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Illustration (5 Pdf) GENERALIZED SECTION FOR THE CAHABA COALFIELD IN THE BIRMINGHAM QUADRANGLE. GENERALIZED SECTION FOR THE WARRIOR COAL FIELD IN THE BIRMINGHAM QUADRANGLE. SCALE: 1 INCH =1000 FEET. SCALE: 1 INCH = 1.000 FEET. SYSTEM. SERIES. COLUMNAR THICKNESS SYSTEM. SERIES. FORMATION. SYMBOL. MINOR DIVISIONS. CHARACTER AND THICKNESS OF DIVISIONS. GENERAL CHARACTER OF FORMATION. COLUMNAR THICKNESS SECTION. IN FEET. FORMATION. SYMBOL. SECTION. IN FEET. MINOR DIVISIONS. CHARACTER AND THICKNESS OF DIVISIONS. GENERAL CHARACTER OF FORMATION. L_i i » . ^';rt-ii lf^^'^F^^^>.^.-;>'rs Cobb coal Generally thin and of little value. ---; * *- _ ' ". .* .',,.. '/,, Camp Branch sandstone member. Thick-bedded sandstone. zn-T?r~r:._.........--. , .TTT.TrrrrrTT... .-^ ^ ^-^_-_^--_ ^^^r^^r^- =/-r~^^^^ Pratt. 3M feet thick, mostly coal. Valuable bed. Pratt coal . Nickel Plate or Cardiff. 2H feet thick with parting in middle. I" =-: u= }--- group. American. Thin and of no value except possibly in southwest corner. = ..^.-. __ '^gjg-jZ."_". ! ':." "_ ' "*" ' i ',1... Li " !» .-.- ! ! * Curry. Thin and of no value. Gillespie. siiBSKB Thin and of no value. PENNSYLVANIAN ~v i Newcastle. 1 to 8 feet thick. Thick only locally and much parted. Mary Lee. 3 to 8 feet thick, much parted. Very valuable bed. Predominantly shale with beds Mary Lee c Jag^1661'- 1 to 3 feet thick. Locally thick and much parted. of sandstone, conglomerate, .IL' ijr^jPaf'T jt ' - * ~* ^.L0i? ft^r'nJ! Lick Creek Beam!' 1 to 3 feet thick. Generally very dirty and of little value. and coal. Thick strata of sili­ CARBONIFEROUS Pottsville formation. Cpv -* 2175 member. Thin and of no value. ceous sandstone and conglom­ I f Lick Creek, Thin, not workable. erate ("Millstone grit") at ~ :=:= .-., - j_^_- - '.'.*'.'.'. *.'.". *!''/r^ / Black Creel coal group. \ Jefferson. 2 to 3 feet thick. Locally a good bed. base. - ....... ~ I Black Creek. 2 to 4 feet thick. Generally cjean coal and of superior quality. Mammoth coal. 10 feet thick with parting in middle. =:...... _^- . ...- ~r ;^j- r :-.LJJ . - ;S^::=::z=z: .....~~. -~z,-^ -j^r^ u Sapp coal. Thin and of no value. ^g^JSo^O^ji Thompson coal. L±± '- ' Rosa or S\vansea coal, 1 to 3 feet thick. Little Pittsburg coal. 2 feet thick locally. Tidmore coal. Thin and of no value. Black Shale coal. 2 feet thick. (Cby) (350) Boyles (Pitie?,) sandstone member. Thick-bedded siliceous sandstone conglomerate at base ; local pockets of coal in or just below base. Buck coal. Z 2 feet thick. ;4- Wo » « .<> '».- i»- ° °"° < f = ===1 CO Pennington shale. Gpn Z ~^n L-_ - --""."". co For the description of the Pennington shale, Bangor limestone, and older formations that outcrop in this district see the section for the < ZI/TBaP ^ Cahaba coal field. Predominantly shale with beds of sandstone, conglom­ Bansror limestone. Cb i i i i i 1.1i PENNSYLV Pottsville formation. Cpv 5100 erate, and coal. Thick strata of siliceous sandstone _-.! 1. 1 . "^_jj "_.ja Wadsworth coal. 1^ to 3 feet thick. and conglomerate ("Millstone grit") at base. TT. ~ iz- ;" '.' .--L-- J-'=S=............ .. ~ . , ..-^iiajrM CO GENERALIZED SECTION FOR THE COOSA COAL FIELD IN THE BIRMINGHAM QUADRANGLE. ''''""'_ Harkness coal. 2 to 8 feet thick with many partings. D ! !_":; ; SCALE: 1 INCH = 1000 FEET. 0 = : DC SYSTEM. SERIES, COLUMNAR THICKNESS MINOR DIVISIONS. LU FORMATION. SYMBOL- SECTION.- CHARACTBU AND THICKNESS OF DIVISIONS. GENERAL CHARACTER OF FORMATION. Nunnally coal group. Thin and of no value. IN FEET. Li_ - - I-"- Z L-..,, ; ; E-Z=^g;=r= O . i CD ~~ J"' '"~T.^Ti/' Chestnut sandstone mem­ DC rrr-.T ber. Thick and thin bedded siliceous sandstone. Howard' ? coal. 1 foot thick. (Ccn) \ (100) < ^'-1-1'-= ^T2SHi23^^ r ~ Gould coal group. .-^-_ -_P^_ . j O L- *_ ' V. i-' ' ' -^ (.Cpi) (300) Pine sandstone member. Thick and thin bedded siliceous sandstone. PENNSYLVANIAN ^~;/ '. - ', ' ' : ..' " Pottsville formation. Cpv 2800 Predominantly shale with beds of sandstone conglom­ (Cs) (250) Shades sandstone member. Thick and thin bedded siliceous sandstone erate and thin coals. Thick strata of siliceous sand­ Brock coal. conglomerate. stone and conglomerate ("Millstone grit") at base. (Cpi) Thick-bedded siliceous sandstone, locally (300) Pine sandstone member. conglomeratic. Prevailingly gray shale and sandstone. Parkwood formation. Cpw 300-3000 F« Fossils very scarce. CARBONIFEROUS 3ISSIPPIAN (Cs) (400) Shades sandstone member. Thick-bedded siliceous sandstone. .........T^TTT. T-^>-.-V.i;-i:.°.v.i Pennington shale. Cp ..,..,.. ..1,,,, .|,,,., ,., .,., 30-300 Gray green, and red shale with a little chert, sandstone, CO 2 1 1 1 1 1 - n.-^ -r ir£ Prevailingly thick-bedded light-gray crystalline lime­ Bangor limestone. 700 stone. Hartselle sandstone member and some shale Cb Hartselle sandstone mem­ Prevailingly fine-grained firm sandstone ; in the middle. Merges through sparingly cherty lime­ Parkwood formation. Cpw 1000 Sandstone and sandy shale. (Ch) (100) ber. locally coarse grained and friable. stone into Fort Payne chert below. Highly fossilif- 11 I erous. Fort Payne chert. Cfp 200 Mostly thin-bedded chert; locally thick bedded at bot­ ISSIPPIAN ^L.-^.-^T^-^TXT^.-T^ tom and generally fragile. Fossiliferous. ; "-'~"J~^"-L!'.'' '' '_ ""':'. ' "'_1_,--.- "= > LU Chattanooga shale and Frog DC 5-80 Black carbonaceous shale; sandstone with phosphate a Mountain sandstone. nodules and fossils locally below. UNCONFORMITY : Clinton ("Kockwood") forma­ Gray and yellow shale and green, brown, and red highly So 250-500 Iron ore, "Big seam." CO tion. Iron ore,"Irondale seam." ferruginous sandstone; beds of calcareous iron ore. $ 2 Cf . I _l l_ 1 1 Floyd shale. 1200 Black and gray shale and a little sandstone, somewhat Chickamauga ("Pelham") Oc 1 I 1 200-500 Thick and thin bedded dove-colored and blue limestone. calcareous. Fossiliferous. ORDOVICIAN» limestone. 1 ' 1. i I Attalla conglomerate Mostly angular chert conglomerate with Fossiliferous. Oa JI.1L,J'LX; (O^tO) member. some well-rounded pebbles of quartzite. <s^m^ =O =| e=a |= (Ch) (50) Hartselle sandstone mem­ Hard fine-grained sandstone. =5| =o|~0| G=l<=> ber. <=l 01 <=>|C=>|o <=>!<= 1= 1 = 1 «=* 1°° 1 = Mostly thin-bedded chert; locally thick-bedded at bot­ <=va|OcO|< Fort Payne chert. Cfp 200 =»IC3CT3|ep tom and generally fragile. Fossiliferous. => |e»c= Chattanooga shale and Black carbonaceous shale. Sandstone with phosphate <=|OC=>| =3 |oeo/e^ a5 Frog Mountain sandstone. °y i , ' . i i.j \ 23 nodules'and fossils locally below. <=,! C=>C3l<=» . ' . > . ' . I =>|c=>c^| o>e=>|f=>c=3 1. 1 . 1 . 1 . =>| C=3JC=>C=>| <=> |c=> Chickamauga ("Pelham") '. I.' 1 <=>|^>-=Jc=>co| <=J Oc . i . i . n~1 1000 Very thick-bedded dove-colored, blue, and dark-gray a|<^<=^s|c=>e=j|o co| «=3 ORDOVICIAN limestone. i ' . * . ' .1 limestone. ^| CZ^ | C=C> |<^C>) ^^3 ;. .' '.' ' C=>|toc=, <=l<=»l= i. i . i.i 1 CJ j C=» | C3 =,|Cse=>/ c==>| <= |C=>|<= |c=> I ^»<=a |«=> co |&co|<=><=o|0c=l o| caal «^=> !<=><=>! «=51 <=p| C=3| C=S» | <=3 |«j Z =»|c±scD|c>colo<=s|c=i | ej | ca c=>| c=> | t==> < »|e=co|cs>|o«^| c=o|c Thick-bedded crystalline dolomite with dense compact =a| <==» | <ds | g==> |3 Knox dolomite. c=>|»e==>| «|c=s|c= 3300 chert in layers, stringers, and nodules. Ketona dolo­ a| c=> | o=>)c=>«=o| <=a1 UPPERCAMBRI =1 «=>!«==>|0«=>| <=D mite member, free of chert, at the base. co|eac>| <b=» 1 ^sTI co<=o| <=^=» =>!<==? | c=a| c=>| c3 [ co| e=p|c=>c3J c^fq |c> Gileses? 1° « ^ 1= c=a| cs| c=o| »^=> |c:=j =>|e=,|«=> ="l <=a>l= | g=>| g==a |c3i=»)c=>| cy> cp 1 c==g I q f ^^ f3 1 ga> i cgp I <=> i ca> \<=a\ e=3| c=> | «=? | c=»|<=> .|co| e.| calgjlj c=>| o.colcocsle: ?' *? ' f ' ? ' ^ lc=l * ^7^ ' ^^ ' ^^^ ' .^^^ c~f cpl c=> |<=.eo| e=a |<d Z <=> | O <53 | C3 co| «=O |e s| g=>| <=S| <='l^=:' <^>|C=C3| C?«=| ==£> <=a | gp I CS3 1 c=J |c=J < =a|O <=|C=3 «^| C^> |c UPPERCAMBRIAN o| CCT | C=> | cap | «=> c=o| «=a| ==> | « =>|c= C=> [ C? <=3>| CO | C=J | Thick-bedded crystalline dolomite with dense compact DC COk «D|».| c= o| <==, Knox dolomite. J.^LfS.^.kd 3800 chert in layers, stringers, and nodules; Ketona dolo­ <=a] cs-l \S*|c=^|tol 1 mite member, free of chert, at the base. Prevail­ m l<= 1 c*l' °f ' . | g=> |c=» ca | e=> \ & ingly limestone with soft chert and dolomite layers 1 1 11 <=>] <~>\ *=S>\ g=^T| in upper 500 feet. 2 1 III Noncherty, nearly pure thick-bedded |o«^l c=a|<=»c=3( e3i ( kt) (600) Ketona dolomite member. crystalline dolomite. Much used for c=o|0 <=> | «=> 1 c=j | < 1 1 1 flux. Z =»| <~> |<;><=a| cacalcd 1 1 1,1. «* ! 5^> 1 ,<=? |oc=>| o 1 1 1 1 I 1 ca | o cj| <zy> |<3g3 1 1 S »1 ca |cp <a| ca l.*^ 1 1 1 1 1 ==» 1 «=> 1 <o <3l <=>! <=j 1=^=^=^^== CO ~T . =rpr=^T ' . *== |ca 1 c==> [e=. |d !«=> 1 l<~> l<0 Tl j«? 1 , 1 f I*H , ' . '. O 11 1 I 1 ,1,1,1,1 1 ... ' . 1 . - 1 \] Noncherty, nearly pure, thick-bedded 1 ' i ' i. ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ( kt) .11.11 (600) Ketona dolomite member. crystalline dolomite. Much used for 1. '. '. ' . flux. >DLECAMBRIAN rr-rrrr:-, , ^^=~^^^^i .1.1 .1 .1 11' -1 I r^l. 1 ~1 Conasauga (" Coosa ") \a-vr--_ ..,'- 1|| n '-7"^~~r i'"" ^ Prevailingly thin-bedded blue limestone interbedded limestone. c 1000-2000 with gray or yellow shale. ' ..''.' .' z ^L-jT^~' ..... jjv'rv^^v'jTij ^r=^=i <c tc 00 Rome ("Montevallo") for­ Variegated red, gray, and yellow shale, calcareous mation. r ^ '.T7"^»-. r^^^fTT... 1 1000 sandstone, and thin limestone. S 3 - = i " '. ". ' H EC UJ -=a^B^S=''' 1 ^mi.^aia LIST OF MINES. Location indicated on tht map by numbers. COAL MINES.
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