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CONGRESSIONAL R;EOO:J1D-HOUSE. Decel\IBER 3 2 CONGRESSIONAL R;EOO:J1D-HOUSE. DECEl\IBER 3, The VICE PRESIDENT appointed as the committee Mr. ALABAMA. S. Hubert Deiit, j"r. ' William B. 01iver. MARTIN and 1\Ir. GALLINGER. Henry B. SteagalL Edwa:ru B. Almon. HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. Fred L. Blackmon. George Huddleston. J. Thomas Heflin. William B. Bankhead. ~RTIN Mr. submitted the following resolution {S. Res. ARIZONA. 154), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and Carl Hayden. agreed to : .ARKA.NSAS. Resolvea, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock Thaddeus H. Caraway. Otis Wingo. meridian until otherwise ordered. William A. Oldfield. Samuel M. Taylor. DEA.TH OF SENATOR PAUL 0. RUSTING. John N. Tillman. William S. Goodwin. Mr. LA FOLLETTE. Mr. President, with great personal sOT­ CALIFORNIA. ~ow, shared, I am certain, by the Members of this body, it be­ Clarence F. Lea. Charles H. Randall. John E. Raker. · Henry Z. Osborne. -comes my sad duty to formally announce the death of my late John I. Nolan. William Kettper. ..colleague, Senator P A.UL 0. BusTING. He died in Wisconsin Denver S. Church. under tr~gic circumstances, without precedent and parallel, I COLORADO. believe, in the history of this bony. Charles B. Timberlake. Edward Keating. The present time and occasion do not admit of a suitable testi­ CON~lilCTICU'.r. monial to my late colleague, but hereafter and during the present Augustine Lonergan. John Q. Tilson. session I shall ask the Senate to set apart a day when appropriate Richard P. Freeman. James r. Glyun. tribute may be paid to his memory. DELAWARE. l\fr. President, I send the following resolutions to the desk and Albert F. Polk. ask for their adoption. FLORIDA. - The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the reso- Herbert J. Drane. Frank Clark. GEORGIA.• lutions. Jaml:'s W. Overstreet. ·Gordon Lee. The resolutions {S. Res. 155) were read, considered by unani­ Frank Park. Charles H. Brand. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Charles R. Crisp. Carl Vinson. William C. Adamson. William W. Larsen. Resolvea, That the Senate bas heard with profound sorrow of the James W. Wise. death of the Hon. PAUL 0. HosTING, late a Senator from the State of IDAHO. Wisconsin. Resolvea.:.. That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the Addison T. Smith. Burton L. French. House of .Kepresentatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family ILLINOIS. of the deceased. Martin B. Madden. Ctifi'ord Ireland. Mr. LA FOLLETTE. Mr. President, as a further mark of William W, Wilson. John A. Sterling. Adolph J. Saba th. Joseph G. Cannon. respect to Senator BusTING's memory, I move that the Senate James McAndrews. _ William B. McKinley. do now adjourn. Niels Juul. Henry T. Rainey. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and George E. Foss. Loren E. Wheeler. Ira C. Copley. William A. Rodenberg. 15 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tues­ Charles E. Fuller. Martin D. Foster. day, December 4, 1917, at 12 o'clock meridian. John C. McKenzie. Thomas s. Williams. William J. Graham. AT LARGI!l. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. William E. Mason. INDIANA. MoNDAY, December 3, 1917. William E. ·cox. Fred S. Purnell. Lincoln Dixon. William R. Wood. This being the day designated by the Constitutien for the Everett Sanders. Milton Kraus. Richard N. Elliott. Louis W. Fairfield. annual meeting of Congress, the Members of the House of Rep­ Merrill Moores. Henry A. Barnhart. resentatives assembled in their Hall for the second session of Albert II. VestaL the Sixty-fifth Congres , and at 12 o'clock noon were called to IOWA. order by the Speaker, who on taking the chair was greeted with Charles A. Kennedy. Cassius C. Dowell. Harry E. Hull. Horace M. Towner. general applause. Burton E. Sweet. William R. Green. PRAYER. James W. Good. Frank P. Woods. C. William Ramseyer. George C. Scott. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. ·D., offered the fol­ KANSAS. lowing prayer : Daniel R. Anthony, jr. Dudley Doolittle. Our Father in Heaven, infinite in all Thine attributes, in Edward C. Little. .T ouett 8-hou e. whom we put our trust, out . of the deeps of the soul we ·cry 'Philip P. Campbell. William A. Ayres. unto Thee fot. wisdom, strength, courage, to uphold, sustain KENTUCKY. and guide us in this, the darkest hour in human history. Help Alben W. Barkley. James C. Cantrill. David H. Kinrlleloe. Willi:un J. Fields. us as a people, from the least to the greatest, to appreciate the Robert Y. Thomas. jr. John W. Langley. gravity of the situation, and unite us in the bonds of patriotism, Ben Johnson. Caleb Powers. that we lJlay throw all our intellectual, moral, and physical Arthur B. Rouse. ~ strength into the contest, with a grim determination to win or LOUISIAXA. perish; that the ideals enunciated by the Master may find their Albert Estopinal. Riley J. Wilson. H. Garland Dupre. Jared Y. Sanders. full fruition in liberty, justice and equal rights for all mankind; Whitmell P. Martin. Ladislas Lazaro. to the honor and glory of Thy holy name. John T. Watkins. James B. Aswell. Impress each -and every l\fember of the Congress now con­ liiAINE. vened to take up the stupendous tasks which wait upon them, Wallace H. White, jr. Ira G. llet·sey. with the great responsibility resting upon them, that with per­ John A. Peters. sistent energy and consummate skill they may provide ways and MARYLAND. means for a speedy and successful prosecution of the war which Jesse D Price. J. Charles Linthicum. has been thrust upon us. J. Fred. C. Talbott. l!..,re<lerick N. Zihhnan. Charles P. Coady. Let Thy blessing descend copiously upon our President and his ?.IASSACHUSE'l'TS. advisers. Keep him in health, strength, and vigor, and imbue Frederick H. Gillett. Alvan T. Fulll'I'. him with wisdom from above, that he may administer the affairs Calvin D. Paige. Jame A. Gallivan. of state with justice and equity to all; and direct our soldiers Samuel E. Winslow. Richard Olney, 2:1. and sailors in the prosecution of our just cause. Michael F. Phelan. William 5. Greene. Be graciously near to the men who are called to the colors, Frederick W. Dallinger. Joseph Walsh. that they may speak more eloquently than words, in deeds of ?.fiCHIGAN. heroism and valor, that Old Glory may float on in triumph, and Frank E. Doremus. Jo eph W. Fordncy. Mark R. Bacon. Gilbert A. Currie. make the world a better and a safer place for men to dwell in. John M. C. Smith. Frank D. Scott. And Thine be the praise, through Him who died that liberty, Carl E. Mapes. W. Frank James. Patrick H. Kelley. Charles A. Nichols. truth, justice and righteousness might live forever. Amen. Louis C. Cramton. BOLL CALL BY STATES. MINNESOTA. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll by States, to Sydney Anderson. Andrew J. Volstead. Rranldin ·F. Ellsworth. Clarence B. Miller. ascertain the presence of a quorum. Charles R. Davis. Halvor Steenerson. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll by States, when the fol­ Cal'l C. Van Dyke. Thomas D. SchalL lowing Members were ascertained to be present : Harold Knutson. ll - 1917. CONGRESSIONA~ RECORD-HOUSE.. a;, -~~~, JIISSISSIPPI. UTAH. Ezekiel S. Candler. James W. Collier. 1.' J,lllton H. Welling. James H. Mays. Percy E. Quin. VlCRHONT. JUSSOURJ. Milton A. Romjue. Champ Clark. Frank L. Greene. Joshua W. Alexander. Wiillam L. Igoe. vmGINIA. Charles F. Booher. Leonidas C. Dyer. William A. Jones. Thomas W. Harrison. William P. Borland. Walter L. Hensley. , Edward E. Holland. Charles C. Carlin. Clement C. Dickinson. Joseph J. Russell. Andrew J. Montague. C. Bascom Slemp. Courtney W. Hamlin. Thomas L. Rubey. 1Edward W. Saunders. Henry D. Flood. Dorsey W. Shackleford. ~ Garter Glass. liONTANA. WASHINGTON. ATLARGJI: ~ t J"ohn F. Miller. William L. La Follette. John M. Evans. Miss Jeannette Rankin. r Lindley H. Hadley. C. C. Dill. NllBRA.SKA. ~ Albert Johnson. · Charles 0. Lobeck. Moses P. Kinkaid. WEST VIRGINIA. Ashton C. Shallenberger. M. M. Neely. Edward Cooper. NEVADAr Stuart F. Reed. .Adam B. Littlepage. AT LA.RG11l. Harry C. Woodyard. E. E. Roberts. WISCONSIN. NEW H.AMPSHm:m. 1 Henry Allen Cooper. ·James H. Davidson. Edward H. _Wason. 1 Edward Voigt. David G. Classon. William J. Cary. Irvine L. Lenroot. 1\'EW JERSEY. William H. Stafl.'ord. William J. Browning. Frederick R. Lehlbacli.; Isaac Bacharach. The SPliJAKER. On this roll call 324 Members have answered, John R. Ramsey. ~~~/ A~:fa~. to their names, a Edward W. Gray. I quorum._.. NEW MEXICO. COM:MITI'EE TO WAIT UPON THE PRESIDENT. William B. Walton. i, .,. NEW YORK. Mr. KITCHIN. ~. Speaker. I move the immediate- consld• Chas. Pope Caldwell. Isaac Siegel. eration of the resolution which I send to the Clerk's: desk. Harry II. Dale. Henry Bruckner. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read it.. James P. Maher. .. •Daniel C. Oliver. The Clerk read as fo-llows: Frederick W. Rowe. ·Benjamin L. Fairchild. Charles B. Ward. House resolution 174. ~~~ef·J~~~~ld. ·Rollin B. Sanford. Resolved, That a committee of three Members be appointed on the Oscar Wm. Swift. .George R. Lunn. part of the House to join the committee appointed by the Senate to Reuben L. Haskell. ·Bertrand H. Snell. wait upon the President and into.rm him that a quorum of the two Daniel J. Riordan. Luther W. Mott. Houses -has assembled, and that Congress is ready to recei-ve any com­ ·Meyer London. Homer P. Snyder. munication that he may be pleased to make. Chlistopher D. Sullivan. Walter W. Magee. .Thomas F. Smith. Norman J. Gould • The...
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