

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 $2.00 Poroshenko sets course for ’s Euro-Atlantic Congress passes Ukraine Freedom Support Act security integration Obama signs bill, but says no, for now, to new sanctions

RFE/RL No easy feat to get bill passed Ukrainian National Information Service Ukrainian President said on To get to the final vote on the Ukrainian Freedom WASHINGTON – The Ukraine Freedom Support Act of December 17 that he will soon ask Parliament to abandon Support Act was no easy feat. 2014 (HR 5859) was passed by the U.S. Senate in the late the country’s neutral “non-bloc” status, and suggested he As Ukraine faced ongoing Russian aggression, the hours of Saturday, December 13, clearing its final hurdle would steer the country closer to NATO. Ukrainian community vigorously advocated U.S. assis- for passage by the 113th Congress. A law passed in 2010, under then-President Viktor tance to Ukraine. That advocacy, which has continued and With the unanimous consent vote in the Senate – Yanukovych, precludes a NATO membership bid. grown since the beginning of the year, took the form of which followed passage of HR 5859 by the House of Speaking in the Polish Parliament in Warsaw, Mr. public demonstrations, meetings with legislators in Representatives on Thursday, December 11 – the bill was Poroshenko said, “Today in this chamber, I have made the Washington, phone calls, letters, e-mails and tweets. decision that my country will return to the course toward sent to President Barack Obama. From the onset of the Euro-Maidan in Ukraine and its integration with the sphere of Euro-Atlantic security.” He He signed the bill a week later, but in a statement transformation into the Revolution of Dignity, the did not mention NATO by name. released by the White House Press Office said “the Ukrainian community made its voice heard distinctly Mr. Poroshenko said that, upon returning to , he administration does not intend to impose sanctions throughout Washington. Beginning in February, the would “file a motion to the Ukrainian Parliament to reject under this law,” while noting that “the act gives the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the the nonaligned status of my country.” administration additional authorities that could be uti- Washington public-affairs bureau of the Ukrainian He said, “Ukraine today is in a virtual state of war. lized, if circumstances warranted.” annexed Crimea. Illegal armed groups, under the Congress Committee of America (UCCA), sponsored the President Obama said: “My administration will contin- first of four Ukrainian Days advocacy events in Congress control of our eastern neighbor, are increasing their armed ue to work closely with allies and partners in Europe and activity in the Donbas.” to relate the concerns of the community. The seeds were internationally to respond to developments in Ukraine sown for a year filled with Ukraine-related hearings, bills Though Ukraine’s acceptance into the 28-member and will continue to review and calibrate our sanctions to NATO alliance is widely seen as improbable at present, and resolutions on Capitol Hill. respond to Russia’s actions. We again call on Russia to Ukraine’s biggest supporter on Capitol Hill was the President Poroshenko’s comments are likely to anger end its occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea, Moscow which sees Ukraine’s accession as a threat to its Senate Foreign Relations Committee under the chairman- cease support to separatists in eastern Ukraine, and ship of Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.). The chairman and own security. implement the obligations it signed up to under the Striking a more optimistic note, the Ukrainian presi- Minsk agreements.” (Continued on page 4) dent said that new internationally mediated peace talks between Ukraine, Russian-backed rebels and Russia itself could start December 20 in Minsk. “We agreed for the Contact Group to hold a video con- ference on Thursday [December 18] and Friday [December 19],” he said, referring to representatives from VOA’s Ukrainian Service Kyiv, Moscow, the rebels controlling parts of eastern Ukraine, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). marks 65th anniversary Mr. Poroshenko also said his goal was for Ukraine to submit an application to join the European Union in 2020. Meanwhile, the European Union’s foreign policy chief said on December 17 that she and Poroshenko had detect- ed signs of greater willingness from Russia to resolve the crisis in Ukraine’s pro-separatist eastern territories. The cautiously worded comments of the EU’s Federica Mogherini, who spoke during a visit to Kyiv, echoed those of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who said the previous day that Russia has made constructive moves recently towards reducing tensions in Ukraine, where more than 4,700 people have been killed in the pro-Russian uprising since April. Ms. Mogherini, who held talks with Mr. Poroshenko the previous day, said, “We shared the impression that there might be some elements that could make us think that there might be some more willingness to solve the conflict Yaro Bihun on the Russian side, on President [Vladimir] Putin’s side.” Ukrainian Service Chief Adrian Karmazyn speaks about the dedication of his VOA colleagues and their “tre- Ms. Mogherini was visiting Kyiv to discuss with the pro- mendous and positive impact on the media environment in Ukraine.” Among those listening in the front row are Western authorities their handling of the conflict and their Allison Jarus from Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s office, VOA Director David Ensor, Ukraine’s Ambassador Olexander progress in implementing economic reforms in line with Motsyk and former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor. an association and free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine. by Yaro Bihun democratic world, to Ukraine,” was how Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko hailed their journalistic With reporting by Reuters and Interfax. Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted with the permis- WASHINGTON – As the Ukrainian Service of the Voice efforts in his greetings, read by Ukrainian Ambassador sion of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut of America marked its 65th anniversary, it received Olexander Motsyk at the anniversary celebration on Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (see http:// expressions of appreciation and praise for its work in December 11 at the VOA headquarters in Washington. www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-poroshenko-nato-securi- helping Ukraine attain and maintain its independence. President Poroshenko noted that many Ukrainian poli- ty/26749370.html). “For decades, your radio waves brought not only the truth, but also some viruses of liberty, breath of free (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51


Russia takes a breathing pause Obama to sign Freedom Support Act cautious praise for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, saying that “Poroshenko WASHNGTON – The White House said is the best chance at this point in Ukraine.” from military hostilities in Ukraine on December 16 that U.S. President Barack Mr. Lavrov said he was “carefully optimis- Obama is expected to sign legislation which they currently lack. Although they tic” about the chances for peace in Ukraine, by Vladimir Socor implementing new sanctions on Russia staged “elections” on November 2, both but at the same time Russian news agency Eurasia Daily Monitor over its activities in Ukraine by the end of “republics” are in the throes of political Interfax quoted the Russian foreign affairs the week. Press Secretary Josh Earnest Russia seems about to suspend the mili- chaos (the LPR is even less institutionalized minister as saying that while the Kremlin made the announcement. Congress passed tary phase of its multi-dimensional assault than the DPR). Military commanders in the was in favor of Ukraine preserving its terri- the bill on December 13, authorizing new on Ukraine. The Kremlin’s “Novorossiya” field, often rivals, have carved out baili- torial integrity, Kyiv must accept that sanctions against Russia’s defense and project (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, May 27) wicks for themselves. Crimea is part of Russia now. (RFE/RL) is shelved until further notice. Instead, Russia’s military and security services energy industries, including the arms Moscow is switching to what Foreign have recently started cleaning up the rogue, exporter Rosoboroneksport, and investors Kerry on purpose of sanctions Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov has termed insubordinate elements from the two in its high-tech oil projects. The bill, known as the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of LONDON – Speaking on December 16 at “a post-war phase, so to speak” (RIA “republics’” paramilitary forces. The a press availability in London, U.S. Secretary Novosti, December 9). Russians have removed such field com- 2014, also authorizes – but does not techni- cally require – $350 million of defense arti- of State John Kerry was asked if U.S. and Since December 9, the intensity level of manders as Igor Bezler and Nikolai European sanctions were intended to weak- Russian and proxy attacks on Ukrainian Kozitsyn and are also screening out some cles for Ukraine’s military, including anti- tank and anti-armor weapons, ammunition en the ruble and thereby weaken Putin and positions in the Donbas (the eastern middle and lower ranks (while planning to hope he changes course in Ukraine. Mr. Ukrainian area encompassing the Donetsk replace these with new recruits). The and surveillance drones. The White House Kerry responded that “the purpose of the and Luhansk oblasts) has markedly subsid- Russian high command is undertaking to has thus far declined to fulfill Kyiv’s request European-U.S.-et al effort with respect to ed. On that date, a “silence regime” (infor- create a DPR-LPR combined force under a to provide lethal aid. The announcement sanctions was to make it clear to Russia, to mally agreed ceasefire) went into effect single command, within the Russian armed came as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry President [Vladimir] Putin, that there are (Sprotyv.info, December 9–11), coordinat- forces’ chain of command. That combined said Russia had made “constructive moves” costs attached to the unilateral annexation ed in the field by senior representatives of force is supposed to include seven infantry in recent days over the conflict in Ukraine. of Crimea and the continued support for the Ukrainian and Russian general staffs. It “brigades,” one artillery and one tank bri- Speaking in London on December 16, Mr. is plausibly surmised (although no evi- gade, and some specialized battalions Kerry reiterated that Western sanctions separatists within Ukraine and the violation dence has surfaced in the public domain) (Sprotyv.info, December 12). against Russia were introduced to prompt of Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty and that the Ukrainian and Russian presidential Russia currently occupies less than one- Russia to stop its interference in Ukraine. integrity, and the sanctions set out to do administrations have coordinated to half of the territory of Ukraine’s Donetsk He added that the West did not seek to that.” He added: “Now, these sanctions could instruct their respective general staffs to and Luhansk oblasts, with more than one- “hurt the people of Russia” and said that have been lifted months ago. These sanc- introduce the silence regime. half of their combined population. Moscow sanctions against Russia “could be lifted in tions could be lifted in a matter of weeks or According to Ukrainian General Staff esti- must now provide for an estimated 3.5 mil- a matter of weeks or days, depending on days, depending on the choices that mates, Russian troops in the Donbas cur- lion to 4 million people there (including the choices that President [Vladimir] Putin President Putin takes. And we have been rently total 32,000, including between 6,000 refugees from there on Russia’s territory). takes.” Mr. Kerry said he hoped progress crystal clear – when I say ‘we,’ the European and 10,000 regular Russian army person- Periodic truck convoys of humanitarian aid with Russia in their talks about the crisis in community and the United States and oth- nel, the remainder being irregulars recruit- (As of December 12, when this article was Ukraine would continue. He added that ers joined together have been crystal clear ed locally and from Russia (Ukrinform, written, Russia was preparing the tenth Washington was following the decline in that their sole purpose here is to restore the December 11). The September armistice such convoy) are only an emergency proce- the value of the Russian ruble, which he international norm with respect to behavior agreements had ended full-scale hostilities, dure. Already saddled with Crimea’s annex- said had been affected both by Western between nations with respect for borders but only to mark a transition to positional ation costs, Moscow must find the ways sanctions against Russia and by falling and respect for sovereignty and respect for warfare. The Russian side continually and means to support the occupied territo- world oil prices. (RFE/RL) the rights of people to determine their future not at the barrel of a gun, but through attacked Ukrainian positions, attempting in ry in the Donbas on a sustainable basis. Russia sees attempt at regime change vain to capture logistical hubs or otherwise Moscow wants Ukraine to pay at least the ballot box.” (U.S. Department of State) to shift the demarcation line. If the silence some of the costs of restoring the economy PARIS – Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Canada to offer Ukraine military aid regime introduced on December 9 holds, it in the Russian-occupied territory. This con- Sergei Lavrov reiterated in Paris on would mark a second transition – from sideration has begun to affect Moscow’s December 16 that there were “very serious OTTAWA – The Globe and Mail reported positional warfare to “freezing” the military choice of words about DPR-LPR’s status in reasons” to think Western sanctions are on December 8 that Canada, operating conflict. This corresponds with a freeze on relation to Ukraine. Suddenly, Moscow is aimed at regime change in Moscow. Mr. independently of NATO, will provide addi- the diplomatic process. reminding Kyiv that the Donbas is a part of Lavrov also spoke to the French broadcast- tional military assistance to Ukraine so that Moscow’s shift reflects, on one hand, a Ukraine after all, and that Kyiv should er France 24 about sanctions on his coun- it can defend itself from Russia. Defense recognition that it has exhausted the restore economic links with the “republics” try, admitting it is hurting Russia, but add- Minister Rob Nicholson, who was in Kyiv on opportunities for the overt use of force if it wants to maintain Ukraine’s territorial ing, “I can assure you that Russia would not that day, said the aid will include sending against Ukraine at this time. On the other integrity (Interfax, December 6-10). only survive but would come out stronger hand it reflects Russia’s priority goal to All those considerations compel Russia out of this.” Surprisingly, Mr. Lavrov voiced (Continued on page 10) consolidate the gains achieved thus far, as a to suspend active military actions against basis to any further course of action against Ukraine, shifting to what Mr. Lavrov now Ukraine, contingent on opportunities. terms “a post-war phase” (relativized by After three months of continually Mr. Lavrov’s own “so-to-speak” codicil). FOUNDED 1933 breaching the ceasefire, Russian and proxy Russia’s massive military forces in the The Ukrainian Weekly forces have failed to expand beyond the Donbas will remain a constant source of ceasefire lines. Ukrainian forces have suc- threat to Ukraine. The Kremlin may again An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., cessfully defended the Donetsk airport, order some military move for demonstra- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Debaltseve salient and other positions tive effect, if Ukraine upholds its interests Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. under attack on the line of contact. The firmly in the Contact Group negotiations. Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. Ukrainians have also blocked Russian prob- However, Moscow may calculate that the (ISSN — 0273-9348) ing moves on Mariupol and the land route suspension of hostilities would strengthen The Weekly: UNA: toward the Russian-annexed Crimea. the hand of those in the West who oppose Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Winter, in any case, imposes a halt to supplying Ukraine with defensive weapons. offensive operations. Any further Russian Russia will mainly rely on diplomacy, Postmaster, send address changes to: advance would require a full-scale use of political operations, disinformation and The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz heavy conventional forces, at a prohibitive violent subversive activities in this new 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas cost in terms of new Western sanctions on phase of its conflict against Ukraine. The P.O. Box 280 Russia. Falling oil and gas prices would overall goals are to perpetuate Russia’s Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] exacerbate the impact of new sanctions in gains in the Donbas, undermine Ukraine that case. Moscow must also realize that politically, discourage and disrupt Western The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com continuing military attacks can only con- engagement with Ukraine, and exploit the tribute to the political consolidation of country’s dysfunctionalities to the hilt. On The Ukrainian Weekly, December 21, 2014, No. 51, Vol. LXXXII Ukraine. Halting that political consolidation, its own timing and terms, Russia is taking a Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly however, is Moscow’s main goal in Ukraine, breathing pause from military conflict. potentially more rewarding to Russia than However, Russia will try to deprive Ukraine seizing additional bits of the Donbas. of the respite it needs for addressing the ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Before considering any follow-up country’s problems effectively. actions, Russia needs a pause in order to Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 stabilize the occupied territory. Moscow The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] intends to turn the Donetsk and Luhansk Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 “people’s republics” (DPR and LPR) into its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, e-mail: [email protected] proto-states with an institutional setup, www.jamestown.org. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 3 committees: a look at newly approved chairs

by Zenon Zawada Andrii Kozhemiakin of Batkivshchyna, 49, Serhii Vlasenko of Batkivshchyna, 47, is a Industrial Policy and is the son of a KGB agent who allegedly per- Lviv native. A prominent Kyiv lawyer, he Entrepreneurship Committee Chair KYIV – The parliamentary majority on secuted dissidents in western Ukraine. He served as counsel for Mr. Yushchenko dur- Viktor Halasiuk of Oleh Liashko’s Radical December 4 approved the Verkhovna himself graduated the KGB school in 1988 ing the 2004 campaign and was lead coun- Party, 33, is newcomer to the Rada. He lec- Rada’s committee heads, straying from the and became the first deputy head of the sel to Ms. Tymoshenko during her 2011 tured at the National Mining University in approach of the Party of Regions that con- Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in 2005. conviction and imprisonment. Dnipropetrovsk for four years, served as Since then he has been a close ally of Ms. the director of the economic department of trolled the previous Parliament, which gave Budget Committee Chair Andrii the INCON-TSENTR property appraisal firm 12 committee chairmanships to the pro- Tymoshenko. Pavelko of the Poroshenko Bloc, 39, is a Western opposition in 2012, as well as the in Dnipropetrovsk for 13 years, and led the National Security and Defense Dnipropetrovsk native and industrial exec- Bionic Hill real estate development project position of Rada vice-chairman. Committee Chair Serhii Pashynskyi of utive. He was Mr. Yatsenyuk’s go-to-guy in With Russia now waging war in Ukraine, in Kyiv in 2012-2014 that belongs to mega- Batkivshchyna, 48, rose to prominence as Dnipropetrovsk between 2009 and 2013; millionaire Vasyl Khmelnytskyi. the pro-Western majority didn’t offer the deputy board chairman of the largest state he was tossed from the Batkivshchyna pro-Russian opposition the posts of first bank, Oschadbank, in 1999-2000. He party (and Mr. Yatsenyuk’s entourage) in Freedom of Speech and Information vice-chair and vice-chair of the Rada. It teamed up with Ms. Tymoshenko in 2005, 2013 after aligning with the Party of Policy Committee Chair Viktoria Siumar offered the chairmanships of only three and is accused of participating in a corpo- Regions on numerous votes. He now leads of the People’s Front, 37, a newcomer to committees – one of which was required by rate raid in 2010. He served as Presidential Parliament’s most important committee. the Rada, worked as a reporter and radio parliamentary regulations. show host in journalism. She served as the Administration head in the interim govern- Foreign Affairs Committee Chair The Opposition Bloc duly rejected the ment this year. His is a clear political executive director of the media advocacy offer, claiming it was undemocratic. In par- Hanna Hopko of Self-Reliance, 32, is a organization Institute of Mass Information appointment, as he has no experience in newcomer to the Rada. The Lviv Oblast ticular, the bloc wanted control of the the defense sector or the military. between 2005 and 2014, and was vice-sec- Freedom of Speech and Information Policy native built her career as a television jour- retary of the National Security and Defense Committee, as well as the Human Rights Social Policy, Employment and nalist. She is an anti-tobacco activist, Council in the interim government. Committee. Pension Committee Chair Liudmyla worked for non-governmental organiza- tions (NGOs), and played a key role in the Culture and Spirituality Committee In response to that request, Poroshenko Denysova of the People’s Front, 54, is a native of Russia, but built her political Reforms Resuscitation Package group that Chair Mykola Kniazhytskyi of the Bloc Parliamentary faction leader Yurii People’s Front, 46, is a close associate of Mr. career in Crimea. She served as social poli- developed and lobbied reforms legislation. Lutsenko, who was wrongfully imprisoned Yatsenyuk. He is a veteran television media cy minister in 2007-2010 and February- for 15 months by the Yanukovych adminis- Agrarian Policy and Land Committee executive and was general director of the December 2014. She is accused of involve- tration, said, “It’s not possible to give the Lead Taras Kutovyi of the Poroshenko TVi television network for four years. He is ment in numerous alleged corruption leadership of the Human Rights Committee Bloc, 38, built his career in finance. He accused of involvement in many alleged schemes and was exposed by tabloids for to those politicians who ruined human graduated in 2002 from the International corruption schemes, including the 2012 exorbitant spending habits. rights. It’s not possible to give the leader- Institute for Management founded by corporate raid on the TVi network. ship of the Freedom of Speech Committee Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, was financial direc- Corruption Prevention and Tax and Customs Policy Committee to those who ruined freedom of speech.” Counteraction Committee Chair Yegor tor between 2004 and 2009 of the XXI Century investment fund, and has been Chair Roman Nasirov of the Poroshenko The Opposition Bloc politicians should Sobolyev of Self-Reliance, 37, newcomer to Bloc, 45, a newcomer to the Rada, was be candidates for prison, rather than the the Rada, is a native of the Kuban region of managing director of the A1 Global Holdings agribusiness firm since 2011 and director of the customs and wholesale sales heads of parliamentary committees, said Russia and a former Channel 5 journalist. department of Galnaftogaz in the late supervisory council head of the Association Mykhailo Basarab, a Kyiv political consul- He launched a Soros-funded investigative 1990s. He served as CIS business develop- to Rescue the Village since 2012. tant. They have yet to be punished for their journalism bureau. He is also a Kyiv civic ment director at Cantor Fitzgerald in 2005- crimes during the presidency of Viktor activist who fought against illegal construc- Information Technology and 2008, as executive director of two Kyiv Yanukovych and the Euro-Maidan, and tion, and led the campaign to pass the lus- Communications Committee Chair investment banks in 2008-2012 and as the their sponsorship of pro-Russian separat- tration law as head of the Lustration Oleksandr Danchenko of Self-Reliance, deputy board chairman of the State Grain ists in the Donbas, he said. Committee of Ukraine, which didn’t 40, a newcomer to the Rada, earned a mas- Corporation in 2013-2014, and he directed In the same fashion as the Cabinet of become a government body. ter’s degree in business administration in a commodities trading firm in 2014. Ministers was determined, the heads of 2007 from the International Institute for Education and Science Committee Legal Policy and Justice Committee committees were distributed in accordance Management. He served as general director Chair Lilia Hrynevych of the People’s Chair Ruslan Kniazevych of the Poroshenko with quotas based on the results of Front, 49, a Lviv native, studied education of the Datastat satellite telecommunica- Bloc, 40, an Ivano-Frankivsk native, rose October’s early parliamentary elections, Mr. reform in Columbia University in New York. tions company since 2001. In 2005 he through the ranks of the Central Election Basarab said, pointing to the chairs’ lack of She is a veteran activist in education reform launched and served as general director of Commission before becoming a commission- qualifications in their designated spheres and was among those who drafted the law the Datagroup complex telecommunica- er in 2006. He was first elected to Parliament of activity. The two leading parties, the “On Higher Education” approved by tions company, becoming Ukraine’s leader in 2007 and has been re-elected twice since; Poroshenko Bloc and the People’s Front, Parliament this year. in data transfer, international traffic and gained 70 percent of the committee heads. satellite communications. (Continued on page 21) Following are brief profiles of the new Economic Policy Committee Chair parliamentary committee chairs. Andrii Ivanchuk of the People’s Front, 41, is an Ivano-Frankivsk native who befriend- Ecology, Natural Resource Use and ed Mr. Yatsenyuk at Yurii Fedkovych State Quotable notes Chornobyl Aftereffects Liquidation University in Chernivtsi and led Mr. Committee Chair Mykola Tomenko of the Yatsenyuk’s election campaigns and party “It was my honor to invite President [Petro] Poroshenko to address a joint meeting Poroshenko Bloc, 50, served as vice-chair of functioning. He pursued a career in bank- of Congress in September. As I said at the time, he managed to do the near impossible the Verkhovna Rada in 2008-2012. He ing and business, has submitted fraudulent in Washington: unite Republicans and Democrats in common cause and common pur- pose, even in an election season. Our unity is reflected in the measure the House and resigned after Parliament approved the income declarations (very common among Senate have unanimously passed to provide more tangible support to the people of notorious 2012 language law, removing deputies), and has been active in previous Ukraine. I commend the efforts of Representatives Jim Gerlach, Marcy Kaptur, and law- protections for the . He convocations in casting fraudulent votes on makers on both sides of the aisle who have worked together on this legislation. had previously served as a close advisor to behalf of absent deputies in Parliament “With this support, we underline our strong moral commitment to the cause of Batkivshchyna Party founder Yulia (also a common practice). Tymoshenko. the Ukrainian people. In the face of aggression and intimidation, they have had two Family, Youth Policy and Sports successful elections. In the face of subterfuge, they have shown restraint. And in the Fuel-Energy Sector, and Nuclear Committee Chair Artur Palatnyi of the face of cynicism from those who are not immediately facing the threat, they have Policy and Safety Committee Chair Poroshenko Bloc, 41, has launched numer- defied expectations. On behalf of the people’s House, I urge President Obama to sign Mykola Martynenko of the People’s Front, ous businesses. He is accused of involve- this bipartisan legislation immediately. 53, is a close associate of Prime Minister ment in many alleged corruption schemes “Of course, there is much more to do. The House will continue to work to ensure Arseniy Yatsenyuk. He is a longtime nuclear and of having ties to organized crime. He is that tangible assistance is provided not just to Ukraine but other partners and friends fuel trader and is among the “liubi druzi” vice-president of the Kyiv Boxing in the region. We also continue to work on increasing energy supplies to Europe, accused of exploiting their ties to former Federation. He and Vitali Klitschko are god- which will create American jobs and break the political manipulation of access to President Viktor Yushchenko; he is accused parents to each other’s children. energy in Europe. After all, President Poroshenko’s message to the Congress could not of involvement in numerous alleged cor- have been clearer: for those who do not have to fight to gain or fight to keep freedom, Health Committee Chair Dr. Olha ruption schemes. the situation in Ukraine is viewed as an academic exercise. For those Americans, at Bohomolets of the Poroshenko Bloc, 48, a home and abroad, who fight every day to preserve our freedom, and for our friends European Integration Committee newcomer to the Rada, is a great-grand- and allies in Central and Eastern Europe, and in the Baltics and the southern Caucasus, Chair Iryna Herashchenko of the daughter of former U.S.S.R. Academy of who are grappling with physical invasion, economic coercion and interference in Poroshenko Bloc, 43, worked as a television Sciences Director Dr. Oleksandr domestic political affairs, this is an existential fight. There is no greater force on Earth journalist and served as press secretary to Bohomolets. She led the medical service than the power of people banding together to demand liberty, economic opportunity former President Viktor Yushchenko. She is during the Euro-Maidan, is a prominent and human dignity. God be with all Ukrainians seeking freedom and peace.” an outspoken advocate of Euro-integration, philanthropist and patron of the arts, and is but has no legal or diplomatic experience founder of the Institute of Dermatology and – Speaker of the House John Boehner, calling on President Barack Obama to sign H.R. for the position. Cosmetology in Kyiv. 5859, legislation unanimously passed by the House and Senate to impose new sanctions on Russia and provide more support to the Ukrainian people. His statement was issued Legislative Support of Law State Construction, Regional Policy on December 15. Enforcement Activity Committee Chair and Local Governance Committee Chair 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, Reps. smoother, as both chambers would agree said: “Signing this legislation does not sig- Congress... Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Sander Levin to the same language and components and nal a change in the administration’s sanc- (D-Mich.) and Gerlach, along with CUC would not have to meet in conference to tions policy, which we have carefully cali- (Continued from page 1) member Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), UNIS resolve discrepancies between two brated in accordance with developments his committee held numerous hearings on Director Michael Sawkiw Jr., and Lada Ukraine-related bills. The bill, which had on the ground and coordinated with our Ukraine, each resulting in an opportunity Pastushak representing the U.S.-Ukraine 23 co-sponsors at last count, received allies and partners. At this time, the for senators to express their opinions about Business Council. ample support in Congress as Ukrainian administration does not intend to impose U.S. policy towards Ukraine. Sen. Menendez Throughout the August congressional American community members requested sanctions under this law, but the act gives met with representatives from the UCCA recess, the Ukrainian community diligently their congressmen and congresswomen to the administration additional authorities and held several community meetings with contacted and met with their representa- sign onto and co-sponsor the legislation. that could be utilized, if circumstances Ukrainian Americans from New Jersey, tives in Congress to request their co-spon- For the fourth Ukrainian Day event to warranted.” including one organized by the Ukrainian sorship of HR 5190. advocate the Ukrainian community’s posi- Other funding for Ukraine National Association, which is headquar- tion, the efforts of UNIS were bolstered by Poroshenko visit spurs action tered in his home state. His support, along the recently established Ad Hoc Committee During the year, many conversations with that of the ranking member of the The apex of efforts for the Ukraine for Ukraine, a group of Ukrainian American and meetings were held with the House Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Freedom Support Act of 2014 came during community activists and non-Ukrainian and Senate Armed Services Committees on Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), led to the eventual the month of September. In conjunction supporters of Ukraine. The purpose of the the need for a military component of assis- introduction of the Ukraine Freedom with the visit of President Petro Ad Hoc Committee was to advocate for tance to Ukraine. Those discussions bore Support Act, S 2828, in the Senate. Poroshenko to Washington, UNIS spon- non-provocative, lethal defensive weapons fruit, as the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 National The Congressional Ukrainian Caucus in sored its third advocacy event. Many to Ukraine and to encourage formations of Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) stipu- the U.S. House of Representatives also Ukrainian community representatives a bipartisan Senate Task Force on Ukraine. lated assistance for Ukraine. played a vital role in the final outcome of were invited by their elected officials to Advocates from New Jersey, vans and car Language in the NDAA bill read as fol- the Ukraine Freedom Support Act. In mid- attend the joint session of Congress that pools from Connecticut and the greater lows: “The NDAA expresses the sense of July, the Ukrainian community once again was addressed by President Poroshenko. Philadelphia region, as well as other parts Congress that lethal and nonlethal assis- walked the halls of Congress during the While in Washington for Ukrainian Day, the of the country traveled to Washington to tance should be provided to Ukraine, and second Ukrainian Day. It was then, that the community representatives coordinated meet with their congressional delegations. requires the secretary of defense to submit community representatives began advocat- their efforts and met with their senators The endeavors of the Ukrainian commu- a report on such assistance that has been ing for military assistance to Ukraine to and representatives to press for defensive nity paid off, as S 2828, the Menendez bill – requested by and provided to Ukraine. The fend off Russian aggression. Community military assistance to Ukraine. which had 16 co-sponsors – passed in a NDAA increases the budget for the DOD’s representatives distributed a policy paper While Presidents Obama and hotline vote on Thursday afternoon, [Department of Defense’s] Warsaw that requested the introduction of legisla- Poroshenko were meeting in the Oval December 11, in the U.S. Senate. The bill Initiative Fund/Partnership for Peace tion to provide immediate and basic neces- Office, the UCCA organized a rally in sup- had several revisions, most notably, the (WIF/PfP) program from $24.4 million to sities for Ukraine’s military, including: fuel; port of Ukraine in front of the White House. stipulation for MNNA was removed as a $34.4 million to enable U.S. European bulletproof vests; communications equip- Thousands of community representatives compromise for the rest of the bill to pass. Command, through military exercises and ment; special ops training; night vision gog- and friends from other Central and East The newly passed version of S 2828 was defense reform efforts, to build the capaci- gles; and operational and defensive capabil- European communities attended the rally then referred to the U.S. House of ty of PfP militaries in order to promote ities. The policy paper also called for the and called for the United States to come to Representatives, which on upon closer regional stability and to deter Russian designation of Ukraine as a Major Non- the aid of its strategic partner and offer inspection by the legislative counsel aggression… The NDAA authorizes the NATO Ally (MNNA) and to proceed with Ukraine the defensive weapons needed to noticed that the Russia-sanction language European Reassurance Initiative, including military assistance as stipulated by the fend off Russian aggression. might have an impact on revenue for the $75 million for programs, activities, and MNNA status. As the two presidents discussed the war United States. Thus, as all bills related to assistance to support Ukraine.” MNNA status allows the United States to in Ukraine, the Senate Foreign Relations revenue and taxes must originate in the The all-encompassing $1.1 trillion provide a framework for a bilateral defense Committee acted promptly on the need for House of Representatives, S 2828 and its “cromnibus” bill (continuing resolution- relationship and security cooperation with assistance to Ukraine. During its working counterpart HR 5782 became a new bill – omnibus spending bill) for FY 2015, which a country, but does not entail a security meeting on September 18, the committee HR 5859, sponsored by Rep. Gerlach and funds the U.S. government until September commitment to that country. It is a means deliberated on S 2828 and unanimously co-sponsored by Rep. Kaptur. 30, 2015, also included budgetary items for by which the United States can assist coun- voted to support the bill and bring it to the In a call to action by UNIS, the UCCA, the Ukraine. In particular, the bill calls for near- tries to defend themselves by conferring a Senate floor for a vote. S 2828 was “hot- Ad Hoc Committee for Ukraine, The ly $140 million in bilateral economic assis- variety of military and financial advantages lined” for speedy passage in the Senate Ukrainian Weekly and others – via e-mails tance to Ukraine (including loan guaran- and privileges that are otherwise not avail- hours before Congress was to break for the and posts on Facebook – the Ukrainian tees); $47 million for Foreign Military able to non-NATO members. election recess. Passage was not finalized community mobilized and began a feverish Financing (FMF); and as much as $502 mil- Following that second Ukrainian Day, that evening, however, as the unanimous campaign to contact the office of the speak- lion to combat Russian aggression in the Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), co-chair of the consent vote was held up by an objection er of the House, Rep. John Boehner, to region (a portion of which may be used for Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, intro- from a Senate office. That objection, how- allow the bill to come to the floor for a vote. additional loan guarantees for Ukraine). duced HR 5190, the Ukraine Security ever, did not stop the efforts of the The new bill was voted upon by unani- Details of the larger cromnibus bill are still Assistance Act of 2014. The bill stipulated Ukrainian community and friends of mous consent on December 11 as the last being reviewed. $100 million for security and military assis- Ukraine in Congress to push this issue fur- item of business in the House of tance to Ukraine, including basic necessi- ther. Representatives before it recessed. EDITOR’S NOTE: For a list of senators ties for Ukraine’s military, as well as, border Soon after Congress returned to session The new bill, HR 5859, was then and representatives who sponsored or co- security, military reform, and operational following the mid-term elections, Rep. referred back to the U.S. Senate for final sponsored the Ukraine Freedom Support and defensive capabilities. The day the bill Kaptur introduced HR 5782, a House bill approval, which passed by unanimous con- Act of 2014 in its various versions, see the was introduced, a press conference was analogous to the Senate’s Ukraine Freedom sent on Saturday evening, December 13. thank-you advertisement of the Ad Hoc held at the steps of the U.S. Capitol and Support Act. The introduction of HR 5782 President Obama signed the bill on Committee of Ukraine that appears on attended by the co-chairs of the would make the legislative process Thursday afternoon, December 18, but page 5.

Ukrainian Service’s daily TV news and the environment in Ukraine.” by the police skyrocketed, he was among the VOA’s... current affairs program “Chas-Time,” for Morgan Williams, president of the U.S.- victims, his arm broken and his head banged her “personal contribution to the develop- Ukraine Business Council, talked about the up and covered in blood. He came back to the (Continued from page 1) ment of journalism, active civic efforts, and media environment in that region as well, United States for medical treatment, but then ticians and civic activists “formed their high professional skills.” noting that the Voice of America was doing returned to Kyiv, where he remains today. mindset because of you,” and he thanked And the director of the Voice of America, a good job in countering the media misrep- The Voice of America began its the VOA Ukrainian Service for its contribu- David Ensor, used the occasion to present resentation coming from Russia, which he Ukrainian-language short-wave radio tion to the formation of a free and demo- the chief of the Ukrainian Service, Adrian called “Voice of Putin.” broadcasts on December 12, 1949, in New cratic Ukraine. Karmazyn, and his staff VOA’s Certificate of There were greetings from Capitol Hill: York City, and five years later moved VOA to “We appreciate your continued efforts Appreciation for their work. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, who co-chairs the Washington. During the Cold War the today, when Ukraine fights for its territorial As did most of those addressing the anni- Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, and Rep. Ukrainian broadcasts peaked at five hours integrity and independence in a war where versary celebration personally or having Chris Van Hollen; Washington think tanks: per day. After Ukraine gained its indepen- we have to fight informational aggression their greeting read, Mr. Ensor highlighted the William Taylor (U.S. Institute of Peace), dence, these broadcasts were downsized of hatred and lies in addition to armed importance of the VOA Ukrainian Service’s David Kramer, (McCain Institute) and Nadia and were transmitted via local Ukrainian attacks,” he said. most recent work – during the Euro-Maidan Diuk (National Endowment for Democracy); radio stations. VOA Ukrainian radio broad- Ambassador Motsyk recalled in his protests, the subsequent changes in the Kyiv as well as Michael Sawkiw Jr. of the casts were stopped at the end of 2008. introductory remarks that many years ago government and Russia’s aggression in Ukrainian National Information Service. Today, VOA Ukrainian Service broadcasts as a teenager he listened to VOA broadcasts Crimea and eastern Ukraine. There were a few former radio journalists a 15-minute daily TV program, “Chas- “with a trembling heart,” and that they, “No one could have predicted that this who had worked in the VOA Ukrainian Time”; a 20-minute weekly TV feature pro- indeed, formed his mindset and that of past year would be one of the most impor- Service in the audience of this anniversary gram, “Window on America”; and a recently many generations of Ukrainians. tant years in Ukrainian history,” he said, event, and one – George Sajewych – who was introduced five-minute daily Russian- The ambassador also read the greeting noting that the Ukrainian Service met that presented in a recent video-recorded inter- language TV news segment, “Washington from Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk challenge. view from Kyiv. He retired a few years ago Studio,” for Russian-speaking Ukrainians. and President Poroshenko’s presentation in Mr. Karmazyn said he was “honored to after a long career with VOA, and when the These two hours of programs per week are awarding Ukraine’s highest civil award for work with such a talented and dedicated Maidan protests erupted a year ago, he left viewed by an estimated audience of 7 mil- women – the Order of Princess Olha – to team of journalists who have such a tre- Washington to actively participate in it. In lion people. The Ukrainian Service also Myroslava Gongadze, who anchors VOA mendous and positive impact on the media February, when the shootings and beatings maintains an Internet news website. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 5 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

CHRISTMAS PASTORAL LETTER The Ukrainian Weekly Supporting Ukraine’s freedom May His peace be with all of us “FOUR unprecedented Ukrainian Days, millions of calls, posts, tweets, e-mails, Pastoral message of the Ukrainian So what about “the fullness of time”? A sheer determination and a UNITED UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY can MOVE moun- Catholic hierarchy of the U.S.A. to our clergy, possible answer can be found in any of the tains! Slava Ukraini!!!” That’s how the Facebook page of the Ukrainian Congress hieromonks and brothers, religious sisters, 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Committee of America characterized the flurry of activity that led to the passage by seminarians and beloved faithful. Anonymous. According to the 12-step para- both houses of the U.S. Congress of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014 in its digm, people with addictions are often not Christ is born! ultimate version as HR 5859. ready to change their lives until they have “Glory to God in the highest, and peace The fact that the U.S. Congress passed this bill that contains provisions for defen- “hit bottom” – in other words, until their [to men of good will/to those on whom His sive weapons for Ukraine is historic. The bill states that “it is U.S. policy to assist the life has gotten so bad that there is no way favor rests]” (Luke 2: 14). in restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity in order to go but up. Perhaps this was the realiza- Our preparations for the great feast of to deter the government of the Russian Federation from further destabilizing and tion which was dawning on the people at the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Savior invading Ukraine and other independent countries in Eastern Europe and Central that time. Can’t you hear them moaning as Christ bring to mind the song of the Asia.” It “directs” the president to impose new sanctions; and it “authorizes” him “to they pray to God for relief in the words of angels at . It is good for us to provide Ukraine with defense articles, services and training in order to counter Psalm 123? offensive weapons and re-establish its sovereignty and territorial integrity.” meditate upon them during this season, Among other things, the bill directs the secretary of state “to submit a plan to and perhaps even to let this meditation To you I raise my eyes, Congress to meet the need for protection of and assistance for internally displaced influence our New Year’s resolution as we to you enthroned in heaven. persons in Ukraine”; and directs the secretary of state and U.S. Agency for prepare also for the arrival of 2015. It is Yes, like the eyes of servants International Development to strengthen democratic civil society in Ukraine, sup- especially important to remember the on the hand of their masters, port independent media outlets and counter government corruption. Also, it directs angelic promise of peace this year since Like the eyes of a maid the chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors to submit to Congress a plan there seems to be so little peace these days: on the hand of her mistress, for increasing and maintaining through Fiscal Year 2017 the quantity of Russian- we need to be reminded that, despite the So our eyes are on the Lord our God, language broadcasting into the countries of the former USSR in order to counter headlines which scream of “man’s inhu- ‘til we are shown favor. Russian propaganda; and it refers to prioritizing broadcasting into Ukraine, Georgia manity to man,” God’s plan for us is differ- Show us favor, Lord, show us favor, and Moldova by the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. ent from the one inflicted upon the world for we have our fill of contempt. Now that President Barack Obama has signed the bill, we can hope for some real by leaders whose cold, calculating ambition Our souls are more than sated assistance for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. But the bill gives the presi- and insatiable greed know no bounds, with mockery from the insolent, dent flexibility; he can choose what to do, and what not to do. It must also be noted thugs for whom people are merely tools to with contempt from the arrogant. that, unfortunately, the bill was passed minus the section on granting Major Non- be used and discarded, for whom life is of no value. It is to such people, seeking to be ran- NATO Ally status to Ukraine. Thus, it remains to be seen how the new law is actually somed from the violence and disorder of implemented by the Obama administration. The ancient song was first heard in a world which, although separated from us their world, that the angels sang of peace. Nonetheless, the bill’s passage and its signing into law by the president are a Nothing much has changed in 2,000 major win. We have Ukraine’s supporters in the Senate and House of by two millennia and by a wide technologi- cal chasm, was really not so different in years: if anything, our technology has made Representatives to thank for that – primarily those sponsors and co-sponsors whose us more effective at inflicting murder and names you see on page 5 of this issue. But thanks are also due to the countless con- terms of human nature. What was that world? St. Paul tells the Galatians: “When mayhem. Nonetheless, we dare bravely to stituents who called, e-mailed, tweeted and wrote to their senators and representa- join our voices in the angels’ song, stub- tives, and to the White House. In this campaign, the power of social media was par- the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, bornly refusing to give up on the promise of ticularly evident, as folks shared e-mails, posts on Facebook and twitter messages. peace. As we do so, we must remember And they not only “liked” posts on Facebook, but also acted on them. Thanks to to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption” (4:4-5). Does this that peace is not a gift which, like the snow, social media, the reaction of our community was lightning fast and the reach of mes- comes down from heaven to refresh the sages urging action was huge. (To cite an example of just one post about the Ukraine mean that everything was perfect? Far from it! Some romantics like to point out earth and hide the scars we have inflicted. Freedom Support Act on The Weekly’s Facebook page: it reached 3,292 people and Rather, it is our task, our vocation. As Pope was shared 89 times. And there were many other posts on our page, as well as on that Jesus was born during what was referred to as the Pax Romana – that is, the Paul VI reminds us, “If you want peace, the pages of such entities as the UCCA.) It is safe to say that, if not for our community work for justice.” The prophet Isaiah (2: response, this bill might have been left to die in the final hours of the 113th “Roman Peace.” Outwardly, it may have looked as though peace reigned throughout 3-5; 11: 6-9) provides just such a glorious Congress. vision of people striving together for the The Ukrainian National Information Service cited the Ukrainian communities in the Roman world, but that peace was only maintained by Roman state-sponsored ter- peace which God intends for the world, and such states as Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, then enjoying the fruits of their labors: Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Virginia, Texas, Florida, California, Arizona, North ror tactics – tactics like the crucifixion to Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina “for their tremen- which Jesus would eventually be sentenced, Many peoples shall come and say: dous will and determination to meet with their respective elected officials, travel to since he was considered a threat to that “Come, let us go up to the Lord’s mountain, Washington for Ukrainian Days and interact with their local media to promote U.S. very same Pax Romana. Not to be outdone to the house of the God of Jacob, assistance to Ukraine.” UNIS underscored: “The Euro-Maidan in Ukraine began with by the cruelty of the Romans, the petty That he may instruct us in his ways, the ‘power of the people,’ and that power was also was evident in the Ukrainian monarch Herod resorted to infanticide and we may walk in his paths.” American community throughout this year.” when faced with the same newborn threat For from Zion shall go forth instruction, to his power, ordering the murder of every and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. male child under the age of 2. Such was the He shall judge between the nations, Pax Romana; it is no wonder that the peo- and set terms for many peoples. ple seethed under the conqueror’s boot! They shall beat their swords Dec. Turning the pages back... The Romans and their puppets had reason to fear rebellion. (Continued on page 10) Twenty-three years ago, on December 25, 1991, President 25 George H.W. Bush – satisfied with assurances on nuclear safety, democracy and free markets he received from the former Soviet 1991 republics – announced in a televised and written statement that the United States would establish diplomatic relations with Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgystan. The president stated: “during the last few months, you and I have witnessed one of the greatest dramas of the 20th century – the historic and revolutionary transformation of a totalitarian dictatorship, the , and the liberation of its peoples,” noting that “new independent nations have emerged out of the wreckage of the Soviet empire.” Hours earlier, following the resignation of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the U.S. recognized the independence of Ukraine. Israel also recognized the independence of Ukraine that same day. President Bush explained that relations with Moldova, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the other members of the newly formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Georgia – the sole republic that had refused to join the CIS – would come “when they are found to comply with the principles of democratic rule and human rights.” Britain, the Netherlands, Israel and the European community said they recognized the Russian Federation as the legal successor to the Soviet Union, and Canada announced it would establish diplomatic relations with Russia. President Bush noted that Washington would accept Russia as successor to the Soviet Union as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. In the “ Angel” (watercolor, 2000) by Luba Maksymchuk of Kyiv. From a (Continued on page 31) published by the Ukrainian National Association. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 7

The things we do ... by Orysia Paszczak Tracz

Ukrainian Christmas: A new old idea 25th anniversary of Zelenyi Svit Or is that an old new idea? This is the ry, and what that has become. In addition Movements come and go in Ukraine. understood, even in the West. The Soviet end of 2014, as far away in time from to researching the origins of Ukrainian Political parties are formed and dissolved government took advantage of this igno- Ukrainian pre-history as you could get. And , she interviewed routinely, and in Ukraine’s ephemeral and rance and uncertainty to assure citizens yet, among so many descendants of the Ukrainian immigrants to the Alberta area highly volatile political environment, hard- that the radiation impacts were minimal. immigrants to North and South America from Halychyna and Bukovyna and their ly anything is permanent. It’s very hard for At the same time over 300,000 “liquida- and to other parts of the world, Ukrainian descendants about how they celebrated. us in the U.S. to keep track of the politi- tors,” mostly Ukrainian citizens, were sent Christmas with all its pre-historic customs Also, she compared the early pioneer tradi- cians, parties and agendas in Ukraine. So it to work in the Chornobyl zone to help con- is still so very much alive. tions to those of later Ukrainian immi- was with the highly influential early envi- tain the reactor and clean up the radioac- We know this in our own homes, among grants, and what these are now. ronmental movement in Ukraine, born out tive debris. If you think the fears associat- family and friends, and in our organizations. She writes about obvious changes that of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant ed with the spread of Ebola are well- With social media now part of our lives, we many of us were aware of, but had not actu- catastrophe on April 26, 1986. founded, imagine the panic in Ukraine in know this also from the interest online. On ally thought of. The generations settling and Zelenyi Svit (Green World) was one of 1986, especially since the populace sus- Facebook, there are many groups about growing up in North America have believed those short-lived but powerful movements pected that Soviet authorities were Ukrainian culture and about particular cate- that we are following the customs and ritu- that now exist in name only. In the early spreading a great deal of misinformation gories of Ukrainian life. Dr. Luba Petrusha, als of our ancestors in the villages of old years (1988-1991), it was a formidable designed to minimize the catastrophic Ukraine centuries ago. We are, but not an obstetrician in the Detroit area and a force for both political and environmental event and its consequences. This was an directly and not exactly. As Ms. Plokhii pysanka nut extraordinaire (meant kindly reform, as it fashioned the political rhetoric era before cellphones and the Internet, and notes, using Sviat Vechir as the example, “it and with great admiration), started a few and ecological platform for Ukraine’s envi- reliable information was hard to come by, is obvious that many of the customs prac- groups that have grown enormously. She ronmental movement, and played a signifi- especially when authorities were actively began with the “Traditional Ukrainian ticed in the ‘old country’ (staryi krai) and covering up all aspects of the catastrophe. brought to Alberta, disappeared in time. But cant role in its independence movement. Pysanky” group, and has continued with I was in Kyiv recently, working on a It took a while for the environmental “Ukrainian Folk Arts and Traditions” and their disappearance occurred not because United Nations-funded Ukraine-Moldova groups to coalesce behind a uniform mes- “Ukrainian Recipes.” the ‘poor peasant’ could not maintain them, Dnister River transboundary water-sharing sage, but Zelenyi Svit organized a huge rally “Ukrainian Recipes” (now over 4,000 but because of the progressive disappear- and modeling project (which will be the on November 13, 1988, outside the central members) is meant to be a forum where ance of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant in subject of a future article). There, I met a stadium in Kyiv, with over 10,000 protest- members can share their favorite Canada, who preserved the customs accord- ing to his lifestyle.” few of my old friends from the early days of ers gathered in the rain to listen to speeches Ukrainian recipes and cooking tips, and against nuclear power and political appeals discuss Ukrainian cuisine. “Ukrainian Folk However, there still are many farmers the Zelenyi Svit movement. In fact, Dr. across western Canada of Ukrainian descent Andriy Demydenko and Dr. Volodymyr for a popular front. Plainclothes KGB shut Arts and Traditions” (approximately 2,000 off the microphone system, and the demon- members) shares “our love of Ukrainian and they do practice the Christmas tradi- Tykhyy were two of the co-founders of tions of the past, from almost 125 years ago, Zelenyi Svit, along with many other writers, strators protested with repeated chants of folk arts and traditions.” “Mi-kro-fon,” but the sound system was not Some members are well-informed about Ms. Plokhii says. Since the 1950s, most civic leaders and scientists including Yuriy Ukrainians live in cities, not in rural areas. Scherbak, M.D., who became Ukraine’s first restored. This event led to the production of these subjects, but many more are the a documentary film in 1988, named “born-again” Ukrainians searching for their “From another point of view, the change minister of the environment in 1991, and in tradition was connected to the beginning later ambassador to the United States. “Mi-kro-fon,” which was shown at the roots and for as much information as possi- Toronto Film Festival in February 1990. The ble about a heritage that had been lost to process of the creation of a new ethnic Drs. Demydenko and Tykhyy reminded film depicted the daily lives of ordinary them. The war in Ukraine has brought out group – ‘Canadian Ukrainian,’ and the form- me that October 29 marked the 25th anni- unsuspecting people in the Zhytomyr patriotic enthusiasm about all things ing of new traditions by this group. ... The versary of the first formal convention of Oblast, who were not being helped by the Ukrainian among Ukrainians around the conclusion can be made that partially these the Ukrainian Ecological Association authorities after Chornobyl and who knew world as well as non-Ukrainians. Vladimir customs were formed upon the basis of ‘old Zelenyi Svit. (As an aside, Dr. Tykhyy’s little about the health hazards of radiation Putin sure miscalculated – he united us. country’ Sviat Vechir rituals, and partially father, Oleksa, was the well-known that affected them all. In these two groups, right now there is they were new creations.” Ukrainian dissident and philologist who The organizing committee of the Zelenyi much discussion of Christmas customs and These observations also apply to stridently defended the Ukrainian lan- cuisine. Remember, this is still being dis- Ukrainian Americans, although most early guage, mostly in the Donetsk Oblast, where Svit rally, among whom were Messrs. cussed at the end of 2014. Is kutia served immigrants settled in towns and cities, not he was born. He spent many years in vari- Shcherbak, Pavlychko, Drach, and first or last on “Sviat Vechir” (Christmas in rural farming areas. ous Soviet prisons for his numerous politi- Demydenko, drafted a letter to the Eve)? Should the prosfora be part of the The traditions in the New World were cal “transgressions” on behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR. It meal? What kind of borshch, thick or clear? not from one rural location in Ukraine, but Ukrainian language. He was a co-founder noted that the planet was on the verge of an became a conglomerate of varied traditions How many fish dishes? Does each varenyky of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, and was ecological catastrophe and reminded the from across western Ukraine. Married cou- and holubtsi filling count as a separate dish? arrested in 1977 and sentenced to 10 crowd that Ukraine had plans for a total of ples were not necessarily from the same Do dessert items count as one of the twelve years’ hard labor in Mordovia, and then 34 nuclear reactors by 2005. [I noted in a village, as was the case before. With the dishes? Or can the pastries include dairy previous column that Ukraine currently has post-World War II immigration, the inter- Perm, where he died in 1984.) products because they come at the end of 15 reactors, with plans for two new ones by marriages were from all across Ukraine. Before Zelenyi Svit was founded, a few the meal, counting as the next day, ad hoc ecological organizations were 2015, and an additional five by 2030.] The author presumes that this immigration The manifesto prepared for the Christmas Day, without the fast? My Baba formed in 1987, which dealt mostly with was more from the intelligentsia and more November 13 meeting was based on a doc- served this in this way. But my Mama the human health consequences of the patriotic. In fact, many were the young ument that laid out the underlying princi- served it another way. Who is right? Is there Chornobyl disaster. By 1988, Zelenyi Svit forced laborers captured in villages and ples of the Program of the Ukrainian only one way to do things on Sviat Vechir? became the umbrella organization for many towns, and had the patriotic “selo” roots. Ecological Association Zelenyi Svit, whose Of course not. This writer has been of these organizations, including Rukh, the Over time, the Ukrainian traditions became principal authors were Academic Dmytro researching and writing about the many organization founded by Ukrainian dissi- “soborni” – pan-Ukrainian, rather than Hrodzinsky, Dr. Demydenko and Dr. Ukrainian Christmas traditions and their dents – the most notable of them being from a specific place. Tykhyy. The manifesto demanded the fol- origins for about four decades, and is find- Vyacheslav Chornovil and Ivan Drach. At No wonder there are so many questions lowing: 1) economic sovereignty for ing more and more interesting and obscure that time in the USSR, non-governmental and discussions – and no one answer – Ukrainian SSR; 2) a curb on the growth of aspects of the winter season celebrations. about specific customs. organizations (NGOs) like Zelenyi Svit or atomic energy, heavy polluting industry Many times I have mentioned the regional The newer immigrants from Ukraine to Rukh were illegal. A new law had to be and expansion of agriculture; 3) the cre- differences in the customs, and how these North America are surprised and amazed enacted by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist ation of competent technical commissions have changed over time and place. But an at the wealth of Ukrainian traditions that Republic’s Verkhovna Rada. Zelenyi Svit, “aha” moment occurred earlier this month for each oblast to regulate human health have been preserved and are so devotedly and all the organizations under its umbrel- when I came upon a M.A. thesis from the and food products; 4) initiation of a nation- practiced. la, became the first NGOs allowed to func- University of Alberta (thanks to University al referendum on future atomic energy; 5) The varied Ukrainian traditions blended tion on Ukrainian territory even before of Manitoba Slavic Librarian and Archivist imposition of a moratorium on new nucle- with the English/North American ones of independence on August 24, 1991. James Kominowski). Olena Plokhii wrote ar reactors; 6) safety inspections of all the new homeland, resulting in families cel- In 1986, the human health risks of the “Ukrainian Christmas in Canada: Food, ebrating both Ukrainian and American or Chornobyl nuclear meltdown were poorly (Continued on page 21) Tradition, Customs” in 1996. This work is in Canadian , often on two calen- Ukrainian. dars. The change to the “new” calendar has Ms. Plokhii studied the changes that often worked out beneficially, with more OUR NEXT ISSUE occurred in the tradition of Ukrainian time for the varied celebrations. The idea of Christmas in Canada during the last centu- “pist” () has mostly evaporated, Next week’s issue of The Ukrainian Weekly will be a double issue (No. 52 for because you can celebrate Sviat Vechir and 2014 and No. 1 for 2015) dated December 28, 2014/January 4, 2015. A single Orysia Tracz may be contacted at issue will be printed for those weeks due to Christmas and the New Year. [email protected]. (Continued on page 29) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Naxos releases landmark CD of the music of Myroslav Skoryk

by Oles Kuzyszyn formances, including such prominent venues as the Musikverein in Vienna, the Philharmonie in Cologne, the NEW YORK – Naxos, one of the world’s leading classical Barbican Hall in London, the National Auditorium in record labels, has released a landmark CD of the orchestral Madrid, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, works of Myroslav Skoryk, Ukraine’s foremost living com- Carnegie Hall in New York, the Kennedy Center in poser. On the CD, recorded as part of the nationwide cele- Washington, Orchestra Hall in Chicago and the General bration of the composer’s 75th birthday, Mr. Skoryk’s Assembly of the United Nations. In recognition of his work works are performed by the Odesa Philharmonic Orchestra with the Odesa Philharmonic, Maestro Earle became the under the baton of their dynamic music director and prin- first foreigner in the history of Ukraine to be awarded the cipal conductor, Hobart Earle. titles of Distinguished Artist of Ukraine and People’s Artist The CD has the distinction of being designated as one of of Ukraine. Naxos’ “key releases.” In his release notes, Naxos President The CD includes orchestral works spanning the full Klaus Heymann writes: “There are very few recordings breadth of Maestro Skoryk’s illustrious career. It opens available on general release of the music of Ukrainian com- with the first movement (“Dytynstvo” – “Childhood”) from poser Myroslav Skoryk, so I am delighted to redress such the “Hutsul Triptych” (1965) – based on themes from the an undeserved neglect with this fine recording. It’s both a composer’s own soundtrack to Sergei Paradzhanov’s 1964 genuine rarity and a platform for the young violin soloist film “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors.” “Diptych” (1993) and rising star Nazary Pilatyuk, who performs the Violin for string orchestra follows. Next is an excerpt (Caprice No. Concerto No. 7. Anyone encountering Skoryk’s remarkable 19) from Mr. Skoryk’s orchestral arrangement of the 24 music for the first time will be instantly hooked – by the Paganini Caprices (2003). color and verve of his Concerto for Orchestra, ‘Carpathian,’ The most recent work on the recording is the Violin for example, or the pensive majesty of his ‘Melody’ for Cover of the Naxos release of “Myroslav Skoryk: Concerto No. 7 (2009), with Mr. Pilatyuk as the violin solo- strings. I am confident that this release will help raise Carpathian Concerto.” ist. The next track, is the aforementioned “Melody” (1981), Myroslav Skoryk’s status from national artist to that of an spanning three generations. In recent years, performances here in its string orchestra version. Valery Kazakov is the internationally acclaimed musical voice for his country.” of numerous Skoryk works have saturated YouTube, while cello soloist in the Cello Concerto (1983). Then, the final Maestro Skoryk has become the most prominent voice in during Ukraine’s recent struggle against ’s movement (“Spanish Dance”) from another earlier work, Ukrainian classical music today. Awarded the prestigious aggression, his “Melody” (one of the composer’s most rec- “The Stone Host Suite” (1973), based on music for Lesia Shevchenko prize and honored with the title of People’s ognizable and popular works) has served as Ukraine’s spir- Ukrainka’s drama, “Kaminnyi Hospodar.” The CD concludes Artist of Ukraine, Mr. Skoryk is not only one of Ukraine’s itual anthem. with one of Mr. Skoryk’s masterpieces, the “Carpathian most prolific and distinctive composers, but one of the most Mr. Earle, music director and principal conductor of the Concerto” (1972) for orchestra. influential professors of composition in Ukraine for nearly Odesa Philharmonic Orchestra, a magna cum laude The CD, titled “Myroslav Skoryk: Carpathian Concerto,” half a century. A number of his former students have risen to Princeton graduate, studied conducting at the Academy of also available as a download, is distributed by nearly every prominence in their own right, including Yevhen Stankovych, Music in Vienna. He also studied with Ferdinand Leitner in online music distribution service there is, including Naxos, Ivan Karabyts, Oleh Kyva and Osvaldas Balakauskas. Salzburg, and Leonard Bernstein and Seiji Ozawa at HB Direct Classical, Amazon, itunes, Arkiv Music, Maestro Skoryk’s music is, literally, performed world- Tanglewood. Prestoclassical and numerous other services. A podcast wide, from the Far East to the United States, by musicians He has led the Odesa Philharmonic in hundreds of per- preview is available on the Naxos website. NEW RELEASES: Two CDs by bandurist Julian Kytasty by Ihor Slabicky connection to an ancient tradition. The music simply captivated him. He went on to PORTSMOUTH, R.I. – Julian Kytasty, the explore this kobzar tradition, documented renowned bandura player from New York, by the publications of Filaret M. Kolessa, has recently released two superlative Mykola V. Lysenko, and P. Demutsky, the albums, each exploring a different aspect of unreleased recordings of Zynoviy his repertoire. Shtokalko, and studying and playing with On “Songs of Truth” he explores his own Heorhiy Tkachenko, who was a direct link musical roots that reach deep into the to the kobzari. musical tradition of the kobzari and lirnyky. Playing a traditional bandura, he per- Having grown up in the Kytasty family of forms 15 Ukrainian-language pieces that bandurists and in the community of bandu- had been performed for hundreds of years. ra players in Detroit, Mr. Kytasty saw that These cover a wide range of subjects. performing songs from the kobzar reper- Religious themes are explored in “Guardian toire was both a mark of prestige and a Angel,” “O, Holy God,” “The Flood,” The covers of two new CDs of music by Julian Kytasty: “Song of Truth” and “Night Songs from a Neighboring Village.” “Judgement Day” and “Sinner at the Gates With Mr. Alpert on fiddle, guitar and of Heaven.” accordion, and Mr. Kytasty on bandura and The duma “Captive’s Lament” and the sopilka, the recording presents two musical ballad “Bondarivna” present tragic sides of traditions from an old world, Yiddish and life. Humorous songs, like “The Lazy Wife,” Ukrainian. Together, they explore common “Khoma and Yarema” and “The themes from Ukrainian and Yiddish folk Noblewoman,” present situations that often music, as well as some cultural juxtaposi- end with dire circumstances. “To Every City tions. The two musicians examine the Its Customs and Laws” and “Song of Truth” “what might have been” of these musical are social commentary from the 18th cen- cultures that were left fragmented in the tury that somehow seems most appropri- aftermath of the 20th century totalitarian ate to the events of today. Scattered within regimes that trampled through Ukraine are the dance melodies “Savradym,” from the east and the west. “Kozachok” and “Metelytsia,” adding liveli- The two artists bring these worlds ness to the album. together as an alternate Ukraine, in a differ- Mr. Kytasty does not attempt an “authen- ent 20th century. They create a space for tic re-creation” of the lirnyk and kobzar joys, pains and passions, for shared stories singing and playing style – there are no and tales. This evokes a sense of a place affectations or coloration. A kobzar of the that may not exist beyond the imagery that 21st century, he is fully familiar with his the music creates. music and instrument. The result is a fresh The “Night Songs” album offers 13 and contemporary presentation of these songs. “Adam and Eve” tells the common historic songs. Yiddish and Ukrainian story of the first two Mr. Kytasty joins Michael Alpert, a pio- people. In “Bay Mayn Mames Shtibele,” two neering figure in the renaissance of Yiddish boys enchant a young woman just by look- and klezmer music, on the album “Night ing at her. “Buhai” is a traditional Ukrainian Songs from a Neighboring Village,” which documents their longstanding project. (Continued on page 10) No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 9 Banff Symposium examines World War I and internment of “enemy aliens” BANFF, Alberta – A scholarly gathering on the subject of “Canada, the Great War and the Internment of Enemy Aliens, 1914–1920” was successfully held in Banff, appro- priately at the Cave and Basin National Historic Site, a facil- ity originally built by internee labor during the war. The October 17-18 event was organized by the Kule Ukrainian Canadian Studies Center at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies in collaboration with the University of Alberta’s Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies. The other key partners in the project were Canada’s First World War Internment Recognition Fund and the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation. Attendance at the presentations ranged from 20 to 30 people, who had an opportunity to hear and discuss talks on the impact of World War I on Ukrainians and other immigrants to Canada from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Conference participants at the site of the former Cave and Basin Internment Camp. Dr. Joseph Patrouch of the Wirth Institute provided an overview of immigration from Austria-Hungary around the Winnipeg, the Rev. Dr. Athanasius McVay presented his forthcoming book on the internment. turn of the 20th century, and Jars Balan of the Kule Center, recently published biography of Bishop Nykyta Budka, The program included a visit by participants to the site related the story of a failed attempt to establish a appointed in 1912 as the first Ukrainian Catholic hierarch in of the Castle Mountain Internment Camp on the old high- “Ruthenian Regiment” in the Canadian Armed Forces in the Canada, at a reception held in one of Banff’s historic homes. way to Lake Louise, as well as a free public screening of years immediately preceding the war. Moving slightly beyond the issue of internment so as to three documentary films: Yurij Luhowy’s “Freedom Had a Three papers dealt with the fates of individuals who had provide a broader context, two papers dealt with the desti- Price,” James Motluk’s “Jajo’s Secret” and “Unspoken the misfortune of being caught up in the federal govern- nies of Slavs who managed to serve in the ranks of the Territory” by Marusia Bociurkiw. ment’s internment campaign, one by Mark Minenko, Canadian Expeditionary Force despite the widespread In the view of its organizers, the symposium achieved its another by Peter Melnycky and the third by Myron “anti-foreigner” sentiments in the country. Another paper scholarly objective of stimulating new research that contrib- Momryk, a retired Library and Archives Canada archivist. by a scholar from Austria discussed the history of the infa- utes to a greater understanding of the internment, while Gordon Yaremchuk contributed a topical account of the mous Thalerhof internment camp, situated on what is now constructively marking the centenary of a rather dark and built legacy of internee labor in Banff National Park. the site of Graz international airport. little-known chapter in Canadian history. The discussions Other papers examined the plight of interned Serbs, Croats Closing the academic sessions on both days were talks were characterized by a collaborative spirit and generated a and citizens of Ottoman Turkey, while Dr. Jeffrey Keshen of by the well-known internment experts Drs. Lubomyr better appreciation of the “collateral damage” caused by the Mount Royal University in Calgary gave an overview of the Luciuk and Bohdan Kordan, the former offering a personal “Great War,” which extended well beyond the trenches of state of civil liberties in Canada during the war years. account of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Europe. Preparations are now being made to publish select Besides sharing his findings of internment-related mate- Association’s role in the long and difficult struggle to obtain papers from the symposium, and in the meantime to post rials in the archives of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in redress, and the latter reading from the conclusion to his video recordings of sessions on the Internet. Book on nation-building geography Composer Stefania Turkewych’s daughters presented at St. Vladimir Institute finally hear mother’s art songs by Oksana Zakydalsky lished a branch of the Association of Ukrainian Women, which received mem- TORONTO – Zoya Lisowsky de bership as an unofficial representative Nyzankowsky and Maria Lukianowicz – the (before independence) of Ukraine in the two daughters of composer Stefania United Nations. Turkewych – were familiar with her music, Zoya’s younger sister, Maria, lives in but they heard her art songs sung for the England. She earned a Ph.D. in psychology first time only at the Galicians I Art Songs at Cambridge University and had an aca- concert in Toronto on November 2. demic career, which included teaching at They had left Lviv with their mother in the Open University (the first university to 1944, on the eve of the Soviet occupation, grant online degrees). She was the keeper settling in Geneva. Zoya was then 17 years of her mother’s archive, guarding the hand- old, Maria was 3. written scores. That is where bass baritone Zoya went on to study art in England, Pavlo Hunka, found them. married singer Oleh Nyzankowsky and set- In 2004, Mr. Hunka embarked on the Art tled permanently in Geneva. She achieved Song Project – a documentation of all the an international reputation as an artist and art songs by Ukrainian composers – with her works (under the name Zoya Lisowsky) the intention of creating a complete anthol- are owned by collectors and museums in ogy of Ukrainian art songs written by 26 Europe and North America. They also illus- Ukrainian composers. trate several books, including those of her While in Toronto, Mmes. Lisowsky and friend Wira Wowk. Lukianowicz recorded interviews about TORONTO – Dr. Ihor Stebelsky, professor emeritus of political science at University of In spite of the absence of any Ukrainian their lives with Iroida Wynnyckyj at the Windsor, presented his new book, “Placing Ukraine on the Map: Stepan Rudnytsky’s community life in Switzerland, she gathered Ukrainian Canadian Research and Nation-Building Geography,” at the St. Vladimir Institute in Toronto. The event was some of the scattered Ukrainians and estab- Documentation Center. co-sponsored by the Canadian Association of Ukrainian Studies, the Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada and the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center. The presentation was made in PowerPoint and featured many illustrations. The event was well-attended and included the historians Paul R. Magocsi, Thomas Prymak and Frank Sysyn, who posed good questions. At the event, this attractive hard-bound publication (Kingston: Kashtan Press, 2014) with full color maps on high-quality paper quickly sold out. Now it is available mainly at some university libraries in Canada and the United States. Seen above at the October 19 presentation (from left) are: Andrij Makuch, president, Canadian Association of Ukrainian Studies; Daria Darewych, president, Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada; Prof. Stebelsky; and Oleh S. Romanyschyn, Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center. LIKE The Ukrainian Weekly on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/TheUkrainianWeekly Oksana Zakydalsky Zoya Lisowsky (left) and Maria Lukianowicz in Toronto. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

(sabbath) is followed by “Mnohaya Lita.” Russian authority had a hand in this, we Two CDs... The album ends with a live performance of NEWSBRIEFS absolutely expect them to be surrendered “Home Brew,” a humorous song that pro- to investigators and to prosecutors because (Continued from page 8) (Continued from page 2) claims the joys and benefits of home- this is an atrocity,” Mr. Abbott said of the MH folk song that traces its roots to medieval brewed liquor. Canadian soldiers to Ukraine to train its 17’s downing. “It was mass murder on a Kyiv. “A Shpay In Yam” is a love story A number of the songs feature the duo military police and could also include train- vast scale.” Messrs. Poroshenko and Abbott between a nightingale and a swallow. “Two singing together. With Mr. Alpert delicately ing in battlefield medicine and security also discussed a potential energy export Brothers” is taken from the duma soloing around and through the melody measures. A group of Canadian military deal, with the Ukrainian president saying “Samarski Braty” and segues into “Nukh line sung by Mr. Kytasty, the results are police – said to number less than 10 per- his country may buy Australian uranium for Havdule,” a traditional Ukrainian Jewish exquisite. Similarly, the musicians enhance sons – arrived in Ukraine to begin the train- its nuclear power stations, along with coal. melody. “Wedding of the Birds,” a medley of each other with their instruments, adding ing. Also on December 8, Canada and “Australia is an energy superpower and two Ukrainian dance tunes, follows. depth and feeling to the songs. Ukraine issued a declaration of intent that energy security is very important to Ukraine, particularly given its current vul- “S’iz Gekimen/U Susida” shares a com- The two CDs, each at $20 (which expressed a commitment to expand mili- tary cooperation between Ottawa and Kyiv. nerability to supply shocks,” Mr. Abbott mon melody and ends on a lively includes mailing), can be ordered from “Russia has flagrantly violated the territori- said. (RFE/RL, with reporting by Agence Bukovyna-style dance tune. “Chernobyl” is Julian Kytasty, 138 Second Ave., New York al integrity of Ukraine and continues its France-Presse and Reuters) about the Hasidic dynasty that was lost due NY 10003. Canadian and international efforts to intimidate and undermine the to the devastating nuclear accident of 1986. orders for “Songs of Truth” can be placed democratically elected government in Kyiv,” Kadyrov ready to fight in Ukraine The interweaving voices on “Rekrutska” via the http://www.songsoftruth.ca/ site. the declaration read. “Canada and Ukraine MOSCOW – The Kremlin-backed head of only serve to enhance the heartbreak of the Orders for “Night Songs” can also be placed are committed to continue working togeth- Russia’s Chechnya region, Ramzan Kadyrov, song. “Night Songs” segues into the duo with Oriente Musik directly via its website, er to strengthen the capacity of the has sparked controversy by saying he is singing an a cappella “Zeleneye Zhyto.” “Loy http://www.oriente.de/index.php/en/alp- Ukrainian government and its security forc- “ready to resign and fight” alongside pro- Seyvoyshi,” a song ushering the shabes ert-kytasty-en. es to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity Russian separatists in their conflict with and its people.” The agreement also said: government forces in eastern Ukraine. In an “We declare our intent to continue working interview with Russia’s NTV television on together to explore ways in which to build December 16, the outspoken Mr. Kadyrov upon these gains, particularly as concerns said that he intends to ask President defense capacity-building through the pro- Vladimir Putin to let him resign so that he TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 vision of general support training such as can go to eastern Ukraine “to destroy devils or e-mail [email protected] military police, medical and personal pro- who have neither honor nor dignity.” Mr. tective measures.” The Globe and Mail Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said on reminded readers that in August Canada December 17 that Mr. Kadyrov had made SERVICES PROFESSIONALS had donated non-lethal military supplies to no request to resign. Ukrainian authorities Ukraine, including helmets, ballistic eye- say Chechen troops loyal to Mr. Kadyrov wear, protective vests, first aid kits, tents have fought alongside the pro-Russian reb- and sleeping bags; and that in November els in the conflict, which has killed more Canada announced further military gear than 4,700 people since April. Mr. Kadyrov supplies, including 30,000 winter coats, denies the claim. (RFE/RL, with reporting 70,000 pairs of Gore-Tex boots, tactical com- by NTV, TASS and Interfax) munications gear, bomb disposal equip- ment, medical kits, night-vision goggles and Russian Railways stops service to Ukraine winterized kits. (The Globe and Mail) MOSCOW – Russia’s state railway com- Poroshenko tells Russia to pull out pany says it will stop almost all service to Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and MELBOURNE, Australia – Ukrainian Tajikistan for a year starting December 14, President Petro Poroshenko on December citing a lack of demand. In a statement on 11 called on Russia to end its support for its website on December 9, Russian separatists in the east of Ukraine, including Railways said its Federal Passenger withdrawing any Russian forces on Company unit is suspending the service Ukrainian soil. Mr. Poroshenko also urged because it is not profitable. It said “the deci- Russia to close the border between the two sion to suspend some trains’ operations countries, saying doing so would lead to had been caused by a significant decrease “peace and stability in Ukraine” within a in the volume of international rail travel, matter of weeks. Speaking alongside Mr. which led to the ineffective use of engines Poroshenko during his visit to Australia was and trains.” Russia is deeply at odds with OPPORTUNITIES Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott who Ukraine over Moscow’s annexation of expressed “deep solidarity with the free Crimea and an armed conflict between gov- country of Ukraine.” Australia and Ukraine ernment forces and pro-Russian separat- Earn extra income! have formed close ties since Malaysia ists. But Russia is trying to strengthen ties The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Airlines Flight 17 was shot down in July with other ex-Soviet republics including for advertising sales agents. over rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine. Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, its partner in a For additional information contact Of the nearly 300 people who died in the air Customs Union. Kazakhstan’s state railway Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, disaster, 38 were Australian citizens or resi- The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. dents. “If it turns out that people under (Continued on page 11)

HOUSE FOR SALE! on all my holy mountain; Zolota Osin, Kerhonkson, NY May His peace... for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord, (Continued from page 6) This property is currently available for sale as water covers the sea. in Kerhonkson, a desirable retirement/summer vacation area 1 1/2 hours from New York City. into plowshares “With a little child to Guide them” – ah, and their spears into pruning hooks; yes, the newborn Prince of Peace. May His It is a brick garage attached with split level One nation shall not raise home of the former Ukrainian Iconographers peace be with all of us, and with our world, the sword against another, Maestro Juan Denysenko and his son Wladimir. in this holy season and throughout the year nor shall they train for war again. to come. The private walkout basement has a large studio space with owering fruit trees, House of Jacob, come, garden and backyard overlooking a stream and forest. The basement can be used let us walk in the light of the Lord! +Stefan Soroka as an in-law suite with separate entrance, bedroom, bathroom, laundry and hookup ... Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians available for kitchen. The main oor has a huge living and dining room space with a Metropolitan of Ukrainian Catholics large retro style kitchen with built in stove top and oven. Two large bedrooms with Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, in the United States a third smaller with balcony. The bathroom is retro blue with glazed tile. and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; +Richard Seminack (author) This home is located in Zolota Osin, Kerhonkson, NY 12446. It is a gated Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago Ukrainian condo community with modest monthly fees of $120 for water The calf and the young lion shall services, maintenance etc. The property taxes are assessed on a house/property browse together, +Paul Chomnycky, OSBM value of $140,000. Negotiable. with a little child to guide them. Eparch of Stamford The cow and the bear shall graze, Please email: [email protected] or phone (506) 538-1906 to arrange viewing. together their young shall lie down; + Bohdan Danylo the lion shall eat hay like the ox. Eparch of St. Josaphat in Parma The baby shall play by the viper’s den, +John Bura Run your advertisement here, and the child lay his hand Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia on the adder’s lair. in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. They shall not harm or destroy Christmas 2014 No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 11

in response to requests from Odesa Oblast NEWSBRIEFS State Administration and non-governmen- tal Odesa Regional Group on Mediation. In memory of Wolodymyr Taras Zyla (Continued from page 10) The aim is to address the need for exchang- Ten years ago on November 16th, our father Wolodymyr Taras Zyla passed company says its 10 trains linking Kazakh ing experience and building the profession- al competence of mediators working to away suddenly. Although he lived to be 85, to his family he was taken too cities with Russia will continue to run. Tajik soon. On this, the 10th anniversary of his passing, we do not want to mourn his Railways Company said its trains to Russia resolve conflicts and bridge differences at the local and regional level in Ukraine. “A death, but instead reflect and celebrate who he was: a brilliant scholar, a prolific will also continue to operate. Russian author, a dedicated teacher, critical thinker, true patriot and a loving father. Railways will continue to operate trains to foreign experience may not be a magic solution, but it can inspire one to look for Although our father was ever grateful for the opportunities afforded him as an Moldova, Belarus and northern Kazakhstan, adopted American citizen, he never lost his passion for his homeland, Ukraine. as well as two trains to Uzbekistan, which unique responses to local Ukraine-specific go through Kazakhstan. (RFE/RL, with challenges,” said Ambassador Vaidotas Our father was born in Zbarazh, Ukraine, on June 25, 1919, to Ivan and reporting by TASS and Interfax) Verba, the OSCE project coordinator in Sophia Zyla. Unfortunately, he never knew his father as he was killed in the Ukraine. ”We hope that Ukrainian partici- Polish Ukrainian war days before his first son was born. Instead the man who pants from various localities will use this Lenin statue painted blue and yellow reared, loved and influenced him greatly was his grandfather, Ivan Isterevich. opportunity to generate new ideas on how MOSCOW – Authorities in Novosibirsk, to support the restoration of the country’s From childhood, his mother Sophia instilled in him the desire to learn, teaching Russia, say suspects accused of painting the stability through dialogue that is also him the Ukrainian and German languages. Our father was truly a gifted child colors of the Ukrainian flag on a monument important in the process of implementing who grew up to be a gifted adult. He spoke seven languages fluently, quoted to Lenin in the Russian city have been reforms.” The conference will also serve as by heart poems by the Latin poet Ovid, sonnets from Shakespeare and detained. Activists sprayed blue and yellow a tool to enhance practical assistance, pro- poems from his beloved Taras Shevchenko. His formative years were spent paint on a Lenin monument, as well as a vided by the Organization for Security and attending public school followed by the Gymnasium in Zbarazh and then Lviv Soviet tank and an artillery piece at a World Cooperation in Europe, in addressing situa- University. But World War II erupted and his studies in Law came to a halt. He War II memorial, in the Siberian city last tions related to the crisis in Ukraine. The was conscripted into the Soviet Army, served and was taken prisoner of war week. They painted the word “Glory to National Dialogue Project is implemented but survived his time in captivity. It was then that my father realized his love of Ukraine!” on the Lenin monument. Police with the financial support from the govern- literature and his overwhelming desire to write. As a young man, he was already opened an investigation on a charge of ments of Austria, Denmark, Germany, Italy, editing magazines, writing books and handbooks and becoming attune to “vandalism motivated by political, ideologi- Lithuania, Norway, and Japan. (OSCE) the political situation in Ukraine. He was very proud of his nationality and as a cal, racial, ethnic or religious hatred.” Regional governor Vladimir Gorodetsky Former Georgian official joins ministry young activist gave speeches on the awakening of national consciousness. To said on December 15 that suspects had his dying day, our father never changed - Ukraine always remained forefront in KYIV – A former vice-minister of inter- his thoughts and work. been detained, but did not say how many nal affairs of Georgia, Ekaterina Zguladze, or give their names. (RFE/RL, based on has been appointed to a similar post in Shortly after the end of the war he met Orysia Bagan at a refugee camp reporting by Tayga.info, TASS and Interfax) Ukraine. Ukraine’s Minister for Social in Villach, Austria, where they later married and started a family. With their Ukraine crisis discussed in Odesa Politics Pavlo Rozenko wrote on Facebook first daughter in tow and a desire for a brighter future they moved to Brazil, on December 17 that the Ukrainian Cabinet where our father worked for Swift International, the food company. They ODESA – International and local experts appointed Ms. Zguladze as first vice-minis- thrived there but after six years the desire to live closer to family brought them in mediation as well as civil society activists ter of internal affairs. Earlier that week, to Canada. Their son was born just months before they left Sao Paulo. Life in from across Ukraine gathered in Odesa to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Canada brought new challenges, they were immigrants again, but Winnipeg’s learn about the best practices and granted Ms. Zguladze Ukrainian citizenship Ukrainian community was large and welcoming and for our father fitting in exchange their experiences at a three-day to make her eligible to get the post. Ms. amongst Ukrainian scholars was not a problem. It was here that their third conference that started on December 10 Zguladze helped carry out sweeping law child, a daughter, was born and where our father returned to the university and with the support of the OSCE project coor- enforcement reforms that were praised by finished what he had started so many years before. But this time it was not law, dinator in Ukraine. The event is organized the West under former Georgian President but his love of languages and literature. as part of the National Dialogue project and Mikheil Saakashvili. (RFE/RL) He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Slavistics from the University of Manitoba studying under Dr. Yaroslav Rudnytskiy, followed by a Doctoral Degree, which he received in 1967 in Slavic Philology from the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. The family then settled in Lubbock, Texas, where he began a 23-year academic career at Texas Tech University. Our father was passionate about teaching students to think critically! His greatest achievement at the university was the Ділимося сумною вісткою, development of the Comparative Literature Symposium, which he chaired. що після довгої недуги, 25 листопада 2014 року, Year after year, he brought together leading literary scholars from around the у Бофало, Н. Й., відійшла у вічність world to discuss the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Franz Kafka, James наша найдорожча Мама, Бабця і Прабабця Joyce, William Faulkner, Joseph Conrad and others. Following each symposia, he then edited “The Proceedings of the Comparative Literature Symposium,“ св. п. which to this day is a valuable resource referenced by comparative literature students and scholars. Well into retirement and right before his death, the Орися Мирослава Перейма university honored him in 2004 for his vision and dedication to nurturing and inspiring young minds. з дому Савчук Looking back at his life, we can honestly say that his greatest attribute was народжена 26 червня 1919 року his perseverance and his will to continue to learn and broaden his knowledge. в місті Городенка, тоді Станиславівського повіту, There wasn’t a moment growing up that either of us didn’t witness our father Західня Україна. deeply engaged in scholarly endeavors. Панахида відбулася 28 листопада 2014 року в похоронному He was well respected within the Ukrainian-American community and was заведенні П’єчак-Климечко у Бофало. instrumental in advancing the cause of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian Похоронні відправи відбулися 29 листопада в Українській като- statehood. In 1980, he was editor of the book “Zbarazhchyna, Collections of лицькій церкві св. Миколая і на цвинтарі Мt. Calvary, Бофало, Н. Й. Essays, Materials and Memoirs,” a two part volume on the history, culture and language of his native region Zbarazh. He published many reviews in journals У глибокому смутку залишились: and newspapers on aspiring poets and writers in the Ukrainian Diaspora. He cини Роман Породко з дружиною Оксаною was dedicated to his country’s freedom, working tirelessly to help Ukraine gain Ігор Перейма its independence. He proudly served as a minister in the Ukrainian National донька Марта Перейма Republic Government in exile, and was privileged to witness Ukraine’s freedom внучка д-р Ліся Мельничук з чоловіком Марком in 1991. правнук Олесь Мельничук. Far beyond his academic and cultural achievements, he was proud of the life Вічна Їй пам’ять! and family he built with Orysia. He died just weeks before their 60th wedding anniversary. To me, his youngest daughter, he was a wonderful father – kind Для вшанування пам’яті Покійної просимо бажаючих складати and gentle with an everlasting twinkle in his eye. His brilliance amazed me пожертви на: and his patriotism brought forth in me the pride of my heritage. He is forever • St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, remembered in our hearts as a man who loved his family passionately. On the 308 Fillmore Avenue, BuŠ alo, NY 14206; 10th anniversary of his passing we cherish his legacy, his memory and continue • Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA), to be enriched by his life, his wisdom and his love of mankind. 203 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10003; Romanna Zyla Frye • Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization (PLAST USO) Sviatoslava Zyla Kaczaraj 700 Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046 Lubomyr Zyla 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51 No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 13 Ukraine’s soccer update – a fall season of ups and downs PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Ukraine’s Shakhtar Madrid. the UEFA competitions are also the top- Spain in second place) after three matches Donetsk soccer club advances to the Round In the UEFA Europa League, Ukrainian three teams in the Ukrainian Premier played, with a 3-0 win against Luxembourg of 16 in the UEFA Champions League after clubs Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk and Dynamo League – Dynamo (first), Shakhtar (sec- on November 15. Other teams in Group C winning the runner-up spot in Group H. Kyiv advanced to the Round of 32. Dnipro ond) and Dnipro (third). Metalist is in sev- include Macedonia and Belarus. Other teams in the group included Porto won second place in Group F with seven enth place. In the FIFA Women’s World Cup qualifi- (Portugal), Athletic Club (Spain), and BATE points, two wins, one draw and three loss- In UEFA rankings, Ukraine is in the er, Ukraine’s women’s team tied 2-2 with Borisov (Belarus). es, and Dynamo won first place in Group J eighth spot with 41.666 points, with Russia Italy in its second-leg match on October 29 Shakhtar has drawn Bayern Munich with 15 points, a win-draw-loss record of in seventh and the Netherlands in ninth at Arena Lviv. Ukraine was eliminated due (Group E winner) in the first match, as 5-0-1, 12 goals for and four against. place. to the Italians leading on aggregate goals announced by UEFA on December 15. The On December 11 Dnipro defeated St.- In October, Ukraine also briefly rejoined 4-3. first-leg match is to be played on February Etienne 1-0 in Kyiv, Dynamo defeated the top-20 teams among FIFA rankings On December 4 UEFA announced that it 17 at Arena Lviv, and the second-leg match- Romania club Steaua 2-0 in Bucharest, and after two wins in the qualifiers of the Euro would ban Crimean clubs from participat- es on February 24/25. Metalist Kharkiv lost 0-1 against Lokeren 2016 soccer championship. During the ing in Russian competitions as of January 1, In the Group stage, Shakhtar finished (Belgium). month, Ukraine’s point-total increased by 2015. UEFA also plans to create a special with nine points, with two wins, three Metalist was eliminated from the com- 65 points to 920, moving Ukraine’s ranking zone in Crimea where soccer will develop draws and one loss, with 15 goals for and petition after finishing in last place in from 24th to 19th place. Ukraine, since the exclusively under the auspices of UEFA. four against. Most recently, the Ukrainian Group L with 0 points. The team had a latest rankings released in late November, Anatoliy Popov, first vice-president of club tied 1-1 with Porto, the Group H lead- 0-0-6 win-draw-loss record, with three is in 26th place with 854 points. the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU), ers on December 10. goals for and 10 against. The Ukrainian National Team tied 0-0 stated: “I think it’s a victory. But the final Other teams in the knockout Round of On February 19 Dnipro is to play against with Lithuania on November 18 in an inter- victory will come when the competitions in 16 include: Paris Saint-Germain v Chelsea, Olympiacos (Greece) and Dynamo plays national friendly in Kyiv. The national Crimea are held by Ukrainian structures Shalke (Germany) v Real Madrid, Basel against Guingamp (France). Second-leg team’s next match is to be played on March under the auspices of the FFU. However, (Switzerland) v Porto, Manchester City v matches are scheduled for February 26. 27 against Spain in the UEFA Euro 2016 this is a success, indicating that no one has Bercelona, Juventus v Dortmund, Arsenal v It should also be no surprise that the qualifying round for Group C. Ukraine is in the right to violate laws in the football fami- Monaco, and Bayer Leverkusen v Atletico three Ukrainian clubs that are to advance in third place (Slovakia in first place and ly.”

Sitch men’s team advances to quarterfi nals of N.J. State Cup by Bo Kucyna the home team. the quarter-final stages of the tournament. Sitch’s next N.J. In the second half, the Clifton team had nothing to lose State Cup opponent will be Jersey Shore Boca Juniors, the CLIFTON, N.J. – The Chornomorska Sitch men’s soccer and began pushing more players forward, trying somehow match to be played in the spring of 2015. team defeated the Clifton Elite S.C. 3-1 to advance to the to break through on the solid Sitch team defense and goal- Match line-up: Alex McDonald, Andrij Panas, Andrij next round of the New Jersey State Cup on November 30 at tending. On the other hand, with a 3-0 lead, Sitch was quite Mandzy, Zach Bakun, Anthony Correale, Olesh Postolan, Athenia Complex in Clifton. happy to play defensively and create counterattack oppor- George Mikula, Andreas Callejas, Dan Lewycky, Mykola Dan Lewycky opened the scoring for Sitch in the first tunities when available. As a result, the first 25 minutes of Kucyna, John Vnenchak, Roman Tabachouk, Dima half, slotting his breakaway goal under the Clifton goal- the second half saw exactly this strategy being played out Tereschuk, Jay Mansilla, Salim Kouidri, Andrij Kudryk, Bo keeper to make the score 1-0. Olesh Postolan created the for both teams. Kucyna (coach), Nick Hordynsky (manager). opportunity with great hustle in the midfield, then provid- Momentarily, the strategy worked for the Clifton Elite Garden State Soccer League ing Lewycky with a perfectly accurate pass for the break- team. With 20 minutes left to play in the second half, away opportunity. Less than five minutes later, it would be Clifton would get on the scoreboard when a perfectly In Garden State Soccer League (GSSL) action, Sitch Lewycky who would be doing the hustling, stripping a crossed ball from the left wing found the head of a Clifton recorded an 8-0 win against a short-manned Go Soccer Clifton defender of the ball and feeding Sitch forward John forward who placed it nicely into the lower corner, passed squad on November 9 and a 1-1 draw with a feisty Den of Vnenchak who buried his shot into the back of the net. the outstretched arms of a diving McDonald. With the Lion team on November 23. Goal scorers in the Go Soccer Shortly after going up 2-0, Sitch goalie Alex McDonald score now 3-1, Clifton found a renewed energy in its game game were John Vnenchak (three goals), Dan Lewycky, came up with his biggest save of the game when he saved a and for a brief few minutes, actually carried the play in Anthony Correale, Erick Solis, Marco Hordynsky, Dima blast from the opposing team’s forward. That save was attempts to get a second goal and have thoughts of a possi- Tereshuk. Anthony Correale also picked up four assists in huge and seemed to deflate the Clifton team for the next ble comeback and upset. However, Sitch players, with quar- this game. Against Den of Lions, Jay Mansilla scored for few minutes. terfinal berth on the line, buckled down and finished off Sitch with Andy Kudryk picking up the assist on the goal. With Sitch now regaining some momentum after the match without allowing any further serious scoring Sitch’s record in the GSSL stands at six wins, two draws and McDonald’s save, it was once again Lewycky off a Postolan opportunities. one loss as it approaches the winter break. For further pass who netted a goal shortly before halftime to make it When the match ended, both teams shook hands for a information about the game and/or the team, please con- 3-0 for Sitch and virtually putting the game out of reach for well-played match, and Sitch players rejoiced on getting to tact coach Bo Kucyna at [email protected] Putin voodoo doll seeks donations on Kickstarter PHILADELPHIA – A group near ceeds from sales will be donated to help According to the Kickstarter descrip- Philadelphia has launched a Kickstarter the Ukrainian army. tion, the Vatniks are a form of “weaponiz- campaign to fight the Russian president The activists who created the project ing humor in the information wars.” “We with mockery. The project, called “Vatnik: call themselves “Voodoo Politics” and do think they’re hilarious,” Ms. Mycio adds, The Putin Voodoo Magnet,” aims to raise not want to reveal their identities. Their “and deadly serious.” If the product is $5,000 to produce voodoo doll-refrigera- spokesperson, Mary Mycio of West commercially successful, it could provide tor magnets with Vladimir Putin’s face Chester, Pa., a writer and lawyer with a steady stream of donations that none of that can be stuck with Ukrainian flag pins. many years of experience in Ukraine, Voodoo Politics’ members could individu- “Vatnik” is the Russian word for a calls them the “little green men” of anti- ally afford. padded or quilted jacket. It’s also a Putinism. If the Kickstarter campaign succeeds, derogatory term that Ukrainians use to “Little green men” was one name donations from the first production run refer to people who believe in Mr. Putin’s given to the Russian troops who wore no will go to Ukraine’s 92nd Mechanized propaganda – because they seem to have insignia when they invaded the Crimean Brigade, in cooperation with the cotton for brains. “What better to peninsula earlier this year. Since the con- Facebook group “1,000,000 people symbolize them than a stuffed Putin voo- flict spread to eastern Ukraine in the around the world in support of Ukraine’s doo doll?” asks the project’s Kickstarter spring, nearly 5,000 people have died. fight for freedom.” The group, created by page. “If Putin can deny that he’s backing the Ed Sibicki, a New Jersey-based wealth Kickstarter is a popular platform for ‘vatniks,’ Voodoo Politics’ members can manager, has “adopted” that unit for online crowd-funding, a way of raising deny anything to do with the Vatnik proj- members to support. money from large numbers of contribu- ect,” said Ms. Mycio, who also helped with To find the project online, go to tors, usually online. So far, the Vatnik a successful Kickstarter for the documen- Kickstarter.com and type “Vatnik” into project has raised close to $2,000 in tary “The Babushkas of Chernobyl,” due the search box. One result will show up. pledges. But the goal must be reached by out this winter. “Irony is integral to the Click it and scroll down the page to read December 31 or the project will get noth- project, which also includes making vid- Vatnik: The Putin Voodoo Magnet’s story ing and the pledges will be fully refund- eos and memes of Vatniks in funny scenes and see the rewards available for differ- ed. But if it succeeds, a portion of the pro- composed of dollar store toys.” ent pledges. The Vladimir Putin vatnik doll. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51 No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 15 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Екзекутивний комітет Українського Народного Союзу, редакції тижневиків „Свобода“ і  e Ukrainian Weekly та адміністрація „Союзівки“ складають найкращі побажання первоієрархам українських церков, українським організаціям, членам УНСоюзу, управам відділів та окружних комітетів, передплатникам і читачам видань УНСоюзу та українській громаді в діяспорі й Україні з нагоди Свят Різдва Христового та Нового Року!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Радісних Різдвяних Cвят і Щасливого Нового 2015 Pоку!

The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation is grateful to its donors in the United States for their support of the Ukrainian Catholic University throughout the year. Now, more than ever, our Church and society in Ukraine require a new generation of faithful, talented and highly educated leaders. Thanks to your generosity and giving spirit, we are confident that the Comprehensive Campaign for the construction of a new campus and the creation of new programs at UCU in Lviv will reach its goal by 2016. Your continued generosity will allow UCU to form and educate “A New Generation for a New Ukraine”! Thank you, dear friends, for supporting the Comprehensive Campaign of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Blessings to you and yours during this holiday season!

Ukrainian CatholiC EdUCation FoUndation 2247 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago IL 60622 ph: (773) 235-8462 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.ucef.org

Українська Скавтська ПЛАСТ Організація в США З радісним празником Різдва Христового Крайова Пластова Старшина в Америці вітає Начального Пластуна, проводи Головної Пластової Ради і Головної Пластової Булави, Крайову Пластову Старшину в Україні та в усіх країнах, де діє Пласт. Рівнож вітаємо усіх пластунів, розкинених по світі, та весь український народ на рідних землях і в діяспорі. Нехай зоря, що над Вертепом сяє ХРИСТОС РОДИВСЯ! СЛАВІМО ЙОГО! Ваші серця любов’ю зігріває! Добра і миру Вам і світу всьому! КРАЙОВА ПЛАСТОВА СТАРШИНА США No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 17 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Радісних Свят РАДІСНИХ СВЯТ РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО Різдва Христового і і Щасливого Нового Року ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ родині, приятелям, знайомим, родині, приятелям і знайомим, Головному Урядові УНСоюзу, Головному Урядові УНСоюзу, працівникам та всім секретарям Відділів головам Округ і секретарям Відділів та їхнім управам щиро бажають щиро бажає СТЕФАН і СВЯТОСЛАВА ХРИСТИНА Є. КОЗАК з родиною КАЧАРАЇ з родиною

Wishing a † e Magic of Christmas MERRY CHRISTMAS never ends and a and its greatest of gi‡ s HAPPY NEW YEAR are family and friends. to the General Assembly, District Committee Chairpersons, Branch Secretaries, UNA members, and their families and friends, as well as all Ukrainians in the Diaspora and in Ukraine Merry Christmas from and MICHAEL KOZIUPA Happy New Year! wife ANNA and children TATYANA and DANIEL Roma Lisovich

З ПРАЗНИКОМ We greet all our РІЗДВА XРИСТОВОГО dear friends вітаю and colleagues родину, приятелів і членів Головного Уряду, with a joyful як також працівників Українського Народного Союзу та видавництва „Свобода“ і The Ukrainian Weekly та бажаю and best wishes ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ for a wonderful new year! УЛЯНА ДЯЧУК – Andriy, Roma, Markian and Paul Hadzewycz

Родині, приятелям і знайомим God’s Blessings to All бaжаємо during this Joyous Christmas Season and веселих та щасливих свят. wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year

Христос Рождається! † e Horbaty Family Gloria (Paproski) Horbaty, National Advisor, with husband Donald children: Roman and Chrystyna grandchildren: Tristan and Justyna Родина ТРИТЯКІВ Христос Раждається! No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 19

To all my family and friends, Merry Christmas Щирі Вітання and a Happy New Year з нагоди свят Andrew Gavdanovich with family Різдва Христового і РАДІСНИХ СВЯТ Нового Року РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО І ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ родині, приятелям і пацієнтам РОДИНІ, ПРИЯТЕЛЯМ І ЗНАЙОМИМ засилають б а ж а ю т ь ЛІДА І ОРЕСТ ЦЯПКА з родиною д-р Петро Ленчур і

Веселих і щасливих д-р Рута Чолган-Ленчур Свят Різдва Христового з родиною та Нового Року б а ж а ю т ь

рідним, приятелям і знайомим д-р БОГДАН i БОГДАННА ХУДЬО

З РІЗДВОМ ХРИСТОВИМ Веселих Свят І НОВИМ РОКОМ Різдва Xристового вітаємо та родину, друзів і знайомих. Щасливого Нового Року ІГОР і НАТАЛКА ҐАВДЯКИ РОДИНІ, КОЛЕҐАМ, ЗНАЙОМИМ і ПАЦІЄНТАМ з родиною б а ж а ю т ь Дзвенислава і д-р Любомир Явні з родиною

Радісних Свят Різдва Христового та щасливого вітають родину, приятелів і знайомих Нового Року ЗЕНОН, ДОЗЯ і ВІКА КРІСЛАТІ рідним та знайомим та засилають щиро бажає найщиріші святочні побажання всій родині на рідній Батьківщині та всім ближчим і дальшим друзям. ОКСАНА КУЗЬМАК ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ! СЛАВІТЕ ЙОГО! з родиною Клівленд, Огайо Cleveland, Ohio 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

ВЕСЕЛИХ СВЯТ Best Wishes РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО to Our Family and Friends і for a Healthy ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО 2015 РОКУ and Happy Holiday Season! родині, приятелям, знайомим, Головному Урядові УНСоюзу, Управам Zirka and Myroslaw Smorodsky Округ і Відділів та всім членам УНСоюзу щиро бажають Христос ЕВГЕН і МАРІЙКА ОСЦІСЛАВСЬКІ з мамою КСЕНЕЮ. Рождається!


З Різдвом Христовим ЩAСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ та БОЖИХ ЛАСК вiтаємо щиро РОДИНІ, ПРИЯТЕЛЯМ і ЗНАЙОМИМ Рідних, Приятелів і Знайомих, бажають а в Новому Році ЛЮБА і ЯРОСЛАВ ФЕДУНИ з родиною бажаємо всього найкращого!

Веселих Свят та Христос Рождається! Щасливого Нового Року! НЕОНІЛЯ СОХАН і син ТАРАС Понад 55 років... нема музики без „Темпо” (973) 736-5609

Головна Управа „Самопоміч“ Об’єднання Українців в Америці вітає Відділи і все членство з наступаючими Святами і бажає Веселих Свят Різдва Xристового та щасливого і повного успіхів Нового Року ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ!

За дирекцію ОУА, Олег Лопатинський, голова No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 21

the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada in Verkhovna Rada... 2008-2011. He was elected as a national deputy in 2012 in a dirty election campaign (Continued from page 3) against activist . He is he has switched parties three times since accused of being involved in alleged cor- he was first elected. ruption schemes. Veterans and Disabled Committee Construction, City Planning, Utilities Chair Oleksandr Tretiakov of the and Maintenance Committee Chair Serhii Poroshenko Bloc, 44, earned his millions by Skuratovskyi of the Radical Party, 43, a trading oil in 1995-2002. He served on the newcomer to the Rada, is director of the con- board of directors of Ukrnafta controlled by struction company Green Grey. He was elect- oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, invested in media ed a Kyiv City Council deputy in 2010 and companies with Mr. Kolomoisky, and has 2014, and served on its capital construction financed various pro-Western political par- commission. He gained the chairmanship of ties. He is among the “liubi druzi” accused this parliamentary committee after it was of exploiting ties to former President rejected by the Opposition Bloc. Yushchenko. He was cleared by courts of Financial Policy and Banking Activity corruption charges. Committee Chair Serhii Rybalka of the Human Rights, Ethnic Minorities and Radical Party, 36, a newcomer to the Rada, Interethnic Relations Committee Chair is an entrepreneur who helped launch Hryhorii Nemyria of Batkivshchyna, 54, is Ukraine’s leading snack food processing a Donetsk native, a graduate of the company and currently owns the S Group Ukrainian national security program at the snack food processor. He served as a depu- Kennedy School of Government at Harvard ty in the Dnipropetrovsk City Council University and a former board chairman at between 2002 and 2009, and was vice- the Renaissance Fund in Ukraine. He minister of environmental protection in became a foreign policy adviser to Ms. 2008-2010. He gained the chairmanship of Tymoshenko in 2005, and was vice prime this parliamentary committee after it was minister for Euro-integration under Prime rejected by the Opposition Bloc. Minister Tymoshenko in 2008-2010. The Parliamentary Rules Committee Transportation Committee Chair Chair was offered to the pro-Putin Yaroslav Dubnevych of the Poroshenko Opposition Bloc, which rejected the post. Bloc, 45, a Lviv Oblast native, rose through Regulations require it to be led by an oppo- the ranks of Lviv politics and business. He sition deputy, and it will be offered to the became president of Railways Repair leaders of the two opposition-aligned dep- Technologies in 2003, served as a Lviv uties’ groups in Parliament (People’s Will Oblast Council deputy in 2006-2012 and and Economic Development), according to was the representative of Ukrzaliznytsia in National Deputy Yuriy Levchenko.

ating the priority water and sanitation 25th anniversary... needs of the urban centers, and how much it would cost to rehabilitate the water and (Continued from page 7) wastewater treatment plants of Ukraine. existing nuclear reactors; 7) the release of There, I met and worked closely with public information on health effects of Minister Shcherbak and the head of his radioactivity and information on extent of ministry’s International Cooperation the Chornobyl disaster; and 8) the estab- Department, Dr. Demydenko. lishment of April 26 as Chornobyl Some of the leaders of the Zelenyi Svit Memorial Day. movement had taken over key positions in In 1989, Dr. Shcherbak was elected as a the new Ukrainian government. Dr. Tykhyy people’s deputy to the USSR Supreme became the project manager and later direc- Soviet, where he was elected as chairman tor of the foundation Greenpeace Children of of the Subcommittee on Nuclear Energy Chornobyl. Soon afterwards, in December and Environment. From that position he 1992, Dr. Demydenko was appointed the first was able to promote some of the reforms director of the ministry‘s Environmental that became the philosophical basis of Education and Information Center (EEIC), Ukraine’s environmental movement. At the located at the Kyiv Mohyla Academy. The same time, Dr. Shcherbak became the head academy had just been re-established after it of Zelenyi Svit. The environmental princi- was closed in 1817, becoming a home first ples authored by Drs. Demydenko and for a seminary and later a Soviet military Tykhyy were formalized at Zelenyi Svit’s academy. The U.S. Environmental convention on October 29, 1989, which Protection Agency provided an initial grant was held one month after the forced retire- of $100,000 for staffing and refurbishing ment of the Ukrainian SSR’s Communist the 350-year old Mohyla Academy. In 1993, Party chief, Volodymyr Shcherbytsky. with Drs. Demydenko’s and Tykhyy’s help, I Shcherbytsky was the leader responsible organized the first NATO conference at the for concealing the real scale of the EEIC site at the Mohyla Academy, on the Chornobyl catastrophe, even to the central topic “Environmental Infrastructure government in Moscow, and for holding a Management.” May Day demonstration in Kyiv only five Ukraine today has many more active days after the accident happened, when environmental NGOs, both national and the public was still severely exposed to international. There are numerous environ- nuclear radiation. mental protection projects underway, fund- Zelenyi Svit followed up with a major ed by various multinational lending organi- Scientific-Humanitarian Conference in Kyiv zations such as the World Bank, the on April 24-25, 1990, held to commemorate European Union and such organizations as the fourth anniversary of the Chornobyl the U.S. Agency for International catastrophe. Mr. Drach chaired that confer- Development and those of many other ence, with speakers from academia and civil countries. United Nations organizations, society, and other notable activists. such as the U.N. Environmental Program, Ukraine’s ecological awakening occurred U.N. Development Program and UNICEF simultaneously with a larger political are quite active as well. But Zelenyi Svit is a upheaval within the USSR. Ukraine pro- mere shadow of its former glory years, claimed its independence on August 24, when it was the undisputed leader of 1991. In June 1991, Dr. Shcherbak was Ukraine’s nascent environmental move- appointed as the first minister of environ- ment just after the Chornobyl environmen- ment and nature protection. In June 1992, I tal catastrophe. Then, it led the mobiliza- was part of a World Bank environmental tion of public sentiment and structured the assessment team that travelled to all the founding principles and manifesto for a major industrial centers of Ukraine, evalu- lasting environmental protection strategy. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

We wish all Ukrainians in their native land Центральна Управа, Відділи and in the diaspora a i все членство Організації Державного Відродження Merry Christmas України (ОДВУ) and a

в і т а ю т ь Happy New Year!

More than ever, we ask God for His protection over З РІЗДВОМ ХРИСТОВИМ Ukraine, where her children are demonstrating in та Independence Square. We pray for a better future for Ukraine and for her complete freedom. НОВИМ РОКОМ We send our best wishes to all Ukrainian Український народ на рідних землях і всіх наших земляків, religious groups and all our fellow Ukrainian розкинених по різних країнах світу. Вітаємо Ієрархію Укра- organizations and institutions. їнських Церков в Україні і діяспорі, центральні проводи і членство політичних і громадських організацій в Україні і We sincerely thank all our branch heads and our діяспорі, а в тому проводи і членство Українського Золото- entire membership for their hard work and support. го Хреста, УНО – Канада, ІСНО, Редакцію журналу „Само- стійна Україна“, Фундацію ім. О. Ольжича, Жіноче Т-во ім. О. Теліги, Об’єднання Студіюючої Молоді „Зарево“ в Україні. The National Boards of Бажаємо успіхів у всіх заходах для об’єднання національно- державницьких сил у справі відбудови і закріплення україн- The Organization for the Defense of ської соборної самостійної України. Lemkivshchyna (OOL) and ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ! The Lemko Research Foundation (LRF) Олександер Процюк голова



своїм членам, фундаторам, добродіям, жертводавцям, Начальному Пластунові, пластовим проводам, проводам Пласт-Прияту, пластункам і пластунам та всій українській громаді




† e Executive Board of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America would like to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR May this holiday season bring God’s blessing upon all Ukrainians, particularly now during this critical time for Ukraine. We especially ask that the Lord to continue to provide our brethren in Ukraine with the fortitude to protect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and democracy. And may the New Year bring health, happiness and peace to all. CHRIST IS BORN! GLORY TO CHRIST! Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Ukrainian National Information Service 203 Second Avenue, 311 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. New York, NY 10002 Website: www.ucca.org Washington, DC 20002 [email protected] [email protected]

З РІЗДВОМ ХРИСТОВИМ і НОВИМ РОКОМ Христос Рождається! щиро вітаємо всіх наших членів і прихильників УКРАЇНСЬКА та бажаємо ШКІЛЬНА РАДА Веселих Свят і в і т а є Щасливого Нового Року з Різдвом Христовим і Новим 2015 роком дякуємо всім за кожночасну підтримку.

Ієрархів та Духовенство Українських Церков, наші шкільні, ПРЕЗИДІЯ молодечі і громадські організації та весь український УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ АМЕРИКАНСЬКОЇ народ на рідних землях і на поселеннях. КООРДИНАЦІЙНОЇ РАДИ

Warmest Wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year to all our Members, their Families and our Friends

from the Board of Directors of the

Ukrainian Institute of America 2 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075 212-288-8660 ∙ [email protected] www.ukrainianinstitute.org 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Greetings from KLK Український Хор „Думка“ to all our members, family and friends! в Ню-Йорку May you have бажає the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas Веселих Свят Різдва Христового which is Hope, та and the heart of Christmas Щасливого Нового Року which is Love. дорогому членству та українській громаді, Merry Christmas і при цій нагоді складає щиру подяку and a Happy, Healthy New Year. за довголітню підтримку і співпрацю. ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ!

KLK Ski Races March 7, 2015 Hunter Mountain, NY

Радісних Свят Різдва Христового та Щасливого Нового Року

Родині, Приятелям та Пацієнтам

бажає З нагоди Різдва Христового та д-р МАРТА ЛОПАТИНСЬКА Нового 2015 Року Екзекутива та Рада Директорів Злученого Українського Американського Допомогового Комітету шле щирий привіт і святочні побажання Ієрархам і духовенству Українських Церков, нашим добродіям і жертводавцям, членам ЗУАДК-у і всім нашим братам і сестрам по цілому світі. Eyecare MD of New Jersey Нехай Всемогучий Господь обдарує всіх щедрими ласками. 261 James St., Suite 2D Morristown, NJ 07960 Христос Родився! Славім Його! (973) 984-3937 Екзекутива ЗУАДК-у [email protected] United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. 1206 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Tel. 215-728-1630 • Fax. 215-728-1631 e-mail: [email protected] • web site: www.uuarc.org No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 25

Федеральна Кредитова Кооператива СУМА в Йонкерсі, Н. Й. разом зі своїми філіями

вітає Всіх своїх шановних членів, приятелів та українську громаду в Йонкерсі, Н. Й., Спрінґ Валі, Н. Й., Стемфорді, Кон., Ню-Гейвені, Кон. та околицях


Бажаємо усім доброго здоров’я, миру і спокою, успіхів у житті та праці на добро українського народу.


Члени Дирекції, комісії та працівники Федеральної Кредитової Кооперативи СУМА.


One of the real joys of this Glorious season is Christ is Born! the opportunity to say Thank You, to wish you a very Glorify Him! Blessed and Merry Christmas, and a New Year of health, happiness and prosperity.

ЦЕНТРАЛЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ КООПЕРАТИВ АМЕРИКИ (ЦУКА) UKRAINIAN NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION 2315 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60622 • Tel. 773 489-0050 • www.uncua.com

Connecticut-Massachusetts Michigan New York New York – California Ohio Ukrainian Selfreliance New England Ukrainian Selfreliance Michigan Self Reliance (NY) Massachusetts – Oregon – Osnova Ukrainian Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Washington 5602 State Road 21 Silas Deane Highway 26791 Ryan Road 108 Second Avenue Ukrainian Federal Credit Union 824 Ridge Road East Parma, OH 44134 Wethers˜ eld, CT 06109 Warren, MI 48091 New York, NY 10003 Rochester, NY 14621 T: 440.842.5888 T: 800.405.4714 T: 877. POLTAVA T: 888.SELFREL Branch oœ ces: T: 877.968.7828 www.osnovafcu.com Branch oœ ces: Branch oœ ces: Kerhonkson, NY; Uniondale, NY; Branch oœ ces: West˜ eld, MA; New Britain, CT Hamtramck, MI Bu› alo, NY; Syracuse, NY; Dearborn Heights, MI Astoria, NY; Lindenhurst, NY Pennsylvania – New Jersey www.usnefcu.com www.selfrelianceny.org Watervliet, NY; Webster, NY; Ukrainian Selfreliance www.usmfcu.org Westwood, MA; Portland, OR; Federal Credit Union Illinois – New Jersey New York – Connecticut Citrus Heights, CA; Vancouver, WA Michigan SUMA (Yonkers) 1729 Cottman Avenue Selfreliance Ukrainian American Ukrainian Future Credit Union www.rufcu.org Philadelphia, PA 19111 Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union 26495 Ryan Road 125 Corporate Blvd. T: 888.POLTAVA 2332 West Chicago Ave. New York – New Jersey Warren, MI 48091 Yonkers, NY 10701 Branch oœ ces: Chicago, IL 60622 Ukrainian National T: 586.757.1980 T: 888.644.SUMA Jenkintown, PA T: 888.222.UKR1 Federal Credit Union Branch oœ ces: Branch oœ ces: Philadelphia, PA; Trenton, NJ 215 Second Avenue Branch oœ ces: Hamtramck, MI Spring Valley, NY; Stamford, CT; www.ukrfcu.com New York, NY 10003 Newark, NJ; Jersey City, NJ; West Bloom˜ eld, MI New Haven, CT; Yonkers, NY T: 866.859.5848 Whippany, NJ; Dearborn Heights, MI www.sumafcu.org Pennsylvania Branch oœ ces: Palatine, IL; Bloomingdale, IL; www.ukrfutcu.org Ukrainian Selfreliance Chicago, IL South Bound Brook, NJ of Western Pennsylvania www.selfreliance.com New Jersey Brooklyn, NY; Perth Amboy, NJ Federal Credit Unon www.ukrnatfcu.org Self Reliance (NJ) 95 South Seventh Street Maryland Federal Credit Union Ohio Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Selfreliance Baltimore 851 Allwood Road Cleveland Selfreliance T: 412.481.1865 Federal Credit Union Cli™ on, NJ 07012 Federal Credit Union www.samopomich.com 2345 Eastern Avenue T: 888.BANK.UKE 6108 State Road Baltimore, MD 21224 Branch oš ce: Parma, OH 44134 T: 410.327.9841 Botany Village; Cli™ on, NJ T: 440.884.9111 [email protected] www.bankuke.com www.clevelandselfreliance.com

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНА КРЕДИТОВА КООПЕРАТИВА „САМОПОМІЧ“ To all our Families and Friends у Клівленді, Огайо here at home and abroad. CSFCU з радістю вітає We wish You a Український народ у вільній Україні, Ієрархію і Духовенство Українських Церков, Проводи українських організацій в Україні Merry Christmas та в діяспорі, Українську світову Кооперативну Раду та Централю Українських Кооператив Америки, всіх своїх and a членів, їхні родини та все українське громадянство Happy New Year! З РІЗДВОМ ХРИСТОВИМ І НОВИМ РОКОМ

ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ! Ukrainian American Cleveland Selfrelianc FCU Kolyada, Bohdan Soroka, Lviv, Ukraine Bar Association Коляда, Богдан Сорока, Львів, Україна 6108 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134 (440) 884-9111 3010 Charleston Ave., Loraion, Ohio 44055 (440) 277-1901 WWW.UABA.ORG 5553 Whipple Ave., # F, N. Canton, Ohio 44720 (330) 305-0989

ВEСЕЛИХ СВЯТ РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО ТА ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ нашим покупцям і приятелям бажає ЕAST VILLAGE MEAT MARKET M.Ю. БАЧИНСЬКИЙ 139 2nd Avenue (between 8th and 9th Streets) New York City • Tel.: (212) 228-5590

Найбільший у Ню-Йорку український м’ясний магазин пропонує широкий вибір вуджених домашніх ковбас та свіжовиготовлених гарячих і холодних виробів української та европейської кухні. † e ž nest home-made American and European-style food. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 27

Greetings and Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Христос Раждається!

Yaroslaw and Karen Chelak Moye Handling Systems, Inc. 39 Rt 206 Box 785, Somerville, NJ 08876 908/526-5010 • f 908/707-1686 • www.hoistdepot.com

З Новим Роком! З Новим щастям! Із Різдвом Христовим. 21 SILAS DEANE HIGHWAY, WETHERSFIELD, CT 06109-1238 PHONES 860-296-4714 • 800-405-4714 FAX 860-2963499 Хай задумане – удасться, Нехай Боже слово Оберегом для Вас буде Добрі, рідні, щирі люди! Ukrainian Selfreliance щиро здоровлять РОДИНУ, ДРУЗІВ і ВСЮ УКРАЇНСЬКУ New England Federal Credit Union ГРОМАДУ wishes you МИХАЙЛО СТАЩИШИН a Merry Christmas з родиною and a New Year ‹ lled власник фірми with peace and happiness!

INTERNATIONAL TRADE, LTD e-mail: [email protected] web: www.roxolana.com

2200 Route 10 West, Suite 109, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tel.: 973 538-3888 • Fax: 973 538-3899 WESTFIELD BRANCH •103 NORTH ELM STREET, WESTFIELD, MA 01085 • PHONE 413-568-4948 FAX 413-568-4747 Будьмо ближче до України! NEW BRITAIN BRANCH • 270 BROAD STREET, NEW BRITAIN, CT 06053 • PHONE 860-801-6095 FAX 860-801-6120 VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: WWW.USNEFCU.COM 28 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Ukrainian Graduates honor Ukrainian of the Year Nadia McConnell by Marie Zarycky Cherviovskiy introduced the popular Echoes of Ukraine ment of the Sylvan Koltyk Trio. and Tanya Sepell Dance Ensemble, whose artistic director is The scholarship awards presentation Dr. Anne Czubatyj. The group performed a was conducted by Lydia Taraschuk, co- WARREN, Mich. – The Ukrainian brief traditional dance program. chairperson of this event and scholarship Graduates of Detroit and Windsor celebrat- Dr. Jaroslaw Sawka, past president, chair. The eight recipients were: Tetyana ed their 75th anniversary with a very suc- reviewed with pride the graduates’ history, Bazar, Christiana Bej, Natalia Boyko, cessful banquet, choosing the Ukrainian of enumerating many achievements includ- Oksana Doubrovski, Olga Goysan, Chelsey the Year 2014, awarding three distinguished ing: providing for the Ukrainian Heritage Huver, Anna Kelman and Iryna Kulyk. service awards and distributing eight schol- Room at Wayne State University’s Vera Andrushkiw (Ukrainian of the Year arships to students of Ukrainian origin. Manoogian Hall and commissioning a col- 1992), vice-president of U.S.-Ukraine Gathered at the Ukrainian Cultural orful mural by Edward Kozak in 1976, Foundation (USUF) prepared an introduc- Center in Warren, Mich., on Sunday, which was restored by his son Jerome tion of this year’s honoree, Nadia October 19, members, friends and commu- Kozak. In 2003 Volodymyr Mayorchak’s Komarnyckyj McConnell, USUF founder nity activists came together to underscore Hutsul carvings were added. The Graduate and president. However, due to the death of the continued efforts of the Ukrainian Bulletin, started by Martha Wichorek in Ms. McConnell’s mother, Irena Graduates to highlight the work of particu- 1940, was continued by past President Komarnyckyj, in Arizona, she could not larly Idealistic and successful individuals. Rosalie Kapustij and for over 20 years has attend. Ms. Andrushkiw relayed respectful The Ukrainian Graduates of Detroit and Master of ceremonies Dr. Walter been overseen by Olga Meyer. condolences and asked all participants to Windsor Ukrainian of the Year Award Yaworsky (Ukrainian of the Year 2011) of The program continued with a moment of please stand for a minute of silence to was granted to Nadia Komarnyckyj Windsor, Ontario, greeted all participants, commemoration for deceased members and honor her memory. McConnell, founder and president of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. The award acknowledging special guests: Probate then a toast to the United States, Canada and Ms. Andrushkiw continued: “I have had was received by Robert McConnell, seen Court Justice Kathryn George, Judge Harry Ukraine. The Rev. Walter Rybicky, assistant the pleasure of knowing and working with above with Vera Andrushkiw, vice-presi- Momotiuk of Windsor, and Kyle Pollet, leg- pastor of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Ms. McConnell on a variety of projects at dent of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. islative assistant to Rep. Sander Levin, co- Church in Warren, gave the invocation. the USUF since 1999. Since the 1980s chair of the Ukrainian Caucus. He then Dinner followed to the musical accompani- Nadia has been involved in various projects and activities related to Ukraine, working with various organizations in Washington. Her main focus has been to educate the public and government officials about Ukrainian issues.” She and her husband, Robert McConnell, were instrumental in efforts to gain Congressional recognition of the Chornobyl disaster and Ms. McConnell was the national chair of the Government Relations Committee of the Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine effort in the U.S. The McConnells co-founded the U.S.- Ukraine Foundation in 1991 and in 1993 they established the Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy, a Ukrainian non-govern- mental organization named after the het- man who penned Ukraine’s first democrat- ic constitution in 1710. By partnering with the University of Indiana, Ms. McConnell was instrumental in bringing the first “republic-specific” delega- tion from Ukraine to the U.S. in April 1991, when Ukraine was still a part of the USSR. Ms. Andrushkiw recalled meeting the Ukrainian delegation comprising Rukh members Mykhailo Horyn, Vyacheslav Chornovil, Ivan Drach, Dmytro Pavlychko, Ivan Zayats, as well as Oleksander Moroz and Ivan Pliushch in Washington. “Those were heady and exciting times – seeing all these diverse personalities together as part of this first delegation,” Ms. Andrushkiw continued. “I was impressed by Nadia’s ability to put together the whole program and her ability to persuade the U.S. govern- ment officials that this was the thing to do.” Over the years the USUF has generated over $40 million in grants from various agencies – the U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Information Agency, Department of State, Mott Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy and others – for a large variety of assistance pro- grams working with the Verkhovna Rada, the Community Partnerships Project, Youth Leadership Program, the Znayu Election Project, Ukraine 2020, the State Department Summer Work/Travel Program, U.S. Ukraine Policy Dialogue, Lviv Archives Project and the Library of Congress Open World Program. The foundation has also given close to $1 million in stipends for pro- fessional programs, as well as scholarships to students from the various private donor funds – the Sutaruk Fund, the Maryniuk Fund, the Kovaluk fund and others. Through the Community Partnerships Project, Ms. McConnell enlisted American cities with no Ukrainian community to partner with cities in Ukraine to work on local government issues. This project was dubbed the “Marshall Plan of the Mind” by (Continued on page 29) No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 29

City, she and her husband, Marko Suprun, Ukrainian Graduates... formerly from Winnipeg, Manitoba, moved to Ukraine in November 2013 to provide (Continued from page 28) medical assistance to participants of the Winnipeg’s Honorary Prof. Walter Nunn, coordinator of the Little Maidan. They founded the Patriot Defence Rock-Kalush partnership. Through the Program designed to provide effective life- Taras Shevchenko Way Regional Training Centers, partner cities saving first aid treatment on the battlefield. WINNIPEG, Manitoba – The offi- learned to network, find solutions to their The award was accepted by her sister, local cial naming ceremony of the Honorary common issues and share best practices. activist Lidia Jurkiw Gulawsky. Taras Shevchenko Way took place here “Nadia is a very creative individual, she Dr. Mark Juzych, director of the Kresge on October 17. The City of Winnipeg is an innovator, has hundreds of ideas on Eye Institute at Wayne State University and had designated a one-block stretch of working with Ukraine, has a great sense of a graduate of the local Immaculate Aberdeen Avenue, between Main Street humor, is tireless and she is absolutely fear- Conception Schools, was acknowledged for and the Red River, to be named in honor less in promoting Ukraine and the accom- providing eye surgery for Dmytro Dmytryk, of Shevchenko. The ceremony was MC’ed plishments and talents of the people of a sniper victim on the Maidan. He and his by City Counselor Paula Havixbeck, who Ukraine, as has been exemplified in the wife, Dr. Nadia Juzych, also provided for was instrumental in getting this portion of Ukraine in Washington Gala Celebrations,” housing and lengthy recuperation at their Aberdeen Avenue renamed as Honorary Ms. Andrushkiw noted. home for Dmytro and his brother. The Taras Shevchenko Way; the designation She then introduced Mr. McConnell, who award was accepted by his mother, will be in effect for 200 years. Mayor Sam accepted the Ukrainian of the Year Award Christine Juzych. Katz brought greetings on behalf of the on his wife’s behalf. An attorney by profes- Honoree Walter Kizel, a former presi- City of Winnipeg. This initiative was sup- sion, Mr. McConnell is currently working dent and initiator in 1955 of the annual ported by a special Shevchenko bicenten- through his own consulting firm McConnell Ukrainian of the Year banquet, is a graduate nial committee of the Ukrainian Canadian & Associates. He has served in various of Wayne State University. He worked in the Congress, Manitoba Provincial Council capacities in government and in the private Detroit Public School System as a vocation- (UCC-MPC). The chair of the committee sector as vice-president of a technology al education teacher. He was an enthusias- is Myroslava Pidhirnyj; Oksana Halkevych development company, spent 11 years as tic supporter of the Ukrainian Temple, a Shulakewych was the coordinator of the part of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher Law community center on the west side of street-naming project. Above: Mayor Firm, established and co-chaired the firm’s Detroit, which his late father co-founded in Katz is flanked by UCC-MPC President Legislative Advocacy and Government the early 1900s. He attended St. John Oksana Bondarchuk (left) and Counselor Relations Practice Group. He was part of Ukrainian Catholic Church, and now Havixbeck. Seated is Sister Frances the Hawthorne and York law firm. From attends St. Michael’s in Dearborn, Mich. Byblow, who recited Shevchenko’s 1985 to 1988 he was the vice-president of The program was concluded by Olga “Zapovit.” CBS in Washington and in 1981-1984 was Meyer, chairperson, and Tanya Sepell, pub- – Orysia Tracz the assistant attorney general, Office of licity chair of this event, who encouraged Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, new membership and continued support of U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to that he all events and programs. practiced law in Arizona. Ms. Andrushkiw Subdeacon Andrew Stoiko of Holy called him “Ukraine’s man in Washington.” Transfiguration Orthodox Church in Livonia, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Raymond Newak conducted the presen- Mich., gave the benediction. In the tradition tation of Distinguished Service Awards. of the recently departed and beloved Olga to all our family, friends and clients. Dr. Ulana Jurkiw Suprun, graduate of Solovey, a former member of the Ukrainian Detroit-area Immaculate Conception Graduates, banquet participants joined in a DUNWOODIE TRAVEL BUREAU Ukrainian Catholic Schools, Wayne State brief but sentimental sing-along. 125 Corporate Blvd., Ste 300, Yonkers, NY 10701 University and Michigan State Medical Nearly $1,000 was separately collected 800-550-4334 • 914-969-4200 • FAX: (914) 969-2108 School, was acknowledged for her work in for the Assistance to Ukraine Program by e-mail: [email protected] Kyiv. After selling her practice in New York Ms. Gulawsky.

In her short thesis, Ms. Plokhii investi- Ukrainian Christmas... gated only a small segment of the Ukrainian Canadian population. Her conclusions (Continued from page 7) about the “disappearance” of some tradi- Malanka according to the new calendar in tions can be mollified by seeing how tradi- New Jersey, and then repeat the festivities tions still flourish. Having experienced and by the old calendar in Manhattan. practiced both American and Canadian Ms. Plokhii writes: “In new economic and Ukrainian Christmas traditions (within the socio-political conditions, both the old-coun- home, there is no real difference), over the try and the newly created all-Ukrainian last few decades I have found a resurgence Christmas tradition began to disappear. among younger generations. Young families Today, certain elements such as the didukh (including mixed marriages), as well as (sheaf of wheat), the 12 dishes of Sviat “born-again” Ukrainians rediscovering Vechir, and the midnight Liturgy exist.” Their their roots are truly eager to learn and preservation depends upon the subjective practice the new old Ukrainian Christmas way of life of the Ukrainian community in as fully as possible. Canada. “Judging from the steadfast preser- ВЕСЕЛИХ СВЯТ vation of the supper over the This columnist is compiling her articles on та centuries, one can think that this food, and Ukrainian Christmas traditions into a book caroling will not disappear as long as the scheduled for release in the fall of 2015. She ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ Ukrainian community in Canada exists.” may be reached at [email protected]. бажають Радісних Свят ДАНИЛО БУЗЕТА – директор Різдва Христового та та Родина ДМИТРИК Щасливого Нового Року PETER JAREMA Родині, Приятелям та Клієнтам Funeral Home бажають 129 EAST 7th STREET – NEW YORK, NY Зеня Брожина з чоловіком Евгеном, (Between 1st & Ave. “A“) сином Олесем з дружиною Христею 212 674-2568 і дітьми Матеєм і Христіяном МОДЕРНI Й ОХОЛОДЖУВАНІ КАПЛИЦІ та сином Романом з дружиною Ренею 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 North Je erson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 wishes MERRY CHRISTMAS and Щиросердечні побажання A HAPPY NEW YEAR РАДІСНИХ СВЯТ РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО to all its members, guests, patrons та and the entire Ukrainian community. ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ

для української громади Christ is Born! Glorify Him! з а с и л а є DNIPRO LLC. Tel.: (908) 241-2190 • (888) 336-4776

ВЕСЕЛИХ СВЯТ РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО та Veselka Restaurant ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ Wishes all its patrons КЛІЄНТАМ, ЗНАЙОМИМ і РОДИНІ бажають Merry Christmas власники м’ясної крамниці and a Happy New Year „OLYMPIC COMMUNITY MARKET“ НАТАЛІЯ ЛАЗІРКО, син ОЛЕГ з дружиною ГАННУСЕЮ донечкою ХРИСТИНОЮ і сином АНДРІЙКОМ донькa НАТАЛКА з донею ІВАНКОЮ OLYMPIC COMMUNITY MARKET 122 40th Street, Irvington, NJ Tel.: (973) 375-3181 • Fax: (973) 375-2027


Веселих Свят та Щасливого Нового Року For 60 years we have treated our guests to the most delicious traditional Ukrainian cuisine. If you cannot visit Ukraine, б а ж а є visit us in New York’s East Village, sample our dishes, and УКРАЇНСЬКОМУ ГРОМАДЯНСТВУ enjoy the past and present of our neighborhood. ЛИТВИН І ЛИТВИН We are awaiting you! Traditional Ukrainian dishes УКРАЇНСЬКЕ ПОХОРОННЕ ЗАВЕДЕННЯ in the center of the East Village UNION FUNERAL HOME 1600 Stuyvesant Ave. (corner Stanley Terr.), Union, NJ 07083 Veselka Restaurant 144 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10003 twitter @veselkanyc (908) 964-4222 • (973) 375-5555 212-228-9682 F 212-505-6950 instagram #veselkanyc www.veselka.com facebook /veselkanyc No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 31

December 31 New Year’s Eve celebration, Assumption Ukrainian January 31 Presentation of debutantes, Ukrainian Engineers’ Society Perth Amboy, NJ Catholic Church, 732-826-0767 or 202-368-2408 or Philadelphia of America, Hyatt Regency Hotel at Penn’s Landing, www.assumptioncatholicchurch.net 610-277-1284 or [email protected]

December 31 New Year’s Eve celebration, with music by Anna Maria January 31 New Britain Malanka, to benefit Zolotyj Promin Ukrainian Whippany, NJ Entertainment, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Britain, CT dance group, featuring music by Hrim and Klooch, St. New Jersey, www.uaccnj.org George Greek Orthodox Church hall, 860-452-4023

December 31 New Year’s Eve celebration, with music by Halychany, January 31 Ottawa Malanka, “Midnight in Kyiv,” with music by Zirka, Jersey City, NJ Ukrainian National Home, 201-656-7755 Ottawa Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral hall, 613-277-4664 or January 16 Malanka Pub Nite, Ukrainian American Citizens’ [email protected] (reserve by January 27) Philadelphia Association, 215-284-0185 February 7 Chervona Kalyna Debutante Ball and Winter Zabava, January 16 Online art sale, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, Rochester, NY with music by Zvook, Ukrainian Cultural Center of Silver Spring, MD www.holytrinityartshow.com or 716-903-5485 Rochester, Radisson Riverside Hotel, 585-662-3751 or 585-507-1395 January 17 Malanka celebration, with music by Zvook, Ukrainian Jenkintown, PA American Youth Association, Ukrainian Educational and February 7 Chervona Kalyna Debutante Ball, with music by Fata Cultural Center, 215-620-7462 or [email protected] Pearl River, NY Morgana and Svitanok, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, Hilton Pearl River Hotel, www.kalynadeb.org January 17 Malanka celebration, with music by Fata Morgana, St. Scranton, PA Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church, February 14 Presentation of debutantes, Ukrainian American Youth [email protected] Parsippany, NJ Association, Sheraton Parsippany Hotel, www.cym.org/us/2015-deb-tickets or January 24 Presentation of debutantes, Plast Ukrainian Scouting [email protected] Whippany, NJ Organization – Newark branch, Hanover Marriott, 973-809-758 or [email protected] Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events January 30 Pub Night, featuring music by Svitanok, Ukrainian League advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Philadelphia of Philadelphia, www.ukrainianleague.com or from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors 215-684-3548 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Poland and Canada, on December 2, 1991, were the first Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Finland, Turning the pages... countries to grant diplomatic recognition to Ukraine, fol- Norway, Greece, Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Cuba, lowing the 90.32 percent vote in favor of independence in Germany, the Vatican, Romania, Libya and Iran. (Continued from page 6) Ukraine’s national referendum on December 1, 1991. case of Ukraine, diplomatic logistics would be relatively By press time of The Ukrainian Weekly’s last issue of Source: “United States recognizes Ukraine, plans to estab- easy, as there had already been a functioning U.S. 1991, more than 25 countries had recognized the indepen- lish diplomatic relations,” The Ukrainian Weekly, December Consulate in Kyiv. dence of Ukraine, including: Hungary, Russia, Lithuania, 29, 1991.

The Ukrainian Engineers’ Society of America Cocktails at six o’clock in the evening Philadelphia Chapter Presentation of Debutantes and Banquet at seven o’clock cordially invites you to attend the Ball at nine o’clock

Music by the “Svitanok” orchestra

Sixty First Black tie

Engineers’ Tickets for the Banquet and Ball - $160 per person Banquet and Ball by previous reservation only with presentation of Debutantes Discount to $135 if reserved by January 12, 2015 on Saturday,

January 31, 2015 Tickets for Ball - $60 in the Grand Ballroom Student tickets for Ball - $30 of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at Penn’s Landing For additional information and reservations please contact Dr. Peter Hewka 201 South Columbus Boulevard Telephone: 610-277-1284; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 e-mail: [email protected] 32 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 No. 51


Ongoing through Friday, January 16, 2015 will be raffled off as a door prize. Menu will include: main course – stuffed salmon, SILVER SPRING, Md.: The Online Art Sale to French-style pork, roasted chicken, chicken benefit Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic with barbeque sauce, chicken loaf, meatloaf, Church of Silver Spring, Md., is ongoing stuffed cabbage, pyrohy, roasted potatoes, through January 16. Several seminal works cheese blintzes, puffs with meat, mushroom of Ukrainian art, including ones by Moroz, gravy, borshch; European salads – salad oliv- Krychevsky, Horobetz, Bozhemsky, ier, cold feet (studynets), “shuba,” carrot Krychevska-Rosandich, and new works from salad with raisins, cold cuts, pickled cucum- Lviv by Kras and Kachmar are available for bers and tomatoes; desserts – cakes, fresh this limited period. View art and prices at fruit and champagne. For tickets call 732- www.holytrinityartshow.com. For informa- 826-0767 or 202-368-2408. All seats tion call Dora Horbachevska at 716-903- reserved; no tickets will be sold at the door. 5485 or e-mail [email protected]. For information see www.assumption- Saturday-Sunday, December 27-28 catholicchurch.net. NEW YORK: Yara’s new theater piece with Saturday, January 17, 2015 koliada and , “Winter Light,” will be presented on Saturday at 3 and 8 p.m. and on JENKINTOWN, Pa.: Come celebrate the New Sunday at 2 p.m. at La MaMa Experimental Year with family and friends at the annual Theater, 66 E. Fourth St. Admission: $25; $20 Philadelphia Malanka. This year the popular for seniors, students, children. Tickets may Canadian zabava band Zvook will provide be purchased by calling 212) 475-7710 or entertainment, while a complimentary cham- online at www.lamama.org. pagne toast, hot buffet dinner and cash bar will also be offered. The event begins 9 p.m. Wednesday, December 31 at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural PERTH AMBOY, N.J.: A New Year’s Eve Center, 700 Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA dance (zabava) will be held by Assumption 19046. Discounted advance tickets are avail- Ukrainian Catholic Church, 380 Meredith St., able until January 10 for adults at $40 ($45 at Perth Amboy, N.J., beginning at 8 p.m. Music door) and for students at $25 ($30 at door). will be by Oberehy. Tickets are $80 per per- Hotel rooms are available at the Days Inn son; children (age 5-12), $40. (Tickets pur- Horsham. For ticket information contact Dan chased after December 25 will be $90). A TV at 215-620-7462 or [email protected].

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service pro- vided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian commu- nity. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Plast Stanytsia Newark cordially invites you to the ž rst Debutante Ball of the season! Alexa Czartorysky Alexandra Hamilton Olenka Hladky Saturday, January 24, 2015 Alexander Tomko Peter Kondrat Roman Onyshkevych

Grand Ballroom at Hanover Marriott 1401 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 07981

Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Presentation of Debutantes 7:30 p.m. Zabava 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Dinner and Zabava - $125.00 per person by January 4, 2015 January 4–January 10, 2015 – $150 per person (Advance ticket sales only) Dara Klemick Ruta Odulak Marta Penkalskyj Christopher Kuzemka Maksym Kolomayets Stephen Waskiw Ticket information and purchase Natalia K. Bilash 31 Rosedale Avenue, Millburn, NJ 07041 Tel.: 973-809-7580; email: [email protected]

Zabava - Advanced ($50.00) or at the door ($60.00)

Music by TEMPO & HRIM

Hotel Room Reservation: 800-228-9290 or 973-538-8811 Ask for PLAST room block rate. Natalka Tsuvanyk Olenka Tytla Katia Woloszyn Alexander Rakowsky Alexander Firko Yuriy Stolyarchuk