Siege, 30

The hell of it is

…that we ourselves aren’t at all immune from the horrific things that are in store for the future. If we were somehow isolated or insulated from it then none of what is today bringing it on would bother or concern us. If that was the case, I doubt whether we’d be in the struggle at all. But this is not a laboratory experiment that we can shelve, lockup, and walk away from. This is a fight for survival and we are not immune from the hell that we must strive to see gets broken loose. Any halfway “normal” person might be expected to come up with a rejoinder like this: “Why do we do it?”

We do it because one thing is clear: the current deadlock must be This site in a nutshell: here. broken at all cost. It is frighteningly obvious that nothing positive See also “The 14 words” and can be expected to happen with the way things are now. Therefore “New tablets of stone”. a different atmosphere must be created in which some kind of The Fair Race’s Darkest positive change can be effected. Again, the “normal” person might say that there is already enough disorder, enough hell and chaos Hour is a compilation of going on right now without adding more. What they don’t see is texts by seventeen authors that we have in this country is an “ordered disorder” which was that changed my world- made-to-order by, and for Big Brother. Don’t you believe they view. A softcover edition of could stop crime, subversion, and anarchy if they really wanted the book is available: here. to?

All the hell and disorder of the past, and the general crime wave today is the greatest help to Big Brother, his System and his Establishment. The Black riots gave the insurance companies carte blanche to remove the gloves and start extorting small businessmen and all the rest of us. The “limited anarchy” and the “limited insurrection” of the Blacks and the Reds just gives Big Brother more alibi to tighten the lid of the Electronic Surveillance Society, to stampede legislation to disarm the populace. All the runaway non-White crime merely gives cover and justification for the erection of a police state, the reins of power firmly in the hands of the Jews. They don’t want it stamped out; they need it for the completion of their plans.

What they fear most is total disorder which they can’t control. A translation of the work of That which they can’t monitor or control doesn’t serve their Karlheinz Deschner on the interests. It’s been said that we don’t want to rock the boat, we criminal history of want to sink it. When we succeed in blowing the bottom right out, we’re going to have to hurry topside, over the rail, and swim for Christianity is available: life, leaving the rats to drown with the ship. here.

Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981 Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm is the most

PUBLISHED IN: SIEGE (BOOK) ON MAY 28, 2018 AT 11:35 AM COMMENTS (28) important book of the 21st century.

On the Turin Shroud, 5

Its subject-matter: the Holocaust perpetrated by the Allied forces on the Germans, civilians included (here). Imagine my surprise when, leafing through a book (pic above) on the Shroud of Turin in a Houston bookshop, I came across some pages in which they spoke of a writing of mine whose paranormal theories I no longer believed:

Some see the origin of the image on the Shroud as paranormal, rather than miraculous. They suggest that supernatural, rather than Divine, forces may be at work. Mexican parapsychologist [C.T.] has raised the possibility that the image is a Here: an SS ‘thoughtograph’. There is evidence—controversial, but not easily pamphlet explaining dismissed—that some psychics can create recognizable images National Socialism. on film by the power of thought alone. The most famous case is

that of Ted Serios, an alcoholic Chicago bellhop, whose abilities How we are light-years were studied intensively in the mid-1960s by the eminent away from the secular, Neo- researcher Jule Eisenbud. If it exists, the ability of the mind to Christian ethics of the Alt- affect the highly sensitive chemicals of photographic film would Right can be surmised in seem to be a natural variant of psychokinesis (PK)—the “Darwin’s alteration of the state of a physical object by mental influence exterminationism”. alone—as exhibited most famously by Uri Geller.

[C.T.] [1] points to a similar phenomenon, that of images appearing spontaneously on the walls and floors of buildings. He cites a welldocumented​ case from the 1920s, when the image of the late Dean John Liddell appeared on a wall of Oxford Cathedral. Such pictures are usually of people of special sanctity, but not always…

The rest of the quotation appears here: a blog of mine for Turin Shroud matters (I won’t post again, at The West’s Darkest Hour, shroud-related articles).


Presently Siege is only available as a PDF.

Kriminalgeschichte, 67 “1945 was the year of the total inversion of Aryan Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz values into Christian Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of values.” —Joseph Walsh Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to

destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who “With the death of Adolf worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal. Hitler in the close of the 2nd World War in 1945

Augustine’s campaign against the Donatists Western civilization, as it had existed and is still To the Donatists, whom the African had never mentioned before, perceived DIED once and for he finally paid attention when he was already a priest. Since then all. The only thing that was he fought them year after year, with greater fury than other left now was a gene pool.” ‘heretics’; he threw his contempt to their faces and expelled them —James Mason from Hippo, their episcopal city. Because the Donatists had committed ‘the crime of schism’ they were nothing but ‘weeds’, “The fall of Stalingrad is the animals: ‘these frogs sit in their pond and croak: “we are the only finish of Europe. There was Christians!” but they are heading to hell without knowing it’. a cataclysm. The core of it all was Stalingrad. There What was a Donatist for Augustine? An alternative that was not you can say it was finished presented to him, because, when he was elected bishop, the and well finished, the white schism was already 85 years old. It was a local African issue, civilisation.” —L.F. Céline relatively small, though not divided into ‘countless crumbs’ as he claimed. Catholicism, on the other hand, absorbed the peoples; it had the emperor on his side, the masses, as Augustine blurts out, ‘the unity of the whole world’. Frequently and without hesitation Augustine insists on such demonstration of the majority, incapable of making the reflection that Schiller will later formulate: ‘What is the majority? Most is nonsense; intelligence has always been only in the minority’.

The Donatist was convinced of being a member of a brotherhood. Throughout their tragic history, they collaborated with a religious- revolutionary peasant movement, which inflicted vexations on the landowners: the Circumcellions or Agonistici—temporary workers of the countryside and at the same time the left wing of this Church, who first enjoyed the support of Donatus of Bagai and later that of Gildo. To unplug yourself from the According to his adversary, Augustine, who characterized them Matrix you really need to with the psalm of ‘rapids are their feet to shed blood’, they robbed, undemonize Adolf Hitler, looted, set fire to the basilicas, threw lime and vinegar in the eyes Heinrich Himmler, National of Catholics, claimed promissory notes and started with threats Socialism and the Third his emancipation. Often led by clerics, including bishops, ‘captains Reich. Click here to hit ten of the saints’, these Agonistici or milites Christi (followers of articles on vital info about martyrs, hobby pilgrims, terrorists) beat the landowners and the Second World War that Catholic clerics with decks called ‘israels’ under the war cry of the controlled media ‘Praise be to God’ (laus deo), the ‘trumpets of the massacre’ concealed from you. (Augustine). The Catholics ‘depended to a great extent on the

support of the Roman Empire and the landlords, who guaranteed them economic privileges and material protection’ (Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum). It was also not uncommon for the exploited to kill themselves in order to reach paradise. As the Donatists said, because of the persecution they jumped from rocks, as for example the cliffs of Ain Mlila, or to mighty rivers, Gens alba conservanda est which for Augustine was not more than ‘a part of their habitual (“The white race must be behaviour’. preserved”)

The centre of their offices was the cult to the martyrs. Excavations carried out in the centre of Algeria, which was the bulwark of the Donatists, have brought to light innumerable chapels dedicated to the adoration of the martyrs and which undoubtedly belonged to the schismatics. Many carried biblical quotes or their currency, Deo laudes.

A Donatist bishop boasted that he had reduced four churches to ashes with his own hand. They, as so often emphasized, even by Augustine, could not be martyrs ‘because they did not live the life of Christ’. The true background of the Donatist problem, which not only led to the religious wars of the years 340, 347 and 361- 363 but caused the great uprisings of 372 and 397-398, Augustine failed to understand or did not want to understand. He thought he could explain through a theological discussion what was less a confessional than a social problem: the deep social contrasts Worldly gain at the expense within North African Christianity, the abyss between a rich upper of the Volk is the main class and those who owned nothing; that they were not in any way cause of the ongoing just the ‘bands of Circumcellions’, but also the slaves and the free destruction of the white masses who hated the dominant ones. race.

Augustine did not know or did not want to see this. He defended See “Revaluation of with all tenacity the interests of the possessing and dominant values”: a class. For him the Donatists were never right: they simply paraphrase from defamed and lied. He maintained that they were looking for a lie, Francis Parker’s Yockey’s that their lie ‘fills all Africa’. Initially, Augustine was not in favour The Enemy of Europe. of violence. He questioned any attempt to use it. ‘I have no intention of forcing anyone against their will to the religious Fortunately, the collapse of community with anyone’. Of course, when he learned about the the dollar that is coming wickedness of the ‘heretics’ and saw that they could be improved will mark the beginning of with some force, which the Government already commissioned in the end of America’s an increasing way from the year 405, he changed his mind. economic and cultural hegemony over Europe. The faith of the Donatists, no matter how similar it was—even,

essentially, identical—was nothing but error and violence. Catholics, on the other hand, only acted out of pure compassion, out of love. ‘Understand what happens to you! God does not want you to sink into a sacrilegious disunity, separated from your mother, the Catholic Church’.

As the Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte says, or more precisely, the Catholic Baus, ‘here speaks the voice of a man who was so driven and encouraged by the religious responsibility to bring back to an ecclesia the lost brothers in the error, that all the other considerations remained for him in the background’. How typical! He must exonerate Augustine, make his thoughts and actions understandable. Thus, over the course of two millennia, the great crimes of history have been constantly apologised and exalted; they have been glorified. Only in the name of God can they always “The sign of the times is allow and commit certain crimes, the most atrocious, as will be degeneracy. This term— demonstrated more clearly each time throughout this criminal degeneracy—sums up all history. that is happening to the West.” With an extensive series of astute sentences, without missing

those corresponding to the Old and New Testaments, the great CONTACT: lover now demands coercive measures against all those who ‘must be saved’ (corrigendi atque sanandi). The coercion, Augustine cesartort (at) yahoo teaches now, is sometimes inevitable, because although the best ones can be handled with love, to the majority, unfortunately, it is necessary to force them with fear.

‘He who spares the rod hates his son’ he says, quoting the Bible. ‘A spoiled man is not corrected with words’. And did not Sara chase Hagar? And what did Elijah do with the priests of Baal? For many years Augustine had justified the brutalities of the Old Testament against the Manichaeans, from whom came that book of princes of darkness.

The New Testament could also be used. Did not Paul also give some people to Satan? ‘You know?’, Augustine says to bishop Vixens, explaining the Gospel—:

no one can be forced to justice when you read how the head of the family spoke to his servants: ‘Whoever finds them compels them to enter!’ “”: —which Augustine translates most effectively as ‘force them’ On the origin of the (cogitere intrare). Resistance only demonstrates irrationality. Do word “racist” not the feverish patients, in their delirium, also revolt against their doctors? Augustine calls tolerance (toleratio) ‘fruitless and vain’ The word “racism” (infructuosa et vana) and is excited by the conversion of many from the Nietzschean ‘through healthy coercion’ (terrore perculsi). It was nothing else viewpoint than the program of Firmicus Maternus, ‘the program of a general

declaration of war’ (Hoheisel), whether Augustine had read it or not.

‘Under extreme coercion’, the ‘professional speaker’ preaches, rich in tricks, ‘the inner will is realised’, referring to the Acts of the Apostles, 9,4, to John, 6,44, and finally, starting from the year 416-417, to Luke, 14, 23—the Gospel of love! In proceeding against his enemies, he gave the impression that he was also ‘sometimes a little nervous’ (Thomas), although what seemed to be persecution, in reality, was only love, ‘always only love and exclusively love’ (Marrou). Two texts by Wm. Pierce: ‘The Church presses them against their hearts and surrounds 1. Best article them with motherly tenderness to save them’—through forced on the Jewish labour, fustigations, confiscation of property, elimination of the question right of inheritance. However, the only thing that Augustine wants again is to ‘impose’ on the Donatists ‘the advantages of peace, 2. The West’s darkest unity and love’: hour

That is why I have been presented to you as your enemy. You say you want to kill me, although I only tell you the truth and, as far as I’m concerned, I will not let you get lost. God would avenge from you and kill, in you, the error.

God would take revenge on you! The bishop does not consider himself by any means an inciter. But, yes, when it seemed appropriate, he demanded to apply the full weight of the law to the recalcitrant, not granting them ‘grace or forgiveness’. Better said, he authorized torture! See how using non-white The most famous saint of the ancient Church, perhaps of the labor in the Ancient World whole Church, a ‘so affable person’ (Hendrikx), the father of or capitalism in the ‘infinite kindness’ (Grabmann) ‘and generosity ‘(Kotting), who Modern World is the main against the Donatists ‘he constantly practiced the sweet behaviour’ factor for white decline: (Espenberger), which against them does not formulate ‘any hurtful word’ (Baus), which tries to ‘preserve from the harsh Who We Are penalties of Roman law’ even ‘the guilty’ (Hümmeler)—in short, (abridged) the man who becomes spokesman of the mansuetudo catholica, of

Catholic benevolence, allows torture…

For a couple of articles on The thing was not so bad after all! ‘Remember all the possible martyrdoms’, Augustine consoles us: Richard Wagner and LOTR click on pics below: Compare them with hell and you can imagine everything easily. The torturer and the tortured are here ephemeral, eternal there… We have to fear those pains as we fear God. What the human being suffers here supposes a cure (emendatio) if it is corrected.

Catholics could thus abuse as much as they liked, it was unimportant compared to hell, with that horror that God would impose upon them for all eternity. The earthly torture was ‘light’, ‘transient’, just a ‘cure’!

A theologian is never disconcerted! That’s why he does not know shame either.

In the Christian Empire of those times there prevailed everything

except liberality and personal freedom. What prevailed was The Jewish Problem slavery, children were chained instead of the parents, everywhere (Jewish authors): there was secret police, ‘and every day could be heard the cries of those whom the court tortured and could be seen the gates with Larry Auster’s the whimsically executed’ (Chadwick). The emperor’s assassins unpublished chapter automatically liquidated the Donatists who had mutilated Catholic priests or who had destroyed churches. Augustine endorsed in Excerpts of Esau’s Tears practice the death penalty. ‘The greater the hardness with which the State acts, the more Augustine applauds’ (Aland).

Here we see the The Jewish Problem celebrated father of (non-Jewish authors): the Church in all its Definition of anti- magnitude: as a desk Semitism author and hypocrite; as a bishop who not The Culture of Critique’s only exerted a Preface terrible influence during his life, but who was the initiator of political Augustinism: the archetype of all the bloody inquisitors of so many centuries, of their cruelty, perfidy, prudishness, and a precursor of horror: of the medieval relations between Church and State. Augustine’s example allowed the ‘secular arm’ to throw millions of human beings, including children and the elderly, dying and disabled, to the cells of torture, to the night of the dungeons, to the flames of the fire—and then hypocritically ask the State to respect their lives! All the henchmen and ruffians, princes and monks, bishops and popes who from now on would hunt martyrs and burn ‘heretics’, could lean on Augustine, and in fact they did it; and also the reformers.

When in 420 the state minions persecuted the bishop of Ta- mugadi, Gaudentius, he fled to his beautiful basilica; fortified himself there and threatened to burn himself along with his History of Jewry: community. The chief of the officials, a pious Christian, who nevertheless persecuted people of his own faith, did not know The saga of the European what party to take and consulted Augustine. The saint, inventor of Jews the sui generis doctrine of predestination, replied: Jew vs. White: More than But since God, according to secret but just will, has predestined 3,000 years of conflict some of them to eternal punishment, without a doubt it is better that, although some are lost in their own fire, the vastly greater majority is gathered and recovered from that pernicious division and dispersion, instead of all together be burned in the eternal fire deserved by the sacrilegious division.

Once again Augustine was himself, ‘of course the first theoretician of the Inquisition’, who wrote ‘the only complete justification in the history of the ancient Church’ about ‘ of the State to repress non-Catholics’ (Brown). In the application of violence, the saint only saw a ‘process of debilitation’, a ‘conversion by oppression’ (per molestias eruditio), a ‘controlled catastrophe’ and compared it to a father ‘who punishes the son who loves’ and that every Saturday night, ‘as a precaution’ beats his family.

The ‘edict of the unit’ of 405 followed other state decrees in the years 407, 408, 409, 412 and 414. The obligatory withdrawal of the Donatists was ordered, their Church was relegated more or

less to the underground and they started pogroms that would last several years. The Donatist Church was forbidden; its followers “Racism” is just an forced to convert to Catholicism. ‘The Lord has shattered the teeth expression of evolution. of the lion’ (Augustine). Entire cities, hitherto convinced All species go through Donatists, became Catholic out of fear of sorrow and violence, racial separation on their such as the episcopal city of Augustine, where once the ovens path to speciation. No could not bake bread for Catholics. Finally, he himself expelled the exceptions. Donatists. However, when the State tolerated them temporarily during the invasion of Alaric and they returned, for the great saint In humans racist is just a they seemed ‘wolves to whom it would be necessary to kill with person who loves his blows’. Only by chance did he escape from an ambush that the race, for example the Circumcellions had laid out for him. nymphs on this sidebar. The masses of slaves and settlers, of whom only their labour force But in today’s mad West was of any use, were to be maintained within the Catholic Church, the term “racist” de facto through forced labour and the lash of their lords, for the means someone who maintenance of ‘Catholic peace’. In the year 414 the Donatists loves the white race to the were deprived of all their civil rights and the death penalty was point of wanting to threatened to those who celebrated their religious services. ‘Where preserve it. there is love, there is peace’ (Augustine). Or as our bishop later declared triumphantly: Quodvult deus de Cartago: the viper has been crushed, or better still: it has been devoured.

After the year 418, the theme of the Donatists disappears for decades from the debates held in the synods of the North African bishops. In 420 it appears the last anti-Donatist writing of Augustine: Contra Gaudentium. In 429, with the invasion of the Vandals, the anti-Donatist imperial edicts also ended, which continued to call for annihilation. However, the schism lasted until the 6th century, although very weakened.

The sad remains that managed to escape the constant persecutions were destroyed a century later, along with Catholics, by Islam. African Christianity was undermined, bankrupt; finally, completely separated from Europe in the religious aspect, and escaped from its area of influence to fall into that of the Near East. Women from our viewpoint: The most important ancient of the Christian churches, the only one in the Mediterranean, disappeared without a trace. There was The eternal feminine nothing left of her. ‘But it was not due to Islam but to the persecutions against the Donatists, which made North Africa hate On racial IQ studies: the Catholic Church so much that the Donatists received Islam as The new enemies of a liberation and converted to it’ (Kawerau). science ______ ______The roots of civilisation Liked it? Take a second to support The West’s Darkest Hour.


Pierce’s stance on Christianity

Who am I?: Editor’s note: Will Williams responds to an article published on Counter- See an excerpted Currents: translation from the German article 1st comment: about me.

Greg Johnson says: I was unaware the religion was one of the issues of contention in the fracturing of the National Alliance after Pierce’s death. HUMAN SKIN COLORS:

Will Williams replies: Greg, reading what Dr. Pierce, Founder of Cosmotheism, wrote to his members in 1982, shows that he had no intention of compromising with Xians. He wanted to disentangle our race from the clutches of this Abrahamic slave creed and strike out on a higher path.

ARCHIVES Most Alliance members realized there was a spiritual aspect to the National Alliance, and that we took a decidedly dim view of Select Month Xianity. There were never any prayers at our meetings, or any other Xian trappings like that. To some of us the Alliance was our Church, grounded in reality and Nature, and race-centered.

Imagine how many Pierce loyalists who had dedicated their lives and fortunes to Alliance-building must have felt when Gliebe and Walker & Co. removed the entire following section from the second printing of the National Alliance Membership Handbook.

All else aside, that one ill-advised blunder could arguably be what did the Alliance in once and for all. Gliebe had gone big tent—for expediency and short term gains—and drove the Alliance into the ground from then on. CATEGORIES

2.d. OPPOSED IDEOLOGIES (written in 1992) 14 words 2001: A Space Odyssey 2d.vii. Christianity (movie)

The National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the Abortion ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the Abraham (patriarch) behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of Abraham Lincoln various religious groups—Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, et al.—deal with the temporal as well as spiritual matters and Achilles therefore often conflict with National Alliance doctrine. Adam Smith Christian doctrines are of much greater concern to the National Adolf Hitler Alliance than the doctrines of other large religious groups, because Christianity is the most influential religion in the United Adversus Christianos States, Europe, and the rest of the White world. Most members (book) of the National Alliance come from families which are, or a Africa generation ago were, at least nominally Christian, and very few come from families which practice or practiced, Islam, Against the Fall of Buddhism, or other religions. Furthermore, the history of our Night (novel) race for the last thousand years has been inextricably bound up with Christianity. The National Alliance really cannot avoid Agamemnon taking positions regarding Christian beliefs and practices, Alaric despite the complications this causes our work. Albert Lindemann The immediate and inevitable fact which forces us to come to grips with Christianity is that the mainstream Christian Albert Schweitzer churches are all, without exception, preaching a doctrine of Albert Speer White racial extinction. They preach racial egalitarianism and racial mixing. They preach non-resistance to the takeover of our Albrecht Dürer society by non-Whites. It was the Christian churches, more than Alcibiades any other institution, which paralyzed the will of White South Africans to survive. It is the Christian establishment in the Alcman United States which is preeminent in sapping the will of White Americans to resist being submerged in the non-White tide Aldous Huxley sweeping across the land. Most Christian authorities collaborate openly with the Jews, despite the contempt and abuse they receive in return, and the rest at least follow Jewish policies on Alexander Alekhine the all-important matter of race. The occasional anomaly—a Alexander the Great Catholic bishop in Poland speaking out angrily against Jewish arrogance, a few Protestant groups in the United States Alexandr Solzhenitsyn expressing sympathy for oppressed Palestinians—does not Alexandria invalidate the rule. Alexis de Tocqueville We are obliged, therefore, to oppose the Christians churches and to speak out against their doctrines. But we do not, as some Alfred Rosenberg groups have done, accuse the Christian leaders of being false Christians. We do not say, “We are the real Christians, because Alice Miller we stand for the values which the mainstream churches stood Alt-Right / white for a century ago, before they were subverted.” We do not reach nationalism for our Bibles and point to verses which seem to be in accord with the policies of the National Alliance and contrary to the American civil war present policies of the Christian churches. A diligent Bible Americanism scholar can find in the Judeo-Christian scriptures support for— or ammunition against—virtually any policy whatsoever. Amerinds

Beyond the immediate conflict between us and the Christian Ammianus Marcellinus churches on racial matters there is a long-standing and quite An Eye for an Eye fundamental ideological problem with Christianity. It is not an (book) Aryan religion; like Judaism and Islam it is Semitic in origin, and all its centuries of partial adaptation to Aryan ways have not Ancient Greece changed its basic flavor. It was carried by a Jew, Saul of Tarsus Ancient Rome (later known as Paul), from the Levant to the Greco-Roman world. Its doctrines that the meek shall inherit the earth and Anders Breivik that the last shall be the first found fertile soil among the populous slave class in Rome. Centuries later, as Rome was succumbing to an internal rot in which Christianity played no Andrew Hamilton small part, legions of Roman conscripts imposed the imported religion on the Celtic and Germanic tribes to the north. Andrew Joyce Angela Merkel Eventually Christianity became a unifying factor for Europe, and in the name of Jesus Europeans resisted the onslaught of Islamic Anti-German Moors and Turks and expelled the “Christ-killing” Jews from exterminationism one country after another. But the religion retained its alien mind-set, no matter how much some aspects of it were Anti-white exterminationism Europeanized. Its otherworldliness is fundamentally out of tune with the Aryan quest for knowledge and for progress; its Antichrist (book) universalism conflicts directly with Aryan striving for beauty and strength; its delineation of the roles of man and god offends the Antiochus IV Epiphanes Aryan sense of honor and self-sufficiency. Aphrodite Finally Christianity, like the other Semitic religions, is irredeemably primitive. Its deity is thoroughly Apollo anthropomorphic, and its “miracles”—raising the dead, walking Apollonius of Rhodes on water, curing the lame and the blind with a word and a touch —are the crassest superstition. Arcadia

We may have fond memories of the time before the Second Arcadius World War when pretty, little girls in white dresses attended all- White Sunday schools, and Christianity seemed a bulwark of Archeology family values and a foe to degeneracy and indiscipline. We may Archimedes cherish the tales of medieval valor, when Christian knights fought for god and king—if we can overlook the Christian Architecture church’s bloodthirsty intolerance, which stifled science and Argentina philosophy for centuries and sent tens of thousands of Europeans to the stake for heresy. Arianism

We may even find Christian ethics congenial, if we follow the Aristocracy standard Christian practice of interpreting many of its precepts Aristophanes —such as the one about turning the other cheek—in such a way that they do not interfere with our task. But we should Aristotle remember that nothing essential in Christian ethics is specifically Christian. Any successful society must have rules of Art social conduct. Lying and stealing were shunned in every Aryan Artemis society long before Christianity appeared. Our pagan ancestors did not need Christian missionaries to tell them how to behave Arthur C. Clarke or to explain honor and decency to them—quite the contrary! Arthur de Gobineau

Historians may argue the pros and cons of Christianity’s role in Arthur Kemp our race’s past: whether or not the unity it provided during a period of European consolidation outweighed the loss of good Arthur Schopenhauer genes it caused in the Crusades and the bloody religious wars of Artificial Intelligence the Middle Ages (and through the Church’s policy of priestly (movie) celibacy); whether the splendid Gothic cathedrals which rose in Europe during the four centuries and the magnificent religious Aryan beauty music of the 18th century were essentially Christian or Aryan problem / essentially Aryan in inspiration; whether Christianity’s stand Deranged altruism against the evils of self-indulgence—against gluttony and drunkenness and greed—was worth its shackling of the human Asia mind in superstition or not. One thing already is clear, however: Athanaric Christianity is not a religion that we can wish on future generations of our race. Atheism and secularism We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a Athena religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, Athens however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul; it must be an expression of Attila the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. Christianity, as the word is commonly Audios understood, meets neither of these criteria. Augustus

The fact is that, completely aside from the racial question, no Australia person who wholeheartedly believes Christian doctrine can share our values and goals, because Christian doctrine holds that Austria this world is of little importance, being only a proving ground for Autobiography the spiritual world which one enters after death. Christian doctrine also holds that the condition of this world is not man’s Axiology responsibility, because an omnipotent and omniscient deity Aztec people alone has that responsibility. ¿Me Ayudarás? (book) Although some Christians do believe Christian doctrine wholeheartedly, however, most do not. Most instinctively feel Barack Obama what we explicitly believe, even if they have repressed those Bartolomé de las Casas feelings in an effort to be “good” Christians. Because of this many nominal Christians, even those affiliated with mainstream Baruch Spinoza churches, can, under the right circumstances, be persuaded to work for the interests of their race. Other nominal Christians— Battle of Poitiers especially those who stand apart from any of the mainstream Battle of Thermopylae churches—have interpreted Christian doctrine in such an idiosyncratic way that the contradictions between their beliefs Bayreuth Festival and ours have been minimized. Beauty

For these reasons we want to avoid conflict with Christians to Beethoven the extent that we can. We don’t want to give unnecessary offense, even when we speak out against the doctrines of these Ben Klassen churches. We don’t want to ridicule their beliefs, which in some Ben-Hur cases are sincerely held. Some of these people later will reject Christianity’s racial doctrines. Some will reject Christianity Benito Mussolini altogether. We want to help them in their quest for truth when we can, and we want to keep the door open to them. Benjamin Disraeli Benjamin Franklin Members who want to study the subject of Christianity and its relationship to our task in depth should read Which Way Beowulf Western Man? by our late member William Simpson. The book’s initial chapters describe the spiritual odyssey of a man of Berlin exceptional spiritual sensitivity, who was far more intensely a Bernal Díaz del Castillo Christian than nearly any Christian living today and who eventually understood the racially destructive nature of Bernardino de Sahagún Christianity and rejected it. Bible A more concise study of the difference between the Christian Bill Clinton world view and ours is given in Wulf Sörensen’s The Voice of Our Ancestors, which was reprinted in National Vanguard Biography No.107. Blacks

Bob Whitaker 2nd comment: Book of Revelation Back in the late 1980s, before we had the Internet, I was editor of the Racial Loyalty tabloid, the monthly newspaper for Ben Brazil Klassen’s Church or the Creator (COTC). I recently found RL #52, Brenton Tarrant July ’89, and saw in it a letter to the editor I published from a National Alliance member which included the following quote Brigade (novel) from Dr. Pierce from his February ’89 National Alliance Members Bulletin: Brutus Buddhism The greatest obstacle to the survival of our race is Christianity. Even with all their malice and cunning, the Jews would pose no Caligula real threat to the race were it not for their Christian collaborators. In the U.S. just as in South Africa, the Jews may Camp of the Saints (novel) be pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes, but the troops in the war against the White Race are mainly White Christians filled Canada with religious guilt and obsessed with the need to expiate that guilt by sacrificing their own race on the altar of ‘equality’… Cannibalism Carl Gustav Jung Let us never forget… that Christianity itself is an alien, hostile, racially destructive creed of Jewish origin, and in the future Carl Sagan most of those who have fallen under its spell will continue to be our enemies and the enemies of our race. Carl Schmitt

A couple of years after Dr. Pierce wrote those words to his Alliance Carlo Collodi members in the internal NA Members Bulletin, and I republished Carolyn Yeager them for Creators in Racial Loyalty, he invited me to come work with him in WV as the Alliance’s first Membership Coordinator. Carthaginians

The COTC self-destructed around 1992 and many Creators, Cassius Dio knowing Dr. Pierce’s world view, naturally gravitated to the Catholic Church National Alliance (especially after he purchased the COTC headquarters property from Mr. Klassen), so it doesn’t take a great Catholic religious leap of imagination for some of the more activist-minded former orders Alliance members to want to help rebuild a viable Cato Alliance. Erich Gliebe’s “new & improved” National Alliance is unrecognizable to them compared to the Alliance they had been a Celsus part of under Dr. Pierce. Celts

Charlemagne 3rd comment: Charles Darwin That essay by Dr. Pierce was his editorial for the monthly internal National Alliance Members Bulletin 28 years ago. Dr. Pierce’s Charles Dickens intellectual honesty should have been apparent to anyone reading Charles Martel this statement: Charles V Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism Chess should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign Child abuse either from his church or from the Alliance. Childhood’s End I sure remember how that sentence grabbed me on first reading. I (novel) must have distributed hundreds of copies of that editorial to others who I thought those words by Dr. Pierce’s would resonate. China

It was an effective Alliance recruiting tool, until, that is, The Christian art Alliance went “big tent” after Dr. Pierce’s death, and the policy Christian question procribing Xianity as an opposed ideology to that of the Alliance (CQ) was reversed. It was all downhill for the NA from then on. What had set it apart from the other big tent organizations was Christian views on Hell jettisoned. Christianity



City of God (book)

Civil war

Siege, 29 Civilisation (TV series)

I.R.S. Claudius

There’s a special hatred and yes, fear, in my heart Clement of Alexandria for the I.R.S. Their bloodsucking touched off a near-calamity here two years ago. Starting at that Colin Ross time and increasingly ever since, my wits in that Color of crime area have pulled about even with the sharpness of theirs and so a red-hot confrontation with them is Committee for not in the offing. Stave the System off where Skeptical Inquiry possible, rip it off where possible, attack it where Commodus possible. Communism / But this has not been the case with others—Gordon Kahl most Bolshevism notably. And, according to the news on television the other night, Conservatism it was not the case with about eight hundred people last year alone. These were reported as violent attacks or assaults against Conspiracy theories agents of the I.R.S. As a result, the agents are now packing guns (that is if they weren’t before and as though they’d need an excuse Constans now). “Self-defense” it was referred to as on television. Constantine

‘Robbers’ is a fitting term for them but not even ‘vampire’ Constantine II approaches the depth of vileness and contemptibility they maintain. Eight hundred people defended themselves last year Constantinople against what are now ARMED robbers and the System was Constantius II surprised and maddened when they didn’t simply fork over their earnings without a mutter of protest. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu What maddens me is why—to date—not more DEATHS on the side of the System? Counter-Reformation Crusades The number eight hundred approximates the number of Movement hard-core members of about 15 years ago. And it takes Currency crash a pretty hard-core customer to buck up against those vampires in three-piece suits! Who are these people? Where did these Daniel (biblical figure) incidents take place? Are they all in federal prison now? They are Dante Alighieri unknown, unnamed, and most certainly unorganized. Darkening Age (book) Eight hundred is a number that can be seen as large in some respects but small in others. But these eight hundred skipped the David (king of Israel) preliminaries and came directly into conflict with the Enemy itself. That is purely revolutionary, whether even they realized it or not. David Friedrich Strauss Anyway, it got on the news. Let their numbers increase a hundred- fold and the revolution will be won! David Lane Vol. XIV, #7 – July, 1985 Day of Wrath (book) PUBLISHED IN: JAMES MASON SIEGE (BOOK) ON MAY 25, 2018 AT 9:11 AM COMMENTS (1) Daybreak Publishing

Death in Venice (movie)


Linder quote Degeneracy

‘If you believe in Heaven and Hell, you are too fucking stupid to Degenerate art live. Your kind SHOULD go extinct’. Demeter —Alex Linder Democracy




Der Ring des Siege, 28 Nibelungen (opera)

In the October-November issue of The National Sheriff Magazine Destruction of Greco- there appears an article entitled, “Posse Comitatus: Threat of the Roman world County-Based Criminal Militarists”. The article is remarkable not Diocletian only because the entire front cover of that issue is devoted to it, or because it is of exceptional length, or because it reads like Dionysus something from out of the “good old days of the Radical Right”, Dominique Venner but because it focuses attention on what has to be considered a genuine ray of light on an otherwise dark and dreary scene. It was Don Quixote (book) written by one Phillip C. McGuire, who is the Assistant Director of Criminal Enforcement for the BATF (the Federal Bureau of Donald Trump Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) and so we may accept this as top- Dorians of-the-run from the System point of view. Dresden Given within the article is the genesis of the Posse Comitatus, including the names, dates, and places Dwight D. Eisenhower relevant to its birth and development. The blazing incident involving Gordon Kahl is given the space and attention it is due. An explanation of Eastern Orthodox what Posse Comitatus means and stands for Church (which couldn’t fail to appeal to the right kind of Economy person) is included. The Movement accusation against the Jews is given. Familiar Movement groups and Edmund Burke publications are listed in connection. An outstanding and highly Edward Gibbon technical listing of armament recommended by the Posse Comitatus is recreated at length. Edward I of England

To properly appreciate the flavor of the article it is useful to quote Egalitarianism the final two paragraphs in their entirety: Egypt Based on the above information, it is apparent that certain Eleusis members of the PC pose a clear and dangerous threat to society. Their reported philosophy of racism, , and their Elizabeth I total disrespect for non-elected law enforcement officers must be a major concern to all law enforcement agencies. Care must be Emperor Julian taken when confronting these members to ensure that we do not Energy / peak oil look upon them as “just another tax protester”. They have proven that they will injure and kill law enforcement officers in England the furtherance of their cause. Recall that between February 13, Enlightenment 1983, and June 3, 1983, Gordon W. Kahl and other members of the North Dakota PC killed three law enforcement officers and Enoch Powell wounded an additional three officers. Erasmus If you have any questions concerning potential firearms and Esau's Tears (book) explosives violations in your area or if you need assistance in conducting firearms and explosives investigations against Eschatology members of these types of groups, please contact your nearest ATF office for assistance. Essay on the Inequality of Human Races Vol. XII, #11 – November, 1983 (book) Ethnic cleansing PUBLISHED IN: JAMES MASON SIEGE (BOOK) ON MAY 24, 2018 AT 11:59 PM COMMENTS (46)


Europe Naïve dissent European Union Eusebius ‘I plan to spend the next few months here exploring a dizzying array of Western philosophers and theologians – St. Evil Augustine…’ —Hunter Wallace Evropa Soberana ‘Dizzying’ is an euphemism. Does Wallace know that St Augustine (webzine) was a monster? Just see the latest two instalments of Deschner’s Ezekiel book and judge by yourself; and I still have to add four more instalments from Deschner’s chapter on Augustine. Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Wallace with Jared Taylor. Fascism I was tempted to leave a link to my abridged translation of Deschner’s book in the comments Feminism section of Wallace’s recent article linking to Feminized western videos about a naïve history of Christianity. But males many Occidental Dissent commenters are as pious as the commenters of The Occidental Film Observer, who simply ignored me. Final solution

I wonder if these guys have even heard that an incredibly First World War sourced[1] criminal history of their religion has been written? They remind me of the commies of Latin America, who have not heard France about the criminal history of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1956. Francis Galton

No true believer in leftism that I know in this part of the American continent has read Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. Similarly, no American southern nationalist that I know has read Francisco Franco Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums. Franco Zeffirelli

My previous post was about an English gentleman that I like very Frankfurt School much. Unlike most white nationalists he is a fan of a bilingual collection of classical books that I also love. But in spite of his Franklin D. Roosevelt classic erudition he, like Wallace, ignores the real history of his Franks religion for the simple reason that the Church was particularly successful in burning every single anti-Christian book of antiquity. Franz Boas

It is not until now, with the efforts of the late Deschner, that the Frederick the Great whole history of Christianity has finally come to light. It is true Free speech / Free that it has not been translated into English. But has anyone among press the southern nationalists read at least my translation of ‘Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Rome’? French Revolution

Without the knowledge of how the Jews infected the Aryan psyche Friedrich Nietzsche since the times of the Roman Empire, it will be impossible to save Friedrich Schiller the fair race from the current exterminationist program. It’s impossible for the simple reason that the virus for the mind has Fritigern been implanted in the mentality of whites since the times of From Jesus to Hitler Constantine. Absence of knowledge of what happened since then (book) translates into remaining at the mercy of the Semitic malware. G.W.F. Hegel ______Galerius [1] I am omitting the footnotes. In Deschner’s ten-volume work there are Galileo Galilee thousands of them. Game of Thrones PUBLISHED IN: ALT-RIGHT / KARLHEINZ DESCHNER KRIMINALGESCHICHTE DES CHRISTENTUMS (BOOKS) PSYCHOLOGY ON MAY 24, 2018 AT 11:01 AM COMMENTS (7) Gaul


Genghis Khan

Genrikh Yagoda

Jez Turner! Genuine spirituality

I met Turner on 22 August of 2014 at The Victory Service Club in Geography Seymour Street, close Edgware Road in London: probably the best day of my 20-day trip to the United Kingdom. It was the first time George Lincoln in my life that I met several white advocates of the intellectual Rockwell type in a private meeting. George Orwell

Just see what the Jews did to Jez recently… George Washington

Germanic People


Giorgio de Chirico

Giselher Wirsing



Gone with the Wind (movie)

Gore Vidal



Greg Johnson

Guillaume Faye

Siege, 27 Gulag Archipelago (book) Defining the radical extreme Gustave Doré The question of who, and which, is the farthest out? For what reasons and towards what purpose? Hadrian Among these types would be included all of the Hamlet (1948 film) pioneers, the ground-breakers, the innovators, the outrageous, the unpopular, the unprofitable, the Hannibal dangerous, the controversial, the misunderstood, Hans F. K. Günther and those in advance of their times. It’s been said that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, that the only aberration is abstention. What all of this does on the practical side amounts to the elimination of the Harry S. Truman surprise element, minimizes the chance of disillusionment, builds Hate confidence and self-reliance, and helps gain for one the mastery of almost any situation. It also rids us of the cowards and fakers, as Heinrich Himmler well as opportunists, as they can’t use it or hide behind it. Hellstorm (book)

We can tolerate being regarded as inhabiting the far reaches of the Helmut Stellrecht outer limits if it means never being caught dragging behind anyone else. It behooves us to smile at those who today disparage Henry VIII our message if by our so doing we are striking out on the course Heracles that they themselves must one day follow. We would be fools and cowards to shirk the task and take for granted that someone else Hermann (Arminius) might take it up in our stead. We have so little to lose at this point and so much to gain; our prime enemies being stagnation, dogma, Hermann Göring and muddle. It requires some daring and imagination to become Hermann Samuel the vanguard of a movement, and to remain so takes constant Reimarus reappraisal and re-evaluation. Hernán Cortés Had not Commander Rockwell taken the bull by the horns and risked everything—his “good name” as a conservative—over Herod the Great twenty years ago, where today would the Racialist Movement in Herodotus the United States be? What was in 1960 the most dynamic and futuristic thinking, today is shared by practically one and all. But it Hesiod was only through the supreme sacrifice of one man who was able Hieronymus Bosch to see farther than the rest in his own time. And still the situation demands more, far more. We could easily have another twenty Hippocrates years of marching ahead of us but it cannot be direction-less History marching and it cannot be marching in circles. History of the decline People like to stay with what’s comfortable, especially those with a and fall of the Roman broad conservative streak in them. People dislike the shit- Empire (book) disturbers. However, comfort and routine do not make revolution. Where once Gus Hall was a firebrand with the power to shock the Hitler Youth pants off all of us, today he is an old fogy. Seems as though all our Hitler's table talk REAL National Socialist leaders die in battle before they get the (book) chance to atrophy thus. Maybe we are blessed in that manner. What we want—and what we believe we have achieved—is to make Hojas Susurrantes NSLF synonymous with the radical extreme, and when you seek to (book) define the radical extreme, you need only recite those four letters Holocaust to have it completely summed up. Holodomor Vol. XI, #7 – July, 1982 Homer


Honorius (emperor)


Human sacrifice « Older Entries Newer Entries » Huns

Hunter (novel)

Hypatia of Alexandria



Iliad (epic book)

Immanuel Kant

Immigration laws

Impeachment of Man (book)



Indo-European heritage

Industrial Revolution



Intelligence quotient (IQ)


Isaac Newton

Isabella I of Castile

Isaiah (prophet)


Islamization of Europe



James Mason

James Watson

Jane Austen


Jared Taylor

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jefferson Davis

Jeffrey Masson

Jeremy Bentham



Jewish hate groups

Jewish question (JQ)

Jewish–Roman wars

Jez Turner

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Kepler

John Calvin

John F. Kennedy

John Locke

John Milton

John Modrow

John of Patmos

John Stuart Mill

John the Evangelist

John Tyndall

José María Morelos

José Vasconcelos

Joseph Goebbels

Joseph Stalin





Julian (novel)

Julius Caesar

Julius Firmicus Maternus


Justinian I


Karl Marx

Karl Popper

Karlheinz Deschner

Kenneth Clark

Kevin MacDonald

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Ku Klux Klan


Latin America

Lawrence Auster

Leon Trotsky

Leonardo da Vinci




Library of Alexandria



Lord of the Rings (novel / film)

Lothrop Stoddard

Louis XIV of France

Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Luke the Evangelist



Madison Grant

Mainstream media


Manu Rodríguez (blogger)

March of the Titans (book)

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Eli Ravage

Mark the Evangelist

Mark Twain

Mark Weber


Martin Bormann

Martin Luther


Materialism / capitalism

Maternus Cynegius

Matt Koehl

Matthew the Evangelist

Matthias Grünewald

Maxfield Parrish

Maya civilization

Mein Kampf (book)


Metaphysics of race / sex


Michael O'Meara


Middle Ages

Middle East

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla




Moctezuma II






Morgenthau Plan


Moses (Hebrew lawgiver)


My pinacoteca

Name of the Rose (novel)


National Socialism



New Spain

New Testament

New York


Niccolò Machiavelli

Nicolaus Copernicus

Non-white immigration


Norman Rockwell

North America




Occam's razor

Occidental Observer (webzine)

Odysseus / Ulysses

Old Testament

Oliver Cromwell

On the Genealogy of Morality (book)

On The Historicity of Jesus (book)


Oracle of Delphi



Oswald Mosley

Otto von Bismarck

Ottoman Empire





Parsifal (opera)


Passing of the Great Race (book)




Percy Bysshe Shelley




Peter Schiff


Philippe Rushton



Philosophy of history



Pliny the Elder






Pope Francis (Francisco I)

Pope Gregory I

Pope Theophilus of Alexandria

Porphyry of Tyre


Pre-Columbian America


Pride & Prejudice (2005 movie)

Pro-white exterminationism








Quotable quotes

Racial studies

Rape of the Sabine Women


Real men



Red terror


Reinhard Heydrich




René Descartes

Republic (Plato's book)

Revilo Oliver


Richard Carrier

Richard Wagner

Richard Walther Darré

Rising Tide of Color (book)

Robert Jay Mathews

Roger Devlin


Rome vs. Judea (book)


Ronald Reagan


Russian Revolution


Satyricon (novel)

Savitri Devi


Schutzstaffel (SS)


Second World War


Sense and Sensibility (movie)

Sexual "liberation"

Siege (book)

Sigmund Freud

Silvano Arieti


Sleeping Beauty (1959 film)




South Africa

Soviet Union


Sparta (Lacedaemon)


St Ambrose

St Athanasius

St Augustine

St Cyril of Alexandria

St Francis

St Ignatius of Antioch

St Irenaeus

St Jerome

St John Chrysostom

St Paul

St Peter

St Thomas Aquinas

Stefan Zweig



Struggle with the Daimon (book)

Sturmabteilung (SA)


Summer, 1945 (book)





Temple of Artemis

Temple of Jerusalem

Temple of Serapis




Theoderic the Great

Theodore Lidz


Theodosius I

Theodosius II


Third Reich

Thomas Cole

Thomas Goodrich

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Szasz


Thus spoke Zarathustra (book)



Tom Sunic


Transvaluation of all values

Trauma model of mental disorders

Turin Shroud

Turner Diaries (novel)

Twilight of the idols (book)

Two Hundred Years Together (book)




Uncle Tom’s Cabin (novel)

United Kingdom

United States



Valentinian I

Valentinian II

Valentinian III







Vincent van Gogh

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Putin

Vlassis Rassias


W.B. Yeats

Ward Kendall

WDH radio show

Welfare of animals

West's darkest hour

White-slave trade

Who We Are (book)


Wilhelm Sieglin

Will Durant

William Blake

William James

William Pierce

William Shakespeare

Winston Churchill

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Wuthering Heights (novel)


Yearling (novel)



Zweites Buch

The greatest of the “conservative” thinkers, Joseph de Maistre, pointed out long ago that the French Revolution led the revolutionaries rather than was led by them. For he believed that certain Providential forces rule our lives. These forces he saw in Christian terms, but others, like Heidegger, for instance, saw them in terms of Being, over which humans have no control.

In either case, the force of Providence or Being or Destiny has a power that has often made itself felt in our history. For this reason, I have little doubt that Europeans will eventually throw of the Judeo-liberal system programming their destruction. I’m less confident about we Americans, given the greater weakness of our collective identity and destiny. But nevertheless even we might be saved from ourselves by this force—as long as we do what is still in our power to do.

—Michael O’Meara


The (scholarly site about the Jewish Question).

Nazi Propaganda Guide Page (not exactly a National Socialist friendly site but very informative of primary NS sources).

The legacy of Wm. Pierce

David Irving’s Website

Jake F.’s NS Archive


La hora más oscura

From Guillaume Faye's "Mars & Hephaestus":

The twenty-first century will be a century of iron and storms. It will not resemble those harmonious futures predicted up to the 1970s. It will not be the global village prophesied by Marshall MacLuhan in 1966, or Bill Gates’ planetary network, or Francis Fukuyama’s end of history: a liberal global civilization directed by a universal state.

The Third Age of European Civilization commences, in a tragic acceleration of the historical process, with the Treaty of Versailles and end of the civil war of 1914-18: the catastrophic twentieth century. Four generations were enough to undo the labor of more than forty. Europe fell victim to its own tragic Prometheanism, its own opening to the world and universalism, oblivious of all ethnic solidarity.

The Fourth Age of European civilization begins today. It will be the Age of rebirth or perdition. The twenty-first century will be for this civilization, the fateful century, the century of life or death.

Let us cultivate the pessimistic optimism of Nietzsche. “There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.” Will the beginning of the twenty-first century be difcult? Are all the indicators in the red? So much the better. They predicted the end of history after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic. Islam resumes its wars of conquest. China and India wish to become superpowers. And so forth. The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires. This century will be that of the metamorphic rebirth of Europe, like the Phoenix, or of its disappearance as a historical civilization and its transformation into a cosmopolitan and sterile Luna Park.

The beginning of twenty- first century will be the despairing midnight of the world of which Hölderlin spoke. But it is always darkest before the dawn. Let us prepare our children for war. Let us educate our youth, be it only a minority, as a new aristocracy.

Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difcult times. When one defends one’s people, i.e., one’s own children, one defends the essential. Then one follows the rule of Agamemnon and Leonidas but also of Charles Martel: what prevails is the law of the sword, whose bronze or steel reflects the glare of the sun.

T A G S:

4 words

For Spanish-speakers: an autobiography of the editor of this site in two volumes is available: here and here.

He who has not read Day of Wrath has not looked at the admin of this site in the eyes. A hard copy is available: here. For an introduction see: here.

______㶦 ______

“Hate is not some useless organ like the appendix. It’s there for a reason.

Why does Christianity do all it can to talk us out of necessary and functional drives?

Well, the answer is that it’s a bit of software meant to disable our enemy recognition module. Christianity preaches blind love, and that love is murdering the West”. – Alex Linder

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Emperor Julian to the Christians

Regarding the sticky post see esp. post #37. For the context of the Christian problem see: here.


When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.

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