Mmymtmmx* a N E W S B U L L E T I N
mmymtmmx* A N E W S B U L L E T I N published b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY 7i^ ■ I l , U.S.N.S. MAUMEE DOCKED AT McMURDO. Official U.S. Navy photo. Vol. 5, No. 9 MARCH, 1970 AUSTRALIA y»L/ E 'T w / ) WELLINGTONI -SCHRISTCHURCH I NEW ZEALAND TASMANIA VOSS DEPENDED ^ <k \^«**V t\ / Byrd(US)* ANTARCTICA, \ / l\ Ah Pliteiu <US)0<' Alferej Sobnl (Arj) < J,Gtncnl Belfrano \ / W N G M A L ) 0 \ j H . l l t y B a y ( U K ) / ^ < / (USSR)X%*r)\»»A-^ %^D "VVAY) I * aXA Tsplent."xsfi&** ^J#/&**?&- (USSM ^V^X^^ ^'^ 0r< DRAWN BY DEPARTMENT OF LANDS * SURVEY WELLINGTON. NEW ZEALAND. AUG IM9 3rd EDITION MLiHTOA IB ©INKD" (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 5. No. 9 57th ISSUE MARCH, 1970 Contributions, enquiries, etc., to the Acting Editor, C/- P.O. Box 2110, Wellington. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, N.Z. CONTENTS ■ EXPEDITIONS New Zealand The First Year at Vanda Station: S. K. Cutfield U.S.A. France Belgium Australia U.S.S.R. South Africa Japan 389, 406 United Kingdom Argentina Sub-Antarctic Islands Flights to the Pole Antarctic Bookshelf Co-operation in Antarctic Research Antarctic Tourism 403 March, 1970 BAD WEATHER HAMPERS ACTIVITIES AT NEW ZEALAND STATIONS At Scott Base. Vanda Station and in the field, a very extensive summer programme was carried through despite much stormy weather and in the face of unexpected transport and other difficulties. Leader Bruce Willis reported late in AT TERRA NOVA BAY December: Unfortunately not as much ground as "With such a splendid start to the expected was covered by the four-man month as the celebration of the tenth DS1R geological party at Terro Nova anniversary of the signing of the Ant Bay owing to a combination of deep arctic Treaty, it seemed that we were soft snow and warm weather, but never set for a period of concerted activity.
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