Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae

DOI: 10.5586/asbp.3565 ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Publication history Received: 2017-02-11 Accepted: 2017-11-14 Medicinal used in the Uzunköprü Published: 2017-12-28 district of Edirne, Turkey Handling editor Łukasz Łuczaj, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Rzeszów, Poland Fatma Güneş* Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Trakya University, Edirne 22030, Funding Turkey The study was carried out with the support of Trakya University * Email: [email protected] (project 2013/22).

Competing interests No competing interests have Abstract been declared. Tis study examined the use of plants in Uzunköprü and surrounding villages in the years 2013–2015 during the fowering and fruiting season of the studied plants Copyright notice © The Author(s) 2017. This is an (March–October). Interviews were carried out face-to-face with members of the Open Access article distributed community. Fify-seven people in 55 villages were interviewed. Overall, medicinal under the terms of the Creative plants from 96 taxa belonging to 45 families were recorded. Traditional medicinal Commons Attribution License, plants were used to treat 80 diseases and ailments such as diabetes, cold, fu, cough, which permits redistribution, commercial and non- stomachache, and hemorrhoids. According to the results, the largest eight families are commercial, provided that the Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, , Poaceae, , Malvaceae, Cucurbitaceae, article is properly cited. and Brassicaceae. Te most commonly used species were cretica subsp. tenuiloba, Cotinus coggyria, Datura stramonium, Ecballium elaterium, Hypericum Citation perforatum, Prunus spinosa, Pyrus elaeagnifolia subsp. bulgarica, Rosa canina, Güneş F. Medicinal plants used in the Uzunköprü district of ebulus, Tribulus terestris, Urtica dioica. Te herbarium numbers, Latin Edirne, Turkey. Acta Soc Bot Pol. and local names, families, village numbers, parts used, usage forms, and uses were 2017;86(4):3565. https://doi. listed alphabetically in a table. In this study, 219 local names were identifed. org/10.5586/asbp.3565 Keywords Digital signature This PDF has been certifed using digital medicinal plants; therapy; traditional; Uzunköprü signature with a trusted timestamp to assure its origin and integrity. A verifcation trust dialog appears on the PDF document when it is opened in a compatible PDF reader. Certifcate properties provide further details such as certifcation time and a signing reason in case any alterations made to the fnal content. If the certifcate Introduction is missing or invalid it is recommended to verify the article on the journal website. Turkey is rich in fora and approximately 12 000 species of plants are growing there naturally [1–5]. Tanks to its geographical location, geomorphologic structure, and infuence of various climate types. generally starts with Teophrastus (around 370–287 BC). However, people who cultured various plants and used natural resources for medical purpose in Anatolia, China, Egypt, and Central America around 8000 BC defnitely had a rich knowledge on uses. Hippocrates (460–377 BC) lived on Kos (İstanköy) Island, which is across Bodrum. Also, Dioscorides (30–90 AD), a doctor who was born near Tarsus (Cilicia) and lived in Anatolia, described approximately 600 plants with medical properties. He wrote a book entitled De materia medica and this work has been the guidebook for doctors for 15 centuries. In this book, mostly Mediterranean plants were described. For instance, the picture and properties of Mandragora (mandrake) plant is presented in this book. Tis scholar, who travelled a lot, visited Greece, Italy, France, and Turkey. In the Middle Ages, Avicenna’s (980–1037 AD) book entitled Te canon of medicine was the greatest classic. In the twelfh century, ibn Al-Awam described approximately 600 plants [6,7]. Plants have been used by human beings for centuries. In Anatolia, the frst ethnobo- tanical studies have been mostly on medicinal plants [8,9]. Local people are using the plants which grow naturally in proximity for many purposes, for example for medicine, food, fodder, decoration, fuel, toys, crafs, and ornaments. Te studies performed in recent years exhibit the considerable importance of the utilization of the plants by the

Published by Polish Botanical Society 1 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

local people [7–41]. Tese researchers report that today there are about 20 000 plant species used for medicinal purposes in the world and 600 of these are known to be grown in Turkey. Tere have been some ethnobotanical studies carried out in Trace previously [13,14,42–48]. Akalın and Alpınar [42] recorded 58 wild medicinal and edible plants in Tekirdağ. Ecevit Genç and Özhatay [43] reported 68 fowering plant species used medicinally in Çatalca (European part of Istanbul). Among them, 58 taxa are wild and 10 taxa are cultivated plants which are mostly used for the treatment of stomach and kidney ail- ments, cough, diabetes, infammation, and rheumatism. Tuzlacı and Alpaslan [44] recorded 62 folk medicinal plants from Babaeski (Kırklareli). Among them, 46 species are wild and 16 species are cultivated plants. Te folk medicinal plants are mostly used for the treatment of kidney, stomach, and prostate ailments, rheumatism, cold, hemorrhoids, diabetes, asthma, and bronchitis. Kültür [13] investigated the use of medicinal plants in Kırklareli. Te study includes the local names of 126 medicinal plants belonging to 54 families, and among them 100 species were wild and 26 species were cultivated plants. Te traditional medicinal plants have been mostly used for the treatment of wounds, cold and infuenza, stomach, cough, kidney ailments, diabetes. Kültür [14] recorded the local names and uses for food, tea, fodder, spice, and dye purposes of 105 species belonging to 50 families from Kırklareli. Kültür and Sami [45] investigated 68 species belonging to 32 families and 62 genera of folk medicinal plants of İsperih (Razgrad) center and its villages from Bulgaria. Among them, 44 taxa are wild and 24 taxa are cultivated plants. Tey reported that the folk medicinal plants have been mostly used for treatment of hypertension, cold and infuenza, stomach diseases, and wounds. Tuzlacı et al. [49] recorded the use of 55 species belonging to 25 families of folk medicinal plants by the community of Lalapaşa and villages from Edirne. Among them, 44 taxa are wild and 11 taxa are cultivated plants. Te folk medicinal plants are mostly used for stomach ailments, hemorrhoids, diabetes, cold, and warts. Bulut [47] reported that 35 species are used as folk medicine in the Silivri region. Among them, 25 species are wild and 10 species are cultivated plants. In this study, the folk medicinal plants are mostly used for stomach ailments, cough, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, cold, eczema, and diabetes. Decoction and infusion are the methods mostly used for the preparation of the folk medicine. Helleborus orientalis Lam. and Juglans regia L. are used only in animal treatment. Tere has been no ethnobotanical study performed in the Uzunköprü area before about the local names and ethnobotanical properties of the plants. Te aim of this study was to determine the plants used for medicinal purposes by the local people in the province of Uzunköprü and its villages.

Material and methods

Study site

Te study was carried out in March–October in the years of 2013–2015, the seasons when the plants are in bloom and bear , in Uzunköprü and surrounding villages. Uzunköprü is a district of Edirne, which is located in Trace, the European part of Turkey (41°16'17" N and 26°41'69" E) (Fig. 1). It has an area of 1224 km2 and an altitude of about 18 m a.s.l. Te majority of the population consists of the immigrants from the Balkans. Tere are many Turkish immigrants from Bulgaria, Jugoslavia, Greece, and Romania in the area. Tere are 55 villages and its population is 63 193 according to the address-based census of 2014. Te Uzunköprü Mountains are located southeast of the district. Tey are covered with oak forests and shrubland. Süleymaniye Hill is the highest point that is 378 m [45]. In this place, Mediterranean and continental climates meet with each other. Summers are hot, the winters are cold and snowy. Most rain falls in spring. Te highest temperature throughout the year is 41.5°C (July) and the low- est −22.2°C (January). Te natural vegetation is steppe. Te district’s land consists of meadows and pastures (15%), forest and heathland (10%), and agriculture (75%) [49].

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 2 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

Te Ergene River basin has been determined as “important plant areas of Turkey”. Te European part of Turkey (Trace) covers 23 500 km2 and has approximately 2500 species belonging to 145 families [50].

Field study

In this study, 55 villages were visited and interviews were performed with elderly people of the villages, 57 persons in total, in various places such as at their own houses, in the felds, and tea houses. Interviews were carried out face-to-face with the community. Te detailed questions were asked how and when the useful and harmful plants are used. Te characteristics of the people participating are shown in Tab. 1. Te numbers representing each village are given below. At the end of the feld studies, 257 specimens were collected. Te identifcation of the plant species determined to be in use was based on Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands [1,2,4], Te fora of European Turkey [3], the list of fowering plants and ferns of Trace (unpublished material), and List of Turkey plants [5]. Te voucher specimens are kept in Trakya University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany.


In Uzunköprü district and its villages, 96 plant taxa belonging to 45 families were used by the local people (Tab. 2). Te herbarium numbers, Fig. 1 Te map of Uzunköprü and villages. Latin name of the plants, local names, families, village number, part used, usage form, and uses were listed alphabetically. Among them, 66 taxa are wild and 30 taxa are cultivated plants. Eighty diseases are cured by the plants used. In this study, 219 local plant names were determined. According to the results, the largest eight families are Rosaceae (13 taxa), Lamia- ceae (11 taxa), Asteraceae (10 taxa), Poaceae (four taxa), Ranunculaceae (four taxa), Malvaceae (three taxa), Cucurbitaceae (three taxa), Brassicaceae (three taxa). Te most commonly used species are Arum maculatum, Cerasus avium, Cotinus coggyria, Cydonia oblonga, Datura stramonium, Ecballium elaterium, Ficus carica, Hy- pericum perforatum, Juglans regia, Matricaria chamomilla, Menta spicata subsp. spicata, Momordica charantia, Palustris spina-cristi, Prunus spinosa, Pyrus elaeagnifolia subsp. bulgarica, Rosa canina, Rubus sanctus, Sambucus ebulus, Satureja hortensis, Silybum marianum subsp. marianum, Tribulus terestris, Tymus longicaulis subsp. longicaulis, Tilia cordata, Urtica dioica, Vitis vinifera, and Zea mays (Tab. 2). Some of medicinal plants have many uses: Pinus nigra (10 uses), Satureja (nine uses), Cotinus coggyria (eight uses), Tribulus terestris (seven uses), Palustris spina-cristi (seven uses), Datura stramonium (six uses), Momordica charantia (six uses), Rosa canina (six uses), Sesamum indicum (six uses), Cerasus (six uses), Ecballium elaterium (fve uses), Hypericum perforatum (fve uses), Plantago major (fve uses), Urtica (fve uses). Te most common usage forms are decoction (46.9%), infusion (25%), fresh plant (14.6%), crushing (6.3%), and the other preparation methods (7.2%). Te most common used parts are (28%), (20%), fower (15%), aerial parts (14%), seed (7%), and the other plant parts (16%).

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 3 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

Tab. 1 Demographic characteristics of the participants. Te traditional medicinal plants are mostly used for the cold and infuenza (42 plant species = 43.75%), digestive system (39 Demographic characteristics Number % plant species = 40.63%), respiratory system (26 plant species = 27.08%), diabetes (25 plant species = 26.04%), urinary system Age (22 plant species = 22.92%), circulatory system (21 plant species 44–59 9 15.8 = 21.88%), skin diseases (33 plant species = 34.38%), insect and immune system issues (seven plant species = 7.3%), cancer (six 60 and above 48 84.2 plant species = 6.3%), analgesic and calcifcation (four plant Sex species = 4.2%), to keep ft, lose weight, sedative, migraine, insomnia, thyroid issues (two plant species = 2.08%), and other Female 25 43.9 diseases, for veterinary purposes, to induce hallucinations, as Male 32 56.1 aphrodisiac, to quit smoking, against headache, as antipyretic, for mumps, menstrual pain, cellulite, make-up, embolism, hair, Educational level allergy, earache (one species = 1.04%). Some medicinal plants are used together (as multiherbal Nonliterate 3 5.3 mix). Teir names and usage purposes are given in Tab. 3. Literate 2 3.5 Some of the plants are used in both veterinary and human medicine (Beta vulgaris, Helleborus orientalis, Persica vulgaris), Primary school 39 68.4 some of them are used as insecticides (Artemisia absinthium, Secondary to university 13 22.8 Juglans regia, Menta spicata subsp. spicata, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Sambucus ebulus) (Tab. 2). Profession On the other hand, some species of a genus and some species House wife 24 42.2 of diferent genera are known by the same local name, maybe as a result of their similar appearances and same uses, e.g., Anthemis Farmer 18 31.4 cretica subsp. tenuiloba, Matricaria chamomilla and Tanacetum Retired 8 14.0 macrophyllum (papatya), Pyrus communis subsp. communis and Pyrus elaeagnifolia subsp. bulgarica (alat, ahlat, kak), Tymus İmam 1 1.8 longicaulis subsp. longicaulis and Satureja cuneifolia (kekik, Barber 1 1.8 kekik otu, keklik out), Urtica dioica and Urtica urens (ısıran, ısırgan), Eryngium cireticum and Xanthium spinosum (çakır Tanner 3 5.2 tiken) (Tab. 2). It is also noted that, the same local name is given to diferent Veterinary technician 1 1.8 plants because of the same uses, e.g., annua, Matricaria Manager of a tea house 1 1.8 chamomilla, Nigella arvensis var. glauca, Satureja cuneifolia, Anthemis cretica subsp. tenuiloba, Anthemis tinctoria, Knautia orientalis, Veronica cirinata (çay bitkisi) (Tab. 3). In this study, the medicinal uses of 23 species have been reported for the frst time in Trace: Adonis annua, Brassica nigra, Citrullus lanatus, Clematis vitalba, Heliotropium suaveolens, Juncus efusus, Juniperus communis, Knautia orientalis, Nigella arvensis, Pinus nigra, Portulaca rausii, Prunus cocomilia, Raphanus sativus, Rubus idaeus, Rumex acetosa, Silybum marianum, Solanum americanum, Sor- ghum bicolor, Tanacetum macrophyllum, Trifolium strictum, Veronica cirinata, Ziziphus jujuba, Xanthium spinosum. Te uses and usage form of these plants are given in Tab. 2 and Tab. 3. Also, the photographs of some medicinal plants are presented (Fig. 2).


As much as 80% of Uzunköprü land is arable. Te Ergene Plain occupies a part of the lands in Uzunköprü district. Te Ergene River carries alluvion to the plain when it overfows. For this reason, the soil of the plain is highly fertile and appropriate for all kinds of plant production. In irrigated farming, vegetables, fruits, rice, corn, sunfower, sugar beet, trefoil, broad bean and pea, zucchini, and especially gardens are grown. In dry farming, on the other hand, crop, wheat, barley, grape, corn, sunfower, chickpea, lentil, sainfoin, vetch, bitter vetch, melon, and watermelon are grown. Tose counted are the plants which are grown to provide fnancial income. Apart from these, people can grow any cultivated plant they want in their garden and feld. As these plants are sufcient for daily life, wild plants are not needed to be benefted from. Te fact that soil is fertile has increased both the level of income and the purchasing power of people.

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 4 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü 40 , 45 46 ] References of of References similar usage [ 13 ] - [ 13 ] [ 13 , 38 41 45 48 ] - - - [ 13 ] [ 13 , 45 ] [ 13 , 39 - Use Stomachache, anal blains and gesic Diabetes, wounds Diabetes, Cold Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids, warts Diabetes Analgesic Cough, cold Earache Oedema, sprains, Oedema, sprains, bruises Hair restorer, restorer, Hair ringworm, regulate tension Usage form Usage Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day; feet/poultices painful (placed on) are crushing/ places/ext.; ext. Infusion/a glass – twice Infusion/a make a day; and burn ash/ext. Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day Decoction/sitting on – on Decoction/sitting a day/washing/ext. once Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day 3–4 seeds eaten – once – once 3–4 seeds eaten a day Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day Decoction and dropped Decoction dropped and ear/ext. into Crushed and wrapped/ Crushed and night/ext. one Crushed/garlic juice/ Crushed/garlic ext.; eaten Part usedPart Capitulum Bark Capitulum Capitulum Flowers Seeds Dried fowers Bulbus Bulbils Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 3, 4, 10, 15, 19, 24, 29, 45 (10) 12, 19 (2) 9, 17, 35, 42 (9) 41, 47 (4) 20, 55 (3) 20, 8, 55 (5) 9 (1) 11, 3 (3) 4, 15, 37, 39, 41 (11) 2, 4–13, 25, 32–37, 44 (19) Local name Papatya, papırga, papırga, Papatya, bitkisi çay kelçiçe, Akçaağaç, kelebek ağacı, ağacı, kelebek Akçaağaç, kebele kevele, Sarıpapatya, çay bitkisi çay Sarıpapatya, Kurpotu, dişotu, pelin dişotu, Kurpotu, otu Fatmaana gülü, gül - gülü, Fatmaana çiçeği, fatme fatma, - fat fatmecik, fatmegül, çiçeği man Fatmaana gülü, gül - gülü, Fatmaana çiçeği, fatme fatma, - fat fatmecik, fatmegül, çiçeği man Çay bitkisi, kış çayı bitkisi, Çay Pırasa Suvan, kuru suvan kuru Suvan, Sarımsak, samsak Sarımsak, Family Asteraceae Aceraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Malvaceae Malvaceae Ranunculaceae Amaryllidaceae Amaryllidaceae Amaryllidaceae L.; 4269* L. subsp. L. subsp. L.; 4039, (Fenzl) (Fenzl) L. subsp. L. subsp. L.; 4298* L.; 4037 Winterl; 4301 Winterl; L.; 4667* ; 4240 (DC.) 4231, Grierson; Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü. of plants Medicinal

Tab. 2 Tab. Latin name and herbarium herbarium and Latin name number Anthemis cretica Anthemis tenuiloba 3918 L.; 4138, 4143 tataricum Acer Anthemis tinctoriaAnthemis 3918 Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium Alcea apterocarpa Alcea Boiss.; 4013 Alcea biennis Adonis annua Allium ampeloprasum Allium cepa Allium sativum

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 5 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü 43 , 44 47 ] References of of References similar usage [ 13 ] [ 13 , 39 – 41 45 ] - [ 13 , 40 45 ] [ 43 ] [ 39 ] [ 13 , 39 43 – 47 ] - [ 44 ] [ 46 ] [ 13 , Use To be ft and lose and be ft To diabetes, weight, oedema, diuretic Insecticide (for Insecticide (for dried fruits), stomachache Mouth cancer Mouth Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids, asthma Mouth cancer, skin cancer, Mouth diseases Antianemic (in Antianemic use in humans), veterinary medi - cine/drink it Diabetes Cardiovascular Cardiovascular diseases Warts (in the past) Warts Oedema, diuretic To be ft and lose and be ft To diabetes, weight, oedema, diuretic Usage form Usage Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/in coops/ sprinkled kill to the lice; decoction/a glass – twice a day Dried, burnt, and made made and Dried, burnt, ash/applied/ext. into Tablet of tuber/once a tuber/once of Tablet day; – a seed ingested 2 weeks for a day once Resin applied on/ext. Resin applied Boiled in water root root Boiled in water juice Pickled, jam, fruit jam, juice Pickled, Seeds in a wrapped grape into put cloth, 1–2 wait and juice glass – a day months/a Spines are pricked in pricked are Spines wart/ext. Decoction/a glass – a day once Fruits fresh eaten or or eaten fresh Fruits stalks decoction/a glass a day – once Part usedPart Fruits and and Fruits stalk Aerial parts Aerial Exocarp Tubers, seeds Tubers, Bark Roots Fruits Seeds Spines Stalks Fruits and and Fruits stalks Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 11, 23, 48 (5) 34, 48, 51 (4) 15 (2) 6, 9, 11–15, 29, 31, 43, 52, 55 (25) 51 (1) 6, 8, 11–17, 29, 31, 41, 52, 54 (27) 38, 45, 52 (7) 1, 5, 13, 23, 33, 42 (20) 26, 37 (3) 11, 23, 48 (5) 11, 23, 48 (6) Local name Vişne Acı papatya Acı Karpuz Yılanyastığı, yılan Yılanyastığı, yılan yılan otu, bıçağı, yatağı Akasma Pancar, şeker pancarıPancar, Kızılcık Ardal, rapisa, radika, rapisa, Ardal, (traditional hardaliye drink) Sarı tiken Sarı Delice kirez, deli kirez deli Delice kirez, Kiraz Family Rosaceae Asteraceae Cucurbitaceae Araceae Ranunculaceae Amaranthaceae Cornaceae Brassicaceae Asteraceae Rosaceae Rosaceae

L.; 4003 L.; 4163, L.; 3910 - Mat (Tunb.) L.; 3987, 4009 L. var. altissima L. var. Continued ; 4114, 4115

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number Mill.; 4272* Mill.; vulgaris Cerasus Artemisia absinthium Citrullus lanatus 4274* & Nakai; sum. Arum maculatum L.; 4215 vitalba Clematis Döll.; 4275* Döll.; Beta vulgaris L.; 4069, 4315 mas Cornus Brassica nigra Centaurea solstitialis 4199 (L.) Mill. var. var. (L.) Mill. mahaleb Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Moench; (L.) Moench; avium Cerasus 4277*

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 6 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü [ 13 , 40 43 44 ] References of of References similar usage [ 43 , 44 ] [ 13 , 43 – 47 ] [ 13 , 40 43 – 46 ] - [ 13 , 39 40 43 45 , 46 ] [ 13 , 39 43 – 47 ] [ 13 , 40 44 45 ] - - - ting smoking (in smoking ting the past) Use stones Kidney Sinusitis, head- Sinusitis, migraine, ache, hemorrhoids, rheumatism Stomachache, gas eczema, tric, ulcer, calci - rheumatism, wounds, fcation, skin diseases Calcifcation, kidney stones, ailments prostate Warts (in the past), (in the past), Warts cardiovascular diseases Cough and cold Cough and Prostate ailments, ailments, Prostate kid - rheumatism, ney stones Sedative, hallucina Sedative, aphrodisiac, tion, (in the asthma quit burn, past), Usage form Usage Decoction/a glass – a day once Fruit juice/2–3 drops drops juice/2–3 Fruit water/ into dropped are nostrils/ into dropped ext.; decoction/a glass a day; fruits– once into made boiled and ointment/wrapped/ext. Decoction/one glass a breakfast/a day/before washing/ hand week; ext.; washing/ext. Decoction/a glass – a day once Spines are pricked in pricked are Spines glass – wart; infusion/a twice a day Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/twice a day/ 40–50 days for 5–6 seeds swallowed; smoke are fowers leaves cigarettes; like on put crushed and in fowers put burn/ext.; nose/ext. Part usedPart Fruits Fruits Leaves parts Aerial - fow Spines, fruits and ers, Leaves Roots and Roots and aerial parts Seeds, leaves, fowers Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 29, 42 (3) 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19–21, 33, 35, 55 (17) 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19–21, 33, 35, 48, 55 (24) 18, 27, 35, 48 (7) 20, 45 (5) 9, 14, 33, 48, 52, 55 (9) 9, 18, 41 (8) 20, 29, 35, 42, 46, 48, 55 (12) Local name İde Yabakele, acıkavun, acıkavun, Yabakele, acıkelek, karakavun, gargadüleği, patlangaç, kargadüğle Tetre, tetere, tetra otu tetra tetere, Tetre, kavakotu otu, Kırkkilit Yemişken, yemişen, yemişen, Yemişken, alıç mışmula, alişan, Ayva yaprağı Ayva Ayrık Tatula, tatala, mandacık, tatala, mandacık, Tatula, domuz mandalak, pıtrağı, pıtrak Family Elaeagneceae Cucurbitaceae Anacardiaceae Equisetaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae, Poaceae Solanaceae L; 4010* Jacq. var. var. Jacq. A. Rich.; A. Rich.; L.; 3955; (L.) Pers.; (L.) Pers.; Mill.; 4202 Mill.; ; 3919, 3993 Continued

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number angustifolia Elaeagnus Ecballium elaterium 4157, 4266 Cotinus coggyria 4155, Cotinus Scop.; 3927 L. 4258, giganteum Equisetum 4670 monogyna Crataegus monogynaCrataegus Cydonia oblonga Cydonia Cynodon dactylon Cynodon 4202 Datura stramonium 4056, 3980-a, 4063

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 7 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü References of of References similar usage - - [ 43 , 47 ] [ 43 , 46 47 ] [ 13 , 38 – 40 43 – 47 ] [ 13 ] [ 13 , 40 43 – 47 ] - Use (in the Wounds past) Liver diseasesLiver - anal Antipyretic, veterinarygesic, (in humans and the past) Cough, warts and sunburn For hemorrhoids/ 2–3 times usable skin stains, a day, - stom cold, scars, ulcer achache, Skin stains and and stains Skin (in the mumps past) Prevent from bald - from Prevent darken to ness, insecticide (in hair, - rheuma the past), tism, calcifcation (in the past) Urinary diseases Urinary Usage form Usage on/ext. put Crushed and Eaten fresh Eaten behind the ear/ Inserted inserted animals); (for placed or behind the ear (for the tongue under humans) Eaten fresh and dried; and fresh Eaten /ext. applied leaves and Flowers oil olive with mixed a month; for wait and infusion/dried fowers/a a day glass – once Scratched with fruit with / Scratched ext. Decoction bathe/ and in wheat ext.; put into put warehouse/ext.; during oil/waiting olive on/ put and the winter ext. Decoction/a glass – a day once Part usedPart Leaves Stems and and Stems fowers Leaves Fruits, latex Fruits, and Flowers leaves Fruits Fruits, leaves, leaves, Fruits, roots Roots Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 42 (2) 47, 50 (3) 9, 29, 42 (5) 10, 17, 32, 40, 49 (6) 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 36, 38, 42, 45, 47, 50 (21) 14 (2) 4, 9, 7, 15, 20, 25, 44 (10) 12 (1) Local name Kesikotu Eşek çakır tikeni, tiken, çakır mavi Karaot İncir - sarı kan kantaron, Sarı taron otu, kantaron Arpa Ceviz Dipçik, kındıra Family Boraginaceae Apiaceae Ranunculaceae Moraceae Hypericaceae Poaceae Juglandaceae Juncaceae ; L.; Lam.; 4668 Lam.; 3974, L.; 4279* Continued

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number suaveolens Heliotropium 4055, 4213 4160 Eryngium cireticum Helleborus orientalis Ficus carica L.; 4178, perforatum Hypericum 4214 L.; 4667* vulgare Hordeum L.; 4291* regia Juglans L. subsp. efusus efusus L. subsp. Juncus 4205, 4249

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 8 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü References of of References similar usage [ 13 , 40 44 – 47 ] [ 38 – 41 ] [ 13 , 44 – 46 ] - [ 13 , 39 ] [ 43 ] [ 38 , 45 47 ] [ 13 , 38 42 – 47 ] [ 13 , 39 ] Use sedative, Analgesic, beautifes fu, cold, the skin Calcifcation, heart Calcifcation, diseases, wounds, and asthma, rheumatism cold, Diabetes, insomnia Cough and cold Cough and pain Menstrual and stomachache Sinusitis, migraine, migraine, Sinusitis, hemorrhoids Cold, stomachache Cancer, tonsillitis Cancer, Diabetes Usage form Usage Decoction/dried a glass – once fowers/a recovery day/until Decoction/fresh fruits/a glass – twice a day; tar/ext.; boiled/make dried fruits/3–4 pieces a day/before once eaten breakfast glass – once Infusion/a recovery a day/until Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day Decoction/a glass – a day once 4–5 fruits crushed and 4–5 fruits crushed and honey/eaten with mixed breakfast/over before everyday one 2 weeks; eaten fruit crushed and with honey Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/a glass a day/until – once recovery Decoction/3–4 pieces/a a day/until glass – once recovery Part usedPart Flowers (capitulum) Fruits (cones) (cones) Fruits aerialand parts parts Aerial Dried fowers parts Aerial Fruits Leaves Aerial parts Aerial Fruits Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 9, 10, 15, 38 (6) 29, 38 (3) 4, 19, 35, 45, 47 (9) 9, 47 (2) 2, 8, 17, 26, 37, 51, 53 (15) 14, 42 (2) 3, 10, 17, 28, 31, 36, 51, 53 (17) 16, 45, 55 (5) 3, 52 (2) Local name bitkisi çay Papatya, Ardıç limon arıotu, Oğulotu, çiçeği Çay bitkisi nanesi su Göl nanesi, Defne nanesi Ev Ebegümeci, ebegömeci, ebegömeci, Ebegümeci, otu gümülcün İşi elma, yabani elma yabani elma, İşi Family Asteraceae Cupressaceae Lamiaceae Caprifoliaceae Lamiaceae Lauraceae Lamiaceae Malvaceae Rosaceae L.; 4141, L. var. L. var. L.; 4060 L.; 3843, L. subsp. ty - L. subsp. L.; 4187* L.; 3844, 3885* (L.) Mill. subsp. subsp. (L.) Mill. L.; 4298* ; 4122 ; 4227 (Uglitzk.) Browicz Browicz (Uglitzk.) Continued (Briq.) Harley; 4180 (Briq.)

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number chamomilla Matricaria 4218, 4231 Juniperus communis Melissa ofcinalis 3973, 4050* communis Knautia orientalisKnautia longifoliaMenta phoides Laurus nobilis × piperita Menta Malva sylvestris Malus sylvestrisMalus orientalis orientalis var.

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 9 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü , 43 44 46 ] References of of References similar usage [ 13 , 43 44 46 47 ] [ 45 , 46 ] [ 13 , 46 ] [ 13 , 40 43 46 ] - [ 13 ] [ 45 , 46 ] [ 13 Use - chil Cough (for gall bladder dren), - diseases, stom diabetes, achache, fungal diseases used in women, yogurt make to skin (in the past), diseases Insecticide, cold, cold, Insecticide, stomachache, gynecological diseases Wounds, ulcer, ulcer, Wounds, cough, gastritis, stomachache, immunostimulant Urinary diseases Urinary Cough and cold, cold, Cough and immunostimulant Cellulitis, diabetes, diabetes, Cellulitis, kidney stones Bee stings, insecticide Insecticide (in the gastritis, past), diabetes Usage form Usage Infusion or decoction/a or Infusion a day;glass put – once in boiled milk/ext.; juice/ext. Mixed with seeds/ext. with Mixed Fresh fruits mixed olive fruits olive mixed Fresh spoon a day; one eaten triturated/eat dried and spoon a honey/one with times day/two Decoction/a glass – a day once Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day; crushed and honey with eaten Kept in olive oil and and oil in olive Kept infusion/a applied/ext.; a day glass – once - ap crushed/juice Leaves driedplied/ext.; leaves in seeds/ext. put Decoction/dried fruits 3–5 water soaked in hot min; infusion Part usedPart Fruits, Fruits, branches, stems Aerial parts Aerial Fruits and and Fruits seeds Roots Flowers, seeds Flowers, Leaves Leaves Aerial parts Aerial Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 2, 4, 9–11, 25, 38, 44, 49, 53 (14) 6, 8, 11, 52, 55 (9) 6, 16, 22, 32, 38, 42, 48, 52 (12) 44, 49 (3) 9, 21, 37 (3) 40 (2) 7, 23, 29, 46 (5) 8, 14, 20, 40, 55 (6) Local name Karaçalı Kır nanesi, deli nane deli nanesi, Kır Yağanda, kudret narı, narı, kudret Yağanda, yarende Siyah dut Çay bitkisi, kış çayı bitkisi, Çay Zeytin Peslan, feslen, fesleğen feslen, Peslan, Güveyotu, güveotu, kekikotu Family Rhamnaceae Lamiaceae Cucurbitaceae Moraceae Ranunculaceae Oleaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae ;

L.; 4285* L.; 4287* -cristi L.; 4194, L. subsp. spicata L. subsp. L.; 4293* Continued

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number Palustris spina 4671 Menta spicata Menta 4186 Momordica charantia Momordica Morus nigra L. var. glauca L. var. arvensis Nigella Boiss.; 4032 L.; 4297* europaea Olea Ocimum basilicum L.; 3887, vulgare Origanum 4225, 3980

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 10 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü [ 13 , 43 – 46 ] References of of References similar usage - [ 13 , 46 ] [ 13 , 43 44 ] - [ 45 ] [ 13 , 39 42 – 46 ] [ 43 ] - - - Urinary diseases, Urinary bronchitis diabetes, Use Diabetes - skin dis Wounds, animals) eases (for Diabetes Kidney stones and and stones Kidney urinary diseases Diabetes, asthma, asthma, Diabetes, heart expectorant, diseases, hyper goiter, thyroidism, gall stomachache, diseases,bladder ulcer gastritis, Blain (in the past), (in the past), Blain warts (in the past), foot, on wounds ailments, prostate stomachache Calcifcation Warts (in the past), (in the past), Warts cancer - regu to Diabetes, sys - immune late intestine clean tem, Fresh, marmalade, jam marmalade, Fresh, Usage form Usage Dried fruits/compote; Dried fruits/compote; pickled Mixed olive/ext. Mixed Dried fruits/compote; Dried fruits/compote; pickled Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/a glass – a day once Crushed/applied/ in shoes/ext.; ext.; put glass – once infusion/a a day Decoction/a glass – twice a day Plant crushed/applied crushed/applied Plant warts/ext.; eaten on Fresh, marmalade, marmalade, Fresh, compote Part usedPart Fruits Leaves Fruits Aerial parts Aerial Stems and and Stems kindling Leaves Leaves Aerial parts Aerial Fruits Fruits Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 2, 4, 9, 15, 17,19, 29, 33, 35, 38, 46–48 (17) 18 (2) 2, 4, 6, 9, 15, 17, 19, 20, 29, 33, 35, 38, 46–48 (22) 12, 23, 24, 44 (5) 29 (1) 11, 27, 39, 43, 44, 51 (8) 2, 29 (3) 44 (1) 1, 5, 7 (4) 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19–21, 24, 29, 33, 35, 38, 42–48, 51, 52 (35) Local name Alat, ahlat, kak, alfat ahlat, Alat, Şefali Domuz alatı, taşlı alat, alat, taşlı alatı, Domuz kak, alfat Maydanoz Karaçam suyu, çam çam suyu, Karaçam çıra suyu şırası, Sinirli ot, sinirotu, yara yara sinirotu, ot, Sinirli siğil otu otu, Çınar Semizotu Yaban eriği Yaban Güvem, güvem tikeni güvem Güvem, Family Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Apiaceae Pinaceae Plantaginaceae Platanaceae Portulacaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae ; - (Mill.) A. (Mill.) Pall. subsp. subsp. Pall. L.; 3889 Ten.; 4305 Ten.; L. subsp. com L. subsp. Danin; 4193, Danin; L. subsp. majör L. subsp. L.; 4101, 4111 L.; 4192 (Kuth. & Sachokia) & Sachokia) (Kuth. Continued

; 3931, 4025 Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number Pyrus communis munis Mill.; 4288* Mill.; vulgaris Persica Pyrus elaeagnifolia bulgarica 3936, 3938, 3968 Vulev; Petroselinum crispum 4286* Hill.; W. Pinus nigra Plantago major 3996, 4147, 4188 Platanus orientalis Portulaca rausii 4668 Prunus cocomilia Prunus spinosa

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 11 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü References of of References similar usage [ 13 ] - - [ 13 , 43 – 47 ] [ 43 , 44 46 47 ] [ 13 , 43 ] [ 13 , 47 ] [ 13 , 39 43 – 46 ] [ 13 , 38 43 45 – 47 ] Use heart Tension, diseases - cho and Diabetes cystitis, lesterol, cold eczema Allergy, Prostate ailments, ailments, Prostate - stom expectorant, gastritis, achache, diabetes ulcer, Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Headache (in the Headache past) Insecticide (in the rheumatism, past), hemorrhoids Asthma, cough, cough, Asthma, bronchitis Usage form Usage Decoction/a glass – a day once Mixed honey/wait a honey/wait Mixed one week/every eat day spoonful Decoction/a – teacup twice a day Decoction/infusion/a a day glass – once compote or fresh Eaten Eaten fresh Eaten Eaten fresh or make make or fresh Eaten salad Eaten fresh Eaten Put in the hen coop/ in the hen Put ext.; crushed leaves/ - ap and oil olea mixed plied/twice a day/ext.; 3–5 seeds swallowed Cigarette Part usedPart Leaves Roots Roots Fruits Fruits Fruits Stems, leaves Stems, Leaves Aerial parts; Aerial seeds leaves; Flowers Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 9, 24, 51 (7) 14 (1) 42 (2) 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19–21, 24, 29, 33, 35, 38, 42–48, 51, 52, 55 (33) 15, 29, 35 (5) 37, 48, 20, 9 (4) 9, 20, 38, 48, 55 (6) 29, 14 (3) 6, 18, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 41, 49, 50, 55 (11) 23, 49 (4) Local name Biberiye Karaturp Böğürtlen Köpek gülü, köpek köpek gülü, Köpek kuşburnu, yemişi, gıvıştıran, göt öküzgötü, giviştiren, göt gülbubusu karamuk, Karamık, kapinak, karabubucuk, gürlük papıda, Tavşan biberi, tavşan tavşan biberi, Tavşan bubucu, tavşan şekeri, kirazı tavşan Kuzukulağı, ekşiot, Kuzukulağı, ekşikulak, işikulak, kiselek, ırka işimelek, Süğüt yaprağı Süğüt Sultan otu, bizga, bizga, otu, Sultan kokarca Mülver, mülüver, mülüver, Mülver, mürver ağacı, Family Lamiaceae Brassicaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Asparagaceae Polygonaceae Salicaceae Adoxaceae L.; 4308* L.; 4307* L.; 3963, 3978, L.; 3779 L.; 3899, 4117, Schreb.; 3969, Schreb.; L.; 3969* L.; 3965, 3982, L.; 4182 Continued

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number Rosmarinus ofcinalis Raphanus sativus Raphanus Rubus idaeus Rosa canina 4672 sanctus Rubus 4673 L.; 4248, 3795 aculeatus Ruscus Rumex acetosa 4150, 4081 Salix alba Sambucus ebulus 4121, 4238 Sambucus nigra

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 12 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü References of of References similar usage - - [ 13 , 39 43 46 ] [ 45 , 46 ] [ 13 , 40 44 – 47 ] - [ 38 ] [ 13 ] - - - Use and Stomachache cold Prostate ailments, ailments, Prostate cold cough, Hemorrhoids Diabetes, cold, cold, Diabetes, cholesterol lowering diabetes, Tension, stomachache Cough, cold, Cough, cold, regulate, immunostimulant Cough Cough, cold, Cough, cold, insomnia Liver diseasesLiver Burn (in theBurn past) Itching (in the Itching past) Usage form Usage glass – once Infusion/a week a day/1 Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/a glass – week a day/1 once Decoction/a glass – a day once glass – once Infusion/a week a day/1 Crushed and mixed mixed Crushed and boiled juice/ with grape eaten Decoction/a glass – a day once Decoction/a glass every day Eaten fresh or pickled or fresh Eaten Crushed and wrapped/ Crushed and ext. Roasted wheat grains grains wheat Roasted mixed and four become 2–3 times/ water/apply ext. Part usedPart Capitulum Aerial parts Aerial parts Aerial Aerial parts Aerial parts Aerial Seeds and Bracts fowers Aerial parts Aerial Stems Fruits Fruits Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 10 (1) 9, 29, 45 (3) 42, 54 (3) 9, 20, 42 (5) 29, 45, 48, 54 (5) 4, 30 (3) 5, 12, 21, 32, 41, 44, 48, 55 (15) 42 (2) 9, 17, 20, 38, 48, 53 (11) 3, 9 (2) 15, 24 (3) Local name Papatya Kekik, keklik otu, kekik kekik keklik otu, Kekik, çay kekiği, dağ otu, bitkisi otu mayasıl Basurotu, Cubrika, çiprisa, çibrisa, çibrisa, çiprisa, Cubrika, çoprişka cuprişka, yabannane çoprişa, keklik otu, kekik Kekik, otu Tarfın, susam Tarfın, ılambır, Ihlamur, ılambur Adaçayı Sütlü kengel, kengel, kengel, kengel, Sütlü göngel, tikeni, kengel eşek dikeni diken, sütlü Ayı üzümü, köpek köpek üzümü, Ayı üzümü Darı Family Asteraceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Pedaliaceae Tiliaceae Lamiaceae Asteraceae Solanaceae Poaceae

Mill.; Mill.; (L.) Gaertn. C. Presl C. Presl L. 4311* ; 3999, 4018, ; 3966, 3967, L. subsp. L. subsp. (L.) Moench; (L.) Moench; Mill.; 3797 Mill.; ; 4333 Continued ; 4217, 4232

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number macrophyllum Tanacetum 4014, Sch. Bip.; & Kit.) (Waldst. 4022 Ten.; 4154 Ten.; cuneifolia Satureja L. subsp. chamaedrys Teucrium chamaedrys subsp. longicaulissubsp. 4012 L.; 4176, hortensis Satureja 4216 Tymus longicaulis Sesamum indicum cordata Tilia Sideritis scardica scardica subsp. marianumsubsp. 4189 Silybum marianum 4300 Solanum americanum Sorghum bicolor 4312*

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 13 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü - References of of References similar usage [ 13 , 43 – 45 ] [ 13 , 44 ] [ 13 , 44 ] - [ 45 ] [ 13 , 43 46 ] [ 13 , 39 40 43 – 47 ] [ 46 , 47 ] - - - Cough and cold Cough and Use Shortness of of Shortness asthma, breath, diabetes Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids, blood embolism, - cardio purifer, vascular diseases, stomachache, kid ney diseases Diabetes Cough and cold Cough and - cardio Anaemia, vascular diseases, the skin, beautifes hair, revitalizes cancer Warts (in the past) Warts Urinary diseases, Urinary hemorrhoids, can - anti-infamma cer, rheumatism tory, Urinary diseases, Urinary hemorrhoids, can - anti-infamma cer, rheumatism tory, Usage form Usage Decoction/a glass – week; a day/1 once decoction/a teacup – everyday/before breakfast Decoction/three times a day; infusion; decoction/a glass – once a day Crushed and added into added into Crushed and the salad Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day Boiled juice; grape seeds wine; make to with eaten crushed and honey; seed decoction Juice applied/ext. Juice Decoction/a glass – a day; infusion/a once - a day;glass ap – once the legs to plied Decoction/a glass – a day; infusion/a once - a day;glass ap – once the legs to plied Infusion/a glass – once glass – once Infusion/a a day Part usedPart Leaves, stems Leaves, Aerial parts, Aerial fruits Fruits Dried fowers Fruits and and Fruits seeds Branches Fresh, dried Fresh, aerial plant, parts Fresh and and Fresh dried plant, aerial parts Dried fowers Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 14, 38, 43 (4) 9, 13, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 33, 34, 38, 41, 44, 46, 51, 54 (20) 20, 48, 55 (5) 9 (1) 6, 15, 33, 45, 48, 52 (10) 15, 21, 36 (4) 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19–21, 24, 29, 35, 38, 42–48, 51, 52, 55 (42) 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19–21, 24, 29, 35, 38, 42–48, 51, 52, 55 (37) 9, 19 (2) Local name Buruş, ellim karası, Buruş, ellim karası, otu verem Çoban kalkıtan, kalgıdan, çoban çoban kaldıran, çoban çökelek hoplatan, Koruk, yabani asma, kuş kuş asma, yabani Koruk, kuşüzümü asması, Çay bitkisi Asma, üzüm, bağ Asma, Karaağaç, karaç Karaağaç, Isırgan, kopirma, ısıran kopirma, Isırgan, Isırgan, kopirma, ısıran kopirma, Isırgan, Çay bitkisi Family Santalaceae Zygophyllaceae Vitaceae Fabaceae Vitaceae Ulmaceae Urticaceae Urticaceae Plantaginaceae ; L.; 4033 L.; 3975 L. subsp. albüm L. subsp. C. C. Gmel.; C. Gmel.; Mill.; 3841, 4120 Mill.; L.; 3877, 3997, Continued

Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number Viscum albüm 3960, 4255 Tribulus terestrisTribulus Vitis sylvestrisVitis 3983, 4134 Trifolium strictumTrifolium L.; 4315* vinifera Vitis Ulmus minor Urtica dioica Urtica 4001, 4083 L.; 4131, 4183, urens Urtica 4228 Kit.; 4034 Kit.; cirinata Veronica

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 14 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

- Nowadays, it has become pretty easy to reach shop- ping centres and hospitals. Terefore, benefting from natural plants is about to be forgotten. Te information given here is obtained from elders and barely known References of of References similar usage [ 13 , 40 44 45 ] - - by the young. It is elders again who beneft from these plants for various purposes today. With this study, the information obtained from elders will be recorded and transmitted to the next generations, therefore, it will not disappear. When this study is compared with the previous studies of Trace, it is seen that many of the medicinal plants are Use Psoriasis, cold and and cold Psoriasis, kidneycough, - dis eases, diuretic Constipation Callus (in the past) the same (Akalın and Alpınar [42] 22, Ecevit Genç and Özhatay [43] 33, Kültür [13] 50, Tuzlacı and Alpaslan [44] 27, Kültür and Sami [45] 33, Tuzlacı et al. [46] 31 and Bulut [47] 22). However, the local name, usage form, and uses of some plants (such as Cotinus coggyria, Arum maculatum, Sambucus ebelus, Anthemis tinctoria, Cornus mas, Ecbalium elaterium, and Hypericum perforatum) are diferent. For instance, while Cotinus coggyria is used Usage form Usage Decoction/wash/ext; decoction/a glass – once a day Eaten fresh and dried and fresh Eaten 5–6 spines are pricked pricked are 5–6 spines cal 1 week - in wart/afer dried/ext. lus for stomachache, gastric, ulcer, eczema, rheumatism, calcifcation, wound and skin diseases according to our fndings, Leporatti and Ivancheva [40] state that it is used as anti-infammatory, astringent (in Bulgaria), as mouth wash (in Italy); Akalın and Alpınar [42] for stomach- ache; Ecevit Genç and Özhatay [43] for stomachache, Part usedPart Styles Fruits Spines burns, swelling, wounds, wounds – for animals, goiter, diabetes, hemorrhoids, asthma, mushroom poisoning, analgesic, allergy of the eye; Tuzlacı and Alpaslan [44] for hemorrhoids, wound, eczema, antifungal, gastroin- testinal ailments, stomach ulcer, stomachache, stomach ailments, colon cancer, cancer, skin cancer, asthma, hair restorer, prostate ailments, kidney stones; Kültür [13] for stomachache gastric ulcer, cuts, wounds, burns, eczema, Village number** and and number** Village people of number (in brackets) referring 17, 29, 45 (4) 24, 42 (3) 37, 52 (2) antifungal, fracture, diabetes, urinary diseases, cardiac diseases, kidney stones, nephritis, cancer, antihyperten- sive, cough, abdominal pain, numbness of arm, vasodila- tor, asthma, hemorrhoids, anthrax, enteritis, infamed wounds and mouth wounds; Kültür and Sami [45] for wounds, eczema, hemorrhoids, gynecological disorders; Tuzlacı et al. [46] state that it is used for foot and mouth diseases, eczema (human and animal), rheumatism, Local name Misir püskülü Misir İndap, ünnap, hünnap ünnap, İndap, Çakır tiken, sarı tiken prostate ailments, hemorrhoids, calcification. Also, while according to our fndings Hypericum perforatum is used for skin stains, scars, cold, stomachache, ulcer, sunburns and sunspots, it is used for kidney pains and hemorrhoids according to Rexhepi et al. [38]; for stomach pain, respiratory disorders, skin infections, sunburn or thermal burn, antitussive, antihemorrhoidal, anticholes- Family Poaceae Rhamnaceae Asteraceae terolemic, eczema according to Mustafa et al. [39]; for ulcers, anti-infammatory (in Bulgaria), cicatrizing agent, against Herpes simplex cholagogue (in Italy) according to Leporatti and Ivancheva [40]; for asthma, stomachache, skin diseases, earache, and toothache according to Akalın L.; 3974 and Alpınar [42]; for kidney stones, sedative, wounds, stomachache and rheumatism according to Ecevit Genç and Özhatay [43]; for kidney stones, urinary diseases, Continued diabetes, antihypertensive, cold, stomachache, enteritis, eczema, antifungal, cardiac diseases, arteriosclerosis, antihemorrhagic, asthma, insomnia, uroclepsia (for Tab. 2 herbarium and Latin name number L.; 4316* mays Zea Mill.; 4314, Mill.; jujuba Ziziphus 4160* Xanthium spinosumXanthium * Cultivated plant. ** Village numbers: 1 – Alıç; 2 – Altınyazı; 3 – Aslıhan; 4 – Balaban; 6 – Başağıl; 5 – Balabankoru; 8 – Bıldır; 7 – Bayramlı; 3 – Aslıhan; 9 – Çakmakköy; 1 – Alıç; 2 – Altınyazı; 12 – Çiflik 10 – Çalıköy; numbers: 11 – Çavuşlu; ** Village plant. * Cultivated 25 24 – Harmanlı; 23 – Hamitli; 16 – Değirmenci; 18 – Elmalı; 17 – Dereköy; 19 – Eskiköy; 21 – Gazihalil; 14 – Çöpköy; 22 – Hamidiye; 20 – Gazimehmet; 15 – Danişment; köy; 13 – Çobanpınar; 36 – Kiremitçisalih; 35 – Kırköy; 34 – Kırkkavak; 33 – Kırcasalih; 32 – Kavakayazma; 31 – Kavacık; 30 – Karayayla; 29 – Karapınar; 28 – Karabürçek; 27 – Kadıgebren; 26 – Kadıkonağı; – Hasanpınar; 45 – Ömerbey; 48 – Sazlımalkoç; 47 – Salarlı; 44 – Muhacırkadı; 46 – Saçlımüsellim; 43 – Meşeli; (Uzunköprü); 42 – Merkez 41 – Malkoçköy; 40 – Maksutlu; 38 – Kurtbey; 39 – Kurttepe; 37 – Kurdu; use. internal for are ( Fig. 1 ). ext. – external; others 55 – Yeniköy 54 – Türkobası; 53 – Turnacı; 52 – Süleymaniye; 51 – Sultanşah; 50 – Sipahi; 49 – Sığırcılı; babies), gall bladder ailments, facial paralysis, gastritis,

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 15 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

chest diseases, internal hemorrhage, bronchitis, anti-infammatory, tuberculosis, phar- yngitis, wounds, burns, cuts, herpes labialis, lip chap, and ulcers according to Kültür [13]; for prostate ailments, kidney ailments, cystitis, wound (for human and animals), diarrhea, aphthae according to Tuzlacı and Alpaslan [44]; for urinary diseases, stomach diseases, gastric ulcer, gingivitis, otitis, hemorrhoids, cardiac diseases, wounds and rheumatism according to Kültür and Sami [45]; for diabetes, wounds and kidney ail- ments according to Tuzlacı et al. [46]; and for diabetes and stomachache according to Bulut [47]. Furthermore, although the local names of plants are considerably similar, there are some diferences. For instance, while Teucrium chamaedrys subsp. chamaedrys is named “basur otu” (pilewort) in our area of study, it is recorded as “kısacık mahmut” in the fndings of Kültür [13] (Tab. 4). In conclusion, in this study, 96 folk medicinal plants belonging to 45 families have been presented. For 31 of them, no records about their use were found in previous studies in Trace. Tis information is expected to be tested pharmacologically in the future. Cough and cold Cough and Use cold Cough and tea) (winter Anemia, Anemia, cold, cough, immunostimulant Cold and Cold and stomachache Calcifcation (es - Calcifcation knee)pecially for Cold and stomachache tension, Diabetes, immunostimulant, kidney stones ’s seeds ’s Decoction/together and cooling cooling Decoction/together and a day drink/a glass – once Usage form Usage a day glass – once Infusion/a Crushed and mixed with boiled with mixed Crushed and juice/eaten grape Infusion/a glass – once a day/1 week a day/1 glass – once Infusion/a Decoction/a a day glass – once BrassicaPickle/ nigra and into put in a cloth, wrapped a glass – once 1–2 months/a waiting breakfast day/before Boiled and getting warm/sitting warm/sitting Boiled getting and times/ext. on/3–5 Cydonia leaves, leaves, Cydonia cherry stalk,- me corn leaves, lissa silk Plant part used Dried fowers Seeds fruits and Aerial parts and parts and Aerial leaves Leaves and fruits and Leaves Fruits and seeds and Fruits Leaves Ayva yaprağı, kiraz yaprağı, Ayva oğul otu, sapı, püskülü mısır Local name kış çayı bitkisi, Çay Tarfın + üzüm Tarfın Isırgan + kekik + + kekik Isırgan nane Nane + karabiber Nane Löngür, lengür Löngür, İde yaprağı + Süğüt + Süğüt yaprağı İde yaprağı

, ,


Salix alba , Vitis vinifera , Vitis Veronica cirinata , Veronica Zea mays , Zea Menta spicata , Menta , Brassica nigra , avium , Cerasus Anthemis tinctoria, Anthemis , Pyrus communis , Piper nigrum Matricaria chamo , Matricaria , Tymus longicaulis Multiherbal recipes used as medicinal plants in Uzunköprü. used medicinal plants as recipes Multiherbal

var. glauca var. arvensis , Nigella Tab. 3 Tab. angustifolia Elaeagnus Adonis annua milla oblonga Cydonia Melissa ofcinalis Anthemis cretica , Anthemis cuneifolia Satureja tenuilobasubsp. Knautia orientalisKnautia Latin name Sesamum indicum subsp. spicata subsp. subsp. longicaulissubsp. Menta piperitaMenta Prunus spinosa dioica Urtica subsp. communissubsp.

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© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 17 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

Fig. 2 Te photographs of some medicinal plants. a Pyrus elaeagnifolia subsp. bulgarica. b Prunus spinosa + Pyrus communis subsp. communis + Brassica nigra. c Cydonia oblonga. d Bazaar (Çöpköy village). e Tribulus terestris. f Adonis annua, Matricaria chamomilla, Nigella arvensis var. glauca, Satureja cuneifolia, Anthemis cretica subsp. tenuiloba, Anthemis tinctoria, Knautia orientalis, Veronica cirinata. g Ecballium elaterium. h Prunus spinosa. i Interviewee (Yeniköy). j Hypericum perforatum. k Momordica charantia. l Beta vulgaris var. altissima. m Silybum marianum subsp. marianum. n Satureja cuneifolia. o Viscum album. p Sambucus ebelus. r Palustris spina-cristi. s Heliotropium suaveolens. t Cotinus coggyria. u Centaurea solstitialis. v Datura stramonium. - 47 ] Silivri Unspecifed Unspecifed Unspecifed 35; 25 wild, 10 cultivated Unspecifed Unspecifed 13 villages Unspecifed, Unspecifed, stomach ail cough, ments, hemorrhoids, cold, rheumatism, eczema, diabetes Bulut [ (İstanbul) Decoction, infusion Unspecifed Unspecifed Unspecifed 55; 44 wild, 11 cultivated Unspecifed Unspecifed One center, vil - center, One unspecifed lages Unspecifed, Unspecifed, ailments, stomach dia - hemorrhoids, warts betes, cold, Tuzlacı et al. [ 46 ], Tuzlacı Lalapaşa (Edirne) Decoction, infusion Decoction, infu - Aerial parts (31 Aerial times), leaves (15) (22), fowers fruits (11) and Lamiaceae (9), Rosaceae (8), (7) Asteraceae 32 68, 44 wild, 24 cultivated Unspecifed 180 One center and 22 and center One villages 62 diferent uses; 62 diferent 54, hypertension - infu and cold enza 38, stomach diseases 37, 35 wounds Kültür and Sami Sami and Kültür [ 45 ], İspirih (Bulgaria) sion, paste, most most paste, sion, taken orally are - Decoction, infusion Unspecifed Unspecifed Unspecifed 62; 46 wild, 16 cultivated 85 Unspecifed 35 villages Unspecifed, Unspecifed, stomach, kidney, ailments, prostate cold, rheumatism, hemor asthma, diabetes, rhoids, bronchitis Tuzlacı and and Tuzlacı [ 44 ], Alpaslan Babaeski (Kırklareli) Decoction, infusion Aerial parts, Aerial fruits, leaves, seeds, fowers, roots Rosaceae (22 spe - cies), Lamiaceae (13), Asteraceae (12) 54 126; 100 wild, 26 cultivated Unspecifed 266 Five districts and districts and Five 123 villages 143 diferent uses; 143 diferent 25, cold wounds 24, infuenza and 20, 6, stomach 19, kidneycough 18, 2, ailments 13, 4 diabetes Kültür [ 13 ], Kültür Kırklareli Decoction, infusion Aerial parts, Aerial fruits, leaves, bracts, fowers, seeds Unspecifed Unspecifed 68; 58 wild, 10 cultivated Unspecifed Unspecifed Six subdistrictsSix 43 villages and 72 diferent uses; 72 diferent and stomach kidney ailments, diabetes, cough, infammation, rheumatism Ecevit Genç Özhatay and [ 43 ], Çatalca (İstanbul) - Unspecifed Unspecifed Unspecifed Unspecifed 58; all plants are are 58; all plants wild Unspecifed 94 Eight districts and districts and Eight un - center, one specifed villages number Unspecifed, Unspecifed, - stom analgesic, ailments, ach skin hemorrhoids, asthma, ailments, diar bronchitis, antidiabetic, rhea, kidney stones Akalın and [ 42 ], Alpınar Tekirdağ Te comparison of the results in the ethnobotanical studies made in the European part of Turkey (Trace). Turkey part of in the European made in the studies ethnobotanical the results of comparison Te

- com most Te mon usage form - com most Te part used mon Te largest three three largest Te families Te number of of number Te families Te number of of number Te medicinal plants Te number of of number Te participants Te number of of number Te local names Te number of of number Te villages Medicinal plants plants Medicinal used for mostly Tab. 4 Tab. Results

© The Author(s) 2017 Published by Polish Botanical Society Acta Soc Bot Pol 86(4):3565 18 of 21 Güneş / Medicinal plants of Uzunköprü

Acknowledgments I wish to express my gratitude to all the villagers of Uzunköprü and the whole Province who have collaborated in the completion of this study.

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