'1. Toothpaste 2. Noodles 3. Shampoo 7. Lipstick L Shoe Polish '13. Mobile

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'1. Toothpaste 2. Noodles 3. Shampoo 7. Lipstick L Shoe Polish '13. Mobile Holidays Homework-2019_20 Class Xll f3 Subie.t:Busihess Studies Students have to make one projecttrom the following topics. l. Proiect one : Pdnciples of Manaqement The students are required to visit any one ofthe following: 1. A departmental store. 2. An lndustrial unit. 3. A fast food outlet. 4. Any other organization approved by the teacher --l They.are required to observe the appljcation of principles the general of management advocated by l-aycl. ln the selected organization. Favol's principles 1. Division of work. 2. Unity of comrnand. 3. Unity of direciion. 4. Scalar chain 5. Espirit de corps 6. Fair remuneration to all. 7. Order. 8. Equjty. 9. Discipline , '10. Subordination of individual interesi to general interest. 11. lnitiative. 12. Centralization and decentralization. 13. Stability of tenure. students prepare must observation tools Examples; worksheets, questionnaire, interviews and organizational chart prove etc. to the applicabitity or non appticabitity of the principles in the organization. ll, Proiect two : Marketinq manaqement, to make project a on any ofthe fo owing producvservice. tdentify one prooucuservtce^t1"",:j_19-"$ T wh,ch :g:,"ired the students may like to manufacture/provide lpre assumptionl '1. Toothpaste 2. Noodles 3. Shampoo 4. Bathing soap 5. Washing detergent 6. Washing powder 7. Lipstick I Moisturiser L Shoe polish 10. pen '11. Shoes '12. Hair dye '13. Mobile 14. Chocolate 15. Sauces/ketchup 16. Ready soups '17. Body spray 18. Fairness cream 19. Hair oil 20. Roasted Snacks 21. Jeans 22. Pickles 23. Squashes 24. Jams 25. Salt 26. Bread 27. Bulter 28. Shaving cream 29. Razor 30. Cheese spreads 31. e -Wash 32. Tiffin wallah 33. Air Conditioners 34. lnfant dress 35. Sunglasses 36. Fans 37. Fruit candy 37. Washing powder 39. Bathroom cleaner 40. Wipes 41. Shoe poJish 42. Blanket 43. Baby Diapers 44. HaIr dye 45. Adhesives 46. Refrigerator 47. Ladies footwear 48. Ready soups 49. RO syst-^m 50. Fairness cream 51. Mixers 52. Roasted Snacks cJ. Learnrng toys 54. Ptcktes 55. Squashes 57. Salt 58. Bread 59. Bufter 60. Shaving cream 61. Razor 62. Cheese spreads 63. Microwave oven 64. Music player 65. Pencil 66 Ereser 67. Water bottle 68. Wallet 69. Furniture 70. Crayons 71. Newspaper 72. Jewe}ety 73. Nail polish 74. Water storage tank 75. Pen drive 76. Ladies bag 77. DTta 78. Sarees 79. Car 80. Cycle 81. Kurti 82. Bike , 83. Cosmeiology product 84. Crockery 85. Cutlery 86. Camera 87. Breakfast cereal 88 lnvedors 89. Suitcase/airbag 90. Washing machine 91. Coffee 92 fea The project should start with meaning of marketing mix , functions and then. The project report shourd include the folrowing concept of marketing mix and the necessary decision regarding the four P's of marketing. i.e, I Produci,, place!,, price! promotion. For example ( following headings shoutd be there on diflerent pages ) 1. Type of product /service identified and the (consumer/indusiriea) process involve ihere in. 2. Brand name and the product. 3. Range of the product. 4. ldentification mark or logo. 5. Tagline. 6. Labeling and packaging. 7. Price of the product and basis of price fixation 8. Selected channels of distribution and reasons thereof. L Decisions related to transportation and warehousing. State reasons. 10. Promotional techniques used and stading reasons for deciding the particular techn ique. 11. Grading and standardization. ( write factors effecting atong with faciors wchich help io take decision ) 2. Revise case study problems of followjng chapters from NCERT: Ch-1 Nature and significance of Management. Ch-2 Principles of Managemeni Ch 3 Business Environment Ch-4 Planning Chs- Organising Subiect: Accountancv 1. Prepare a project on segment analysis of any company from 2018 19 data and calculate profitability ratio, do revenue analysis and capital employed anaJysis and prepare appropriate graphs and pie charts. 2. Solve practical questions from chapter 2 -Fundamenials of partnership Chapter 3-Goodwill' Nature and Valuation Chapter 4-Change in profit sharing ratio, Chapter s-Admission of a partner, Chapter 6-Retirement /Death of a partner Chapter 7-Dissolution of partnership firm. Subiect: Paintinq , Make two still life and two compositions with three human flgures: use Watercolours, Size HalfCartridge sheetOR ivory sheets. Subiect: Phvsical Education 1, Anyone game o, your choice out oi list below !abelled diagram of field and equipment(History, Rules, Terminology and skills) Basketball, Football, Kabaddi, Kho Kho, Vollyball, Handball, Hockey, Cricket. 2. Procedure for Asanas, benefits and contraindicaiion for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease. Subiect: Economics 1. Do QNo.31to 77 of Ch-4. 2, Example 1to Example 9 of ch 10 3. Do the allotted Project Work. 4. Revise the Syllabus for PT1 Subiect lP Holidav Homework Q1) Complete the MySeL practical File. tnclude the queries based on following :__ 5 queries 1) based on Joins I Minimum 2 tables ] 2) 5 queries based on GroupByclause 3) 2 queries based on Database Transactions Q2) Make 2 HTML web pages with the tags and attributes done. Attach the code and the output screen in the Practical File. Submit Completed practical Fjle on July 6, 2019. Q3) Revise the MySQL and HTMI syllabus for pT1. Q4) Do the following questions in the Register :- l)whiie creating table simrita forgot ,,customer" to set the pdmary key for the tabie. Give the statement which she should write now to set the column ,,CustID" as the primary key ofthe table? 2) What is the purpose of lollowing SeL query: SELECT N4,Ax(salart ) FROM EmD: 3) Write the output ofthe following SeL queries: (i) SELECT INSTR(,,twetve","lv"); (iDSELECT ROLn{D(98.987,2); ,,ITEMS,, 4) The Item No and Cost column ofa tabje are given below: ITEM.NO COST 101 5000 102 NULL 103 4000 t 0,l 6000 105 NULL Based on this information, find output ofthe lollowing queries: .(a) SELECT AVG(COST) FROM ITEMS; (b) SELECT COST + 100 FROM ITEMS WHERE ITEM NO > 103i 5 ) Given the following tabies lor a database LIBRARY Table : Book Book_Id Book Name Author publishers price Name Type euantity F0001 The Tears William Hopkins First publ. 7j0 Fiction l0 F0002 Anna Thunderbolrs Robefs Firsr publ. 700 l,iction 5 T0001 My First C# Brian & Brooke EpB 250 I ext l0 10002 C€ Brainworks A.W. Rossaine TDH 325 Text 5 C0001 Fast Cook Lrra Kapoor EpB 350 Cookery 8 Table : Issued Id Quanrity Issued F000r 3 T0001 l c000r 5 Write SQL queries for (a) to (g) : (a) To show the crossjoin ofthe tables. (b) To show Book nane, Author name and price ofbooks ofEpB publishers (c) To increase rhe price ofall books ofFirst publ. bv 50 (d) To display rhe Book Id, Book Name and euanlit) Issued for a| books which have been issued. (The query will require contenrs from borh the tables) 6) ln a Database SAMS and VENDOR arc two tables rvith the following information. Write MySeL queries for (i) ro (iii), based ontabtes SAMS and VENDOR : Table : SAMS Icode lName Price Colour VCode 5001 Refrigerator 20000 Blue P0l Mobile phone 5002 4s000 Black P02 SOO3 LCD 60000 Silver P03 5004 Washing Machine 12s00 Smoke P0l conditioner S005 Air 16000 White P03 Table: \ENDOR Vcode VName P0l Satish P02 Manoj P03 Subodh P04 Jacob (i) To display lcode. IName and VName ofall the vendors, who manuf.actxre ,.Reliigerator,,. (ii) To display IName. lCode. VName and price ofuff tn" p.oau"i, ,io!. iriceis more ttran ZOOOO. (iii) To display vendor names jt".. and names ofall trrunutu"t"..a lfu""io. *ior. i. ,fO:,,. "oO" 7) Write queries for (a) to (p) :- a. Create a table stud in sfudent database Column name I)ata tyDe Length Constrainls Class Tnteger 2 Primary Key Roll Intecer Name 15 NOT M II,I, Varchar 20 Phone Integer l0 Unique Gender Varchar Grade Varchar b. Add a record 1\'ith Fietd (1,'anan,,'F 20 Rajouri, t2398402,,,M,,,,,A,,); c. Add a record with.oll=2, name='anita,,grade=,,B,, d. show the structure ofstud table. e Add a new colo Inn m"rk\ \ ith inlerger tl) l: .ave arl lran5acLion. g. Change the length ofname to 30 h. Add a new constraint NOTNULL \rirh address. i, Ren4me the name ofcolollmn name to F name j. Delele the coloumn Phone. k- change the phone 25,18392 ro 24950403. l. Remove Primary key constraint. m. Add Primary key to Rollno n.Show all records those name end with .S,. o.Show the no ofrecords ofeach gender. p. show all records those are not having phone no ENGLISH 1. Your school is organising a public awareness campaign in connection with it prepare a poster on "To bring out the importance of conservation of electricity,,. your school is a A K Public School, creen park, New Delhi. While 2. waiching reatity shows on Television, you felt angered by the harm they are young ,The causing to the children in the shows. Write an article on negative impact of reality shows on children'. you are RajniiRa.ian. Write 3. a speech to be spoken at the morning assembly on the topic'Respect for the older generation". 4. Your school observed the Library week. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, write a report on it to be published in your school magazine. 5. Revise all the chapters done in your note book, so far. NOTE : Q 1 to Q 4 to be done in C.W/H.W. note book MATHEMATICS Do assignmeft 1,.1,,7.3,2.I,4.1 a nd 6.1from question bank (ApC) COMPTETE "SEWA" PROJECT FILE ..
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