SouthBostonTODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door MAY 26, 2016: Vol.4 Issue 19 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE South Boston WWW.SOUTHBOSTONTODAY.COM Go to our South Boston Today An Urban page to view online content. Planners Make sure you like & share Playground outh Boston is a BRA planner’s playground with a major re-zoning affect- S Remembering and honoring ing living space options in South our family and friends. Boston Proper, waterfront projects continuously seeking to exceed height dimensions, cruise port and Want to see your ad in South marine industrial park transforma- Boston Today & SBT Online? tions that seek to expand the defini- tions of maritime uses and a growth Office: 617.268.4032 or cell: corridor that seems to encroach on South617.840.1355 Boston or email Today’s at
[email protected] areas outside of the transportation spur it’s to be designed along. The BRA has produced a draft plan that is so comprehensive as to sug- gest an entire new neighborhood CONTINUED ON page 15 2 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 26, 2016 EDITORIALEDITORIAL “V. A. Disneyland” SBT - By Brian R. Mahoney months long waiting for a doc- tor’s appointment at V. A. facilities hile it’s true caused outrage. So much so that this week’s the V. A. Director was replaced. issue has an Now our newest clueless Direc- abundance of tor is comparing the situation Veteran’s re- to waiting in line at Disneyland. latedW topics, sometimes it can’t be The Director thinks the empha- helped.