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14. TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1921 plonshlp of the Midwest League to- veraity of Spokane, the American YANKEES day, defeating Denver In the sixth Legion of Spokane and the Garrison GRID DOUBLE-HEADE- R NOW game of the post-season series. 13 SUN AGAIN TO RISE Swimming club of Steilacoom, Wash., to 8. Casper has won four games were admitted to the Pacifio North- and Denver two. Scorel west association. It. H. E. R. H. E. Harry 8. Burdlck of Spokane was LEAD Denver 8 14 SjCasper 12 14 6 ON AMATEUR SPORTS president, Earl C. Frys of OPENS SEASOfJ HER E Fll Gf Batteries Nlles, Johnson and Wil- Seattle was elected T. 1 son; was re- Steele and Hamlde. Morris Dunne of Portland elected secretary and A. D, Wake-ma- n of Portland was chair- took PERMIT BOUT HELD Foil IP man of tbs registration committee. 8-- 7, Inter-Clu- Jt Cleveland Beaten, b Competition in Winged M Will Introduce in Friedman Must Fulfill Contract KIBBE TAKES SHOOT HONORS Last of Crucial Series. Before Fighting Leonard. Northwest to Be Resumed. Brand New Football Quirk. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 26. Direc- Xew Gun High In Both Strings of tor of Public Safety Cortelyou an- Targets at Everding Traps. YEARSyEA nounced today that be would not issue a permit Tor a fight between . Q. E. Kibbe, a new shooter of the RUTH IS HERO OF FRAY Benny Leonard and Sailor Friedman j rLAIMS LAID AT OCA I ILL Portland gun cluo. took all high WHITMAN TO TOP CARD Here next week nor for any fight in honors at the Everding park traps which Frledmai planned to engage. he Sunday. Kibbe was high gun on the deve, until has fulfilled his contract to iOD 60 46. to meet Johnny Mealey at the Olympia first targets, with a score of Two-Bagg- 45 Two Homers Clouted, er Amateur association October 17. Annual Sleeting of P. X. A. Is At- In the second string he broke out Clubmen's Clash With Missionaries The director said Friedman was of SO. and Walk Gleaned in Four under contract with Herman Taylor, tended by Delegates From Two A turkey shoot will be staged at to Follow Preliminary of Colu- a 20. matchmaker of tbe Olympia Amateur ' the Portland gun club Nevember mbia-Camas Times at Plate. association, and this cannot be broken Portland Clubs. P. N. Ford, manager of the club, will Lads. under a clause in the rules governi- put up 100 corn-fe- d turkeys for the ng: the board of Philadelphia. event. Yesterday's scores follow: no bo BY DICK SHARP. O. B. 46 43 BT L. H. GREGORY! .VfJAv Kibbe TOnJC Sept. 2.' New fork 4-- Amateur boxing and wrestling will If. u. Brown 44 43 Introducing the football double-heade- r. took a firm grip on first place In EIANTS BEAT CARDS, 1 get a strong play in Portland and A. Froxler 42 . the by I,. Broadhead 40 42 American league defeating throughout the northwest this year. P. Metierl. S .. Baseball clubs and railroad men Cleveland. 8 to 7, In a thrilling strug- After several seasons of little activ- F. Friedlander .'...85 .. have been addicted to the double-head- er gle today. The win gave New York ity among the simon-pure- s, the vari- S. Lawrenc oU for years and years, but the three out of four victories from the XE1IF MASTER A"D KEEPS ous are beginning to W. J. Legg 44 Idea is a brand-ne- w one in football. present athletic clubs A. W. strowger world's champions and gave WELlS show signs of resuming Interclub A. B. Smith Both California and Harvard have New York a lead of two full games, HITS SCATTERED. competition. taken it up, however, and now comes with Cleveland having only four more In the olden days such well-know- n CHIEF AVAPATO CAXLXE CLASS the Multnomah Amateur Athletic to play and New York five. boxers as Earl ifalr'd, Bobby Harper, club of Portland, and. Bprings it here. Babe Kuth was the hero of the Xcw York riayers Stage Some Fast Billy Mascott, Vincent Montpier, The club will present a football New York victory, for he hit two-hom- Walter Knowlton, Walter Williams, Derby Won double-head- er for the entertainment two-bagg- Fielding That Enables Them In Annual Field Trials runs, a afid walked Al McNeil, Earl Melbus, Lloyd Mad- of the buis this cominsr Saturday In four times up. lie either scored to Defeat St. Louis. den, Fat Larue and others, who aft- of Washington Club. on Multnomah field. In the second or drove In five of the eight New pro- and main engagement, erwards made their mark in the 26. Multnomah We worked on Camels for years before we York runs. Ituth's first home run fessional ranks, delighted the patrons CENTRALIA, Wash., Sept. plays Whitman college of Walla was made off Covelcskie In the first, ST. LOUIS. Sept. 28. Nehf was of amateur cards with their sterling (Special.) Chief Wapato, pointer Walla. But preliminary to that, and and the second off L'hle in the fifth master of the Cardinals and kept battling. owned by R. D. McRae of Tacima, Included In the programme for the them on the market. Years of testing-blen- ding after Perklnpaugh had singled. their hits scattered, while fast field When the Seattle Athletic club won tha derby, today's event of the one admittance price, will be a game put Other 1'ltrhrre leed. ing enabled the Giants to win, 4 to 1. went into the scrap heap amateur Washington between Columbia university and annual field trials of the high school. Each manager used three pitchers The score: boxing in the northwest received a Field Trial club. Palachio Boy, set- Camas experimenting with the world's In an effort to win. Qulnn started K. H. E. R. H. E. hard blow. There waa great rivalry The first, or appetizer game, will by M. Lacey, te for the Yankees but was knocked "few York. .4 11 lSt. Louis 1 8 5 between the boys of the Seattle insti- ter owned J. Watson of start at 1:30 o'clock. Only out In the first, Hoyit relieving him Batteries Nehf and Snyder; Per- - tution and tbe Multnomah Amateur was second, and Fiehel's Multnomah, quarters will be played, so the choicest tobaccos. and doing well until he Injured his tica. Walker and Alnsmlth, demons. Athletic club. Amateur shows In pointer owned by Andy Powell of engagement will end in time for the hand, while stopping a hot drive by professional main course of Whitman vs. Multno- 2, 1. those days surpassed the Portland, was third. There were three Speaker In the seventh. Mays re- Phillies Pirates cards of the present. A rlngslder saw other Portlarfa dogs among the ten mah to be brought on at the dot of lieved Iloyt In the eighth and weath- more 2:30 o'clock. EVERY DAY, skill, manu- PITTSBURG. Sept. 26. Philadelphia main eventers and real action entries in the derby Belle of Mar- Clipper And now, all our ered a Mormjr ninth as Sewell and Pittsburg victory on one of the amateur bills than he by Smith, the Columbia coach. achieved its first shall, owned L.. Ducato: Butter's Is really responsible double-heade- r. Burns were on base when Mays of season by winning today, 2 to 1. does In a dozen settoa among the for the struck out ONelll for the last out. the pugs. Ben, owned by Mike Butler, and Rich- Smith, a Notre Dame star experience and lifelong knowledge Hubbell was unsteady, passing five ardson's Champion, owned by J. J. guard season facturing Covelmkle was knocked out In the men, but tightened with men on Fighters Torn Professional. Richardson. last and several seasons third Inning and was replaced by batting was responsi- before that he got his name of Utile. Only made bases. King's When the Seattle club disbanded The field trials will close tomorrow "Clipper" at Notre Dame plays on on making four hits were off runs. The score: all-ag- e 14 of fine tobaccos are concentrated Uhle but In each case a -- home run ble for the visitors' its fighters turned professional. With with the stake. There are the Multnomah team. Before the followed a single. It was Schang's R. II. E. R. H. E. the opening of professional boxing entries In this event. Whitman tussle was scheduled here Phlla'phia. 2 8 lPlttsburg.. 17 0 In Portland in 1914 the Armory Ama- Saturday home run In the sixth with McNally and Henline; for he had arranged the Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. on base which gave New York its last Batteries Hubbell teur Athletic association and other Gridiron Notes. Columbia-Cama- s battle for the same two runs and victory. Adams, Carlson and Gooch. Independent amateur clubs closed their date, to be played at Camas. doors, so far as boxing and wrestling That would have kept him out of Darns Is Star. VANCOUVER AFTER TITLE were concerned, for all the leading Hill Military academy the Multnomah game, however, so he There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. The hitting of George Burns, who youngsters began to box for money. THE talked it over with Harry Fisher, made a triple and three singles, fea- KnnknnA team has elected Wilton Line, From' Tackle to Tackle, Ex- The Athlerle. r1uh aven manager for the clubmen, and the tured Cleveland's pay. Burns drove staged Drofesslonal fia-ht- s in its own ! Goodrich captain and Frederick Nor result was the transfer, of the prep And.