Calif. Nul-. Res. C‘omiu., (‘nlCOF1 Rept , 13 : 99-100. 1969


WALTER T. SHANNON, Director California Department of and Game Sacramento, California

I am very happy to be here this morning. I believe We are currently holding a round of discussions that what you discuss during these three days will with industry and with sportfishing interests trying be of great benefit to us all. to find a way to make our commercial ori- With respect to our obligations to manage our re- ented programs more self supporting. We have not sources in the ocean, the following considerations found a solution yet, but we will continue to work should be kept in mind. There is no doubt that the with all interested parties until we do solve it. State has the power to enact legislation for the con- In our approach to resources management, we must servation of its , excepting only those areas consider the good of the resource as well as the good otherwise covered by Federal legislation, such as fish- of the public at large and of all the users of a re- eries treaties. In addition, the Supreme Court of the source. This means some 20 million people must be United States bas held that the State’s laws may considered when we make management decisions in govern the conduct of its citizens on the high seas the resources field. respecting matters of legitimate interest to the State. As we look at the problems that face us and try to Moreover, the State has the authority to regulate find solutions to them, our efforts fall into four gen- landings of fish in the State and can control fishing eral areas. That is, we have four main jobs to do if activities within the territorial sea. On the other hand, we are going to manage the use of our marine re- the State does not have authority over foreign fish- sources in an effective and efficient way. These jobs ermen, so long as they are fishing in international are (i) Coordination ; (ii) Research or Fact-finding ; waters. (iii) Communication ; (iv) Planning. As you know, the Department functions under The first of these is much like the job that Cal- Constitutional law and Legislative law. We also op- COB1 is doing. It is a job of coordination, bringing erate under policies of the administration and the together the varuous interests and keeping each other Fish and Game Commission. The Legislature has informed of what each is doing, or should be doing. delegated to the Commission the authority to set regu- The second area of responsibility is research. As lations for hunting and sportfishing. Commission au- the world population continues to increase by leaps thority over commercial fisheries is limited but does and bounds, we keep hearing about the ocean as being extend to issuance of reduction permits, the shrimp the answer to feeding these multitudes. The expres- , and some other matters. sion goes something like this, “We will one day have The Department, as I mentioned, operates under to turn to the sea, with its limitless resources, to feed administration policy, and as you are well aware, the peoples of the world.” Governor Reagan is trying to effect economies in Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they really were limit- State Government. We are cooperating with the Ad- less? Then we wouldn’t have any probelems at all. ministration by doing everything we can to reduce But you and I know better. These resources need the cost of operating our Department, without re- management, and management needs research. ducing essential services. Although our Drpartment is primarily responsible As to our funding, approximately 85 percent of for living resources, we also have the responsibility the Department’s income is from the sale of hunting of seeing that the utilization of nonliving resources and fishing licenses, tags, and stamps. The other 15 is done in such a way that fish and wildlife are not percent comes partly from fish and game fine monies, harmed. This extends our need for research beyond federal aid, various contracts with other state agen- the living, and encompasses both living and nonliving cies, and from commercial fisheries taxes. resources. T mrntioned that the Department works under The role of the scientist in research is to givr the Commission policy, and one of the areas the Com- best scientific evidence available concerning the re- mission has asked us to look at very carefully is the source. The scientist should understand the processes area of marine fisheries, and particularly the por- moulding his findings, and appreciate the fact that tion of our work which is oriented primarily toward his findings cannot always be implemented overnight. the benefit of the commercial fisheries. We estimate This should in no way influence his work or leave that the cost of these programs now exceeds our in- him feeling unappreciated. It is for others, with dif- come from the commercial by more ferent rrsponsibilities, to take into consideration the than $1 million a year, and the imbalance is continu- social, economic, and political implications of man- ing to increase. agement dccisions. But in a11 cases, managrment de- 100 CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIONS cisions must first protect the resource from over- as possible and so that it does not grow into a major utilization. problem. The decision making process is partly the respon- We must utilize our marine resources in an orderly sibility of the Department of Fish and Came. First, and sensible manner in order to perpetuate our re- any decision must be based on the best scientific in- newable resources and in order to use our nonre- formation available. The Department also must take newable resources in such a way that they are not other factors into consideration, and make its final wasted, and are not exploited at the expense of decision and recommendation only after a full dis- other resources. And we must obtain public support cussion with all interested groups. Then this recom- €or our management programs or they will not be mendation is presented to either the Governor, accepted. Our failure to communicate in an effective the Fish and Game Commission or the Legislature. and timely manner has resulted in an “ Let me here emphasize that we do appreciate the Curtain,” which must be penetrated regardless of work our scientists are doing because their work forms how difficult the task may be. We must not allow the foundation upon which all true management pro- other such curtains to arise over use of our other grams are built. marine resources. The third area of responsibility is the need to A fourth responsibility is the need for comprehen- communicate effectively with society. sive, long range planning. The State of California is We have, at the present time, a communications well aware of the need for the orderly development problem between ourselves and the public concerning of marine resources. In the recent session of the Leg- use of the anchovy resource. We have been unable to islature, a law was passed creating the California convince the public that we know enough about the Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Re- anchovy to manage it effectively, and we cannot con- sources. Its most important task, and I quote from vince them that the reduction fishery will not ad- the law, is “To review the known and estimated versely affect the resource. future needs for natural resources from the marine The public is concerned that the anchovy resource and coastal environment necessary to maintain an may disappear, just as the has disappeared, expanding state economy. ” With special reference and we have not been able to convince the public to the coastline, the Commission is to prepare a re- that, under proper management, this will not happen. port for submission to the Governor and the 1969 Let me say here that the Department recommended Regular Session of the Legislature, which sets forth a 200,000 ton reduction quota to the Commission. The the public interest in the coastline of California, to- Commission reduced this to 75,000 tons with the gether with recommended legislation defining and promise that if this quota is reached during this protecting such public investment. fishing season, the commercia1 fishing industry could come back to the Commission and additional tonnage The Resources Agency, the Department of Fish would be allotted. I think this is progress. In addi- and Game, and several other agencies of state gov- tion, I would like to point out that generally sports- ernment will be very much involved in this planning men’s interests endorsed the 75,000 ton quota-which effort. We are now in the process of preparing a use is a real mark of progress in achieving mutual under- plan for the resources of the ocean. What we come standing in this emotionally charged field. up with will be submitted through channels to the One of the things we have to face up to in the governor, and he, in turn, will call on the Advisory anchovy reduction problem and in other problems Commission to review our proposals. The Commis- we will face is that there always is a time lag between sion is yet in the formative stage, and its work could the time the scientists arrives at his findings and be very vital to California’s future. the time the public accepts them. This is inevitable. Thank you for inviting me there today. I am So as we turn to the sea, and the world is doing this looking forward to working with you and other at an accelerated pace, we must communicate effec- resource users for the mutual benefit of the State and tively with the public so that the time lag is as short its people.