Memories and Meanings from a Time of Turmoil

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Memories and Meanings from a Time of Turmoil Opioids Crisis • Edward Gorey • Bauhaus Centennial MARCH-APRIL 2019 • $4.95 1969 1969 Memories and meanings from a time of turmoil Reprinted from Harvard Magazine. For more information, contact Harvard Magazine, Inc. at 617-495-5746 Dormie Network is a national network of renowned clubs combining the experience of destination golf with the premier hospitality of private membership. ARBORLINKS · NEBRASKA CITY, NE BALLYHACK · ROANOKE, VA BRIGGS RANCH · SAN ANTONIO, TX DORMIE CLUB · PINEHURST, NC HIDDEN CREEK · EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, NJ VICTORIA NATIONAL · NEWBURGH, IN WWW.DORMIENETWORK.COM | [email protected] | ASHLEY OWEN 812.758.7439 Reprinted from Harvard Magazine. For more information, contact Harvard Magazine, Inc. at 617-495-5746 190309_DormieNetwork_ivy.indd 1 1/24/19 12:20 PM MARCH-APRIL 2019, VOLUME 121, NUMBER 4 FEATURES 36 The Opioids Emergency | by Lydialyle Gibson Harvard affiliates who care for people suffering from addiction work to revamp medical practice and policy, and seek new ways to relieve pain 44 What a Human Should Be | by Lily Scherlis A centennial exhibition on the Bauhaus and Harvard 50 Vita: Samuel Stouffer | by Jackson Toby Brief life of a skillful survey researcher: 1900-1960 p. 32 52 Echoes of 1969 | by Craig Lambert Recalling an era of tumult and challenge, and its continuing University resonances JOHN HARVARD’S JOURNAL 18 Transferring technology and reinforcing research, high-flying stem-cell scientist, the General Education reboot—and further thoughts on course preregistration, skills for the “culinarily chal- lenged,” from admission to inclusion for low-income students, a chancellor for Commencement, the Undergraduate on Smith Campus Center (no napping, no politicking), and a hockey p. 30 star sees the ice from the broadcast booth DEPARTMENTS 2 Cambridge 02138 | Letters from our readers—and a comment on the arts p. 36 and humanities 3 The View from Mass Hall 11 Right Now | Corporate concentration and languishing labor, editing genes ethically, from the plow to married paternity—and other sociotechnological changes 2 16A Harvard | Spring events, music in the air, ArtWeek, outdoors with Audubon, Vietnamese dining options, and more 61 Montage | Folkloric fictions, hospitalized children, hip crossword puzzles, an empiricist’s aesthetics, how politics trumped Veep, California dreaming, the inimitable Edward Gorey, and more 71 Alumni | Serving the poor from a twenty-first-century settlement house, honorands, and Overseer and Director candidates 76 The College Pump | Egg heads east, prepping deans at Princeton, the prescient Richard Pipes p. 44 84 Treasure | The Art Museums’ “piazza” On the cover: Post-bust, some 10,000 people debated the strike on April 14, 1969. Photograph by Leonard 77 Crimson Classifieds McCombe/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images BUSCH-REISINGER MUSEUM, ©PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE; MANON DE JONG FROM TOP: BRUCE BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES; JIM HARRISON; COURTESY OF THE HARVARD ART MUSEUMS AND Reprinted from Harvard Magazine. For more information, contact Harvard Magazine, Inc. at 617-495-5746 LETTERS EDITOR: John S. Rosenberg SENIOR EDITOR: Jean Martin Cambridge MANAGING EDITOR: Jonathan S. Shaw ART DIRECTOR: Jennifer Carling Artificial intelligence, belonging, immigration ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Marina N. Bolotnikova, Lydialyle Gibson DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER: Oset Babür AFTER THE ICU tended to him previously ASSISTANT EDITOR/SPECIAL SECTIONS What a relief it was knew that he was dying. I MANAGER: Nell Porter Brown to read “What It Means want to thank Dr. Lamas BERTA GREENWALD LEDECKY to Be OK,” concerning for starting her clinic to UNDERGRADUATE FELLOWS Dani ela Lamas and her follow up with her former Isa Flores-Jones, Catherine Zhang post ICU care practice, by patients. This kind of car- Lydialyle Gibson (Janu- ing understanding will go CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ary-February, page 38). Al- a long way in helping fami- John T. Bethell, Lincoln Caplan, though I had found web- lies make decisions about Dick Friedman, Adam Goodheart, site help for my West Nile whether to pursue medical Elizabeth Gudrais, Jim Harrison, encephalitis recovery and intervention. Courtney Humphries, Christopher S. articles about ICU stays, Margaret A. E. Bryan Johnson, Adam Kirsch, Colleen Lannon, this is the first experience Denver Spencer Lee Lenfield, Stu Rosner, reading about the effects of long-term ICU Deborah Smullyan, Mark Steele care from patient experiences. AI AND ETHICS HARVARD MAGAZINE INC. One patient’s “awful dreams” and “hallu- “Embedded ethiCS” (despite the cute PRESIDENT: Margaret H. Marshall, Ed.M. cinations,” which I share, were assured by caps) in a computer-science curriculum re- ’69. DIRECTORS: Ann M. Blair ’84, Peter K. Lamas to be “your mind trying to make sense flects a fundamental misconception: that Bol, Scott V. Edwards, Ann Marie Lipinski, of your situation.” technology subsumes ethics (“Artificial In- During a long recovery, with much time telligence and Ethics,” by Jonathan Shaw, NF ’90, Philip W. Lovejoy, Susan Morris at home “watching TV,” I queried, “Where’s January-February, page 44). Novick ’85, John P. Reardon Jr. ’60, the meaning?” and I relate to patients saying, Everything about AI is a choice people Bryan E. Simmons ’83 “What am I doing here?” and “her road back make. The article ponders how to deploy AI to health was scary and sad.” “This sort of and people interactions “properly and fairly,” BOARD OF INCORPORATORS not-dead and not-alive (aspect) of illness and but never really considers that ethically many This magazine, at first called the Harvard Bulletin, was recovery” describes it perfectly. Thank you. of these interactions are better not developed founded in 1898. Its Board of Incorporators was char- Carolyn Gold, Ed.M. ’85 and deployed. Lily Hu comes close in criticiz- tered in 1924 and remains active in the magazine’s governance. The membership is as follows: Stephen Concord, Mass. ing AI proponents approaching everything J. Bailey, AMP ’94; Jeffrey S. Behrens ’89, William I. as issues of “optimization…or prediction… Bennett ’62, M.D. ’69; John T. Bethell ’54; Peter K. Bol; I am not a Harvard graduate, yet I read or classification.” Yet, that’s what the article Fox Butterfield ’61, A.M. ’64; Sewell Chan ’98; Jona- than S. Cohn ’91; Philip M. Cronin ’53, J.D. ’56; James about Dr. Lamas with keen interest. I lost discusses—logistics. Barbara Grosz, for ex- F. Dwinell III ’62; Anne Fadiman ’74; Benjamin M. my father this past November after a period ample, studies how to help computers un- Friedman ’66, Ph.D. ’71; Robert H. Giles, NF ’66; Rich- of poor recovery following emergency sur- derstand human speech, but doesn’t consider ard H. Gilman, M.B.A. ’83; Owen Gingerich, Ph.D. ’62; Adam K. Goodheart ’92; Philip C. Haughey ’57; Brian gery in August. At 87 he came through the when they don’t belong in the conversation, R. Hecht ’92; Sarah Blaffer Hrdy ’68, Ph.D. ’75; Ellen surgery very well. In fact, the surgeon was offering instead the same kind of emotional, Hume ’68; Alex S. Jones, NF ’82;Thomas F. Kelly, Ph.D. impressed that he was so strong for his age. extreme example—children with rare dis- ’73; William C. Kirby; Bill Kovach, NF ’89; Florence Ladd, BI ’72; Jennifer 8 Lee ’99; Randolph C. Lindel ’66; I fully expected him to bounce back, but this eases—as AI commercials. No one questions Ann Marie Lipinski, NF ’90; Scott Malkin ’80, J.D.- time was different. Sadly, my Dad ended up the inevitable implementation, assuming the M.B.A. ’83; Margaret H. Marshall, Ed.M. ’69, Ed ’77, L twice in the ICU afterward. answer to any problem from hiring to health- ’78; Lisa L. Martin, Ph.D. ’90; David McClintick ’62; Winthrop L. McCormack ’67; M. Lee Pelton, Ph.D. I read this article with gratitude for help- care is to turn it over to a machine. ’84; John P. Reardon Jr. ’60; Harriet Ritvo ’68, Ph.D. ’75; ing me to understand what was happening Students in computer science at Harvard— Henry Rosovsky, JF ’57, Ph.D. ’59, LL.D. ’98; Barbara with my father when he went home for the its second largest undergraduate concentra- Rudolph ’77; Robert N. Shapiro ’72, J.D. ’78; Theda Skocpol, Ph.D. ’75; Peter A. Spiers ’76; Scott H. Stossel last time and went into hospice care. I won- tion—are likely to end up working with or ’91; Sherry Turkle ’69, Ph.D. ’76; Robert H. Weiss ’54; dered whether any of the medical staff who being the “private commercial developers” the Jan Ziolkowski. 2 MarCh - April 2019 Reprinted from Harvard Magazine. For more information, contact Harvard Magazine, Inc. at 617-495-5746 THE VIEW FROM MASS HALL Excellence ne of the unexpeCted pleasures of my new role is reading emails and letters from individuals who want nothing more than to share their hopes with the presi- dent of Harvard. There are, as you might expect, in- Oquiries about application processes and requests for admissions advice, but I also have received designs for a University flag, ink drawings of plants and flowers, and book chapters and manuscripts on a remarkable range of topics. One especially creative ten-year- old boy sent me photos of a human body fashioned out of popsicle sticks and a computer prototype made from cardboard. Ideas and inventions such as these are not only a welcome diversion but also a constant reminder of what our institution represents to people of all ages all over the world. Harvard stands for excellence. We set the standard because our predecessors devoted themselves to attracting the very best people in every possible field to teach, work, and study here. Centuries of careful and concerted efforts have created an institution worthy of ism. The standard we set is the result of recruiting the best and admiration, and it is our responsibility to continue that tradition.
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