SPORTING GOODS. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., and on South Mountain in the Vicinity of President of the Interstate Associa Governor Pennypacker November ?2 Caledonia
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Volume 46—No. 12. Philadelphia, December 2, 1905. Price, Five Cents. SPORTING LIFE. been the liint that he might try his RED REVELATIONS. 12-2-5. hands in such capacity here. Like Barry, -who hails from Niagara Uni SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., versity, Carr is a college graduate. Charlfey Carr Bobs up as Possible He cla,ims allegiance to Lehigh. The Leader Cincinnati©s Part in the acquisition of Carr will send Barry to 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. the outfield, or transform him into Week©s Base Ball Doings—Chicago his old role of star all-rounder with a lien on the bench. Barry hit away as a Feud Centre—Something About Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated over .300 for the Reds and while he the Twirlers. fell down once or twice in fielding pinches, his work was usually bril BY REN MITLFORD, JB. base ball player ______________________________________ liant, and he played the bag better than it had been played since St. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 25. Editor Jacob Beckley said au revoir. "Sporting Life." White Redland could for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray not be considered th-e news spot A CURRENT RUMOR, light v In balldom this of printing, postage, packing, etc. Before the Thanksgiving turkey has week, some of the ire- been stuffed with chestnuts it is a fleeted rays from the bit early to discuss with any degree place of sizzle Com- of intelligence, team affairs for next isk©eyyille hit the . old Send to ____,______; ^ _____ ,_____!______ season. Undoubtedly some of the Buckeye burg. Burying Reds now under reserve will never the hatchet £s a popular cross the Continent to practice next game in the town.© that spring. At the same time Redlanders voted for municipal refuse to take stock in one yarn ownership. Must be coined this week, that waivers of something in that air claim would be asked on Charley about the Fisher Build Ch<*ch, Fred Odweil and Al. Bridwell. ing conducive to the Old Dame Rumor asserted that that propogation of the mi- trio might be found in Toledo. It p»- M,,K A i, crobes of unrest. It is doesn©t do to swallow as pure food all Ken Mulford, Jr. & veritable haunt of the pills rolled for off-season fan con feudists. James A. Hart and Charles sumption. A. Comiskey have not been using the NO SANTA CLAUS. same canteen at their bean bakes for CABINET SIZE PHOTOTYPES OF The Red census is increasing and many moons, and the "Old Roman" there are intimations that further ad and Ban Johnson have been at the ditions are to be made to the list of parting of the ways on several oc players now under reserve. Only" a casions in recent seasons. Latest ad few have been asked to sign 1906 vices from the scene of trouble are contracts, and Garry Herrmann Will to the effect that the weapons of layers, not play Santa Claus and fill quite as wordy war have been given another many Christmas stockings with ad interment. Cincinnati©s interest in "Sporting Life" has had, reproduced cabinet size phototypes of cele vance money as he did last Yuletide. the explosion centered in* the charge brated base ball players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of NICK ALTROCK©S PLAN. made by Captain Comiskey that Garry their favorite base ball players by complying with the conditions named Taking constitutionals is one secret Herrmann was an arch-conspirator in the coupon above, 6 cents for each photo; by the dozen, 50 cents. Only of Nick Altrock©s good condition I getting ready to frame up something one coupon required with an order. was doing a five-mile breather along tnat would put him out of base ball. the Carthage pike the other day and No man can say that in all his deal The photos are regular cabinet size (B^xT 1/^ inches) mounted on heavy ran across the White Socks© south ings since he became a leading factor Mantello mats and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. paw. He was looking for game. Rab in the game, that the Red Chief has Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your bits and quail seem to know the not given every one a square deal. favorite base ball players at small expense. Each photo in a separate en open season is on. At least they are Base ball history reveals few moguls velope to protect and keep it clean. keeping out of sight in the wooded who have been so utterly free from One coupon and three 2-cent stamps entitles you to one photo. You can, spots close to Cincinnati. "Been out selfishness. Captain Comiskey need since morning," said Nick, "and I only recall the tender of an American however, obtain as many photos as you desire by sending three 2-cent haven©t seen anything bigger than a League franchise to Garry Herrmann stamps for each photo. chippy." Nick is not going down the and his associate©s and their refusal to The following photos are now ready for immediate delivery. Others will Mississippi on the "Old Roman©s" accept a deed of gift. They preferred be added. houseboat, but will remain in Cincin to go into the market and bid high nati all winter. for the Red Club. That action should A NOVEMBER GAME. have assured the "Old Roman " that NATIONAL LEAGUE OF 1905. AMERICAN LEAGUE OF 1905. It was on this same jaunt that I Cincinnati was in no mean.conspiracy KEW YORK CLUB John J. McGraw. man PHILADELPHIA CLUB Connie Mack, man ran into a ball game in full feather that might upset his P©s and Q©s on ager; Joseph McGinnity, Christopher Mathew- ager; Maurice R. Powers, Daniel F. Murphv, on the diamond at Ivorydale. Think the South Side. son. Samuel Merles, William Gilbert, D. L. Ralph 0. Seybold. Harry Davis. Edward S. of base ball in Ohio on the 22d of No FOR TWO LEAGUES. McGann, Roger Bresnehan. George Brpwue, Plank, Osee F. Schreckengost. Lafavette N. vember! That is indicative of the Perhaps this flare-up will prove a Frank IJowerman, Luther H. Taylor. William Cross, George Edward Waddell, Frederick L. jeweled autumn weather we©ve been great thing for base ball in the end, Dahlen, Michael Donliu, Leon Ames, Claude Hartzell, Monte Cross. Daniel Hoffman, enjoying to the full. Two teams the for it has served to bring from the Elliott, George Wiltse, William R. Marshal, Charles Bender, Weldon Henley, Briscoe Big Four and P. and G.©s pulled off American League an official avowal of Arthur Devlin, Samuel Strang, William Clark. Lord, John Knight, James H. Dygert. Andrew a lively article of horsehide sport. dissent to the plans, to shelve one of Coakley, Harry L. Barton, Otto Williams. The score was 9 to 3 and play was the great leading base ball bodies. CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jones, manager; made notable by a mess of live Individual interests might find amal Edward McFarland, George Davis, William catches and double-ups on base. On gamation a good thing in spots, but D. Sullivan, James J. Callahan Daniel Green that plot, years ago, I saw the Nation it would be hard to cram that idea Frank Isbell, Roy Patterson. Lee Tannehill. al archery championships decided. Frank Owens, G. Harry White, Nick Altrock, Now the site is covered with magni down the throats of the fans and the J. ("Jiggs") Donahue. August Dnndon, press. Not since the days of ©89 has Frank Smith, Edward A. Walsb, Ernest ficent factory buildings. These noon there been as much activity among Vjnson. day ball games are great recreation the publicity promoters, and to choke for the employes, and those who do off one league would be to exalt the DETROIT CLUB William R. Armour, man not play exercise their vocal chords CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance, manager; ager; James Barrett. Frank Kitson, Samuel and root. old idea of monopoly. Base ball can James P. Casey, Joseph B. Tinker, James Crawford, Louis Drill, William Donovan, ill afford to alienate the Frank Slagle, John Evers, Carl Lundgren, John George Mullin. Matty Mclntyre. William AT THE RED SLAB. Houghs and other free lances of the Kling. Robert Wicker. John McCarthy, John Coughlin. Edward Killian. Cba©rles O©Leary, Pretty hard to run off-hand the Fourth Estate, who have consistently J. O©Neill. Mordecai Brown, Herbert* Briggs, Jesse Stovall, J. Warner. Thomas Doran. whole list of slab artists upon which advocated the doctrine that in rival William Maloney, Frank Pfeiffer, Frank Cincinnati can make requisition. Long Schulte, Harry Steinfeldt, James Sebring. BOSTON CLUB James Colling, manager; Bob Ewing surprised nobody by leagues lay the prosperity of the Charles Stahl. Denton Young. George Winters, National game. Frederick Parent, John Freeman. Charles slipping into Hymen©s harness. Fact THE LAME DUCKS. PHILADELPHIA CLUB Hugh Duffy. man Farrell. Albert Selbaeh. Hobe Ferris, Wil is, some folks expected him to keep Possibly the circuits might be ager; Charles Pittinger. Frank Sparks, Roy liam Dineen, Louis Criger, Norwood Gibson, step to Mendelsohn©s Wedding March a.mended to bring about a more uni Thomas. William Gleason. Charles Dooin, Jesse Tannehill. Jesse Burkett, Robert L©n- last winter. Mrs.©Ewing will make^a versal golden harvest, but the rivalry William Duggleby, Otto Kreuger, William glaub. handsome addition to the Red colony between National and American, that Bransfield, Michael Kahoe; Sherwood Magee, CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon Lajoie, man next season.