18 +4 + THE NE:w YORK HERALD, THURSDAY, JANUARY :13, 1921. Threat by Judge Landis Resuits Abanin donment Attempt to Curtail His Power a s Commissioner of AGREEMENT SIGNED" They Say the Real[ Estate Business Isn't S o Bad These Days EAGLE IS VICTOR HIGH LIGHTS AM SHADOWS FOOTBALL STRATEGY BY MAJOR CLUBS v j OVER HAROLD TURK IN ALL SPHERES OF SPORT AIDED BY TELEPHONE ABOUT Y5 HI MOT By DA NIEL. W- 7 »l'$ Harvard Coaches Perched ori Landis ( WALK PROM TH" STAT U Defeats Opponent in State Copyright, 1121, by T he Neva York Berald. Jndjre Officially ^ T Head of Baseball ^ v~| GoeP \M6ArHtK.TVi Title Billiard Tournament THERE is every" Indication that the revival of the Intercollegiate Top of Stands, Wire Installed is T) on on June 22 5ERVICC ROT25.H lng Association's regatta th Hudson at Poughkeepsle Rowe ^ aih'tvwired .Other Cue Results. the Observations. Organization. I house alii be the biggest lnterv«^sitv event In the history of sport. electric>TV AN TW GAI Charles Halsted Mapes of Columbia, olHalrman of the Board of Stewards of - ©COO WU that there t no at least crews 1 IN . AJ30U-T STANDING OF" TUB PLAYERS. the I. R. A., said yesterday vas doubt that eight Cambridge. Mass, Jan. 12..Harvard's NO POWERS CURTAILED ~\ Put TH House IN 60cV Won. Lost. H.R. P C nrmiM or.\ tr% thfltRrtlnc ilnp in thA vhirsity race at three miles. If eight do football strategy in important games for "TVi* PRiCC n George J. Wyatt 1 0 4 1.000 go It will be a record field, for the blggiiust number of starters In the past wis several years has been developed in part f^£p/KiR~. I^-/. "l« 1 O It 1 IS hi over in 1907. That saw Corne telephone wires while the game* CASH. TaicC George Kaubai'h 10 7 1.0 seven, year U, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Syracuse, were In ( # t+2,OOG T.nul- A. 8ir\*!lu» 0 14 .000 the and Georgetown In the event, which progress. It was learned to-dsy Ultimatum lias Desired Effect **" Wisconsin, Navy compete major In the . 0 14 .000 games with Yale and Princeton for Robert Crt"> candidate College 11 and In tl intersections! George Eagle, a promising The Navy's appearanee in 1907 *vas its first and one at Pough- game with of at State amateur three only University Oregon ill Wording:. for the New York Last season the midshipmen won the world's ana a year ago Crimson coaches perchedPasadena billiard last keepsie. championship, cushion championship, night they feel that they can retain that title only if they take part In the on the top of the stands telephoned defeated Harold U Turk. 30 to 25. In That Is and suggestions to supplementcriticismthe In the Rational keepsie regatta.and win. feelinj shared by most of the Pough? By WILLIAM B. HAXSA. fllfty-seven no lo side line observations of Head Coach of Brooklyn. The tournament,Recreationgiate rowing world.. Georgetown supports a crew, but WisconsinintercollengerHob Fisher. Yoijk Hbbvi.u ^ Spenal Despatch tv The New last and to Is expected to return to the Hudson In June. After a lapse of nearly a Jan. 12..Judge Land is which opened Monday night From these vantage points they were . being staged under the auspices of the decade the Badgers have gone back to rowing, again under the coaching of better able to diagnose the scheme of was formally installed as thetoday National Association of Amateur Billiard Harry Vail. opponents' play, especially in the line of Organized Baseball.Commlssioner As a we six of the crews and most authoritative ottice Players. Is developing Into a keen result, may expect which rowed there In 1907 than were the coaches on the ground, bggest to come back to in 1921. Iti addition there who saw it in the mass. The ever to exist in the game. The sixteen struggle. Poughkeepsle will be the winner largely contract In disposing of his opponent Eagle of the Pacific Coast regatta.Washinglton, Stanford or California. Princeton In most instances were field se'
