Question for written answer E-007070/2020 to the Commission Rule 138 Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (Renew), (Renew), (Renew), (Renew), (Renew), (Renew), (Renew)

Subject: Current state of play as regards State aid in the European railway sector

The railway sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and needs support to overcome this period. However, as underlined in the Annual Report on Competition Policy and confirmed by the Temporary Framework, State aid should only be granted to cover the losses incurred due to COVID- 19 and must not be used to reinforce a company’s dominant position in a given sector.

The Commission is currently reviewing the multibillion-euro State aid package that will benefit the entire Deutsche Bahn Group. As Deutsche Bahn is an integrated company, State aid could be used both in the market for rail passenger transport, where Deutsche Bahn is dominant, and in the market for distribution of rail tickets, where Deutsche Bahn is being investigated for anti-competitive practices. Following the 4th Railway Package and the Green Deal, the Commission has committed to making EU railways more attractive, innovative and competitive.

1. How will the Commission address the issue of State aid that might go beyond Deutsche Bahn’s needs and be used for new acquisitions and investments for its own in-house services to the detriment of its competitors?

2. Will the Commission consider setting conditions to grant State aid only to Deutsche Bahn’s rail infrastructure services to make sure that it does not harm competition as regards the distribution of rail tickets?
