Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Historic State Mounds Marker Trail Kaskaskia Plaza Mound Big reseachers & Kelly John Dr.

Image by Bill Iseminger Image: Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Visitors to the Mounds Heritage Trail Visit America’s First Cities Experience The Sea of Verdure Connect Our Communities

As early as 900AD, this region was an urban center. There For many bicyclists and pedestrians, the Mounds Heritage The Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site preserves,

are ancient sites and artifact communities located Trail corridor is ideal. Once a Sea of Verdure along river interprets, and celebrates the contribution of the .

on both sides of the River from the Woodland banks from bluff to bluff, this is part of the Mississippi who established, built, and lived at Cahokia Mounds and activities. outdoor healthy and resources natural enjoy can citizens

and Mississippian Cultures – including Cahokia Mounds Flyway, the migration corridor of the nation’s waterfowl surrounding indigenous communities on both sides of all where trails, connected of system an is goal The communities. in trails provide to

the river. This included a complex of over 26 mounds in organizations, leadership trail with together managers, government local and regional many with and other mound complexes. As others had before them, and song birds traveling from summer nesting grounds 31.148' N38° 12.559' W90° Hall Village Dupo

Europeans used the rivers and overland trails to explore to winter feeding areas. Due to the soil and nutrients north of the current location of the Gateway partners also IDNR corridors. railroad old and canals historic along visitors and residents state’s

W90° 11.489' N38° 26.128' N38° 11.489' W90° Park Oerter

this frontier, establishing the Village of Cahokia in 1699. In found are unique to this area, there are abundantly rich and as well as 45-50 mounds found in present the carry trails bicycling State lakes. and rivers abundant and forests, rich hills, rolling ,

W90° 12.644' N38° 35.623' N38° 12.644' W90° Park Lyon

1803, President Jefferson bought the Territory parks, cultivated lands, and gardens. Agriculture is one day East St. Louis. Within the State Historic Site over flat lands: state diverse on trails recreational offers Resources Natural of Department Illinois The

Iron Horse Trestle & Old North St. Louis Trailhead W90° 11.446' N38° 38.708' N38° 11.446' W90° Trailhead Louis St. North Old & Trestle Horse Iron

from France’s Napoleon Bonaparte, and sent Lewis & of the area’s leading economic resources. Restoration 100 mounds have been identified along with remnants greenwaysandtrails/Pages/default.aspx

Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) (IDNR) Resources Natural of Department Illinois

Clark to embark on their Corps of Discovery Expedition and reforestation efforts can been seen throughout the of a and Woodhenge, a solar calendar. The 37.352' N38° 11.571' W90° Stadium Busch

launching up the 1804 and returning 1806. region. Along the trail, wetlands and bottomland forests Site provides Mounds Heritage Trail users with a unique 38.525' N38° 8.966' W90° Stockyards National

Providing Transportation Choices; and Promoting Good Health. Good Promoting and Choices; Transportation Providing

intermingle with the urban landscape. There are species destination point that includes an interpretive center with 33.979' N38° 8.120' W90° Center Welcome Illinois Southwestern

extensive displays, site tours, and trails for education Vitality; Economic Promoting Nature; to People Connecting and Preserving Neighborhoods;

Today our region is a significant , of trees, grasses, perennials and native flowers: Cone 34.634' N38° 9.923' W90° Museum Space & Air Louis St. Greater

covering 8,649 square miles and boasting a population Flowers, Blazing Star, Queen Anne’s Lace, Chicory and and recreation. While Cahokia Mounds interprets the and Communities Connecting construction: to planning from does, district the everything of

Big Mound Interpretive Plaza W90° 11.130' N38° 38.610' N38° 11.130' W90° Plaza Interpretive Mound Big

2.9+ million. While cars are the preferred transportation, Goldenrod. Looking closer, trail users will find abundant prehistoric past, the interprets the opening heart the at are goals These live. to place better a region Louis St. the making of mission the

W90° 9.462' N38° 37.639' N38° 9.462' W90° Theater Majestic

robust stewardship, increasing costs, environmentalism, wildlife coexists within the corridor and urban environment. of the “frontier” by Euro- settlers. The National support which goals five identified Greenway Rivers Great region. the of citizens the of vision

W90° 9.258' N38° 37.580' N38° 9.258' W90° Temple Ainad

and renewed interest in active living have grown a 200+ Park Service states “the Gateway Arch reflects St. Louis’ the out carry to working been has District Greenway Rivers Great the 2000, in inception its Since

Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) and Bike St. Louis Louis St. Bike and (GRG) Greenway Rivers Great

miles trail and bikeways system as part of the bi-state The nearly flat terrain of the in Illinois role in the Westward Expansion of the during 37.570' N38° 9.600' W90° Building Murphy

transportation network. The Mounds Heritage Trail is and the streets of the neighborhoods make for pleasant the nineteenth century. The park is a memorial to Thomas 37.537' N38° 9.675' W90° Building Spivey

residents. Visit their trailhead and website for maps of trails, projects, and amenities. and projects, trails, of maps for website and trailhead their Visit residents.

proud to be part of the regional success story through traveling. However, the climb from the floodplain to Jefferson’s role in opening the West, to the pioneers who 39.183' N38° 11.899' W90° District Louis St North Old

n n

helped shape its history, and to who sued for a millio half over serving Illinois, in kind its of first the is district park The projects. of types

conservation, heritage, and recreation. Columbia, IL or Sugarloaf Mound in south St. Louis could 40.038' N38° 12.107' W90° Mansion Lewis) (Captain Bissell

be a welcome challenge for some riders and walkers as his freedom in the Old Courthouse.” these of management and construction the in engaged already are who jurisdictions other and

Monroe County Welcome Center W90° 11.403' N38° 26.091' N38° 11.403' W90° Center Welcome County Monroe

they approach the bluff’s edge. districts, special governments, local of efforts the supplements often District The Illinois. County,

Sand Bank School W90° 13.491' N38° 27.601' N38° 13.491' W90° School Bank Sand and is responsible for the development of trails and trail facilities in Madison County and St. Clair Clair St. and County Madison in facilities trail and trails of development the for responsible is and

Lewis & Clark Tower Confluence Clark & Lewis The Park and Recreation District (MEPRD) was formed by voters in November 2000, 2000, November in voters by formed was (MEPRD) District Recreation and Park East Metro The W90° 6.036' N38° 48.652' N38° 6.036' W90° (MEPRD) District Recreation and Park East Metro Sugar Loaf Mound W90° 13.863' N38° 34.487' N38° 13.863' W90° Mound Loaf Sugar

• Waste Management, Inc. Management, Waste •

Historic District Historic

• The Oerter Foundation Oerter The • Park and Recreation District. Their websites link to trails and other resources. other and trails to link websites Their District. Recreation and Park W90° 11.683' N38° 38.583' N38° 11.683' W90° & House Emigrant Mullanphy

• The Kutterer Foundation Kutterer The •

have included the websites for the region’s park districts: Great Rivers Greenway and Metro East East Metro and Greenway Rivers Great districts: park region’s the for websites the included have

Sam Chucalo Mound W90° 6.954' N38° 38.613' N38° 6.954' W90° Mound Chucalo Sam

• The Kerr Foundation Kerr The •

the route are places for refreshments, entertainment and recreation. For additional information we we information additional For recreation. and entertainment refreshments, for places are route the

W90° 4.503' N38° 39.595' N38° 4.503' W90° Woodhenge

• The Kemper Foundation Kemper The • left. For further information many of these sites also have Facebook pages and websites. Along Along websites. and pages Facebook have also sites these of many information further For left.

Martin-Boismenue Home W90° 11.889' N38° 32.790' N38° 11.889' W90° Home Martin-Boismenue

• Illinois Department of Natural Resources Natural of Department Illinois • Other selected points of interest are listed with GPS coordinates for navigation on the chart to the the to chart the on navigation for coordinates GPS with listed are interest of points selected Other

Parks College & Airfield & College Parks W90° 11.063' N38° 34.235' N38° 11.063' W90° • Great Rivers Greenway District Greenway Rivers Great •

• Be an ambassador of the activity activity the of ambassador an Be • • The Grand Victoria Foundation Victoria Grand The • Jackie Joyner-Kersee Center W90° 7.454' N38° 37.480' N38° 7.454' W90° Center Joyner-Kersee Jackie Kaskaskia-Cahokia-Trail.

• Pass on the left, when safe to do so do to safe when left, the on Pass •

• The Crown Family Crown The • the trail increased as population increased. Get more information on on information more Get increased. population as increased trail the Laclede Power Building W90° 10.892' N38° 38.232' N38° 10.892' W90° Building Power Laclede

• Stay to the right of the trail trail the of right the to Stay •

along its route. The trail had a role in the American Revolution and, after the war, the importance of of importance the war, the after and, Revolution American the in role a had trail The route. its along Gateway Geyser W90° 10.241' N38° 37.372' N38° 10.241' W90° Geyser Gateway

• Yield to lower speed users speed lower to Yield •

Funding Provided By: Provided Funding began in 1699. The location of the trail determined the establishment of many other settlements settlements other many of establishment the determined trail the of location The 1699. in began

Katherine Dunham Museum W90° 8.693' N38° 37.703' N38° 8.693' W90° Museum Dunham Katherine

• Wear a helmet a Wear •

Kaskaskia and Cahokia. The French settlement of Kaskaskia dates from 1695, while Cahokia Cahokia while 1695, from dates Kaskaskia of settlement French The Cahokia. and Kaskaskia

Our Lady of the Snows Shrine W90° 5.481' N38° 33.674' N38° 5.481' W90° Shrine Snows the of Lady Our

• Dispose of trash properly trash of Dispose • was the earliest overland link between between link overland earliest the was Trail Kaskaskia The Illinois. became what in communities • University in St. Louis St. in University Washington •

W90° 11.036' N38° 31.796' N38° 11.036' W90° Spring Falling

• Do not disturb wildlife or fauna or wildlife disturb not Do •

through the wilderness and probably the deciding factor for settlement of the earliest American American earliest the of settlement for factor deciding the probably and wilderness the through • Village of Dupo, Illinois Dupo, of Village •

• Keep pets on a a on pets Keep •

W90° 3.718' N38° 39.624' N38° 3.718' W90° Mound Monks Trail. This trail, though only a “trace” or footpath of the Indians, was the only established road road established only the was Indians, the of footpath or “trace” a only though trail, This Trail. PARC •

• Take along a cell phone and an ID ID an and phone cell a along Take •

Museum & Gift Shop Gift & Museum and Columbia’s one room school houses. Parts of this leg follows the ancient Kaskaskia Trace/ Kaskaskia ancient the follows leg this of Parts houses. school room one Columbia’s and • Osage •

Wear bright and reflective clothing reflective and bright Wear

• • W90° 3.555' N38° 39.308' N38° 3.555' W90° Site Historic State Mounds Cahokia

and East St. Louis’ mound sites to Dupo’s Falling Spring Spring Falling Dupo’s to sites mound Louis’ St. East and Woodhenge Cahokia’s from south • Park National •

• Be sure drivers can see you see can drivers sure Be •

Eugene Field House W90° 11.520' N38° 37.200' N38° 11.520' W90° House Field Eugene along I-55), which was recently purchased by the Osage nation. On the Illinois side, a leg extends extends leg a side, Illinois the On nation. Osage the by purchased recently was which I-55), along • Metro-East Parks & Recreation DIstrict Recreation & Parks Metro-East •

• Watch for bridges and narrow shoulders narrow and bridges for Watch •

(located (located Mound Loaf Sugar the to brewery Anheuser-Busch the past south extends Plaza Anheuser-Busch Brewery W90° 12.785' N38° 35.844' N38° 12.785' W90° Brewery Anheuser-Busch • Illinois Department of Transportation of Department Illinois •

• Be respectful of archaeological sites archaeological of respectful Be •

Mound Big Louis’ St. North from leg a side, Missouri the On parks. and districts, historic gems,

• Illinois Department of Natural Resources Natural of Department Illinois • (Holy Childhood Church) Childhood (Holy

• Be respectful of private & public property public & private of respectful Be •

Heritage Trail on each side of the linking numerous museums, architectural architectural museums, numerous linking River Mississippi the of side each on Trail Heritage W90° 11.289' N38° 34.209' N38° 11.289' W90° Church (Log) Family Holy

• Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Preservation Historic Illinois •

• Be courteous and aware of other users other of aware and courteous Be •

) are cultural icons anchoring the Mounds Mounds the anchoring icons cultural are ) Memorial Expansion National Jefferson the ( Arch

Nicholas Jarrot Mansion W90° 11.236' N38° 34.203' N38° 11.236' W90° Mansion Jarrot Nicholas • HeartLands Conservancy (formerly SWIRC&D) (formerly Conservancy HeartLands •

and the Gateway Gateway the and Site Historic State Mounds Cahokia of Site Heritage World UNESCO The

• Great Rivers Greenway Rivers Great • Old Cahokia Courthouse W90° 11.526' N38° 34.253' N38° 11.526' W90° Courthouse Cahokia Old

MEPRD & GRG websites.] GRG & MEPRD

• Fairmont City, Illinois City, Fairmont •

Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing W90° 11.402' N38° 40.560' N38° 11.402' W90° Crossing Freedom Meachum Mary

experiences on the trail. [More information at IDNR, IDNR, at information [More trail. the on experiences

complexes throughout the region. the throughout complexes

• East West Gateway Council of Governments of Council Gateway West East •

Lewis and Clark State Historic Site W90° 6.077' N38° 48.173' N38° 6.077' W90° Site Historic State Clark and Lewis

etiquette tips can improve your activity as well as others’ others’ as well as activity your improve can tips etiquette

Illinois with the historic sites in what was once called Mound City, St. Louis, and other mound mound other and Louis, St. City, Mound called once was what in sites historic the with Illinois

• City of St. Louis, Missouri Louis, St. of City •

eateries, and more. The following basic share-the-trail share-the-trail basic following The more. and eateries, Chatillon-Demenil Mansion W90° 12.962' N38° 35.543' N38° 12.962' W90° Mansion Chatillon-Demenil

and natural resources in Illinois and Missouri. It connects Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site in in Site Historic State Mounds Cahokia connects It Missouri. and Illinois in resources natural and

• City of East St. Louis, Illinois Louis, St. East of City •

mighty Mississippi. Stop in the neighborhoods for shops, shops, for neighborhoods the in Stop Mississippi. mighty

connects to public transit at many points along the way, The route links a fascinating mix of cultural cultural of mix fascinating a links route The way, the along points many at transit public to connects Laclede's Landing Historic District W90° 11.028' N38° 37.828' N38° 11.028' W90° District Historic Landing Laclede's

• City of Columbia, Illinois Columbia, of City •

museums, historic buildings, cultural landmarks, and the the and landmarks, cultural buildings, historic museums,

use on-road route, with an emphasis on bicycling, combined with an auto tour for motorists. It It motorists. for tour auto an with combined bicycling, on emphasis an with route, on-road use Soulard Farmer's Market & Historic District W90° 12.063' N38° 36.643' N38° 12.063' W90° District Historic & Market Farmer's Soulard

• Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Historic State Mounds Cahokia •

Along the route, visit mound sites, unique landscapes, landscapes, unique sites, mound visit route, the Along in one of two ways: walking or in a dugout canoe through waterways. Today, it is a signed, multi- signed, a is it Today, waterways. through canoe dugout a in or walking ways: two of one in

W90° 10.729' N38° 37.738' N38° 10.729' W90° Bridge Eads

a unique blend of historical, cultural, and natural features. features. natural and cultural, historical, of blend unique a

communities and how they were connected in the past. Travel occurred between the communities communities the between occurred Travel past. the in connected were they how and communities

their generous support of the Mounds Heritage Trail: Heritage Mounds the of support generous their W90° 11.236' N38° 37.444' N38° 11.236' W90° Cathedral Old

and your favorite activities. This interpretive trail provides provides trail interpretive This activities. favorite your and The Mounds Heritage Trail Heritage Mounds The reigned at Cahokia Mounds, and also to what it was like to travel between the mound center center mound the between travel to like was it what to also and Mounds, Cahokia at reigned

We would like to thank the organizations and agencies for for agencies and organizations the thank to like would We Old Courthouse W90° 11.358' N38° 37.546' N38° 11.358' W90° Courthouse Old

Trails provide a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors outdoors the enjoy to opportunity great a provide Trails

The purpose of the Mounds Heritage Trail is to introduce many people to the society that once once that society the to people many introduce to is Trail Heritage Mounds the of purpose The

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial W90° 11.087' N38° 37.486' N38° 11.087' W90° Memorial Expansion National Jefferson

Thank You! Thank

Share The Mounds Heritage Trail Heritage Mounds The Share Connecting Communities through experiencing Our Past Our experiencing through Communities Connecting

LONG LAT INTEREST OF POINTS View from Monks Mond to the Gateway Arch Gateway the to Mond Monks from View

Image: Cahokia Mounds Historic Site The Confluence of Cultures

Here at the center of the world’s third largest river system, the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, is a confluence of national and international importance. This 3,740 Image: Lynn deLearie mile river system runs through 31 states, two Canadian provinces, and a watershed that covers 1.2 million square miles - one-eighth the land area of the North American continent. As such, it is the world’s second largest drainage basin, draining 40% of the continental United States. It is a rich habitat for diverse flora and fauna, it is a dynamic intersection of people, place and heritage.

Spanning more than 1,000 years, this region a valuable and distinctive part of the heritage of America. It has seen a crossroads of diverse cultures, traditions, customs, beliefs, trade economies, and folk life - including prehistoric Mississippian to Siouan, Spanish to French, English to American, and others. People have relied on this watershed for drinking water, crop irrigation, livestock production, industrial manufacturing, transportation, and for recreational activities such as cycling, fishing, swimming, and boating. Image: Cahokia Mounds Historic Site Image: Great Rivers Greenway