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[email protected],D02;FEfG&) *-,/. r J( s§\£ W ¦ )4,/6 @UG?;=Q 8&) ¦©w ,/6&Hltvu WT ¡5x y/zf{/| )+QB) ¦¡ ¦¤¦ {/|U|7{ Computer Architecture: from the orthogonal valuation of names up to structuring the N-stream Jean-Louis Lafitte Universite´ de Genev` e 29 novembre, 2002 ¡ lafi
[email protected] 1 2 Remercˆıments It is with quite a genuine gratitude that the author wants to thank people that brought ideas, encour- agements or managerial support for this thesis to be achieved. As the covered subject has started some 26 years ago, (actually sometime in 1976) ... there has been a lot of people that through reflexions comments and criticisms has largely contributed (sometime without knowing it) to this document, hence the real danger of forgetting some of them: High level thinkers of whom I have greatly benefited: Michael Flynn (designer of the IBM 91, whose opinion on the taxonomic part of this study has been a great encouragement), Rip Parmelee a great pointure originally from the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center.