Kulbhanga Stone Deposit M/S Maa Durga Stone Works Prop- Shri Bishnu Prasad Yadav Mineral: Stone (Basalt) Area: 11.62 Acres (4.70 Hectares) (Non Forest Area)
REFERENCE CONSIDERED AS DSR KULBHANGA STONE DEPOSIT M/S MAA DURGA STONE WORKS PROP- SHRI BISHNU PRASAD YADAV MINERAL: STONE (BASALT) AREA: 11.62 ACRES (4.70 HECTARES) (NON FOREST AREA) APPLICANT M/S MAA DURGA STONE WORKS PROP- SHRI BISHNU PRASAD YADAV ADDRESS: SHRI BISHNU PRASAD YADAV S/O SHRI RAJ KISHOR YADAV JAY PRAKASH CHOWK, SAKROGARH SAHIBGANJ, JHARKHAND, 816109 KHATA NO. 79, 55, 48, 58, 14, 72, 84 PLOT NO. 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59(P) VILLAGE:- KULBHANGA, P.S:-JIRWABADI OP DIST: - SAHIBGANJ JHARKHAND References:- 1.Geology of Mineral Resources of Bihar & Jharkhand By T.M. Mahadevan. 2. Mineral Exploration and Development for 12th Five Year Plan by dept of Mines & Geology, Jharkhand. 3. Jharkhand The Land of Mines & Mineral by Dept of Mines & Geology, Jharkhand 4. Ground water information booklet sahibganj districtby CGWB- Govt of India 5. Environmental and Social Assessment with Management Plan-WAPCOS 6. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Volume 5, No 4, 2015 7. ASSESSMENT AND MAPPING OF SOME IMPORTANT SOIL PARAMETERS INCLUDING SOIL ACIDITY FOR THE STATE OF JHARKHAND (1:50,000 SCALE) TOWARDS RATIONAL LAND USE PLAN ICAR SAHIBGANJ DISTRICT- National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ICAR)-Regional Centre, KolkataIn collaboration with :Deptt. Of Soil Science & gricultural Chemistry, BAU, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8.DSR OF SAND IN SAHIBGANJ ( source-DSR_Report_L_No_1526.pdf) DISTRICT PROFILE INTRODUCTION:- Set within the lush green region, the district of Sahibganj, with a predominantly tribal population is a part of Santhal Pargana division and forms the eastern most tip of the division. The Rajmahal and Pakur subdivisions of old Santhal Pargana district were carved out on 17th May, 1983 to form Sahibganj district.
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