/ 'HE BREEZE Vol. XXX Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, October 2, 1953 No. 3 Film Sociiety Scholarships Are CALENDAR Registrar Announces Begins Season Still Available Saturday, October 3. Mr. William J. DeLong announc- French Club to the College Camp. Your Madison Film Society is soon es that there are sixteen more open- 8-12 p.m. Informal dance by German Faculty Office Hours Club. to begin its third season of presenting ings for dining hall and ten hour service scholarships. Anyone inter- 7:30-9:30 p.m. Movie—One Minute Miss Helen Frank announces the office hours of all faculty unusual and interesting films. These to Zero, starring ested in investigating the possibili- members. Please pay special attention to change in office locations. films not only suggest the nature of ties of either of these scholarships, and . life in other countries but also that in This is for the convenience of both faculty and students. Any student please see Mr. William J. DeLong, Monday, October 5. our own. The best possible movies to director of student personnel serv- may visit their faculty during the appointed hours.. 8-9:30 p.m. Red Cross Water Safety come out of Hollywood and such for- ices, Wilson Hall. Instructor Course NAME PERIOD eign countries as England, France, OFFICE 8:00 p.m. Business Club Skating Aiken, Miss W7, S2 W36 Italy, Spain and Germany will be Party . Anderson, Mr. Th7, 8. F6, S2, 3, T4 H14 selected. Perhaps freshmen may College Enrollment Tuesday, October & Anthony, Miss M3, Th6, & By App. R3 want to ask an old student about the Shows Increase Beyrer, Miss M6, T2, W4, F7 Johnston Office 12:30-5:30 p.m. Junior Class Repre- provocativeness of some of last year's With a 5% increase over last year's Bocskey, Mr. MWF2, 3,TTh3 B206 sentative for Rings-Alumnae Hall. enrollment the college opened its 1953- Boje, Miss . T2, W4 W34 flicks. 6:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Associa- 54 academic year with approximately Brady, Miss M3, T2 L4 This .organization was founded two tion, East Room Senior Hall a thousand students. Burau, Miss By App. HI years ago and has been gathering 12:00-12:30 p.m. Orientation—Wil- Caldwell, Dr. MTWThFl, 2, MWF7, 8 W23 steam ever since. Last year, for in- New students created a large portion son Auditorium TTh 3, 4, & S2, 3 stance, there were over four hundred of the increase with thirty-four, while 4:30 p.m. Recreation Council in Lo- Chappell, Dr." M4, W7, Th6, S3 & By App. B315 members, including townpeople. The twelve more upperclassmen returned as gan Recreation Room Coffman, Mrs. M8, W4 W29 group is headed by a student-facDtfy •w^.wpared with the previous year. The Cool, Dr. M7, T2, & By App. B306 combine consisting of Miss Bureau, Freshman Class makes up approxi- Wednesday, October 7. Cundiff, Miss T2, W4 Library Mrs. Brady, Mr. Leigh, Dr. Schubert, mately 30% of the student body with 6:30 p.m. German Club meeting in Curtis, Dr. T6, W7 W30 Dona Frantz, Dickie Dickerson, Sheila a total of 297 as of Monday, September Alumnae Hall Reception Room Dickins, Miss TTh4, & F3 Asliby Gym Bell, Carolyn Bair, and Ann Fosnight. 21st. Incidentally, our first year Thursday, October 8. Dingledine, Dr. T2, W3, F6, & By App. R13 If you have any questions direct them students hail from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Eagle, Mr. MTWThF2, 3, 4, T6, WF6 RB2 to this group. * Florida, Delaware, Tennessee, Texas, 4:30 p.m. Coach class for beginners Maryland, New York, West Virginia, in swimming Frank, Miss MTWThF2, 3, 6, 7, & SI, 2 Registrar's Office .-^Monday and Tuesday, October S and Frederikson, Dr. North Carolina, New Mexico, Califor- 3:30-5:30 p.m. "Major Organizations M2, F6 R13 ■ o^haye, been designated as those days MWF3, 4, TTh3, 7 nia, Colorado, South America, District and Activities Tea" Senior Hall Gifford, Dr. Dean's Office in which tickets may be purchased Gildersleeve, Dr. M2, 8, W7, 8, F2, 7, 8, S2, 3, 4 H4 either for the whole season or for one of Columbia, and Nebraska as well as Virginia. Friday, October 9. Gildersleeve, Mrs. M3 H5 semester. Full season tickets, priced at Grove, Miss T6, F4 W36 There has been an increase in al- 9:15 a.m.-l p.m.—District G. Audi- $1.50, are valid for ten performances, Hamrick, Dr. MWF1, TTh 2, 3, 4 W20 most every student category; the num- torium. whereas the others selling for $1.00 are Hanson, Mr. Tl, W4 B202 ber of day students has jumped from 4 p.m. Sesame Club—College camp valid for five performances. The idea Hardesty, Misi W4, F7 M18 103 to 125. for picnic of saving SOc should appeal to you Harris, Miss By App. HIS coin-conscious co-eds. From 9-4:30 At the present rate of increase in Hartman, Miss M2, T4, Th8 Ashby Gym o'clock on either of the above days four years time there would be nearly R. Lahaie Addresses Herr, Miss MW9 L4 you may get your passport for enter- 1300 students or a total hike of 23%. Students In Assembly Hicks, Mr. By App. Auditorium tainment in the P. O. Lobby. So by the time the class of '53 sends Hoffman, Miss T2, W4 W34 October 26 is the date set for the their children to Madison its enroll- Last Wednesday, September 30, Mr. Hoover, Miss TThl, 2, M4, W3, F3, 4 Library first attraction. ment would be around 2,500 students Ralph Lahaie, Director of the Madi- Hounchell, Dr. M2, W3, F7 R4 or 2^i times its present number. son Speech and Hearing Clinic, gave Huffman, Dr. MWF6, TThS2, TTh4, S3 W30 Thelma C. Heatwole an informative speech entitled, "We Ikenberry, Dr. MWF4, TThS3, & By App. W26 Legislators To Visit All Talk", to which he added, we all Kraus, Mr. MTWThFl. 2, 3, 4, MTThF6,7,8, Receives Scholarship talk but not very well. College In Future SI. 2. 3, 4 Library Mrs. Thelma C. Heatwole, a gradu- In opening Mr. Lahaie explained his Lahaie, Mr. T3, 4, 7, 8, W6. 7, Th3,4, F3,4.6,7 Jack 4 ate of Madison College and the direc- | Three groups of legislators are to position on campus and what his Latimer, Dr. MT3, & By App. M26 tor of the Virginia Junior Academy of visit the college in regard to the state work consists of, giving examples of Leigh, Mr. M4, WF2 W30 Science, has become a beneficiary of a appropriations. various speech deficiencies and their Lockard, Mrs. M2, F6 M18 scholarship financed by the FordFoun- While here, they are to find out how therapy. He also explained that these Mcllwraith, Mr. T4, W3 R10 dation. This scholarship, recognized the money is spent, conditions which people who have deficiencies as stut- Marshall, Mr. W3, 4 Recording Room as the National Fund for the Advance- are present, and the future needs of tering, cleft palate, cerelernal palsy, Martinez, Dr. TTh4, & By App. R15 ment of Education, seeks to provide the school. Campus tours, dinner in tongue tied, baby talk, and lisp, are Miller. Dr. TTh2 1)206 teachers with an opportunity to do Bluestone Dining hall, and meetings not rare and are not to be pitied but "Nance, Dr. T3,-6,7, ThS3, & By App. Rib something that otherwise they would are planned. need understanding and help. These Partlow, Mr. MT2, & By App. B310 not have the time nor the finances to Twenty two legislators and two people can't communicate well and are Patterson, Miss M3, Th2 M29 do. It aids them in broadening them- members of the budget office, and well aware of how they sound and Pittman, Dr. M4, TTh 2, 3, 4. F7, S3, 4 B5 selves personally and also in enrich- one state trooper are due Wednesday, look. "Too many of us have been Poindexter, Dr. M2, 6, 7, WF2, & By App. R2 ening their teaching foundation. October 7. While on Wednesday, inoculated with small doses of Christi- Richardson, Dr. T3, F4, & By App, W34 M^s. Heatwole, a former instructor October 21, twenty to forty people anity to keep us from catching the Rncker, Miss Tl, F6, & By App. L4 . of chemistry at Wilson Memorial High are expected. The final group has set real thing." Sanders, Mr. T3, F7 W26 in Staunton, is on an official leave of the temporary date of visitation of When a baby is born his first use Savage, Miss M2, Tl R7 absence from her teaching duties November 18. of the voice is in crying, later he Sawhill, Dr. MTWThF2, MWF4, & By App. R15 there. She says that the project on begins to say two or three-letter Schneider, Miss By App. H6 which she is working has a combina- Coming Attractions words and gradually begins to speak, Schubert, Dr. MF3, M4 W23 tion objective. The first of these en- but in a great many cases something Shaeffer, Miss M6 Music Room ables her to visit the key high schools The following movies-have been book- happens and can happen up until the Shawver, Dr. M3, Th4\ B105 in the U.S. and also the rural consoli- ed for showing at Madison College as eighth year. To give wou an idea of Shorts, Mr. M4, TTh 2, W7 W20 dated schools with enrollments of indicated: how frequently it does happen, out of Showalter, Dr. MW2 BIOS around 1300, in order to study their October: the 700 girls in the auditorium Wed- Sieg, Miss MTF1, W4 M29 teaching programs for science. The 3—"One Minute to Zero" nesday, 140 of their children will have Sinclair, Dr. MWF4, TTh2, & By App. R5 greatest emphasis is placed on the sec- 10—"The Blue Veil" defective speech. An individual's Smith, Dr. TWTh3, W4 R13 ond objective which features creative 17—"Androcles and the Lion" speech and hearing will depend very Turille, Dr. MTWF2, TTh3 W29 writing. Mrs. Heatwole will be en- 24—"The Lusty Men" much on how he succeeds'in life, so Ulrich, Miss MWF4, TTh 7 R7 abled to visit schools where she will 31—"Blackbeard the Pirate" be ready to recognize these deficien- Varner, Mrs. MWF2, 3, 4, M7, T2, 8, W6 & M7 be doing research on the historical cies and give them the help and un- By App. novel she is going to write. derstanding they need. Walker, Miss T6, F4, & By App. W39 Colonial Dames MWF3, 4, 7, 8, TTh2, 3, 4, 7, 8, B102 The novel will be based on the let- Warren, Dr. S2, 3, 4 ters of Susan Comstock Requa to her Sponsor Annual Library Increases With family in Connecticut during the pe- Watkins, Mr. By App. H13 M3, 4, 7, W2, 3, Th7 B104 riodNSf 1820-1836, when there were Essay Contest Many New Volumes Wells, Dr. Wilkins, Mrs. MWF1, 2, 3, 4, 7, Tl. 4, Thl, 4, 7 scarcely any white people in the Mid- For over fifty years the Society of Nearly a half-mile of cards have been SI, 2, 3, 4 Alumnae Hall West. Mrs. Requa was the wife of Colonial Dames in the State of Vir- added to the Library's card catalog Woelfel, Dr. M7, TTh2, & By App. RBI William Comb Requa who is the great ginia has offered a prize to the un- during the past year by Miss Eleanor grandfather of Mrs. Heatwole and was dergraduate men and women of the Matthews, assistant librarian, and a one of the first medical missionaries accredited colleges of Virginia for the group of student assistants. These 10,- across the Mississippi. An interest- most thoughful and scholarly essay 466 cards, 3 in. x 5 in. in size, are de- Sorry, Wrong Number Graduates ing note is tliaUhe was a friend of upon some person or phase of his- signed to guide library users to the There was an error in the telephone All students who expect to graduate Washington Ig^ng. tory during the Colonial period. The 4,000 new books added to the Library number for office of the Dean of Wo- in January or June are requested to Mr. and Mrs. Requa founded the amount this year' is 200. Rules are during the 1952/53 school year by men. When the college switchboard come to the Registrar's office before Hbpewell mission, the only successful as follows: pointing out the authors, titles, and is closed (at present 10:30 p.m. during Indian mission through 1840 at which (1) The essay should be between subjects of these books. The Library the week and 9:00 p.m. on Sunday), October 9 and fill in the application time all Other missions were abolished. (Continued on Page 4) Collection now contains 67,713 volumes. the number to call is 4-6757. blank for the degree or diploma. Two Madison College, Friday, October 2, 1953 Watch The Blackboard Flaming Flicks— S. Walker Visits June's Jargon.. Opening Friday of this weeic at the Famous TV Star And another week has flown by. Has anyone missed a meeting lately that they claim they did- State Theatre is the sensational "From n't know existed? Or perhaps an important announcement that by B. J. Butler Only seven weeks and four days until Hereto Eternity", the movie based on Thanksgiving vacation. Work hard, no one noticed? These are the things that are placed at your con- One of our seniors, Shirley Walker, James Jones' prize-winning novel by enter into the intramural sports pro- venience on the blackboard in Harrison Hall. But why bother had the wonderful experience of meet-- the same name. Filmed by Columbia gram, and the many, other extra- putting them up if they will remain unnoticed and then erased with ing and talking with Arthur Godfrey. Pictures in Hawaii under the direction curricular activities and the time will only the person who wrote them reading them? A friend of Shirley's, Sally Roszel, fly. The blackboard is used on many occasions; for instance—Qass of Fred Zinnemann, this forceful drama who is a horse trainer had been hired How about the upset last weekend? Days. If a president of a club wants to call a meeting and there is said to have been perfectly cast to train one of Mr. Godfrey's year- VPI sure did look good. Of course, isn't time to get in touch with each member, she feels that she Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr co- if you are a Virginia fan, the game can put it on the board and the students will see it, read it, and at- star with Montgomery Clift, Donna lings. She asked Shirley if she would wasn't the best you'd ever seen. Be tend the meeting. But she gets to the meeting and nine times out of Reed, and Frank Sinatra in this story like to go along and Shirley naturally determined—there will be a bigger and ten, there is only a handful of people. The rest? Oh, they didn't of the lives and loves of a group of pre- said "yes.". better tomorrow 1 Got a letter from "Feet" Rhodes this know about it. So each day take out a little time and read what Pearl Harbor professional soldiers. They arrived at Mr. Godfrey's farm is so patiently written on the blackboard. Some day one of us at eight o'clock Saturday morning and week. "Feet" is in this man's Army "From Here to Eternity" portrays stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Miss- will inscribe a notice and we will want it to be given attention so went out to the stables where Sally a young soldier, Prew, who transfers ouri. Says to tell everyone "Hello" "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you"! to an infantry outfit in Honolulu. Be- trained the yearling. When Sally had and to write to him. To all interested, cause he had once blinded a GI in a finished, she and Shirley went riding his address is: Be Friendly For Popularity sparring match, Prew stubbornly re- over parts of the large farm. Pvt. Harold A. Rhodes US 52-346-853 fuses to be bullied into joining the Upon returning from the ride they Btry. C 62nd AFA Bn. Division Arty. With school in swing, are you set to go into action, to get company boxing team. Admiring his went up to the house where Shirley 6th Armrd. Division into a chosen crowd, a certain club, or a group that's right for you ? courage, the company's top sergeant. Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. If so, it's a help to know that most feel the same and will be Warden, befriends Prew. Another was introduced to Mrs. Godfrey and Have you seen the map ia Mr. De- glad to go along with you. Chances are 9 to 1 you will be "accept- sympathetic friend who plays a straight invited in for coffee. Mr. Godfrey was Long's office? It shows where the dramatic role is none other than Frank ed" if you try to be friendly. sitting at the head of the table drink- new students are from. One observa- Sinatra, as Pvt. Angelo Maggie. Studies show that in early teens you are apt to want to be ing tea when they came in. Shirley tion indicates that the most students popular with many, a standout in quite a few groups. In later Romance plays a big part when Lan- was introduced to Mr. Godfrey and live along Route 11. Go in sometime caster becomes infatuated with irresis- teens you are more likely to be content with a select few in a and see it—it is most interesting! table Deborah Kerr, the wife of his they joined him at the table. The Best of luck to Barbara Greshamt smaller crowd- commanding officer.' Donna Reed also conversation revolved around horses "Bobbie" is to be married the tenth of How to make friends in established groups is a major fresh- plays a new part as the tarnished Lor- as Mr. Godfrey is very enthused over October. Lucky gal! man bother, according to senior-high findings of Fred Sampson, ene, who shelters Prew when he kills a them, particularly Arabians. Shirley Be on the look-out for a date the teacher and counselor in Los Angeles. sergeant in a bloody knife battle. said that he has a wonderful person- first weekend in November. This is Freshman worries reported by students for the survey went The sneak ality and is a very interesting conver- when the Student Government Asso- this way: ... . climaxes this magnificent new movie. sationalist as he is not only humor- ciation is sponsoring the Opening Nobody can press a button and jet-propel you to top popular- "From Here to Eternity" runs for a ous but also well informed. Dance. It will be the first formal ity. But counselors and well-liked students agree it is wise to week October 2nd through the 9th at Mr. Godfrey suggested a ride so dance of the yeaf so be thinking about make friends gradually. After you get to know one, two or three, the State, so be sure to see it for thrill- Shirley, Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey someone to ask up. Details wjll follow. it's easier to get along with the crowd. ing entertainment. and Mr. Conard, a trainer from Tomorrow night in Reed Gym, the Traits that rate with school friends according to New York City Don't miss Kathryn Grayson, in "So Chicago, went to the stables to get German Dance Club is sponsoring a studies, include: This is Love", showing at the Virginia horses. They rode over the 150 acre Cabaret Dance. There will be sixty U.Va. stags on hand so come one, 1. Friendliness. A big word that begins with little things like Theatre October 4-6. deer preserve, which Mr. Godfrey come all. loaning an eraser. "So This is Love" is the life story of keeps, but were disappointed at not seeing any deer. The ride lasted If anyone has any tidbits which can 2. Tolerance. You are ready to accept all types even if they the talented singing star Grace Moore, J about two hours. Mr. Godfrey talked be used in this column, send them to are not at all like you. who lost her life in a plane crash in about his farm and carried on a hu- Box 28. All donations will be appre- Europe several years ago. 3. Enthusiasm. You don't "clam up" at rah-rah time for foot- morous conversation. ciated. The story is taken from Miss ball rallies. On returning to the house, Shirley How about Shirley Walker visiting 4. Cheerfulness. You skip tales of woe. You don't take the Moore's autobiography, "You're Only and Sally were invited to stay but Arthur Godfrey this past weekend? Human Once" and tells how a young dim view. were unable to do so. They departed These Madison girls sure do get a- Tennessee girl rose from a small-town 5. Sense of humor. If you make a mistake, you give it the from the Godfrey farm after a very round! church choir to the highest rung of laughoff. interesting day. This about winds up the jargon for singers—the stage of the Metropolitan 6. Outward-looking attitude. You think more of others, less Shirley said that Mr. Godfrey looks this week. See ya' around the quad Opera House in New York. Kathryn of you. and talks just like he does on TV. Grayson is so perfect for the role be- Both he and Mrs. Godfrey are ex- For practice, apply these ideas from Dr. Reynold A. Jensen, cause her own life and ambitions have Ringed And Pinned University of Minnesota professor, an authority in youth guidance. tremely friendly having no airs about followed much of the same path. - When summer vacation ends and Dr. Jensen says: them and their two children, Mike, There will be a wide range of tunes 13 and Patty, 11, look just like poppa. we return to school we always find "First assume that every one likes people and wants to be to please almost any music lover, "So that quite a few of our college friends liked. It is basic human nature to feel happier, more contented if This is Love", "Smiles", "I Wish I have become ringed, pinned or mar- accepted. Operate on the basis that all will want to be friendly Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate", Modern Love Poem ried. with you if given a chance to be. "The Kiss Waltz", "Ciribiribin" and Wedding bells rang for Doris Burns by Ann Thayer "In a strange situation assume that others might be a bit shy, many others. and Grey Castle, and You're the cream in my coffee, too. Ease the unfamiliar with a smile, a compliment, a pleasantry. John Allison, Evelyn Erdman and In the supporting cast are Merv You're the dream ready-made, Arturo Bassols, Jennie Forbes and If anything embarrassing pops up, treat lightly before it can turn Griffen, Douglas Dick, Walter Abel, You're the three cans of water into a crisis." . „ Thomas Mace, Martha Sweitzer and Joan Weldon, and Rosemary De Camp. In concentrate lemonade. Permit others to be themselves as you want to be. Don't in- Ernest Williams and Shirley Craw- ford and John Kelly. sist that they think, talk or do like you. If there is a misunder- You're my Micronite filter, Turntable Tips Those receiving rings were: Carolyn standing, bring on the patience. You're the specs for 3-D. Allen from Howard Cook; Lois Baker If disturbed by the thought you have no friends, waste no by Robert Patrick You're the milk in my Frostee, from Billy Biggs; Janice Baylor from time on the sorry-for-me routine. Ask yourself: "Why should peo- Julius LaRosa; "Eh, Cumpari" (8) You're the "Bon" in "C'est Si." and "Till They've All Gone Home" Rudy Morriss; Anne Bird received a ple like me? What is there about me that might appeal and make miniature from Garry West; Ruth (6); Cadence: Already a big seller What you do to me, dear, them want to know me better? What do I want from them?" Caulsen from James Cockerille; Patti in the Midwest, "Eh, Cumpari" is a Is one thing Duz never did. This might help you to face up to the fact that you are seeking Coon from Wayne Powell; Barbara worthy (if somewhat belated) follow- You're the most, and what's more, personal gain. To do that can spoil the finest of friendships and Douglas from Robert Carr; "Pete" destroy team spirit in any group. up to LaRosa's first hit, "Anywhere You're a crazy, ready-mixed kid! I Wander." The sprightly Italian Evans from Buddy Nelson; Laura Give yourself time to get into groups with whom you can share round is a happy combination of Garrett from Sgt. Dennis Pugh; Eula lasting interests. If efforts to be accepted by a certain crowd fail, words and noises, with a lasagna Library Adds Many Goad from \ Arthur Ruffner, Jr.; Mildred Gunn from Dick Boyer; Viv- figure that 1S not the one for you. Until you find your right group touch. The overleaf is a neat dis- New Periodicals go on being pleasant, agreeable whenever you see the daily op- play of Julie's versatility. Should hit ian Henderson from Garland Williams; portumty. Be so friendly to many that you '11 never feel lonely national best-seller lists before long. Many interesting periodicals have Joan Hoffman from Julian Johnson; Hoagy Carmichael; "When Love been added to the library this year. Estene Jones from Bill Patterson; Goes Wrong" (4) and "Love Will One, "Listenibles and Lookables", Mildred Lewis from Marion Rainey; Soon Be Here" (3)i Capitol: Some is a six page weekly magazine which Marie Manhos from George Proferus; THE BREEZE fairly good material here, but unfort- lists the best radio and TV programs. Barbara Martin from William Hall; unately, Hoagy does not do much for "The Dance Magazine" and "The Shirley Mullen from James McKim- Founded 1922 it. His voice lacks both tonality and Dance Observer" are magazines which mey; Elaine Reynolds from William Morris; Elizabeth Short from Sidney Published Weekly by the Student Body of Madison College conviction. "Wrong" is a ballad that will be a benefit to all those interested -' ' Harrisonburg, Virginia you'll swear you've heard someplace in this phase of the arts. Hansbrough; Bruce Staples from Bob- before, while "Soon" has a march- "Institutions", a magazine published by Crantz; Carole Witt from Lt. B. Member of: D. Turner. National Advertising Service, Inc. ing-band beat that seems to be going mainly for those running cafeterias, Intercollegiate Press nowhere fast. The disc just does- hospitals, and schools, is subscribed for Those who became pinned are: Associated Collegiate Press n't measure up to Carmichael's usual Institutional Management students. It Frances Alls to Reid Sinclair, Sarah Virginia Intercollegiate Press standards. i Ss very modern as illustrated by the Cousins to Gordon Tiller, Charlotte Editor-InCWef Business Manager Betty Clponey; "How Many Sweet-j August issue giving a whole section of Firebaugh to Giles Quarles, Jane June P. Tunison Billie V. Tyler Longanecker to Philip Kautt, Louise Faculty Advisor hearts Have I?" (6) and "My Love 3D pictures. Poloroid glasses which Dr. Glenn Curtiss Smith is a Wanderer" (6); Coral: Excepr give the illusion of depth are sent with Moore to Wendell Holmes, Barbara for the name on the label, you'd never it, so you can see the kitchen and the Styron to Thomas Parker, Sandra EDITORIAL BOARD know that this isn't Rosemary but Williams to Philip Hubert. Associate Editor dining room just as in the real life. -Eleanor Dillon her kid sister, Betty. In spite of the Mrs. Kraus said that there are many News Editor — Betty Smith Feature Editor _ distracting resemblance, the younger other magazines, mostly technical, Tryouts for the Modern Dance Headline Editor _— B. J. Butler Copy Editor Anne Bowman Clooney turns in a smooth perform- which have been added to the library. Club will be Thursday night at Make-up Editor Mary Mercedes Stewart ance on two tunes that at best are All students are invited to come and 7:15 p.m. in Ashby gymnasium. Sports Editor ! Jean Anthony -■ Janet Bolen only mediocre. see these new magazines.

\ Madison College, Friday, October 2, 1953 Page Three Valley Club Triumphs Lutherans Replace MC Graduate Joins Home Ex. Executive Board Holds Meet Over Madison Team Two Cabinet Members Faculty At USC The fall meeting of the Executive also called the District Chairmen of At its monthly business meeting on Board of the Virginia Home Econom- the Eastern, East Central, Western, In the first hockey game, Madison's Miss Martha Boaz, first assistant September 23, the Lutheran Student ics Association will be held in Rich- West Central and Northern Districts extramural team met the Shenandoah in the circulation department of the Association filled two vacancies in its mond, Virginia on October 3, at the to attend this meeting. The meeting Valley Club at 2:00 P. M. Saturday. Pasadena public library, will join the cabinet by electing Adrienne Anderson, Richmond Hotel. Mrs. Bernice R. will follow a luncheon in the Hotel Shenandoah's Helen Wine was in the faculty of the School of Library treasurer, and Helen Boyd, reporter. Varner, President of the VHEA has dining room, at noon. clear and scored the first goal of the Science at the University of Southern This organization was invited by the game. Madison's counterattack brought California in September as a visiting Luther League of the local church to the ball to the striking circle, where assistant professor, it was announced attend a hayride Friday night, Sep- Mary Lou Carroll's drive for goal today. RADIO tember 25. The crowd that turned brought the ball within the cage mak- Miss Boaz is a graduate of the Uni- out, rode through the Harrisonburg REPAIRING ing the score 1-1. versity of Michigan and Madison Col- countryside and tried to out sing each The second half Shenandoah scored lege, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and other. After the ride the group return- the first goal. Eleanor Laing followed taught at both schools. She also has ed to the church where they were Chew Brothers the bully with the tieing goal. a degree from George Peabody Col- treated to refreshments prepared by In the last seconds of the game, lege for Teachers in Nashville, and 242 E. Water Street Wine, of Shenandoah scored the win- the women of the church. has been on the faculties of the Uni- HARRISONBURG, VA. ning goal. versity of Tennessee, San Jose State Madison's line-up—D. Sheffield, left Free Passes to the College, and West Virginia Institute TELEPHONE 4-3631 wing; M. Carroll, left inner; E. Laing, of Technology. center forward; J. Wine, right inner; State Theater Free passes to the State Theater. At SC, Miss Boaz will teach courses B. Harrelson, right wing; J. Guyton, in book selection and reference. left halfback; J. Longanecker, center Shirley Walker Wayne Garber Attention Madison College GirIs halfback; Gil Hinman, left fullback; Pete Corbin M. Hollomon, right fullback; M. Ash- Feel at home at the ARCADE FOUNTAIN Eddie Frady ton, goalie; S. Bowdle, left wing; J. and RESTAURANT, under the Virginia Rhea Greene Send the Breeze Home Kaiser, right halfback. Seymorah Bolton Theater, fust Good Food. pftHM4>MMI,l*lllimMMIIIIimMIIH,IIHHHimi,MIIMM>IIMIIMI^ GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Betty Carroll Sec the FOSTORIA Glass— Virginia Evans Something Nrwl SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Mildred Gunn Make the QUALITY SHOP NICHOLAS BOOK STORE Jo Guyton 102 E. Market St Your One Block from Main Street HiitiiMiiMiiiiiniiiitnlMilPirimnin IMMI inline Fashion Headquarters AlltHimillllHHHIHMIIIIIIIIH II ■■■■■■■■ III Mill Minimum III 1114^ SUGARED • ICED DONUTS ... doz. 35c CUP CAKES 3 for 10c The One Stop Shop THE 'HONEY DIPT CINNAMON DONUTS ... 3 for 10c BUNS doz. 30c For 115 East Market Street QUALITY SHOP ICED CHOC. Your Musical Needs —PHONES— COOKIES. ... doz. 25c-30c BROWNIES _ doz. 50c Day 4-4487 — Night 4-7252 39 East Market Street — VIS IT — Harrisonburg, Virginia MICK-or-MACK LOEKNER'S MUSIC SHOP 17 E. Market St It's easy as P»«' You can cash in • lIHIIMMIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHMimillMIIIIHHIHIIinilllll/ No entry Wanks. again and again! No box tops* C'mon, let's go!



Easiest $25 you ever made. Sit right down and write a 4-line jingle based on the fact that Luckies taste better. With people in*h* That's all there is to it. More awards than ever before! ■»sE»ssssaThat wm Read the jingles on this page. Write original ones just like them—or better! Write as many as you want. There's no limit to the number of awards you can receive. If we pick one of your jingles, well pay you $25 for the right to use it, together with your name, in Lucky Strike advertising. Remember: Read all the rules and tips carefully. To be on the safe side, dip them out and keep them handy. Act now. Get started today.

CUP OUT THIS INFORMATION ♦TIPS L Write your Lucky Strike jingle on a plain piece To earn an award you are not limited to of paper or post card and send it to Happy -Go-Lucky, "Luckies taste better." Use any other sales P. O. Box 67, New York 46, N.Y. Be ture that your points on Lucky Strike, such as the fol- name, address, college and class are included—and lowing: that they are legible. LS./M.F.T. 15* ^^ 25« X. Base your jingle on any qualities of Luckies. Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco "Luckies taste better," is only one. (See "Tips.") Luckies taste cleaner, fresher, smoother SHEAFFEIC5 3. Every student of any college, university or post- So round, so firm, so fully packed graduate school may submit jingles. So free and easy on the draw ShnjdLtvi LEADS Be Happy—Go Lucky Smoothest, strongest, blackest 4. You may submit as many jingles as you like. Remember, you are eligible to receive more than Buy Luckies by the carton model Size* to fit any mechan- one $25 award. Luckies give you deep-down smoking kol pencil. enjoyment PRICKETT'S COP*., THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY i; Page Four Madison College, Friday, October 2, 1953 . ESSAYS Free Passes to the Wanted (Continued from Page 1) K Sport Specs .... Two barrels desperately needed due '2500 and 4000 words. Virginia Theater by 'Jan' Bolen Free passes to the Virginia Theater to Dodgers failure in World Series. (2) Regulation size paper (8V4" x Jean White Anyone knowing the whereabouts of 11") with writing on one side only That was quite a Mercury Club meeting Tuesday night. After Rebecca Wilkes said barrels contact cither Mr. John must be used. The manuscript must a short business meeting the club adjourned to more exciting ac- Helen Webber Mcllwraith or Pete Corbin in History by typed and fastened in a folder. Marie Manos Department. tivities. The physicial education staff joined the club in games and (3) Give all quotations and refer- Barbara Spurlock in eating — most important the eating! Cokes and doughnuts were ences in footnotes. Betty Lou Schools (4) A list of books from which ma- t the fare of the evening. Dr. Sinclair proved quite a team mem- Jean Ann Platt Stanley terial was obtained must be appended. ber when required to swallow a cracker and then whistle. Needless Jean Russell W.m.r' (5) The winning paper becomes the VIRGINIA 1 Pat Hall to say, her team won and Dr. Sinclair's whistle was the loudest. property of the Colonial Dames. Approximate Show Times Louise Moore Sundays at 1:30-3:45-8:00-9:40 There are quite a few sports now in progress for all you enthu- (6) Style, originality of thought, Weekdays at 1:30-3:3O-7:O0-9:OO siasts. Archery instruction will start soon for the freshmen and accuracy, neatness and punctuation Saturday Continuous from Noon there is a tennis program being carried on in co-operation with the will be coonsidered in making the SUN. - - MON. TUE. award. Doc's Grill intramural tennis program. Connie Rawls and Gil Hinman will *1L (7) The paper must bt in the hands OPPOSITE THE COLLEGE supervise a tournament for the more experienced players while Ann of the Committee by April IS, 1954, Harris will lead the regular intramural tennis. Hockey, too, will and should be sent to Miss Lucy N. MEALS — SANDWICHES golfeK soon start for the dorm teams. Don't forget to appear on the field Taliaferro, Monroe Terrace, Rich- SOFT DRINKS—ICE CREAM—, mond 20, Virginia. if you sign up. CANDY This year's first Porpoise Club tryouts were held last Wed- "Come In and Loaf nesday night with six girls trying out. The last tryouts of the Jewelers itS**' semester will be this coming Wednesday night from eight to ten With Us Any Time" o'clock. If you missed last week, here's your second chance to try out and participate in the water show. John W. Taliaferro Too bad about losing the hockey game girls. That was really close, but time ran out on you. Here's crossing our fingers that Sons Saturday's games with Longwood will find the Madison extramural 54 South Main Street STARTS FM. OCT. 2 hockey team victorious. Both the first and second teams will play CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE FOR 1 GLORIOUS WEEK 4 and the games will be followed by a tea for the members of the OF ALL ACTIVE STERLING FROM \ No Advance In Price? ■ . nnnTiLii home and visiting teams. These girls are representing Madison PATTERNS for you so let's everyone come out and really pull for them to win. BROS.

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College Stationery against fire and theft MACNIFTCOrriT CtRV GRIFRNJOAN WLIOQH-WAIUR ABtl Madison Seal Costume CREATED Daily pick-up and delivery service to all dormitories. OUT OF THE WED. — THU. — FRI. Jewelry and ELEMENTS OF LIFE i ACdMk : Sweatshirts • fiMst.furuueit ' Hayden's Dry Qeaning, Inc. ITSELFI • •aurlttrunen.t • 165 NORTH MAIN ST.—DIAL 4-3867 ETERNITY OR SUSAN-JANE Smith's Scientific Cleaner's, Inc. ; SIMMONS I miring 16 NEWMAN AVE.—DIAL 4-7367 ^J°- Flowers We give S and H Green Stamps \ WRIGHT by NANCY BYERS Mill HIHIII.IM,Nil IHIIKIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII Corsages — Arrangements Delivered 739^ S. Maaon St IT'S TERRIFIC! at College Gate Records PHONE 4-6773 A EP—69c UP —99c Fashion-right for fall We Give S&H Green Stamps .by \vviC SCHOOL SUPPLIES BE THRIFTY—

■ RELIGIOUS BOOKS SAVE THE EASY WAY WHITESEL MUSIC . [VALLEY BOOKS Your Friendly Musical Merchant Harrisonburg's Religious 149 S. Main St. Book Store Harrisonburg, Va.

82 South Main Street HARRISONBURG, VA. Eaton's CRYSTAL SHEER letter paper in sPecial Double Quantity boxes $1.59 ($2.00 value)

No need to run short of letter paper while writing family, friends, of college doingsl

Stock up now on pearly-tinted, lightweight Eaton's CRYSTAL SHEER, perfect for long let- ters and airmail. This special offer gives you double the reg- Corduroy styled ular-box quantities of matching simply but smartly sheets and envelopes — at a saving of 41c! by JONATHAN LOGAN has two huge pockets W.THA POLAROID WHITE BLUE PINK GREEN YELLOW conveniently placed Jand CAMERA 96 club-size single sheets on skirt. Tulip shaped Yon in»p the ihutter — then lift oat 48 white tissue-lined envelopes your finished, permanent picture » collar frames your face, minute later. Yee, it'a ei simple as that to use the amazing new Polaroid Matching sheets and envelopes with 3/4 length Camera. No liquids, no dark room... always separately available in BO fuss... the film makes the picture sleeves to be pushed automatically aa you advance It for Eaton's Open Stock. the next shot. See it in action at —• up at will. Perfect for wear on any fashion LIPPOLD:_ scene this fall. Sizes 7 to 15 $14.95 CAMERA SHOP f6^£, 90 E. Market Street HARRISONBURG. IA, JIMME'S DRESS SHOP 66 E. Market Street