Maharashtra Education Society’s BAL SHIKSHAN MANDIR ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL ISO 9001:2015 Certified School 131, Mayur Colony, Kothrud, Pune – 411038. Tel. : 25435733 E – mail :
[email protected] Visit us at: Reflections 2020-21 Year of Relationships M AHARASHTRA E DUCATION S OCIETY ’ S BAL SHIKSHAN MANDIR ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL ISO 9001:2015 Certified School 1 3 1 , M A Y U R C OLONY , K OTHRUD , P U N E – 4 1 1 0 3 8 . Tel. : 25435733 E – mail :
[email protected] Visit us at: Reflections 2020-21 (Primary Section) Hon. Shri Vaman P. Adyakrantiveer Hon. Shri Laxman N. Bhave Vasudeo Balwant Indapurkar Phadke Quality Policy of Maharashtra Education Society’s Bal Shikshan Mandir English Medium School We strive towards continual development so as to enhance Academic Excellence, nurture Scientific Attitude and develop team spirit to create Environment Sensitivity in children and thus enable them to lead a meaningful life; while helping the needy. We strive towards continual improvement of our Quality Management System to achieve this goal by upgrading various skills of teachers. 1 MAHARASHTRA EDUCATION SOCIETY GOVERNING BODY Arch. Rajeev R. Sahasrabudhe Chairman Governing Body Dr. Madhav J. Bhat Vice Chairman, Governing Body C.A. Abhay P. Kshirsagar Vice Chairman, Governing Body Shri. Anand V. kulkarni Member, Governing Body Dr.Madhavi R. Mehendaley Member, Governing Body Shri. Deodatta C. Bhishikar Member, Governing Body Smt. Anandi M. Patil Member of Governing Body Adv. Dhananjay P. Khurjekar Member of Governing Body Shri Vijay A. Bhalerao Member of Governing Body Shri Babasaheb A.