Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2016 No. 175 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I have heard from health profes- called to order by the President pro indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sionals across my State who have ex- tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. pressed the impact this legislation can f PERDUE). The Senator from Louisiana. make, from the Kentucky Hospital As- sociation to the University of Ken- PRAYER f tucky, our State’s largest research uni- WELCOMING THE GUEST The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- versity. CHAPLAIN day’s opening prayer will be offered by This bill, the U.K. president says, re- Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, may I T.F. Tenney, bishop emeritus of the flects the ‘‘growing support from Con- briefly acknowledge and thank Pastor United Pentecostal Church Inter- gress for increased investment in re- and Bishop Tenney for being here. national in Alexandria, LA. search that addresses the compelling The guest Chaplain offered the fol- Today is his 83rd birthday. As he told questions of our day.’’ I will be pleased lowing prayer: me, he has been pushing 80, but now he to welcome U.K. President Capilouto to Mr. President, Members of the Sen- pulls it. He has blessed many people. the Capitol this morning. He says ate, may the Lord be with you. Let us He is an anointed man of God whom Cures is one example of how the uni- bow our heads in reverence to His pres- many others have looked toward for versity will be better equipped ‘‘to im- ence. guidance, as a man who by his life and prove the lives of those in our Com- God, our help in ages past, be our by his words guides them to a deeper monwealth.’’ comfort still. Thank You for this great, relationship with God. great Nation and its foundation of ‘‘one On behalf of our entire Senate, I ex- We know this bill wouldn’t have been Nation under God, indivisible.’’ Thank tend our thanks to Bishop Tenney for possible without Chairman ALEX- you, Lord, that we can emphasize ‘‘in- being here today. Thank you. ANDER’s ceaseless efforts, alongside divisible.’’ I yield back. Ranking Member MURRAY, to drive it Thank You for the liberty, justice, f forward. and freedoms that we enjoy. We pray We thank them both, as well as Mem- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY for all who walk these hallowed Halls bers such as Senator CORNYN, Senator LEADER where life-changing and world-chang- HATCH, and Senator CASSIDY, who have ing decisions are made. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- all endeavored to make the bill the Bless this austere gathering of men jority leader is recognized. strongest it could be. and women chosen by You and the f I also recognize my friend Vice Presi- American people to serve us all. Give LEGISLATION BEFORE THE dent BIDEN—who joined us yesterday— them wisdom to acknowledge You first SENATE for his efforts to include his Cancer in all they do. Moonshot issue in the package. This is Give them grace, as has been ex- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- terday the Senate voted overwhelm- an issue that hits close to home for the tended to them. Guide them, O Holy Vice President, as we all know. He has Spirit. Guide them, O Holy Spirit. Fill ingly to take the next step in the 21st Century Cures Act, bipartisan legisla- been a leading voice in supporting ef- them and this Chamber with Your pres- forts to strengthen cancer research and ence and fill these Halls with Your tion to bolster medical innovation. This legislation promotes critical in- to find a cure. I am pleased we will pass glory. this legislation soon so we can begin to When they leave today, may they say vestments in research and treatment put its provisions to work on behalf of we have not just been in the presence development. It helps cut through un- American families. of men, but we have been in the pres- necessary regulations that would ence of God. hinder the development of cures while On the other important issues before Now, in the Name of the One I trust, also protecting safety. It builds upon the Senate, I have spoken with the Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, fill the progress of innovative therapies Speaker on a number of occasions this place, Holy Spirit. Amen. and regenerative medicine. about an issue facing coal miner retir- This legislation puts patients first, it ees, such as those I represent in Ken- f helps strengthen the kind of research tucky, and have insisted that the CR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and treatments needed to cure the include a provision to address that The President pro tempore led the most devastating diseases, and it in- issue so these retirees don’t lose their Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cludes provisions to help enhance men- health care benefits at the end of the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tal health programs and to provide year. We hope to have a final bill to United States of America, and to the Repub- funding to help fight opioid abuse. share with Members soon, and we look ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6717 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.000 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 forward to turning to it as soon as pos- This was evident whether DAN was could make. He also recognized his re- sible after House action. I will have refocused on rebuilding the military sponsibility to make them. In the proc- more on that later. after the Cold War, bringing oppor- ess, he cemented a legacy that will We are also working to wrap up a tunity to low-income families and chil- long outlast him in the Senate. It will number of conference reports, includ- dren, even dissecting the finer points of certainly continue on in my office. My ing for the Defense authorization bill American garbage policy—yes, garbage own chief of staff, Sharon Soderstrom, and the Water Resources Development policy. is a Coats alum. Speaker RYAN’s chief Act. Toward the beginning of DAN’s time of staff, Dave Hoppe, is another Coats Last night I took the next step on in the Senate, Hoosier landfills were alum. The list of Coats staffers who the Defense conference report so we filling with New Jersey trash, and Hoo- have gone on to achieve great things— can pass it this week. This legislation siers were fed up. So in came DAN with from former White House chief speech- will provide more of the tools service- a war cry—‘‘Don’t dump on us!’’—and writer Michael Gerson to incoming In- members need to take on national se- just the right blend of determination, diana Governor Eric Holcomb—is as curity challenges, help strengthen our legislative know-how, and humor to long as it is impressive. military posture, and support our men capture the attention of colleagues and I know DAN is looking forward to and women in uniform with the bene- the hearts of constituents. spending more time at Wrigley Field fits and pay raises they have earned. Some were unamused in DC or Tren- after he retires. Here is the tweet DAN I hope the Senate will also take the ton, but back in Indiana, Hoosiers were sent out last month: ‘‘A century in the next step soon on the Water Resources over the Moon. For many, their first making, we finally made it. What a Development Act conference report. introduction to this plucky new Sen- great day to be a Cubs fan.’’ This water resources conference report ator came through his famous Senate It is hard to overstate the impor- will invest in our Nation’s waterways trash ad, the Coats for Senate commer- tance of the moment for him. I mean, infrastructure, enhance commerce, and cial, which featured a cigar-chomping this is a guy who spent part of his hon- support safe and reliable water sources garbageman from Jersey, earned DAN a eymoon—his honeymoon—at Wrigley to prevent future situations, such as place in the hallowed halls of campaign Field. So I wonder if maybe, just the one we saw in Flint, MI. To that legend—and perhaps a ticket back to maybe, he was able to see a little of point, this bill also includes assistance the Senate. himself in his favorite team—maybe in for families such as those in Flint who While Senator Lott may not have a guy like fellow Indiana University have already been impacted by lead Hoosier Kyle Schwarber—a standout been able to persuade DAN to run for poisoning. reelection 8 years later, he did offer player who stepped away from the f this prophetic statement as he bid him game for a season and then came back and picked right up where he left off TRIBUTE TO DAN COATS farewell: without a hitch, knocking it out of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we [Dan Coats] is leaving the Senate, but he is park just when his team needed him not leaving us.