GRAND! Kelly Decision Was My Ing, Where Members Prepared 'P633S J03
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THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1899.. -- 5. club bas drafted Sam Dungan, or the Detroit club. nrday Chairman Ripley issued the following notice Dunptn Jed the Western League In htttlnE last AMONG to all the Western lines: HER SILER'S STATEMENT season with a percentage of .147. It Is understood THE RAILROADS "In accordance with the recommend at! o,n of the IS LONGEST PART that he Mil be played In the place of Lange, who rubcommlttee and lines having headquarters In Chi- has quit the game. cago, the meeting called for Tuesday. November 7. MUNYON'S will be postponed until Tuesday. December 5. This RASsEIIALI, 31 AX. action is taken in view of the fact that the of- O'ROURKD A ficial classification committee of the Eastern trunk MAKES SOMC CAUSTIC REMARKS THE HBOHRAMZATIOX OF THE KAN- lines is now voting on propositions involving a large MISS KEXXARK'S IIAHD TASK IX ABOUT SIIARKCV. FiKhtliitf Manager, McGrnvr and Rob-into- ri SAS C1TV, PITTSBURG & GLLb number ot changes In official classification, and it SAXS was thought beat to defer any action by Western '3IADAST GENE." at Xcw Lenpie Jlcetlue. lines until definite information rouhl be obtained aa INHALER! A special from New York to the Chicago to the action of the official classification committee of the Eastern lines." Timeh-ileral- d say: Sny the Sailor Had Xo Claim to a conference of those who were Instrumental in Similarity of tiie Xew Plan and the An Interesting Clint With Lending At I'm--i the Wonderful Success This new American Association Hold Key lu the lie. of Great Cure for CbnmiiUiitHhlp HunurN anil De- the organization of the Orlirlnul riillndelplila Plan Hol- Luily of the Woodward StooU Grip. of Professional Baseball Clubs, held at the Delavan NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Collis P. Huntington, iter Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis and Was land IiitcrcHtx Dominant a fight finally get- Company clares That Jeffries street and Broadway, this afternoon. of a lifetime, has surceeded in linn l'la)cd All Throat and Lung Diseases. Eaully hotel. Fortieth Purpone. ting absolute control of the single gateway to Sin the Victor. It was announced positively that there would be a Its Franclfco and the South California coast. He and 150 Holes. team In this city and that Thomas O'Rourke would his friends are now In complete possession of in Lark it- - great Southern Pacific and Central Pacific sybtems, There was seme delay in notoing me meeting. which, under the plan of reorganization recently 8.S87S0LDIN0NEWEEK some dele- successfully accomplished, have become one organ- George Slier, Lo JeSries-Fhark- it being given as a reason that cf the refereed the y Those who have followed the railroad columns of They Have Sincere Praise All Users. gates who had attended the Jeffrles-Sharke- fight ization. If the, many stage struck girls who at- the ot fight, has beea severely criticised and defends lilm-fte- lf the night previous were late In rising. By those The Journal were not surprised when the announce- Under the terms of this plan the great govern- tend the performances at the Auditorium In the folio leg language: who claimed to know it was stated that the delay ment was made that the Philadelphia and New ment debt of J3S.S12.715 was liquidated without any financial world or prejudice could have an opportunity to talk with "Yesterday I was a gentleman and an honest man; was occasioned br a conference O'Rourke was having York reorganization committees of the Kansas City. disturbance ot the the nith State Senator T. 1). Sullivan regarding taking of any rights of the stockholders. Miss Jane Kennark, the leading lady of the to-d- Pittsburg Gulf railroad had consolidated, as it I aia a loafer and a thief. bold of matters in the metropolis. t The deal was the result ot a long series of Woodward stock company, many of them according was predicted some time ago that the two forces conferences held between Mrs. Leland Stanford. Col-1- "That i. to the Kajings of Tom Sharker. If O Rourke did have a talk with Sullivan it would making to This inhaler cares, tv inhalation. Colls. Coaja. - con- would finally P. Huntington, George Crocker, and Speyer & Co.. hesitate before an effort e O'Rourke and other admirers of- Sharkey. For- must have been satisfactory, for after the agree to pool Issues. As a matter Asthma. Bronchitis and all Throat an I of people "Yes, I who represented the fore I bondholders. As a get on the stage. Hiss plays Catarrh. an-- ference the association he talJ: of fact, neither committee had sufficient bonds to in Kennark and prevents Coasutsrtlon Core.,, to curl tunately, I am considered a fair honest man by am going to hold of New York club of the result the ab&orpt Ion of the Central Pacific road take the attempt reorganization without expensne legal com- some of the most dilllcult roles tint have new acd it-- It costs iou nothing. aside everybody la the Jeffries camp, and also by those new American association. I think it will be a by the Southern Pacific was agreed upon and an tet fat an t plications. It Is a of belier Phil- was formed between Huntington and ever been written and she is a nwu suc- jflqr This all other medicines anil treatments for 21 hours vho backed the bolltrmaker, and, to make It strong- winner and I shall stick to the finish From wliat matter that the alliance the VH lithe exzet size of give this new system a trial. Ir yen want n t I delegates adelphia Stanford interests to control the new property. led er, a many who beard from the other there is committee had a majority of the bonds and cessful actress, but the path that has th; new will ecst St with evervthtnc coranlrte. at any drus br treat had bets on the sailor. no quotlon In my mind but that the association This alliance, it Is staled, amounts practically to a I? MJEH me the terms under which the committees consolidated her to success has not been traversed 'SB tcrv. That cUe a bltade the better of the argument will be a go. I think there is room in this citr for oting trust. medicated goes Inflame. ana popular would establish such belief a fan. but a majority Mr. Huntington purchased holdings without years of nurd work. The air direct to the and, perhaps, the decision. two clubs one at high prices, the other at has not ths Hard-Rubb- er dleased parts, cannot be reached by ctedictnd prices. We grounds already secured, of the bonds as reckoned by 523,000.000 may haie of Mrs. Stanford outright, as he did the Crocker '"Of my pro- that "Sharkey came out with a statement that I have but course. I am pleased with i'l taken into the lonijch. holdings several weeks ago. though he has acquired itf'IWjfli where they are will not be definitely announced been only 512,000,000 and as neither committee made W. permeates every as a robber and always I wa 'wrong by purchase. It Is believed, stock of fession," said Miss Kennark yesterday. It a.r rassase. that be knew until later." an official of bonds deposited the the Stan Inhaler. And at once destroys c'lsease germs ap- Matemeat the the Pacific Improvement Cora pan . a my life is hard one. is very the Uat he objected to me as referee, knowing that I Another feature of the conference was the ford estate In the "But a It .all It is an Invigorating tonic to the vital pearance Robinson of public could only guess and in such instances the company in which George Crocker Is still Inter fore. would rob htm, of both McGraw and the well to win applause and have the friend- Through a , n iiiunij .iii'i ! etc Baltimore team of League. McGraw gueeser always has another one coming The past ested. little tub: uiiu uviun, iui. ikuiji.'. presume, the National ship of the audience Just because you may .... ' ' positively cure- e atarra ana niseases tu ui "I I'm a fool to mix up In an argument was in conference with the organizers, while Rob- week has been one of guesses, not only by "rail- Inhale the healing urgtTI,, honesty inson lobby, excuse be the 'leading lady.' but to play such parts n.i regarding and straightforward dealings with ataied In the giving as an road officials," but all who hate watched the vary- Cniinilinu Pacific Differential. power of the irazrait h positively cures disease of the throat and lungs. a man like Sharker. been mixed up In the box- for his appearance his presence at the big fight one must give up almost everything but 'Bffin enaoi.! ou to cure yourseit at nome. Tie night before. when McGraw came down- ing changes In Pittsburg & Gulf affairs. Western roads are beginning Pine and health.lvlnr " ing game Sharkey the But Some of the to think the arduous grind of learning lines. I am It rtndr.?d UDnecary any cctilrc. luninc or for thirty rears, beginning before stairs with those back of the new association The modified plan for the reorganization of the that they may Lave to fight the old differential hucaljptus trees. cauterizing. was busy morning night born, and, In all those years have followed the "Robbie" admitted that as a partner of "Mac be road does not materially differ from originally question with the Canadian Pacific road all over from early until late at It oace of trcnchUis ic-- l that 1 You may revel In the Jfstro3 at the bacilli narrow path.