E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2016 No. 175 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I have heard from health profes- called to order by the President pro indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sionals across my State who have ex- tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. pressed the impact this legislation can f PERDUE). The Senator from Louisiana. make, from the Kentucky Hospital As- sociation to the University of Ken- PRAYER f tucky, our State’s largest research uni- WELCOMING THE GUEST The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- versity. CHAPLAIN day’s opening prayer will be offered by This bill, the U.K. president says, re- Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, may I T.F. Tenney, bishop emeritus of the flects the ‘‘growing support from Con- briefly acknowledge and thank Pastor United Pentecostal Church Inter- gress for increased investment in re- and Bishop Tenney for being here. national in Alexandria, LA. search that addresses the compelling The guest Chaplain offered the fol- Today is his 83rd birthday. As he told questions of our day.’’ I will be pleased lowing prayer: me, he has been pushing 80, but now he to welcome U.K. President Capilouto to Mr. President, Members of the Sen- pulls it. He has blessed many people. the Capitol this morning. He says ate, may the Lord be with you. Let us He is an anointed man of God whom Cures is one example of how the uni- bow our heads in reverence to His pres- many others have looked toward for versity will be better equipped ‘‘to im- ence. guidance, as a man who by his life and prove the lives of those in our Com- God, our help in ages past, be our by his words guides them to a deeper monwealth.’’ comfort still. Thank You for this great, relationship with God. great Nation and its foundation of ‘‘one On behalf of our entire Senate, I ex- We know this bill wouldn’t have been Nation under God, indivisible.’’ Thank tend our thanks to Bishop Tenney for possible without Chairman ALEX- you, Lord, that we can emphasize ‘‘in- being here today. Thank you. ANDER’s ceaseless efforts, alongside divisible.’’ I yield back. Ranking Member MURRAY, to drive it Thank You for the liberty, justice, f forward. and freedoms that we enjoy. We pray We thank them both, as well as Mem- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY for all who walk these hallowed Halls bers such as Senator CORNYN, Senator LEADER where life-changing and world-chang- HATCH, and Senator CASSIDY, who have ing decisions are made. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- all endeavored to make the bill the Bless this austere gathering of men jority leader is recognized. strongest it could be. and women chosen by You and the f I also recognize my friend Vice Presi- American people to serve us all. Give LEGISLATION BEFORE THE dent BIDEN—who joined us yesterday— them wisdom to acknowledge You first SENATE for his efforts to include his Cancer in all they do. Moonshot issue in the package. This is Give them grace, as has been ex- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- terday the Senate voted overwhelm- an issue that hits close to home for the tended to them. Guide them, O Holy Vice President, as we all know. He has Spirit. Guide them, O Holy Spirit. Fill ingly to take the next step in the 21st Century Cures Act, bipartisan legisla- been a leading voice in supporting ef- them and this Chamber with Your pres- forts to strengthen cancer research and ence and fill these Halls with Your tion to bolster medical innovation. This legislation promotes critical in- to find a cure. I am pleased we will pass glory. this legislation soon so we can begin to When they leave today, may they say vestments in research and treatment put its provisions to work on behalf of we have not just been in the presence development. It helps cut through un- American families. of men, but we have been in the pres- necessary regulations that would ence of God. hinder the development of cures while On the other important issues before Now, in the Name of the One I trust, also protecting safety. It builds upon the Senate, I have spoken with the Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, fill the progress of innovative therapies Speaker on a number of occasions this place, Holy Spirit. Amen. and regenerative medicine. about an issue facing coal miner retir- This legislation puts patients first, it ees, such as those I represent in Ken- f helps strengthen the kind of research tucky, and have insisted that the CR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and treatments needed to cure the include a provision to address that The President pro tempore led the most devastating diseases, and it in- issue so these retirees don’t lose their Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cludes provisions to help enhance men- health care benefits at the end of the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tal health programs and to provide year. We hope to have a final bill to United States of America, and to the Repub- funding to help fight opioid abuse. share with Members soon, and we look

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.000 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 forward to turning to it as soon as pos- This was evident whether DAN was could make. He also recognized his re- sible after House action. I will have refocused on rebuilding the military sponsibility to make them. In the proc- more on that later. after the Cold War, bringing oppor- ess, he cemented a legacy that will We are also working to wrap up a tunity to low-income families and chil- long outlast him in the Senate. It will number of conference reports, includ- dren, even dissecting the finer points of certainly continue on in my office. My ing for the Defense authorization bill American garbage policy—yes, garbage own chief of staff, Sharon Soderstrom, and the Water Resources Development policy. is a Coats alum. Speaker RYAN’s chief Act. Toward the beginning of DAN’s time of staff, Dave Hoppe, is another Coats Last night I took the next step on in the Senate, Hoosier landfills were alum. The list of Coats staffers who the Defense conference report so we filling with New Jersey trash, and Hoo- have gone on to achieve great things— can pass it this week. This legislation siers were fed up. So in came DAN with from former White House chief speech- will provide more of the tools service- a war cry—‘‘Don’t dump on us!’’—and writer Michael Gerson to incoming In- members need to take on national se- just the right blend of determination, diana Governor Eric Holcomb—is as curity challenges, help strengthen our legislative know-how, and humor to long as it is impressive. military posture, and support our men capture the attention of colleagues and I know DAN is looking forward to and women in uniform with the bene- the hearts of constituents. spending more time at Wrigley Field fits and pay raises they have earned. Some were unamused in DC or Tren- after he retires. Here is the tweet DAN I hope the Senate will also take the ton, but back in Indiana, Hoosiers were sent out last month: ‘‘A century in the next step soon on the Water Resources over the Moon. For many, their first making, we finally made it. What a Development Act conference report. introduction to this plucky new Sen- great day to be a Cubs fan.’’ This water resources conference report ator came through his famous Senate It is hard to overstate the impor- will invest in our Nation’s waterways trash ad, the Coats for Senate commer- tance of the moment for him. I mean, infrastructure, enhance commerce, and cial, which featured a cigar-chomping this is a guy who spent part of his hon- support safe and reliable water sources garbageman from Jersey, earned DAN a eymoon—his honeymoon—at Wrigley to prevent future situations, such as place in the hallowed halls of campaign Field. So I wonder if maybe, just the one we saw in Flint, MI. To that legend—and perhaps a ticket back to maybe, he was able to see a little of point, this bill also includes assistance the Senate. himself in his favorite team—maybe in for families such as those in Flint who While Senator Lott may not have a guy like fellow Indiana University have already been impacted by lead Hoosier Kyle Schwarber—a standout been able to persuade DAN to run for poisoning. reelection 8 years later, he did offer player who stepped away from the f this prophetic statement as he bid him game for a season and then came back and picked right up where he left off TRIBUTE TO DAN COATS farewell: without a hitch, knocking it out of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we [Dan Coats] is leaving the Senate, but he is park just when his team needed him not leaving us. all remember where we were on Sep- most. tember 11, 2001. The man we honor I have a feeling that he is going to have a real influence in many ways for the rest of DAN promises he is not coming back today certainly does. He was in Berlin. his life, and he is going to stay close to all a third time. We will see. It is obvious He had only just begun his second day of us. DAN never needed the office or the as Ambassador to Germany, and then How right he was. title—not the first time, not the second everything changed. Fast forward to just over a decade time, not a third time. Planes smashed into the World Trade That said, I know DAN isn’t going to later, former Senator COATS looked out Center. Terrorists attacked the Pen- stop caring. I know he isn’t going to tagon, where his son-in-law worked. and saw a country in crisis, adrift on the world stage, stagnant at home, and stop working. So we are going to keep Thankfully, his family emerged unbro- the DAN COATS ‘‘bat signal’’ plugged in. sliding into despair. DAN was deeply ken that day. Others were not so fortu- Should the people call out for a hero nate. unsettled. He shared his concerns with his wife Marsha. He realized he had two yet again, I hope our friend will suit up Ambassador COATS found himself one more time because, if nothing else, choices. He could sit back and watch or thrown into a role he couldn’t have we are really going to miss him. he could do something. foreseen a day earlier, a role in which So let us recognize and congratulate DAN COATS chose to do something. he would excel but one that would for- Senator COATS for his many years of His election was hardly a sure thing. ever change him. Those who know DAN service. Let us wish him well in his lat- COATS say that day in September af- He pulled through anyway. When he re- est retirement, and let me personally fected him profoundly. It shook him as turned to the Capitol, he put his head thank him for his wise counsel and a father, it sharpened him as a policy- down and he got right to work. DAN trusted friendship. maker, and it clarified the stakes and can be a man of few words. He doesn’t I will miss you, my friend. always feel the need to speak up, but his sense of responsibility. f He may not have known it then, but when he does, people pay attention. It he would feel the tug of that responsi- is a true mark of distinction in a body TRIBUTE TO MARK KIRK bility many years later and answer the such as this with its big egos and sharp Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, call. elbows. Senator MARK KIRK has never been one Senator COATS had enjoyed a success- People listen to this former Ambas- to be intimidated by a challenge. He is ful congressional career when he de- sador when he explains the ins and outs willing to work hard even when the cided to retire in 1998. He earned a rep- of foreign policy. People listen to this going gets tough. He never shies away utation for working hard, getting veteran of previous health care debates from a tough debate, and he always things accomplished, becoming an in- when he dissects the problems of comes prepared. He has been defying dispensable member of his conference. ObamaCare. the odds for a long time and inspiring In fact, after DAN announced his deci- When this fiscal expert shares his others along the way. sion not to seek reelection, then-Ma- waste of the week, people pay atten- Nearly 5 years ago, Senator KIRK suf- jority Leader Trent Lott rang him up tion. It is how we learned taxpayer dol- fered a debilitating stroke—one that and said: ‘‘You can’t leave,’’ Lott re- lars were being spent on Swedish mas- threatened to end his Senate service called saying. ‘‘I can’t go forward in sages for bunny rabbits. It is how we nearly as soon as it had begun. In the the Senate without you.’’ discovered taxpayer money was being blink of an eye, KIRK went from jug- DAN’s success was no accident. He wasted to determine whether ‘‘hang- gling constituent meetings and com- learned the legislative ropes working er,’’ that is ‘‘hunger’’ plus ‘‘anger,’’ is a mittee hearings to lying in a hospital for an up-and-coming Congressman real thing. bed wondering if he would ever walk named Dan Quayle. He applied that Senator COATS knew he wasn’t going again or talk again or read again. knowledge as he progressed from to solve all of our Nation’s problems as If Senator KIRK had decided to just Quayle’s staffer to Quayle’s successor, one Senator in one term, but he under- quit the Senate and focus on his recov- first in the House, then in the Senate. stood the important contributions he ery, no one would have blamed him.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:55 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.001 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6719 But he didn’t do that. He never lost compared with the dignity of our com- TSUNAMI WARNING, EDUCATION, hope. He never gave up. He set his mon humanity.’’ It is a powerful mes- AND RESEARCH ACT OF 2015 sights on getting back to work for the sage, and I think it is one we can all The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under people of Illinois and the Nation. That learn from. the previous order, the Senate will re- is exactly what he did. Senator KIRK said that America’s sume consideration of the House mes- We were there to witness his triumph men and women in uniform represent sage to accompany H.R. 34, which the several months later. Cane in hand, a ‘‘the greatest force for human dignity clerk will report. smile on his face, JOE MANCHIN to one on Earth.’’ He is right. And the work The senior assistant legislative clerk side, to the other, one foot he has done to help us meet the obliga- read as follows: in front of the other, Senator MARK tion our Nation has to military fami- House message to accompany H.R. 34, an KIRK climbed and climbed and climbed. lies and our veterans will endure be- act to authorize and strengthen the tsunami He ascended each of those 45 Capitol yond his term. detection, forecast, warning, research, and steps to the top of this Chamber as we MARK KIRK, a veteran himself, under- mitigation program of the National Oceanic all cheered him on. stands the sacrifices our servicemem- and Atmospheric Administration, and for MARK could rest assured no one was bers and their families make each day other purposes. going to let him fall that day. And Sen- on our behalf. He knows they deserve Pending: ator MANCHIN could rest assured that our full support, not only when they McConnell motion to concur in the amend- he wouldn’t have to go another day are on Active Duty but also after their ment of the House to the amendment of the waiting for his buddy to return. tours are complete. Senate to the bill. Days after MARK’s stroke, Senator McConnell motion to concur in the amend- That is why he has worked to help ment of the House to the amendment of the MANCHIN hopped on a flight to Chicago guarantee the quality of health care to check on his friend in person. He Senate to the bill, with McConnell amend- that our heroes are counting on. It is ment No. 5117, to change the enactment date. saw firsthand the many challenges why he has worked to help eliminate McConnell amendment No. 5118 (to amend- KIRK had to overcome in recovery. But corruption within the VA so that our ment No. 5117), of a perfecting nature. he never doubted MARK’s will, deter- veterans receive timely care as well. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask mination, or desire to get back to He has proven himself as a leader on unanimous consent to speak as in work. national security issues too. He under- morning business. KIRK, he said, is like the Energizer stands the value of our alliances and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bunny. He just keeps going and going worked to strengthen them, especially objection, it is so ordered. and going. with Israel. DEPARTING SENATORS MANCHIN and KIRK might seem like an unconventional pair. One is a Demo- He has a clear-eyed view of our ad- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, let me crat, the other a Republican. The West versaries too and has never been afraid say at the outset that I took the floor Virginian is an outdoorsman, the Illi- to speak out or take action, from last week and said a few words in trib- nois Senator is a gamer. Senator North Korea to Iran. When it comes to ute and friendship to my colleague, MANCHIN is a mountaineer, and Senator Iran specifically, Senator KIRK was the Senator KIRK. I am glad to hear the KIRK ascends skyscrapers. tip of the spear on this issue, bringing majority leader’s statement this morn- But as the senior Senator from West attention to the threat of Iran’s ag- ing. It was spot-on, and it captured his Virginia put it, they ‘‘just clicked from gressive behavior and pushing for legis- public spirit, as well as his personal day one’’ and quickly became the best lation to help hold Tehran accountable. strength, that has brought him to this of friends. Now they go boating to- He has long been an advocate for moment in history. I have been hon- gether. They meet for lunch nearly critical Iran sanctions like those ex- ored to serve with him for the last 6 every Thursday. And they support each tended just this past week, even when years. other. The support of good friends like the administration pushed back and I would say to my colleague Senator Senator MANCHIN has been critical to even when Democratic colleagues COATS from Indiana: We served to- Senator KIRK’s dramatic recovery. pushed back too. He doesn’t back down, gether in the House, in the Senate, and He has found support in other places, and thanks to efforts like his, we were I actually visited him when he was an too, including the mailbox. A few able to see the legislation through. ambassador representing the United weeks after his stroke, Jackson, a 9- So, yes, Senator KIRK may be leaving States in Germany. It is an amazing year-old fellow stroke survivor from Il- the Senate, but he has cast a long public career on his part, and I wish linois, wrote Senator KIRK to share his shadow here. And he is not done yet. him the very best for whatever the fu- own story and some words of encour- We know he will not stop looking out ture holds for him. agement. ‘‘Do not give up on yourself,’’ for our country. We know he will not DACA Jackson wrote. ‘‘All the hard work is stop advocating for stroke survivors. Mr. President, I wish to tell a story worth it.’’ We know he is not going to stop. He about an extraordinary young woman ‘‘P.S.,’’ he said, ‘‘I think kids should will just keep going and going and whom some of you may know. Her get paid to go to school.’’ going as he always has. name is Laura Alvarado. When she was The pair quickly became pen pals and Senator KIRK reminds each of us that 8 years old, Laura was brought to the even picked up a new joint sport of it is possible to persevere through even United States from Mexico. She grew tower climbing in their rehabilitation. the most difficult of obstacles life pre- up in Chicago in my home State of Illi- Senator KIRK calls Jackson his per- sents. So, today, we thank him for the nois. sonal hero. Last year, he invited him impact he has made on this body, for In high school, she was an extraor- to visit Washington and be his guest at the inspiration he has been to so many, dinary student and was involved in ex- the State of the Union. To hear KIRK and for the years he has dedicated to tracurricular and volunteer activities. tell it, he may have never made it back serving the people of Illinois. She was a member of the National for that address at all without Jack- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Honor Society. She played soccer, ten- son’s support and kind words. Democratic whip is recognized. nis, basketball, and was a member of I know the support he received from Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, has the student government, the school news- his fellow home State Senator didn’t Chair announced the business of the paper, the chess club, the yearbook go unnoticed either. After MARK’s Senate? club, and many more. She decided to go stroke, Senator DURBIN visited KIRK’s to Northeastern Illinois University. staff, offering to help out however he f She worked two jobs while she was could. going to school because she didn’t qual- Senator KIRK’s story reminds us that ify for any Federal assistance to go to the Senate can be more than just a RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME college. place of work, it can actually be a fam- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under In 2006, she graduated with honors ily. In his own words, ‘‘The things that the previous order, the leadership time from Northeastern. Her major was jus- divide us in politics are infinitesimal is reserved. tice studies. But then she was stuck

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.006 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 again. Her ambition in life was to be- Now the choice is up to Congress. Are can be sure that Senator BARBARA MI- come a lawyer, but she couldn’t pursue we going to step in and give Laura the KULSKI will have had a hand in bringing her dream. It took her 6 years. In 2012, chance she asked for to prove herself it about. President Obama established DACA, an again as she has so many times in her Many of my colleagues have spoken Executive action which said to Laura young life? I am glad to say that about the long list of times she has al- and thousands just like her: You are in LINDSEY GRAHAM, the Senator from ready broken glass ceilings herself: a special category. You were undocu- South Carolina, and I are joining in an BARBARA MIKULSKI, first woman ever mented in America, but you were effort to draw up legislation to achieve elected statewide in her beloved State brought here as a child. You didn’t that goal and at least to give these of Maryland; BARBARA MIKULSKI, first make the decision to come to this DACA-eligibles a temporary reprieve Democrat elected to both the U.S. country; your family did. So we are so that if there is an elimination of House and the U.S. Senate; BARBARA going to give young people like Laura this Executive action, we don’t elimi- MIKULSKI, first woman to ever serve as a chance, on a temporary basis, if they nate the protection that keeps them head of the powerful Senate Appropria- will pay a filing fee of almost $500, sub- here in the United States and where tions Committee. mit themselves to a criminal back- they cannot be deported and they have But as BARBARA, very self-depre- ground check to make certain they are a chance to work. That is something cating, has often said: She has never no threat to anyone in this country, we we need to do—not just for Laura but been interested in simply being the will give them a 2-year status where for 744,000 other young people as well first. She wants to be ‘‘the first of they cannot be deported and they can who grew up in this country and just many,’’ and she has been. work in America. deserve a chance to make this a better When Maryland voters sent BARBARA Laura applied. There were people who nation. MIKULSKI to this Senate in 1986, there were cautioning her: Be careful. If you TRIBUTE TO BARBARA MIKULSKI were two women in the entire body: identify yourself as undocumented to Mr. President, I join my colleagues in Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas, a this government, somebody might use saluting the public life of Senator BAR- Republican, and BARBARA MIKULSKI of it against you someday. But Laura, BARA MIKULSKI. Before I do that, I want Maryland, a Democrat—two women in who aspired to be a lawyer, decided to this Chamber out of 100 Senators. follow the law, register, pay her fee, go to thank a woman who is not here. She was a Catholic nun and the debate Today, there are 20 women Senators, through the background check, and try and after they are sworn in on January to get the status of DACA. She re- coach for Senator MIKULSKI when she was in high school at the Institute of 3, there will be 21. That is great ceived it. And because of it, she was al- progress, but not nearly enough by lowed to apply and be accepted at Notre Dame, an all-girls Catholic high BARBARA MIKULSKI’s standards. Southern Illinois University School of school in Baltimore, the same school NANCY PELOSI graduated from. Senator MIKULSKI also had the brain- Law at Carbondale. child of making sure the women in the In law school, she was an outstanding As a young BARBARA MIKULSKI was Senate became an even more powerful student again. She won the moot court preparing to debate a particularly force. Her bipartisan, women Senators- competition. She was selected for the tough opponent, this nun, her debate only dinners were a rare display of bi- Order of Barristers, a legal honor soci- coach, told her: ‘‘You can do it, Barb— partisanship in an institution too often ety. get out there and roll those Jesuit This spring, 10 years after she grad- boys!’’ divided. The discoveries of common uated from college, Laura received her I went to a Jesuit college and law cause, common trust, and common pur- law degree. Over the summer she school, and I am proud and relieved to pose resulting from those dinners have passed her bar exam, and just last report that I never had to face BAR- made a big difference on the floor of month she received her Illinois law li- BARA MIKULSKI in that kind of debate. the Senate. cense, which she is holding here proud- I have rarely found anybody who can BARBARA ANN MIKULSKI is the proud ly. stand up to her in a debate. She can granddaughter of Polish immigrants. Laura never gave up on her dream of still ‘‘roll those Jesuit boys,’’ or any- Her parents owned a small grocery becoming a lawyer, but it is a dream one else who tries to stand in the way store in Baltimore. She, her parents, that never would have happened were of helping women, children, seniors, or and her two younger sisters lived it not for President Obama’s Executive advancing fairness. across the street in one of the famous action, the Executive action that BARBARA MIKULSKI has been my col- Baltimore row houses. As a young girl, didn’t give her a free pass to law league for 20 years, my friend, the Barbara thought about becoming a school—just the opposite. It said to chairwoman of my Appropriations Catholic nun. She changed her mind her: If you are accepted into law Committee and the ranking member, because, as she put it, ‘‘that vow of school, the government will not pay and so many times an inspiration. obedience kind of slowed me down a you a penny to help with your edu- As most of my colleagues know, my bit.’’ So she found other ways to prac- cation. You have to go out and work first job was working in the Senate as tice the social gospel of justice. for it. She did. an intern, myself, in the office of Sen- She was a driving force behind the Now we face a question with a new ator Paul Douglas of Illinois. Like first bill signed by President Barack President coming in who says he wants BARBARA MIKULSKI, Paul Douglas was a Obama, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay to abolish the DACA that made Laura champion for the underdog, and he was Act. I was there that day. The Presi- eligible to go to law school. He wants a pit bull when it came to protecting dent signed the bill, and he took the to abolish the status where these the American taxpayers. first pen from the first bill he was sign- young people, brought as babies, tod- Every year, the University of Illinois ing and handed it to BARBARA MIKULSKI dlers, into this country are not subject chooses a leader of uncommon decency because he knew that she had been a to deportation and can work for a liv- and courage to receive the Paul H. champion for equality in the workplace ing. If that is abolished, then Laura, Douglas Award for Ethics in Govern- for women throughout her career. despite all of her hard work, all of her ment. This year, I was honored to There are two stories that I always education, all of her achievements in present that award on behalf of the think of when I think of Senator MI- life, faces deportation from this coun- University of Illinois and in the name KULSKI. try. of Paul Douglas to BARBARA MIKULSKI In October 2002, the Senate voted on Laura said she wants to use her law of Maryland. I know Senator Douglas whether to authorize the war in Iraq. degree to help people who don’t have a would have been thrilled that she is Only 23 of the 100 Senators then serving fighting chance without lawyers who carrying on that same public service voted against the Iraq war resolution. are more focused on service than on tradition. Of those 23 Senators, only 8 still re- money. We are better if Laura is here Some day—and I hope and trust I will main in the Senate today: BARBARA as a lawyer practicing in America. We live to see it—the ultimate glass ceil- BOXER, who is leaving at the end of this are certainly better in Illinois to have ing will break, and there will be a Congress, PATRICK LEAHY, PATTY MUR- someone with a law license willing to woman elected President of this coun- RAY, JACK REED, DEBBIE STABENOW, give back to our State. try. When that historic day comes, we RON WYDEN, BARBARA MIKULSKI, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.007 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6721 myself. This is a woman who has al- SERGEANT GERMAINE DEBRO times before erupting into flames. SGT ways been willing to risk her career to Mr. President, today I honor the life Josiah Warren, riding in the right seat, follow her conscience. and service of Germaine Debro, a man tried unsuccessfully to pull Germaine One of her great heroes is Dorothy who seemed destined for military serv- free. Germaine Debro died on Sep- Day, founder of the Catholic Worker ice. Germaine’s father, Alvin Debro, tember 4, 2006. Movement. The reason, BARBARA MI- was a career Air Force technical ser- At Iraq’s Camp Anaconda, members KULSKI says, is that Dorothy Day was geant. At a young age, Germaine even of the Nebraska Army National Guard always ‘‘trying to find the hopes of picked up a nickname: ‘‘G.I. Joe assembled to honor the man who had people,’’ rather than preying on peo- Maine.’’ Even then, family and friends cared so deeply for them. ple’s fear and anger. saw qualities that would make On September 18, 2006, the Morning I saw BARBARA MIKULSKI’s instinctive Germaine a great soldier. Because of Star Baptist Church near downtown appeal to hope on that infamous sad his military service, Alvin and his wife Omaha was filled with people paying a day—September 11, 2001. As dust was Priscilla and their three boys moved final tribute to Germaine Debro. Out- settling on that heart-wrenching, often. side, 110 patriot riders stood guard. heartbreaking day, most of the Mem- Germaine attended Benson High Germaine’s brother, Maurice, read bers of the Senate gathered on the School in Omaha, NE, for a year before from a letter Germaine had written to steps of the Capitol. The hope was that his family moved to Arkansas. There, him. In it, his brother offered some ad- there would be a demonstration by Germaine graduated high school in vice: ‘‘If you don’t take a risk, then Members of both parties to the Nation 1991. Later, he and his family returned you’ll never know what happened.’’ and to the world of solidarity. Sud- to Nebraska. For a time, Germaine ‘‘That was my brother,’’ said Mau- denly—unplanned, unscripted—BAR- worked as a manager at the local Burg- rice. ‘‘He was a loving, caring person.’’ BARA MIKULSKI started singing ‘‘God er King. Germaine Debro was promoted post- Bless America.’’ Everyone joined in. In In 1994, G.I. Joe Maine followed his humously to the rank of sergeant. His one of America’s darkest hours, BAR- calling and he enlisted in the Army. In military decorations included a Bronze BARA MIKULSKI brought us together. 1997, he joined the Nebraska National Star and a Purple Heart. SGT That is what a real leader does. Guard. During those years, Germaine Germaine Debro is survived by his fa- I and so many in the Chamber and so became known for his genuine person- ther Alvin, his mother Priscilla, and many untold millions of Americans are ality and for developing a great cama- his brothers, Alvin, Jr., and Maurice. going to miss her presence in the Sen- raderie with his fellow soldiers. Ac- He is a true Nebraska hero. I am hon- ate. We take consolation in knowing cording to SPC Shawn O’Neil, ored to tell his story. that, while she is leaving the Senate, Germaine was the ‘‘nicest guy you I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. she is not leaving the fight. She will could ever meet.’’ He would walk into a FLAKE). The Senator from Rhode Is- never leave the fight. room and it would light up. To his bat- land. Those of us who are returning in the tle buddies, SPC Germaine Debro was Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I next Congress have learned from Sen- affectionately known as DB. His dedi- ask unanimous consent to speak for up ator MIKULSKI, and we will continue to cation to his fellow soldiers was obvi- to 20 minutes as in morning business. fight the good fight to invest in life- ous. Being single, Germaine volun- teered for assignments so that married The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without saving, job-creating medical break- objection, it is so ordered. throughs at the National Institutes of soldiers might remain at home with CLIMATE CHANGE Health—or, as BARBARA MIKULSKI calls their families. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I it, the ‘‘National Institutes of Hope.’’ Germaine deployed to Kuwait in 2001 rise today for my 151st ‘‘Time to Wake We will continue the good fight she has and to Bosnia in 2002. In 2005, he Up’’ speech on climate change. I have fought with such pithiness and passion learned that his unit, the 1st of the covered many topics during these to make our Nation safer and make our 167th Cavalry of the Nebraska Army speeches—from pulling back the veil on economy fairer for all Americans. I National Guard, would deploy to Iraq. the fossil fuel industry’s web of denial know that she will continue that fight Germaine would be assigned to Troop to sharing my visits to States from as well. B. Germaine’s family was anxious about him deploying again, but New Hampshire to Florida to Utah to BARBARA MIKULSKI may be leaving Germaine would not let his Army see the effects of climate change there the Senate, but no one ever has, and I brothers go without him. In the end, firsthand. But one recurring theme of doubt anyone ever will, think of Balti- his family supported his decision. my speeches and in the scientific lit- more’s BARBARA MIKULSKI as ‘‘retir- In explaining how his fellow soldiers erature has been the warning that the ing.’’ felt about Germaine, SGT Josh Graft effects of climate change will hit home I yield the floor. put it simply: ‘‘He was like a Dad to all first and hardest along our coasts. I suggest the absence of a quorum. of us.’’ The oceans have soaked up more The PRESIDING OFFICER. The After a year of training, the 1st of than 90 percent of the excess heat that clerk will call the roll. the 167th Cavalry arrived in Iraq in has been trapped in the atmosphere by The senior assistant legislative clerk early 2006. That is when the Sunni-Shia greenhouse gasses. That is a lot of proceeded to call the roll. civil war erupted. In February, the al- heat. The Associated Press has com- Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I ask Askari mosque was bombed and Iraq pared the ocean heat we have added unanimous consent that the order for was plunged ever deeper into sectarian since 1997 to a, ‘‘Hiroshima-style bomb the quorum call be rescinded. violence. American forces had come to being exploded every second in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without enforce peace; they found themselves ocean for 75 straight years.’’ objection, it is so ordered. engaged in intense wartime operations. That excess energy is warming our HONORING NEBRASKA’S SOLDIERS WHO LOST Germaine’s unit was right in the thick oceans at alarming rates, and by the THEIR LIVES IN COMBAT of it. Enemy attacks were frequent. principle of thermal expansion, we Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I rise Tensions were high. know that when water warms it ex- today to continue my tribute to this On September 4, 2006, a 20-truck con- pands. That, coupled with the melting generation of Nebraska heroes. They voy headed out from a site 30 miles ice sheets, is driving up sea levels are the men and women who have given north of Baghdad. In the United States, worldwide. For my Ocean State that is their lives defending our freedom in Americans were celebrating Labor Day a big deal. Warming and rising seas Iraq and Afghanistan. Each one has a with barbecues, sporting events, and carry real consequences for coastal different story, and each Gold Star family gatherings. In Iraq, Germaine economies. Family has the same request: that we was driving a humvee, providing ad- New England is being hit particularly remember the of their loved vanced security for the convoy. Thirty hard on this front. The Gulf of Maine is one. By telling these stories of their miles outside of Baghdad, Germaine’s warming faster than almost any other service here on the Senate floor, we humvee struck an improvised explosive part of the ocean in the world. Narra- can honor that family’s request. device. The vehicle was spun several gansett Bay, in my home state of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.008 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 Rhode Island, has already seen a nearly ine, the real estate business is starting flooding, just from tides and sea level 4-degree Fahrenheit increase in winter to take notice. Zillow, the online real rise, has increased somewhere between water temperatures since the 1960s. estate marketplace, has looked at how 300 to 925 percent along the United Since measurements started in 1930, 6 feet of sea level rise by 2100 would af- States’ three coastlines since the 1960s. sea level is up nearly 10 inches at the fect over 100 million U.S. homes in its This past October’s King Tides—the tide gauge at Naval Station Newport. database. Around 1 in 50 homes in the year’s highest tides—brought around 2 Now, 10 inches may not sound like an United States, or just under 2 million feet of water to Boston’s waterfront. enormous amount, but if you do a little properties, would find their ground Last month’s Super Moon pulled water mathematics and take that 10 inches floors underwater by 2100. into the streets of Charleston and the and you multiply it by the 147 square Thirty-six U.S. cities would be con- parking lots of New Hampshire. This miles that Narragansett Bay occupies, sidered completely lost, and another wayward octopus—I don’t know if you that adds nearly 100 million cubic me- 300 cities would lose at least half of can see it clearly, but there is a fairly ters of water offshore—throw weight their homes. Florida fared the worst in good-sized octopus here—ended up for when the next storm comes. the study, losing more than 12 percent swimming through a Miami parking Now, we don’t model storm surge of the State’s housing to sea level rise. garage. very well yet. But there is a lot of po- Hawaii is not far behind, with over 9 These extreme high tides give a pre- tential harm for Rhode Island. If you percent of its homes expected to go un- view of what may be the new normal in look not just at Narragansett Bay but derwater. Though New Jersey’s overall this century. Higher seas plus stronger at Rhode Island State waters, it is housing situation fares somewhat bet- storms forebode real catastrophe for more than 500 million cubic meters, ter, with a loss expected at just over 7 coastal communities. The Great New which is more than 500 million metric percent, the value of those homes well England Hurricane of 1938 is the worst tons of potential storm surge. exceeds any other State. New Jersey in Rhode Island’s history. A storm Earlier this year, researchers pub- alone accounts for over 10 percent of surge of 12 to 15 feet hit Narragansett lished in Nature an updated estimate of the $882,000,000,000 worth of potentially Bay, engulfing downtown Providence. global sea level rise. With new esti- underwater properties. You can see old photographs of the mates of how melting Antarctic sea ice Miami Beach would be the hardest streetcars with just their roofs showing will contribute to sea level rise, the hit city, losing over 37,000 homes, over the water. scientists were able to paint a more ac- worth over $33 billion. Those numbers If that storm hit again today, it would have a big head start, riding to curate picture of what lies ahead. It is just count residential properties, not shore on 10 more inches of sea with not good news. expected losses to commercial or pub- The Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- lic properties. The insurance industry that potentially 500 million metric mate Change had previously estimated uses the term ‘‘100-year flood’’ to de- tons of water available for storm surge. Again, we don’t know how much of it sea level rise to reach between 1.7 and scribe a flood that has a 1-percent becomes storm surge, but it certainly 3.2 feet by 2100. The new study doubles chance of occurring in a given year. raises the potential. that estimate, putting global sea level According to a 2013 study commis- This picture is from historic Newport rise over 6 feet by the end of this cen- sioned by the Federal Emergency Man- after Superstorm Sandy gave us a tury. agement Agency, the area in the glancing blow in Rhode Island in 2012. To complicate matters more, as Ant- United States susceptible to 100-year It brought a storm surge of over 9 feet arctica loses ice and consequently floods will grow by 45 percent by the to Providence, and over 4 feet to the mass, it will actually also affect the end of the century. Our Government south coast of the State. This is down- gravitational pull of the Antarctic on Accountability Office says Federal town Newport and Seamen’s Church In- the oceans. With Antarctica’s gravita- flood insurance premiums are not stitute right here, and somebody is tional pull reduced, other continents keeping pace with that growing risk. kayaking through downtown. will proportionately carry more gravi- From 2002 through 2013 already, tax- According to the most recent report tational clout, drawing even more payers bailed out insured properties to from the National Ocean Economics ocean water away from the South Pole the tune of $18 to $25 billion. Govern- Program, more than 134 million people to their coasts. ment-backed mortgage giant Freddie lived in U.S. coastal zone counties in Ben Strauss, the director of Climate Mac is preparing itself for broad losses 2014. Those counties accounted for Central’s sea level rise program, re- from climate-driven flooding. ‘‘The nearly half of the total U.S. GDP and cently told the Washington Post: economic losses and social disruption more than 40 percent of total U.S. em- [T]he 22nd century would be the century of may happen gradually,’’ says its Web ployment. In my State of Rhode Island, hell. There would really be an unthinkable site, ‘‘but they are likely to be greater the coastal economy accounts for $55 level of sea rise. It would erase many major in total than those experienced in the billion of the State’s GDP and em- cities and some nations from the map. housing crisis and the Great Reces- ployed over 400,000 people in 2014. A study published in the ‘‘Pro- sion.’’ This productivity is at risk if those ceedings of the National Academy of Let me say that again: ‘‘They are communities and their businesses can- Sciences’’ last month looked at the ef- likely to be greater in total than those not protect themselves from the con- fects of rising seas on more than 100 experienced in the housing crisis and sequences of our changing environ- coastal cities around the world. The Great Recession.’’ Some of the effects ment. A lot of places are taking this study predicts that we will hit 2 de- of climate change, it says, may not threat seriously. Although partisans in grees Celsius of average global warm- even by insurable. Unlike the 2008 the State government make the phrase ing, which scientists say brings cata- housing crash, owners of homes that ‘‘climate change’’ a taboo in Florida, strophic and irreversible climate ef- are subsumed by rising seas would have local policymakers, particularly in fects, sometime between 2040 and 2050. little expectation of their home’s value South Florida, are making climate When that happens, over 90 percent ever recovering. Therefore, they would change adaptation a priority, forming of the world’s coastal areas will experi- have little incentive to make their a regional bipartisan compact on cli- ence almost 8 inches of further sea mortgage payments, which would add mate resiliency, hiring resiliency and level rise. On the Atlantic coast of the to steep losses for lenders and insurers. sustainability staff, building seawalls, United States, it is estimated to be We don’t, of course, have to wait installing pumps, updating building more than 15 inches. If we continue until 2100 to see the effects of sea level codes, and in Miami Beach’s case—just emissions unabated and hit 5 degrees rise on coastal cities like Miami, in that one city—making $400 million Celsius warming by 2100, Charleston, Norfolk, or Newport, RI. in storm water management upgrades. City could see over 31⁄2 feet of seawater So-called sunny day flooding is in- In New Hampshire, the Coastal Risks swamping its streets. creasing in coastal communities. As and Hazards Commission has advised The year 2040 is not that far away. If sea levels rise, regular high tides can cities to prepare infrastructure and you buy a house on the coast today, be all that is needed to flood streets, buildings for rising seas. Louisiana re- 2040 would fall well within your typical sidewalks and basements. NOAA esti- wrote its Coastal Master Plan to ac- 30-year mortgage. As you might imag- mates that non-storm-related nuisance cept the dark predictions of land loss

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.004 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6723 and sea level rise facing that lowland to sleepwalk through history. But we helping to shepherd this bipartisan bill State and to include around 200 should remember Pope Francis’s warn- through the Judiciary Committee. projects designed to protect Southern ing. Pope Francis said: ‘‘God always I am looking forward to the Justice Louisiana’s marshes and limit the ef- forgives, we men forgive sometimes, for All Reauthorization Act becoming fects of storm surge. but nature never forgives. If you give law soon so we can help more victims In Alaska, Native villages are seek- her a slap, she will give you one.’’ And restore their lives. ing financial support to relocate their we have a big slap coming. I yield to the senior Senator from traditional coastal homesteads to high- If we do nothing, what will we tell Vermont. er ground. In Rhode Island, under the the millions of Americans who live by The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- leadership of Grover Fugate at our the sea and rely on it for their liveli- ator from Vermont. Coastal Resources Management Coun- hoods? What should we tell them when Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank cil and in cooperation with the leading they can’t get insured for the next hur- the distinguished senior Senator from experts at the University of Rhode Is- ricane or when their mortgages are un- Texas. Senator CORNYN and I have had land, Rhode Island Sea Grant, and derwater in a literal sense? If we refuse the privilege of being prosecutors, he Rhode Island Geological Survey, we are to help our own citizens, who then will as an attorney general and I served as well aware of what climate change, sea help the millions of others in devel- the State’s attorney. I think you get a level rise, and storm surge mean for oping countries around the world suf- special view of what is needed. I have our coastal communities. fering the same fate and looking to our enjoyed working with the Senator be- STORMTOOLS, a free public online country for leadership? We have a cause we do not have to paint a great tool developed through this collabora- moral obligation to pluck our heads picture for each other; we both under- tion, is providing our city planners and from the sand and get to work. The stand the mistakes that can be made concerned citizens with a visualization oceans warn; it is time we woke up and and why we do not want them. of the effects of various levels of sea listened. For more than 6 years, I have cham- level rise and storm surge on their I yield the floor. pioned the reauthorization of the Jus- properties. The Coastal Risk Environ- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- tice for All Act. I want to ensure that mental Index, which is shown here, will jority whip. our criminal justice system lives up to add even more specificity to the mod- JUSTICE FOR ALL REAUTHORIZATION BILL our national pledge of liberty and jus- els working in STORMTOOLS. Users Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, it is my tice for all. Having served as a pros- can actually navigate Google Earth to honor to come to the floor with the ecutor—and most former prosecutors— see what flood damage from sea level senior Senator from Vermont, my I am committed to ensuring that our rise and storm surge will look like on friend Mr. LEAHY, to talk about bipar- criminal justice system has the integ- a building-by-building basis. The city tisan legislation that will soon help rity and confidence of the public it of Warwick, RI, featured here, is al- victims of crime restore their lives. serves. I should not just say former ready using its maps in its future plan- The Justice for All Reauthorization prosecutors; current prosecutors feel ning and emergency planning. Act passed the House last week, and that way. The rising tide calls for increased in- From my time on the frontlines as a vestment in coastal resiliency around the Senate followed suit with unani- mous support. Now it is on its way to State’s attorney in Chittenden County, the country. Senators MERKLEY, the President’s desk so it can become VT, to the more than 15 years I have MENENDEZ, and I asked the Govern- served as either chairman or ranking ment Accountability Office to review the law of the land. When I served as the attorney gen- member of the Senate Judiciary Com- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric mittee, it has become clear to me that Administration’s support for coastal eral of Texas a few years ago, I felt our system is deeply flawed. There is States’ resilience efforts. Among its that one of my most important jobs not always justice for all. I have met findings, the GAO report said that the was to protect crime victims. I know many innocent people wrongly con- Regional Coastal Resilience Grants that all Members of the Senate feel the victed of crimes they did not commit. Program ‘‘received 132 qualified appli- same way. The Justice for All Reau- I shared the story of Kirk cations requesting a total of $105 mil- thorization Act is first and foremost a Bloodsworth. He was falsely convicted. lion during its first application period bill that will help victims. It includes a He was sentenced to death for the rape in fiscal year 2015.’’ Well, guess how number of provisions to help them get and murder of a 9-year-old girl—a hor- much money was available to meet the justice they deserve. It will im- rible crime, but he maintained his in- that $105 million approved or qualified prove victims’ rights by increasing ac- need. Only $4.5 million. NOAA was able cess to restitution, reauthorize pro- nocence. In 1993, he became the first to support less than 5 percent of the grams that support them in court, and death row inmate to be exonerated by coastal States’ demand. increase resources for forensic labs to DNA, and they were finally able to Climate change doesn’t care whether reduce the rape kit backlog. charge the man who did commit the you believe the science or the propa- I have spoken about the rape kit horrible crime. The irony there is that ganda and nonsense pumped out by the backlog before, and it is a big problem. some have said: Boy, don’t they look fossil fuel lobby—shoreside homes’ At one point, it was estimated that alike? That is what happened. basements will flood either way. It is there were as many as 400,000 untested We know our system gets it wrong. not a matter of belief, it is a matter of rape kits in America, and this was due We have a responsibility to improve physics. primarily to a lack of resources and our criminal justice system. That is For all the denial and diversion, you lack of focus in making this a priority. why I joined with Kirk Bloodsworth will notice that the fossil fuel indus- This is evidence which has proven to be years ago to introduce and enact the try’s web of denial groups don’t talk enormously powerful to help convict Post-Conviction DNA Testing Grant much about the effects we are seeing in the guilty and exonerate the innocent. Program. It was originally part of the our oceans and along our coasts. Their This legislation will also give law en- Innocence Protection Act, which was business is denial and, through cal- forcement more resources to keep vio- enacted in 2004. It gives defendants like culated misinformation, creating lent offenders off the street and fairly Kirk a chance to prove their innocence. phony doubt. That is their mission. If prosecute crimes. To ensure our justice system gets it that is your mission, it is hard to deny I know sometimes people must think right from the beginning, the bill pro- water levels that are measured essen- Senator LEAHY and I are the odd couple vides a means to improve the quality of tially on a glorified yardstick at tide of the Senate. We worked together not indigent defense. Ensuring good rep- gauges. It is hard to deny measure- only on this legislation but also on re- resentation for those accused of crimes ments from a Ph that high forms of the Freedom of Information means fewer innocent people will be be- schoolers do in their science classes. It Act. We share a passion for that topic hind bars. It is an outrage if an inno- is hard to deny readings from ther- as well. I am enormously grateful to cent person is wrongly punished, but mometers. him for his partnership on this impor- then that injustice is exacerbated be- Here in the Senate, our choice is tant legislation. I also wish to thank cause it means the person who com- clear: We can take action or continue Senator GRASSLEY for his leadership in mitted the crime is still out there, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.005 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 oftentimes, as my friend from Texas ronment, as cars stack up to cross the they are an adult—is getting them to knows, they will commit the crime border, but it also provides an unneces- comply with their doctor’s orders and again. The American people deserve a sary drag on legitimate trade and com- take their medication. Due to the mir- system that gets it right the first time. merce. acle of modern pharmacology, many Many Senators in this Chamber know Through the use of innovative public- people with mental illnesses, if they the story of my friend Debbie Smith, private partnerships, we have seen that are compliant with their medication, also a friend of the senior Senator from we can increase staffing, improve the can lead very productive lives. Often Texas. She has become a champion for infrastructure, and basically end up there are additional tools that need to victims of sexual assault. She waited 6 filling the gap left by the Federal Gov- be available to family members when years after being attacked before her ernment not doing its job by dealing— they find their loved one is getting rape kit was tested and a culprit was as it, of necessity, must—with our sicker and sicker and not being compli- caught. Think about that. During those international borders and making sure ant with their medication, potentially 6 years, she had to live in terror that they work as they should. This is a becoming a danger to themselves or to the person who did this heinous crime good step in the right direction, and I the community at large. might come back and do it again. No am hopeful we can get the legislation This legislation will equip State and one should have to live in fear while an to the President’s desk in the coming local governments with better tools to attacker remains free to victimize days so that more ports of entry assess individual health care needs so someone else or them. throughout the country can take ad- those suffering from mental illness in This legislation not only provides im- vantage of its benefits. the criminal justice system can begin portant resources to improve the qual- Senator LEAHY and I just spoke to recover and get the help they need, ity and efficiency of forensic testing, about the Justice for All Reauthoriza- instead of getting sicker. but it also expands it to underserved tion Act, and then last night this This bill also encourages the creation populations, such as those in rural Chamber voted to move the 21st Cen- of crisis intervention teams so our law areas, which is much of my State. Ac- tury Cures bill forward with—incred- enforcement officers and first respond- tually, every one of us has rural areas ibly—85 Senators voting in favor of it. ers can know how to deescalate a dan- in our States. It passed the House overwhelmingly gerous confrontation. If a police officer I have worked with Senators on both last week, and I look forward to get- comes to the scene of a call only to sides of the aisle to craft solutions to ting it through the Chamber and to the confront a mentally ill person, if they some of the most significant issues of President’s desk as soon as possible. are untrained and don’t know how to our time. That is why I am proud to This legislation will play an important deescalate the situation, they may find partner with Senator CORNYN on this role in supporting our scientists and themselves in danger, both the first re- important legislation. researchers working to find cures for sponder as well as the individual per- I hope we will continue to work to- diseases like cancer, and that includes son with mental illness. This is about gether in the next Congress. We have resources that will support the Cancer finding ways to help the mentally ill to continue to protect all victims. We Moonshot Program, which will help individual get help while keeping the have to create fairness in our criminal those studying and researching to ac- community safe at the same time. Mr. President, the last bit of business justice system. We have to make sure tually find a way to end cancer. That we have is to fund the government. I we get it right the first time. means cancer centers like the MD An- said many times the best way to do I call on those who have worked with derson hospital will have more support that is to take the appropriations bills me on this important legislation to to carry out their mission to make up one at a time so we can properly vet continue to support our efforts. We can cancer history. correct costly mistakes in our criminal The Cures legislation will support re- them, discuss them, and pass them. justice system; we will be a better search for Alzheimer’s and help fight Our friends across the aisle had a dif- ferent view this year and blocked the country for it. We will have a lot more the opioid addiction that is running passage of individual appropriations respect for our criminal justice system, rampant through many parts of our bills. While it is not my preference, it and we will do what the best of our country. In other words, this legisla- is where we are. Right now, we are prosecutors and police want to do—get tion is critically important to the looking forward to passing a con- it right. health of our country now and for gen- tinuing resolution soon as we fulfill I yield the floor. erations to come. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Significantly, the 21st Century Cures our important responsibilities to the jority whip. bill includes reforms to our mental American people. I am glad to see we are making some Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I again health delivery system, in part, based progress on other pieces of legislation, wish to express my gratitude to the on legislation I introduced in the Sen- including the Water Resources Devel- senior Senator from Vermont, Senator ate called the Mental Health and Safe opment Act, a bill that will help us LEAHY, for his critical role in making Communities Act. As a result of the de- strengthen our waterways to account sure this legislation becomes law, and I institutionalization and treatment of for growing trade and provide help for look forward to continuing to work people with mental illness in the 1990s, drought and flood protection. with him on similar topics in the fu- the safety net that was supposed to be Finally, we are working to finish the ture. there to catch people so they didn’t fall national defense authorization bill that LEGISLATION BEFORE THE SENATE through the cracks never came into will make sure Congress provides the Mr. President, we are about a week being. So many people suffering from resources for our military men and into the lameduck session, and we have mental illness simply live on our women so they can accomplish their already tackled some pretty signifi- streets as homeless individuals or they missions and keep America safe. cant legislation. are frequently fliers, so to speak, in We have quite a bit of work left to do Last week, I was proud to see two our criminal justice system and in and not much time left to do it in be- bills that I introduced pass the Cham- many instances never had their mental fore the holidays, but with a little co- ber. The first was the Cross-Border illness diagnosed, much less treated, so operation, I am sure we will get it all Trade Enhancement Act, a bill that they can actually have a chance at a done. will help staffing, safety, and efficiency better life. The mental health provi- With that, I yield the floor. at our ports of entry, and it passed the sions included in the Cures bill is one The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senate unanimously. way to correct that course. It would ator from New Hampshire. In Texas, as the Presiding Officer also help families with a mentally ill Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I am knows in Arizona, this is not a new loved one find a path to treatment and here, along with a number of my col- concern. Some of our border commu- a way forward, including assisted out- leagues, to applaud the 21st Century nities have seen the infrastructure and patient treatment programs. Cures Act as a major milestone and a the staffing prove to be inadequate at One of the biggest challenges fami- long-overdue initial investment in our legitimate ports of entry, with a lies have when they have a mentally ill combating the opioid epidemic. In par- negative impact not only on the envi- family member—particularly when ticular, I applaud the inclusion of $1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.011 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6725 billion in funding over 2 years that will to the CDC, mortality trends in the the obituary included this plea to read- address this crisis. For treatment pro- opioid epidemic are now similar to the ers: ‘‘If you have any loved ones who viders on the frontlines of the epi- trends in the HIV epidemic at its peak are fighting addiction, Molly’s family demic, I am pleased to say help is on in the late 1980s and 1990s. asks that you do everything possible to its way with this bill when it is passed The second chart shows drug over- be supportive, and guide them to reha- by the Senate—and I believe it will be. dose deaths across New Hampshire. It bilitation before it is too late.’’ Make no mistake, these resources are shows a parallel spread of the opioid I admire the courage of Molly’s fa- badly needed. This remains an uncon- epidemic in New Hampshire, with espe- ther, his willingness to warn other trolled epidemic and unfortunately is cially devastating effects in the north- families, and talk openly about his still gaining strength. A staggering ern part of the State—what we call the daughter’s addiction, but what if a 47,000 Americans died of drug overdoses north country. In 2003, we see no or- family persuades a son or daughter to in 2014—more Americans than died in ange and no red. In 2007, we are begin- seek treatment and no treatment is car accidents. Sadly, in New Hamp- ning to see patches of orange. In 2011, available? Sadly, that is the case in so shire, we are a bull’s-eye for the high- they have turned red, and by 2014, it is many communities across America est percentage of drug overdoses per particularly affecting the entire State, where treatment centers are over- populace of any State in the country so and here—the northern part of New whelmed. I am pleased this bill includes language Hampshire—is where it is hardest hit. That is why the additional resources to prioritize the allocation of these In his landmark report last month, in the Cures Act are so important. This new resources to the most heavily af- the U.S. Surgeon General said: ‘‘It is new funding will make a real difference fected States, and I intend to work time to change how we view addic- for treatment providers in each of our with the current and incoming admin- tion—not as a moral failing but as a States. Make no mistake, this legisla- istration to get this funding out to chronic illness that must be treated tion will save lives. The funding in the States as quickly as possible. with skill, urgency and compassion.’’ Cures Act is a welcome initial invest- More than a year ago, I introduced Yet what we are seeing in New Hamp- ment in combating the opioid epi- legislation to help stem the tide of the shire and across the country is that demic. President-Elect Trump, during opioid crisis by providing emergency treatment centers are completely over- dozens of visits to New Hampshire over funding to States, first responders, and whelmed. the last year, pledged aggressive action treatment providers. I joined with Certainly, the new funding in the to fight the opioid epidemic. When the other Senators in working to include Cures Act will be welcome news to new Congress convenes in January, we funding in the Cures Act to provide at Friendship House in Bethlehem, NH, must come together with our new least an initial infusion of funding to which is a treatment center I visited President, on a bipartisan basis, to ad- fight the opioid epidemic. I am relieved on Friday. It is up here in the northern dress the opioid crisis in a comprehen- these efforts have led to the bipartisan part of the State in New Hampshire’s sive fashion, including continuing re- agreement we will soon vote on. north country, which has one of the sources for policing, prevention, treat- Last month, the U.S. Surgeon Gen- highest overdose rates per capita in ment, and recovery. As Surgeon Gen- eral, Dr. Vivek Murthy, issued a land- New Hampshire. Friendship House is eral Murphy says, ‘‘How we respond to mark report and an urgent call to ac- the only treatment center within a ra- this crisis is a test for America.’’ With tion. He said 21 million Americans have dius of 65 miles. so many lives at stake, it is a test we a substance use disorder—far more Back in April, Kaiser Health News re- must not fail. Americans than have cancer—yet only ported on the case of Eddie Sawyer. With the 21st Century Cures Act, 1 in 10 is receiving any kind of treat- Eddie overdosed and died while he was Congress is providing urgent new fund- ment. waiting for his turn to be admitted to ing for treatment on the frontlines— My State of New Hampshire, and New Friendship House. When police found professionals who have been doing England overall, has been especially Mr. Sawyer, on the table next to his truly heroic, lifesaving work. Our mes- hard hit, but make no mistake, this is bed was a list of treatment facilities. sage in passing this legislation is: Help a nationwide epidemic, and it doesn’t There were checkmarks next to the is on the way. I urge my colleagues to discriminate. It is impacting young name of each facility. Mr. Sawyer had give strong bipartisan support to this and old, urban and rural, rich and poor, called every place on the list, and he important bill. White and minority, Democrats, Re- had not found one that could take him I yield the floor. publicans, and Independents. for treatment. I suggest the absence of a quorum. This fall I met with Susan Messinger The Surgeon General’s new report The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of Holderness, NH. Her son Carl experi- states that nearly 9 out of 10 people clerk will call the roll. mented with heroin at a party and with substance use disorders do not re- The legislative clerk proceeded to quickly became addicted. He got treat- ceive treatment. They are being turned call the roll. ment, was in recovery, and was doing away. They are being denied treatment Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask great, but he came down with a res- due to a chronic lack of resources. unanimous consent that the order for piratory infection and was prescribed Hopefully, this legislation is going to the quorum call be rescinded. medicine that unknown to him, in- help that because over the last year, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluded an opioid—just simple cherry visited treatment centers in every part objection, it is so ordered. cough medicine. Carl relapsed, and he of the Granite State. These centers are COAL MINER HEALTH CARE BENEFITS AND died of a fentanyl overdose days before staffed by skilled, dedicated treatment PENSIONS his 25th birthday. professionals. They are saving lives Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I rise This chart entitled ‘‘Drug Overdose every day, but they tell me that for to explain what is happening for all of Deaths Across America’’ shows very every life they save, others are being my colleagues and my friends on both vividly the extent of the problem. It lost for lack of treatment capacity, fa- sides of the aisle. was compiled by the National Center cilities, and funding. When people with I have been here for 6 years as a Sen- for Health Statistics at the Centers for substance use disorders are turned ator. I have always fought to make the Disease Control and Prevention. It away, this means they remain on the body work, and for the people of West shows the inexorable spread of the streets, desperate, often committing Virginia and for our country. I have opioid crisis and the disease it causes crimes to support their addiction and never believed partisan gridlock is a from 2003, here where we don’t see as at constant risk of a lethal overdose. way to accomplish our policy goals, so much bright red, to 2008, where it is Last year, a promising young woman I haven’t come to this decision easily. growing, to 2014, where it is almost the named Molly Alice Parks died of a her- I have never used the procedure that I entire country. We can see that in the oin overdose in Manchester, NH—New am using today, and I will use, to basi- Presiding Officer’s section of the coun- Hampshire’s largest city. Her father cally stop all UCs, a lot of good pieces try, in the Southwest, it is particularly wrote her obituary which appeared in of legislation, a lot of good friends who challenging, as well as in the Appa- the Union Leader newspaper. He wrote have worked diligently on this. I want lachian region of the East. According openly about Molly’s addiction, and to be able to work with them.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.013 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 My reason for doing this is that over given a lot of families hope, knowing band cycled in and out of the hospital 2 years ago we promised the retired that JOE BIDEN is fighting for them and without effective treatment, and trag- coal miners of America—we promised their loved ones. ically he took his own life while Jenny them—mostly their families, and there Of course, I want to acknowledge and was in the NICU with their newborn are a lot of widows now; we promised thank the chairman of the HELP Com- baby. them they would have their health care mittee, Senator ALEXANDER, for his Jenny’s story is unfortunately one of benefits that were guaranteed to them work and leadership on this bill, as many about families struggling to find and their pensions. We have been work- well as the Energy and Commerce quality mental health care for loved ing toward that. Chairman FRED UPTON, Ranking Mem- ones with mental illness. I am con- We knew this day would come. As of ber FRANK PALLONE, and Congress- fident that everyone here today has December 31, the end of this month— woman DIANA DEGETTE. heard these stories, and we know we less than 4 weeks away—there are I am proud of our country’s history have to do better. going to be 16,500 retired families, re- of lifesaving public health initiatives Our legislation will help expand ac- tired miners who are losing their and world-changing medical innova- cess to quality care for mental illness health care benefits. There will be an- tion. From eradicating smallpox to and substance use disorders by making other 4,000 the first of next year. mapping the human genome, we have it easier for patients to get in touch So I am using this procedure, which I risen to challenges and found ways to with providers. It will strengthen co- do reluctantly and I never thought I combat seemingly unbeatable diseases ordination between local agencies that would have to, because we are fighting and public health threats. There is no are engaged in crisis intervention, and for those people whom we promised, question we are a strong country for it will make sure that resources are fighting for those we believe in, to that. available to strengthen the mental thank them for the power they have The bill we are talking about today, health workforce. provided to this Nation. Now we are while far from perfect, gives us the While we weren’t able to resolve the turning our backs on them. chance to build on that tradition of IMD exclusion, which is a policy that We have pay-fors for this. We have a leadership and respond to some urgent makes it extremely difficult for States way to move forward. These are the health challenges we face right now. to provide inpatient care to those with health care benefits for our retired One of those is the opioid epidemic. mental illness and substance abuse dis- miners. It is something they have Like many of my colleagues, I have orders, this bill does change policy so worked for, they have earned, they de- heard from far too many families and that Federal funding will fully support serve, and we are the country we are local leaders in my home State about the physical needs of children in psy- because of the hard work they have the ways that opioid use disorders are chiatric facilities. done. ruining lives and tearing families It also puts in place measures to So I wanted my colleagues to know apart. My constituent Penny LeGate, strengthen our mental health parity why this procedure is going to be a lit- whose daughter Marah died of an over- law to make sure that health insurance tle bit more laborious than they would dose at the age of 19, said that this cri- will cover mental health and addiction have liked, why we might not be leav- sis can happen anywhere and it is ev- services when it is needed. Chairman ing here when they would have liked to erywhere. That is the same thing I ALEXANDER and I worked with Senators go home. If we don’t stand for the peo- have heard from worried parents and MURPHY and CASSIDY to move this leg- ple who have made our country as sheriffs and community leaders across islation through our committee this great as it is, we stand for nothing. Washington State. year, and I wish to recognize their So with that, I hope my colleagues I was glad that earlier this year, the commitment and leadership on this understand where I am coming from Senate passed the Comprehensive Ad- issue in particular. and why I hope they will be with me on diction and Recovery Act to strengthen In addition to investing in and tack- this for the sake of all of these families and improve programs that address ling the opioid epidemic and putting in and all of these widows and all of these opioid addiction. But, as Democrats place desperately needed reforms to miners who have given to much so our made clear, improving policy wasn’t our mental health care system, this country. enough. Tackling this crisis head-on legislation makes real investments in Thank you. requires putting new investments into tackling the hardest to treat diseases. I yield the floor. these efforts as quickly as possible, and According to the National Cancer In- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that is what this bill will do. It dedi- stitute at NIH, 40 percent of men and ator from Washington. cates $1 billion over 2 years, above and women in the United States will be di- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I wish beyond the budget caps, to help States agnosed with some form of cancer in to start by expressing my appreciation and communities fight back. And criti- their lives. Right now, more than 5 to all of my colleagues who have cally, we were able to secure changes million people are living with Alz- worked so hard on the priorities in the that ensure this money will go to heimer’s. These are truly staggering 21st Century Cures bill, including in- States based on where it is needed the statistics, and they represent enor- vesting in tackling our hardest to treat most. mous hardship and suffering and loss in diseases, confronting the opioid epi- Many of my colleagues were closely nearly every family and community. demic, strengthening mental health involved with this effort, but in par- Now we have made enormous care, and advancing medical innova- ticular I wish to recognize Senators progress in understanding and treating tion. WHITEHOUSE, SHAHEEN, BALDWIN, MAR- cancer, and we know more about how The legislation that we will be voting KEY, DONNELLY, and MANCHIN. the brain works and what diseases like on either really late tonight or tomor- I have also heard from people across Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and trau- row morning takes important steps to Washington State and the country matic injuries do to human minds, but improve the care that patients receive. about what a broken mental health we can and must do more, and that is I am very grateful to every Senator system means for them and their fami- exactly what the investments in NIH in and Member of Congress who worked lies. One constituent whose experience this bill will mean. across the aisle to make this legisla- has really stuck with me is Jenny. While this is not the mandatory tion the best it could be for those Jenny is from Olympia, WA, and she funding we had hoped for, I want to be whom we serve. In particular, I want to was pregnant when her husband began very clear: This is real funding. So $4.8 express my heartfelt thanks to Vice having severe psychotic episodes. billion is paid for within this bill, tar- President JOE BIDEN. Not everyone has Jenny told me that she remembered geted to specific NIH initiatives, and the strength to respond to profound how striking the differences were be- available to appropriators above and personal tragedy by doing even more to tween the coordinated, thoughtful care beyond the budget caps. That means, protect and help others, but that is ex- she received as an expectant mother as a result of this legislation—and actly what he has done. I know we are and the confusing patchwork that she thanks, in particular, to the leadership all grateful for and inspired by his and her husband had to navigate to try and vision of Vice President BIDEN—we leadership, and I am confident it has to help him get better. Jenny’s hus- will be able to invest billions right

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.014 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6727 away in better understanding, pre- for our staffs, not just this year but few things to say about it, but I want venting, and treating diseases that last year as well on this bill, and I to express that before she leaves the have impacted so many families. want to take just a minute to recog- Chamber. This bill also ensures that those in- nize their extra effort and sacrifice. Truly, as Senator MURRAY said, the vestments in research will benefit all On Senator ALEXANDER’s staff, I want 21st Century Cures Act is a world- Americans, including women and chil- to particularly acknowledge and thank changing piece of legislation. It seems dren, LGBT individuals, and racial and his staff director, David Cleary, as well rather quiet and unremarkable today, ethnic minorities. as Mary-Sumpter Lapinski and Grace but I actually believe we are taking a This bill also puts $500 million above Stuntz, his health and FDA policy major step toward disease cure and and beyond the budget cap toward leads, who worked very closely with health care research that rivals the helping the FDA meet the same high my staff over many months. I also legislation which actually founded the standards of patient and consumer want to acknowledge and thank Mar- National Institutes of Health some dec- safety in the face of increasing de- garet Coulter, Brett Meeks, Laura ades ago. So we are about important mands on the agency and new respon- Pence, Melissa Pfaff, Kara Townshend, business here at Christmastime as we sibilities under this legislation. As and Elizabeth Wroe for their efforts on near the end of this lameduck session. Democrats have made clear throughout this bill. Senator BLUNT and I and perhaps this process, upholding the gold stand- In the House, I want to recognize and other Senators were over in the Cham- ard of FDA approval that patients and thank the staff of Congressman PAL- ber of the other body last Wednesday families across the country trust is a LONE, including his staff director, Jeff afternoon when the House of Rep- top priority. Carroll, along with Tiffany Guarascio, resentatives passed the 21st Century In light of the antibiotic-resistant in- his health policy lead. I thank the staff Cures Act by an overwhelming bipar- fections linked to contaminated med- of Chairman UPTON, particularly his tisan vote, 392 to 26. I appreciated the ical devices called duodenoscopes in staff director, Gary Andres, and Paul work House leaders did from top to Seattle and across the country, it was Edattel, his health policy lead. bottom and on both sides of the aisle particularly important to me to make In addition, I thank the staff of my on this important legislation. sure that this bill strengthened the members on the HELP Committee, who Of course, I am always pleased to FDA’s authority to require that med- worked so closely with my staff to visit my colleagues over there. A num- ical device manufacturers ensure their make this a reality. In particular, I ber of our House colleagues were over products will remain safe after they thank David Bonine and Joe Dunn with here last night when the Senate in- have gone into repeated uses at our Senator MURPHY. voked cloture on the Cures Act by an I want to acknowledge the assistance hospitals. overwhelming vote of 85 to 13. We will We also fought hard to move many of of Amy Rosenbaum, Jeanne Lambrew, get to the vote either this afternoon or the other FDA reform policies that are Kate Mevis, and Dr. Francis Collins, early tomorrow, and I have every con- among many others within the admin- included in this bill in the direction of fidence that there will be a strong vote istration who helped make today pos- greater patient and consumer safety. on final passage. In particular, I was pleased that we sible. The 21st Century Cures Act is the Finally, I want to close by thanking were able to take out legislation that product of several years of bipartisan my staff. I can’t say enough about my would have watered down transparency work in both Houses. My friend from incredible staff, who have put their Washington State gave a comprehen- around drug and device industry pay- time and talents into this bill from the sive overview of the legislation, which ments to doctors, and I appreciate my word ‘‘go.’’ In particular, I thank my is indeed breathtaking. I wish to come colleagues on the other side of the aisle staff director, Evan Schatz, and my behind her and mention what an ac- who were ultimately willing to work health policy director, Nick Bath, for complishment this is in three areas— with us to make those changes. their extraordinary efforts on this leg- Now, looking ahead to next year, I first, in Alzheimer’s research; second, islation. Thank you. plan to monitor implementation of this I would also like to acknowledge the in pediatric research; and finally, in bill extremely closely, with a focus on hard work of Remy Brim, Julie Tier- the drug approval process. I appreciate my friend from Wash- making sure the incoming administra- ney, Andi Fristedt, Colin Goldfinch, ington and 62 others agreeing to take tion adheres to the policies laid out in Melanie Rainer, Madeleine Pannell, into this legislation the EUREKA Act, this bill and upholds the FDA’s respon- Megan Howard, Elizabeth Wagner, which I was happy to sponsor and sibility to patients and families to en- Wade Ackerman, Kalah Auchincloss, which 62 of my colleagues cosponsored. sure our medicines and treatments are Jane Bigham, Helen Hare, Eli Zupnick, EUREKA would and will initiate prize safe and effective. This standard has John Righter, Nick McLane, and my competitions in the fight against some been critical to fueling biomedical in- chief of staff, Mike Spahn. I want you of our Nation’s most terrible diseases, novation in America for over half a to know that I noticed their long hours including Alzheimer’s. These prizes century. And while I am disappointed and unwavering commitment on this would pay only for success, and they that Republicans were unwilling to legislation. It means a lot. take action on this legislation to tack- I urge my colleagues to join the would complement current funding le the high cost of prescription drugs, I House when we vote on this, which that is and will be ongoing, according am very glad we were able to remove voted overwhelmingly in support of to the legislation. So this will be over expensive provisions that could have this bill—392 to 26—and to join us in and above what we are already doing driven up costs for consumers even sending this legislation to President for Alzheimer’s. The Senator from more. Obama’s desk. Washington is correct about how costly While this bill is not what I would Thank you. Alzheimer’s is. It will top $1 trillion in have written on my own, it is certainly Mr. President, I yield the floor. taxpayer cost by the year 2050 unless not what my colleagues on the other The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. we get a cure or unless we achieve side of the aisle would have written on CRUZ). The Senator from Mississippi. major goals with regard to stopping their own, either. It locks in critical Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, before Alzheimer’s. So it is an expensive dis- advancements ahead of the incoming the distinguished Senator from Wash- ease—the most expensive disease in the administration and the partisan ap- ington moves on to her other duties, I history of this country—but it is also proach they are signaling they will want to commend her and Senator terribly expensive in terms of human take on health care, and it will make a ALEXANDER for the outstanding job suffering. I know many Americans, in- real difference for patients and families they have done and for the long hours cluding my family, have been touched across the country now and for years she and her colleagues on the HELP in a very terrible and dramatic way by into the future. Committee have put in to making the Alzheimer’s. Before I wrap up, I want to acknowl- Cures Act the reality that it will be in I am pleased that the EUREKA prizes edge the extraordinary time and effort a few days. are part of this legislation. I want to put in by all of our staffs. There have I know the distinguished Senator is thank everyone who helped us in this been a lot of late nights and weekends on her way to other meetings. I have a regard.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.015 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 I am thankful for the advice we got The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- But maybe more important than just from the XPRIZE Foundation and from ator from Pennsylvania. talking about positions he held is to all of the Alzheimer’s groups, including Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask talk for just a minute about who he the Alzheimer’s Association and unanimous consent to speak as in is—a fighter. No person has fought UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. morning business. harder for workers and for their fami- Thanks should also go to Dr. Francis The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lies than HARRY REID. No Senator, no Collins and the entire team at the Na- objection, it is so ordered. person I know in public life, has made tional Institutes of Health for making TRIBUTES TO DEPARTING SENATORS that such a central part of who they this legislation work and for listening Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, in the in- are and a central part of their prior- to a different idea—the concept of terest of time, I will limit my remarks. ities, also, at the same time, being a prizes for health care research—and I rise this afternoon to commend and fighter for those who often don’t have giving it an attentive ear and being salute three Senators from the Demo- a voice here—people who don’t have willing to agree that, in addition to the cratic caucus who are leaving the Sen- power ever in their lives or often don’t funding, we would attack these dis- ate this year. I will have longer written have power on a regular basis. They al- eases with a prize competition. statements for the RECORD to appro- ways had a friend in HARRY REID— The NIH funding in Cures includes priately pay tribute to their service. In someone who would go to the end of additional dollars for the BRAIN Ini- alphabetical order, Senator BOXER of the Earth fighting on behalf of them. California, Senator MIKULSKI of Mary- tiative, and these EUREKA prizes will Over and over in our caucus, he land, and Senator REID of Nevada. ensure that our researchers have the would say: We have to work on this BARBARA BOXER AND BARBARA MIKULSKI tools they need. issue, or we have to get this or that I will offer some specific remarks Secondly, another important part of done for people who are hurting. There about Leader REID, in the interest of the NIH section of the Cures Act is the are so many different examples of that, time, but I do want to commend and National Pediatric Research Network, which we don’t have time to enumerate salute Senator BOXER for her service to inspired by the Pediatric Research Im- them today. provement Act that I was happy to co- the people of California and to our Na- I am recalling today a great line sponsor with Senator BROWN earlier tion, as well Senator MIKULSKI for her from a great Democratic leader, Wil- this year. Senator BROWN and I have great work—two great advocates, two liam Jennings Bryan, who talked about been working together tirelessly to see individuals whom we are going to miss the power of one individual to make a NIH implement the National Pediatric terribly here in the Senate. As I said, I difference and the power of an issue or Research Network, and I am glad to see will put longer statements in the set of issues to drive that person’s suc- this provision in the bill. Very simply, RECORD. cess in public life or even beyond pub- the goal is to expand access to clinical HARRY REID lic life, as a citizen. William Jennings trials and treatments for children, es- With regard to Senator REID, I can’t Bryan once said: ‘‘The humblest citizen pecially those with rare diseases. That help taking the time to say a few words in all the land, when clad in the armor is a second aspect of this Cures bill about him in the remaining minutes we of a righteous cause, is stronger than that I am so pleased to see the leader- have before we break for the caucus all the hosts of error.’’ So said William ship of this committee being attentive lunches. Jennings Bryan about one citizen clad to. Mr. President, as many people know, in the armor of a righteous cause. Thirdly, this bill makes major break- Senator HARRY REID is a son of Search- throughs in the way we approve drugs light, a small community in the State HARRY REID is a Senator and he has in this country. I am pleased that lan- of Nevada, and he comes from humble been a leader, but he is also a very guage from another bill I cosponsored, beginnings. It is probably best to read humble man at his core. His righteous the Patient-Focused Impact Assess- his words about his beginnings rather cause wasn’t just one issue, but if you ment Act, was included in the bill. This than trying to describe or encapsulate had to encapsulate it or summarize it, section of the Cures bill would ensure them. Among many things he said the righteous cause for HARRY REID that patients understand the way FDA about his background and his family, was fighting on behalf of those work- considers the patient experience and he said this, in short fashion, about his ers, fighting on behalf of those people the way FDA considers data in the background: who did not ever have power in their drug approval process. So for patients My dad was a hard rock miner. My mom lives. like those living with Duchenne and took in wash. I grew up around people of His ability to not just articulate their families, for people who are inter- strong values. their concerns and their struggles but ested in the drug approval process, and That is a direct quotation from literally their hopes and their dreams for the parents of children, this is a HARRY REID about his background. I was one of the reasons why so many of truly bipartisan achievement. think those values have helped him his us have such a high regard for him. We I am happy that Senator MURRAY was whole life. Those values, that work commend and salute his service. We ap- here so I could congratulate her in per- ethic, and that strength of character preciate his commitment to strong val- son. Certainly Senator LAMAR ALEX- allowed him to go from Searchlight to ues, but we especially appreciate his ANDER, chairman of our HELP Com- rise up to become a leader in his home steadfast support for those who needed mittee, deserves high praise from both State of Nevada in many positions in his voice, who needed his work, who sides of the aisle for his leadership in State government, to be a Member of needed his votes, and needed his leader- this regard, as well as the bipartisan the United States House of Representa- ship. leadership of the House of Representa- tives, later to be elected to the United To Senator REID, we say thank you tives. States Senate in 1986, and then, of for your service, thank you for what As we enter this holiday season, pa- course, to become the Democratic lead- you did for your home State of Nevada, tients, advocates, and providers have er—and he remains so until the end of and thank you for what you did for the an extra reason to rejoice as this bill this Congress—but, of course, the pin- United States of America. heads to the President’s desk. nacle was his service as majority lead- I yield the floor. er, one of the longest serving majority Mr. President, I yield the floor. I suggest the absence of a quorum. ORDER FOR RECESS leaders in our history. That is kind of a summary of his positions in govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask clerk will call the roll. unanimous consent that the Senate ment, important though they are, lead- stand in recess, following the remarks ing a large and diverse caucus. It is a The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. of Senator CASEY, until 2:15 p.m. today. difficult job whether you are leading The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there that caucus in the majority or leading Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask objection? it as the minority party. So we salute unanimous consent that the order for Without objection, it is so ordered. and commend his service to his home the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I yield State of Nevada and to the people of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the floor. the United States. objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.017 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6729 RECESS that ‘‘no apparent cases of in-person such things,’’ before defending Mr. Trump’s voter impersonation [were] charged by claims as ‘‘giving voice to a lot of people who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under have felt that they were voiceless.’’ (As re- the previous order, the Senate stands DOJ’s Criminal Division or by U.S. At- torney’s offices anywhere in the United cently as October, Mr. Ryan’s spokeswoman in recess until 2:15 p.m. noted that ‘‘our democracy relies on con- Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:33 p.m., States from 2004 through July 3, 2014.’’ fidence in election results’’ and that Mr. recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- That is the reality. The President-elect Ryan was ‘‘fully confident the states will bled when called to order by the Pre- should not continue to peddle lies carry out this election with integrity.’’) Reince Priebus, currently the chairman of siding Officer (Mr. ROBERTS). about voter fraud. I say that because this year we have the Republican National Committee and Mr. f seen a dangerous uptick in what some Trump’s pick for chief of staff, told CBS’s TSUNAMI WARNING, EDUCATION, call ‘‘fake news.’’ These articles have John Dickerson that ‘‘no one really knows’’ if millions of people voted illegally. ‘‘It’s AND RESEARCH ACT OF 2015— no basis of reality or factual evidence, possible.’’ It’s equally true that no one really Continued but they are broadly circulated because knows for sure that Reince Priebus wasn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- they affirm a particular ideology or be- snatched away and replaced with a tinguished Senator from Vermont is cause they are a proven way to make a doppelgo¨ nger hatched by aliens—it’s pos- recognized. quick buck by drawing the attention of sible, isn’t it? unsuspecting online readers. Fake news This is how voter suppression efforts start. VOTING RIGHTS stories get attention and clicks. We First come the unverified tales of fraud; then Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank saw what happened when a man walks come the urgent calls to tighten voter reg- the distinguished Presiding Officer, the istration rules and increase ‘‘ballot secu- into a pizza place in the District of Co- rity,’’ which translate into laws that dis- Senator from Kansas. lumbia where children often con- An editorial this morning in the New enfranchise tens or hundreds of thousands of gregate and fires a rifle because of one qualified voters. York Times is entitled: ‘‘Why Does of these fake news stories he had read. That’s already happened in Wisconsin and Lie About Voting Some consider this despicable propa- North Carolina, in Ohio and Texas, where Fraud?’’ This is the editorial of which ganda to be harmless, but it is cer- Republican lawmakers pushed through bills I speak. That is a question that many tainly not without its victims. We requiring voter IDs or proof of citizenship; of us who have been fighting for the eliminating early-voting days and same-day know that the spread of lies through registration; and imposing other measures. right to vote have been asking for dec- fake news can have real-world con- ades. In a bipartisan fashion, this Con- Virtually all these laws aimed at making sequences, even for the public’s faith in voting harder for citizens who happen to be gress reauthorized the Voting Rights the Republic itself. There is no doubt members of groups that tend to support Act 10 years ago. During the course of that this is the way Russia sees it. Democrats. many, many, many Senate and House In conclusion, it should not be too While federal courts have struck down Judiciary Committee hearings, we much to ask our elected officials to op- some of these laws, more keep popping up. In fought against the false narrative that erate on facts and reality. We will have Michigan, lawmakers are pushing to fast- in-person voting fraud was at all com- track a voter-ID requirement even though many debates over policy in the years there was no evidence of voter impersonation mon in our country. The evidence to come, as we should, but Americans clearly and irrefutably shows that it is there. In New Hampshire, the incoming gov- deserve leaders who refuse to peddle in ernor, Chris Sununu, wants to do away with not, but, of course, the evidence does lies for political gain. same-day registration, also despite the lack not stop those who are determined to I call on leaders from both sides of of any evidence that it resulted in fraud. make it harder for Americans to cast the political aisle to no longer defend Reality is beside the point. Dallas their votes. the indefensible. Woodhouse, the executive director of the Right after five Justices on the Su- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- North Carolina Republican Party, recently told The New Republic, ‘‘Whether there’s preme Court gutted the core protection sent that the New York Times editorial of the bipartisan Voting Rights Act, widespread voter fraud or not, the people be- be printed in the RECORD. lieve there is.’’ It doesn’t seem to matter to several States led by Republican ma- There being no objection, the mate- G.O.P. leaders that election officials around jorities enacted voting restrictions rial was ordered to be printed in the the country of both parties have confirmed that made it harder for many Ameri- RECORD, as follows: that there was no fraud on Election Day. cans to vote. [From the New York Times, Dec. 5, 2016] What matters to them, as strategists have long known, is that Republicans do better It is most troubling that our Presi- WHY DOES DONALD TRUMP LIE ABOUT VOTER when fewer people vote. dent-elect has decided to make an un- FRAUD? founded charge of widespread voting Under a Trump administration, anti-voter (By the Editorial Board) efforts could become national in scope— fraud. I can imagine that he is dis- The long-running Republican war against through congressional legislation, a hostile appointed in the fact that he got 2.5 the right to vote has now gone national at Justice Department or a Supreme Court million less votes than his opponent the instigation of President-elect Donald nominee with little regard for voting rights. and did not win the support of a major- Trump, who has promoted the lie that mil- Undermining the integrity of the electoral ity of Americans who voted last lions of illegal votes were cast in the presi- process and making it harder to vote is month. We should all hope that when dential election. threatening to all Americans, regardless of our next President is presented with There is not a scintilla of evidence for this party. The cynical Republicans now in power unfavorable realities, he will not resort claim, and Mr. Trump’s own lawyers have figure that all they have to do is fool the admitted as much, stating in a court filing public long enough to win the next election. to spreading information that has no opposing a recount in Michigan that ‘‘all It’s outrageous, but it’s hard to see why they basis in fact. That cannot and should available evidence suggests that the 2016 would stop when lying has gotten them this never be the standard of American general election was not tainted by fraud or far. leadership. mistake.’’ Mr. LEAHY. I yield the floor and In an article published in the Valley Yet one after the next, leading Republicans thank my colleague. News of West Lebanon, NH, and re- are spreading this slander of American de- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. printed this morning in VTDigger, re- mocracy, smoothing the way to restrict vot- ing rights across the country. PORTMAN). The Senator from Kansas. searchers at Dartmouth explored Presi- On Sunday, Vice President-elect Mike Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I have dent-Elect Trump’s allegation of wide- Pence told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos some good news. Today we have before spread voting fraud, and they found that it was Mr. Trump’s ‘‘right to express his us a legislative package that reflects 2 nothing to support his claim, noting opinion as president-elect.’’ When pushed to years of work for the Health, Edu- ‘‘voter fraud concerns fomented and es- admit that the illegal-voting claim was not cation, Labor, and Pensions Com- poused by the Trump campaign are not true, Mr. Pence shifted the burden of proof mittee. grounded in any observable features of away from Mr. Trump, even though Mr. When we first embarked on this proc- the 2016 Presidential election.’’ Many Trump has accused millions of Americans of ess, the goal was to find ways to spur committing a crime. ‘‘Look,’’ Mr. Pence other analyses have also made this said, ‘‘I don’t know that that’s a false state- innovation and reduce the time it crystal clear. ment, George, and neither do you.’’ takes for new therapies and treatments In a report to Congress, the Govern- Paul Ryan, speaker of the House, told to get from the research bench to the ment Accountability Office concluded CBS’s ‘‘60 Minutes,’’ ‘‘I have no knowledge of bedside for patients. The bill is the 21st

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.019 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 Century Cures Act, which includes—I in our current system, but this bipar- I will remind my colleagues that am going to repeat this several times— tisan bill is certainly a good step in the there is a rule XIX that the distin- true bipartisan victories for patients in right direction toward improving ac- guished Presiding Officer can invoke at our health care system. cess to mental health services and any time and any Senator can ask that Throughout my time in Congress, I eliminating the stigma of seeking a Senator’s words be taken down under have been a consistent supporter of treatment. rule XIX. I only say it so that we can funding for the National Institutes of Finally, the 21st Century Cures Act look upon a bipartisan bill like this Health, or NIH, to fulfill our commit- includes numerous priorities that my and say: Look at what we have done. ment to prioritizing biomedical re- colleagues on the Finance Committee Let’s be proud of it and certainly not search and innovation. NIH research and I have been working on for several get into the mud with regard to any returns priceless benefits, giving years. One provision I was proud to personal comments. health care providers new tools and support in committee extends the I urge my colleagues to advance re- drugs to heal and give hope to individ- Rural Community Hospital Demonstra- search, advance the development treat- uals. The benefits of this research in- tion Program for another 5 years. As ments, and support this bill. It is a vestment to Kansans back home have our rural hospitals continue to try and good bill. It is a bipartisan bill that we been direct and personal. Back in 2012, make ends meet, this program helps should all be proud of. the University of Kansas Cancer Center what we call ‘‘tweener’’ hospitals sur- I thank the Presiding Officer and received a National Cancer Institute vive. Hospitals that do not qualify as yield back. designation, or an NCI designation. critical access hospitals would not sur- These centers are major players in re- vive under the current Medicare pay- f search and development for cancer ment system. It is a critical program 21ST CENTURY CURES BILL treatment and prevention. that benefits Kansans in Junction City, Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, today I The legislation we will be voting on Ulysses, and Fort Scott by keeping wish to support the 21st Century Cures today or tomorrow—or at the very their hospital and access care open. Act, the bill currently before us that, if least next week—does commit an addi- There is more rural relief. Senators all goes well, will be approved by the HUNE, CRAPO, and I have championed tional $1.8 billion for Vice President T Senate very shortly. BIDEN’s Cancer Moonshot. This will not a provision to protect rural access to This important legislation represents durable medical equipment under the only help the University of Kansas as the hard work of Members from both Competitive Bidding Program. We they continue to push toward a com- parties and from both sides of the Cap- would have liked to have seen a more prehensive cancer center designation, itol. It has support across the economic permanent solution. However, this bill but it will help all Americans who and ideological spectrum and promises delays applying competitively bid stand to benefit as we work to end the to do quite a bit of good for a number prices of rural areas and requires the fight against cancer. of people. In addition to research funding, this Department of Health and Human Put simply—or as simply as one can bill includes some provisions I au- Services to take into account stake- for a measure of this size—the 21st Cen- thored along with Senator KLOBUCHAR holder input as well as average travel tury Cures Act represents a significant to improve and increase transparency distance, volume of items, services fur- investment in improving our ability to in the review and approval of processes nished, and the number of suppliers in discover and develop new treatments for medical devices. Specifically, the these areas when determining adjust- and medicines and ensure that patients bill does this. It encourages the FDA, ments in setting bid prices. or the Food and Drug Administration, I have the privilege of being the co- have access to them. To accomplish this goal, this legisla- to accept international consensus chairman of the Senate Rural Health tion, among many other things, pro- standards to provide more predict- Caucus. I know how critically impor- ability for innovators. Second, it tant these and other pieces of the pack- vides a much-needed expansion of fund- makes improvements to the advisory age are for our beleaguered rural ing for the National Institutes of committee selection process in an ef- health care system. There is no ques- Health, improvements to the approval fort to provide more transparency. It tion that we have many challenges process at the Food and Drug Adminis- provides a technical correction to es- ahead. While this package may not be tration, resources to respond to the tablish a process by which the Food a silver bullet to ensure cures for all growing opioid abuse crisis, and an up- and Drug Administration may remove that ails us, it sets priorities in re- dated government framework for ad- certain products from the class I device search, cancer, cancer precision medi- dressing mental health needs. reserve list if they think a premarket cine, regenerative medicine, and heart- Thanks to this bill, universities review is no longer necessary to prove breaking diseases like Alzheimer’s across Utah will be able to access the reasonable assurances of safety and ef- through the BRAIN Initiative. We all funding streams from the Precision fectiveness. Senators ISAKSON, CASEY, know someone affected by these dread- Medicine Initiative, the BRAIN Initia- and ROBERTS’ priorities seek to provide ed diseases. It also makes significant tive, and the Cancer Moonshot. Utah is more certainty for FDA review of com- changes in how these new therapies are known for its ability to leverage sig- bination products and therapies that evaluated, hopefully approved, and de- nificant public-private partnerships to do not fit neatly into simply a drug or livered to patients, providing more work towards cutting-edge health and device. tools in the medicine cabinet that will innovation. I am proud to represent a The legislation also includes impor- improve many lives. Advances in med- State where complex technologies are tant reforms to our mental health sys- ical research benefit us all, and this being utilized to help patients find the tem based largely on a bill the HELP bill does just that. best treatments and avoid interven- Committee passed earlier this year. I wish to make a comment with re- tions that would be costly, invasive, With this section of the bill, we seek to gard to previous discussions of this bill and ineffective. clarify and improve our mental health on the floor of the Senate. Unfortu- Over the past several months, I have parity laws. We reauthorized the sub- nately, a very small minority of my had several meaningful experiences stance abuse and mental health block colleagues want to criticize and even working to improve health care for the grants. We promote evidence-based villainize this legislation and those people of Utah and for all Americans. practices to ensure we are utilizing our who worked so hard on it, which is ter- For example, I had the pleasure of wel- scarce resources on programs that ribly disappointing to me. With the coming Vice President BIDEN to the work and not continuing to fund what passage of this bill, both Republicans Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah as doesn’t work. We reauthorized the Gar- and Democrats can take pride in put- part of his Cancer Research Center rett Lee Smith Memorial Act for sui- ting together and working toward a bi- tour. cide prevention and intervention and partisan bill that lives up to its name— The Vice President and I had an in- the National Child Traumatic Stress the 21st Century Cures Act. I regret the sightful discussion about a number of Initiative. tone of the debate that took place with promising therapies being developed in There is a lot more work to be done, regard to this bill and the personal Utah. This legislation will provide an obviously, to address the deficiencies comments that were made. infusion of funding for these types of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.021 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6731 projects that will improve lives for in- As this legislation was being devel- it this far, including Chairmen BRADY dividuals and families across our coun- oped, I noted that I had concerns with and UPTON and Speaker RYAN over in try and around the world. some of the pay-fors that were being the House, and Chairman ALEXANDER, Among the many noteworthy provi- thrown around. I have always sup- Leader MCCONNELL, and his leadership sions in this bill are several items ad- ported the goals of this legislation and team here in the Senate. vocated by members of the Senate Fi- believed it was important that we try They have all done good work, and I nance Committee, which I chair. to move it forward. However, I do not congratulate them on this success. Throughout the 114th Congress, the Fi- believe we should be setting undesir- Now, we just have to pass the bill. nance Committee has worked tirelessly able precedents when it comes to fund- Once again, I intend to vote in favor to advance a number of bipartisan leg- ing these types of endeavors. of the 21st Century Cures Act, and I islative efforts and address the con- Early on in this process, some pub- urge my colleagues to do the same. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cerns of our Members’ constituents. licly expressed their belief that the ator from Michigan. We have reported more bills out of spending in this bill could be paid for the committee in this Congress than Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, first, by making alterations to federal health we got a little out of order on the really in any other Congress in modern entitlement programs, namely Medi- history, all of them—every single one— speaking schedule as to how it should care and Medicaid. have started this afternoon. with bipartisan support. The long list I will spare my colleagues a lecture includes bills in virtually every area of I ask unanimous consent that Sen- on the budget process today. Instead, I ELSON go immediately after me. the Finance Committee’s jurisdiction, ator N will just note that, while there are a He has been courteous enough to allow including health care policy. number of areas where we can respon- me to speak, and I ask unanimous con- Some of these priorities—and many sibly find savings in these programs, others—have been included in the sent that he speak after I am done we have almost always tried to avoid speaking. Cures Act. diverting funds from these programs— All told, the current version of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there which constitute mandatory spend- bill includes at least 22 separate provi- objection? ing—to pay for discretionary spending Without objection, it is so ordered. sions that reflect the hard work of Fi- programs. Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I nance Committee members. These in- And, put simply, I believe we need to wish to congratulate everyone who has clude modifications and updates to continue following what has generally worked on the Cures bill. There are Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP, along been a brightline rule in that regard. If many areas that I have concerns about, with other important changes to the we start casually commingling manda- and there are many positive things. I law. am looking forward to coming back as I want to collectively thank the tory and discretionary funds, we run the risk of greatly expanding discre- well and working with colleagues on members of the Finance Committee for how we complete the job on mental the work they have done on these tionary spending programs while si- multaneously weakening our entitle- health by providing full funding for measures and on everything else we community mental health care across have been able to accomplish over the ment programs that are already on the brink of fiscal crisis. the country, which is not in the bill. last two years. But there are some positive steps for- A number of measures that I person- Fortunately, the main proponents of ward on health care. ally worked on as a member of the Sen- the Cures Act have been willing to MEDICARE ate HELP Committee have also been work with me, and they have scaled I think it is very important, as we included in the bill. All told, about 37 back their initial efforts to use the are coming to the end of this session in provisions in this bill are ones that I mandatory spending sources to pay for the next week or two, that we talk either drafted or helped draft at some the bill. While those pay-fors haven’t about the fact that when we come point during my years in the Senate. been entirely purged from the bill, I do For now, I want to focus on my work not intend to vote against the legisla- back, there will be incredibly impor- tant debates on health care, and one of to help those in the rare disease com- tion on that basis. them is what will happen to Medicare munity. Millions of Americans suffer That said, I do want to make clear for tens of millions of seniors and peo- from unexplainable illnesses that leave that this shouldn’t become a legisla- ple with disabilities going forward in them feeling abandoned and alone. tive template or be considered a prece- our country. I want to take a moment And, if we do not address the dry pipe- dent for how Congress will pay for new spending in the future. And, as the to speak to that. line for drugs that end up treating just First of all, Medicare and Social Se- a few hundred patients, we are making chairman of the committee that has ju- risdiction over most of the relevant curity are great American success sto- a national decision that these people ries. Those two programs have lifted a mandatory spending programs, I intend do not matter. generation of seniors out of poverty to do all I can to make sure we avoid None of us should accept that. and created a quality of life for them To address these concerns, I worked this practice going forward. and a guarantee, after paying in all In addition, I want to say that I was to include specific measures in the their lives, that health care and some disappointed that the bill before us Cures Act that improve pediatric care basic economic security will be there. and expedite the drug approval process does not include provisions from the I am particularly concerned right for rare diseases, ensuring that thou- Family First Prevention Services Act, now, though, about the comments we sands of patients get the treatments which Senator WYDEN and I, along with are hearing about proposals to fun- they need when they need them. our counterparts in the House, intro- damentally change Medicare and un- With this bill, Congress will make duced earlier this year. dermine Medicare. We are hearing significant steps in helping Americans This is commonsense legislation every day now that Medicare, as we with rare diseases, but our work will be that, in my view, would be a good fit know it, is in jeopardy of being disman- far from over. Families affected by rare for this vehicle. It has broad support tled, taking away the security and the diseases have united around the coun- from Members of both parties and in peace of mind of tens of millions of try to speak with a growing voice, and both Chambers, and we all worked to Americans and their families across we need to do all we can to make sure get it included in this package. Unfor- the country who are currently on Medi- their pleas do not fall on deaf ears. tunately, we weren’t able to complete care—the health care guarantee of As you can see, there are a number of this task. So all of us will have to keep Medicare—or those who care for others good things to say about the 21st Cen- looking for any reasonable vehicle or or those who within the next few years tury Cures Act. However, I don’t want opportunity to move this important will be on Medicare or who are con- to leave the impression that the bill is bill in the near future. cerned about their children. perfect from my point of view. While I Still, even with these concerns I have Why are we expressing this now? support the bill and plan to vote in about this final version of the 21st Cen- First of all, the Speaker of the House favor of passage, I do want to make tury Cures Act, I am strongly sup- said on Sunday that Medicare is burn- note of what are, in my view, some of portive of the bill, and I want to com- ing through the budget. He has consist- the bill’s shortcomings. mend those who worked so hard to get ently said Medicare is on the verge of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.034 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 bankruptcy, which is not true. It ap- I am all for improving Medicare. I DREAMERS pears the goal is to scare people by have supported efforts to bring addi- Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I want telling us Medicare will not be there tional accountability and credibility to speak about DREAMers. These are for our children. It will not be there into Medicare. We will continue to do children who are brought to this coun- only if we don’t keep our commitments that. We want to make sure it con- try in an illegal status because they to Medicare and the people of this tinues to be more and more effective. are brought by their parents who are country. We want to strengthen Medicare. Cut- undocumented. These children often do I think I have heard almost every ting it, taking it from a guarantee to a not know that in fact they are undocu- single day since the 1980s that if we maybe, is not the way to do that. In mented. want to save Medicare, we have to de- fact, it is not—despite the Speaker’s There are threats in the new admin- stroy it as a guaranteed health care own hashtag—a better way. It is not a istration to completely reverse Presi- system somehow. Now, we know there better way. dent Obama’s Executive order that al- was a huge difference of opinion and a Why am I concerned at this point? lows these children to stay in the partisan split back when Medicare was United States and continue their edu- Why do we think Republicans are seri- created between Democrats and Repub- cation. I want to tell you about one ous about trying to undermine Medi- licans, and I am proud as a Democrat such DREAMer. This is Elisha care as well as Medicaid, of which 80 that we created Medicare and have Dawkins. Elisha came from the Baha- percent of the spending goes to long- been able to expand prescription drug mas in an undocumented status with term care for senior citizens? There are coverage and other quality measures his mother at the age of 6 months. Eli- two things that are deeply concerning and other coverage that is so critical, sha’s mother was deported shortly to me. First, in every House Repub- but it seems like we are constantly thereafter, and he was raised by family lican budget since 2011, everyone has going back in some way redebating in Florida. whether Medicare should exist as we effectively turned Medicare into a He always thought he was an Amer- know it. So we hear that to save Medi- voucher for people eligible after 2023, 6 ican citizen. After high school, he care, we have to destroy it as a guaran- years from now. It would raise the joined the Army. This photo shows teed health care system—which I com- costs. It would take away the certainty when he served a tour in Iraq. He came pletely reject, as do my Democratic and the guarantee of Medicare. It back and was mustered out of the colleagues. would reopen the gap in prescription Army with an honorable discharge We are hearing we have to cut Medi- drug coverage. For millions of people after having been awarded the Iraqi care, we have to change it from a guar- across Michigan and across America, Service Medal. He was assigned to a antee into a ‘‘maybe.’’ We also hear all you don’t need to make health care very sensitive position as a photog- kinds of different names used, whether harder. It needs to be easier. rapher. it is a voucher system, where you get a In addition to comments from the Promptly after coming back and certain amount of money in a voucher Speaker of the House about changing starting his studies, he decided to join and you go to the private sector and Medicare and making it a priority in the Navy Reserves and was given a top try to buy coverage, and whatever is the budget, creating payoffs in the sys- secret clearance. He performed photog- not covered by the voucher, you have tem, taking away the universal guar- raphy at a very sensitive location, to make up the difference. I would re- antee, we now have the President-elect Guantanamo, with all of the detainees. mind people that Medicare came into nominating Dr. TOM PRICE, a current So Elisha, coming off his Reserve being because the private sector was House Member, for Secretary of Health duty, resumed his studies at the Uni- not providing affordable health care for and Human Services, who has sup- versity of North Florida. At one point, seniors and people with disabilities so ported that budget privatizing Medi- he had started to fill out a passport ap- we have absolutely no reason to believe care, block granting, and cutting Med- plication but did not go through with that would not be the case today. icaid and long-term care for seniors in that application and never turned it in. We hear about eligibility changes, nursing homes and so on. We are told Later on, filling out a passport applica- premium support, means testing, and by the nominee that he expects Repub- tion, he was asked if he had ever ap- all kinds of other things that go to the licans in Congress to move quickly on plied for a passport and he checked the very essence of what Medicare is all this legislation in the new year, even box ‘‘no’’ because he hadn’t. The U.S. about. Again, Medicare is a great though President-Elect Donald Trump attorney’s office came in and arrested American success story that Ameri- promised throughout his campaign him, threw him in the clink, and in the cans of all ages want to see continue that Medicare would be safe on his process, found out he was undocu- and be expanded upon. Regardless of watch. He made that promise to the mented because of the circumstances I what kinds of names are used, the end people I represent—the people we all just told you. A veteran of Iraq and result is still the same. These plans are represent—and I can assure you, I am Guantanamo—Army in Iraq, Navy in plans to take away the benefits Ameri- going to be doing everything possible Guantanamo—is in a detention center cans have worked their entire lives for, to make sure that promise is kept. awaiting trial. a system they pay into that lets them Fortunately, Elisha Dawkins’ situa- The only thing gutting Medicare is know that as we all get older, we will tion came to my attention and I start- going to do is create chaos for tens of have the health care we need for our- ed raising some cain about this. As a millions of seniors, people with disabil- selves and our families. matter of fact, in a further hearing in ities, and for the health care system in What is also not mentioned is the front of a Federal judge, the Federal general. Seniors and people with dis- fact that Medicare is solvent through judge, in essence, dressed down in court abilities—all Americans—deserve bet- 2028, thanks to the Affordable Care Act the assistant U.S. attorney who had ter than this. As we enter the new which extended the fiscal sovereignty pursued this case and, fortunately, the year, Democrats will fight tooth and of Medicare. The Affordable Care Act charges were dropped. That enabled also closed the gap in coverage—what nail to protect Medicare, to make sure Elisha to go on and to continue his has been called the doughnut hole—for Medicaid and long-term care is avail- studies. In the process, since he had no prescription drug coverage. By the able for our seniors, to make sure the conviction, he was allowed to apply for way, if the ACA is repealed, there will health care guarantee that has been U.S. citizenship. His military service be another hole in that coverage and there for a generation of retirees and justified him to do that. This past seniors’ Medicare prescription drug people with disabilities is continued. week, he is now graduating from the costs are going to go back up. We have Medicare is a great American success University of North Florida. seen that Medicare, in fact, is solvent story, and we are ready to do every- Because a child came here in an un- to 2028. It now actually costs less for a thing possible to protect it and documented status through no fault of prescription drug today than it used to strengthen it as a guarantee for Ameri- their own, it is not right that children, cost, and we are seeing quality efforts cans in the future. such as Elisha Dawkins, who grow up going on every day, preventive efforts, Thank you, Mr. President. to be great assets for the United States to continue to extend sovereignty and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would be penalized and threatened with bring down costs. ator from Florida. deportation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.022 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6733 Obviously, we have to attend to the Street. Appointing a 17-year Goldman Dodd-Frank’’ and went on to suggest national security implications, in his Sachs executive to oversee financial that the Volcker rule, which is the pro- case of potential passport fraud, which regulation is the definition of the fox vision that shut down the Wall Street was not the case, but this was a man guarding the hen house. It has the po- casino, should be weakened or elimi- who had not committed that fraud and tential to undo all the progress and re- nated. It is not speculation; it is who had served his country honorably. covery we have made since shutting straight from his own testimony to the As this case has resolved itself into a down the Wall Street casino, which American public, after he was nomi- happy ending, just think of all the dragged our country into the Great Re- nated, that he wants to restore the other stories of DREAMers who are out cession. Furthermore, wouldn’t it be Wall Street casino. there and who share Elisha’s commit- great to have someone at the helm of The Consumer Financial Protection ment to and love of country, commit- our economy who fought to put people Bureau is another target. That protec- ment to the ideals that all these into homes, instead of fighting to kick tion bureau is a watchdog on the beat DREAMers share of growing up in the people out of their homes and onto the against predatory financial practices. only country they have ever known, street, as he has done. It is a pretty good thing when you have and they had always thought they were One of the great things about Amer- an organization that has returned a member of that country. ica is the resiliency of the American nearly $12 billion to 27 million Amer- I have said it before, and I will say it people. They come upon a challenge, ican citizens harmed by illegal and again. The DREAMers are our neigh- sometimes a catastrophe, and they predatory practices in the lending busi- bors, they are our friends, they are our work to put the pieces back together ness. Furthermore, the Consumer Fi- high school valedictorians, and they again. We have made our way through nancial Protection Bureau has saved are our veterans. the Great Depression. We made it far more by preventing these practices They were brought to this country through two world wars, we made it in the first place on current lending— before they ever even knew of the sig- through the September 11 terrorist at- $12 billion returned, but who knows nificance of their trip, and they have tacks, and we have worked to recover how much they saved consumers on the benefited our communities greatly. It from the Great Recession. front end. Maybe it is $50 billion, is clear that America is stronger for a That crisis saw 8.7 million jobs lost, maybe it is $100 billion, maybe it is person like Elisha Dawkins. trillions of dollars of lost family more. But the fact is, our citizens are As this Congress comes to a close, I wealth, and more than 2 million busi- getting a better foundation for our fi- remind all of us and urge us to remem- nesses shuttered. It was a financial cri- nancial success. ber—next year, when there is an at- sis that cost about 4 million Americans If you believe in the success of Amer- ican families, you want to block preda- tempt to turn around that White House their homes. It wiped out the hard- tory practices designed to undermine Executive order, I want us to remem- earned retirement savings of millions them. That is what we did in Congress, ber the faces of people such as Elisha more families. Dawkins. I want us to come together The American people are working to and that is what is at risk. We did a lot of powerful things to and acknowledge their many contribu- rebuild, but they haven’t forgotten. rectify the excesses that led to the dis- tions to this great country. They haven’t forgotten foreclosed aster of 2008 under the Bush adminis- I yield the floor. homes. They haven’t forgotten the lost tration. We created stress tests to en- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. jobs. They haven’t forgotten the retire- sure the strength and security of our ERNST). The Senator from Oregon. ment savings. They haven’t forgotten largest banks—that they had sufficient TREASURY DEPARTMENT NOMINATION the shuttered businesses across our reserves to withstand periods of eco- Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, great land, and they definitely haven’t nomic challenge. That makes sense. We colleagues, we are now 4 weeks out forgotten the recklessness of Wall put procedures in place to unwind from a Presidential election in which Street that made it all happen. megacorporations when they fail so It seems that perhaps President- millions of American voters indicated they can be unwound and not take the Elect Donald Trump has already for- they wanted a change. rest of the economy, the financial sys- gotten not just the driving force behind Donald Trump, our President-elect, tem, down with them. That makes campaigned and was elected on a plat- the Great Recession of 2008 that caused sense. form he called draining the swamp. these calamities for millions of Amer- We established a cop on the beat to Getting rid of entrenched special inter- ican families and businesses, but he has make sure people aren’t scammed by ests sounds good. Fighting on behalf of also forgotten his campaign vow to credit companies. It makes sense. middle-class Americans sounds good. take on Wall Street. Instead, Mr. We made sure we had an organization Taking on Wall Street’s powerful spe- Trump is planning to put Wall Street to which people could appeal when they cial interests sounds good. in charge of the Treasury Depart- thought there was a predatory prac- In fact, month after month, our ment—again, the most powerful eco- tice, to have it rectified and have the President-elect attacked Secretary nomic position in the United States of funds returned to them if they were Clinton, saying she was too close to the America. right. That makes sense. All of this Wall Street banks. He said things such Where does Wall Street stand on makes sense. It makes what type of as ‘‘Hillary will never reform Wall these issues? Wall Street hates the pro- sense? It makes common sense. Street.’’ He said, ‘‘I know the guys at visions that Congress adopted to end Isn’t it just common understanding Goldman Sachs. They have total con- predatory lending practices in mort- that when a predator damages a fam- trol’’ over his opponent. gages and consumer laws. They hate ily, our entire community suffers and These are pretty harsh words. With those provisions, and they want to get when a family loses its home, our en- months of hammering Wall Street and rid of them. They want to get rid of the tire community suffers? Don’t we un- hammering his opponent, it came as a watchdog that makes sure those provi- derstand that when people are thrown big surprise to many last week, when sions don’t return. Wall Street hates out into the street—as Steve President-Elect Trump announced that the provisions that we adopted to shut Mnuchin’s banks specialized in—the he would be naming Steve Mnuchin, a down the Wall Street casino, where families are hurt, the children are darling of Wall Street, a 17-year vet- Wall Street firms made huge bets with deeply hurt? But now we have a nomi- eran of Goldman Sachs, a career in the the deposits of American savers to ter- nee who specialized in Wall Street and financial industry, to run the Treasury rible consequences. specialized in foreclosures. I say again, Department—the single most impor- Bloomberg News reported that wouldn’t it be great to have a nominee tant post in our economy to be run by Trump’s nominee, Steve Mnuchin, was to head our economy who worked to Wall Street. front and center during these oper- put people into homes, who worked to Instead of draining the swamp in ations of the Wall Street casino. Have make families successful, not someone Washington, it looks as if our Presi- no doubt that he plans to do what he who specialized in throwing them out dent-elect is turning our government can to restore that casino. While being of their homes and onto the street? intended to be of, by, and for the people interviewed right after his nomination, In 2009, in the depths of the financial into a government of, by, and for Wall he promised to ‘‘strip back parts of crisis, Steve Mnuchin purchased the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.024 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 fourth largest failed bank, IndyMac, able rate mortgage to pay for repairs. Fair Housing Advocates of Northern when it collapsed in July of 2008. After She faced some hard times and was California, the bank’s Southern Cali- buying IndyMac, he renamed it falling behind, but under very con- fornia branches made a total of only OneWest and took over as the CEO. structive negotiations with One West two mortgage loans to African-Amer- Under Mnuchin’s leadership, OneWest to stay in the home, you will recall we ican home buyers during 2014 and 2015. became what housing advocates in had this program called the Home Af- That is one per year; two loans over 24 California called a foreclosure ma- fordable Mortgage Program—the months in one of the country’s most di- chine. Why did they call it a fore- HAMP program—wherein a bank could verse communities—a community that closure machine? Because in the midst rework it. They were saying to her that includes Los Angeles, where African of the Great Recession, it pushed for- we are reworking it, all is good, but, Americans make up more than 9 per- ward 36,000 homeowners into fore- meanwhile, they were pursuing fore- cent of the population. This practice is closure, using tactics that were cer- closure. The result was, thinking she known as redlining. It is an egregious tainly off limits, such as robo-signing, was working out a modification, she practice. What is more, of the 35,877 fake signing—let me put it directly, came back to her home in the middle homes that One West foreclosed on just fake signing of documents. His bank of a blizzard and found herself locked in California between April 2009 and was responsible for more than one- out. April 2015, 68 percent were majority third of all reverse mortgage fore- This is an example of the widely pub- non-White areas. closures, which disproportionately licized two-track policy in which banks Looking at this record, it is pretty were targeted at America’s seniors. would pretend to work out a modifica- clear that Mnuchin has not used his Let me tell you the story of Ossie tion while aggressively pursuing fore- skills in life to put people into homes; Lofton. Ossie Lofton, a 90-year-old closure. That is not a good practice. It he has used his skills to kick people woman from Lakeland, FL, took out a is not fair to the homeowner. out of their homes and into the street. reverse mortgage on her home. This is Let’s look at another story. Gregg Instead of fighting for homeowners, a type of loan that allows an elderly in- and Diane Horoski. They refinanced in he has made a living—the life of a dividual to draw up the equity of their 2004. They paid off their original mort- mega-multimillionaire—off the suf- home to help them meet their basic gage with a loan from Deutsche Bank fering of low-income and middle-in- monthly expenses. The beauty of this and used the rest of the money to cover come Americans. is that once you have that have reverse health care costs, but it is one of those Our President-elect bashed his oppo- mortgage, assuming it is not designed loans with an exploding interest rate, nent for being too cozy with Wall with predatory features, it can supply and the loan interest soared to 12.375 Street banks. He told Iowans: ‘‘I am to a senior some steady supply, and percent. Then Gregg Horoski started not going to let Wall Street get away they don’t have to write a steady mort- having health problems so they were with murder,’’ but then he nominates gage check to anyone. Instead, they having trouble keeping up with those an individual with this record of preda- get income to help meet those basic ex- high interest payments. So they asked tory practices, of private profit over penses, so it is hard to imagine how the bank to work with them. What the suffering of thousands of families, you would end in default in this situa- bank? One West. They asked One West to lead our economy in the years tion. But individuals are still respon- to work with them to modify the loan, ahead. This is just 4 weeks after his sible for paying property taxes and but the bank turned them down, misled election, just 4 weeks after we heard homeowners insurance. them about how much they owed, lied the cries that he would stand up to In Ossie Lofton’s case, there was con- to them about how much was at stake. Wall Street, and now he is putting Wall fusion over her homeowners insurance The Horoskis felt betrayed by the Street in charge. coverage. The bank sent her a bill for misrepresentations and they took One There is more. He is not appointing $423.30. Ossie looked at that. She West to court and Judge Jeffrey Spin- just one but two former Goldman thought she had it right, and so she ner said the following about the bank’s Sachs executives to key positions of sent the insurance company a check behavior. Which bank? One West, the power and influence. One is Steve for $423, overlooking the 30-cent pay- bank that Steve Mnuchin was heading. Bannon, assigned to be his Chief Strat- ment. Well, they sent her back another bill He called the bank’s behavior ‘‘harsh, egist. That is right—Goldman Sachs— for 30 cents. Again, she misread it. She repugnant, shocking and repulsive.’’ He Chief Strategist for our President- thought they were asking for 3 cents, also added, ‘‘unequitable, unconscion- Elect. Now we have an economist in and she mailed them 3 cents—27 cents able, vexatious and opprobrious.’’ He chief, the Treasury Secretary, also shy. pretty much summoned every word in coming from the same direction. It What did OneWest do under Steve the English dictionary to say how sounds like instead of ‘‘draining the Mnuchin’s leadership? They foreclosed wrong the bank’s action was as they swamp,’’ our President-elect is helping on Ossie for 27 cents. dealt with this couple. Wall Street restore the predatory prac- In my hand I have 30 cents, a dime Now, the bank lost that case, but tices that destroyed the living and the and four nickels. Why would a bank they were aggressively pursuing every- lives of millions of American home- foreclose on a woman who owed them a thing so they took it to appeal. They owners. This is wrong. few cents? Why would they do that? spent a lot of money and had a lot of I call on President-Elect Trump to Well, if you followed these predatory lawyers take on this couple and even- reverse course, to fight for government practices, some banks looked at it this tually the bank won. They won no of, by, and for the people—not govern- way. They said if we can find a techni- grace period, no compromise, no home ment of, by, and for Wall Street. cality to grab someone’s home, we can for this couple. The bank won and the I yield the floor. resell it for far more than we are owed. Horoskis lost, as did thousands and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- That is a huge profit. thousands and thousands of individuals ator from South Dakota. So for that 27 cents, she lost her and couples who owned homes who lost CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITIES home. She and thousands of others lost them to these very aggressive fore- Mr. THUNE. Madam President, the their homes so this bank could profit closure strategies. business of the 114th Congress is draw- rather than work out a mortgage modi- That is not all. Mr. Mnuchin and his ing to a close to wrap up a few final fication. That is really a crime against bank didn’t just prey on hard-working bills. One of the most important bills an American citizen, a specialty of this Americans, they also had an operation that we will be passing this week is the bank, a specialty through which Steve that has a record of discriminating National Defense Authorization Act. In Mnuchin profited millions and millions against minority home buyers and mi- fact, this is one of the most important of dollars. Millions of dollars of income nority neighborhoods. Fair housing ap- bills that we pass each year. was accumulated based on the suffering plicants have filed legal complaint The National Defense Authorization inflicted on thousands and thousands after legal complaint against their Act is one of two bills that ensures of American homeowners. practices. that our military men and women have We could look at another story. Les- Here is an example. According to the the tools and resources they need to lie Parks took out a subprime adjust- California Reinvestment Coalition and defend our country. It is the bill that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.025 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6735 authorizes funding for the body armor premium notice for my ObamaCare in- that we will be governed by the law our troops wear and the weapons they surance. My policy rate for myself, my and not by someone’s personal opin- carry into battle. It is the bill that au- wife, and my teenage son has increased ions. thorizes funding for the advanced tech- by 357 percent’’—357 percent. Justice Scalia will be a nology our military needs to be suc- ObamaCare is on the brink of col- to replace, but I am confident that cessful on today’s battlefield and the lapse. We know what millions of Amer- President-Elect Trump will nominate a bill that authorizes true pay increases icans already know; that is, that the Justice with a similar respect for the which help us retain an All-Volunteer status quo is unsustainable. It is time rule of law, and I look forward to work- Force. Making sure our troops have to repeal this law and replace it with ing with my colleagues to get a quali- what they need to defend our country something that works, and that is pre- fied nominee confirmed. is pretty much our most important re- cisely what we are going to do. Repealing ObamaCare and con- sponsibility as Members of Congress; We are going to get started on repeal firming a Supreme Court nominee are first, of course, because the security of as soon as the 115th Congress convenes, two important things we are going to our country depends on it and, second, and then we are going to work step-by- do next year, but they are just the be- because we owe our men and women in step to replace ObamaCare with real ginning. Republicans are going to uniform nothing less. health care reform—health care reform spend the 115th Congress fighting for This year’s National Defense Author- that focuses on the States rather than the American people’s priorities, from ization Act authorizes the largest having the Federal Government run- growing our economy and creating bet- troop pay increase in 6 years. It mod- ning everything, health care that gives ter paying jobs to securing our borders ernizes the military health care system more control to patients and doctors and protecting our Nation. We have a to improve quality of care for our when it comes to health care choices chance to do big things for the Amer- troops and their families. It reduces and decisions, health care that pro- ican people in 2017, and we can’t wait Pentagon bureaucracy to focus re- vides choices and is patient-centered so to get started. sources on our Nation’s warfighters, there are more options out there, more Madam President, I yield the floor. and it supports our allies amid growing choices, more competition in the mar- I suggest the absence of a quorum. threats. ketplace, and a health care system The PRESIDING OFFICER. The It also addresses the dangerous that allows flexibility for our small clerk will call the roll. underfunding of the military that has businesses on which much of the re- The legislative clerk proceeded to occurred under President Obama. It sponsibility for providing health care call the roll. stops troop reductions for the Army for their employees falls. Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask and Marine Corps and authorizes addi- Another thing we are going to get unanimous consent that the order for tional funds to address readiness short- started on right away in January is the quorum call be rescinded. falls. confirming the President’s nominees, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Members of our military should not including his nominee for the Supreme objection, it is so ordered. have to be salvaging spare parts from Court. My Democratic colleagues have MINE WORKER HEALTH CARE BENEFITS AND retired aircraft to keep their planes in spent a lot of time talking about the PENSIONS the air. Over the next few years, the importance of confirming a ninth Jus- Mr. BROWN. Madam President, it Republican majorities in Congress will tice to the Supreme Court. I trust they strikes me as pretty unbelievable that work with President-Elect Trump to will bring that same eagerness with we are in the process of voting—debat- rebuild our Nation’s military and en- them in January. I look forward to ing a continuing resolution, and yet sure that we have the strongest fight- working with them during the con- nobody has read it and nobody under- ing force in the world. firmation process. stands what is in it. We hear news re- This bill is an important start. After Justice Scalia’s death, I came ports, but nobody who I know here—at As we finish the work of the 114th least on our side—has been in the nego- Congress, we are also looking forward to the floor to honor him. Like others tiations even though we have a Demo- to the 115th. Republicans will move who spoke at the time, I mentioned his cratic President and the Senate is 45, quickly to take up a number of impor- keen mind, his gift for language and, 46 percent Democrats, even though tant measures. Two big issues it will most of all, his absolute commitment more people voted for Democratic Sen- tackle right at the beginning are re- to the law. For Justice Scalia, the Con- ators than Republican Senators in this pealing ObamaCare and confirming a stitution truly was the supreme law of election and most of the last several Supreme Court nominee. the land. He didn’t let anything inter- I don’t need to tell anyone that fere with that. His politics, his per- elections. Even with all that, that ObamaCare is a failure. A Gallup poll sonal opinions, his feelings about a shouldn’t matter, but Senator MCCON- released last week found that 80 per- case, none of those things were allowed NELL and the Republican leadership are cent of Americans want major changes to play a role in his decisions. That is asking us to vote on something this to ObamaCare or want the law repealed the key right there. complicated with this many add-on and replaced. That shouldn’t come as We all know Justice Scalia had per- amendments that we have not even any surprise. sonal opinions, but when it came down read yet. What kind of way to run the The President promised lower pre- to deciding cases, he ignored them. He Senate is that? We do know, though, miums and affordable care, but looked at the law and the Constitution, from the reports I can get, what they ObamaCare has meant exactly the op- which is the supreme law, and he have told us is that Majority Leader posite. Premium costs have soared and judged accordingly. MCCONNELL’s response to the mine soared again. Deductibles have in- It is wonderful to have strong opin- workers has been pretty pathetic. creased, and health care choices have ions. It is wonderful to have sympathy Today I met with Senator HATCH in been sharply reduced. for causes or organizations. It is won- his office. Today I met with Senator One constituent contacted me and derful to have plans for fixing society’s WYDEN in his office. One of the things said: problems, but none of those things we did in the Finance Committee on an My ObamaCare premium went up from have any business influencing your rul- overwhelmingly bipartisan basis, $1,080 per month to $1,775 per month, a 64- ing when you sit on the Supreme joined by my Republican colleague percent increase. That is $21,300 a year for Court. There only two things that from Ohio, Senator PORTMAN, and health insurance. should influence a Supreme Court Jus- other coal State Democrats and Repub- Another constituent wrote to say: tice’s ruling: the law and the Constitu- licans—Senator CAPITO, Senator ‘‘My ObamaCare premium doubles next tion. The minute something else comes MANCHIN, Senator WARNER, Senator year.’’ It will double. I don’t know too into play, whether it is a Justice’s per- KAINE, Senator CASEY, Senator many Americans who can afford to sonal feelings or a political philosophy, TOOMEY—all of us in this committee have their health insurance premiums you have done away with the rule of supported a bipartisan fix for mine double. law and replaced it with the rule of worker pensions and health care. Yet Still another constituent wrote to personal opinion. We have gone the continuing resolution at best—at tell me that ‘‘today I received a new through a lot in this country to ensure best, we understand; again, we haven’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.027 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 read it yet because they won’t show it Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, It is honoring a pledge that Harry Tru- to us yet even though they want us to Virginia. These are States that have man made, that we made in the 1950s vote on it—at best, it has some 4 thousands of mine workers, and this and 1960s and 1970s and 1980s and 1990s months of health care and nothing for Senate is betraying them. If my col- and 2000, and all of a sudden we are not pensions. leagues think we should go home for honoring that pledge. It is outrageous. This is not a taxpayer bailout; this is Christmas starting next week without We can fix this. We know how the Sen- moving money—unused money—from doing this, that is morally reprehen- ate should do it. the abandoned mine fund in to fund the sible. I suggest the absence of a quorum. pensions and health care for mine Senator MANCHIN and I were talking The PRESIDING OFFICER. The workers and mine worker widows. Keep today and Senator CASEY and Senator clerk will call the roll. in mind—I know the Presiding Officer KAINE and Senator WARREN and I were The legislative clerk proceeded to doesn’t represent coal States. She may talking today about how we are willing call the roll. not know a lot of miners, as I and some to stay until Christmas, we are willing Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, I ask of my colleagues do, but she knows to stay until December 25—literally, to unanimous consent that the order for about mining. Understand, there are Christmas—to get this done because it the quorum call be rescinded. more miner widows than there are like- is morally reprehensible and it is out- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ly to be insurance salesmen widows or rageous that we would leave here with- objection, it is so ordered. realtor widowers or whatever. Mine- out taking care of these mine workers. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION BILL working is a dangerous job. Mine work- I know some of them. I know Norm Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, as we ers too often get injured and killed on Skinner. I know Dave Dilley. I have send troops into harm’s way—and as the job. Their lives are shortened from known Babe Erdos for 35 years. These you personally well know—it is our job injury. Their lives are shortened from are people who worked very hard in the to ensure that they have the tools and illnesses, black lung and other ill- mines under dangerous conditions. the resources they need to carry out nesses. So mine workers who marry at They are the reason we are able to the mission they are asked to carry 20 or 25 are likely—their spouses are have so much manufacturing in Ohio. out. We never want Americans to be in- likely to outlive them by a number of The coal they mine helps to produce volved in a fair fight. We always want years. That is the other reason we the electricity that makes our stand- them be involved in an unfair fight should do this. ard of living so much higher than it where they have every possible advan- The third reason we should do this is would be without it. tage. It doesn’t always work out that that almost 70 years ago, President I spoke at the rally. Thousands of way, but it should always be our goal. Truman made a commitment that we mine workers were here late this sum- That is what the Defense authorization have lived up to until now. The reason mer—I think in July. I am not sure bill is designed to do. we aren’t living up to it now is because what month it was; maybe in Sep- This will be the 55th consecutive year the majority leader of the Senate said tember they were here. It was a very that the Congress has passed and the no. I don’t know exactly why he said hot day. I remember the president of Senate has passed the National Defense no. I know he is not a big fan of the the International Mine Workers, Cecil Authorization Act. The leadership of United Mine Workers union. I support Roberts, asked the question: How many Chairman MCCAIN and Ranking Mem- the United Mine Workers union. I care of you are veterans? A huge number of ber JACK REED makes it possible for us about unions. I know unions helped people waved their hands. They were to be here one more time, emphasizing create the middle class in this country. all standing at this rally. How many of that the No. 1 priority of the Federal But that is not the point. My caring you had fathers or mothers who were Government is to defend the country. about this is—there are 12,000 mine veterans? It seemed as if it was the It is hard to find a bill that we pass workers in my part of the country, whole crowd. These are people who every year for more than half a cen- more than 1,000 in Ohio, for which this served their country, they make our tury, but this critical piece of legisla- will be a very, very bad Christmas be- communities work, and we are going to tion provides the vision and the au- cause they have already gotten notice, betray them, we are going to forget thorization necessary for the military as Senator MANCHIN said, that their them because one Senator, who hap- to move forward and to do that No. 1 health care is going to be cut off. If we pens to be the majority leader, for job of defending America. do a 4-month fix, then they will get an- whatever reason doesn’t like the There has been—and I think today we other notice in January that their United Mine Workers. That is fun- will see that again in the vote on this health care is going to get cut off. How damentally what it is. I don’t ever bill—the strong, bipartisan support do you treat people that way? I mean, want to embarrass anybody, I don’t that this bill always receives. Although we dress well. We are all well paid. We want to call people out, but there are there is sometimes a discussion about have good health care. We have good 12,000 mine workers who are going to when it should be passed, we have not pensions. We are telling these mine have a bad Christmas. Their lives will failed to pass it in a long time. It in- workers: Yeah, you may have earned be shortened if we don’t take care of cludes a lot of provisions that I think this under the old rules, but, sorry, we them. The stress they are under—they will make a big difference. One is a pay can’t take care of you. have already gotten one notification. If raise for our troops, which they de- My friends over there could bail out we do this for another 4 months, they serve. It is the largest pay increase in the banks—that is OK—and then bank- will get another notification in Janu- the last 6 years, and it begins to fulfill er compensation keeps going up and ary saying: Sorry, I know we gave you our commitment to those who cur- up, but they can’t take care of mine health care again for a while, but we rently serve. As well, we need to fulfill workers with a relatively small pen- are cutting it off again because Con- our commitment to those who have sion and health care. They can’t take gress can’t get its act together. served. care of them. The President wants to do this. Even I am also glad that there is a vital We passed a bipartisan mine worker the House of Representatives wants to project for the Nation that happens to pension and health care bill. We passed do it—the House of Representatives be located in my State, in St. Louis, it out of committee. We did it the way that took out of a bill this week ‘‘Buy MO. The final version of this bill in- Senator MCCONNELL, the majority American’’ provisions for steel and alu- cludes authorization for the land acqui- leader, wanted us to. We went through minum. That is a whole other issue; I sition for the National Geospatial the process. Now he is not willing to don’t understand why they would do movement from the south part of St. honor that. It is pretty outrageous. At that. The fact is, the House did it, the Louis, where it has been for seven dec- the same time, they are doing some- President wants to do it, and a strong ades, to a new location that allows thing special in this bill for Wyoming. majority of the Finance Committee them to build a facility, as it is right Nothing against Wyoming. I like Sen- wants to do it. If we brought this to a now, that is fully backing up the only ator ENZI. I like Senator BARRASSO. I vote on the Senate floor, there is no other facility in the world that does want to help them help their State. question it would pass. It doesn’t cost the level of geospatial work that this But this is a part of the country. It is the taxpayer money. It is not a bailout. one does. When something happens in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.029 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6737 Springfield, VA, where that location final bill—the Military Family Sta- from Laos after having been shot down isn’t monitoring the world as it usually bility Act—next year. This is an action over Laos during the Vietnam war. He does, all of that work goes to St. Louis, that will allow military families to has devoted a lot of time to gathering where on every other day they share stay longer at a location or to move and analyzing data on legislative his- the responsibility for geospatial. earlier than the individual in the mili- tory and actions that will continue to There is a provision in here, at a fun- tary does if there is a professional rea- be critical to the office moving for- damental level of safety, to build a fire son or an educational reason for that ward. I want to also thank his family station at Fort Leonard Wood in Mis- to happen. and wish him the best as he and his souri. Everything from building a fire The investment that military fami- wife Audra and their sons Reid and station to creating a $1.7 billion facil- lies have made in the country and the Joel go to what military assignment ity that allows us to further keep an investment they have made in what they have next. eye on the world as we do now is a good the person serving has learned in a This bill renews the Iran Sanctions thing. It also addresses the issue that very complicated defense world don’t Act, and the Iran Sanctions Act would was raised earlier this year concerning need to be unnecessarily complicated have expired at the end of the year. I members of the National Guard—men by whether someone gets to finish a am hopeful that the administration un- and women who were given a bonus and year in elementary school or gets to derstands that this act is really a then wrongfully asked to return that stay another 3 months so they can foundational element of the regime bonus. It was not their error. That graduate from high school, particularly that they entered into. It was an agree- money in most families long ago has if the person in the military is willing ment that I didn’t support. I still don’t been spent. It was thought to be appro- to go on ahead and bear their own ex- support it, but extending the Iran priately handed over to them, and they pense until the family, with the family Sanctions Act is perfectly consistent shouldn’t be penalized because other assistance that families get or the liv- with what the Iran nuclear agreement people made a mistake when that dis- ing assistance, moves later. purports to do. If the Iran Sanctions tribution was made. With this bill, This was determined by everybody Act is a problem, the Iran nuclear they will not be penalized. that looked at it, except the Pentagon, agreement is just as bad as I thought it I think there is an increase here in to have no cost. I asked every senior was. end strength. It is in the conference re- officer who came before the Defense When that agreement was completed, port. I certainly supported Senator Appropriations Subcommittee about the administration repeatedly prom- MORAN’s efforts on this issue and com- this concept of making it a little easier ised that U.S. sanctions on Iran for its mend him for the hard work he put for- for people to stay, for a spouse who support of terrorism would remain in ward to be sure that we don’t lose any needed to go ahead and move a little place under the agreement. For exam- more ground on the strength we have early to start that teaching year at a ple, the day the agreement was an- and the ability we have to be ready. new school, to get a job that was avail- nounced, President Obama himself said Making down payments on our readi- able at a hospital, or to do whatever that we will maintain our own sanc- ness issues, stabilizing our force at a that spouse could do to continue to tions related to Iran’s support of ter- time when we really face more chal- have their professional career. I asked rorism. lenges around the world—not less—was officer after officer: What do you think The administration continues to rec- a minimum thing for us to do, but the about this? ognize the Iranian state as the leading bill does that. Senator MORAN’s leader- One after another, they all said: This state sponsor of terrorism. This Iran ship was important in accomplishing is exactly the kind of investment we Sanctions Act extension sends another that as well. need to make. We didn’t quite get there message to Iran that the Congress and Once again, this bill puts Congress on in this bill, and I am grateful that Sen- the country of the United States are record against the President’s plan to ator MCCAIN has pledged to work fur- paying attention. It gives the next ad- move terrorist detainees held at Guan- ther to study why the Pentagon itself— ministration a powerful tool to hold tanamo Bay to any location on U.S. or at least the Department of Defense Iran responsible, and I certainly urge soil. I, along with a majority of Ameri- at the highest levels—is the only place the President to sign this bill. I urge cans, oppose the idea that we bring that thinks this would cost anything or my colleagues to vote for it. these terrorists here. The President would be too much trouble. It wouldn’t In conclusion, once again, for 55 made a campaign pledge a decade ago be too much trouble. I hope to see it in years in a row, the Congress of the now, and 10 years later, not only has the bill next year. United States is going to make the that campaign pledge not been able to Someone who has really helped in my point that the No. 1 obligation of the be fulfilled but the Congress once again ability to look at this bill, with the Federal Government is to defend the today asserts our view that it should work that I do as a member of the De- country, and this bill helps to allow not be fulfilled. fense Appropriations Subcommittee that to happen. The administration admitted earlier and with the work that we do with I suggest the absence of a quorum. this year that Americans have been great military facilities in our State, is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The killed by terrorists released from here on the floor today, MAJ Andy An- clerk will call the roll. Guantanamo, and they made that ad- derson. He has been a great resource to The legislative clerk proceeded to mission, by the way, days before they our office, and we have benefited for call the roll. approved another dozen inmates to some time now of having military fel- Mr. SANDERS. Madam President, I transfer somewhere else in the world, lows come in and spend a year with us. ask unanimous consent that the order where I don’t think they can be kept I continue to hear from them that it is for the quorum call be rescinded. count of and track of like they need to also a great benefit to them to see how The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without be. We don’t need to close this facility. this part of the process of preparing to objection, it is so ordered. We don’t need to abandon the facility, do what is necessary to help them de- Mr. SANDERS. Madam President, I and I am glad that there are strict pro- fend the country works. rise in strong opposition to this legisla- hibitions here that don’t allow that to The knowledge and experience that tion, the so-called 21st Century Cures happen. Major Anderson has gained as an Army Act. While I appreciate the work Sen- This bill also makes important steps officer helped in discussions we had ator MURRAY, Senator ALEXANDER, and toward enhancing the quality of life for both in the State and in the Nation. I others have done on this legislation, I our servicemembers and their families. have been particularly appreciative of cannot in good conscience vote on it in GEN Ray Odierno, recently retired, his willingness to go beyond what its current form. Chief of Staff of the Army, said that might be considered the typical duties It goes without saying that every- the strength of the military is in mili- of a military fellow in a Senate office. body, whether Republican, Democrat, tary families, and we need to do a bet- For instance, he has taken personal in- or Independent, wants to find cures to ter job recognizing that. I hope we are terest and has been instrumental in as- the terrible diseases that are impacting able to advance an effort that was in sisting a Missouri family in getting the lives of millions of people, such as the Senate bill that didn’t get into the their father’s remains returned home cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.030 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 terrible illnesses that strike children. Last year, Turing Pharmaceuticals just $160 in Canada. Americans with We all want to find cures for those ill- increased the price of Daraprim by heartburn pay $736 for a 90-day supply nesses, but that is not really what this 5,000 percent overnight. It went from of Nexium, but that same product costs debate is about. The debate we are hav- $13.50 to $750 for just one pill. $214 in Canada. Americans with arthri- ing on this bill is simple: Do we con- While thousands of children in Flint tis are forced to pay $895 for Celebrex, tinue to cave in to the demands of the have been poisoned by lead, Valeant in- but it costs just $280 in Canada. pharmaceutical industry—an industry creased the price of the drug to treat During this recent campaign, Presi- that is making recordbreaking profits this disease 2,700 percent in a single dent-Elect Donald Trump promised, by charging the American people, by year—from $7,100 to about $27,000. among many other things, to lower the far, the highest prices in the world for Meanwhile, at a time when 35 million prices of prescription drugs. That is prescription drugs—or do we have the Americans cannot afford the medicine what Mr. Trump said. He promised that courage to stand up to the CEOs of big they need, the drug companies are he would ‘‘allow consumers access to drug companies whose prices are so making enormous profits and providing imported, safe and dependable drugs high that one out of five Americans extremely generous compensation from overseas to bring more options to who gets a prescription from a doctor packages to their executives. Last consumers.’’ He also promised to re- is unable to afford to fill that prescrip- year, fellow Americans, while you were quire Medicare to negotiate with the tion? Let’s be clear. If you cannot af- paying more and more for prescription drug companies for lower prices—some- ford to fill that prescription, you will drugs you desperately needed, the 5 thing that is banned by law today. likely get sicker, and in some cases, major drug companies made over $50 Here is what President-Elect Trump you are going to die. billion in profit—$50 billion in profit, 5 said while on the campaign trail: It is incomprehensible to me that we drug companies—while the top 10 phar- We are not allowed to negotiate drug have a major bill dealing with prescrip- maceutical executives received over prices. Can you believe it? We pay about $300 tion drugs, and yet we are running $320 million in compensation. In fact, billion more than we are supposed to, than if away from the most important issue the prescription drug companies lit- we negotiated the price. So there’s $300 bil- that impacts millions of people and erally have money to burn. This year, lion on day one we solve. that the American people feel very the pharmaceutical industry spent $131 Since President-Elect Trump sup- strongly about, and that is the greed of million to defeat Proposition 61, a bal- ports requiring Medicare to negotiate the pharmaceutical industry and the lot initiative in California that would with drug companies to lower prices, outrageously high prices our people are have lowered average drug prices by at which is an idea that many people in being forced to pay. That is the issue least 24 percent for millions of people. this body also support, and since Mr. on which we must focus. They spent $131 million in California to Trump believes we should be able to re- If we were really serious about find- defeat a proposal that would have low- import low-cost medicines from Can- ing cures for life-threatening illnesses ered drug prices. ada and other countries, I am quite and diseases, maybe—just maybe—we How does it happen that the pharma- confident that all of my Republican would adequately fund the National In- ceutical companies can charge any colleagues will support an amendment stitutes of Health and the Food and price they want for prescription drugs? in my hands that will do exactly what Drug Administration. Over the last 12 The answer is clear: The prescription Mr. Trump said he would accomplish as years, medical research has been cut by drug industry, along with Wall Street, President. Think about what you can over 20 percent after adjusting for in- is the most powerful political force in do to pave the way for Mr. Trump when flation. Even if this bill passes, funding America. I have been fighting the greed he comes into office. You will have al- for NIH will still be roughly $7 billion of the prescription drug industry for ready satisfied one of his major cam- less this year than what it was in 2004. decades, and as far as I can tell, the paign pledges. Meanwhile, over the same time pe- pharmaceutical industry always win. Therefore, Madam President, I ask riod—just to put this in context—the They never lose. They win, but the unanimous consent that the pending top 1 percent has received over $1 tril- American people lose. motion to concur with an amendment lion in tax breaks. In other words, we Since 1998, the pharmaceutical indus- be set aside, and I ask unanimous con- cannot fund the agencies that are try- try has spent more than $3 billion in sent for the immediate consideration ing to find cures for diseases, but we lobbying all over this place. There are of a motion to concur in the House can give unbelievably significant tax hundreds and hundreds of lobbyists amendment to the Senate amendment breaks to the 1 percent. telling Members of Congress what the to H.R. 34 with a further amendment Let me very briefly give a few major pharmaceutical industry wants, and that I send to the desk. reasons this bill should be defeated. they have made hundreds of millions of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- No. 1, as I said a moment ago, the dollars in campaign contributions. ator from Missouri. most important prescription drug-re- They currently have over 1,200 lobby- Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, re- lated crisis facing our country right ists on their payrolls here in Wash- serving the right to object, one way to now is the skyrocketing price of pre- ington, including former leaders of the be sure of not getting the work done we scription drugs. This bill does not even Democratic and Republican Parties. are doing today is to add another topic. deal with that issue. How can we talk That is why the pharmaceutical indus- I think the work we are doing today is about a bill dealing with the pharma- try makes huge profits while the Amer- important. ceutical industry without addressing ican people cannot afford the medicine My friend from Vermont mentioned the elephant in the room, which is the they need. some statistics that were right a cou- fact that we pay the highest prices in It would be one thing if these out- ple of years ago about the decline in the world for medicine? And in many rageous price increases were happening health care research money. We are not cases, those costs are soaring. in other major countries. Are these where we should be, but we are not In America today, one out of five price increases taking place all over where we were 2 years ago, either. people between the ages of 19 and 64 the world? The answer is, they are not. When my side took control of the ma- cannot afford to fill their prescriptions. In 2013, we spent nearly 40 percent jority, I got a chance to chair the ap- Hundreds of thousands of seniors are more per person on prescription drugs propriating committee for Health and forced to cut their pills in half because than Canada and five times as much as Human Services, and for the first time the medicine they need is just too ex- in Denmark. How is it that the cost of in 12 years, we had an almost 7-percent pensive. Let me give just a few exam- prescription drugs in Denmark, Can- increase. The Senator is absolutely ples. ada, the UK, and France is signifi- right—at that moment, we were 22 per- Since 2007, Mylan has raised the price cantly lower than it is in the United cent behind in research buying dollars of a package of EpiPens by 461 percent States? That is an issue, and it is high from where we were 12 years earlier. while rewarding its CEO with a 671-per- time we begin discussing it. For exam- But if everything is a priority, nothing cent increase in compensation. Maybe, ple, it costs $730 for a 90-day supply of is a priority. So we did what the gov- just maybe, we might want to address Crestor—which is used to treat high ernment should do and what people that issue. cholesterol—in the United States but want the government to do: We went

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.036 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6739 through the process of prioritizing. We pledge, but that won’t happen until problem, but somehow or another, we eliminated 18 programs last year—ze- next year. Today’s work is to pass the are led to believe that it is impossible roed them out for either being duplica- 21st Century Cures bill. I look forward to bring in brand-name medicine from tive or not doing what they were de- to the vote that will do that before we Canada or the United Kingdom or signed to do—so we could prioritize ex- leave this week. France, that it just cannot be done. It actly the important health care re- Mr. President, I object. is beyond belief that anybody with a search this bill talks about and my The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. straight face believes that to be true. friend from Vermont mentioned, a 7- LANKFORD). Objection heard. Clearly, this is what the pharma- percent increase last year and another Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, two ceutical industry wants us to believe, 6.5-percent increase this year. Another points. First of all, let me reiterate but I hope that my friend from Mis- $2 billion came out of our committee, that is for inflation-adjusted dollars, souri will not accept what the pharma- came out of the full appropriating com- not nominal dollars. The funding for ceutical industry tells us and under- mittee, and has been on the desk ready the National Institutes of Health this stands that the next Secretary of HHS for the minority to let us take up for year will still be roughly $7 billion less should certify that with proper proce- months now. That would be an almost than what it received in 2004. That is dures, we can reimport medicine. 14-percent increase in 2 years. Fourteen point No. 1. I yield to my friend. percent of the 22 percent would have Point No. 2—and I will yield briefly Mr. BLUNT. I thank my friend for been eliminated if we could have taken to my friend from Missouri—did I hear yielding. I would just say that if the up the bill that I still wish we were him say that he is supportive of re- Secretary of HHS can certify that, that voting on today. The bill we are voting importation and having the Federal is a good thing, and I voted for that in on today does some of what that base- Government—Medicare—negotiate pre- the past. But I know what a tomato line increase would do. scription drug prices with the pharma- looks like. I don’t know what is inside Why do we want to increase health ceutical industry? That is what I a capsule, and that has always been the care research? Obviously for individ- thought I heard him say. obstacle for the people we have asked uals and their families who might be I yield to my friend. to look at this and certify the safety. able to better deal with or totally Mr. BLUNT. I thank my friend for If people can figure out how to do avoid a health care crisis they would yielding. that so we know what is inside of that otherwise have. In terms of the money available for pill—the worst thing you can do From the point of view of taxpayers, research, we have taken that 22 percent health-wise is believe you are taking a on Alzheimer’s, which was mentioned of buying power and changed it to pill that isn’t the pill you believe you here today, we are spending $250 billion about 15 percent. If we doubled our bill are taking. a year right now. The NIH projection this year, we would change it from 15 Mr. SANDERS. I know what a to- for 2050 is that we will be spending $1.1 to about 7 or 8 percent. We need to get mato looks like, too, but you don’t trillion that year in today’s dollars, back to where we were 12 years ago and know what kind of pesticide was used which is twice the defense budget. Now, then not stop in real buying power. I or how that tomato was grown. The $1.1 trillion sounds like a lot and $250 want to do that. idea that we cannot get a product from billion sounds like a lot to me. In fact, I think what I said about the overall across the border safely really doesn’t pretty small numbers sound like a lot discussion of reimportation and other pass the laugh test, frankly. This is to me. But when I think about spend- things was that I was delighted to hear one of the things the pharmaceutical ing twice the defense budget on Alz- my friend from Vermont so supportive industry has been pushing. We have un- heimer’s alone—and that is just tax of the next President’s program. fettered free trade for fish, for vegeta- dollars, that is not what families would Mr. SANDERS. I am very supportive, bles, for meat from all over the world, be spending if we don’t invest in re- he is dead right. But I was wondering if but somehow, from Canada or the UK search now. It makes a big difference. my friend—when he said we are going or France—we cannot safely bring med- So from Alzheimer’s—there is an in- to get to it next year, what does that icine into this country at a fraction of ducement here that I would like to see mean? Does that mean you will be the price our pharmacists are now pay- be even more specific, and when we get pushing the ability of Americans and ing. Frankly, I would say to the Sen- back to the regular appropriating proc- pharmacists and distributors to be able ator from Missouri, that does not pass ess, I will work to do that again. There to benefit from unfettered free trade the laugh test, and I hope we can work is a prize inducement, the Beau Biden and buy low-cost medicines and some together. Clearly, we want the medi- cancer research fund. There is money of the same drugs sold in Canada and cine to come in safely, but I think we that could go to autism. Everything the UK? And will you also, as Mr. can do that, and I look forward to from Alzheimer’s to autism benefits Trump made the point, allow Medicare doing that. when we focus on health care research. to negotiate for lower prices? Is that I yield. There is also money in this bill to something on which we can expect our Mr. BLUNT. I would say that the one further enhance the ability to get Republican friends to support the thing we will accomplish before the drugs to the marketplace quicker so President-elect? week is out is passing this bill, but I that people have an opportunity that Mr. BLUNT. If my friend would yield, hope this bill doesn’t become some- they don’t currently have to work with I would say we have passed this bill in thing that we continue to refer back to their doctor and decide they want to the Congress—that bill—several times and say we have already done that. try that new advancement. over the last few years. On each occa- This bill is a step in the right direc- This bill matters. I think in some sion, often with Democratic adminis- tion, but in health care research, it ways it is better to let NIH—the real trations, the only obstacle has been for does not get us to where I would like to researchers—prioritize spending and let the administration to certify that re- be or where we were 12 years ago. We us prioritize research as a topic. importation could be safely done. need the kind of research dollars that I think this bill should pass. I think Mr. SANDERS. Exactly right. encourage young researchers to stay in it should pass today. I was on the Mr. BLUNT. And none of them have the research business, the kind of re- House floor last week when they over- ever been willing to do that. search dollars that encourage them to whelmingly voted for it to pass. The Mr. SANDERS. My friend is exactly find solutions, the kind of research dol- sure way for this bill not to pass in this right. Neither a Republican nor a lars that ensure that every family who Congress is to do something now that Democratic administration will have can avoid a crisis or be ready to deal changes the subject. the guts to stand up to the pharma- with it in a better way is able to do I am particularly glad that my long- ceutical industry. that. So I look forward to the bill being time friend from both the House and Today, if you have a salad, it is like- passed as we finish the week. Senate is really interested in President ly you are going to get your salad with I yield back. Trump fulfilling his campaign pledges, tomatoes and lettuce that are from Mr. SANDERS. I agree with the last and I am particularly pleased to see Mexico or some other country with statement the Senator from Missouri him agree with at least that one very poorly inspected farms. That is no made.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.038 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 Let me give another reason why I am rolled in Medicaid. The last thing we AIDS, a vaccine for universal flu, opposed to this bill. Incredibly, this should be doing today is cutting Medi- which killed 30,000 people last year, and legislation makes it easier for prescrip- care and Medicaid. We need to make advances in regenerative medicine that tion drug companies to get away with health care more affordable to senior would put a physician like our former fraud. Fraud is something the major citizens, the disabled, and low-income majority leader, Dr. Bill Frist of Nash- drug companies have been perpetuating families with children—not more ex- ville, out of business. on the American people for a number of pensive. Bill Frist was at one time a heart years. Finally, this bill—and this is quite transplant surgeon. I think he trans- It is not widely known, but it should significant—cuts $3.5 billion from the planted more hearts than anybody in be known that since 1991, drug compa- Affordable Care Act’s prevention fund the world—or nearly anybody. But Dr. nies have paid over $35 billion in fines to prevent Alzheimer’s, diabetes, sui- Collins believes that with advances in or resettlements for fraud and mis- cide, heart disease, and lead poisoning. using our own adult cells, we will re- conduct—$35 billion—but instead of Instead of cutting Medicare and Med- store hearts. We will not have to trans- cracking down on pharmaceutical com- icaid, instead of cutting funds for plant them. We may be able to restore pany fraud, this bill actually legalizes health care programs, we should be de- eyesight. These are the kinds of mir- the fraudulent behavior of some of the manding that the wealthiest people in acles this legislation will encourage big drug companies. this country and the largest corpora- that could affect nearly every Amer- Specifically, under this bill, pharma- tions start paying their fair share of ican family. ceutical companies would be allowed to taxes. We should not be cutting life- The other part of the legislation, promote unapproved uses of drugs to and-death programs for the most vul- equally important to money, is that it insurance companies—a practice which nerable people in this country. would make reforms in the Food and is currently illegal. Why would we I say to my colleagues, if you want to Drug Administration and in the Na- allow the pharmaceutical industry the lower the outrageous cost of prescrip- tional Institutes of Health that will opportunity to market drugs to insur- tion drugs, vote against this bill. If you move research for those treatments ance companies for uses that haven’t are opposed to legalizing pharma- and cures through the regulatory and been approved by the FDA? This is a ceutical fraud that can endanger the investment process more rapidly, at major problem. Let me give a few ex- lives of many Americans, please vote lower costs, into the medicine cabinets, amples. against this bill. If you are opposed to and into the doctors’ offices, where In 2013, the Justice Department or- cutting Medicare and Medicaid, vote they can help virtually every family in dered Johnson & Johnson, one of the against this bill. If you want to prevent this country. major pharmaceutical companies in cuts to programs that would prevent That is why 85 Senators yesterday the country, to pay $2.2 billion in fines Alzheimer’s disease and many other voted to end debate on this floor, and I for ‘‘recklessly promoting drugs for diseases, vote against this bill. suspect more will vote tomorrow to uses that have not been proven to be It is time to stand up to the pharma- send it to the President. That is why, in the House of Representatives, 392 of safe and effective.’’ According to the ceutical industry and stand with the them voted for this bill. Only six U.S. attorney handling the case, John- American people who are tired of being Democratic Members of the House of son & Johnson’s ‘‘promotion of ripped off by this extremely greedy in- Representatives voted against it. They Risperdal for unapproved uses threat- dustry. are not persuaded that there is some ened the most vulnerable populations With that, I yield the floor. evil force in there. They like what they of our society: children, the elderly, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- see, and not only them. The President and those with developmental disabil- ator from Tennessee. of the United States says that this is ities. Congress rightfully determined Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I come to the floor to speak about the ‘‘an opportunity we just can’t miss.’’ that this is unacceptable and made it The Vice President of the United illegal, but under this bill, it could be- fires and tornadoes in Tennessee, but I would observe beforehand that by to- States, talking about his Cancer Moon- come legal. That is wrong. shot, says that this is a big and impor- In 2010, AstraZeneca pharmaceuticals morrow we will be voting on the 21st Century Cures and the mental health tant step forward. paid $520 million to resolve allegations The Republican Speaker of the bill. that it illegally marketed the House, PAUL RYAN, turned a couple of I have a little different view of it antipsychotic drug Seroquel for uses somersaults trying to figure out the than the Senator from Vermont. For not approved as safe and effective by way to do the funding on this because example, using the money in the pre- the FDA. it is an important part of his own agen- vention fund, which was a part of the In 2009, Eli Lilly was fined over $1.4 da for our Nation’s health care future. billion for its off-label promotion of an- Affordable Care Act, I would say is a I have heard the majority leader of pretty good use of it to support the other antipsychotic drug known as the Senate, Senator MCCONNELL, say in Zyprexa. According to Federal inves- President’s Precision Medicine Initia- private meetings and in public that tigators, Eli Lily’s illegal activities in- tive and to support the Vice Presi- this is the most important piece of leg- creased patients’ costs, threatened dent’s Cancer Moonshot and to support islation we will pass this year. their safety, and negatively affected the BRAIN Initiative at the National Add to it the mental health legisla- the delivery of health care services to Institutes of Health. This is what we do tion that Senator CASSIDY, Senator over 9 million military members, retir- in the bill, with $1.4 billion for preci- MURPHY, and Senator CORNYN worked ees, and their families who rely on sion medicine, $1.8 billion for Cancer so hard on over here, and you can get health care. Moonshot, and $1.5 billion for the something we can be very proud of, We need to make it harder for the BRAIN Initiative. If we are interested which is why it received such a big pharmaceutical industry to commit in reducing grief and reducing spending vote yesterday. fraud, but instead this bill allows the in this country, accelerating the ar- I want the American people to know pharmaceutical industry to, in fact, rival of medicines that will identify that is what we are doing. I think that commit even more fraud. That is unac- Alzheimer’s before its symptoms and is what they want us to do. We could do ceptable. other medicines that will retard the something in a partisan way, we could Third, let’s be clear: This bill would progression of Alzheimer’s would be a do something by Executive order, or we cut Medicare and Medicaid by a billion magnificent thing to do. It would be a could take 2 years, as we literally did dollars. Millions of senior citizens are miracle for many families. It is not in this bill, with multiple hearings, in desperate need of Medicare and Med- just a miracle; it is something that Dr. multiple consultations, many dif- icaid. Francis Collins, a renowned scientist ferences of opinion, all of them re- Thanks to Medicare, today more who is head of the National Institutes solved though in a bipartisan way, and than 48 million seniors and 9 million of Health—the ‘‘National Institutes of produce a lasting result. people with disabilities have health in- Hope’’ is what he calls it—predicts will It will not be like ObamaCare, where surance coverage through Medicare, happen in the next 10 years, along with the next day one party is trying to re- and over 73 million Americans are en- a vaccine for Zika, a vaccine for HIV- peal it and the next party is defending

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.039 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6741 it. It will not be like some other par- your character is measured not so daughter’s husband had been killed. We tisan legislation. This will last. Nobody much by how you handle things when talked to her for a while, and the Gov- is going to be trying to repeal it be- things are going well, but how you han- ernor and Senator CORKER and I were cause almost everybody voted for it. dle adversity. If that is the measure of very impressed with her. We doubted The money will come just as the legis- character, the character of the people that we would have the strength she lation says, year after year. of Gatlinburg in Sevier County are does. I am proud of the Senate, and I am through the roof because they are not As we left, she said to us: You fellows happy for the American people, and I complaining. go back on up there, do your job, and look forward to tomorrow. The mayor of Gatlinburg, Mike Wer- we will take care of it here. SEVIER COUNTY FIRE ner, had his home burn down in 15 min- I am sure she will, but I am awfully Mr. President, on a more somber utes. He was at the press conference impressed with Mrs. Stoker. note, a week ago last Wednesday, on a worried about other people, not him- I have told the people of Sevier Coun- mountaintop called the Chimney Tops self. ty that many Senators had said some- in the Great Smoky Mountains Na- Cindy Ogle, the city manager of Gat- thing to me about the fire. For exam- tional Park, someone spotted a fire and linburg for a long time, had her home ple, Senator FEINSTEIN called because called the National Park Service about burn down. She was there, not com- of her experience in California. I am here only to say those two 5:20pm in the afternoon. I have been up plaining, and worrying about the other things, first that the people of Sevier on Chimney Tops many times—more people of Gatlinburg and Sevier Coun- County, in Gatlinburg, the area of Polk times when I was younger than when I ty. County and McMinn County, if their have been older—but it is a peak with Mike Werner’s business was also character is measured by how they rocks at the top. We are not like the burned down. He is staying in the handled adversity, their character is West where they have a lot of rocky apartment of a friend nearby. That story is happening over and over the top. mountains. We don’t have many of Secondly, I thank all of those who those. We have an average of 83 inches over and over in Sevier County. There have been extraordinary gestures by have tried to help. of rainfall a year, unlike Southern One last example: In McMinn County, people to help. California or Phoenix, places like that, a young woman had a baby during the At one point, shortly after the fire where they only get a few inches of tornado. Her home was damaged. She started, there were 140 fire trucks from rain a year. We almost have rain for- went to the hospital. When she came all over Tennessee and more than 400 ests. When the fall comes, there are back the next day, the neighbors had volunteers. The fires kept going and lots of leaves on the ground. found another home for her. They had going because this wind came up on But the fire started up on the Chim- clean sheets and everything that she Monday night after the fire had al- ney Tops. I can tell you there wouldn’t needed. have been anyone within 100 miles who ready started 10 miles away on the top There are wonderful stories that would have imagined that somehow the of this rocky mountain, and a 90-mile- came out of a terrifying series of in- next Monday, wind would have swept an-hour wind blew the fire all the way stances. I wanted to come to the floor that fire into Gatlinburg, TN, killing 14 into Gatlinburg. The wind knocked and say that we are proud of the people people, injuring another 134, causing an down transformers and started other of East Tennessee. evacuation of 14,000 people, wrecking fires, and people were racing for their There being no objection, the mate- lives and wrecking homes. lives. rial was ordered to be printed in the On the floor, I mentioned stories of There have been some people won- RECORD, as follows: firefighters having to get back in their dering a little bit: Well, how could this [From the Knox News Sentinel, Dec. 3, 2016] trucks to get away from the bears that have happened? Look, we have had GATLINBURG FIRE WAS SET IN MOTION fires all over East Tennessee this year. were running toward them escaping the MONTHS AGO We are not used to that. It is because fire, of people driving through fire to (Op-ed by: Bob Hodge) we have had a drought for a long time. escape, of windshield wipers melting as Greg Ward has spent his entire 53 years I have an article by Bob Hodge about they drove down the mountain. It was roaming around the woods and waters of Greg Ward of Sevier County. This is a terrifying experience. In the West Sevier County, many of them as one of the the county where Gatlinburg is. Greg they may be used to this. Nobody ever best known hunting and fishing guides in the Ward spent his 53 years roaming gets used to it, I guess, but we don’t see state. When a lot of those woods starting around the woods and waters of Sevier that where we are from, typically with burning he knew things could get bad. County, according to Bob Hodge, a 83 inches of rain in a year. Then again, he had suspected things were going to get bad for months. writer for the Knoxville News Sentinel. I salute the people of Sevier County The fire that has destroyed over 17,000 The long and short of it is, those who and Gatlinburg for their courage, their acres inside and outside the Great Smoky know the woods and the waters in East character, and their compassion for Mountains National Park, destroyed hun- Tennessee know that this drought has one another. I know it is going to take dreds of buildings and cost at least 13 people been with us for a while. Trout stock- a long time for many to get back on their lives has left Ward wondering what, if ing programs wouldn’t work because their feet. We are doing what we can to anything, could have been done. He’s lived the water was so low that the streams help. his life and earned his living listening to I salute the Governor of Tennessee. what the mountains tell him. wouldn’t handle the trout, and the ‘‘Everybody talks about the drought we’ve water was too warm for them to sur- He was there the next day. So were had this year, but the drought started in vive. many of their agencies, working 2015,’’ said Ward, owner of Rocky Top Outfit- In some places the creeks were flow- seamlessly together. As I have said, ters in Pigeon Forge. ‘‘This year it just got ing at 10 percent of normal. We may last Friday we went there together a whole, whole lot worse.’’ have seen that once before in some- with him. Through the State, we have Back in the summer, the drought which one’s memory back in the 1970s, but for arranged for Federal assistance, which would lead to the out of control fires that will pay for 75 percent of the cost of would destroy so much was already wreaking the last 3 months, there has been very havoc on the mountain fisheries. Trout little rain. According to Bob Hodge’s fighting the fires. stocking programs were curtailed in June be- article, we have had a drought since Then that same day we went to some cause there was too little water in the creeks 2015. other counties in Tennessee that had and rivers and what was there was too warm Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- experienced tornadoes about the same for stocked trout to survive. In July, Ward sent to have printed in the RECORD this time. We went into McMinn County. said he and his guides started noticing spe- article by Bob Hodge of the Knoxville No one was killed there, but several cies hardier than trout, like stonerollers, News Sentinel following my remarks. were hurt. were beginning to die off. On Friday, Governor Haslam of Ten- We went to Polk County where we Water flows and volume are measured in cubic feet per second or CFS. During the nessee, Senator CORKER, and I went to talked with a lady named Mrs. Stoker, summer Ward said the CFS numbers in many Gatlinburg. The only thing I could who wasn’t hurt, but a trailer next to of the rivers and streams in the mountains think to say to the people assembled where she lived had been blown across in and out of the park were about 10% of nor- there were two things. One was that the road, and her daughter and her mal. That was bad for his fishing business,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.040 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 but he thought it was just bad business, pe- me back to the U.S. Senate. Now, as I Soderstrom; Dean Hingson; and Viraj riod. begin today, I want to assure my fam- Mirani. All have led our team with ex- ‘‘You would hear numbers about us being 8 ily, some of whom are in the Gallery; ceptional leadership. or 10 inches below normal when it came to my colleagues, some of whom I am I thank my colleagues for their rainfall, but it was a lot worse than that in friendship and encouragement over the the French Broad Watershed,’’ Ward said. pleased to see have come to hear me ‘‘Whatever number they were saying it was speak; my campaign contributors, and past 6 years. This is a demanding job, probably double that. even the Democratic Senatorial Cam- and we all work hard, but it is also a ‘‘It’s happened before back in the 1970s. We paign Committee that I will not be job that allows each of us the oppor- were in a drought cycle then and this was back for a third farewell address. tunity to spend a lot of time inter- just like that.’’ Through it all—the ups and the acting together. The friendships I have It was so bad he had even thought that, downs, the highs and the lows, the suc- had and now have with the talented maybe, it would be a good idea to delay the cesses and the failures—I have felt men and women who serve in this dis- opening of hunting season in Sevier and nothing but gratitude for the incred- tinguished body is what I will miss other counties in the mountains. Fewer peo- most in leaving the Senate. ple in the woods would mean fewer opportu- ible privilege of serving. Serving in the military, working as a congressional Last, but certainly not least, I thank nities for an accident to happen. the citizens of Indiana. Hoosiers have ‘‘There’s a lot of hindsight people can have staffer to then-Congressman Dan right now,’’ Ward said. Quayle, serving in the House of Rep- given me the honor of representing Fast forward to Monday night and about 8 resentatives, representing my home them in the world’s greatest delibera- tive body. Hoosiers, thank you from p.m. a knock came on the door at his home State, and as a U.S. Senator, and rep- the bottom of my heart. in Pigeon Forge near the base of Iron Moun- resenting our country overseas as U.S. tain. It was the authorities telling Ward and Now, I am not here today to offer his wife Diane to evacuate. They were ahead Ambassador to Germany—all of this deep reflections about the health of of the game, having already packed up pa- together has been the adventure of a this institution or to advise my fellow pers and pictures and things that couldn’t be lifetime, and I am so very grateful for Senators on how to govern in the years replaced if lost. the opportunities I have been afforded. ahead. It is clear that at this time in After getting his wife to safety, Ward—this Participating in the process of gov- our history, in our great Nation, we are isn’t too surprising to the people that know erning, being in the arena fighting for him—then drove up Pine Mountain to see a divided country with two very dif- the principles and values in which I be- ferent visions for America’s future. The what he could see. lieve—these experiences have all been a It was devastating. Senate is not immune to those divi- ‘‘There’s nobody that knew anything like privilege almost beyond description. sions, but I firmly believe that all of this was going to happen . . . but because of It is time to express a few thanks. us, Republicans and Democrats, are the drought you knew it could happen,’’ he My good friend and fellow Senator trying to do what we think is in the said. ‘‘From up on top (of Pine Mountain) from Tennessee, LAMAR ALEXANDER, best interests of our country and its you could see fire just about everywhere and who is sitting here today, who has a posterity. We are all united in the com- you could see it moving because of the good habit of speaking words of wis- mon cause of making our country a wind.’’ dom, has said: When you are driving The stay wasn’t a long one because even better place, a safer place, and a more down a country road and see a turtle prosperous place, even if our means of though the area where Ward was at was safe- on the top of a fence post, chances are ly out of harm’s way, he could see that what getting there differ. was not being threatened by the fire one that turtle didn’t get there on its own. With that spirit in mind, I know minute was ablaze the next. He and a friend I didn’t get here on my own. Through- there are many topics of significant had packed chainsaws to cut through any out my career, I have been blessed to importance that the Senate will con- trees that were blown down by the wind, and have the support of so many talented sider when I am gone, but I want to it turned out they needed them. and wonderful people who provided in- briefly discuss two transcendent issues ‘‘I wasn’t going to die on that mountain,’’ valuable help along the way. First and that I believe jeopardize America’s he said. ‘‘We’ve had fires before. I’ve seen a foremost, though, I want to thank God lot of fires before, but there was so much fuel continued existence as the world’s and so much wind . . .’’ for His providence, guiding my steps leading Nation. These are issues I have Eventually the fire would come within a along the way. I want to thank my repeatedly expressed deep concern few hundred yards of his house. But when he family, including my wife Marsha for about on this Senate floor. and his wife went back the next day it was her unwavering support and wise coun- From a practical standpoint, our no worse for wear. sel, our three wonderful children, and country simply cannot keep borrowing ‘‘I have a house today because they made a our 10 grandchildren, for their love, money we don’t have. Today our na- stand at Dollywood.’’ their support, and their patience that tional debt exceeds $19.5 trillion and Perseverance is the standard for the people allowed me to engage in the consuming continues to grow by the second. Mean- that have been impacted by the fire. Ward said he doesn’t know what if any- job of an elected official. while, programs that millions of Amer- thing, could have been done differently. All I thank my former Senator and Vice icans depend on—Social Security and he knows is the fires that burned so much on President Dan Quayle, a mentor, Medicare are two—are creeping ever Monday were set in motion months and friend, and the person who first encour- closer to insolvency. America’s loom- months ago. aged me to consider public service. I ing fiscal storm is bearing down upon ‘‘It’s been so god awful dry . . . it was that want to express gratitude to former In- us, and the alarms are sounding louder way two months ago,’’ he said. ‘‘You had the diana Governor Robert Orr, who chose each day. One day, if not addressed, drought and then this summer all the heat me to fill the Senate seat vacated by this debt bomb will explode and have a that just made it worse. We were just in an then-Vice President Quayle. devastating effect on our country’s awful situation.’’ I thank President George W. Bush, economy and on our children’s future. Mr. ALEXANDER. I yield the floor. who gave me the opportunity to serve My second great concern is what I The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. as our Nation’s Ambassador to Ger- call the terrorist bomb—the threat AYOTTE). The Senator from Indiana. many, and Colin Powell, who led the posed by terrorists or rogue state ac- FAREWELL TO THE SENATE Department of State during my time as tors who can successfully conduct an Mr. COATS. Madam President, today Ambassador. attack with weapons of mass destruc- I rise for the second time on the Senate I thank the exceptional staff I have tion. We must ensure that the world’s floor to deliver a farewell speech. It been blessed to have support me over most dangerous weapons stay out of doesn’t seem like that long ago, back the years—some who are here today the hands of its most dangerous people, in 1998, that I delivered my first Senate and many who have served through the and we must also adapt to the new farewell speech. I spoke then about years and gone on to achieve great suc- threats we face, such as a cyber attack, making the transition from Senator to cess in their own careers. I specifically that could shut down our financial sys- citizen, and I reflected on the end of 24 want to thank the five chiefs of staff I tems or electric grid. These challenges years of public service. have had as a Senator who have put the require all those who have governed to Standing here today in 2016, 24 years team together to support me in such rise above the political consequences has now become 34 years, as the call for exceptional ways: David Hoppe; Dave that may occur in making the hard de- additional public service has brought Gribbin, now deceased; Sharon cisions needed to make our country

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.003 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6743 stronger and more secure for future TRIBUTES TO DAN COATS people of Indiana. Over the last 6 years, generations. Mr. DONNELLY. Madam President, I he has produced steadfast leadership on In conclusion, I would like to say rise as we bid farewell to my good the Finance Committee, the Intel- this. My congressional career began friend, my colleague, my captain, the ligence Committee, and the Joint Eco- during the Reagan administration. I senior Senator from Indiana, DAN nomic Committee. would like to conclude my comments COATS, who has served his State of In- On a more personal note, I have al- with a reflection on remarks President diana and our country so well and with ways been able to count on him as a Ronald Reagan made during a memo- such honor and such dedication for partner and a thoughtful friend, willing rial service in 1987 for the fallen sailors more than 35 years. to work together to address the many of the USS Stark. Allow me to quote a I also note how grateful I am to be issues impacting Hoosiers and our few of the words President Reagan serving with the Presiding Officer, for whole country—because, when it comes shared that day: what an extraordinary Senator you down to it, we are Americans, and we have been, what a good friend. Some- are all in this together. Yes, they were ordinary men who did ex- day I hope to come see the White traordinary things. Yes, they were heroes. DAN always has been ready to roll up And because they were heroes, let us not for- Mountains of New Hampshire and visit his sleeves and work in a bipartisan get this: That for all the lovely spring and and see your family. We have been very manner, whether it was on an issue im- summer days we will never share with them lucky to have been touched and blessed pacting our veterans, protecting our again, for every Thanksgiving and Christmas by you. national security, advocating for fiscal that will seem empty without them, there As many of us know, my friend DAN’s responsibility, or even the finer issues will be moments when we see the light of dis- service to his country started long be- of government, such as making sure covery in young eyes, eyes that see for the fore he was elected to this body. After first time the world around them and won- the Government Printing Office could graduating from Wheaton College in Il- change their style guide. As the rest of der, ‘‘Why is there such a place as America, linois—and he has not often told folks us all know, DAN was able to make it and how is it that such a precious gift is he was a soccer star there—he joined mine?’’ clear that we are not Indianians; we the U.S. Army, where he served from As citizens of this great country, we are Hoosiers, and it should be appro- 1966 until 1968 and earned the rank of priately discussed as such. have been given a precious gift—the staff sergeant. DAN, it has been an honor to serve gift of freedom. America has been a After coming to Indiana to earn a with you. beacon of freedom that has burned law degree at Indiana University’s He has been a true gentleman and a bright before a world that cries out for McKinney School of Law in Indianap- great teammate in our work to im- liberty, but we should never forget that olis, DAN moved to Fort Wayne, where prove the lives of the hardworking we have been able to preserve this pre- he continued his public service as a Hoosier families we represent. I am cious gift throughout our history be- staff member for then-U.S. Congress- proud of the work we have done to- cause men and women have heard the man Dan Quayle. gether. call and then said: ‘‘I will stand in de- In 1980, DAN COATS was elected to fense of freedom and I will sacrifice for represent the Fourth Congressional As DAN leaves the Senate, I wish my future generations.’’ District of Indiana—a wonderful area friend and partner—my senior Sen- ator—the best. He will be remembered In looking back on my life of public which he served so well—and it was an for his extraordinary service, his love service, I have experienced moments office he held for 8 years. Then, in 1988, of country, his love of our State, and when I also have seen that light of dis- as Senator Quayle was elected to serve his love of his family. I hope he will be covery of this precious gift of America as Vice President, Senator COATS was able to spend a lot of time with his and asked myself: How is it this pre- appointed to the U.S. Senate, and he wonderful wife Marsha, their 3 chil- cious gift is mine? I have seen the light successfully won reelection in 1990 and dren, and their 10 grandchildren. DAN of discovery at Veterans Day cere- in 1992. For 10 years, DAN continued his has been blessed to have a wonderful monies as we remind ourselves that legacy of service to our beloved State. family, and we have been blessed that this gift has been earned and preserved As I mentioned, DAN is the senior we could be a part of his life. by those who have fought in defense of Senator, and I am the junior Senator, May God bless Senator COATS and his our freedoms and especially those who so whenever we have football discus- family, may God bless Indiana, and have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I have sions, DAN wins every time. may God bless America. seen it in the eyes of wives and young Through his work on the Senate Armed Services Committee and the In- I yield the floor. children who rush into the arms of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- dads arriving home from the frontlines telligence Committee, he ensured our country was more secure and more ator from Maine. of battle. I have seen it in the tears of Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, as I joy as our Olympic athletes stand prosperous for the future. In 1999, DAN retired from the Senate. have listened to the eloquent farewell while the ‘‘Star-Spangled Banner’’ is He was soon called back, though, when remarks of my friend and colleague, played before the eyes and ears of the President Bush asked him to serve our Senator DAN COATS of Indiana, I could world. I have seen it in the naturaliza- country again—this time, as U.S. Am- not help but think that he sounded tion ceremonies, where immigrants bassador to Germany. happy, contented, serene, and at peace like my mom expressed pure joy in be- Then-Ambassador COATS arrived in with the decision he has made. But he coming an American citizen. Germany ready for his duties on Sep- leaves the rest of us feeling bereft and Do we not then—those of us who have tember 8, 2001. We know how much our sad and knowing that we will miss him been given this privilege and the chal- world changed 3 days later and how im- as a friend and as an esteemed col- lenge of serving in this body as U.S. portant his job became in ensuring the league. Senators—do we not then have an obli- United States continued its construc- As the 114th Congress draws to a gation and a solemn duty to carry on tive relationship with our German al- close, many words of affection and the task of ensuring that the young lies and in keeping all of us safe back gratitude will be offered in tribute to eyes of future generations can see this here at home. He not only forged a our friend and colleague DAN COATS as light of discovery and continue to won- strong relationship with then-German he leaves this Chamber. But there is no der how it is that such a precious gift Chancellor Gerhard Schroder and An- word that better defines this out- is theirs? gela Merkel, but he also played a key standing leader than the one word that So, my colleagues and friends, with role in the establishment of a new U.S. has guided his entire life, and that gratitude to the Almighty, love in my embassy in the heart of Berlin. It is word is ‘‘service.’’ heart for each of you, and bright hopes hard to stress how critical DAN COATS’ As we have heard from his colleague for the future of our beloved country, I leadership was for our country at that from Indiana, the junior Senator, in bid farewell. time, as he used American diplomacy 1966, at the height of the Vietnam war, I yield the floor. to help maintain American security. DAN COATS enlisted in the U.S. Army, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In 2011, DAN made his return to the achieving the rank of staff sergeant. In ator from Indiana. Senate, eager once again to serve the 1980, he was elected to the U.S. House

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.044 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 of Representatives from Indiana’s frastructure from devastating cyber at- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Fourth Congressional District, and he tacks. Senator COATS has warned us ator from Missouri. joined the Senate 8 years later. He that it is not a matter of if but of when Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, I quickly became widely known and such attacks occur right here in our have one story I want to tell about deeply respected as a strong voice for country. He did so—he led the way— Senator COATS. fiscal discipline and national security knowing of the political pressure that We have been able to serve together and as an expert in our intelligence would be brought to bear to accept the on the Intel Committee. We sit near agencies and foreign affairs. status quo of cyber insecurity that ex- each other on that committee. We DAN COATS left the Senate in 1999 and ists within our country’s most impor- work together on other things. was named as U.S. Ambassador to Ger- tant infrastructure. I came to the Senate when Senator many 2 years later. He arrived at his Senator DAN COATS is an inspiring COATS came back to the Senate. It has post in Berlin just 3 days before the role model to all of us who seek to already been established here that he terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. serve. He epitomizes dedication, effec- served and then served in another ca- I cannot help but think how fortunate tive service, and an untiring commit- pacity as Ambassador. Then in 2010, our country was to have him in that ment to making America—already the when the Presiding Officer and I came key position at a time of such turmoil, greatest country in the world—an even to the Senate, he came with us. In al- anxiety, and fear for our country and better place to live. Our Nation is truly most everything in the Senate, there is all the world. He played a central role grateful to this great man, and I am so some element of seniority in how ev- in strengthening the relationship be- grateful for his friendship. erything is done. tween our Nation and Germany during I wish Senator COATS and his family As the only person in our class with that critical time. all the best in the years to come. prior Senate service, DAN COATS is the After his tenure as Ambassador had I suggest the absence of a quorum. ranking member of our class. He was ended, Senator COATS continued his The PRESIDING OFFICER. The 88th in seniority in the Senate the day service. He became the president of Big clerk will call the roll. he started his second term of the Sen- Brothers and Big Sisters of America The senior assistant legislative clerk ate. For circumstances, I turned out to and offered his talents to many other proceeded to call the roll. be 89th. civic and volunteer organizations, in- Mr. PORTMAN. Madam President, I In the process of going through and cluding the Center for Jewish and ask unanimous consent that the order selecting offices, when they got to 88, Christian Values, which he chaired for the quorum call be rescinded. DAN COATS called me, standing in the with another dear friend of mine, Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hallway of the Russell Senate Office ator Joe Lieberman. With his wife Mar- objection, it is so ordered. Building, and he said: I am standing sha, he founded the Foundation for Mr. PORTMAN. Madam President, I here in front of an office that says it American Renewal to advance faith- speak today as a neighbor of DAN was Harry Truman’s office when he was based solutions and initiatives to help COATS. I am his neighbor here on the in the Senate. You choose after me; resolve our Nation’s many social prob- Senate floor, and I am his neighbor don’t you? lems. back home. I represent the State of I said: Yes, I choose after you. When DAN COATS returned to the Ohio, and he represents Indiana. I also He said: If I don’t take this office, Senate in 2012, he pledged to the people was involved in DAN COATS’ early polit- will you take it? of Indiana and to our Nation that he ical career because I was asked to It was the best of the 12 offices still would focus his tremendous energy and interview him when I was a young law- left. That wouldn’t have been the rea- extraordinary intellect on cutting yer for his potential move from the son I would take it, but I said: Yes, I wasteful spending, reducing our na- House to the Senate. There was no way will take that office. It would be great tional debt, promoting pro-growth, job- to be involved in that process without for me to be in an office in which Harry creating policies, and strengthening acquiring great respect and admiration Truman had spent 10 years while in the our national security in an era where for this man. Senate, and I later found out he also we face numerous threats from every I got to know about his family and spent 82 days as Vice President in that possible place. He has kept those prom- his background. He is literally and office. ises. As a father and a grandfather— figuratively a Boy Scout in every way. I said: I will stay there if I take that two roles that I know he cherishes— He is also a guy who we will miss here office. Senator COATS has taken to heart our greatly. He has become the voice of I am actually the only Member who— obligation to ensure a sound economic reason, the voice of wisdom, and the every year when the question comes future for the next generation. voice of knowledge here in the Senate. around ‘‘Do you want to look at an- It has been a particular honor to In our conference meetings, he is the other office?’’ I check the ‘‘no’’ box and work side by side with DAN COATS on person who, when he stands up to send it right back. Almost everybody the Intelligence Committee. His public speak, others stop their conversations else checks the ‘‘yes’’ box because they service through that committee will and actually listen, which is a rare want to see the real estate in the build- never be fully known to the public, but trait for people in public office some- ing that is available. I can share with you that Senator times. But that is because DAN is al- I said: I will stay there if I take it. COATS has almost an instinctual abil- ways sincere, he is to the point, and, He said: Well, I am going to find an ity to get to the heart of an issue, no again, he has the experience and office somewhere else. matter how complex or difficult the knowledge to be able to speak intel- I have chaired the Rules Committee topic. That, of course, is also a tribute ligently on a whole range of issues— in the last couple of years. I deal with to the fact that he has thought so deep- some which we heard about today on lots of Members about lots of requests. ly about the issues that confront our the national security front. But also, I don’t actually know of very many country and the threats posed by rogue he is an advocate for economic growth. similar circumstances. In fact, I don’t states and terrorist groups. He was one He is the leader here on tax reform pro- know of any exactly like that one of the first Members of the Senate to posals. He is the guy who continually where Senator COATS said: I want you recognize the crisis that would emerge reminds us of our solemn duty here to to have the office. due to this administration’s failed pol- represent all the people. I mentioned it to him again the other icy and incoherent strategy toward So, DAN, we will miss you greatly. I day, and he said: You know, the reason Syria. know Marsha is happy to have you for that was, it was the right thing to His strong and effective advocacy for around a little more. You are going to do. improved cyber security, a passion that have a great time with your grandkids, If there is any part of DAN COATS’ we share, is another example of his as we have talked about. But we know character that comes through time deep commitment to the safety and se- that there will be a great loss here after time, it is that part. It is that curity of our Nation and its people. For when you move on. I have to find a new part of who he is that always wants to years, Senator COATS has worked to neighbor. do the right thing. He is a man of great protect our Nation’s most critical in- I yield the floor. conscience, of great courage, of great

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.046 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6745 willingness to serve. He is a good The 21st Century Cures Act includes issues. . . . Our national debate reflects friend, and it has been one of the hon- many very important provisions that the needs and dreams of American fam- ors of my life in elected office that I should be enacted, so I hope this issue ilies.’’ have gotten to spend 6 years working can be corrected. In 2012, she became the first woman in the Senate with him. TRIBUTE TO BARBARA A. MIKULSKI and the first Marylander to chair the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Madam President, this is a bitter- Senate Appropriations Committee. She ator from Maryland. sweet moment as I rise to pay tribute Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, first, to my esteemed colleague, dear friend, has worked well with Senator COCHRAN and other Republicans on the com- I notice that Senator COATS is still on and fellow Senator, BARBARA A. MIKUL- the floor. I want to add my personal SKI, the longest serving woman in the mittee to produce annual appropria- congratulations to Senator COATS for history of the United States Congress. tions bills under difficult budget con- an incredible career of public service, Senator BARB has been more than a straints. I think she has shown how the not only here in the Senate but serving dedicated champion for the State of Senate can work in a productive, bipar- our country in a very important diplo- Maryland; she has fought tirelessly for tisan fashion. matic role. the welfare of all Americans across the Senator MIKULSKI has served as the Senator COATS has added such dig- country but especially the disadvan- dean of the women Senators from both nity to this body. He is a person of in- taged—equal pay for equal work, fund- parties, promoting collegiality, civil- credible integrity and a person who al- ing for childcare for working families, ity, and consensus-building. In this ca- ways listens and tries to do what is quality health care for all Americans, pacity, again, she has been one of the right not only for the people of his an ambitious space exploration pro- leaders of this institution with respect State but for our Nation. It has been a gram, robust homeland security pro- to making it work better. real honor to serve with Senator COATS grams, and fire protection grants. in the U.S. Senate, and I wish him only These are but a few of the causes Sen- Senator BARB has always had her feet the best going forward. I know he will ator BARB has worked on for more than planted firmly on the ground, but she continue to find ways to help our coun- four decades as an outstanding public has reached for the stars. No one has try. servant and legislator. been a stronger advocate for the Na- 21ST CENTURY CURES ACT She is rooted in the city we both call tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis- Madam President, I rise today to home, Baltimore, where her father ran tration, NASA; the National Oceanic comment on a provision in the 21st a grocery store in Highlandtown. She and Atmospheric Administration, Century Cures Act that I have strong earned her bachelor of science degree NOAA; the National Science Founda- concerns about that would affect thou- in sociology from Mount Saint Agnes tion, NSF; and for researching and un- sands of patients receiving home infu- College and a master of social work de- derstanding the universe to make life sion therapy. As many of my col- gree from the University of Maryland better here on Earth than Senator BAR- leagues know, home infusion therapy is School of Social Work. She became a BARA MIKULSKI. important because it provides patients social worker and then demonstrated Not only has she reached for the with a higher quality of life. Patients her formidable organizational skills stars, she is a star. NASA named a and resolve when she led the successful are able to receive this treatment in supernova after her in 2012—Supernova opposition to a 16-lane highway that the comfort of their own home, sur- Mikulski—discovered, fittingly, by the was going to cut through the Fells rounded by their family. Furthermore, Hubble Space Telescope on January 25, Point neighborhood in Baltimore. home infusion therapy eliminates un- 2012. The supernova is 7.5 billion light- Throughout her 40 years of congres- necessary emergency room visits and years away and the remnants of a star travel to and from hospitals. sional service, she has returned to Bal- timore almost every night. more than eight times as massive as A provision in the Cures Act reduces our own Sun. the payment for infusion drugs without She ran for the city council in 1971, including a payment for home infusion where she served for 5 years before she Senator MIKULSKI has so much polit- services until January 1, 2021. As a re- was elected to the House of Represent- ical energy per square inch of height sult, home infusion suppliers will not atives to represent Maryland’s Third that she has reached her own orbit in District—a seat she held for 10 years. I be paid to administer infusion therapy space. Even though her realm includes was proud to succeed her in the House until 4 years after the change in reim- the entire universe, Senator BARB al- when she was elected to the Senate in bursement. Without a service payment, ways kept the needs of Marylanders 1986 and became the first female Demo- it will be economically difficult for close to her heart during her tenure. cratic Senator elected in her own right. home infusion suppliers to provide pa- Whether it is fighting for funding to re- Here in the Halls of the Senate, she tients with home infusion therapy. store the Chesapeake Bay, supporting opened doors that had previously been Many patients will be unable to receive mass transit improvements in Balti- closed to women. She refused to accept more, standing up for Federal employ- care in the comfort of their home and second-class treatment because of her will have to go to hospitals and long- ees and retirees who work and live in gender and fought to be recognized as our State, or posting the world’s best term care facilities to receive treat- an equal. Generations of young women ment. This provision in 21st Century recipe for crabcakes on her Web site, I who chose to participate in public life know I speak on behalf of each and Cures Act could affect over 20,000 peo- or who dreamed of joining the U.S. ple with congestive heart failure, neu- every Marylander when I say how Senate have benefited from Senator much we will miss her outstanding rological disorders, and immune defi- BARB’s trailblazing legacy. ciency problems who receive home in- From affordable housing and edu- leadership and unwavering commit- fusion therapy. cation to childcare, health benefits, ment to our State. Patients’ lives are at stake. That is and pensions, she has left an indelible I am privileged to have worked with why I prepared an amendment to the imprint on the Nation’s social policies Senator BARB for 10 years in the Sen- 21st Century Cures Act that delays the as a senior member of the Committee ate and for 20 years before that when I reimbursement change for infusion on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- was in the House of Representatives. I drugs by 1 year. I hope that this sions. It is fitting that she authored am proud to have stood alongside her amendment could be included in the the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of as two members of Team Maryland. 21st Century Cures Act or the end of 2009—the first major bill to be signed session continuing resolution. Instead On a personal basis, I have a very into law by the first African-American close friend and my service in the Sen- of going into effect on January 1, 2017, President. I know one of her proudest the overpayment reduction would go ate is much more productive, much accomplishments is strengthening the more enjoyable, and much more re- into effect on January 1, 2018, under my social safety net for seniors by passing warding because of Senator BARBARA amendment. This is only a 1-year the Spousal Anti-Impoverishment Act, MIKULSKI. delay, but it would allow 20,000 pa- which helps keep seniors from going tients to continue receiving infusion into bankruptcy while paying for a The United States Congress, the therapy at home. I think this is reason- spouse’s nursing home care. State of Maryland, the United States, able and fair and I urge my colleagues Senator BARB said, ‘‘We work on and, indeed, the world are better places to support the amendment. macro issues and macaroni and cheese because of Senator MIKULSKI’s public

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.048 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 service. She may not be the tallest fornia Missions Preservation Act to skills and her leadership. I know we Senator, but she certainly leaves the protect and restore California’s 21 his- will continue to hear from her because biggest shoes to fill. I will miss her, toric missions and led the effort in the she is not the retiring type, but she but I will remain internally inspired by Senate to create the Manzanar Na- certainly has earned the right to spend her shining example of public service tional Historic Site. more time with her husband Stewart, at its best. Senator BOXER’s concern for the en- their children Doug and Nicole, and TRIBUTE TO BARBARA BOXER vironment hasn’t been just a parochial four grandchildren. Madam President, for the 10 years I interest; no one has fought harder to We wish her well, and we will miss have been in the Senate, I have been defend and improve our Nation’s land- her in the Senate. privileged and have had the pleasure to mark environmental laws, such as the I yield the floor. serve alongside the Senator from Cali- Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fornia, BARBARA BOXER, on the Com- She fought to remove arsenic from ator from Utah. mittee on Environment and Public drinking water. The air we breathe, the FREE SPEECH RIGHTS Works and on the Committee on For- water we drink, and the food we eat are Mr. LEE. Madam President, over the eign Relations. She is the ranking better because of Senator BOXER. weekend, syndicated columnist George member of the Environment and Public Senator BOXER’s environmental bona Will wrote about a disturbing ruling in Works Committee and previously fides are well known, but she has been a French court. The court ruled that a chaired the committee, the first a superbly effective legislator on so video called ‘‘Dear Future Mom,’’ pro- woman to do so. many other issues. She is a champion duced by the Global Down Syndrome Senator BOXER has spent the last 40 for women. In 1991, she led a group of Foundation, must be banned from tele- years in elective office—24 years here women Members to the Judiciary Com- vision. It cannot be viewed on tele- in the Senate, 10 years before in the mittee to demand that the committee, vision anywhere in France. What, you U.S. House of Representatives, and 6 which was all-male and all-White at might ask, triggered this draconian act years on the Marin County Board of the time, take Anita Hill’s charges se- of censorship? Was it speech inciting Supervisors. She was the board’s first riously. Senator BOXER has defended violence? No. Was it a hate speech? No. woman president. Earlier, she worked women’s reproductive health choices Was it discrimination? In fact, it is the as a stockbroker while her husband and privacy. She was involved in pass- opposite, as it turns out. I will let Mr. Stewart, whom she met at Brooklyn ing the Freedom of Access to Clinic En- Will tell the story as I read the words College, attended law school. Senator trances Act and the Violence Against from his column. BOXER has been a journalist and is the Women’s Act. She is a senior member The column is entitled ‘‘The ‘right’ author of two books. of the Foreign Relations Committee, to be spared from guilt.’’ The first time Senator BOXER ran for where she chairs the first committee to the Sixth Congressional District seat, The word ‘‘inappropriate’’ is increasingly focus on global women’s issues. used inappropriately. It is useful to describe in 1982, her campaign slogan was ‘‘BAR- In a business meeting earlier today, departures from good manners and other so- BARA BOXER gives a damn.’’ Her con- the members of the Senate Foreign Re- cial norms, such as wearing white after stituents have agreed. She ran for re- lations Committee unanimously passed Labor Day and using the salad fork with the election four times and never received a resolution honoring Senator BOXER’s entree. less than 67 percent of the vote. In 2004, work on that committee and her work But the adjective has become a splatter of when she was running for a third term in the U.S. Senate. At that time, we verbal fudge, a weasel word falsely sug- in the Senate, she received 6.96 million noted that she was the ranking mem- gesting measured seriousness. Its misty im- precision does not disguise, but advertises votes—the most votes any candidate ber on the subcommittee that provided the user’s moral obtuseness. has ever received in the history of the help for women and girls globally, and A French court has demonstrated how ‘‘in- U.S. Senate. her work in Afghanistan was most no- appropriate’’ can be an all-purpose device of Oscar Madison and Felix Unger may table. She has made a difference intellectual evasion and moral cowardice. have been the original odd couple, but around the world for young women. The court said it is inappropriate to do Senator BOXER and the Senator from Senator BOXER authored the first something that might disturb people who Oklahoma, Senator INHOFE, have been ever specific authorization for after- killed their unborn babies for reasons that the Senate’s odd couple. An unabashed school programs, a bipartisan bill that were, shall we say, inappropriate. liberal and unabashed conservative then-President George W. Bush signed Prenatal genetic testing enables pregnant women to be apprised of a variety of prob- working together to pass some of the into law in 2002. Today’s afterschool lems with their unborn babies, including most important legislation of the last programs are funded at $1.15 billion, al- Down syndrome. It is a congenital condition quarter century—our periodic surface lowing them to serve 1.6 million chil- resulting from a chromosomal defect that transportation bills and the Water Re- dren. She was the author of another bi- causes varying degrees of mental disability sources Development Act reauthoriza- partisan bill to accelerate America’s and some physical abnormalities, such as tions. These bills have put millions of contribution to combat global HIV- low muscle tone, small stature, flatness of Americans to work and made our econ- AIDS and tuberculosis. the back of the head, and an upward slant to the eyes. Within living memory, Down syn- omy more efficient. Senator BOXER wrote two laws to en- drome people were called Mongoloids. Now Senator BOXER understands the im- hance economic and security coopera- they are included in the category called portance of building, and she also un- tion with Israel. In 2012, she worked ‘‘special needs’’ people. What they most need derstands the importance of pre- with the Senator from Georgia, Mr. is nothing special. It is for people to under- serving. She has helped to set aside ISAKSON, on the United States-Israel stand their aptitudes, and to therefore quit more than 1 million acres of Federal Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, killing them in utero. land in California as wilderness. The which extended loan guarantees to Down syndrome, although not common, is omnibus public lands package, which Israel, increased the U.S. military among the most common anomalies at 49.7 became law in 2009, includes three stockpile in Israel, and encouraged percent per 100,000 births. In approximately Boxer bills to protect 57,000 acres in 90 percent of instances when prenatal genetic NATO-Israel cooperation. In 2014, she testing reveals Down syndrome, the baby is Big Sur and the Los Padres Forest and worked with the Senator from Mis- aborted. Cleft lips or palates, which occur in another 273,000 acres of California coast souri, Mr. BLUNT, on the U.S.-Israel 72.6 percent per 100,000 births, also can be di- as wilderness. She wrote the Senate Strategic Partnership Act of 2014, fur- agnosed in utero and sometimes are the rea- bill that elevated Pinnacles National ther strengthening economic and secu- son a baby is aborted. Monument into America’s 59th na- rity cooperation between the two coun- In 2014, in conjunction with World Down tional park. She helped champion the tries. Syndrome Day (March 21), the Global Down creation of the Fort Ord National Senator BOXER has strong principles. Syndrome Foundation prepared a two- Monument and Cesar Chavez National She can be outspoken when the need minute video titled ‘‘Dear Future Mom’’ to assuage the anxieties of pregnant women Monument and was instrumental in ex- arises, but she is also a consummate who have learned that they are carrying a panding the Gulf of the Farallones and legislator, able to work across the aisle Down syndrome baby. Cordell Bank National Marine Sanc- and across the Hill to get important More than 7 million people have seen the tuaries. She also authored the Cali- things done. We are going to miss her video online in which one such woman says,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.049 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6747 ‘‘I’m scared: What kind of life will my child member the courage of their mothers ers across the country—thousands of have?’’ Down syndrome children from many and fathers who chose life—the heroes them in my State of Virginia—who lose nations tell the woman that her child will who chose to make room at the inn. not only health care but also future hug, speak, go to school, tell you he loves I know I speak for all of my col- pension benefits that are threatened by you and ‘‘can be happy, just like I am—and you’ll be happy too.’’ leagues when I wish all of them a very the approaching insolvency of the The French state is not happy about this. merry Christmas. United Mine Workers 1974 pension fund. The court has ruled that the video is—wait I thank the Presiding Officer and Madam President, you may not know for it—‘‘inappropriate’’ for French tele- yield the floor. this—as a matter of fact, even my col- vision. The court upheld the ruling in which I suggest the absence of a quorum. league from West Virginia didn’t real- the French Broadcasting Council had banned The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ize this—but today, December 6, is ac- the video as a commercial. clerk will call the roll. tually National Miners Day. Each year The court said the video’s depiction of The legislative clerk proceeded to happy Down syndrome children was ‘‘likely on December 6, we set aside a day to call the roll. honor the mine workers of today and to disturb the conscience of women who had Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I lawfully made different choices.’’ yesterday and reflect on their con- So, what happens on campuses does not ask unanimous consent that the order tributions to our Nation and rededicate stay on campuses. There, in many nations, for the quorum call be rescinded. ourselves to doing everything we can sensitivity bureaucracies have been enforc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to protect their lives and health. Think ing the relatively new entitlement to be objection, it is so ordered. about that. Today is actually National shielded from what might disturb, even inap- MINERS PROTECTION ACT Miners Day. What better day to take propriate jokes. Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I And now this rapidly metastasizing right the long awaited action to make sure has come to this: rise to join my colleague who spoke that for those miners—and particu- A video that accurately communicates a earlier today, the Senator from Ohio, larly, more often than not, for their truthful proposition—that Down syndrome and here shortly, the Senator from widows—we honor the commitment people can be happy and give happiness— Pennsylvania. I wish to also thank my that was made back in 1947 to make should be suppressed because some people friend, the Senator from West Virginia. sure that their health care and pension might become ambivalent, or morally quea- Without his tireless efforts, this cause benefits—at least their health care sy about having chosen to extinguish such we are fighting for might not still have lives because . . . benefits—are guaranteed. The reality is This is why the video giving facts about a chance, and I want to commend him that even with stronger safety stand- Down syndrome people is so subversive of for the countless hours and the amaz- ards, coal mining remains a dangerous the flaccid consensus among those who say ing amount of work he has done on an and difficult profession. The truth is aborting a baby is of no moral significance issue we have been here time and again that nobody can really understand than removing a tumor from a stomach. Pic- on; that is, begging this body to take what it is like to be in a mine unless tures persuade. meaningful action on the Miners Pro- you have been underground. I have had Today’s improved prenatal sonograms tection Act before the end of this year. that opportunity a number of times in make graphic the fact that the moving fin- For over a year and a half, we have gers and beating heart are not mere ‘‘fetal my career. So many of the miners I material.’’ They are a baby. Toymaker Fish- been coming to the floor to tell our col- worked with and supported when I was er-Price, children’s apparel manufacturer leagues that if we do nothing, retired Governor and now as I am a Senator OshKosh, McDonald’s and Target have fea- coal miners and their families—for the have seen all the changes that have tured Down syndrome children in ads that most part we are talking about widows come about by the changing nature of the French court would probably ban from because most of the miners have passed the industry, by globalization and by television. away—will lose their health care at the The court has said, in effect, that the lives technology. Now many of those com- end of this year. Well, the end of the munities are on hard times. If we of Down syndrome people—and by inescap- year is upon us. It is literally days able implication, the lives of many other dis- produce one more hit to these commu- abled people—matter less than the serenity away, and we have taken every proce- nities—a hit whereby the Federal Gov- of people who have acted on one or more of dural step to ensure a vote on the Min- ernment doesn’t honor the commit- three vicious principles: ers Protection Act. ment they made to those miners in That the lives of the disabled are not Under the leadership of the Senator terms of protecting the health care of worth living. Or the lives of the disabled are from West Virginia, we were asked to the miners and their families—then, of negligible value next to the desire of par- go through regular order. We were ents to have a child who has no special, quite honestly, we are not doing our asked to have a hearing. Those of us on job. meaning inconvenient, needs. Or that gov- the Finance Committee—the Senator ernment should suppress the voices of Down We have come together and worked syndrome children in order to guarantee from Pennsylvania and I—were asked in a bipartisan fashion. We have a solu- other people’s right not to be disturbed by to have a committee markup. We had tion. We have a solution that wouldn’t reminders that they have made lethal the committee markup. We reported add to the debt or the deficit. I hope choices on the basis of one or both of the the bill out with strong bipartisan sup- that those who are holding up this first two inappropriate principles. port. Yet here we are, days away from long-term solution—and it is not sim- That is the end of Mr. Will’s column, the supposed end of the session, and we ply one side. We have complete support which I just read in its entirety. still have not had that vote. We have a on this side of the aisle and from a As Americans enter yet another era long-term bipartisan solution, but in- number of our colleagues on the other of change in our politics, it is my sin- stead we are being told the CR that side of the aisle. Again, we ask: Let’s cere hope, and indeed my prayer, that might simply fund the government for make sure these miners, their widows, it can also be a season of change in our a few months may have some kind of and their families don’t lose their hearts. Here in the United States, the stop-gap effort—a stop-gap effort that health care come the end of this year. free speech rights of groups like the would barely provide enough time, for We can ensure that happens, and I look Global Down Syndrome Foundation to those who were already threatened forward to working with my colleagues produce videos like ‘‘Dear Future with losing their health care at the end to make sure that promise becomes a Mom,’’ which I highly recommend, are of the year—barely have enough time reality. protected by the First Amendment, but to even reschedule a doctor’s appoint- With that, I yield the floor to my col- the rights of actual Americans with ment. league from Pennsylvania. Down syndrome, both born and unborn, These miners—many of them have Mr. MANCHIN. We are close. It is can only be protected by their fellow faced devastating illnesses as a result West Virginia. citizens, not just in our laws but in our of their time in the mines—will be I yield the floor to my dear friend communities, our families, and our cul- given absolutely no certainty that they and colleague, the Senator from Geor- ture. will receive the medical care they need gia. This time of year, we would all do if we simply were to extend this bill to Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I have well to remember the life-changing joy the time of the CR. And what would a parliamentary inquiry. that can come from a single, unex- happen after May 1? And that has noth- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. pected, and special child, and also re- ing to say to the more than 100,000 min- GARDNER). The Senator from Georgia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.059 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, it was ger not only the brave men and women and, hopefully, we will continue their my understanding that I was going to engaged on the battlefield but also work in the next session. Likewise, I follow the Senator from Connecticut their descendants. This measure ex- have worked with Senator MORAN and on the VA bill, and I am happy to ac- pands the definition of homeless vet- Chairman ISAKSON on numerous ac- commodate the Senator from West Vir- erans to include individuals—perhaps countability reforms in the Veterans ginia or the Senator from Pennsyl- women fleeing domestic violence—and First Act, which was before this Cham- vania or the Senator from Connecticut, it broadens the eligibility for critical ber, again, providing goals and meas- whomever knows what order we should homeless prevention programs. Many ures that we must achieve in the next be in. of those women fleeing brutality and Congress. Mr. MANCHIN. Sir, that is so kind of violence deserve this kind of help. Our bipartisan efforts to pass, hope- you. If we could do that, since the Sen- Under this legislation, the Veterans fully within the next few days, H.R. ator is not here, then we can be very Health Administration will be given 6416 is a crucial test of whether there is brief on ours, if you don’t mind. the flexibility it needs in scheduling the necessary will and determination Mr. ISAKSON. Will I yield to the physician workloads to bring them in in this body to move ahead on the Senator from West Virginia? line with the common practice that enormous challenges yet unmet and Mr. MANCHIN. Yes. prevails in most medical centers. It is the enormous obligations that we have. Mr. ISAKSON. And then would you past time that we adjust the 1950s Just as critical as the health care yield to the Senator from Connecticut? schedules, practices, and policies to challenges, so too are the chronic prob- Mr. MANCHIN. Let’s let you do yours work regulations within the VA hos- lems in providing veterans the benefits now. Go ahead. The Senator from Con- pitals and the need of today’s veterans. they have earned—benefits that are de- necticut can go ahead. One extraordinarily important provi- nied them in decisions they appeal. Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask sion relates to mental health, long a Today, over 450,000 veterans’ appeals unanimous consent to recognize the priority for me. We will make it easier await a decision. That is why I intro- Senator from Connecticut, the Senator to hire mental health counselors and duced the Department of Veterans Af- from Georgia, and then the Senator access mental health treatment, sig- fairs Appeals Modernization Act of from Pennsylvania. nificantly overhauling VA construction 2016. The present veterans’ appeals The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there practices and authorize major medical process is a travesty. It is a mockery of objection? construction projects in Reno, NV, and justice. It must be reformed. It must be Without objection, it is so ordered. Long Beach, CA. given the resources to make it effec- The Senator from Connecticut. On the issue of accountability that is tive. Even when veterans earn benefits, Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I so critically important and needs so there are too many examples of un- want to thank my colleagues who are much work, a provision in this measure equal application. I joined Senator very gracious for yielding to me, and I would limit the ability of the VA to MURRAY in her efforts to ensure that thank the Presiding Officer for recog- place an employee who is under inves- all caregivers for severely wounded and nizing me. tigation for misconduct on paid admin- disabled veterans, regardless of when VETERANS HEALTH CARE AND BENEFITS istrative leave for more than 14 days. the veterans have served, have access LEGISLATION This limitation would end the current to caregiver support services. These Mr. President, there is welcome news practice of placing problematic em- caregivers are moms and dads, spouses, today, which is that the Senate has re- ployees on long periods of paid admin- and children who provide care day after ceived from the House H.R. 6416, a bi- istrative leave and the provision would day after day at great expense and bur- partisan comprehensive measure that force the VA leaders to address issues den to them with very little support keeps faith with our veterans and when they arise to impose account- from the Nation that should be as makes sure that we continue our ability. grateful to them as to the veterans progress toward leaving no veteran be- I want to thank my colleague Sen- themselves. hind. ator ISAKSON for his leadership, his Simply put, veterans deserve better, I want to emphasize at the very start dedication, his attention to detail, and and they deserve more. Even when they that this measure is a down payment. his flexibility in the best traditions of have grievances, often they are denied It is far from a final or even fully ac- this body. He clearly has put veterans a day in court. They are forced into ar- ceptable solution to many of the prob- first by sharing their ideas. They have bitration agreements concerning their lems that it addresses. It has more come to us from many of the veterans reemployment rights and workplace than 70 provisions. It is broad and com- service organizations, and I want to ac- protections. That is why I introduced prehensive in scope and scale. More knowledge all of them as well because the Justice for Servicemembers Act in vets, many at risk and homeless, will they have been such a positive force. June—to clarify that servicemembers receive the care and benefits they need I want to thank my staff on the Vet- cannot be denied access to the court- and deserve. VA hospitals will have erans’ Affairs Committee for their house and forced into arbitration and better management and more mental work on this bill and others that we that servicemembers cannot be forced health caregivers and emergency room passed, such as the Clay Hunt to sacrifice those rights as a condition doctors. Families of veterans will be Prevention for American Veterans Act, of future or continued employment. It helped by extending critical education which I did in partnership with Senator is about basic American justice. Who benefits to surviving members of those KAINE and Senator ISAKSON. deserves that justice more than our families. Work will finally begin to We need to do more to help veterans veterans who fought for it and died for help descendants of veterans exposed to cope with opioid addiction, combat it and should never be denied it? toxic substances. But again, on those homelessness, protect veterans against I want to thank again all of my col- issues and so many more, we are only identity theft, and make sure that our leagues who have worked with me over taking another step in what must be a health care system for veterans con- these past 2 years. We owe every vet- journey toward helping our veterans tinues to improve. It is still clearly a eran—regardless of the war or the con- with services that they need, deserve, work in progress and still fails to meet flict, regardless of the era—the basic and have earned. the demands of access for thousands guarantee that they will never be left One example that is long awaited is a and tens of thousands of our veterans, behind, that this Nation will keep faith landmark move that will commence re- even as it provides quality health care with them. This body owes them the search on descendants of veterans who to many others. obligation to summon the political will have been exposed to toxic substances Many of the current challenges faced to cross partisan lines to make sure and address the painful residual by veterans are directly attributable to that we keep faith with them. wounds. It is all the more important management failures, and that is why As I yield the floor today, I want to today because we know the modern accountability needs to improve. I express my gratitude again to Chair- field of combat is ridden with nerve gas want to thank Senators BURR and man ISAKSON and say that I yield the and other toxic and poisonous sub- TESTER for their bipartisan agreement floor today but none of us should ever stances that all too often may endan- to move forward on these challenges, yield in the fight to help our veterans.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.061 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6749 Thank you, Mr. President. We are a team of Americans, not Re- work with his staff, who have worked The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- publican Americans or Democratic closely with us to see that we brought ator from Georgia. Americans but Americans committed the best legislation possible to the Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I thank to see our veterans get what they were floor of the Senate. the Senator from Connecticut for his promised. I particularly thank Tom Bowman, recognition. I want to take this mo- As Senator BLUMENTHAL said, this my chief of staff, who has made a lot of ment on the floor to praise him for the bill addresses homelessness, it address- magic things happen during these last contribution he has made to the com- es women’s health care issues, it ad- 2 years. But things have just begun in mittee over the last 2 years. dresses the possible passage of exposure the Veterans’ Committee of the Sen- I want to tell you a story. RICHARD to toxic waste in a hereditary fashion ate. We are going to work together to became ranking member in the same to the surviving children and grand- reach the dreams we all have to see to year and at the same time that I be- children of our veterans, an obligation it that our veterans have seamless came chairman. We met, we made a we owe to see to it that if there is any services and that we pay back to them commitment to one another that we transfer of the exposure of those toxic what we owe them, equally what they were going to move forward as a united substances, the VA benefits that go to have sacrificed and pledged for us— Veterans’ Affairs Committee, address the veteran also can be passed down to their lives, their fortunes, and their sa- the problems of our veterans, and do it the child who is a victim of heredity cred honor. in a bipartisan fashion. To set the tone through no fault of their own. I thank Senator BLUMENTHAL for his for that, we introduced the Clay Hunt We do a lot on the court and the ap- support and ask each of our Members Suicide Prevention for American Vet- peals. As Senator BLUMENTHAL said, we in the Senate today to help us pass this erans Act, which RICHARD BLUMENTHAL have a backlog of 450,000 appeals. We downpayment on the promise and the introduced, and passed it unanimously are adding two judges in the appeals debt we owe to the veterans of the in the committee and 99 to zero on the process. We need to do more to expe- United States of America. floor of the Senate in the first weeks of dite the appeals process. I yield to the Senator from Pennsyl- this Congress. We did so to set the This year I was personally dis- vania. table that whatever the problems are, appointed that as close as we got to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- we should never let our pettiness, our dealing with the administration and ator from Pennsylvania. politics, and our partisanship stop us finding a solution, we still failed to say Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask from helping a veteran. Because of to our veterans: We are going to solve unanimous consent to speak as in RICHARD BLUMENTHAL on suicide pre- your problem of waiting in line. morning business. vention and our commitment to make Two weeks ago, I had the sad duty of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without it bipartisan, we passed that unani- breaking into tears in the living room objection, it is so ordered. mously early on in the session and of a home of a veteran in Marietta, GA. MINERS PROTECTION ACT since that time have addressed other This is a veteran who has been trying Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise to issues as well. for 3 years to get an appeal responded speak tonight about the Miners Protec- The bill we discussed today, which is to and can’t get it. He is a veteran tion Act. named in part for RICHARD whose life is about to end without ever First, I commend and salute the BLUMENTHAL, is, as he said a minute getting an answer as to whether his ap- work that has been done in this Cham- ago, a down payment on the continuing peal is justified. That is just not right. ber. I especially highlight the Senators debt we owe to our veterans who have We can find a way in this country to on the Democratic side who have been served us well. On the first day in the get the manpower and womanpower working. I know this will not cover ev- committee when I took over as chair- necessary, make the moral commit- eryone, but I thank Senator MANCHIN, man, I said: You know, there are no Re- ment that is imperative, and see that the senior Senator from West Virginia, publican veterans and no Democratic our veterans who have an appeal get an Senator BROWN of Ohio, Senator WAR- veterans; there are only American vet- expeditious answer. Our veterans need NER of Virginia, and others, including erans. They are the Americans who to cooperate in that process by giving the Democratic leadership, for working fought for our flag, fought for our Con- us all the backup data as fast as pos- on this. I know we have bipartisan sup- stitution, fought for our liberty, and sible for every appeal they ask for. But port on this issue. I thank our Repub- fought for each of us. it is not right for an appeal to last as lican colleagues who have worked on I am proud to have fought with RICH- long as the one that is before us in the this. ARD for our veterans in the foxhole of the Senate. U.S. Veterans Administration today, Unfortunately, just today we are told There is much left to be done. With which is 25 years old. That’s right, the that in the negotiations, in the back- the passage of this act today, which is oldest appeal in the Veterans Adminis- and-forth on the continuing resolution, named after Senator BLUMENTHAL and tration is 25 years old. which we should be voting on this Congressman JEFF MILLER, who is re- I am committed—and I make the week—we are told that Majority Lead- tiring from the House, we are making commitment on the floor of the Senate er MCCONNELL is not going to include another down payment on what we owe today—to work with RICHARD, JON the Miners Protection Act in the con- our veterans. TESTER, the members of our com- tinuing resolution. That is very bad There are other payments soon to mittee, and everybody in this body to news, especially when we consider how come. I met earlier today with JOHN see to it that we say to the 450,000 vet- we arrived at this point in terms of bi- MCCAIN. We have made a commitment erans who are waiting on an appeal: We partisan support. I will get to that in a to make sure Veterans Choice is made are going to get you an answer, and we moment. permanent for our veterans and work are going to get it faster. Instead, apparently the proposal—or to see that veterans have the best To those sons and daughters today I guess at this point it might be beyond choice they can have, not to privatize who are signing up for the U.S. mili- a proposal because it might be in a the VA but to optimize the exposure of tary, if you have a need for an appeal, draft of the continuing resolution. Be veterans to health care services wher- we will see you get an expeditious an- that as it may, what has been proposed ever they need them. swer. They deserve the very best. They is 4 months of health care for miners Last night I met with JON TESTER, deserve no less than a thorough answer and their families instead of a lifetime our colleague from Montana, who will in response to the appeal they have guarantee. In a word, that is unaccept- replace Richard as the new ranking made. able. I will not dwell on that because I member of the committee. He is equal- The last 2 years, it has been a privi- want to get to the rest of our argu- ly committed with us to see to it that lege and a pleasure for me for to work ments on why this is a proposal we we move beyond the current sunset of as chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs cannot accept. the Veterans Choice Program, to solve Committee. It has been a pleasure to A long time ago, before the turn of the Veterans Choice Program as well work with RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, and I the last century, Stephen Crane, as the other problems that confront commend him on the contributions he known mostly for the ‘‘Red Badge of our veterans. has made. It has been equally great to Courage,’’ a great novel, died at the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.062 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 age of 28 or 29. But prior to his death, that anyone would think it is appro- family member whose mom has breast in addition to all that he wrote in a priate to propose temporarily saving cancer, her life—or at least her health great novel, he wrote for McClure’s benefits when, in practice, these recipi- care at this point—depends upon it. So magazine an essay about a coal mine ents would be notified almost simulta- this isn’t theory. near my hometown of Scranton in neously that they are both eligible for This legislation, which passed the Fi- Lackawanna County. I come from a benefits—temporarily—and that their nance Committee, as I said, 18 to 8—all county that had of what they used to benefits will terminate. That is not we have to do is have the majority call hard coal, anthracite coal. It heat- just wrong; that is an insult. It is an leader stand up and say that we are ed homes across the Nation and across insult to them and to their families. going to attach this to the continuing the world, for not just years but gen- Just imagine the stress of this. We resolution and have the House Speaker erations. cannot imagine it. I will answer my say the same because they have con- Stephen Crane described how dan- own question: We cannot imagine it. trol. That is all they have to do—at- gerous it was to work in a coal mine. Probably no one in this building could tach it to the continuing resolution— He did it with such beauty and such imagine the stress on these individuals and we will finally have kept our prom- skill, but there were so many horrible and their families. It is completely un- ise. images. I, of course, will not read the necessary. Temporary relief is not only insuffi- entire essay, but at one place he de- I know we are limited on time to- cient, it is an insult. It is not just in- scribed the coal mine as a place of ‘‘in- night, but I wish to highlight portions sufficient, it is dead wrong. scrutable darkness, a soundless place of of letters that I have received. I know No one here should be playing games tangible loneliness.’’ the Senator from West Virginia has re- with people’s ability to pay for medica- Then he described all the ways a ceived even more because of his great tion, pay for their oxygen. That miner could die in the mines. That was advocacy, his work, and the substan- shouldn’t be the subject of games or in the 1890s. Of course, coal mining tial impact that the mining industry horse trading. We delivered in both parties. We de- today is safer, but still very dangerous. has had on his great State and the livered to Majority Leader MCCONNELL But no matter what the danger level, work that is done by great miners to everything he asked for—committee no matter what the circumstances of this day. consideration, debate and vote in the today, we owe these miners their To protect people in case we haven’t committee—and now it has come to the health care, their pensions, and we owe received their permission, I will not floor of the U.S. Senate. It is time for their families. use full names. This letter is from all of us to keep our promise to coal What they don’t want to hear, what Waynesburg, PA, Southwestern Penn- miners and to make the Miners Protec- we should not engage in, is the usual sylvania. I will limit it to a son talking tion Act permanent law and to keep horse trading and kind of back-and- about his mom. He said: ‘‘I am writing our promise to those miners and their forth of Washington. They deserve the to you for my mother.’’ He is asking us families. Miners Protection Act. It is not some to vote on this bill. In the letter he I again commend and salute the Sen- theory, and it is not some idea; it is says his mom is a widow. ‘‘She now ator from West Virginia, and I yield legislation that was introduced, de- lives on a fixed income. Her life de- the floor. bated, and then voted on by the Fi- pends on this passing,’’ meaning, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- nance Committee, 18 to 8, a bipartisan bill passing. ‘‘She has cancer and will ator from West Virginia. vote in a place that sometimes cannot need surgery.’’ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I wish agree on the time of day, let alone Her life depends on this bill passing. to thank my dear friend from Pennsyl- something as substantive and as impor- OK. This isn’t just another bill about vania, my neighbor State, for his com- tant as health care and pension bene- some far-off issue. That is a son writ- mitment to the hard-working people fits for those who earned them. This ing to us from Waynesburg, PA, about who made this country what it is isn’t some extra thing we are giving, his mom. today. not some gift we are giving; they This is another letter from a son There are a lot of people who don’t earned it, in many cases not just for writing about both his parents, and I know the history of how we are the su- years but for decades they earned this. will provide just an excerpt. He writes perpower of the world, how we won two OK. We owe them this. This country that it would be ‘‘very comforting’’ to world wars, how we energized the owes them this. This Chamber owes know his parents could ‘‘continue their whole industrial age, and how we built this to these miners. current UMWA benefits until they can the middle class. It came because of It was a promise a long time ago, in turn 65.’’ He is worried about the fact the domestic energy that we basically the late 1940s. These miners kept their that two parents are going to turn 65 in extracted right here in America and it promise. They went to work every day, 2017, and he wants to make sure that was done by mine workers. My grand- year after year and decade after dec- they are protected. father came to this country as a young ade, and their families depended upon The third and last letter I will read child in the early 1900s, and his family that promise. Some of them served in an excerpt from is from a miner him- came here to find a better life. On both wars, including Vietnam, as just one self from Johnstown, PA. It is a town I sides—I had one set of grandparents example. They served in Vietnam and know pretty well in Cambria County. who came from Czechoslovakia and the then worked in the mines again and There has been a lot of mining there other set came from Italy, and both worked and worked. So they kept their over many years. He is talking about sides ended up in the coal mines, as promise. They kept their promise to working the mines for 21 years. He well as all of my uncles and cousins. their family, they kept their promise said: ‘‘When you make a promise it We had these little coal camps all over to their country, and they kept their should be kept.’’ the area where I grew up in Farm- promise to their company. That is what a miner from Johns- ington, WV. Yet here we are once again, and the town, who worked in the mines for 21 I was so proud of my heritage. I will only ones left out are the miners. The years, reminds us. It is just what I said: never forget my Boy Scout leader was companies will figure out a way to do ‘‘A promise should be kept.’’ It con- Pat Keener. He was a coal miner. When OK. The country will move forward, tinues, ‘‘This insurance has gotten me the coal mines automated in 1959, he the Senate will be just fine, but once and my wife through many health con- had to go and find a job in Ohio in the again we stand at the precipice or at cerns including breast cancer in which auto industry. My Little League coach the threshold of a new time period. my wife still fights today.’’ was a coal miner—everybody I knew. People are wanting to get out of here Then he talks about how this would The hunting and fishing clubs were all for the holidays, yet coal miners are dramatically change their access to coal miners who took all of us and not asking us to do anything other doctors and medical care. showed us how to do things and enjoy than keep a promise. So we are not talking about some the outdoors. We should keep our promise, and the budget number here; we are talking It is just an unbelievable network of Republican majority leader should about a family telling us the life of people, and most all of them were mili- keep that promise. It is outrageous their mother depends upon it; another tary. Most all of them were veterans.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.064 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6751 They continued to serve their country coal that we mine, a percentage of that We are asking for a permanent fix. when they left the mines and went to coal or the money on that percentage We have a pay-for for that permanent the military and came back to the of coal, would go into a black lung fund fix. It is the excess we have, surplus in mines. and then it would go into the AML the AML money, but everybody has So I rise with a heavy heart because fund and then it would go into basi- other plans for that. Well, guess what. I thought we had this fixed. I thought cally the miners health care and retire- The people who need it have plans also, this was something we had done—and ment—a portion of that. to try to keep themselves alive. That is Senator CASEY laid it out so well. We So it wasn’t coming from taxpayers; the plan they have, and that is what have done everything we can. This day it was coming from the work they were they are asking for. has been coming for quite some time. I producing. That is where this came I haven’t ever used this tactic before, warned everybody 2 years ago that this from. but I feel so compelled that I said we finite time would come December 31 of So everything is going fine. Then, ba- are going to do whatever we can to this year. We started working in ear- sically, Congress passed bankruptcy keep this promise. We have asked for nest quite a while ago. We were told to laws that allowed companies to go and the health care—this had a health care go through the regular order, as Sen- declare bankruptcy and basically di- and pension provision. It has only the ator CASEY said, to do the things we vest themselves of all of their respon- health care provision right now be- were supposed to do. It got its full pur- sibilities to the people who worked for cause we understand that we worked view, if you will, and it passed them. This was done to them. We had and we negotiated and we said this is bipartisanly. Everyone is sympathetic. the 74 plant and the 92 plant. something we felt we needed now be- Everyone knows the hard work that is So we dealt with something that was cause they had a finite time—at the done and how dangerous it is. not their making. These people nego- end of this month. We will work on the My uncle on my mom’s side got tiated contracts in good faith by bar- pensions next year, too, to make sure killed in the 1968 mine explosion in gaining, and they would give away sal- they are going to be preserved. Farmington. I lost a lot of kids I went ary or money that could have been in That being said, I have gotten let- to school with, classmates, so it has their pocket because they knew they ters, the same as everybody else in coal been very near and dear to me. were going to get guaranteed health country where we come from. Here is As Governor of West Virginia, the care, and now here we stand basically one: Dear Senator MANCHIN, without Sago Mine disaster, I lost 12 miners saying: I am sorry. That is not going to action I, along with thousands of other there. We had the Logan Mine disaster, happen. You are going to lose your pen- coal miners and widows of coal miners, and I lost two people there, and then sion and health care. will lose our health care on December we had the UBB, and we lost 29 people. We have over 16,000 who will lose 31. My husband died in 2012 of pan- So I have been through it. I know how their health care benefits by the end of creatic cancer. He also had black lung. dangerous and tough this business is, this year, less than 4 weeks away— He loved his job even though it was so 16,000. Senator CASEY read some let- but I know the country depends on dangerous. He worked to ensure that ters, and I am going to read some let- them. We can’t run without them. we had good health benefits not just I want to make sure everyone under- ters as well. What we are doing here is we are for me but for him and our family. I am stands that this was never intended for holding up—and I know it affects asking Congress to please do the right the government or the taxpayers to everybody’s hard work. This is some- thing and don’t let us lose our health pay. It never was. It wasn’t set up that thing that is not easy for me. I have care benefits. way. In 1946, John L. Lewis basically I have another letter. This is from never done this. I have been here 6 said we are going to go on strike. We Carol Turek. Carol writes: My husband years. I have never used this procedure, are pulling everybody out. This was worked in the mines with blockages in but I have never felt so committed and after World War II. The economy had his brain until he had enough time. He so beholden to people who have given been ramped up because it was 100 per- so much. We are talking 60-, 70-, and 80- worked even though he was that ill so cent employment. We were producing year-old women. Most of the husbands that I would have insurance if some- and consuming because of the war ef- have died; they are still depending on thing happened to him, knowing that fort. When that happened, the economy this. The little clinics we have in the he was very ill. He retired in 2009 and started heading down. He said: Oh, no. coal communities around West Vir- he passed away in 2011. He was a good We have to keep this economy going. ginia and southwestern Pennsylvania, worker. He stayed over and worked We can’t let this tail off. They said: those coal communities and coal camps days off when needed and this is how Listen, from the beginning of the 20th and basically those little clinics will they thank him in return. How is an century until 1946—46 years—these not survive. This has a ripple effect. older person supposed to live when miners have done back-breaking work. Now, I understand they are going to they take away your retirement, take We have heard the old adage ‘‘I owe my give us a 4-month extension—4 months. away your insurance, and never give soul to the company store.’’ My grand- Let me tell my colleagues what these you raises in Social Security? Every- father told me that when he worked in people are going through. They were thing raises and medical is outrageous. the mines in the early 1920s, he had told the 1st of October they will lose I guess when you are old, they expect four children and was expecting his their benefits of health care; 16,000 you to crawl into a corner and die. fifth child, and he said at the end of the were sent letters telling them they will Well, I pray every day that God gives day, he had no money. All the script lose them by the end of this year. Now, me another day, and I am praying that was at the company store. He had to what we are about to do—which I be- they pass this health care provision so borrow everything there, and at the lieve is totally inhumane—we are that others and myself can live just a end of the month, he owed them for about to now send them another letter, little bit longer. working, trying to make it. He had no if passed the way it is going to be pre- I have another one. She says: Dear health care. There was a doctor who sented to us in the CR, that says: I am Senator MANCHIN and all of you who helped them a little bit. They had no sorry, Mrs. Smith. I know we told you are trying to help us. My husband pension or retirement. They worked that you are going to lose your health Charles passed away on October 12 until they died, and that was the way care on December 1, but now we are from cancer. Patriot Coal filed bank- it was. going to tell you that in January we ruptcy before Charles passed away. He In 1946, they said: Enough is enough. will send you another letter and tell told me that if they took his medical You shouldn’t work this hard and so you, you are going to lose it in April. coverage, that he would not go to the many people benefit. You helped build Now, you tell me if there is anything doctor because he didn’t want to leave a country and you get nothing. So they fair about that. You tell me how you me in debt if he didn’t get medical cov- said from that day forward—and that face people who have given everything, erage, so he didn’t want to go to the was the Krug amendment that was and now we are just going to extend it doctor. My income was cut almost 75 signed—and by the blessings of the U.S. for another 4 months with no certainty percent when Charles passed away. President, Harry S. Truman. Then they that anything will continue from Charles was promised these benefits for said, from that day forward: All the there. us both. He worked all of those years in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.065 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 coal dust to help supply this country ers, that has become a frightening and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- with the energy that it needed. I pray impossible situation for myself, a ator from Ohio. that our government will pass this bill widow, and many more in my same sit- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I thank to help the thousands that will be af- uation. Devastation is the only word Senator MANCHIN for driving this issue. fected by not having health care. Some that can be used to describe the trickle It was done better with him than with- people will choose to buy medicine in- down effect it will have on so many out him. I thank him for making a stead of food. This is so sad and coal other businesses and health agencies, if world of difference and Senator CASEY miners worked in the mines and risked this congressional action does not for his impassioned pleas and reading their lives for so long. Some people carry through to secure our union min- the letters from mine workers, retired that have never worked can get help ers, retirees, and widows. You are not mine workers, widows, retired mine under the new health care law, so why only destroying the 12,000 plus miners workers in Western Pennsylvania and not help the ones who have worked and and widows involved, you are destroy- all over West Virginia and Southeast paid for it? Why can’t they get what ing huge infrastructures and businesses Ohio. We are all getting letters in our they are supposed to get? I am proud to that depend upon the income and offices that are heartfelt and just make be an American and daughter, sister, health benefits where these individuals me wonder, why aren’t we doing some- wife, and mother of coal miners. are served. Please note, only the thing? I have one here that explains it very ‘‘union’’ miners contributed to these I want to share a letter from a lady well. She says: Dear Senator. I have funds, not the nonunion miners who in Gallipolis, OH, a village. I was just dedicated my life to a career in nursing chose much higher wages opposed to there in the community of Rio Grande in Boone County, WV. My husband de- the union wages and structure. Please earlier this week. She wrote a letter to veloped kidney disease and heart dis- consider this so we can go into Christ- MITCH MCCONNELL, who is, frankly, the mas knowing we have the security of ease at an early age. He did not smoke, single person standing in the way of the fund being stabilized. Some will drink, nor do drugs. Doing his work he doing this. developed an autoimmune. He worked have no way out; some individuals will very sick for 30 years underground in literally not survive without the need- Dear Leader Mitch McConnell: ed health care and pensions they Just to inform you as a member of UMWA the coal industry as an electrician in that it is vitally important that we keep our the mines and maintenance worker. He worked and sacrificed their health to insurance. was an educated man but he loved obtain. Thank you, Sue Peros, Wife of My Husband (Larry) worked 35 years as a working with his hands. After coming Bert Ricky Peros, South Charleston, miner. He has had bypass surgery this last out of the U.S. Air Force when he WV. Aug 8, 2016, also has black lung—COPD— worked in the World Communication We have many more. chronic idiopathic gout, acute bron- Agency as a cryptographic specialist in The thing I want to emphasize is that chitis . . . the White House, he chose to go into these are real people. This is not just And other things. the mines as a career because of the re- something we are fabricating. These are people who work every day. These I have history of cardiomyopathy and con- liable future, retirement, and health gestive heart failure. . . . We need members benefits that it assured for his family. are people still living, still contrib- of all Congress to consider all that the Coal Rick worked hard every day and during uting, still taking care of their fami- Miners has contribution to the welfare of the last 15 years that he worked he lies, still depending on health care. The this country. Now we ask that they remem- would sometimes travel over 45 min- ripple effect is unbelievable. To sit ber commitments made to the Coal Miners. Please keep that promise made to the Coal utes away and take chemotherapy here and say we are going to pass a CR because we want to go home for Christ- Miners. treatments to treat his kidney disease mas or to say we have the comfort of while he was still working. He had Over and over: Please keep that being home and we have 16,000 miners, heart disease as a result of those treat- promise made to the coal miners. But retired—we have their widows and fam- ments. So many heart studies, the instead we hear all kinds of excuses. ilies depending on health care, and stent, and the bypass surgery followed Again, one man—the majority leader of they have been told they are going to along with the continued renal disease. the Senate, the Republican Senator lose it December 31, but we are in a All of those years he worked in the from Kentucky—one man standing in hurry to leave. We just can’t wait to mines to provide electricity to so many the way. leave. We have got to get out of here. who worked other jobs, were com- Senator MANCHIN just said that if Well, I am sorry, that is not the way this came to a vote right now on the fortable in their homes, sitting at their we do it back home. That is not how we desks, not risking life or limb for the Senate floor, it would easily have treat our friends and neighbors and es- enough votes to pass, but one man has luxuries afforded them by the coal pecially not how we treat our miners. miners who had been promised health blocked this in the continuing resolu- I am asking all of you to work with tion. He has kind of distributed— and retirement benefits if they took us to make sure we get a permanent less pay, did not strike for same, and dropped a few crumbs to a few miners fix. That is all I am asking for. We for a few weeks on health care but not continued providing the valuable coal have a way to do this with the surplus resources this country needed. pensions. But it is one man standing in AML funds to pay for that, money that the way. Continuing: After educating me to was made for mining the coal to be When I look at the other Senators— beyond my Master’s level; putting a used for this. That is what we are ask- the two Senators from Pennsylvania, girl through medical school, and an- ing for. That is what we promised one Democrat, one Republican; two other daughter to Master’s level in them. That is what we owe them. teacher education—we depleted many I thank all of my colleagues, each Senators from West Virginia, one Dem- of our financial resources to do this, and every one, for being so considerate. ocrat, one Republican; two Senators knowing we had ‘‘secure retirement We have bipartisan support. from Ohio, one Democrat, one Repub- and health’’ planned for through his I will say this: If this were a stand- lican; two Senators from Virginia, both union. During the last 11⁄2 years of his alone bill on this floor, it would pass. Democrats—all of them want to move life, after retirement, Rick died of leu- This bill on this floor would pass, with on this, but we keep hearing excuses kemia that developed from many years Democrats and Republicans working from one man, the majority leader of of chemical treatments for his auto- together. It would also pass in the the Senate, from Kentucky. immune kidney disease. Meanwhile, I House. But that is not the case. We We were told by the majority leader worked 26 years as a school nurse plus can’t get a standalone bill. We have we need bipartisan support. Well, we additional years as a registered nurse, what we have. We are asking for the got it, the bill cosponsored by Repub- planning to utilize my husband’s per- compassion of our leaders on both sides licans and Democrats. As Senator centage of retirement and health bene- of the aisle here to give us a clean, MANCHIN said, if it were brought up to fits to secure my own retirement. long-term fix for health care for the re- a vote, we could pass it tonight. Continuing: When the courts of this tired miners as promised. Then we were told the bill needs to land allowed bankrupting companies to Mr. President, I yield the floor to my go through regular order, which is a fold on their commitments to our min- dear friend from Ohio. way, in Washington-speak, of simply

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.066 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6753 saying: Send it to a committee, exam- kind of help, mine workers—there are a racy, making significant progress in ine it, debate it, bring a couple wit- lot more mine worker widows than fighting corruption, and improving its nesses in, bring in experts, talk about there are in other professions because defense capabilities. Montenegro’s it. We did that. of the danger of the work. There is a membership in NATO would have sig- Senators WARNER and CASEY and I much greater likelihood of dying on nificant impact, including completing also, on the Finance Committee, the job, much greater likelihood of get- the alliance’s unbroken control of the helped get this bill through with a bi- ting hurt on the job, much greater Adriatic coast. It will serve to further partisan vote of 18 to 8—not even close. likelihood in later years of developing anchor the Balkan region in the secu- Again, the Republican Senators from brown lung and developing various rity framework of NATO. Pennsylvania and Ohio joined the kinds of heart ailments and bronchial It speaks volumes that Vladimir Democratic Senators from those two ailments because they worked in the Putin has fiercely opposed States. Eighteen to eight. mines. That makes it an even more Montenegro’s accession to NATO. Dur- Then we were told by the majority fundamental moral question, that we ing Montenegro’s general election in leader—the one man who is stopping do something about this. October, authorities arrested 20 people this—find a pay-for. Find a way to pay How many mine workers are sick and suspected of plotting, with support for it. We did. The bill is fully offset. need health care? How many need these from Russia, to overthrow the Cabinet As Senator MANCHIN said, as Senator pensions? How many mine workers die and assassinate Montenegro’s Prime CASEY said, as a number have said, this and their widows need this help? And Minister, Milo Djukanovic. While does not cost taxpayers a dime. This we sit here doing nothing. NATO is purely a defensive alliance, isn’t a bank bailout that cost real dol- I just say again to Leader MCCON- Russia has warned Montenegro of re- lars. This isn’t even the auto rescue, NELL: Get out of the way. Just let this taliation if the country continues to which was so important to my State. come to an up-or-down—however you pursue NATO membership. By quickly That cost real dollars, although the want to do this, however you want to approving the resolution on accession, money was paid back. This won’t cost schedule this, however you want to the Senate can demonstrate that it taxpayers anything. The Congressional move this through the Senate, we stands firmly with Montenegro and Budget Office estimates it would re- should be doing it now. We shouldn’t go that we will not allow Putin to bully duce the Federal deficit by $67 million home for our Christmas break until we European states with impunity. over 10 years because they would get take care of these miners. It is the Montenegro’s membership would re- the right kind of health care rather right, moral thing to do. It is the right affirm that NATO’s door remains open than having to rely on other kinds of thing for our country. It is a promise to aspirant nations that share the val- government programs. we made, a pledge we made. We should ues of all NATO members and stand These miners—again, we keep saying honor it, starting this evening. ready to contribute to NATO oper- this over and over. They have done ev- Mr. President, I yield the floor. ations. NATO must stand firm on the erything we have asked them to do. I suggest the absence of a quorum. principle that the decision to seek Almost seven decades ago, President The PRESIDING OFFICER. The membership in the alliance cannot be Truman made this commitment. We clerk will call the roll. blocked by a third party. have lived up to this commitment The senior assistant legislative clerk NATO is the most ambitious and suc- through Presidents of both parties, in- proceeded to call the roll. cessful alliance in history. Across near- cluding this President, , Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask ly seven decades, it has risen to every but one person—again, one person—has unanimous consent that the order for challenge: deterring the Soviet Union stood in the way. The miners in my the quorum call be rescinded. during the Cold War; integrating State can’t afford to have this reduced The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. former Soviet bloc countries into a Eu- to political gamesmanship. They are DAINES). Without objection, it is so or- rope whole and free; restoring peace in hard-working people. They spent their dered. the Balkans after Yugoslavia’s break- careers doing dignified work. MONTENEGRO MEMBERSHIP IN NATO up; invoking article 5 in defense of the I remember when we spoke at the Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, today United States after September 11; and rally on a really hot day earlier this the Senate Foreign Relations Com- most recently, taking the fight to the year. There were thousands of miners mittee approved the resolution to Islamic State terrorist group in Syria there. I remember Cecil Roberts, the allow Montenegro to become a member and Iraq. president of the United Mine Workers, of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- Montenegro is a small nation with stood up and said: Put your hand up if tion. I am here this afternoon to urge big strategic importance. Its accession you are a veteran. that the full Senate take up this issue to NATO would strengthen the alli- Hundreds of hands went up. and give a prompt vote to the accession ance. In turn, membership in NATO He said: Put your hand up if your fa- before we bring the 114th Congress to a would bolster Montenegro’s democracy ther or mother was a veteran. close. and independence. Again, hundreds more hands went up. A top priority of the historic NATO As I said, today the Foreign Rela- These are people who served their summit that happened in Warsaw in tions Committee approved the resolu- country. And those who weren’t off to July was bolstering the alliance’s re- tion of accession. I hope the full Senate war were producing the coal to produce solve and capacity to deter Russian ag- will bring the resolution to the floor the electricity to power the war ma- gression against the Baltic States and for a prompt, favorable vote. The chine, whether it was World War II or the rest of NATO’s eastern flank. Also United States has always stood strong Korea or Vietnam or anything since. at the Warsaw summit, NATO formally for freedom and democracy in Europe, Not taking up the mine workers pro- invited Montenegro to become its 29th and it is time to stand strong for free- tection act is violating the promise member nation. All 28 member states dom and democracy in Montenegro. made by President Truman, violating must now ratify the accession protocol Mr. President, I yield the floor. the promise we all made. The bill according to our own procedures. In I suggest the absence of a quorum. should ride on the continuing resolu- the United States, that means the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion. The majority party has the abil- ate must ratify the protocol. clerk will call the roll. ity to make that happen right now. In the decades since the end of the The senior assistant legislative clerk I was talking a moment ago quietly, Cold War, NATO has been a tremen- proceeded to call the roll. privately, with Senator CASEY. We dous force for stability, democratiza- Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I ask were talking about—unlike the spouses tion, and freedom in Europe. That is unanimous consent that the order for of insurance agents or realtors or exactly why more countries, including the quorum call be rescinded. teachers or Senators or bankers, mine those created by the breakup of Yugo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without workers are much more likely to die at slavia, are eager to join. objection, it is so ordered. a younger age. When you talk about so Montenegro has worked hard to UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 3084 many, by any cross section, by any prove its commitment to NATO, in- Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I am analysis of who is most in need of this cluding by strengthening its democ- pleased to come to the floor tonight to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.068 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 talk about a bill, S. 3084, the American tion, the American Innovation and about and also the efforts that we have Innovation and Competitiveness Act. Competitiveness Act. I hope he will through the America COMPETES legis- This is a piece of legislation that has speak to the Republican leader and ask lation. I believe we can do both. taken several years of patience, perse- him to do the right thing to help these I understand the objection, and I ap- verance, a lot of hard work, and testi- pensioners, widows, and mine workers preciate the offer and willingness to mony from both sides of the aisle. whose pensions are threatened and work together. But I know when you I am pleased that Senator PETERS whose health care is about to be cut have a House and a Senate that work from Michigan and I have finally been off. under two different calendars, one of able to come up with a product that Mr. President, I object. which is under our control—again, let’s has the strongest bipartisan support in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- stay here until we get this done. There both the Senate and the House. This is tion is heard. is one calendar that is out of our con- an effort that builds on the America The Senator from Colorado. trol, and I just hope we can move for- COMPETES legislation. America COM- Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, again, ward on this because all 50 States do PETES was first passed over a decade I want to reiterate that this legisla- benefit from the bipartisan work we ago as an effort to make the United tion, the America COMPETES bill, is a have been able to put forward on the States more competitive economically, bipartisan product. We have spent American Innovation and Competitive- an effort to make sure we had the countless hours working with people ness Act. skills and our workers, the STEM force from around the country to come up The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- education to compete with nations with a bill that focuses on giving work- ator from Ohio. around the world as global competition ers and employees the skills they need Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I appre- increases, as other nations try to gain to succeed. ciate those words. I also recognize that an advantage over the United States in I understand the objection of the we have not seen a continuing resolu- their manufacturing processes and in Senator from Ohio, which is based on tion yet. There is a rumor that it has their innovation processes. the need to move forward with the leg- 4 months of health care but it doesn’t The America COMPETES legislation islation they are talking about, but it have any pension assistance, and there arose from a report that was put to- is my understanding that there is at is nothing about fully funding their gether by a group of individuals—very least an effort to work on that legisla- pension and continuing with their smart business leaders, scientists— tion, which would provide some time to health care. They have already gotten known as the ‘‘Rising Above the Gath- come up with a longer term solution a notice saying their health care will ering Storm’’ report, the ‘‘RAGS’’ re- providing an extension of the health be terminated. If we continue this for 4 port, the idea being, how are we going care coverage they have been seeking months, they will get another notice in January. That is all hearsay because to make sure the United States re- for some time, although not the entire we still have not seen the bill. mains competitive and how do we benefit package they were hoping I know we are working on separate would be extended under the legisla- make sure we have the education pro- calendars. I understand that, and grams we need in this country to gear tion they were also talking about. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- maybe the House is going to take the the next-generation workforce for a ball and go home, showing a real matu- more competitive environment? So we ator from Ohio. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I can’t rity in its leadership. The fact is we put together this bill, a bipartisan bill, need to stay here. I don’t know why we passing it out of the Commerce Com- exactly speak for my colleagues, but I know a number of Senators on this side need to get out and go home for Christ- mittee for the first time in a decade— mas tomorrow or even Friday. I think of the aisle will be pleased to work the America COMPETES legislation— we should stay here until we finish. We with the Senator on this legislation, to renew this policy effort. have been here until December 24 be- and I am hopeful we can do both in the Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- fore. I am fine with that. I want to be days ahead. sent that the Senate proceed to the im- home. I have a wife whom I love and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- mediate consideration of Calendar No. kids and grandchildren, and I want to ator from Colorado. 695, S. 3084. I further ask that the com- see them all, but I want to take care of Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I mittee-reported substitute amendment these miners. thank the Senator from Ohio. be withdrawn; the Gardner substitute Show us a bill. Let’s talk about it, One of the challenges we have, of amendment be agreed to; the bill, as negotiate this, and follow regular course, is the calendar, as this reaches amended, be considered read a third order. I believe we had an 18-to-8 vote toward the end. Again, I am committed time and passed; and that the motions on taking care of this health care for to reconsider be considered made and to stay here as long as we can to fix miners. We can honor what Senator this and make this work. I do worry laid upon the table. GARDNER, the Senator from Colorado, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there about our colleagues across the hall- wants to do. I am fine with doing that, objection? way and their calendar and making but we are not going to do any of those The Senator from Ohio. sure that they are finding the time to things until we take care of the min- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, reserving process this legislation, along with the ers. We have an obligation to them the right to object, this legislation legislation that the Senator from Ohio that President Truman had begun with sounds pretty good. It is bipartisan, is concerned about. a pledge. It is morally reprehensible to but I also know that in my State there Again, I think this is something that betray that commitment to 12,000 re- are more than 1,000 retired mine work- we ought to be able to move on as we tired miners and their widows in the ers and their widows. We know that address the concerns of the Senator country. people who have worked in the mines from Ohio—and the concerns that I I want to do all of that, and I know for 30, 35, or 40 years are more likely to think, at least to some degree, will be Senator GARDNER does too. It is up to be sick and die younger. These 1,000- addressed in the continuing resolu- my colleagues to push the majority plus mine workers have been denied tion—and to continue to work on legis- leader, who, for whatever reason, is their pensions. Their pensions and lation that is truly bipartisan and ben- blocking this and is continuing to health care have been threatened. eficial from a standpoint of providing block our ability to do this. We should Many of them are widows of mine more resources for manufacturing part- stay here until it is finished. workers. Yet, we have bipartisan sup- nerships, more resources for commer- I yield the floor. port. It passed out of the Finance Com- cialization efforts, additional resources f mittee 16 to 8, and Senator MCCON- for STEM education, and having more NELL—one person in this body—has underrepresented minority community MORNING BUSINESS blocked the mine workers pension and members involved in STEM education Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I ask health care legislation for weeks and fields. These are things I think we can unanimous consent that the Senate be weeks and months and months. work on, and this place has to have the in a period of morning business, with I would be very happy to support and ability to work together on efforts that Senators permitted to speak therein help Senator GARDNER in this legisla- the Senator from Ohio is so concerned for up to 10 minutes each.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.069 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6755 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tegration efforts across the intel- Since 1896, the JWV has been the Na- objection, it is so ordered. ligence community for specific mission tion’s leading organization rep- f areas. He put in place a planning, pro- resenting those of Jewish faith who gramming, budgeting, and evaluation have served overseas in the military. TRIBUTE TO JAMES R. CLAPPER, system that set priorities, managed re- The Jewish community has served in JR. sources, and evaluated effectiveness of every war and conflict that this great Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, each taxpayer dollar being spent. He country has fought, beginning with the today I wish to pay tribute to a true also began the ambitious goal of cre- Revolutionary War, including the Civil leader in every sense of the word. ating a common information tech- War, and with our current military en- James R. Clapper, Jr., has had a defin- nology infrastructure, known as the In- gagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. In ing impact on the U.S. Intelligence telligence Community Information 1933, the JWV protested against Nazi Community over his past half-century Technology Enterprise, IC ITE, that Germany’s policies towards Jews. JWV of service. As of today, he has served will dramatically serve to improve in- continued its legacy in advocacy in 2,190 days as the Director of National telligence integration. In addition, Di- 1963, as the only veterans organization Intelligence, DNI, which makes him rector Clapper brought increased trans- that joined Martin Luther King, Jr.’s the longest serving DNI, surpassing the parency to the intelligence community March on Washington for civil rights. combined time of all the Directors who so that the public can have greater The JWV continues its mission to served before him. Director Clapper has confidence in our intelligence capabili- preserve the Jewish American military dedicated his life to the field of intel- ties and their appropriate use. His ac- legacy, protect veterans rights, and ligence, and his contributions to the complishments are too many to enu- promote community with 250 posts Nation are significant. merate here, but suffice it to say that across the Nation and in Israel. The Jim Clapper began his distinguished his positive legacy within the intel- JWV provides numerous contributions career as a rifleman in the U.S. Marine ligence community will continue for to society, including partnering with Corps Reserve, before becoming a com- years to come. Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts Part of Director Clapper’s strength missioned officer in the U.S. Air Force of the USA; working with JROTC, as the Director of National Intelligence in 1963. For 31 years, he served this Na- ROTC, and other military college pro- has been his deep understanding of this tion in various intelligence capacities, grams; providing disaster relief serv- Nation’s intelligence activities and his commanding signals intelligence oper- ices to victims of natural disasters; and extensive network of colleagues with ations both inside the United States speaking out against anti-Semitism. whom he worked across the intel- and overseas. From 1991–1995, he served The JWV has proven that Jews have ligence enterprise to help serve the as the Director of the Defense Intel- been and continue to be a vital element ligence Agency, retiring with the rank users of intelligence, be they policy- makers, warfighters, law enforcement, in the preservation of American doc- of lieutenant general. After 6 years in trine and the defense and maintenance the private sector, he took over the or national security officials. His com- mitment to advancing women and mi- of American security. reins of the National Imagery and Map- I congratulate and commend the norities in the field of intelligence is ping Agency in 2001 and spearheaded its JWV for their hard work and dedica- transformation into today’s National particularly noteworthy. He selected the first woman to lead a major intel- tion in defending our free institutions, Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. fighting against bigotry and prejudice, In 2007, President George W. Bush ligence agency, naming Betty Sapp to be Director of the National Reconnais- and honoring Jewish servicemembers, nominated General Clapper to serve as veterans and their families who have the Department of Defense’s chief in- sance Office. He also named Tricia Long to be Director of the National made great sacrifices for our country. telligence officer as the Under Sec- f retary of Defense for Intelligence, Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and re- where he served in both the Bush and cruited Stephanie O’Sullivan to be HONORING OFFICER COLLIN ROSE Principal Deputy Director for National Obama administrations. President Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, I rise Intelligence as his partner in creating Obama nominated Jim Clapper to serve today to recognize Officer Collin Rose and instituting change in the intel- as the Director of National Intelligence who tragically lost his life while serv- ligence community. in 2010, only the fourth person to serve While Jim Clapper portrays a some- ing as an officer for the Wayne State in that position since its creation in what gruff exterior, his concern for his University Police Department in De- the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism employees and quiet sensitivities are troit, MI. Prevention Act of 2004. well known to the countless staff who Officer Rose was born on April 1, 1987, As the chairman of the Senate Select have received hand-written notes from to parents Randy and Karen Rose in Committee on Intelligence, I was ini- him extolling exemplary work, con- Pittsburgh, PA. Moving to Michigan, tially concerned that General Clapper’s gratulations on births and weddings, or he attended Gull Lake High School in military background would be inappro- heartfelt condolences for the loss of a Richland, where he excelled in baseball priate to lead a mostly civilian intel- loved one. and was a standout football player. ligence enterprise. He made clear his Today I want to congratulate him on Always interested in law enforce- intent to lead objectively and in the his remarkable career and offer my ment, Officer Rose continued his edu- best interest of intelligence, and he gratitude for his decades of commit- cation at Ferris State University’s did. He brought important stability to ment and sacrifices to this Nation. I Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement this position. During the next 6 years, also thank his wife, Susan, who herself Academy. He was an active member of he and I talked frequently and dis- was an NSA employee, for her unfailing the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, even- cussed many topics of critical impor- support over their 51-year marriage tually becoming president of his chap- tance to this Nation. We also discussed that allowed for the successes that Jim ter and modeling the fraternity’s prin- changes he sought to implement to im- has achieved. The Nation owes this pa- ciples of virtue, diligence, and broth- prove the operations of the intelligence triot a debt of gratitude. erly love. He graduated from Ferris community. These changes had, and State University in 2010 and continued f will continue to have, a positive and to live by the principles set forth by lasting impact on the intelligence com- RECOGNIZING THE JEWISH WAR Sigma Phi Epsilon as he embarked munity. VETERANS OF THE UNITED upon his law enforcement career. During his tenure as DNI, Director STATES OF AMERICA After graduating from Ferris, Officer Clapper focused relentlessly on intel- Mr. KIRK. Mr. President, I would Rose interned for the Springfield Po- ligence integration, with a definitive like to honor the Jewish War Veterans lice Department. He served as a cadet focus on mission. He made important of the United States of America, JWV, at the New Baltimore Police Depart- changes in how the Office of the Direc- as they celebrate their 120th anniver- ment and held his first position as a tor of National Intelligence operated, sary. Their service has not only bene- police officer for the Village of Rich- including creating National Intel- fitted the Jewish and veterans commu- land, home of his high school alma ligence Managers, who oversaw the in- nities, but this Nation as a whole. mater.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.071 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 Officer Rose began working for the opment Commission, OVRDC, a public TRIBUTE TO LARRY K. JAMES Wayne State University Police Depart- regional planning commission that ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today ment in 2011, where he was dually serves 12 southern Ohio counties. Bob I wish to recognize University of Cen- sworn in as a Detroit police officer. As has and continues to serve Clermont tral Arkansas Police Chief Larry K. a 5-year veteran of the department, he County with integrity and distinction. James for more than 40 years of service Bob is also a champion for our patrolled Wayne State University’s in law enforcement. Chief James began troops, veterans, and their families. He campus, as well as a greater portion of his service at the University of Central has been nationally recognized for his the midtown Detroit area. He was also Arkansas in 1993 and is retiring in Jan- work on behalf of our military, as he working to complete his master’s de- uary 2017. founded the ‘‘Whole In My Heart’’ mili- gree at Wayne State University. Prior to taking his position at the tary family support group. As he pre- His greatest passion was working head of UCA’s police department, pares to retire from this position, I with canines; he was a proud member James served as deputy chief of police commend him for his hard work and of the Metro Detroit Schutzhund Club. at San Jose State University, as well He also served as the K9 unit trainer leadership to make southern Ohio a better place to live and work. director of public safety for the Port- for the Wayne State University Police land Community College District. He Department. Officer Rose and his f has committed his career to strength- trained canines were often called upon ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS ening public safety on college cam- by other law enforcement agencies, puses by cultivating professional law such as the FBI, ATF, Secret Service, enforcement practices that have made the Detroit police, and Detroit public TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ‘‘BILL’’ A. campus communities safer. schools, to assist in searches for sus- BAXTER Chief James has also represented Ar- pects, narcotics, and explosives. ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today kansas and the law enforcement com- Officer Rose was very much engaged I wish to recognize an Arkansan who munity incredibly well. He is past with the community he served. He has made a profound impact on the ag- president of the Arkansas Association would go to nearby schools to give riculture industry in my home State of of Chiefs of Police, which represents demonstrations and speak to students. Arkansas and the Nation. more than 200 chief law enforcement Since 2013, he has been a memorial bi- William ‘‘Bill’’ A. Baxter earned his executives throughout the State. Addi- cyclist for the Police Unity Tour to bachelor of science degree from the tionally, he has served as govern- raise funds and honor fallen officers. University of Arkansas in 1949. Since mental affairs representative and con- The tragedy that took his life oc- then, Bill has been a leader on agricul- sultant-evaluator with the Inter- curred on November 22, 2016, while Offi- tural issues and has served in various national Association of Campus Law cer Rose was responding to reports of roles to advance the interests of the Enforcement Administrators. burglaries in the area. While inves- farming community. James has implemented community- tigating, he questioned a person on a As president of both Baxter Land oriented policing programs by bringing bicycle who opened fire on Officer Company and Camp Nine Company, together various groups and organiza- Rose, leaving him critically wounded. Bill is the head of two family corpora- tions to resolve crime-related problems On November 23, 2016, Officer Rose suc- tions that own 20,000 acres of land in and enhance safety on the campuses he cumbed to his injuries and passed away southeast Arkansas and produce cot- has been apart of. He is a proven and at Detroit Receiving Hospital. He is ton, rice, soybeans, corn, wheat, grain, steadfast leader. the first fallen officer of the Wayne sorghum, timber, and catfish. He was When a shooting occurred on the State University Police Department. also an organizer and partner in sev- campus of UCA on October 26, 2008, Again, today I wish to ask my col- eral cotton production organizations James’s work in preparing his depart- leagues to join me in tribute to a cou- and is a past president of the Agricul- ment and the university community to rageous young man, who undauntedly tural Council of Arkansas. He has been respond to a threatening event was put served his community, as well as the a director and chairman of the Cotton to the test. Training to respond to this State of Michigan. Officer Rose and his Board, a member and delegate of the type of incident, directed by Chief family are owed a debt of gratitude for National Cotton Council, and a board James, resulted in the suspects being his tremendous sacrifice. member of Cotton Council Inter- quickly apprehended before further f national. loss of life could occur. Baxter has also received the ‘‘Arkan- TRIBUTE TO BOB PROUD Chief Larry James has dedicated his sas Cotton Achievement Award,’’ entire career to public safety and pro- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today which recognized his many accomplish- tecting his community. I want to I wish to recognize Clermont County ments within the agricultural commu- thank Chief James for his tireless dedi- commissioner Bob Proud on a distin- nity. He was inducted into the Arkan- cation and wish him well in his retire- guished career serving the residents of sas Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1999. Clermont County and southern Ohio. In addition to being a promoter and ment. I hope others in the law enforce- A seven-term Clermont County, OH, political voice for cotton and agri- ment community will look to his commissioner, Bob is a lifelong culture in Arkansas and the United record as an example of how rewarding Clermont County resident. He grew up States, over the course of his life, Bax- and meaningful a career in public serv- ∑ on a small farm in Batavia Township ter has been an avid outdoorsman and ice can be. and graduated from Amelia High conservationist. Bill’s advocacy on be- f School. After Bob graduated from Cum- half of Arkansas agriculture has made TRIBUTE TO MOREY AND SONDRA berland College, he began his career in a significant impact on an industry MYERS public service working for Clermont that plays a vitally important role in Senior Services. our State’s economy and culture. ∑ Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, today it Bob is a champion of the community This December, Bill is being inducted gives me great pleasure to congratu- and a committed public servant to into the Cotton Research and Pro- late Morey and Sondra Myers of Scran- Clermont County, serving in a number motion Hall of Fame. This program ton, PA, on their 60th wedding anniver- of capacities, from the construction of recognizes U.S. cotton industry leaders sary. Morey and Sondra have dedicated a new Clermont County animal shelter who have made substantial contribu- their lives to each other and their fam- in 2002, the reclamation of the former tions to the cotton industry. ily, inspiring all of us through six dec- Ford transmission plant on State I congratulate Bill on receiving yet ades of devotion to one another and Route 32, to his service for senior citi- another award acknowledging his sup- have established themselves as true zens as a Meals on Wheels volunteer port for and contribution to agri- citizens dedicated to philanthropy. I and his work on the Coalition for a culture in Arkansas and throughout congratulate Morey and Sondra on this Drug-Free Clermont County. For the the country. This is a well-deserved anniversary of their lives together. I last 25 years, Bob has served as chair- honor, and I appreciate Bill’s years of have had the honor to know both of man of the Ohio Valley Regional Devel- dedication to this industry.∑ them for 40 years, and I have benefited

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.056 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6757 greatly from their loyal friendship. American Bar Association. He has re- The message also announced that the Sondra and Morey have come to em- mained active in academia as a visiting House has passed the following bills, in body the spirit of public service, and I lecturer at Yale University, Rutgers which it requests the concurrence of have no doubt that Pennsylvania and University, the University of Scranton, the Senate: the Nation are better places due to Haverford College, Hamilton College, H.R. 2726. An act to require the Secretary their hard work, dedication, and pas- the University of Wyoming, Lafayette of the Treasury to mint commemorative sion. College, and Temple University. coins in recognition of the 50th anniversary Sondra and Morey served the people This brief overview of the lives of of the first manned landing on the Moon. of Pennsylvania during my father’s Sondra and Morey Myers cannot fully H.R. 5015. An act to restore amounts im- time as Governor of Pennsylvania. encompass all they have accomplished, properly withheld for tax purposes from sev- erance payments to individuals who retired Sondra was cultural adviser to the nor adequately describe the depth of Governor and Morey served as general or separated from service in the Armed their compassion, dedication, and love Forces for combat-related injuries, and for counsel. The Commonwealth benefited of community. As a Scrantonian who other purposes. greatly from their hard work and ex- represents the Commonwealth of Penn- H.R. 6415. An act to provide for the ap- emplary service. sylvania, I am proud to call them pointment of members of the Board of Direc- Sondra Myers is currently a senior neighbors and friends. I would like to tors of the Office of Compliance to replace fellow for international, civic, and cul- once again extend my congratulations members whose terms expire during 2017, and tural projects at the University of to Sondra and Morey on 60 years of for other purposes. H.R. 6427. An act to improve the operation Scranton and the director of the marriage and to commend them for Schemel Forum. She has made it her of United States capital markets, and for their decades of public service. I wish other purposes. life’s work to bring about the integra- them continued happiness in the years The message further announced that tion of culture into public policy and ahead.∑ to strengthen the culture of democracy the House has agreed to the following f worldwide. She has served as the chair concurrent resolution, in which it re- of the Pennsylvania Humanities Coun- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT quests the concurrence of the Senate: cil, president of the Federation of Messages from the President of the H. Con Res. 179. Concurrent resolution di- State Humanities Councils, and was United States were communicated to recting the Secretary of the Senate to make the founding president of Citizens for the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- certain corrections in the enrollment of S. 2943. the Arts in Pennsylvania and the State retaries. The message also announced that the Arts Advocacy League of America. Her f work ethic and passion were called House passed the following bill, with upon in 1980 when President Jimmy EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED an amendment, in which it requests Carter appointed her to serve on the As in executive session the Presiding the concurrence of the Senate: U.S. Commission of Fine Arts and Officer laid before the Senate messages S. 1635. An act to authorize the Depart- again in 2011 when President Barack from the President of the United ment of State for fiscal year 2016, and for Obama appointed her to serve on the States submitting sundry nominations other purposes. Commission on Presidential Scholars. which were referred to the appropriate f A frequent contributor to the Scranton committees. MEASURES REFERRED Times-Tribune’s opinion page and the (The messages received today are author and editor of several books, printed at the end of the Senate pro- The following concurrent resolution Sondra has worked hard to eloquently ceedings.) was read, and referred as indicated: H. Con. Res. 40. Concurrent resolution en- spread her message of the central role f that citizens play in a successful de- couraging reunions of divided Korean Amer- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ican families; to the Committee on Foreign mocracy and the crucial role of higher Relations. education in preparing an engaged citi- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED zenry. Sondra has traveled throughout At 12:03 p.m., a message from the f the world to present programs on de- House of Representatives, delivered by REPORTS OF COMMITTEES mocracy and civil society, and through Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, The following reports of committees her numerous published works, announced that the Speaker has signed were submitted: the following enrolled bill: symposia, lectures, and personal rela- By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on tionships, she has spread her influence S. 2577. An act to protect crime victims’ Commerce, Science, and Transportation, to a wide array of countries, cultures, rights, to eliminate the substantial backlog with an amendment in the nature of a sub- and people. of DNA and other forensic evidence samples stitute: Morey Myers is one of the most re- to improve and expand the forensic science S. 2997. A bill to direct the Federal Com- spected lawyers in Pennsylvania, with testing capacity of Federal, State, and local munications Commission to commence pro- crime laboratories, to increase research and decades of legal experience which ceedings related to the resiliency of critical development of new testing technologies, to telecommunications networks during times began with his graduation from the develop new training programs regarding the Yale University School of Law. His ca- of emergency, and for other purposes (Rept. collection and use of forensic evidence, to No. 114–392). reer continued to grow through his provide post-conviction testing of DNA evi- S. 3097. A bill to establish the SelectUSA time as general counsel and remains dence to exonerate the innocent, to support program, and for other purposes (Rept. No. active today as a partner in the Scran- accreditation efforts of forensic science lab- 114–393). ton law firm of Myers, Brier & Kelly oratories and medical examiner officers, to By Mr. GRASSLEY, from the Committee LLP, which he helped to found. He has address training and equipment needs, to im- on the Judiciary: prove the performance of counsel in State Report to accompany S. 2763, a bill to pro- served as adviser and counsel to busi- capital cases, and for other purposes. nesses and governments, leaving his in- vide the victims of Holocaust-era persecu- delible mark on countless lives and The enrolled bill was subsequently tion and their heirs a fair opportunity to re- cover works of art confiscated or misappro- causes. His dedication to the rule of signed by the President pro tempore (Mr. HATCH). priated by the Nazis (Rept. No. 114–394). law and social justice were forged in By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on the 1960s when, during the Civil Rights At 2:44 p.m., a message from the Commerce, Science, and Transportation, movement, he travelled to the South to House of Representatives, delivered by with an amendment in the nature of a sub- stitute: provide legal services for those taking Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- on the forces of segregation and rac- S. 421. A bill to amend the Communica- nounced that the House has passed the tions Act of 1934 to provide for greater trans- ism. He has served as consultant to the following bills, without amendment: President’s Commission on Campus Un- parency and efficiency in the procedures fol- S. 795. An act to enhance whistleblower lowed by the Federal Communications Com- rest, Pennsylvania assistant attorney protection for contractor and grantee em- mission, and for other purposes. general, chief counsel to Pennsylva- ployees. By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on nia’s Milk Control Commission, and he S. 3395. An act to require limitations on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, currently serves as a fellow for the prescribed burns. without amendment:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.053 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 S. 1685. A bill to direct the Federal Com- tember 2012, Elizabeth Esty via Friends of INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND munications Commission to extend to pri- Elizabeth Esty; $1,361.15, September 2012, JOINT RESOLUTIONS vate land use restrictions its rule relating to Colorado Democratic Party; $2,333, Sep- reasonable accommodation of amateur serv- tember 2012, Democratic Party of Wisconsin; The following bills and joint resolu- ice communications. $1,944.42, September 2012, Iowa Democratic tions were introduced, read the first By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Party; $1,944.42, September 2012, Nevada and second times by unanimous con- Commerce, Science, and Transportation, State Democratic Party; $583.31, September sent, and referred as indicated: with an amendment in the nature of a sub- 2012, New Hampshire Democratic Party; By Mr. RUBIO: stitute: $2,500, September 2012, Obama/Biden via S. 2283. A bill to ensure that small business Obama for America; $4,666.72, September S. 3503. A bill to decrease the cost of hir- providers of broadband Internet access serv- 2012, Ohio Democratic Party; $1,000, June ing, and increase the take-home pay of, ice can devote resources to broadband de- 2012, Shelley Adler via Shelley Adler for Con- Puerto Rican workers; to the Committee on ployment rather than compliance with cum- gress; $1,000, June 2012, Elizabeth Esty via Finance. bersome regulatory requirements. Friends of Elizabeth; $2,500, March 2012, Esty By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Elizabeth Esty via Friends of Elizabeth Esty. WYDEN, Mr. ISAKSON, and Mr. WAR- Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Linda B. Lakhdhir (Sister-in-law): $2,700, NER): without amendment: June 2015, Hillary Clinton via Hillary for S. 3504. A bill to amend title XVIII of the S. 2508. A bill to reduce sports-related con- America; $2,600, July 2013, Cory Booker via Social Security Act to implement Medicare cussions in youth, and for other purposes. Cory Booker for Senate; $500, April 2013, payment policies designed to improve man- Americans for Responsible Solutions–PAC; agement of chronic disease, streamline care f $5,000, January 2013, Off the Sidelines PAC; coordination, and improve quality outcomes EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF $2,500, October 2012, Obama Victory Fund without adding to the deficit; to the Com- COMMITTEE 2012; $2,500, October 2012, Obama/Biden via mittee on Finance. Obama for America; $1,000, July 2012, Caro- By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. BROWN, The following executive reports of lyn Maloney via Maloney for Congress; Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and nominations were submitted: $1,000, June 2012, Timothy Kaine via Kaine Mr. BLUMENTHAL): By Mr. CORKER for the Committee on for Virginia; $2,000, February 2012, Demo- S. 3505. A bill to require analysis of various Foreign Relations. cratic Party Committee Abroad; $2,500, Feb- bankruptcy proposals in order to determine * Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir, of Connecticut, ruary 2012, Shelley Adler via Shelley Adler whether those proposals would reduce sys- a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- for Congress; $2,500, February 2012, Shelley temic risk and moral hazard, and for other ice, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- Adler via Shelley Adler for Congress; $373, purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the January 2012, Obama Victory Fund 2012; ary. United States of America to Malaysia. 7. Sisters and Spouses: N/A. By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. Nominee: Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir. Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, for the WYDEN): Post: Ambassador to Malaysia. Committee on Foreign Relations I re- S. 3506. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- (The following is a list of all members of port favorably the following nomina- enue Code of 1986 to make technical correc- my immediate family and their spouses. I tions, and for other purposes; to the Com- have asked each of these persons to inform tion lists which were printed in the mittee on Finance. me of the pertinent contributions made by RECORDS on the dates indicated, and By Mr. CORNYN: them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- S. 3507. A bill to extend the waiver of limi- formation contained in this report is com- pense of reprinting on the Executive tations with respect to excluding from gross plete and accurate.) Calendar that these nominations lie at income amounts received by wrongfully in- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: the Secretary’s desk for the informa- carcerated individuals; to the Committee on 1. Self: None. tion of Senators. Finance. 2. Spouse: N/A. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without By Mr. LANKFORD: 3. Children and Spouses Names: N/A. objection, it is so ordered. S. 3508. A bill to prohibit the Secretary of 4. Parents: Ann Hallan Lakhdhir (Mother): Energy and the Administrator of the Envi- * Foreign Service nominations beginning $60.00, March 2015, Democratic National ronmental Protection Agency from consid- with Marva Michelle Butler and ending with Committee (DNC); $50.00, March 2015, Demo- ering the social cost of carbon, the social Adonis Mariano Matos de Mello, which nomi- cratic Congressional Campaign; $38.00, Janu- cost of methane, the social cost of nitrous nations were received by the Senate and ap- ary 2015, Emily’s List; $40.00, January 2015, oxide, or the social cost of any other green- peared in the Congressional Record on No- Democratic National Committee (DNC); house gas in taking any action, and for other vember 15, 2016. $40.00, March 2014, Democratic National purposes; to the Committee on Environment * Foreign Service nominations beginning Committee (DNC); $38.00, January 2014, and Public Works. with Stephen Donald Mull and ending with Emily’s List; $25.00, June 2013, Democratic By Mr. RUBIO: National Committee (DNC); $50.00, January Victoria Jane Nuland, which nominations S. 3509. A bill to impose sanctions with re- 2013, Democratic Congressional Campaign; were received by the Senate and appeared in spect to the People’s Republic of China in re- $25.00, January 2012, Democratic Congres- the Congressional Record on November 29, lation to activities in the South China Sea sional Campaign. 2016. and the East China Sea, and for other pur- 5. Grandparents: Deceased. * Foreign Service nominations beginning poses; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- 6. Brothers and Spouses: David K. with Robert L. Adams and ending with Laura tions. Lakhdhir (Brother): $1,000, March 2016, Katie Ann Griesmer, which nominations were re- By Mr. FLAKE: McGinty for Senate; $300, November 2015, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Tim Kaine via Kaine for Virginia; $1,600, No- Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. S. 3510. A bill to facilitate the creation of vember 2015, Common Ground PAC; $1,000, * Foreign Service nominations beginning American jobs by immigrant entrepreneurs; October 2015, Charles Schumer via Friends of with Robert Stephen Beecroft and ending to the Committee on the Judiciary. Schumer; $2,000, October 2015, Kaine for Com- with Marie L. Yovanovitch, which nomina- mon Ground; $1,037.95, October 2015, Demo- tions were received by the Senate and ap- f cratic Hope Fund; $1,037.95, October 2015, peared in the Congressional Record on No- Democratic Hope Fund; $1,037.95, October vember 29, 2016. 2015, Democratic Hope Fund; $2,700, June * Foreign Service nominations beginning SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND 2015, Hillary Clinton via Hillary for America; with Tristan J. Allen and ending with Wil- SENATE RESOLUTIONS $1,000, May 2015, Charles Schumer via liam F. Zeman, which nominations were re- The following concurrent resolutions Friends of Schumer; $1,000, April 2015, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the and Senate resolutions were read, and Kamala Harris via Kamala Harris for Senate; Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. $1,000, July 2014, Mark Begich via Alaskans * Foreign Service nominations beginning referred (or acted upon), as indicated: for Begich 2014; $1,500, April 2014, Ready PAC; with Anthony Abba and ending with Michael By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Ms. $2,400, February 2014, Timothy Kaine via David Zgoda, which nominations were re- STABENOW): Kaine for Virginia; $2,600, February 2014, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the S. Res. 631. A resolution celebrating the Timothy Kaine via Kaine for Virginia; $2,600, Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. history of the Detroit River with the 15-year July 2013, Cory Booker via Cory Booker for * Nomination was reported with rec- commemoration of the International Under- Senate; $1,750, October 2012, Democratic ommendation that it be confirmed sub- ground Railroad Memorial Monument, com- Party of Virginia; $2,916.73, September 2012, prised of the Gateway to Freedom Monument Democratic Executive Committee of Florida; ject to the nominee’s commitment to in Detroit, Michigan, and the Tower of Free- $20,000, September 2012, Obama Victory Fund respond to requests to appear and tes- dom Monument in Windsor, Ontario, Canada; 2012; $2,500, September 2012, Elizabeth War- tify before any duly constituted com- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ren via Elizabeth for MA INC; $2,500, Sep- mittee of the Senate. sources.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.007 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6759 ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS sponsor of S. 2628, a bill to authorize the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. S. 299 the National Emergency Medical Serv- HEINRICH), the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Mr. FLAKE, the ices Memorial Foundation to establish (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. a commemorative work in the District Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) and the CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. of Columbia and its environs, and for Senator from Maine (Mr. KING) were 299, a bill to allow travel between the other purposes. added as cosponsors of S. 2989, a bill to United States and Cuba. S. 2649 award a Congressional Gold Medal, col- lectively, to the United States mer- S. 440 At the request of Mr. ROUNDS, the name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. chant mariners of World War II, in rec- At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the ognition of their dedicated and vital name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. DONNELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2649, a bill to modify the treatment service during World War II. DONNELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. 440, a bill to amend the Internal of the costs of health care furnished S. 3065 Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for an under section 101 of the Veterans Ac- At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the exclusion for assistance provided to cess, Choice, and Accountability Act of names of the Senator from Delaware participants in certain veterinary stu- 2014 to veterans covered by health-plan (Mr. CARPER) and the Senator from dent loan repayment or forgiveness. contracts. Washington (Ms. CANTWELL) were S. 2763 added as cosponsors of S. 3065, a bill to S. 1473 At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the amend parts B and E of title IV of the At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the Social Security Act to invest in fund- name of the Senator from Pennsyl- name of the Senator from New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- ing prevention and family services to vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- help keep children safe and supported sponsor of S. 1473, a bill to authorize sponsor of S. 2763, a bill to provide the at home, to ensure that children in fos- the appropriation of funds to the Cen- victims of Holocaust-era persecution ter care are placed in the least restric- ters for Disease Control and Prevention and their heirs a fair opportunity to re- tive, most family-like, and appropriate for conducting or supporting research cover works of art confiscated or mis- settings, and for other purposes. on firearms safety or gun violence pre- appropriated by the Nazis. S. 3142 vention. S. 2858 At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the S. 1605 name of the Senator from New York name of the Senator from Michigan At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Michigan sponsor of S. 2858, a bill to amend part of S. 3142, a bill to require reporting on (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor D of title XVIII of the Social Security acts of certain foreign countries on of S. 1605, a bill to amend the Millen- Act to require the Secretary of Health Holocaust era assets and related issues. nium Challenge Act of 2003 to authorize and Human Services to negotiate for S. 3237 concurrent compacts for purposes of re- lower prices for Medicare prescription At the request of Mr. HATCH, the gional economic integration and cross- drugs. names of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. border collaborations, and for other HELLER) and the Senator from New purposes. S. 2957 At the request of Mr. NELSON, the Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) were added as co- S. 1831 names of the Senator from Missouri sponsors of S. 3237, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the (Mr. BLUNT), the Senator from Min- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- name of the Senator from Michigan nesota (Mr. FRANKEN), the Senator form the low-income housing credit, (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- from Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY), the and for other purposes. sor of S. 1831, a bill to revise section 48 Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- S. 3256 of title 18, United States Code, and for KEY), the Senator from Maine (Mr. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the other purposes. KING), the Senator from Washington names of the Senator from Washington S. 1911 (Ms. CANTWELL), the Senator from New (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator from New At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the Mexico (Mr. UDALL), the Senator from Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) and the Senator names of the Senator from Washington New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Sen- from Maryland (Mr. CARDIN) were (Ms. CANTWELL), the Senator from ator from Virginia (Mr. KAINE), the added as cosponsors of S. 3256, a bill to Florida (Mr. NELSON), the Senator from Senator from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN), the amend the Foreign Assistance Act of Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) and the Senator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN), the 1961 to provide assistance for devel- Senator from Michigan (Mr. PETERS) Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER), oping countries to promote quality were added as cosponsors of S. 1911, a the Senator from Maine (Ms. COLLINS), basic education and to establish the bill to implement policies to end pre- the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. goal of all children in school and learn- ventable maternal, newborn, and child WHITEHOUSE), the Senator from Hawaii ing as an objective of the United States deaths globally. (Ms. HIRONO), the Senator from New foreign assistance policy, and for other S. 2085 Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN), the Sen- purposes. At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the ator from New Mexico (Mr. HEINRICH), S. 3328 name of the Senator from Arkansas the Senator from Delaware (Mr. CAR- At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- PER), the Senator from Delaware (Mr. the name of the Senator from Delaware sor of S. 2085, a bill to clarify that non- COONS), the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor profit organizations such as Habitat for (Mr. BOOKER), the Senator from Michi- of S. 3328, a bill to amend title 38, Humanity may accept donated mort- gan (Ms. STABENOW) and the Senator United States Code, to reform the gage appraisals, and for other purposes. from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE) were rights and processes relating to appeals S. 2268 added as cosponsors of S. 2957, a bill to of decisions regarding claims for bene- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the require the Secretary of the Treasury fits under the laws administered by the name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. to mint commemorative coins in rec- Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor ognition of the 50th anniversary of the other purposes. of S. 2268, a bill to award a Congres- first manned landing on the Moon. S. 3353 sional Gold Medal to the United States S. 2989 At the request of Mr. SCOTT, the Army Dust Off crews of the Vietnam At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. War, collectively, in recognition of names of the Senator from Louisiana WARNER) was added as a cosponsor of S. their extraordinary heroism and life- (Mr. VITTER), the Senator from Kansas 3353, a bill to amend title 31, United saving actions in Vietnam. (Mr. ROBERTS), the Senator from Lou- States Code, to prohibit the Internal S. 2628 isiana (Mr. CASSIDY), the Senator from Revenue Service from carrying out sei- At the request of Mr. COONS, the Florida (Mr. RUBIO), the Senator from zures relating to a structuring trans- name of the Senator from Massachu- West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO), the Sen- action unless the property to be seized setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- ator from Maryland (Ms. MIKULSKI), derived from an illegal source or the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.012 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 funds were structured for the purpose One of the many lessons that we Lastly, my legislation directs our fi- of concealing the violation of another learned from the financial crisis is that nancial regulators and experts to do criminal law or regulation, to require reckless Wall Street behavior can have the necessary homework to justify pro- notice and a post-seizure hearing for devastating consequences on middle posed changes to the Bankruptcy Code. such seizures, and for other purposes. class Americans, too many of whom Some proposed changes have drawn S. 3447 lost their jobs, their nest eggs, and praise, and others have drawn concern. At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the their homes. Statistics bear this out. For example, should Wall Street banks names of the Senator from Michigan Nationally, over 750,000 jobs per month still be able to cut to the front of the (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from were lost between January and April line and take more than their fair Texas (Mr. CORNYN) were added as co- 2009. In Rhode Island, over 1,800 jobs share, while ordinary creditors, such as sponsors of S. 3447, a bill to direct the per month were lost during this same employees and customers, have to wait Secretary of the Army to place in Ar- period. The Dow Jones Industrial Aver- in the back of the line? When a jumbo lington National Cemetery a memorial age dropped from an average of 13,677.89 bank gets in trouble, why should those honoring the helicopter pilots and crew in July 2007 to an average of 7,235.47 in customers who place the riskiest bets, members of the Vietnam era, and for March 2009, resulting in a 47.1 percent such as large Wall Street hedge funds, other purposes. loss for many families who for years get paid back in full while ordinary S. 3486 had set aside hard earned paychecks customers may not get paid back at At the request of Mr. WARNER, the for emergencies, college tuitions, and all? Should shareholders be prevented name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. retirements. Nationwide, there were from holding the mega bank’s board of KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. nearly 7.5 million home foreclosures directors accountable for most actions, 3486, a bill to amend chapter 31 of title and short sales between July 2007 and when a mega bank files for bank- 5, United States Code, to establish in November 2014. Unfortunately, the im- ruptcy? Is it really possible for a tril- statute the Presidential Innovation pacts remain to this day for some of lion-dollar jumbo bank to be processed Fellows Program. our neighbors in Rhode Island and through bankruptcy safely in just 48 S.J. RES. 40 throughout the country as they con- hours without hurting our economy? Is At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the tinue to look for a decent paying job or it fair that ordinary creditors, such as name of the Senator from Michigan are faced with gut-wrenching financial small businesses, who are owed their (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor decisions like whether to turn the heat hard earned dollars, would be given vir- of S.J. Res. 40, a joint resolution ap- off or to skip feeding the family an- tually no notice of a mega bank’s proving the location of a memorial to other day just to make ends meet. bankruptcy, making it nearly impos- commemorate and honor the members That lesson of how many of our sible for them to fight for their rights? of the Armed Forces that served on ac- neighbors suffered due to the sins of These are important, incredibly com- tive duty in support of Operation the rich and powerful seems to be fad- plex, questions that need thorough an- Desert Storm or Operation Desert ing for some of my colleagues. Indeed, swers. Many of my colleagues have Shield. there appears to be an effort to further called for greater deliberation and S. RES. 615 rig the system in favor of elites, this analysis before enacting legislation. At the request of Mr. CASEY, the time through the Bankruptcy code. We My legislation heeds this call. Let’s name of the Senator from Connecticut must stop this effort cold in its tracks. take a moment to ensure that we’ve (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor Before we make changes to the Bank- really done our homework so that we of S. Res. 615, a resolution expressing ruptcy code, we should ensure that a can all be confident that we’re really support for the designation of Novem- thorough analysis is conducted so we accomplishing what we’re aiming to ber 16, 2016, as ‘‘American Special have facts at hand. If anything, we do: making our financial system safer Hockey Day’’. should be seeking to restore fairness and restoring fairness and balance to AMENDMENT NO. 5130 and balance to the Bankruptcy code, the Bankruptcy Code, especially for At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the and this is what my legislation strives hardworking ordinary Americans. names of the Senator from Virginia for. I thank Senator BROWN, Senator (Mr. WARNER) and the Senator from Specifically, my bill directs the Fi- MERKLEY, Senator WHITEHOUSE, and Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added nancial Stability Oversight Council Senator BLUMENTHAL for joining me in as cosponsors of amendment No. 5130 and the Office of Financial Research to introducing the Bankruptcy Fairness intended to be proposed to H.R. 34, a do two things: work hand in hand with Act. I also thank the U.S. Department bill to authorize and strengthen the the Administrative Office of the United of the Treasury, Americans for Finan- tsunami detection, forecast, warning, States Courts and the Executive Office cial Reform, Harvard Law School Pro- research, and mitigation program of for United States Trustees to ensure fessor Mark Roe, Delaware Law School the National Oceanic and Atmospheric that bankruptcy judges have, on an on- Professor Bruce Grohsgal, and MIT Administration, and for other pur- going basis, the necessary financial ex- Professor Simon Johnson for their sup- poses. pertise to oversee the orderly resolu- port. I urge our colleagues to join us in f tion of a failed mega bank; and update pressing for action on this legislation. the Administrative Office of the United STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED States Courts’ post-crisis review of the By Mr. HATCH (for himself and BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Bankruptcy Code’s ability to resolve Mr. WYDEN): By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. complex financial institutions and S. 3506. A bill to amend the Internal BROWN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. make recommendations to Congress re- Revenue Code of 1986 to make technical WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. garding changes that would strengthen corrections, and for other purposes; to BLUMENTHAL): financial stability in the United the Committee on Finance. S. 3505. A bill to require analysis of States. Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, the Tax various bankruptcy proposals in order Second, my legislation permits the Technical Corrections Act of 2016 to determine whether those proposals federal agencies that supervise large makes tax technical corrections and would reduce systemic risk and moral complex financial institutions to offer other corrections including clerical hazard, and for other purposes; to the their advice and expertise to the bank- and deadwood-related corrections. The Committee on the Judiciary. ruptcy court whenever a mega bank bill revises and updates S. 2775, the Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am files for bankruptcy. This is important Technical Corrections Act of 2016, introducing the Bankruptcy Fairness because these Federal agencies can as- which was introduced on April 11, 2016. Act, with the goals of bolstering finan- sist the court in deciphering complex Ranking Member WYDEN and I have cial stability in the United States and financial products while also providing asked the nonpartisan Joint Com- requiring the necessary analysis to as- the court with an independent assess- mittee on Taxation to make available sess the consequences of potential ment of how the court’s decisions could to the public a technical explanation of changes we might make in the future affect financial stability in the United the bill, JCX–91–16. The technical ex- to the Bankruptcy Code. States. planation expresses the Committee’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.013 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6761 understanding and legislative intent with an international memorial to the Un- gible individuals who are enrolled under a behind this important legislation. It is derground Railroad, comprised of the Tower prescription drug plan or under an MA–PD available on the Joint Committee’s of Freedom Monument in Windsor, Ontario, plan. website at www.jct.gov. and the Gateway to Freedom Monument in ‘‘(2) NO CHANGE IN RULES FOR Detroit, Michigan; FORMULARIES.— By Mr. CORNYN: Whereas the deep roots that slaves, refu- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Nothing in paragraph (1) S. 3507. A bill to extend the waiver of gees, and immigrants who reached Canada shall be construed to authorize the Secretary from the United States created in Canadian to establish or require a particular for- limitations with respect to excluding society are a tribute to the determination of mulary. from gross income amounts received by the descendants of those slaves, refugees, ‘‘(B) CONSTRUCTION.—Subparagraph (A) wrongfully incarcerated individuals; to and immigrants to safeguard the history of shall not be construed as affecting the Sec- the Committee on Finance. the struggles and endurance of their fore- retary’s authority to ensure appropriate and Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask bears; adequate access to covered part D drugs unanimous consent that the text of the Whereas the observance of the 15-year com- under prescription drug plans and under MA– bill be printed in the RECORD. memoration of the International Under- PD plans, including compliance of such plans There being no objection, the text of ground Railroad Memorial Monument was with formulary requirements under section the bill was ordered to be printed in celebrated during the month of October 2016; 1860D–4(b)(3). Whereas the International Underground ‘‘(3) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this sub- the RECORD, as follows: Railroad Memorial Monument represents a section shall be construed as preventing the S. 3507 cooperative international partnership dedi- sponsor of a prescription drug plan, or an or- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cated to education and research with the ganization offering an MA–PD plan, from ob- resentatives of the United States of America in goal of promoting cross-border under- taining a discount or reduction of the price Congress assembled, standing, economic development, and cul- for a covered part D drug below the price ne- SECTION 1. EXTENSION OF WAIVER OF LIMITA- tural heritage tourism; gotiated under paragraph (1).’’. TIONS WITH RESPECT TO EXCLUD- Whereas over the course of history, the (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment ING FROM GROSS INCOME AMOUNTS United States has become a symbol of de- RECEIVED BY WRONGFULLY INCAR- made by subsection (a) shall take effect on CERATED INDIVIDUALS. mocracy and freedom around the world; and the date of the enactment of this Act and Whereas the legacy of African-Americans (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 304(d) of the Pro- shall first apply to negotiations and prices and their fight for freedom is interwoven tecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of for plan years beginning on January 1, 2017. 2015 is amended by striking ‘‘1-year’’ and in- with the fabric of democracy and freedom in serting ‘‘2-year’’. the United States: Now, therefore, be it SEC. ll. PRESCRIPTION DRUG IMPORTATION. Resolved, That the Senate— (b) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Section 304(d) (a) IMPORTATION BY PHARMACISTS AND (1) celebrates the history of the Detroit of such Act is amended by striking ‘‘applica- WHOLESALERS.—Section 804(b) of the Federal tion of this Act’’ and inserting ‘‘application River with a 15-year commemoration of the International Underground Railroad Memo- Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. of this section’’. 384(b)) is amended by striking ‘‘The Sec- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments rial Monument, comprised of the Gateway to retary,’’ and inserting ‘‘The Secretary, not made by this section shall take effect as if Freedom Monument in Detroit, Michigan, included in section 304 of the Protecting and the Tower of Freedom Monument in later than January 1, 2017,’’. Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015. Windsor, Ontario, Canada; and (b) IMPORTATION BY INDIVIDUALS.— f (2) supports the official recognition, by na- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 804 of the Federal tional and international entities, of the De- Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 384) SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS troit River as an area of historic importance is amended— to the history of the Underground Railroad (A) in subsection (f), by striking ‘‘within and the fight for freedom in North America. Canada’’; SENATE RESOLUTION 631—CELE- f (B) in subsection (j)— BRATING THE HISTORY OF THE AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND (i) in paragraph (1), in the matter pre- DETROIT RIVER WITH THE 15- PROPOSED ceding subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘from YEAR COMMEMORATION OF THE countries other than Canada’’ after ‘‘de- INTERNATIONAL UNDERGROUND SA 5138. Mr. SANDERS submitted an vices’’; and RAILROAD MEMORIAL MONU- amendment intended to be proposed by (ii) in paragraph (3)— MENT, COMPRISED OF THE him to the bill H.R. 34, to authorize (I) in the heading, by striking ‘‘FROM CAN- ADA’’ and inserting ‘‘FROM COUNTRIES OTHER GATEWAY TO FREEDOM MONU- and strengthen the tsunami detection, THAN CANADA’’; and MENT IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, forecast, warning, research, and miti- gation program of the National Oce- (II) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘from AND THE TOWER OF FREEDOM Canada,’’; and MONUMENT IN WINDSOR, ON- anic and Atmospheric Administration, (C) by striking subsection (l) and inserting TARIO, CANADA and for other purposes; which was or- the following: dered to lie on the table. Mr. PETERS (for himself and Ms. ‘‘(l) IMPORTATION OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS f STABENOW) submitted the following FROM CANADA.—Individuals may import from resolution; which was referred to the TEXT OF AMENDMENTS Canada any prescription drug that meets the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- SA 5138. Mr. SANDERS submitted an requirements of subparagraphs (A) through sources: amendment intended to be proposed by (F) of subsection (j)(3).’’. (2) REGULATIONS.—Not later than January S. RES. 631 him to the bill H.R. 34, to authorize and strengthen the tsunami detection, 1, 2017, the Secretary of Health and Human Whereas millions of Africans and their de- Services shall promulgate regulations with scendants were enslaved in the United States forecast, warning, research, and miti- respect to subsection (l) of section 804 of the and the American colonies from 1619 through gation program of the National Oce- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 1865; anic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.C. 384) (as amended by paragraph (1)(B)). Whereas Africans forced into slavery were and for other purposes; which was or- (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments torn from their families and loved ones and dered to lie on the table; as follows: made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on stripped of their names and heritage; At the appropriate place in division A, in- the effective date of the final regulations Whereas the faith and strength of char- sert the following: promulgated in accordance with paragraph acter demonstrated by former slaves and the SEC. lll. NEGOTIATION OF LOWER COVERED (2). descendants of former slaves are an example PART D DRUG PRICES ON BEHALF (c) FDASIA AMENDMENT.—Subsection (c) of for all people of the United States, regardless OF MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES. section 708 of the Food and Drug Administra- of background, religion, or race; (a) NEGOTIATION BY SECRETARY.—Section tion Safety and Innovation Act (Public Law Whereas tens of thousands of people of Af- 1860D–11 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 112–144; 126 Stat. 1068) is amended by striking rican descent bravely and silently escaped 1395w–111) is amended by striking subsection ‘‘The amendment made by’’ and all that fol- their chains to follow the perilous Under- (i) (relating to noninterference) and insert- ground Railroad northward towards freedom ing the following: lows through the period at the end and in- in Canada; ‘‘(i) NEGOTIATION OF LOWER DRUG PRICES.— serting ‘‘The amendment made by subsection Whereas the Detroit River played a central ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any (a) and the regulations promulgated under role for these passengers of the Underground other provision of law, the Secretary shall subsection (b) shall apply beginning on the Railroad on their way to freedom; negotiate with pharmaceutical manufactur- effective date of the regulations promulgated Whereas in October 2001, the City of De- ers the prices (including discounts, rebates, under section 804(b) of the Federal Food, troit, Michigan, joined with Windsor and and other price concessions) that may be Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 384(b)) and Essex Counties in Ontario, Canada, to memo- charged to PDP sponsors and MA organiza- the amendments made by section 201(b) of rialize the courage of these freedom seekers tions for covered part D drugs for part D eli- the 21st Century Cures Act.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.017 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO vidual to serve as a member of the METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS MEET United States-China Economic Secu- AUTHORITY Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I have rity Review Commission: Robin Cleve- RICHARD A. KENNEDY, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE A land of Virginia, for a term beginning MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE METRO- four requests for committees to meet POLITAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTHORITY FOR A during today’s session of the Senate. January 1, 2017, and expiring December TERM EXPIRING MAY 30, 2022. (REAPPOINTMENT) 31, 2018. They have approval of the Majority LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION The Chair announces, on behalf of and Minority leaders. REBECCA EMILY RAPP, OF WISCONSIN, TO BE A MEM- the majority leader, pursuant to the BER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LEGAL SERV- Pursuant to Rule XXVI, paragraph ICES CORPORATION FOR A TERM EXPIRING JULY 13, 2019, provisions of Public Law 114–224, the VICE SHARON L. BROWNE, RESIGNED. 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- appointment of the following individ- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ate, the following committees are au- uals to serve as members of the Virgin thorized to meet during today’s session THOMAS J. MURPHY, OF COLORADO, TO BE UNDER SEC- Islands of the United States Centennial RETARY FOR BENEFITS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VET- of the Senate: Commission: the Honorable LISA MUR- ERANS AFFAIRS, VICE ALLISON A. HICKEY, RESIGNED. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES KOWSKI of Alaska and the Honorable IN THE AIR FORCE The Committee on Armed Services is MARCO RUBIO of Florida. THE FOLLOWING AIR NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED authorized to meet during the session f STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE RESERVE of the Senate on December 6, 2016, at OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDICATED UNDER ORDER OF PROCEDURE TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12212: 9:30 a.m. To be brigadier general Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I ask COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS COL. JEFFERY D. AEBISCHER The Committee on Foreign Relations unanimous consent that notwith- COL. NATHAN B. ALHOLINNA is authorized to meet during the ses- standing rule XXII, postcloture time COL. BORIS R. ARMSTRONG with respect to the motion to concur in COL. KIMBERLY A. BAUMANN sion of the Senate on December 6, 2016, COL. ROBERT L. BELL the House amendment to the Senate COL. DONALD R. BEVIS, JR. at 2:30 p.m. amendment to H.R. 34 expire at 2 p.m. COL. SHAWN N. BRATTON SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE COL. JEFFREY L. BUTLER on Wednesday, December 7; further, I COL. MICHAEL E. CALLAHAN The Select Committee on Intel- COL. KEVIN J. CAMPBELL ask that if cloture is invoked on the COL. THOMAS S. CAUTHEN ligence is authorized to meet during conference report to accompany S. COL. LAWRENCE L. CHRISTENSEN the session of the Senate on December 2943, that the postcloture time be COL. SHAWN A. CLOUTHIER COL. GERALD K. COLMER, JR. 6, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. in room SH–219 of counted as if cloture had been invoked COL. DARWIN L. CRAIG the Hart Senate Office Building. at 1 a.m. on Wednesday, December 7. COL. ROBERT C. DESKO COL. JOHN R. DIDONNA, JR. SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIME AND TERRORISM The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COL. KEVIN M. DONOVAN The Committee on the Judiciary, objection, it is so ordered. COL. BOBBI J. DOORENBOS COL. DAVID M. DZIOBKOWSKI Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism f COL. RANDAL K. EFFERSON is authorized to meet during the ses- COL. HOWARD L. EISSLER III ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, COL. SHAWN D. FORD sion of the Senate on December 6, 2016, DECEMBER 7, 2016 COL. JED J. FRENCH at 2:30 p.m., in room SD–226 of the COL. DANIEL E. GABRIELLI Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I ask COL. MARK P. GAUL Dirksen Senate Office Building, to con- COL. RAINER G. GOMEZ duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Ensuring Inde- unanimous consent that when the Sen- COL. PATRICK M. GUINEE ate completes its business today, it ad- COL. PENNY C. HODGES–GOETZ pendence: Are Additional Firewalls COL. JEREMY C. HORN journ until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, De- Needed to Protect Congressional Over- COL. CASSANDRA D. HOWARD cember 7; that following the prayer and COL. PAUL D. JOHNSON sight Staff from Retaliatory Criminal COL. EDWARD S. JONES pledge, the morning hour be deemed Referrals?’’ COL. GARY W. KIRK expired, the Journal of proceedings be COL. HEIDI L. KJOS f COL. MEAGHAN Q. LECLERC approved to date, and the time for the COL. GREGOR J. LEIST two leaders be reserved for their use COL. SUZANNE B. LIPCAMAN PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR COL. PAUL S. LYMAN later in the day; further, that following COL. KEITH G. MACDONALD Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask leader remarks, the Senate resume COL. ROLF E. MAMMEN unanimous consent that Megan How- COL. GERALD E. MCDONALD consideration of the House message to COL. CHRISTOPHER G. MCGRAW ard, a fellow with Senator MURRAY’s accompany H.R. 34 postcloture; finally, COL. MICHAEL R. MORGAN HELP Committee staff, be granted COL. REBECCA L. O’CONNOR that the time from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. COL. JEFFREY L. RYAN floor privileges for the remainder of tomorrow be reserved for tributes to COL. JON S. SAFSTROM the 114th Congress. the President of the Senate. COL. WILLIAM L. SPARROW COL. JAMES R. STEVENSON, JR. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COL. JEFFREY D. STOREY objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. COL. BRYAN J. TEFF COL. EDWARD L. VAUGHAN IV Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask f COL. APRIL D. VOGEL unanimous consent that my intern, COL. CHARLES M. WALKER PROGRAM COL. CHRISTOPHER S. WALKER Emma Peterson, be granted privileges COL. DAVID B. WALKER of the floor for the balance of the day. Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, Sen- COL. DAVID A. WEISHAAR ators should expect votes in relation to COL. WENDY B. WENKE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COL. GREGORY T. WHITE objection, it is so ordered. the 21st Century Cures legislation as COL. JEFFREY J. WIEGAND well as the conference report to accom- COL. BRENT W. WRIGHT Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask COL. WILLIAM T. YATES unanimous consent that the military pany the National Defense Authoriza- COL. DANIEL S. YENCHESKY fellow from our office, MAJ Andy An- tion Act beginning at 2 p.m. tomorrow. IN THE ARMY derson, be given floor privileges for the f THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT consideration of H.R. 34. TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. NURSE CORPS UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 624 AND The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without TOMORROW 3064: objection, it is so ordered. To be major Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, if f there is no further business to come be- CHRISTOPHER K. BERTHOLD THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENTS fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY sent that it stand adjourned under the UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The previous order. To be major Chair announces, on behalf of the ma- There being no objection, the Senate, SETH C. LYDEM jority leader, pursuant to the provi- at 6:54 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT sions of Public Law 106–398, as amended day, December 7, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY by Public Law 108–7, and in consulta- UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: f tion with the chairmen of the Senate To be major Committee on Armed Services and the NOMINATIONS JAMES ROBINSON, JR. Senate Committee on Finance, the re- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Executive nominations received by TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY appointment of the following indi- the Senate: UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C. SECTION 624:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.022 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6763 To be colonel THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT To be colonel TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE RESERVE OF THE CHRISTOPHER C. OSTBY ARMY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: CALVIN E. FISH

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