Geology and Paleontology of the Southwest Quarter of the Big Bend Quadrangle Shasta County, California
GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE BIG BEND QUADRANGLE SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By ALBERT F. SANBORN Geologist, Standard Oil Company of California Salt Lake City, Utah Special Report 63 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, 1960 STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDMUND G. BROWN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES eWITT NELSON, Director DIVISION OF MINES IAN CAMPBELL, Chief Special Report 63 Price 75$ , GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE BIG BEND QUADRANGLE SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By Albert F. Sandorn * OUTLINE OF REPORT ABSTRACT Abstract 3 The area covered by this report is the southwest quarter of the Big Bend quadrangle in the vicinity of 3 the town of Big Bendj Shasta County) California. General stratigraphy 5 This region, which has been geologically unknown, contains sedimentary volcanic strata of Triassic system _ 5 and Mesozoic an( Pit formation (Middle and Upper Triassic) 5 * Cenozoic ages. Hosselkus limestone (Upper Triassic) 7 The Mesozoic deposits are composed of pyroclastic Brock shale (Upper Triassic) 7 rocks, lava flows, tuffaceous sandstone, argillite, and Modin formation (Upper Triassic) 8 limestone. The Mesozoic formations, from the oldest Hawkins Creek member T0 the youngest, are the Pit formation of Middle and I Devils Canyon member 10 jate Triassic age ; the Hosselkus limestone, the Brock Kosk member ll shale, and the Modin formation of Late Triassic age; . the Arvison formation of Early Jurassic age ; and the s sy em -—- -- - --- Bagley andesite and Potem formation of Early and Arvison formation (Lower Jurassic) 11 „•,,, T . ,-.., ., e ,. , ' „ , . .. .. __ . , T 1( Middle Jurassic age. Or the seven formations mapped,rr Nature of the contact of the Triassic and Jurassic svstems 14 ,.
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