Teacher's Bible, a Large Edition of Each Size Has Been Prepared

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Teacher's Bible, a Large Edition of Each Size Has Been Prepared ~ht Qthntthman J\.bbttti.att. MAY, 1898. IMPORTANT• ..... In view of the increasing demand for the New Illustrated Queen's Printers' Teacher's Bible, a large edition of each size has been prepared. EY"RE & SPOTTIS"'W"OODE"S NEW ILLUSTRATED TEACHER'S BIBLE, WITH REVISED AIDS TO BIBLE STUDENTS, Autotypes of Antiquities and Views of Biblical Sites and Cities, and over 170 lLLUBTBATION8, Printed upon Eyre and Spottiswoode's special fine-art process paper. Edit:or-Rev. c . ..J. BALL, M.A., Chaplain to the Honourable Society of Linroln'• Inn, M•mber of the Council of the Society of Biblical Archa!ology, etc. SOME OF THE PLATES WHICH HAVE BEEN PRODUCED BY PATENT PROCESS IN OUR "WOODBURY" WORKS. Stone Doorway, with Hlttlte Inscription. Cameo Portrait of Nebuchadnezzar II. Hlttlte Inscriptions. Clay Cylinder of Nabonldus, King of Babylou, Fragment of Bas-relief from Gerabls, the Ancient mentioning his son Belshazzar. Carohemlsch. Portrait Sculpture of Cyrus. Babylonlan Boundary Stones. Trilingual Cylinder-Seal of Darius. Asaur-ll&Sir-pal II. Besieging a City. Monumental Names of Babylonlan, Assyrlan, and Jerusalem from the North-east. Persian Kings mentioned In Old Testament. Jerusalem from the South. Bethlehem. Distant VIew of Damascus and Its Oasis. Nazareth, where our Lord was brought up. Mount Hermon. Mount Tabor. Cana of Galllee, the Hills of Galllee In the distance. Cedars In Lebanon. Roblnson's Aroh. Jacob's Well. Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II. Site of Capernaum. Scenes from the Black Obelisk. Tlberlus. Assault of a City by Tlglath-Pileser II. (III.) the Ploughin~ with a Yoke of Oxen. Pui of 2 Kings 15, 19. Women Grinding Corn. Broken Cylinder, with Inscription of Sargon. Banlas (Cmsarea Ph111ppl). Cylinder containing the Account of Senna.cherlb's Bethany. Pool of snoam. Invasion of Judah. Wall of Herod's Temple. The storming of La.ohlsh. "Dlana of the Ephealans." Cylinder with Inscription of Nebucha.dnezzar II. One of the Bas-reliefs of the Aroh of Tltus. the Great. Oolns of the New Teatament Period. The Illustrations selected and described by the Editor, assisted by F. G. KENYON, M.A., of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, with Concordance, Subject-Index, Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, and Indexed Bible Atlas. Prices from lils. 6d. to .£2 lils. A Pro•pectuo, with Specimen Plate• of the New lllUBtrated Teache•·'• Bible, and Lilt of EYRE&: SPOTTISWOODE'S SPECIAL PUBLICA.TIONS, including the well-known" VARIORUll TEACHER'S BIBLE," may bt had gratis and polt free. Separate Issue. Large Type. Price &a. Bourgeois Svo., uniform with the VARIORUM BIBLE and APOCRYPHA. NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITIOY OF THE V .ARIORUIUI .AIDS TO BIBLE STUDENTS (Including Coloured Frontispiece of "A B.OY AL HITTITE "). EYRE AND SPOTTIS'W'OODE, '()er ~ajest)2's ~rtnters, 1.«>ND91!(,: GR]jl.l\.'f N~\YSTREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. EDINBURGH, GLASGOW, MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, AND COOPER UNION, NBW YoRK, 2 THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. HODDER & STOUGHTON'S SPRING LIST. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 5s. COLOSSIAN STUDIES. Lessons in Faith and Holiness from St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon. By the Rev. HANDLEY C. G. MoULE, D.D., Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge. BY THE S.A.::M:E .A.UTHOE­ New Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 5s. PHILIPPIAN STUDIES. Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. 8vo., cloth, price 1Os. 6d. THE PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF SERMONS. By JOHN A. BROADUB, D.D., LL.D. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 9s. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By J. H. W. STUOKENBERG, D. D., Member of the Philosophical Society of Berlin, and Author of " Introduction to the Study of Philosophy." Fcap. 8vo., cloth, price 2s. 6d. COMPANIONS OF THE SORROWFUL WAY. By the Rev. JOHN WATBON, D.D. (Ian Maclaren). Crown 8vo., cloth, price 5s. DR. WILLIAM MOON AND HIS WORK FOR THE BLIND. By the Rev. JoHN RUTHERFORD, M.A. With Portraits and lllustrations. THE JErposttorts llireeh \.testament. EDITED BY THE REV. W. ROBERTSON NICOLL, M.A., LL.D., Editor of the Expositor, 11 Expositor's Bible," etc. The FIRST VOLUME, of 880 pages, handsomely bound in buckram cloth, consists of The GOSPELS of ST. MATTHEW, ST. MARK, and ST. LUKE, by the Rev. Professor A. B. BRUCE, D.D.; and The GOSPEL of ST. JOHN, by the Rev. Professor MARCUS DODS, D.D. • The -price of each volume is 28s., but for those who subscribe in advance the price for Two VoLUMES is 30s. 11 Dr. Bruce's commentary on the Synoptics is a notable piece of work. It is cheering and refreshing to find these books, with which our inner life is so closely bound up, treated frankly and honestly, as well as adequately for English readers, and withal in so believing and reverent a spirit that the treatment need not repel ~he most orthodox. .• All is set forth with great frankness and admirable common-sense, and often in racy language, not without an occasional Scottish flavour."-Athenreum. "The first thing that strikes one when he takes up the volume on the Gospels is the uncommon handsomeness of the book. It is a joy to handle it and look into its pages. It is the very book to lure a student into reading. The form is so superb, the paper so choice and so light, the margins so delightfully broad, the type so clear and so tasteful. The two scholars to whom this volume has been committed are the very men for the work. Each is a master of his subject, and each has gone into his task con amore . .. A work worthy of the most cordial appreciation." -Critical Review. LoNDON: HODDER & STOUGHTON, 27, PATERNOSTER Row, E.C. THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. 3 SEELEY &; CO.'S ANNOUNCEMENTS THE HOPE OF IMMORTALITY. An Essay incorporating the Hulsean Lec- tures, 1897-8. By the Rev. J. E. C. WELLDON, Head Master of HatTOw School. Crown 8vo., 6s. [In May. THE SACRIFICE OF- CHRIST: its Living Reality and Efficacy. By Rev. H. WACE, D.D. Fcp. 8vo., Is. [Shortly. OUR PRAYER BOOK: Short Chapters on the History and Contents of the Book of Common Prayer. By the Rev. H. C. G. MouLE, D.D. 16mo. Is. [Shorlly. THE CROSS AND THE SPIRIT. Studies in the Epistle to the Galatians. By the Rev. H. C. G. MouLE, D. D. Fcap. 8vo., Is. 6d. [Shortly. BAPTISM: WHAT SA.ITH THE SCRIPTUBE? By the Rev. DAVID H. , D. WILKINSON. With a Preface by the Rev. H. c. G. MoULE, D. D. Second Edition. Is. 6d. 'Evangelical clergy have here the very book for which many of them have long been waiting and Its wide distribution will be of inestimable value."-RecOTd. ' THE YOUNG 0 UEEN OF HEABTS: a Story of the PrinceBB Elizabeth and her brother Henry, 'Prince of Wales. By Mrs. MARSHALL. With a F:rontisplece. Crown Svo., Ss. 6d. [In May. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. "Mrs. Marshall's imaginative pictures of the England of other days are in reality p1·ose poems."-LrTERATURE. IN THE CHOIB OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY. A St<;~ry of Henry Pur­ cell's Days. Hy EMMA M~oaSHALL. With Illustrations. os. CASTLE MEADOW: a Story of Norwich a Hundred Years Ago. By Mrs. MAR­ sHALL. 3s. 6d. THE WHITE KING'S DAUGHTEB: a Story of the Princess Elizabeth. Third Edition. 3s. 6j. AN ESCAPE FBOM THE TOWER: a Story of the Jacobite Rising of 1715. Second Edition. 3s. 6d. THE PORTFOLIO FOR APRIL. GBEEK BBONZES. Bv A. STUART MuRRAY, LL.D., Keeper of the Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum. With 4 Photogravures and numerous other Illustrations, net, Ss. 6d. SEELEY & CO., L:lMITED, 38, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY, W.C. BRITISH & FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. NINETY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY, 1898. ANNUAL MEETING~ EXETER HA.LL, STRA.ND, On WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, a:t 11 a..ITI·. The Right Hon. the E.ARL OF HARROWBY (President), IN THE CHAIR. THE FOLLOWING ARE EXPECTED TO SPEAK : The Right Hon. and Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF LONDON. The Rev. Principal FAIRBAIRN, D.D., Mansfield College, Oxfurd. The Rev. W. L. WATKINSON, P1·esident of the Wesleyan Corrference. The Hon. H. M. BIRDWOOD, C.S.I., late President of the Bombay Auxiliary. MR. IRA D. SANKEY WILL SING. THE DOORS WJI,L BE OPENED AT 10 O'CLOCK, A M. ORGAN RECITAL BEFORE TKE MEETING. Tickets may be obtained at the Bible House, 146, 'Queen Victoria Street, London, E.O. A SERMON. will be preached on Tuesday, May 3, in ST. PAUL's CATHEDRAL, at 4 p.m., by the RIG~T REV. B!SHOP INGHAM, D.D. 4 THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. To the Clergy and Friends of Pure Literature. PARISH GIFTS FOR THE SEASONS EASTER AND WHITSUNTIDE. SPECIAL BOOKS for PARISH CIRCULATION ·AT SPECIAL PRICES. Home Wor<is Office has now for many years been a SELF-SUSTAINING SociETY for the circulation of high. ~r:Ho:!.~:,ature. Our Magazines and Books and our National Weekly Journal, The News, reach millions But the need for increasing the effort to arrest the corrupt and corrupting ftood of Irreligious, Immoral, and especially decently immoral publications, presses on every thoughtful mind. If we were told that poison for the body was being sold to millions of purchasers in our shops, we should all be startled to immediate action; yet mental poison is surely even a greater evil. In a recent letter to the York8hi?'e Po.•t, the late Bishop of Wakefield wrote: "Allow me to thank you for your outspoken and admirable leader in your issue of to-day upon the foulness of some of the popular literature of the day.
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    GHT tie 17, United States Code) r reproductions of copyrighted Ttain conditions. In addition, the works by means of various ents, and proclamations. iw, libraries and archives are reproduction. One of these 3r reproduction is not to be "used :holarship, or research." If a user opy or reproduction for purposes able for copyright infringement. to accept a copying order if, in its involve violation of copyright law. CTbc Minivers U^ of Cbicatjo Hibrcmes LIGHTFOOT OF DURHAM LONDON Cambridge University Press FETTER LANE NEW YORK TORONTO BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS Macmillan TOKYO Maruzen Company Ltd All rights reserved Phot. Russell BISHOP LIGHTFOOT IN 1879 LIGHTFOOT OF DURHAM Memories and Appreciations Collected and Edited by GEORGE R. D.D. EDEN,M Fellow Pembroke Honorary of College, Cambridge formerly Bishop of Wakefield and F. C. MACDONALD, M.A., O.B.E. Honorary Canon of Durham Cathedral Rector of Ptirleigb CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1933 First edition, September 1932 Reprinted December 1932 February PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN 1037999 IN PIAM MEMORIAM PATRIS IN DEO HONORATISSIMI AMANTISSIMI DESIDERATISSIMI SCHEDULAS HAS QUALESCUNQUE ANNOS POST QUADRAGINTA FILII QUOS VOCITABAT DOMUS SUAE IMPAR TRIBUTUM DD BISHOP LIGHTFOOT S BOOKPLATE This shews the Bishop's own coat of arms impaled^ with those of the See, and the Mitre set in a Coronet, indicating the Palatinate dignity of Durham. Though the Bookplate is not the Episcopal seal its shape recalls the following extract from Fuller's Church 5 : ense History (iv. 103) 'Dunelmia sola, judicat et stola. "The Bishop whereof was a Palatine, or Secular Prince, and his seal in form resembleth Royalty in the roundness thereof and is not oval, the badge of plain Episcopacy." CONTENTS .
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