Thursday, Jan 17 2002 CATALOG


Our program is a member of the


The ASSOCIATION OF HEALING HEALTH CARE PROJECTS founded by St. Charles Medical Center Bend, Oregon and The Massachusetts Association of Private Career Schools Endorsed by the Governor's Office of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

************************************************* OUR PHILOSOPHY

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Every person deserves respect, compassion, and justice. Anyone who treats another otherwise diminishes themselves

and all of us - each a unique and irreplaceable part of the human family.

Nature is the reflection of the innate order, perfection and interrelationships of creation. Life is not only physical and chemical, mental and emotional - it is also an expression of a profound spirituality which we do not yet fully understand. Given this, it becomes appropriate to approach health care from a whole-person [Contact Us] oriented philosophy which is educational, focused on disease prevention and, to the extent it is possible, fully engages the participation of the individual in their health recovery process.

Dear Prospective Student,

Thank you for your interest in our program. We would like to help you answer the following important questions: “ How do I know if this program will meet my needs and provide me with the information and training I am searching for ? What kind of work can I expect to do after I complete this training?

If you are taking this program to obtain a scientific, (w)holistic and integrated education in human health sciences - you've come to the right place! Our program is a unique and truly “whole - istic“ experience. The subject topics are presented from an integrated, "big picture of health" perspective. They are not only informative and taught in a way that connects one topic (one body system) to another, but, they are also intentionally non-competitive, stress free, and filled with humor and fun! Our philosophy creates an environment for authentic, organic learning.

If you are an individual looking for a traditional academic, grade focused program, or if you are looking for a training program that can provide job placement, this is NOT the program for you. Our program appeals to and is most successful for the individual who has their own vision of how they would like to utilize this information and training in their life, as well as apply this training for their personal right livelihood. Our most successful graduates apply this training to their present work, start their own business or practice utilizing this training, or work in a group practice or business. The unique model of Whole Health Education SM counseling our graduates offer not only serves their clients health recovery and disease prevention but also invites the individual into a process of self awareness and self discernment which leads to life long wellness.

If, after reading this on-line brochure and auditing our videos, you would like more information on how to appy to our program we invite you to contact us at 1-888-354-HEAL.

Sincerely, Georgianna Donadio, D.C., M.Sc., Ph.D., Founder and Director The New England School of Whole Health Education

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Comments by our Graduates... graduate Beverly Wedda, M.D., Massachusetts -

"My experience of the Whole Health Education program is - why don't medical schools incorporate this [ integrated model ] into their curriculum ? I now truly understand how everything is connected to everything else ! Every medical professional should be required to take this program. "

graduate Andrea Vidrine, Alabama -

"Attending the New England School [of Whole Health Education] was a life - changing experience for me. My education at the school qualified me to intern as a nutrition counselor at the Pain and Stress Clinic of Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Boston. I went on to complete a master's degree in social work and I now work as a natural health care educator, giving workshops and leading retreats." graduate Lorraine Burbank, R.N., Massachusetts -

"It is refreshing to find a program that truly adheres to its own philosophy. The program provides exactly what it states it will provide. I re-read the school booklet and realized that every goal and every objective stated in the brochure had been met."

graduates Carol and Richard Wallace, New Hampshire -

"The NESWHE training program is unique not just for its timely, non-directive model which invites people to participate in their own health, but also for the enriching, enthusiastic and knowledgeable experience we received from the dedicated director, faculty and staff."

Rather than focus on memorization and regurgitation of enormous amounts of facts and minutia, our focus is on the understanding or ownership of information. Based on a concept approach to learning, we present the student with an overview of the big picture of health SM and support it with clinical data from medical textbooks and multiple sources of research. Students learn how the systems of the body work together with the mind, emotions, environment, nutrition, and spirit as an integrated, living being. This is accomplished by teaching from a whole health, whole person perspective.

We maintain a non- competitive, nurturing environment which encourages each person to learn in their own unique way. Students and teachers evaluate how much a student is learning through assigned projects, giving the student the opportunity to express in their own words what has been learned. Our students are pleased with this relaxed and enjoyable learning experience. The program is designed to be equally accessible and enjoyable for students with learning disabilities or physically challenged.

One of the most frequently asked questions is "how demanding is the workload?" In our culture, we believe that education is inevitably difficult and stressful. That is because with mainstream education the emphasis is on competition and "being the best," or at least, being better than others. Our program creates a learning experience that is stress-free, without competition, in an environment that is respectful, friendly and fun! We must emphasize to the prospective student that this program is an alternative learning experience; not a didactic, grade- oriented program.

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In the Beginning: From the desk of Dr. Georgianna Donadio, Founder and Director

"In 1976, I moved to Boston to complete post graduate studies in clinical nutrition and begin a practice in Wholistic Health Care. In the process, I accepted an invitation to teach a course, "Principals of Wholistic Health Practice". Asked by a student what an "ideal wholistic practice" looked like, I reflected deeply on that question. When the "ideal model" emerged, it was a total surprise because it was not a practice model , but an education model! This model focused on being with the patient rather than practicing on them : educating the patient rather than treating them. It was a relationship- centered patient education model !

Dr. Abraham Maslow's 5 stage hierarchy, Sir Isaac Newton's 3rd law, Mother Theresa's example of love- centered service, Buddha's wisdom that "everything is everything", and The Golden Rule melded into a perspective which approached a patient as a whole person. It combined a one-to-one, peer-counseling format, with respectful listening, unconditional presence, the big picture of health SM and the most current medical and wellness research information. The objective of this non-directive model was to invite an individual into the process of their own healing and self management. This model provided the basis for a new health care professional, the Whole Health Educator SM. By 1980, it was being utilized at a Boston hospital where an additional 9 years of clinical formation helped craft it into its present form.

The product of this 25 year process is Whole Health Education SM. Its philosophy and application expounds that - be it the practice of medicine or business - the micro-relationship of practitioner to client or the macro- relationship of business to community, there is a rightness of relationship which serves the common good. It offers that when we:

listen respectfully; are fully present: act justly and compassionately; understand we do not heal others; invite rather than direct; recognize that each person possesses innate wisdom and self knowledge; we create healing and transformational relationships.

Primarily a patient education model, Whole Health Education SM is also a behavior which enhances all relationships. It has demonstrated, in pilot trial and in clinical environments, its transformational power. It brings to patients, physicians and caregivers alike the experience of being known in a profoundly respectful way. It honors their emotional, social and spiritual self, affirming that they are a unique and irreplaceable part of the human family. Whole Health Education SM represents a renaissance of relationship centered care. It has been called " a touchstone for the future of health care. "

It is an extraordinary privilege to steward this humble and simple vision which springs forth from the collective consciousness of the human soul. It has evolved in its own time to befriend us, to remind us of how we can be with one another. It is a response to the heart's longing for the rapture which comes from embracing our authentic self, for in each of us lies the seed of potential for that wondrous possibility!"

" The best perscription is knowledge " C. Everett Koop, M.D. former United States Surgeon General

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In the last decade, whole health has enjoyed enormous growth in popularity. This fact is changing the shape of things to come in the health care delivery system, according to John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends. He predicted that more natural approaches to health will dominate the choices people make. He also predicted a growing demand for patient education in all areas of health related care.

A New Model of Patient Empowerment

Medicine is an indispensable part of modern health care and often is required when an individual's body is beyond its own capacity to heal. Medicine and/or technology does not necessarily heal but, rather, addresses the symptoms of disease. To heal, cause and effect must be identified and addressed. Whole Health Education SM focuses on providing a framework for understanding the cause and effect of chronic conditions, as well as provides information for disease prevention and health management. As a result, Whole Health Education SM can facilitate all individuals, at whatever stage of health they may be. Whole Health Educators SM provide information which can empower the individual to more fully participate in their healing, or may facilitate their quality of life even in cases of terminal illness.

The Massachusetts General Hospital Newsletter (Vol. 47, No. 2, 3/88) expressed this understanding perfectly -- " Making sick or injured people well often depends less on treatment than on providing support for the body while it essentially heals itself. "

In an ideal health care system, information and choice of either allopathic (medical) or alternative health approaches would be available to all people, so that at any stage of their illness or wellness an individual could derive the maximum benefit of both approaches. We anticipate that as Whole Health Education SM makes its way into the medical mainstream, a true " integration" of healing modalities will be made possible. By its nature, Whole Health Education SM identifies all resources and modalities available to the client, without bias or opinion.


Only 20% of all available employment requires, a 4 year degree. Another 20% are filled be unskilled individuals. The majority of employment opportunities ( 60%) DO NOT require a college degree, but DO require specialized skills and training beyond high school. ( This information is provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.) Among examples of focused-trained employment opportunities we find many health related professionals. Certified Nursing Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians, Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Technicians, Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Technicians, Lay Mid- Wives, Weight Loss Counselors, Acupuncturists, Muscle Therapists, Family Counselors, Medical Assistants, Dental Assistants, EKG Technicians, Phlebotomy Technicians, Estheticians, Fitness Consultants and Trainers, Hypnotists, Massage Therapists, Polarity Practitioners, Reiki Practitioners, Cosmetology, Stress Counselors, Pastoral Counseling, Shiatsu Practitioners, Practical Nursing, Yoga Instructors and Health Claims Processors. The certified Whole Health Educator SM is included on this list of professionals.

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LEARNING-AT-A- DISTANCE PROGRAM (LAAD) The New England School of Whole Health Education SM now offers its programs through a Distance Learning format, with optional on- campus classes. Since 1998, our school has endeavored to create a protocol offering Whole Health Education SM nationally, while maintaining the context, content and integrity of our on-campus program. The product of this endevear is our current video instruction distance learning format. All of our students recieve instruction on professionally produced video tapes, along with class notes and online support. All students are invited to attend monthly tutorial classes. These classes are offered on Saturdays only and provide the student an opportunity for discussion, question and answer sessions, and time spent with other students and teachers. All class attendance is optional.

Over 150 hours of video curriculum, along with education reference materials, interactive support services, and in-person, on campus classes comprise the LAAD curriculum. Filmed on campus in Boston, during actual classes of The New England School of Whole Health EducationSM, these professionally produced tapes relate the experience of the classroom as if you were there. In-person classes or online support is available to answer your questions and respond to your feedback.

There are several options to this outstanding learning experience:

1. If you are seeking an excellent understanding of the human mind / body systems from an integrated perspective, our To Be A Human BeingSM, 14 part series is available as a separate course offering. Ideal for the self-directed home learner, this video library serves as an individual tutorial, presenting what it means to be human by teaching the five aspects of health: physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual SM. The many systems of the body are explained separately and integrated together from the big picture of health SM perspective. Running time is over 40 hours for the series, which includes: Physics & Philosophy; Brain to Body Communication; Human Hormones & Behaviors; The Nervous System & its Integration Within the Body; All the Body Systems including : Digestive, Immune, Endocrine, Lymphatic, Cardiovascular, Musculo-Skeletal, Respiratory; as well as Human Nutrition from a " big picture" perspective. Also included is a Lifestyle, Wellness & Prevention video, along with a very special class on Genetics and Aging. The cost for this program is 1800.00, which includes shipping and handling. A certificate of study is awarded with the completion of the course.

2. If you seek a more expanded understanding of the big picture of health SM, we also offer the First Year Program on video. This complete first year course includes everything in the To Be A Human Being SM series, plus additional classes on Exercise physiology; Mindfulness and Presence in daily life; Cell Biology; the Krebb Cycle and Intra-cellular Nutrition; Food Chemistry; Soul-based Psychology; the Psychology of Stress; Sub-personality Theory; Peer Relationships Psychology; and Developing Unconditional Presence. Over thirty five (35) additional hours of classroom instruction and discussion completes this exciting series. This First Year Program offers a unique opportunity for busy adult learners to review the information and instruction at their own speed, at home, on their own schedule. Because NESWHE's curriculum is not didactically oriented, rather than being tested on your ability to memorize facts, we suggest you watch the tapes several times until you feel comfortable with this bigger, integrated understanding of the cause and affects contributing to an individual's health or illness. Many people take our First Year Program simply for their own interest and self healing and find it to be an invaluable tool in their personal wellness pursuits. A total of 28 video library tapes are included with this program.

3. After completing the First Year Program, we invite you to consider our Second Year Program. The second year videos consist of 28 NEW tapes providing training in skills which can enhance your life both personally and professionally. Part One of " Whole Life Skills"SM , presents personal and inter-personal dynamics through a model of the five aspects of health: physical, emotional, chemical, environmental and spiritual SM. Incorporating current works in psychology, spirituality, nutrition, philosophy and behavioral medicine, this 14 part program presents information, techniques and tools to be utilized towards creating enhanced relationships - with self and others, both personal and professional. This program offers: The Challenge of Being Human, Success Through Integrity, Achieving Happiness, The Authentic Self, Listening & Self- Healing, Heart-Hartiness, Creating Relationships, Creating Love, Moving Towards Acceptance, The Gift of Silence, Boundaries, Listening to Others, Sacredness in Relationships and The Zen of Imperfection.. Part Two of " Whole Life Skills" SM, is called "Whole Life Tools" SM, which provides information and strategies to assist you with your professional skills development as well as your professional and personal goals and success. This 14 part Program includes: The History & Science of Healing, On-Line Library Research I & II, Introduction to Alternative Health Care Practices I & II, De-Mystifying the Medical Language, Marketing for Whole Health Professionals I, II, III & IV, Understanding Cultural Diversity, Business Law & Ethics I, II, III and Peer Counseling Dynamics. Refer to the Class Description Section of this catalogue for a more detailed description of the courses. A certificate of study is offered for the individual programs, as well as for the completion of the Whole Health Education First and Second Year.

Boston, a world-class Mecca of medical research and health care, is the home of NESWHE and the LAAD Program. This beautiful, historic city offers international academic institutions, arts, museums, sightseeing, cultural and sporting events, and hospitality.


The cost for the LAAD First Year, 28 video library, on-line access, optional in-person classes and class materials is 3400.00 if purchased as a full year. If the program is purchased PER SEMESTER or QUARTERLY the cost is as follows:

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

This method of distribution will allow a gradual presentation of the big picture of health SM, as well as the time to process the information at your own speed. Payments are made by check or charge directly to our administrative office as each set is ordered.

The cost for the Second Year, 28-tape video library, exclusive on-line access, and expressly designed educational tools and materials is 3400.00 if purchased as a full year, and includes shipping and handling. As with the First Year Program, videos are distributed either in a group of 28, as a whole year program, or in sets of four semesters or quarters:

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

z 7 Videos for 975.00 (includes shipping & handling fees)

Both the first and second year may be purchased in halves. Each half of the first year costs 1800.00 per half, and each half of the second year costs 1800.00 per half.

Graduation and diploma fees are additional. We offer a wide variety of payment plans, and tuition may be paid with a major credit card.

OVERSEAS SHIPMENTS: Please add an additional $25.00 per semester ordered to cover the additional expense of mailing parcels out of the U.S. If you are ordering 1 semester, add $25.00 - 2 semesters add $50.00 - 3 semesters add $75.00, and if you are ordering the full year add $100.00. Each semester is shipped as a seperate parcel.


The executive office of The New England School of Whole Health Education is located at 3 Cameron Place, Suite 3, Wellesley, MA 02482. Classes and program orientation are conducted at The New England Medical Center, the principle teaching hospital for Tufts University School of Medicine. Classes are held in the Stearns Auditorium, 800 Washington Street, Boston. Low cost parking is available for students across the facility, Boston, on Charles Street Between the Boston Commons and the Public Gardens. Classes are held once a month on Saturdays, from September through December and March through July.

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The focus of Whole Health Education SM is to create a new role for patient education and provide, for health care environments, a model of relationship-centered interaction. Education, apart from critical care, is the most urgent need in our health care system today. Our certified Whole Health Educator SM - training program - does not train an individual to be a "healer", or to provide "treatment" or to become someone who "cures" another. Rather, it emphasizes that individuals can and do create their own wellness when provided respectful listening, unconditional presence, and information appropriate to their concerns. By creating this new health professional, the Whole Health EducatorSM, we endeavor to meet the needs of today's changing health care environment. It is now well documented (JAMA, Nov. 13, 1966 Vol. 276:18:, Persons With Chronic Conditions, Their Prevalence and Costs, and JAMA Nov.10,1993 Vol.270, No.18: causes of Death in US,) that the largest expenditure on our health care system is for chronic care caused by lifestyle and habit: not individuals who are disabled or institutionalized, but those of us functioning in the mainstream, with chronic conditions. Data presented to the American College of Health Care Executives compiled from " The Healer Within", by Dr. Roger Jahnke, published by Harper Collins, 1999, identifies "lack of information, as the #1 root cause of death". Chronic conditions, caused by habit and lifestyle, require a change of behavior to correct them. To change behavior, new information is needed.

The Whole Health EducatorSM provides this information to clients in a peer-counseling format, using uniquely crafted educational tools to present the big picture of healthSM, and to explain the five aspects of health: physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual.SM In addition, the certified Whole Health EducatorSM acts as an information resource by researching, for the client and their physician, the most current scientific information available related to their health concerns. This information assists individuals to clearly understand the cause and effect of their condition. It also provides them with the tools to dialogue more effectively with their physicians and take greater control over their health care choices and self-management. Additionally, this information is made available by the Whole Health EducatorSM to anyone the client desires to receive the information. This supports and improves the client - provider relationship. In the American managed health care system providers do not have the time to locate health information or fully educate their patient. Michael Barry, M.D., of Mass. General Hospitals' Practice Evaluation Center, states in JAMA, Dec.22,1999, Vol. 282. No.24, that "time is certainly a major issue in trying to incorporate shared decision making into office practice".

We believe that Whole Health EducationSM is a critical missing ingredient in creating a choice centered, prevention-focused health care system which empowers the client, supports the work of providers and reduces costs.

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AtlantiCare Medical Center

500 Lynnfield Street Lynn, Massachusetts 01904 Tel. 781 581-9200



AtlantiCare Medical Center in Lynn, Massachusetts was the site of a pilot project on the use of Whole Health Education in Cardiac Rehabilitation. The project sought to compare 50 patients with usual cardiac rehabilitation and 50 patients with usual cardiac rehabilitation and Whole Health Education.

The patients received Whole Health Education, participating in six one-on-one sessions with an educator certified by The New England School of Whole Health Education, a private training program licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Education. The Whole Health Education model engages patients with a "big picture" view of how body systems work together, how the mind and body communicate, and how stress adaptation works in both health and disease. In addition, the patients and the educators investigated and discussed cardiovascular disease management. Once the patients had a better understanding of their disease and their options, they were invited to choose lifestyle changes that worked for them.

Fifty patients were enrolled in the Whole Health Education arm of the project. Four certified educators were employed to initiate and complete the six one-on-one sessions. Four Whole Health Education interns, under the supervision of certified educators, did follow-up with the patients. One coordinator oversaw the organizational and management process of the project with Harvey Zarren, MD, FACC, Medical Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation acting as principal investigator for the project. The 50 control patients were also enrolled.

Results of the project were immensely interesting. Patients expressed some of the following thoughts:

"Never before in my life have I been listened to like this!" "The effects of this process have been very subtle but life-changing for me." "I am choosing to do things for myself that I have not thought about in a long time." "I finally have information that's helping me to make different kinds of choices."

It is evident that the process of Whole Health Education, apart from its content, is an incredibly valuable and effective form of interpersonal interaction. It is a tool for change in regard to both style of interaction and transfer of information - in this case, health information. It is clear that Whole Health Education can have significant effects on the attitudes and actions of individuals.

Currently, 1 million people per year in the United States die from atherosclerosis-related illnesses. Atherosclerosis is a disease process which narrows and blocks the arteries, resulting in heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and peripheral vascular disease. The knowledge exists already to prevent and adequately treat the overwhelming majority of atherosclerosis cases. However, the tools to convey this knowledge to patients in a meaningful way have been sorely lacking. Whole Health Education is clearly one of these valuable tools.


HealthCare System Member Founded by Massachusetts Genereal Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital


"Feed someone a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach someone to fish, they feed themselves for a lifetime."

Village Wisdom


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The Model

Our health education model provides a context for the client to easily understand how the relationship between their body, mind and environment is related to their state of health or disease. This peer- counseling model invites the client into the decision making process, in contrast with a directive approach which instructs the client in a pre-determined course of care. Whole Health Education SM provides specific, necessary information which prepares the client to contribute to decision making, as well as to discern with their families, physicians and health care providers a strategy for their health recovery and health maintenance.

APPLYING TO THE WHOLE HEALTH EDUCATOR PROGRAM Unlike the other programs offered at NESWHE, the Whole Health Educator SM Training Program requires that the individual student apply and be accepted into the Program. The educational pre-requisite for admission is the successful and satisfactory completion of the FIRST & SECOND YEAR WHOLE HEALTH EDUCATION SM PROGRAMS. Additional requirements include, but are not limited to, the students life experience, maturity, personal and professional references. Applications may be made, at any time, after the student has successfully completed the first and second years of study in Whole Health Education SM. The Whole Health Education Training Program requires the student to attend a one week In- person Training conducted at the New England Medical Center, 800 Washington Street in Boston, and in addition , complete 220 hours of health information counseling and information research. This is a self-directed Mentor assisted Internship , which offers upon successful completion, certification as a Whole Health Educator SM . Tuition for the Training Program is presently $1500.00. This fee includes specially created health education tools and materials. Information on Trainings may be obtained by calling the registra's office at 781-237-7971.


Dr. Herbert Benson, director of the Mind/Body clinic at Beth Israel/Deaconess Hospital in Boston, has stated, "...upwards of 60 - 90% of visits to doctors [and health-care providers] are in the stress-related, mind/body realm where drugs, [medicines] surgeries don't really help...". As it is now well understood that 76% of all health-care dollars are spent on chronic care, (JAMA, Nov.13, 1996) it becomes increasingly apparent that an education-focused approach to chronic health problems is the answer.

The internship portion of the training is critical for the student contemplating a career in Whole Health Education SM. Because this is a unique model of patient health education, it is essential that the graduate practice the art , science and philosophy of Whole Health Education SM , in a supervised context - with a Mentor to guide them.

The Whole Health Educator SM is not in any way a health care provider, but serves their client and the health care community as a support and enhancement to the client/provider relationship. Information is given in a respectful, non- judgmental manner. Each individual is given information specific to their needs. This approach, of providing the big picture of health SM and individualized information, empowers the client by demystifying the cause and effect of illness.

While our students may choose to intern in a medical or professional setting, these internships are demanding and time intensive. Therefore, NESWHE offers a 3 month (which includes the one week of Training), Mentor supervised, self-directed internship alternative, which allows the student to expediantly complete their training. This model of training also lends itself well to the Distance Learner and allows the student to work in an independent manner, preparing them for the practice of Whole Health Education SM.


Massachusetts General Hospital, , Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Elder Care Services, Addison-Gilbert Hospital, AtlantiCare Medical Center, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Modern Assistance Medical Case Management Inc., Cambridge Family YMCA, Harvard Medical School Center for Psychology and Social Change, Digital Corp., Reebok Shoe , Avery-Dennison Corporation, The American Red Cross, Wild Harvest Natural Foods Market, Women To Women, co- founded by Christine Northrup, MD, Maternal Outreach, Boston College Student Services, and Lynn Housing Authority Outreach Program.

Malpractice Insurance for Interns and Graduates: the American Counseling Association, 5999 Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304-3300 / 1-800-347-6647, is the largest malpractice insurance company in the U.S. covering individuals in education and counseling-related professions. Interns and certified Whole Health Educators SM are eligible for malpractice insurance under their general membership category.

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What kind of career support is available after taking this program ?

The New England School of Whole Health Education SM has established a self marketing program through Latady & Associates, a Health Care Strategic Marketing Consulting Firm. Latady & Associates works with each individual certified graduate, assisting them in self marketing strategies as well as facilitating possible strategies for placement in a Physicians office. Whole Health Educators SM are qualified to provide "incident to" insurance reimbursable services for a Physicians' practice.

The certified graduate works with Latady & Associates to identify individual Physician practices or health facilities they may wish to apply to. If the graduate desires to establish their own Whole Health Education SM practice, Latady & Associates will focus on self marketing strategies to assist the graduate with their practice goals. This service works well for the Distance Learner as well as the On-Campus Learner.


While more than 50% of our student body currently comprises individuals working in health related areas, many of our students are studying at NESWHE for a new career with no previous health related training. If you have no prior employment or education in the area of health care, this should in no way discourage you from training to become a Whole Health Educator SM.

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All students are required to have completed a "primary education", which means High School. As NESWHE is a career training program, any additional education may be helpful but not required. The New England School of Whole Health Education does not discriminate on any basis of age, race, gender, sexual or religious orientation, physical abilities or challenges. All students with a sincere desire to learn are welcome.


We wish to emphasize that the completed two years of Whole Health Education Classes, plus the Internship/Training Program and Certification fully prepares you to work as a Whole Health Educator SM without any other training or degree. Students who wish to pursue self-directed, degree programs frequently ask if the courses we offer are eligible for transfer credits. To date, our experience has been consistently positive in this regard. Our courses have been accepted for credits at a wide variety of schools and colleges. However, the criteria of each degree granting program should be discussed with their admissions office. In past years,many NESWHE students have earned M.A. and B.A. degrees at Lesley College, Cambridge College, Vermont College and others, through self-directed degree programs.

IF YOU WISH TO APPLY TO OUR PROGRAM You may apply in a variety of ways.

(1) If you wish to apply by mail, you may fill out the application form and send it, along with payment in the amount of the cost for the program indicated, to NESWHE, 3 Cameron Place, Suite 3, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 02482.

(2) You may Fax us your application, along with your credit card number and expiration date, to 781-431-0017.

(3) You may call us Toll Free at 1-888-354-HEAL. We will be happy to take your application over the telephone. You will need a credit card to complete your application. NESWHE accepts all Major Credit Cards, including American Express & Discover.

(4) You may also apply online. Our Web-site is secured, so that you may e-mail payment using your credit card.

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Consider the following in your decision making:

1. Can we serve your educational needs?

Can we provide the learning experience you are looking for? 2. We do not choose our students, our students choose us -- if the program is right for them.

Click here for our application form.

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Frequently Asked Questions


(1) Is your program eligible for federal student loan programs ?

Several years ago, we evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of our program participating in federally funded student loan programs. What we discovered is in order to maintain the enormous paperwork required for these loans we would have to either hire staff or an outside agency, to manage the loan paperwork load. This would significantly increase what we would have to charge our students in tuition. We are very pleased that we can offer our students our outstanding educational program for a minimum cost to them. Therefore, we have chosen NOT to administer federal student loan programs, and feel it is in the best interest of our students to do so.

(2) Is the program accredited ?

Private career training programs DO NOT require any type of accreditation. They do require licensing by the Department of Education in the state where they reside. Our program is licensed by the Department of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and is a member of the state endorsed Massachusetts Association of Private Career Training Programs. We are also a member of the American Public Health Association, and the Association of Healing Health Care Projects, established by St. Charles Medical Center, Bend, Oregon.

(3) Is the certification valid in other states ?

Our program is licensed to certify you as a Whole Health Educator SM. This certification can be used in any state, with regard to the practice of Whole Health Education SM.

(4) Are any other programs like yours in other states or anywhere else?

Whole Health Education SM, a model of patient education developed by NESWHE over the past 25 years, is the exclusive proprietary work of The New England School of Whole Health Education SM . As such, it is not nor cannot be taught by any other school or program, in part or whole, in the United States or any foreign country. The New England School of Whole Health Education SM holds state and federal servicemarks, registered trademarks as well as copyrights on the entire content and format of our programs and retains all title, rights and interests in its use and in the use of materials developed by our program. No other program can offer you this specific training format and content, which is why we have developed, for students outside our geographical area, our Learning-at-a-Distance Program to meet the growing demand for this training and its graduates.

(5) What kind of employment can I find after training ?

Although this question is answered at length in the catalogue, we do get asked this question most often. Please refer to THE CAREER OPPORTUNITY SECTION for the expanded answer. You can also take a look at the Medical Professionals section of our website to understand more fully how this outstanding patient health education model works in physician offices or in medical facilities.

(6) May I have phone numbers for some students, graduates or certified Whole Health Educators SM from your program ?

For several years, through the generosity of their personal time and their passion for Whole Health Education SM, our students and certified graduates made available their phone numbers to many of the individuals who called asking for an opportunity to speak with someone who had gone through this program. As our program grew, we received hundreds of such requests, and this courtesy had to be discontinued, as it became intrusive to the lives of the students and graduates who had so graciously shared their experiences. As a result of this, we chose to invest significant resources to produce our Program Introduction and Audit Videos. You may view these and other videos in our extensive VIDEO LIBRARY.

You may also MEET OUR GRADUATES by clicking here.

(7) Is there an enrollment deadline for the LEARNING - AT - A - DISTANCE PROGRAM ?

You may start the LAAD program AT ANY TIME. You can order the video tapes and view them at your own speed. We recommend that you purchase the videos as they are offered, in groups of 7 tapes. The program is designed and coordinated in a specific way so that you are provided with a mini course within a course when you receive an individual grouping of tapes. For example, the first seven videos could be taken as a separate course by themselves. The last seven videos and the middle fourteen videos are also grouped to serve as separate mini courses. You can, however, purchase the videos in smaller groupings of videos, but there is an increase in the price per video.

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( Click here to read the graduation ceremony address by student Rosemary Nichols. )


"I have found Whole Health Education with its invitational, non-directive educational process and its non-judgmental interaction style to be an extraordinary educational process for both patients and caregivers. We are using Whole Health Education at Union Hospital with great success, both as a patient education tool and as a model for professional interaction."

Harvey Zarren, M.D.(Video Library), Read a letter from Dr. Zarren, M.D. Medical Director, Dept. of Cardiac Rehabilitation Medical Director for "The Healing Connection" Union Hospital, North Shore Medical Center Lynn, MA

"They [the Whole Health Educators] are a testament to the philosophy of whole health education, and have given our clients valuable and useful information and tools that will now be part of the management of their health."

Pamela Lindgren, RN Read a letter from Pamela Lindgren Nurse Manager Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab. Dept Martha's Vineyard Hospital

"We came to rely on placements from the New England School because their enthusiasm for serving others was a critical component of our clinical work to redirect our patients towards a sense of self-help and self-reliance. Dr. Donadio has created a health education model which not only serves patients but also serves physicians, families, medical staff, insurance providers and everyone involved in the health care delivery process. The Whole Health Education model provides a deeply respectful, equity based, relationship-centered presence which enhances and uplifts the lives of everyone it touches."

Dr. Ted J. Kaptchuk Associate Director, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Center for Alternative Medicine Research and Education Read a letter from Ted Kaptchuk

"Betsy [ the Whole Health Educator ] saw patients upon referral by me. These patients generally had chronic medical issues and were experiencing varying degrees of frustration in looking for solutions. The patient's medical issues included diabetes, hypertension, obesity, chronic arthritis, hypercholesterolemia, depression, fibromyalgia, and coronary artery disease. All of the patients felt they had gained significantly through the opportunity to improve their education and knowledge of their conditions. Unanimously, the patients felt the time spent with Betsy was valuable towards improving their personal health.

Their health remains better because of the education that she provided. In addition, my present interactions with these same patients has been made easier for both of us as a result of the educational consultation these patients gained. "

Eric Cohen, M.D. Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

"The model of whole health education that she [ the certified Whole Health Educator ] practices and the educational tools which she uses are an invaluable resource to this clinic. The feedback that I get from my patients and the interaction between them, Marie and myself bring me to the conclusion that this model of patient education does fill the gap between patients and their physicians, and makes communication more effective."

Joseph Fanfan, Jr. M.D., P.A. Internal Medicine Practice Fort Lauderdale, Florida

"Fifteen (15) patients signed up and completed the Whole Health Education Series. Each patient gave excellent feedback about the process and working with [the Whole Health Educator]."

Michelle Cox Program Director Cardiac Rehabilitation Quincy Medical Center, an Affiliate of

"For the past eleven years the Center for Psychology and Social Change has been seeking avenues for addressing the world's intractable problems by looking at the deeper psychological roots driving them. Our projects are designed to promote shifts in consciousness and behavior that invite sustainable, equitable and peaceful ways of living.

As a board member of the Center, it was my good fortune to have Gail Mitton [ Whole Health Educator ] assisting in organizing a project I directed at the Center. As a Whole Health Educator, Gail's training brought many skills. Her positive attitude has been an inspiration to all of us. I highly recommend [Gail] a Whole Health Educator."

Peggy Huddleston, MTS Center for Psychology and Social Change Affiliate of the Dept. of Psychiantry, Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School Author of "Prepare For Surgery, Heal Faster"

"Patient feedback about these Whole Health Education visits was overwhelmingly positive. Marilyn seemed especially sensitive in regards to patients' needs. She helped patients to comply with their particular medical regime."

N. Thomas LaCava, M.D. West Boylston, MA

"We are delighted to be working with Whole Health Educators. We have used your services ranging in areas from weight loss issues to cardiovascular disease, arthritis and renal failure. In each case the positive feedback has been tremendous. One member called me to tell me she felt "empowered", another to say that prior to this service she was "overwhelmed", now she was informed."

"Please keep up the excellent work. We can not have an efficient, cost effective, health care system without Whole Health Education."

Marie R. Downey, L.I.C.S.W. Modern Assistance Programs, Inc. Medical Case Management

"Over the past year Richard has done an outstanding job of guiding Rockport employees to make positive choices about their health and lifestyle. He accomplished this through one-to-one counseling and by facilitating Whole Health Education workshops. The participants exposed to Whole Health Education counseling felt he [Richard] had the expertise that empowered them with the skills and awareness to make changes to improve their lives."

Ronald A. Bartkiewicz Health Promotion Manager Reebok International

"People really benefit by having someone who has the time to sit with them, where the focus of that encounter is purely educational. And it really helps to empower people so they can make health choices and decisions that are right for them."

Stephanie Stevens, M.D. Former Medical Director of Cardiac Care Dept. and Alternative & Complementary Medicine Dept. St. Elizabeth's Hospital

"Patients have come up to me and said, 'I've never had anyone listen to me like that before', and, 'I finally feel that I have some control over the outcome of my condition'. They tell me how much this has meant to them, to have the information, but especially to have someone who wasn't there to tell them what to do, but to just be present for them."

Anna Seubert Coordinator of Department of Whole Health Education Union Hospital

"Ms. Salenius provided an invaluable resource for our busy center. She was able to offer many important educational materials, pre- & post-operative support and just plain listening time to many of our clients who are in stress periods of their life due to a health crisis."

Dixie J. Mills, M.D. Co-founder with Christine Norththrup, M.D. Women to Women Health Center Yarmouth, ME

"The model of Whole Health Education was a natural progression for us in the course of treatment for our patients. It brings the relationship between the doctor and patient much closer. The current expectation of people is that they will be more involved with their health care and the health professional needs to collaborate with the patient in order to effectively treat them. Much of what effects your health depends on the way you live your life."

Judy Ritchie Chief Executive Officer AtlantiCare, The North Shore Medical Center

"As a print and broadcast journalist for 25 years, it has been my privilege to know, and cover, many remarkable people. Dr. Donadio, however, is in a class by herself - so much so that after meeting her at the close of our first season on PBS, I am looking forward to making Dr. Donadio and her life-affirming work the focus of one of the Body & Soul programs in our next season."

Gail Harris (Video Library), Read a letter from Ms. Harris Emmy Award winning journalist Executive Producer and Host, PBS series 'Body & Soul'

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The Faculty

Georgianna Donadio, D.C., M.Sc., Ph.D. - is the Founder and Director of the program, as well as an instructor. A health educator and nutritionist since 1973, Dr. Donadio's interest in women's issues is a dominant theme in her work. In addition to raising three children, teaching, and practicing, she also hosts a nationally syndicated, weekly cable TV program, "Woman to Woman." [email protected]

Mona Dorsinville, M.D. - is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Institue for Health Careers, in Boston. In addition to her outstanding work with MIHC, Dr. Dorsinville devotes much of her time educating health professionals on how cultural differences impact the delivery and experience of health care.

Nancy Latady, B.S., M.B.A. - has 23 years of healthcare experience. She brings to her work and teaching extensive experience in market research, physician relations, marketing strategy and business development. She has provided services to a wide range of healthcare organizations and primary/secondary specialty care physician practices.

Susan Kilcoyne, B.A., M.B.A. - Is an award winning Practice Development specialist, who brings over 20 years of professional media marketing skills to her classroom. Susan has spent the past 3 years developing marketing strategies for 16 Primary Care and Obstetric practices at in Cambridge, MA.

Joseph Libonati, M.Sc., Ph.D - has his doctoral degree in exercise physiology. He is an Assistant Professor and Director of the BioKinetics Research Laboratory at Temple University, as well as a faculty lecturer at John Hopkinds University, Krieger School of Arts and Science. Joe incorporates expertise and enthusiasm into his classroom presentations.

Laura Lubin, LICSW - is a psychotherapist and artist who received her B.S. from Cornell University in "The Behavioral Sciences and Their Relationship to the Expressive Arts." Her M.S.W. is from Simmons College. Laura is a graduate of the two- year Training Program in Spiritual Psychology from the Concord Institute, as well as the Institute's Two-Year Advanced Training of the Trainer Program. Laura maintains a private practice in Newton, Massachusetts.

Gail Mitton, CWHE - Is a certified Whole Health Educator SM and certified to teach meditation and visualization for pre- & post-operative medical procedures. Gail has been involved in Hospice work for over 20 years, and presently is the Director and Founder of Pathways Health Center in Hanover, Massachusetts, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of cancer patients.

Andrew Weiss, M.A., J.D. - since 1978, Andrew has worked as a lawyer and dispute resolution specialist. He counsels health- related practitioners, small business owners, non-profit organizations and individuals. Andrew is a member of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, the International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers, and the Holistic Bar Association of America. His private practice, Resolution, is located in Maynard, Massachusetts.

Cliff Whitehead, M.A., M.Sc. - Cliff started teaching at NESWHE in 1978. He has taught cell biology, biochemistry, nutrition, and related sciences for the past thirty years, including teaching health sciences in Africa, for the Peace Corp. Cliff is committed to an integrated teaching model that allows students to truly understand the 'big picture' of body chemistry and nutrition.

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Physics of Philosophy: The purpose of this course is to lay a foundation of understanding for the big picture of health SM curriculum presented at this program. The works of Einstein, Newton, Buddha, Maslow, the Torah, the Koran and other classic teachings are utilized to demonstrate how an individual's philosophy, worldview and beliefs influences their choices and the resulting cause & effect outcomes.

Anatomy and Physiology: The human body is presented system-by-system, building one upon another. The objective of this course is to demystify the body's systemic inter- relationships. Each system and organ is explained through a five element perspective which includes the five aspects of health: physical, chemical, emotional, environmental and spiritual.SM

Nutrition: Although there is a basic nutritional requirement for all human beings, nutrition practices and approaches vary greatly according to culture, geography, religion, environment, age and many other factors which need to be considered when establishing a realistic nutrition perspective. This course presents various approaches, practices and research from a global viewpoint. This course also presents the nutritional research of Hans Selye, MD., the "father of stress". His work identifies and explains nutritional needs for the body under stress.

Exercise Physiology: This class explores exercise on many levels: the basic relationship to cardio-vascular health, calories, disease prevention, and how to apply exercise in an age- appropriate, group-appropriate manner.

Psychoneuroimmunology: This course documents what we know today about the interrelationships of the human mind and body. Clinical research is presented along with several different mind/body schools of thought and techniques used today in various clinical settings, including many teaching hospitals in the Boston area.

Cell Nutrition: A review of digestion, cell function and the energy cycle are covered in this foundation course. By learning step-by-step the role of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the Krebb Cycle, as well as how hormones interact in this cycle, the student develops an authentic understanding of how human nutrition works.

Psychology: This course introduces the principles of peer counseling and the counseling relationship in an experiential format. Students explore how to be fully present to another human being, the importance and limitations of the "personality theories" model for understanding the whole person, and working with imagery. Activities will include lecture, group discussion, handouts, and working with each another one-on- one in the classroom.

Mindfulness: In this presentation the student is invited to consider their approach in day-to-day living and thoughtfully consider " being present " for themselves and others. This class is presented as a prelude to the second year program and presents Whole Health Education as a health education model and a way of being in relationship with others.

Review I, II, with Wellness/Prevention/Aging: Information packed courses taught from the big picture of health SM perspective. It covers all the classes taken in the first year plus women's health, aging, and children's health form an integrated, " big picture of health" model.


Marketing for the Whole Health Professional: This course is a must for anyone planning on working in the field of whole health. Taught by health care marketing experts, this course will help you design and implement the practice you've imagined yourself creating. If you are already established in practice, this course will be an invaluable tool to your professional growth and enhancement.

Peer Counseling: This is a hands-on experiential class which gives the students, individually and collectively, an opportunity for actual experience with peer counseling skills. The objective is to learn how to interact with a client in a deeply respectful, unconditionally present manner.

Whole Health Skills Training: All people possess a spiritual life, world view and personal values. Recognizing the importance of this and how our spirituality affects our health is one of the unique dimensions of whole health skills. This course introduces and discusses how to understand and utilize many different approaches to relationship building on a personal as well as professional level.

Medical Terminology: This course will present the basics of understanding the language of medical records and medical reports. This is a valuable tool for those working in the whole health field, to better serve the needs of your client and to assist in an interface with medical health professionals.

Understanding Alternative Treatments: This course introduces the various alternative treatments that are most commonly available. The course will describe the modalities and will present a scientific explanation for the use of these modalities. Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Herbology, Yoga, Erik Healing, Meditation, and other natural therapies may be presented. The purpose is to provide the student with information to share with clients.

Library and Information Research: This course, taught by an education coordinator from The National Institute of Health, Library of Medicine Network, is designed to provide the student with the skills necessary to research health topics appropriate to their clients' needs. Library, Internet and other sources are explained and utilized. This course enables the student to become a health information resource to their client or for themselves.

The Big Picture of Health SM: Building upon the first-year curriculum, the big picture of health is a perspective of looking at whole-person health. This perspective is integrated throughout the whole life skillsSM curriculum of the second year. Providing this perspective is the central task of the Whole Health Educator SM.

Becoming a Professional - Business Law, Management & Promotion: Learning how to make the most of your whole health training and how to best serve clients often takes guidance. This course will lead the student to an understanding of what is necessary to be successful in all aspects of whole health work. It will include specific legal information, experiential client interaction, and discussion of related business ethics and practices.

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The New England School of Whole Health Education

* MAIL APPLICATION TO: NESWHE Registration Office: 3 Cameron Place, Suite 3 Wellesley, MA 02482 Tel: 781-237-7971 or 1-888-354-HEAL

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Please indicate which program you are interested in: ____Video Library - 'To Be A Human Being' ____Learning-At-A-Distance Program First Year ____Learning-At-A-Distance Program Second Year

Please indicate the number of videos you wish to purchase: ____ Semester One - 7 Videos 975.00 ____ Semester Two - 7 Videos 975.00 ____ Semester Three - 7 Videos 975.00 ____ Semester Four- 7 Videos 975.00 ____ Entire First Year Videos - 28 Videos 3400.00 ____ Entire Second Year Videos - 28 Videos 3400.00 ____ Half of First Year - 14 Videos 1800.00 ____ Half of Second Year - 14 Videos 1800.00 ____ To Be A Human Being 1800.00

The New England School of Whole Health Education Phone: 1-888-354-HEAL

Email: [email protected]