SPORTING GOODS, in a Match on the Clearview Gun Club Fisher Won the Cup with a Score of BISON GUN CLUB
VOLUME 34, NO. 11. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 2, 1893. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. A RIVAL FOR THE H THE WORK OF REORGANIZATION WILL BE THE GAS BELT LEAGUE PROGRESSING. OF INDIANA, President Fogel Will be Able to Call Such a League Now Being Organized the Delegates Together For Confer For Next Season An Eight-Club ence in About Two Weeks Six ol Allair With lore or Less Trolley the Eight Clubs Needed in Line, Line Backing the Probable Outcome, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28. Editor Muneie, Ind., Nov. 27. "Editor "Sport- "Sporting Life:" President Horace Fogel, Ing Life:" A Gas Belt Base Ball League of the reorganized Atlantic League, to-day Is assured for next season. All the pre spoke most encouragingly of the outlook liminary details have been, arranged. The for the organization. Said he: "The At cities included in the League are Elwood, lantic Base Ball League has nearly com Alexandria, Marion, Anderson, Muneie, pleted its circuit for next year and will- Fairmount, Kokomo and Richmond. The be ready to hold a meeting for permanent plans for the organization are thought to organization in about two weeks. Si(x of be such that the league will be success the eight clubs have been organized, with ful from the beginning.- In each of the good business men and plenty of capital cities the ball grounds are to be located back of them, and the other two are now ou the electric line of the Union. Traction under process of formation. The policy Company, and teams can travel between, of the new administration is to go slow, cities readily and at comparatively small get good men and plenty of capital back expense.
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