What Jean. McKenzie Hard Times Party In Says About Prize Gym Tonite Swim, See Page Three Is Popular Affair



TONIGHT AT 8 P. K Almost Half Million Dollars ! E Summer Session Courses for Local Campus Disposal Exam Jubilee Dance Is Hard Times Social Tonight To Be Referred to Those During Next Two Years Cancelled by Committee Planning Extra Curricula Pirates Expected to Give Will Be Attended By Definite cancellation of the Locals Hot Contest at With the announcement of Many; Hauan in Charge In order to increase the effi­ Exam Jubilee Hop, which was to the State budget for the next Clash in Junior Hi Gym ciency of the summer courses have been held next week-end, two years as recommended by The Hard Times Party to be held which are being planned at pres­ was announced by the Social Tomorrow night the Roadrunner Governor C. C. Young, new tonight at 8 o’clock in the gym, will ent by the administration, all Committee yesterday. The can­ hoopsters tangie with the Pasadena head at Sapramento, is a recom­ probably be the most popular of all students planning on summer cellation was due to the fact that Jaysee Pirates on the local court. mendation for an increased bud­ Student Body affairs. The reason work on the campus at the end many students will leave town The game bids fair to be a torrid con­ get for Santa Barbara State for this conclusion is the fact that of next semester are requested to during the week-end and that the test, as the wielders of the cutlass College. The budget for the it will strike the “ happy medium.” see their department heads during basketball squad will not be on and broadsword are considered the local institution includes recom­ Even,the “ least accomplished” of all the coming week._ the campus. favorites for the Southern Califor­ mendations for an appropriation will be able to obtain a large amount This is being done in order that nia Jaysee loop gonfalon. They feat­ for new Home Economics and of enjoyment from the program ar­ the courses' offered by the various ure two men in a fast passing of­ Science building planned for the ranged by Ester Janssen. departments may be made out in fensive, as nearly as can be discov­ eastern end of the campus. Norvil Dice’s decorations and Har­ accordance with tiie desire of the ered. These two men, Getts and For the_pew building planned, old Morehead’s refreshments will students, and to prevent the om- Arnold, were responsible for a Pirate tend to make the games . and old- mitailce of any course which $175,000 was included in the budget, win over Fullerton a week or so ago fashioned dances more joyous. The there may be a demand for. together with $20,000 for repairs on TO by the lop-sided score of 33-12. Ar­ costumes are to be symbolical of hard present campus structures. This nold accounted for 15 of his team’s times. total of $195,000 compares with total, and was only in the game one Marian Hauan, as general chair­ $160,000 granted to the college in half. man, is particularly anxious that the the last biennial appropriation under Coach De Groot’s “wearers of the presence of “ jazz” music will not the regime of Goyernor Richardson. green” will have their hands full keep away those who do not dance. For maintenance, the $246,562 With the 'completion of the foot­ when they tackle this squad. For The games, folk-dances, absurd old- TO BE HELD NEXT given to the college by the Richard­ ball schedule for • next fall by Ted some unaccountable reason the Olive fashioned, dances, and the songs any­ son administration, was increased to Marshall, grid manager, comes games and White men have been unable to one can sing are all conducive to a $277,799. The total budget planned with leading football squads of the get their eyes on the hoop thus far good time and not a polite thanks, B f III M F for the local, institution adds to al­ south. this season, although they showed a for an evening away from studies. most a half million dollars to be The Occidental varsity-will be play­ marked improvement in the basket spent in the next two ye'ars. If the ed on the fourth Saturday, the place gathering line last week . when they The graduation dinner honoring $183,000 to be expanded in the. con­ Co-Op Store to Refuse those completing their Studies this not yet decided. Southern Branch tangled with the Renegades. It looks struction of the Administration as if Williams and Clemore are going Credit to Students for semester will take place next Thurs­ is agai non the schedule, and Cal Building is added, the total is brought to hit theit old stride, fand may- the Purchases Next Semester day evening at the cafeteria. .Mr. Poly has been returned, after a lapse to $655,79$, gods have mercy on their opponents Oliver Hart Bronson will be the prin­ of one year, as the Roadrunners did With the beginning of next sem­ cipal speaker of the evening. not play the San Luis Obispo aggre­ when they start to sink them. Van- dam, Brubaker and Foss look good ester, the student co-operative store Graduates may each bring two Philosophy of Science Is gation last fall. For the first time, will refrain from giving credit to guests. The faculty is to be invited. Topic Planned for Meeting San Jose State is on. the schedule, on the defensive end of the game, and Feary and Denno are showing students, as announced this week by The Men’s and Women’s Glee clubs- the game to be played here. The class on the offensive. The team is Anna Cowan, manager. will offer several numbers each, and Dr. Elmer Bissel, who some say is following week another new team will In the past it has been the store’s the orchestra is scheduled to play. the best educated man in Santa Bar­ be entertained locally, San Mateo suffering from the depradations of practice to extend credit to all stud­ bara, has consented to speak on Junior College. Pasadena Junior Old Man Cold-in-the-Head, but College will also journey to Santa should be recovered and all“ wild to ents and up to appreciable. limits in Tests to Determine Type of “ Philosophy of Science” at the So­ individual cases. Lengthy holding cial Science meeting to be held in Barbara to play the Roadrunners for go” by tomorrow night. over of these debts, as has been mani­ Students Attending the' public library Wednesday even­ the first time. fested especially during the past Local College ing, February 2, .at 7:30. The meet­ Three of the colleges to be played Moonlight Hike of Outing semester, has led those in charge of ing will be open to alV interested in are members of the Southern Con­ Club Scheduled for Middle ference: Occidental, Southern Branch the store to take this step. In order to determine the relative this subject. of February; Club to Meet standing of ’ local college students in The Social Science meeting was and San Diego State. regard to those of other institutions, not held last Wednesday evening, due Schedule Questionnaire to Home Ec Sept. 17—-Ventura J. C. (place Members of the Outing Club are collège aptitude tests will be given to the final examinations. urged to attend a business meeting Asks for Facts in Order to all students who enteted college tentative). To Unify Club Activities ' Sept 24— Southern Branch at L. A. of that organization next Tuesday last September, and to all students during the fourth hour in room 45. entering the second semester. Course in Bird Study to Oct. 1— Pasadena J. C. at S. B. Plans for the annual Moonlight Hike Unification of Home Economics Any other students in college who Be Offered Next Semester Oct. 8— Occidental Varsity (place tentative). to La Cumbre Peak will be discussed throughout the country is the objec­ wish to try the tests may do so by at the meeting. Oct. 15— San Jose State Teachers tive of a questionnaire being sent to signing up in advance with Miss A practical course on Bird Study The hike, according to arrange­ Bishop. at S. B. all institutions with such a depart­ will be offered next semester by ments already made, will take place ment, by the National Home Eco­ The tests will be given on Satur­ Coach DeGroot, if enough students Oct. 22— San Mateo J. C. at S. B. Oct. 29— Open. on Saturday and Sunday, February nomics association. day, Febreary 5 at 9 a. m. in Room can be enrolled. 14 and 15. Enthusiastic members of The questionnaire asks for suffi­ 45. A fee of fifty cents will be The first third of the course will . Nov. 5— California Poly at San Luis. the club declare that it will be held cient facts about the local organiza­ charged to .cover cost o f; testing ma­ be class work and lectures, probably “ rain or moonshine” . terials. Nov. 12— San Diego at S. B. tion to show its objectives, activi­ at the Museum of Natural History. Tentative plans for another annual Nov. 26— Bakersfield at Bakers­ ties, etc. These will be ' arrangea “ It has been stated that normal The remainder of the semester will event, the trip to the Islands, are field. (May be played Thanksgiving.) with those of other institutions in students are not up to the standard be spent in individual field work with being considered at present. This order to formulate a plan of activity which are found in universities,” Miss hours to fit the program of the will take place in the last part of Bishop stated. “ I do not believe it, which will be most advantageous to student. » Glee Club to Sing Over May and will probably be three days all local organizations. and I think the test will be proof.” DeGroot believes that a large en­ in duration. rollment can be secured for the Local Radio Broadcaster .Elementary School To Give HOME EC ELECTS OFFICERS course, which he asserts is popular. Ruth Hunt was elected president Appearing for the first time on a Curricula Exhibit of'the Phi Omicron Iota, Home Eco­ radio program, the Men’s Glee Club nomics society, for the new semester, LEAVES STANFORD . Finals Next will sing next Wednesday night .over The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh at a meeting held Iasi Tuesday morn­ Leland Gammill, who was a stud­ the new local radio broadcasting sta­ grades of the College Elementary ing. Helen Donnelly was chosen ent here last year, was seen visiting tion, KFCR, operated by the Lamb School are giving an exhibit and pro­ vice-president; Esther Hawley was the campus this week, after drop-, Week! Auto Electric and Daily News. gram in geography and Spanish next electer secretary, and Edna Fletcher ping his studies at Stanford. Gam- The club will present a short pro­ Thursday from 2 to 8 p. m. There was given the treasurership. Doris mfil found that he could not get the gram on the broadcasting period be­ The Students W ill will be journeys through many lands, Tucker was elected chairman of the business preparatory work for which tween 7 and 8 p. m., singing for Celebrate Friday travelogues, peep shows, plays, songs publication committee, with Kath- he was studying, at the northern about twenty minutes. The program W ith the Exam and dances. ' Admissions of ten rine King to assist her. campus. He intends to take up this is yet undecided. .JUBILEE DANCE cents will be used for muph needed course at#the Santa Barbara Busi­ equipment. The public is'invited. ness College. Thursday night both college clubs The wheels of time grind slow, but will sing at the Graduation dinner at And So W ill the Eagle ! not so with a taximeter. ' the cafeteria. A week from Sunday A coupe may be small and incon­ Watch for This “ Let me see,” ,mused Rollo, the night the Men’s Glee Club will pre­ venient, but at least nobody can ‘Are you a student?” Issue. perfect freshman,. “ which fraternity sent a program at the Methodist drive it from the back seat. “No, I just go to college here!” shall I rush tonjght?” church. Page 2 T H E EAGLE

Pasadena J. C. Is What Do You Next In Line o Think of Next o Season’s Grid Schedule? For Roadrunners BASKETBALL TENNIS ARCHERY

iiiiuiiiii(iiitiiiii»iiiuiiiiiii!iiiiiuiuiii|uiuiiitiiiitiii|iiinin«i gone and could not keep up with the BAKERSFIELD GETS WEIGHTY END OF fast pace set by the local boys. .'The line-up: SCORE AFTER TUSSLE HEFtE LAST WEEK Sta. Barbara Frosh Santa Maria J.C. Boeseke (6) ...... rf...... Jones (7) Bakersfield Junior College caught less than they did. The general con­ | Y e p / Darti L O W DEFEAT III Marquette (4) ....If...... Wheat (1) the Roadrunner five with their bat­ census of opinion in the stands was Kramer (&) ...... c...... Cleaver (2) 1 tle flag at half mast last Saturday- that the Santa Barbara tossers would We, the inmates, petition for: Martin ...... rg...:...... Rogers night and walked o ff with the tall have finished ahead if it had - not 1. Bathrobes for models in phy­ POORLY PLAYED GAME Crayens (3) ...... lg...... Laughlin end of a 34-24 score. ' The Rene­ been for the first few minutes of siology lab. gades simply swept the Olive and bewilderment. ' Subs: Santa Barbara—T. 'Foss, j 2. Song practice for step singing. Santa Barbara State fliwered to White basketeers off their feet, with Clemore starred for the local' 3. Nickel slots for piann at caf; Maiiis, Pollard, Glover (14). a speedy offense that left both team squad with eight points to his credit, Los Angeles Wednesday night and proceeds to go to “More Fobd for returned after dropping a slow hoop and spectators gasping for breath. while Denno trailed him closely with Your Money Association.” contest to Southwestern University After the first surprise the Road- six. Brubaker, Foss, Feary and WOMEN’S. SHOPPING CENTER 4. Ping Pong contest between All by a one-sided score of 31-17. The runners settled down to play basket­ Vandam functioned well on the de­ for More Than Fifty Years Faculty Delicatessen eleven vs. (he local squad went absolutely rotten, ball, but were unable to overcome fensive end. Williams had an off Women’s Sewing Quartet. to be frank, consistently missing the the early lead piled up against them. night, experiencing difficulty in * * * basket and allowing the Lawyers to Hasse and Strauss, of the Oilers, dis­ holding the ball and missing several And after Mother Toad had gath­ score at will. The game was marred played an uncanny ability to sink easy shots. ered her little doadies .three under by fouling, both teams being guilty , the apple from any position on the How they lined up: the spreading tulip plant, «he told of much rough playing. CORRECT APPAREL floor, the farther away the better Santa Barbara (24) Bakersfield (34) them: “You can string beans and kid At the end of Hie first half the FOR ALL OCCASIONS they liked it. Both rang up 12 points Williams (1) ...... rf...

Alumni Meet Held Duriilg Kid Party Held by A.W.S. Catalina Event Told ByJean Vacation; McKenzie Construction of Last Week Proves Success By JEAN McKENZIE Campanile Is Discussed beiause of the shellacked pants and (Entry in the'Catalina Swim) SECOND CHANNEL SWIM MAY Amid a- throng of rag dolls, toot­ heavy underwear he1 was wearing, on The annual meeting of the South­ The Catalina swim! What memor­ BE HELD FOR WOMEN; LOCAL ing of horns, and red balloons, the ies it conjures up from the bright, which was printed “ Win the ijace in ern California section of the Califor­ STUDENT MAY TRY AGAIN A. W. S. Kid Party thrived. The af­ vivid setting of its start to the long, ------i-----— U— nderwear,’ ’was pull­ nia Alumni Association of Santa fair was held last Friday in the gym ing him under. The first woman was hard grind which proceeded a tri­ Barbara State College took place on from 6 :30 to 9 p. m. umphant close when Young, with the Possibility that Jean McKen-. taken out an hour and a half after December 23 at the new Elks’ Club Those present were dressed in invincible spirit of youth said, “ I zie, who attempted the Catalina the race began, she was the 15

GIVES The Basement Bolsheviks The Phf Kappa Gamma soror „ THE EAGLE’S EYE will give a “pirate party” tomorrow Noon l>ay Discussion in the Men’s Club Room as f*Doc” Durlin Sees It. An JJ^er Classmen Observes evening at the sorority house on Loma and Moreno Road. It will be a Owned and Published Weékly by the Associated Student Body, Santa Barbara State T T IS true that the students in this closed affair, and' costumes will be College, Santa Barbara, California “ About this vigilance committee,” college come from many parts of worn by those attending. ALFRED TOMLINSON ____ - ______Editor the state. And also it is true that EDWIN DUNDAS______„-Business Manager SUBSCRIPTION PRICE asked the Super Red. FRANKLIN ANDERSON— Assistant Editor $1.00 per year, 60c semester (mailed) “ Don’t like it,” shorted the Radi­ loyalty to your own home town is New books obtained for the col­ Feature Writers and Desk Assistants Editorial and Business Offices on Santa only natural. Barbara State College Campus cal, “ theres a red headed freak on it. lege library for the month of Decem­ Virgil Durlin, Floyd Kenney______r Telephone 3043-J Never trust those kind of oommittee * * * ber include many volumes of inter­ But that does not excuse anyone Reporters: Jean McKenzie, Grace Coffin, men.” esting reading. They follow: Arthur Evans, Marie Cochran, Estelle Nel­ Published every Friday Morning During who goes to college here from yell­ son, Edwin Mabe, Dan Britton, Winifred the College Year “ Don’t get personal. Oi-Oi, Britton Rolleston, ‘‘Myths and Legends of the Pollard. ing for the out of town team which Celtic Race;’* Sansum, “The Normal Died;” Entered as Second-cla^s Mail matter Sept. is the missing link at the head of it. Braybrooke, “Novelists We Are Seven;” " . • BUSINESS STAFF might happën to come from the home Henderson, “ European Dramatics;” Fowler, 17, 1926,'- at the Postoffice, Santa Bar­ He must have thought he was a near Phil K iney-______!__Advertising Manager locality, v “A Dictionary of Modern English Usage;” Helen Sitze \------Typist bara, California, under Act of March 3. admiral pacing the deck Saturday Giddings, ‘‘Music Appreciation In the 1897. > . * * * Schoolroom;” Sinnott, “Botany;” Gray, FACULTY ADVISOR night.” Everyone owes their college loyal­ “Structural Botany;” Parker, “Working^ Miss Winifred M. Frye Printed by Daily News Job Printing Dept. “ Yeah,” said the Logician. “ He W ith the Working Woman;” Cruse, “Fam-% ty to the college which they are at­ ous' English Books and"? Their Stories;” climbed up on the roof and made a tending. Pratt, “Shade and Ornamental Trees of THE CASE OF THE A TWIN BROTHER kid hand over a corn-cob pipe for ad­ California;” Elson, “The Book of Musical COLLEGE FRESHMAN TO THE PEP COMMITTEE * * * Knowledge;” Surette, “Music and Life;” mission to the game.” If a student cannot show this loy­ Bottomley, “The Design of Small Proper- N In the past few years there has Recognized by all as filling out “ Thass nice. He can take it home alty when his college team is play­ ties;“ Washburne* “Winnetka Graded Book been a decided reaction against a position long demanding atten­ L ist;” Gruenberg, “Guidance of Children and blow bubbles. He tried to smoke ing a team from the person’s home and Y outh;” “ Current History” (magazine), . hazing and a movement has de­ tion, the Vigilance Society as re­ once and nearly landed in the hos­ town» they should at least refrain “United States Daily,” (newspaper). Van veloped to place the freshmen more cently organized will hold a defi­ Loon, “Story of Mankind;” Watts, “Im­ pital.” I from rooting for the opposition. provement of the Mind;” Murray, “Froebel in confidence instead of upper­ nite place on the campus in years “ But Dick Oliver,” giggled the * * * As a Pioneer In Modern Psychology;” Hart, classmen nursing him in a special to come. — “Educational Resources of Village and Red. “ He’ll have to be removed rP ü E newly appointed Vigilance Rural Communities;” Monroe, “ Measuring dormitory for half a year. It is in­ Development of traditions being from presence with women. If a **■ Society has an opportunity to do the Results of Teaching;” James, “Talks tended to give him full fledged ad­ one of its chief motives for organ­ To Teachers;” Ewer, “Applied Psychology/* girl smiles at him, hell let her in and a great deal for Santa Barbara State. Ely, “Another Hardy Garden Book;” Ely, mittance to the institution immedi­ ization, it will serve as a tradition­ “The Practical Flower Garden;” Cummins, give the whole gym. Watching him The possible duties of the Society ately upon entrance. ary group in its own work on the “My Garden Comes of Age;" Compayre, trying to collect a ticket from a girl are innumerable. “Psychology Applied to Education;” Me- In the past the first year men campus. Dougall, “ Psychology;” Smith, “ The Blue is almost as funny as seeing Hoban * * * have had a tremendous handicap The Pep Committee, long and Book of Cookery and House Management;” in knickers.” Perhaps the most important of Mason, “Appreciation of Music,” v. 2; v. to overcome. That handicap, to hard as its struggles are, has in 3; Moon, “Imperialism and World Politics;” “ Or seeing Gene Harris’ half-wit­ these duties is to enforce our college Book, “Learning How to Study and Work make it worse, comes at the time the past been unable to promote ted mustache,” contributed the Radi­ traditions, something which has nev­ Effectively;” Tweddell, “How to Take Care when the student needs the closest the enthusiasm in sport activities of the Baby;” “ General Science Quarterly cal. “ Say, what does this Gillum er been really accomplished before. (magazine), “ Children” '(m agazine). guidance and best instructors. He as it should. Its work as an ad­ do?” * * * of lower class groups. is new to the institution, and in vertising agent for the college has “ He’s held in reserve in case the OOMETIME ago agitation was start- many cases is away f;om home for taken it away from such a pur­ * * * lights go out. Keith Gunn mus tbe ed for a campanile. the first time. As a result, under It is only natural for a person pose to a large extent. the Scottish element to control the We have heard nothing about that this system of frosh treatment, to have a small group of friends with The Vigilance Society, concen­ Helvaic tribes.” " campanile since that time. many of the colleges are realizing trating on this phase, will relieve whom he is more intimate than he • “ Yes, they say he only takes a girl * * * the poor deal that is given the is with the world at large. the Pep Committee of a great deal to college celebrations so she Can get There are many who would be glad newcomer and are amending their of care and worry. The latter * * * in on her student body card. They to' give the campanile movement their And these groups do not neces­ systems. group, on the other hand!, will be also say he pried up a two by four support, but they don’t know how. sarily destroy good college spirit. In Instead of the hazing that lasts alile to 'more thoroughly, and" suc­ to get a penny one of the kids on the * * * fact, they can improve it, and they for an entire semester, the initia­ cessfully handle thè duties to roof dropped.” i Are the original agitators of this do. tion activity is ended the first week which it should be primarily de­ “ Aw, Scotty’s all right,” defended idea simply going to let it fade into and the freshmen are immediately voted. ♦ * * the Logician. “ All that shows he a dream ? We look to our large universities placed in general standing with the Suèh division of labor, as it ... has more than average intelligence. for examples of college spirit. Yet other students. He no longer is might be called, - is indicative of Somebody’s got to ride hard on those 1 . Ï OW about these cliques? Is it would be foolish to think that forced to wear green caps for the : "o developments. First, those in spendthrifts.” — Santa Barbara State on the they do not have group life and entire semester or immediately charge of suèh affairs on « the “ My idea,’ ’ , said the Red, “ is to verge of a social crisis on account of cliques. obey without question any . com­ campus recognize thè growing ne­ put. some of these snappy co-eds on them? Or are they natural things mand from an upperclassman. H e cessities of Santa Barbara State's the line-up and teach ’em about in every college? is given better instructors, instead activities, and, second, that recog­ charging and ticket selling. That .*** of leftovers of the teaching staff. nition is made of the proper ad­ PACIFIC COFFEE STORE would cut down the overhead.” In spite of the fact that there has On the local campus hazing is justment and distribution t>f the Fresh Roasted Coffee, Tea / “ And’ let Art Evans and Ted Mar­ lately been much editorial and per-' only of a week’s duration, after responsibilities brought about by Cocoa shall do a snake dance before each sonal comment to the contrary, there which the new student is admitted this group. Fresh-Ground Cereals, Natural game for advertising,” advised the is little need to worry about cliques. m full to the campus life. In that Without doubt ¡the extra-curricu­ Rice Radical. ... respect Santa Barbara State is far la work done by such groups will Peanuts, Peanut Butter “ Well ,as long as they don’t have True, the fraternity and sorority beyond many of the large universi­ carry further m importance and P op Com any moonlight neck-tie partied,” groups stick together. They would ties. amount by the beneficial move yawned the Red. “ Huh, what’s that?” not be fulfilling their purpose if 1009 STATE ST. made in establishing a Vigilance The Student paused in flight; ‘The they did.not. Thé same thing is true The Eagle is delighted to learn Society.— F. A. that the paper is being read more first neck-tie party they pull with you birds as guests is gonna see me or less after all. At least that is INSTRUCTOR SPEAKS SILKS — how we judge it, basing our facts hauling on the rope. I’ll lift you WOOLENS HOSIERY A talk on the history of music was on the reactions stirred up when clean up to the gate and enjoy it. given to the Social Science club at Always the Latest Styles and Shades we flash forth with a little opinion Hope you choke.” their regular meeting last week by in our editorial columns. Our edi­ He escaped up the corridor.: Mrs. Helen Barnett, music instructor W O M AN ’S SILK SHOP torial comments are our own ideas; here. Musical tendencies 4rere out­ Ralfrh E. Coryell, 1 0 1 7 State St. if you disagree, remember that we The University of Oregon basket­ lined and illustrated on the piano by have a Student Opinion column. ball training camp reports that their Marjorie Scofield, and vocally by That is why we have it. five this year wijl be faster than that Mrs. Barnett. which won the northwest title for The $ eme$ter 1$ almo$t over them last year. Okerberg and Wes- University of California track and another regi$tration will de- tergren, who play again this year, team has a heavy season this year. $cend upon the Stricken Student are remembered by local fans When Graduate manager W. Monahan has body in a few day$. they helped the Roadrunners off drawn up a schedule consisting of PIGGLY their feet a year agS last Christmas four dual meets as well as two in­ by a 56-10 score. NOTICE tercollegiate contests, the Far West­ Graduates for the fall semester ern and the National. U. S. C., Uni­ have been asked to fill out and turn versity of Nebraska and Los Angeles Prof.: “ Where did the word in by Monday, January 24, a blank Athletic Club, all strong teams, are ‘exaggerate’ originate?” giving the annals of each student. the opponents for dual meets. The Eagle Reporter: “ In the news­ The form of this blank is to be found National contest,will be held in paper office.” on the bulletin board. Philadelphia this year. CTime is ihe element that slouilq but surelq For Service •proves the merit of anq retail institution. Time FOR SATISFACTION I tells— il eliminates the inefficient. and Satisfaction I The fact that Pigqlq Uliqqlq has successfully maintained its in- SEE creasing leqion of customers as (ih? (fe a t îflariïrubp joell as steadily multiplying its number of stores is the best evidence available substantiating—THE TEST OF TIME. W. G. YOUNG QUALITY SINCE 1886 Optometrist and Jeweler FOUR STORES & SHOULD BE YOUR CHOICE SAN MARCOS BLDG. No. 1—525 State St. No 3--Cor. San Andres Micheitorena No. 2 -1 0 2 9 State St. No. 4—Cor. Haley and Milpas Streets