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GROWTH: Challenges & Opportunities VOLUME 18 NUMBER 1 I SPRING 2013 GROWTH: Challenges & Opportunities pm#40065075 108th Convention Revisited • Safe Drinking Water – Part One SaskWater #11 fp - 4c ifc SaskPower #33 fp - 4c opp ifc URBAN VOICE is the official quarterly publication of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA). Submissions to URBAN VOICE are welcomed. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Please contact the Editor for copy submission deadlines. PUBLISHERS Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) 200 - 2222 13th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 3M7 306-525-3727 | F: 306-525-4373 [email protected] | SUMA STAFF Laurent Mougeot, CEO Shauna Audette, Group Benefits & Insurance Services Manager Laurie Bryant, Accounting Administrator Tammy Bryant, Finance Manager Che-Wei Chung, Policy Advisor SK Ministry of the Economy Susan Dishaw, Admin Assistant #17 Kelly Krupp, Executive Assistant Tauna Kupiec, Group Benefits Administrator fp - 4c Sean McEachern, Director Policy and Communication Services Tania Meier, Event & Corporate Services Manager Libbey Morin, Policy Research Assistant Marlys Wasylyniuk, Event & Corporate Services Coordinator Tiffany Wolf, Communications & Web Coordinator Please send change of address to [email protected] DISTRIBUTION Publication Mail Agreement #40065075 Return undeliverable mail to [email protected] VOLUME 18 NUMBER 1 I SPRING 2013 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SASKATCHEWAN URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION URBAN VOICE is the official quarterly publication of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA). FEATURES Submissions to URBAN VOICE Growth: Challenges & Opportunities are welcomed. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Please contact the Growth and Challenges – Succession Planning ..........................................11 Editor for copy submission deadlines. Water and Wastewater Services for Growing Communities .........................14 A Welcoming Haven for Newcomers ............................................................18 PUBLISHERS A Changing Landscape for Parks and Recreation .......................................20 Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) Growth and the ‘Diversity Gap’ .....................................................................22 200 - 2222 13th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 3M7 A Profile of the Mid Sask Municipal Alliance .................................................24 306-525-3727 | F: 306-525-4373 [email protected] | The Challenges and Growth Faced by the Estevan Police Service .............26 Growth in Cottage Country ...........................................................................28 A Tale of Two Cities: a Cautionary Tale of Rapid Urban Growth ...................30 SUMA STAFF Laurent Mougeot, CEO th Shauna Audette, Group Benefits & Insurance Services Manager 108 Covention Revisited.................................................................... 32 Laurie Bryant, Accounting Administrator Tammy Bryant, Finance Manager Safe Drinking Water – Part One .......................................................... 38 Che-Wei Chung, Policy Advisor Susan Dishaw, Admin Assistant Kelly Krupp, Executive Assistant Tauna Kupiec, Group Benefits Administrator Sean McEachern, Director Policy and Communication Services Tania Meier, Event & Corporate Services Manager Libbey Morin, Policy Research Assistant Marlys Wasylyniuk, Event & Corporate Services Coordinator Tiffany Wolf, Communications & Web Coordinator Please send change of address to [email protected] 20 DISTRIBUTION Publication Mail Agreement #40065075 Return undeliverable mail to [email protected] 26 38 PUBLICation MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTION BY: DEPARTMENTS President’s Voice ....................................................................................................6 Board of Directors ..................................................................................................8 CEO’s Voice .........................................................................................................10 Third Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0K4 Policy Voice ..........................................................................................................12 Tel: 866-985-9784 SUMAdvantage Voice ..........................................................................................42 Fax: 866-985-9799 Reach our Advertisers ..........................................................................................45 Managing Editor: Terry Ross, [email protected] Layout & Design: Donna Tapay Marketing Managers: Rod Evason, [email protected] Advertising Coordinator: Stefanie Ingram All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express consent of the publisher. URBAN 5 Voice PRESIDENT’S TOGETHER, LET’s make OUR COMMUNITIES GREAT Mayor Debra Button, President s I begin a new journey as SUMA President, I look forward homes deserve the best quality of life we can provide for them. A to building relationships with our members, and to work- We have the chance to make our communities great, despite the ing with the Board of Directors and SUMA staff to help us all difficulties that come with progress and change. We can work build a better Saskatchewan. What better place to begin that together with other orders of government, with SUMA, and with journey than on the heels of a successful Convention 2013, talk- each other. ing about the growth happening all over our great province. We are at a critical point in our province. We need healthy Growth is not just a buzzword. I see it in my community, both partnerships, and the courage to do what we were elected to do: the challenges and the opportunities. The impact of growth on lead. As George Cuff told us at Convention, we are elected to be our communities is felt in many different areas, from recreation “possibility people,” not “status quo” people. I am excited to see and immigration to wastewater and policing issues. It’s wonder- the possibilities urban governments find all over our province, ful to see Saskatchewan growing and changing; and as urban and to the solutions we find to the challenges we all face. governments, we are on the front lines. And finally, thank you for the opportunity to lead, not only The people that choose our villages, cities and towns for their within my own community, but toVoice lead SUMA on your behalf. SK in Motion #2 1/2h - 4c 6 URBAN Voice SK Assoc for Resource Recovery #3 fp - 4c BOARD OF MAYOR MAYOR MAYOR MAYOR COUNCILLOR DEBRA BUTTON MALCOLM EATON RODGER HAY WARD BARRY GUNTHER DARREN HILL President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Executive Member Cities Towns Villages, Resort Villages and Saskatoon/Regina Northern Municipalities MAYOR MAYOR MAYOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR RON OSIKA BEN BUHLER BRUCE FIDLER RANDY GOULDEN GLENN GEORGE Director Director Director Director Director Central Region Northwest Region Northern RegionDirectorsEast Central Region Northeast Region COUNCILLOR MAYOR COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR WADE MURRAY AL HERON MIKE O’DONNELL TED ZURAKOWSKI Director Director Director Director City of Regina West Central Region City of Regina City of Prince Albert COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR MAYOR MAYOR DAWN LUHNING TIFFANY PAULSEN MIKE STRAchAN BARRY RUdd Director Director Director Director City of Moose Jaw City of Saskatoon Southeast Region Southwest Region 8 URBAN Voice Constr. Assoc. Network of SK #19 fp - 4c CEO’S LET’s grow TOGETHER Laurent Mougeot, Chief Executive Officer e truly live in a new Saskatch- showing how urban Saskatchewan and At Convention 2013 your dynamic W ewan. We’re experiencing tre- the government can work together to leaders came together to talk not just about mendous growth all around our province, make the vision of sustainable growth growth, but also working together to make and the Government of Saskatchewan come true. our communities dynamic and strong. Take has laid out their strategy in the Saskatch- It’s also why we bring you stories the time to find out what your neighbours ewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and of how other urban governments are are doing, and how you can co-operate to Beyond. It’s a word we are all hearing a dealing with the growth in their commu- help everyone reach their goals. lot of lately, but what are we doing about nity. You all have important stories and SUMA is not just one organization; it? lessons to share. Those stories come we are the voice of nearly 450 urban SUMA is here to serve our members, together in this issue of Urban Voice, governments. Collaboration and teamwork and we want to help you meet the chal- at our annual conventions, during our is vital to our success, and it can be the lenges and the opportunities that growth regional meetings, and when SUMA staff key to yours. Come together around your brings to your communities. That’s why comes to see you in your villages, towns, challenges, and make the most of your we created our Urban Growth Agenda, and cities. opportunities.Voice Grow, together. Sask Culture SK Heavy Construction Assoc #15 #5 1/4v - 4c 1/4v - 4c 10 URBAN Voice GROWTH: Challenges & Opportunities Growth and challenges – succession planning Rodney Audette, President, UMAAS Over the past half-decade, economic be arranged. While we would be happy effectively address the issue and provide development and growth in our small and to help develop, and perhaps admin- the resources. At that time we would medium urban centres has put stresses ister an internship
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