^ I ilfpj'l # THREE ESTABLISHED JUNE 2% 1862—VOL. 20. PORTLAND, MONDAY tNING. JUNE 11, 1883, CENTS. _ SmiAMSi_PRICE CHILDREN'S DAY. RAILWAY NOTES. Church. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ‘•HOME, SWEET HOME.” FOREIGN. The First Parish M1SCKLLANK0TT; It is understood that at the apeclal Pariah Published every day (Sundays eiecpted) by the BY m.lBKAPH, meeting, to he hold June 18th, the parish wll PORTLAND of How the CbuAjUes Observed It Yester- The Rome Watertown and Ogdensburg PUBLISHING CO., Final Interment of tlie Remains vote on the whether to call a colleague METEOROLOGICAL. Road. question At 87 Exchange Execution of the Last of the Phoe- day. Doctor 8t., Portland, Mr. INVESTMENTS. John Howard m for Dr. Hill. We understand that the INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR Payne. nix Park Murderers. considers the proposition favorably. THE MAINEljTATE PRESS' HOURS. Iu tegard to the report that the Koine, » observance Rev. Dr. Stebbins will be welcomed published Thcksday Morning at a War Dkp’t Office Chief SioNai. Children's Day received proper gladly eveiy (2.50 j The Exercise* lu on Satur- Watertown aud Ogdensburg Company was year, if paid In advance at (2.00 a year. & D. 0. Washington in two of the Methodist churches to Portland by bis old purlshionera. He will BASSET, WHITLEY CO., Officer, Washington, I yesterday Portland and June A. M. seeking to gain control of tbe He will 11,1 day. House of and at the State street, Congregational^. preach at the First cbnrch Juce 24th. Address all communications to Heated Debate in the Ogdensburg Kailroad, so aa to have a through For New England, two or three In tha the PORTLAND PUUU3HU.U (X). BANKERS, CONUJtKSS hTKEKT. line pass da>s city guest oloudiucss with winds shift- Commons. from Buffalo to Portland, one of the new Increasing rain, the there were the usual devo- Mark P. Washington une 9.—The remains of John In morning Emery, Esq. 71 Devonshire Street, Boston. ing to Bouth and west, lower barometer, sta- ,»l director) said to a Boston Journal correspond- Howard wero today interred i.i Oak tional services and a sermon by Brother SPECIAL NOTICES. tionary or lower temperature. Payne Cbafl, ent that nothing of this kind lias been dis- CouimihNiouM rxnulvd iu llosiou, Nt u Hill cemetery, in the beautiful SPECIAL BULLETIN. spot provided H. Jones of the Society of Friends. The text York aud Dhilaitelphia market*. by Mr. W. W. Corcoran hie friend, now cussed by them. The directors will do noth- FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL early was I*ariicular attcimou A of lias moved An Vessel the taken from Homans vl, 11*12. given to order* by disturbance slight energy uue of Washington’s oldest and most munifi- English Flying ing hastily; they will make no new combina- mail or Cure Your Corns telegraph. uortheastwiud from Missouri and is uow cen- cent citizens. The pngeutry of the fuueral pre- T!»o afternoon was devoted to the Childien’s luforuintiou furuinhed ou all Fenian Flag tions; they will pay no premature dividends. BY USIJiU freely tral near lake Erie. Rain has pievuiled In all cession aud ceremonies of the occasion partook exercises of I'oiiiautl l>nily Wbolcuale Ifarbrt. Mtock* and bond*. cqusiitlug responsive readings, have voted to a of tbe road in districts. The rain fall beiug very heavy in of the character of a national tribute to the me- They relay part Jane 9. SCHLOTTERBECK'S Cn*h order* however ManII, w ill receive prayer, music, the offertory and exercises Puutland, and westward to Missouri amt south- of one who holds a in i he by steel and to additloua! which ourpmonnl care. Virginia mory lasting place buy equipment, Fiour is linn at quotations, but trad* is very quiet* westward over the East Gulf States. Southerly hearts and homes of tho American the infant class. The platform was extended Oovrmim-ut and other boud* (suitable for people. is greatly needed. As to other matters they Grain is without feature with only a fair business Wart & Bunion Solvent. truHt fuud* Hupplied at market rate* winds have prevailed In the Southern, .Middle Yesterday afternoon the remains wefe taken who wan to the altar rail and a flora I and Corn, Dublin, Janet*.—Timothy Kelly, magnificent will wait outil havo made a ex- done. Sugars are reported and in de- not a Three eent. interest allowed ou e and New States wttti warm they thorough steady good Entirely harmless; is caostle. per England very from the receiving vault at Oak Hill cemetery, convicted of participation iu Ihe Phusnlx Park arch surmounted the removes Bunions to cheek ou deut. ud. evergreen by legend mand at 9V4c for granulated and 8%o tor Extra C. It Corns, Warts, and Callous poxii* Miibject weather on the Atlantic coast during the day. where they wero deposited upon their arrival murder*, was liaugud iu Kilmainliam jail at 0 amination of the property: The company has without leaving a blemish. Dividend*. coupou* aud coiumerciul pa “Children's in dark green on a white and Lemons are scarce and The temperature has fallen slightly in Mis- here ou the 24th of Maroh lust, and wore plac- o'clock tliia imirmug. lie was lh« tilth man Day" the to the aud that Oranges quotations Brush for applying in each bottle. per collected. right bridge Niagara, by souri valley. ed in the Corcoran art gallery, where, at 4 executed for those murder*, aud wan the lust ground was erected above it while connecting or a across tire St. Lawrence connec- show a decided advance. Potatoes are dull and CURE IS a UAEANTEKti. UTlil.IAM BASNET, by bridge ty-.I o’clock this afternoon formed. a Of the lute tirm of Brew-nter, Bn»*rl A Co. the procession one convicted thereof. There was large aud draping, the organ and pillars on either tion may be made with the Grand Trunk lower. At Boston, owing to heavy receipts and*a Piirr -5 rente. For enlr by nil The remains were handsome cas- Draggiala. uuimtus UIIITNEI, enclosed in a orowd of people outside the prison, hut there Kailway. They have received a number of demand the market for is side, were festoons of evergreen and red, white light potatoes “stuck" Try it and you will bo convinced like thousands Formerly of Stowe. Bill* A Whitnn MAINE. ket upholstered aud with an outer coveriug of wan no disturbance. It is believed that but have not considered Kelly propositions yet any ami of stock from the are who have used it and now to its JOHN 11. IVIIITKEY, and blue. Between the and prices Provinces off. testify value. heavy white satin. They were borue from the died without making any statement. platform pews of them. Tbe road will be an independent Ask for strhlotterbrrk'a t orn uud VCnrt Member of the Nioi lt Kschnnge. lu building shortly after 4 o’clock aud placed Mr. Varlun, a member of the Prisoner’s Aid was it perfect garden of noddiug ferns and Oue for the present. Nolvent nnd tukr ether, mar2G eodiiiu Foreign THE CASE. the hearse. This had been specially built (or called upon Karl Spencer, tlie Lord A to tbe Boston from Imports. dot23 sadtt BARRON Society, bright blooming flowers springing from a bed special Sunday Hi.raid, tlio occasion and was drawn by four horses. Lieutenant, late last oveulug and gave him Buffalo, rather gives color to the statement COWBAY.CB. 8chr Geo V Jordan-1074 tons of Loughs. Stands with coal to G T Railroad. The order of procession was as follows: his personal assurance that at 8 o’clock on thu fragrant elegaLt that tbe offer for the Ogdensburg comes from spEC|AL Brevet (leueral It. B. A. the Pluenix Park murders were commit- vases of flowers and beautiful house oc- the Grand Trunk aud Delaware and Lacka- Foreign Kiporta. AT Arguments for the Defence. .Major Ayres, L', .S, night plants Aids—Lleuts. Zebree .Smith and ted was at a of the POINT a PITRE. Nellie Ware-91 drums tloorgo Mitchell, Kelly present meeting every available space upon the wanna, for the latter road has just secured at Brig Lotus Niles (2d U. H. A. cupied plat- 3 do 30 drums Artillery) Society. Tills morning Variau stood iu front of enormous expense dock property at Buffalo hake, codflsb, qtr pollock, 162,796 Aids—Messrs, llarrlsuu H. Roliotl S. Chew. form. The exercises were at. ft lumber. FOSTER’S Badge, tbe jail aud stated that lie expected every 'mo- evening very giving the a commanding position iu pine Great Bargains to those inWant DnxTf.it, June 0.—In the liamm case to-day Band. company M aTaNZAS. Herr Fred Jackson—2057 sugar ment to hear that hud beeu reprieved. tractive and were as follows: as as National Col. Burnside. Kelly lake, canal and railway shipping well di- bhd shook* and 1042 rum 51 rum earn. for the defence wore heard. t> Hides, The that crowd beads, do, Carpet I shall sell at reduced for arguments By Union Veteran Corns, Cant. authorities, expecting agreat rect access to the elevators. greatly prices Thompson Organ voluntary. FOREST CITY DYE HOUSE o’clock a uudieuce filled Town would collect at the jail during tlie execu- the uext 1 Days my entire stock large nearly Light Battery (2d Artillery I.) Capt. Rodgers. Prayer..,.... Pastor Maine Central. Block Tlarkt-i. AND hirty Bund. tion, adopted as extensive for a of Fine aud Artists’ Hall. Mr. Stewart began the argument for precautions Response..Choir The in the time of tbe 'Hie quotations of stocks are reported Engravings Photos, lit Cohneore.
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