representative of the United States and its attachments were issued as a press release on 19 August 197.5, and notes of inquiry were sent to the Governments of the registry of the ships concerned, except the United States, as indicated in the relevant, individual cases in section C below. The text of the press release is similar to that reproduced in paragraph 4, above. 7. A letter dated 14 November 1975 addressed to the Chairman of the Committee was received from the representative of the United States, the substantive part of which reads as follows: "In conformity with the statement made by the United States representative on 22 March 1972 at the Committee's 68th meeting, I am submitting for the information of the Committee a report on shipments of strategic materials that have been imported into the United States from Southern Rhodesia in the period 1 July to 30 September 1975. Attached please find a list of these imports." 8. At the time of preparation of the present report, the letter from the representative of the United States was still under consideration by the Committee. -3- UNITED STATES IHFORTS OF STRhTJ!iGIC MATERIATS FROU .SOUTI%~ RHODESIA From II October through 31 Deceniber 1974 Quantity Estimated (in short Port of Port of date of country of Commodity tons) embarkation importation arrival Vessel registry R&h-carbon ferrochrome 331 Lourenqo Marques Baltimore, MD 10/l/74 Austral Pilot US Asbestos fibre 65 Durban Charleston, SC w’6/74 Hellenic Sun Greek Chrysotile asbestos fibre 75 Lourenqo Marques Charleston, SC 10/7/74 Hellenic Sun Greek Chrome ore 13 392 Louren~o Marques New Orleans, LA m/28/74 Mohawk us Chrome ore 1 898 Beira New Orleans, LA 10/33/74 Mohawk us High-carbon ferrochrome 1 660 Lourenqo Marques Bumside, IA U/2/74 Potomac US High-carbon ferrochrome 220 Lourenqo Marques Burnside, LA WY74 Potolrac us Ferrochrome silicon 1 628 Lourenqo Marques