Investing in Climate Resilient Livelihoods

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Investing in Climate Resilient Livelihoods Investing in Climate Resilient Livelihoods Making a Difference in People’s Lives Contents Project Concept - What is The Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management Project? • Project Sponsors • Project Beneficiares • Project Outputs • Project Components [ Perception of Project [ Reflections and Conclusions [ Acknowledgements [ Project Sponsors and Partners Irrigation Kits in Manenge, Massagena District, Gaza Province The Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management Project Alberto Manguambe Community Leader We used to live facing great difficulties because we lacked water. We used to use wells opened manually on the banks of the river and each family would open their own well. Earth Dam infrastructure financed by the SLWRMP, Mabalane District, in Gaza Province Project Concept Project What is the Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management Project? Inhamban Gaza Maputo Mozambique has been suffering from and cultivation practices to adapt to climate volatile weather patterns consisting of variability. The practices can be disseminat- longer and more frequent cyclones and ed to other arid and semi-arid areas such as droughts. This has affected the country’s central Mozambique. agriculture sector, which employs 70% of the population, through reduced produc- The main objective of the SLWRMP was tion, strained subsistence farming, and lim- to reduce poverty through increased agri- ited opportunities in the agricultural value cultural productivity, as a result of improved chain. In an effort to aid the Government water and land management practices. of Mozambique (GoM) in overcoming this The project provided enhanced irrigation challenge, the Sustainable Land and Water infrastructures, market infrastructure for Resource Management Project (SLWRMP) agro-processing and promoted farm diver- was approved in 2012 by the African Devel- sification, increased production and food opment Bank in Mozambique, co-financed security. It also aimed to strengthen the by the Climate Investment Fund (CIF). capacity of communities to address the in- ter-linked challenges of adverse impacts of The project is linked with the Pilot Pro- climate change, rural poverty, food insecuri- gram Climate Resilience (PPCR) investment ty and land degradation. through promotion of adaptation activi- ties that improve the management of the The project was implemented in five watershed and sustainable land manage- drought-affected districts of the Gaza prov- ment practices. The activities built the ca- ince: Guijá, Mabalane, Chicualacuala, Mas- pacity of the local communities to manage sagena and Mapai. The total cost of the their natural resources, ensure the contin- project was estimated at $ 21.5 million, com- ued productivity of the land and provide al- prising African Development Fund (ADF) $ ternative livelihoods through food systems. 4.9 million; Climate Investment Funds (CIF) They require a change in land management $ 15.9 million and GoM $ 0.5 million. 7 Project Sponsors Sustainable Land And Water Resources Management Project (SLWRMP) Sector Agriculture and Rural Development Funding $ 21.5 million Government of $ 0.5 million (2.4 %) Mozambique Funding Partners ADF Loan $ 4.9 million (23.2%) Climate Investment $ 15.9 million (74.4%) Fund (CIF) Time-Frame 2012 - 2019 Project Beneficiaries 59,000 54% The proposed interventions benefitted approximately 59,000 people, of which 54% are women. The direct beneficiaries of this and scaling up in other districts. The project were the communities in lessons learned from SLWRMP have the selected sites of the five Districts already informed the design of an- namely, Guijá, Mabalane, Chicualacua- other African Development Bank’s la, Massagena and Mapai - that were (AfDB) project, namely the Drought supported through the proposed Recovery and Agriculture Resilience interventions benefitting approxi- Project (DRARP). mately 50,000 people, of whom 54% were women. The project also provided train- ing on climate adaptation policies The project was designed to have a to staff within various ministries and demonstrative effect for stakeholders public services, to build capacity in to draw lessons from the implemen- policy development. tation, hence allowing for replication Project Components Agriculture and Water Infrastructure Development consisting of the construction of small earth dams, boreholes and the installation of irrigation kits; Restoration of Natural Habitats and Landscape Management comprising forest nurseries and the polyclonal camp (1) ; Project Management. (1) The polyclonal camp is a place of cashew tree multiplication, distribution, diffusion and incitement of local communities and neighboring districts for the appreciation and cultivation of cashew nuts. 8 Project Outputs The project reached its comple- These boreholes and cattle wa- tion dates in December 2019 with ter troughs benefit a total of 19,031 a number of important achieve- people and 16,863 heads of cattle. 59,000 ments: 21 small earth dams were Overall, the infrastructures built built, exceeding the initial target for water supply (small earth dams 55,000 of 18, increasing the number of and boreholes) now benefit ap- beneficiaries beyond the expected proximately 59,000 people and 80 families and 5,000 livestock have 13,878 people to the actual 29,383 55,000 livestock. survived on the water that was collected during the abundant rainfalls - of whom 18,294 are direct benefi- The irrigation kits have contrib- in 2016 at the small earth dam in Sangue ciaries and 11,089 are indirect ben- uted greatly to improving the lives eficiaries, all of them from 6,409 of the rural families of Massagena, households. The number of cat- Mapai, Chicualacuala, Mabalane tle that drink water in these small and Guijá. The SLWRMP project earth dams also grew from the ex- has managed to install all the 56 Current 29,383 pected 14,580 to 55,000 units in the sprinkler irrigation systems indi- 21 communities that directly bene- cated during the design phase. The fitted from these dams. sprinkler irrigation systems were Expected The provision of this infrastruc- allocated in the following locations: 13,878 6,409 ture has resulted in a significant Guijá 12 kits, 9 of 5 hectares (ha) and impact on the targeted rural 3 of 10 ha; Mabalane 20 kits, 17 of 5 ha Increasing the number of beneficiaries from the expected 13,878 inhabitants populations, especially for bene- and 3 of 10 ha; Chicualacuala 4 kits, to the actual 29,383 made up of 6,409 ficiaries that are located in partic- 2 of 5 ha and 2 of 10 ha; Massagena households. ularly remote areas where the se- 12 kits, 8 of 5 ha and 4 of 10 ha; and vere droughts of the past two years Mapai 8 kits, 4 of 5 ha and 4 of 10 ha. have made access to water a very This activity was largely appre- big challenge. A clear example of ciated by the farmer groups and the above is the earth dam located their smallholder members. The in Sangue (locality of Nhatimam- project targeted the aspired num- 21 ba), where around 80 families ber of female farmers, as visible and 5,000 livestock have survived in the case of the Green Revolu- 21 small earth dams were built, on the water that was collected tion farmer group, in the locality of exceeding the initial target of 18. during the abundant rainfalls in Caniçado (Guijá) – composed of 12 2016. Since then, no relevant rain- women and eight men – in which falls have occurred, and the dam the experiences of two female has continued providing access farmers were captured in more de- to water to the communities of tail. In the local markets of these 20-30km away Chimunwane, Mcoboda, Mungige, arid zones, it was interesting to find Nwamandzele and Ndzindzine – vegetables such as cabbage, onion going beyond its foreseen carrying and tomato for sale at any time of The closest river/water source capacity, now absorbing communi- the year. The increased availability was at a distance of 20-30km. ties that were not initially planned of these crops throughout the year as regular users of the dam’s water. contributes to food security not The feedback from the local only among the 720 families who farmers was very positive. While directly received the kits but for all facing a number of challenges in the surrounding communities. relation to collecting and manag- These kits have directly benefit- ing the individual contributions for ted 720 households, 3,600 people monthly water access, and the sub- of whom 3,000 were women. All 56 sequent lack of funds to immedi- the beneficiaries of the irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation Systems ately deal with maintenance issues, kits were trained to make proper the community has been positively use of them. In all committees, they impacted, being able to rely on a have a structure with a greater rep- source of water that has served as resentation of women to empower Irrigation Kits Beneficiaries a water point for five communities. them socially. The next closest river/water source The project also benefited the was said to be approximately 20- government through the rehabili- 30km away. Moreover, construction tation of the Provincial Directorate of water troughs for animals, aimed of Agriculture and Food Security at promoting livestock, has been (DPASA) offices. Families & People Women completed. In total, there were 10 households cattle water troughs and 14 multi- functional boreholes built. 9 Caniçado Community Perception of Project Perception Our farmer group is composed of 20 smallholder farmers, of whom 12 are women. Despite some challenges with pests over the past season and having to absorb the high cost of fuel to run their pumping system, all the farmers in the group were positive about the impact of the irrigation kits. Morgado Ubisse, President of the Green Revolution Farmers Association In the district of Guijá, more specifically in pumpkin, kale, lettuce, onion and green pep- the locality of Caniçado, a group of farmers per. A lot of the selling happens within their known as Green Revolution have been ben- local market, though some of them men- efitting from the provision of irrigation kits tioned collaborations with “maguevas”, or lo- supplied by the SLWRMP project.
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