The MRFA Competition

Gripen E’s missile edge for the he Gripen E offer for the Indian (Multirole ) competition. fraction of competitor costs. “Besides the Air Force builds upon the Gripen We are of course also prepared to integrate Meteor, IRIS-T, A-Darter, and AIM-120 E family of aircraft. Gripen E is the Indian weapons’’ he added. AMRAAM (Advanced Medium Range Air- Tmost modern fighter in the competition Gripen E can carry nine missiles and to-Air Missile), other missiles like the , and together with its weaponry, including 16 bombs as well as a large suite of other Python 4/5, Derby, AIM-9X Sidewinder, the Meteor Beyond Visual Range missile, weapons and payloads. In addition, its ASRAAM and others can also be easily Gripen E will give the IAF an edge inherent design enables easy integration integrated to Gripen,” stated Palmberg. against its adversaries. The latest high of new weapon systems and stores for all A wide range of guided/unguided bombs, performance sensors such as AESA radar, types of missions, from air-to-air missiles reconnaissance pods, cruise missiles and IRST system, advanced datalinks and AI- to reconnaissance and heavy air-to ground anti-ship armaments are, of course also enabled decision support gives the pilot armament. A specific feature of the aircraft offered. superior situational awareness and ability is that it is programmed to deploy systems to see first-act first. with different weights, centre of gravity The Meteor BVR edge With its combat performance and and shapes with different aerodynamic Beyond Visual Range (BVR) combat with power projection capability, Gripen E will features. Furthermore, its split avionics ‘See First–Shoot First’ capability is one of provide the IAF with deterrence power in allows weapon integration and tactical the most important features of modern the region. Even more important, Gripen E system software updates or changes which fighter aircraft. The Meteor has changed the can be armed with Indian-developed can be made without the need to re- dynamics of BVR combat and taken it to a missiles or missiles of any provenance, certify the flight critical software. These new level, providing unmatched air-to-air unlike any other aircraft. unique features, together with standardised capability. “Any weapon of Indian choice can be interfaces and open architecture orientation, With an operational range of over 100 integrated with the Gripen fighter,’’ said results in faster and easier integration of new km, a BVRAAM Meteor missile can travel Mats Palmberg, Head of Gripen weapons on the fighter. at speeds of over Mach 4, over four times the Campaign. “Gripen can also be equipped In its offering to India, Saab maintains speed of sound. The missile can accelerate with Israeli, European, American weapons, an all-inclusive fighter package that mid-way, leaving very little chance of the giving it an edge in the ongoing MRFA will meet the IAF’s requirements at a target to escape.

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