
ROI\'IE-.'Thc Chtrlclr cantlot saclil'icc l.r'uth for uni{y, but Catholics must rctttctrtber thtrt through llaptisrn sop- arated Christians sotttehol belong lo the l\,Iysticirl I}ody bf Chlist, accot'tling to Cilt'dinal Atrgusl.itr l3ea, S.J. Cnnlinal llca, plosidtttt 0f tlte Sacrtrt.iuiat for l)rornot- -"** iu{ Christian L)rril.y, rtrtrtle thcse poirrts. in rtu artielc itl pletc intcgr.ityot Catholictlogma: rvlticlt hc rliscttsscrl vitttotts ,,olrc cflrnrrtlrrri'l r'rily rrf clrr.is- aspecls of the t'cctttttvisiI of tiarrs *t [1c 'r'ir:e '[ lrt'l'ayin,' ihc Arcltbisltotr rtf ('irttlcr- b'ulh." 't'tll' brrrv to thc I'opti' 2. ()lr'r,ir1, (lttttolico,.:"t',i1lil:ll Jestrr{, l. t>rv a r rl sepirruted rvroto in Civiltn t,ilrfi ir-"ri,a,,ir,,*'tliirt thc Clltrrch to ltet't'. Ioltrriglrtly lublisltctl i"iii,iiiiii.,: rhey trccnurepart ifhe L.lltlinrl snirlltc t'ottsitlttrtrtl of llrrr rll)'sticill lixly of (llrrist lhc rnt'cting betrveen tlre [lost lhlortr{h Bnptism antl are thcre- llrtv, {;co{il'ov l;'islrr:r'.r\nglieatr .frtlc sons of lhc Cl[r|ch, even lilirnltr of All llnglnnrl. alul llis llrou(h tlrr.ir scparation flonr it llolinttss [)opc Johtr Xf,lll, ttlttr itupctlcs thcrn irr the lull usa of "of grcnl. irrrlroltrtrce." lt rvits tlrcir t'iglrts ils s()lts, "'l'lre Iovrt "n valirl s]'nrptortt of n tvitle- oll t.ltc Clutlch Ioi' [ltctn is filltrrl wtlh llroforrrrrl sorrorv anrl sarl- tu':.;s: it is llrc lovc ol p hcart G;t. N; innio*qooili iNorauo;;;EMBfi;;id- lrk:erling bccAusc o[ thc scparir. tiotr rvlticlt plnhibits thcir enjoy- ntt'nt of so mnny plivilegcs and riglrts, and rvhich causcs thcrn to .losc so lrrany graccs , . ." A nonl trom lhtr Archbishqt Abp. Rittcr 'l'0 ii.'fo nvoid ntisundcrstnndinss 1'lll': ('l,l:lli(i\'. Ill')l,l(;lOLrS.;\Nl) L,\l'l'\' b.y lrotlt tltosc rvho nrc unitetl with Ol"'l'llll r\llCtl[)lt)i:ltSIi Ol" INI)l'\N.'\l'Ol,l.S. is ct'catccl tltc Chttrch rrntl those s'lrtt are not, t'spct'iallt. rvlrr,n llrc I'ope is vis- itcrl by the hearl of a separatctl "the n Cat'clittuI cotnmtrnity, Chtrrch must nvoitl any :rttitudc rvhielt coukl give to urnccltting lho \' \'l'l(',\\ ('l'l'Y-..r\n .\rucr,ic:rn. t'irit-' tloullts liniltr it prctehos, ot cn)nl0 (hln" '\r'r'hlrislrogr,loscllh tl. llittcr of St. gorous r:orrlirsiott ctrrrrptortrisittg lrrrris. is irrrtorrg fottt ncw {'iil'" "wovld llrc clirlily au(l purity of the rlinlls r:r'r';rlrd by |ope .Iohn. All of thrsc fhings J"nitlt . . ." N\il 1. havc bcon inconceivable only a 'l'ltr' few decader rgo," ihe Crrdinrl gxrirrl, olltt'r. ttittlttrrl [. tlte Snc.rlrl "a EXPANDING on lhis rlelcd, end indicate notablg (lirrrlittll ('rllt'lt inclutlc: ;\rchbishop,loso lluit rvtrlrrcrl that il chrnge of climaie." llrrrtthu'lrr (luitttr't'o of (ltrt'acls, rvrrttkl bc rlarrgtltrrrs to cncoura(tt "ir crrtain firlsc ilr:nisnr or irrrli{. llrr' filst \:trncnrclln t:ntrlirtitl: lltr conttttt'tttlt:tl Arcltbisllolt ('onchl ('oltlobrr ft 'rcnt:(r rvlrich, rvhik: crrrphasizing '\r'r'lrbislrop l.rris liishcr fol bt'itt!1 slttsilivc to tlli$ (irlttttthia: trllunloll of onc's ou'n f:rith ol lir{otrr. nttrl r\t'r:lt- chanlle, fot spr'llinll i{ ottt, ttlttkrr'- lxrirrts (iiuscllpc rvitlt tlrc faith oI n txrn-(]ittholie lrirltrrP l,'cIr'ctto. r na- statxlin!l it atttl titkitttl ilttr tteccs' (' r)[ ('lrristiarr Ilroul), ncglcctcrl to It\ Ilorrtt'. arttl Soclollrt'.r, of $flfy stops, (irlk'11r' (.'alrlinlls siit'r:if5, lhc tliffcttrtrt:cs," tlrc of rn(l "\Yhilt: ttot tvnnl itttl trt lrt' spt" '{'his rk'ft'ttsu of thc intcll'ily oli thc tlotnrn o{ lhe (llrrrlclr sonrc" "to littrt',; lcarts llrt.(lhttt'ch itt:t (-'ultlinal irrstl.vrvitlr scvcLitr'." llu: lsrbel Hrrnish, r seninr fronr Paleline, lllinois, it the 1960 "'l'his suitl. IIe atltk.tl: rlrres rtut Asslssol of tlrt' Strclcrl Cottsis- Madonnr. In lhc role of lhe Chrisl Child ir Stephen Lich, :on of Mr, rnd lnt,ln tlllrl tlris acliort nrrrsl lur tor:rrrI ('otttlt'r'{nt iott. Piur X prrirh, Indirnrpolir. Mrs. Liclr is a l94e gradurte of Mrrirn. lrcrciserl ttt ln ablultl or slrs- lrr nlrning lhe rrert cntrlinlls, yriciortr; tnanrtel ol irr r:ontllsI irt !lrt. Ifolv I"rthcr lurs scl rlrln' rcc- lun]' wil]' rvith its {urrction as of rclatious rviIh scparatcrl This is all the tuot'c irrrprrtlirtrl tlt,'t nttrl lhc. i\rl{lican Plilnatc ortls fol tht'[out'tlt in his "r)tte 'l'lrt:; llnrc ilolltct' . . ," t'ltttt't'ltt,s, esprcialll, rvlrerr il irr- \r'ltett consirlcts tltc lt't,r. ul ;\ll l'ln!lattrl. Ilok lllacc, iu'rr-.rt':tt' tctgll. l. r\ t'r,r't;ritt f('s('f\'(i rlt plivirt'1, t'olvt s a rnr.ct irrI llrrtrvt-.ctr tlrg sltccial rrRtut'e ol & nret:ltttll :trclt itr lirct. ;1[11'1'[rtrtt' t:entrtlics rrf lle has laist'd rtrcutbclsltip in is ur:ccssitLy itr tltc rlclicltt: Iirkl Itearls of Chlistiatt cornrluttities, as tlttl rlne ltcltvr-'ctt thc .lloly l:'a- cutitplt'tt: ,-r l)lt,'ittir)11." llrr. Sacrt,tl (irlle(t lo an itil titrtt higlr of llli. ()f \t'ltr)ltt lrtr ltrrs ctc- att tl 'ltt. anrl aqain irrcrcnst'rl tlre rrrrnllu.r of U.S. Plittcres oI tlrt' Ask.s r"clationsturil {lirulclr to n rr:cold o{ six. public total

VRNaItr€La\ r'eecrvus its fit'st. rrrlrlrrral. thtr sixtlr eountr'1' 11v5o fit:1tIa ins Protestunt ftrerg' c t" p lcttI srr lronolorl in two yeill'si lhlts to adrnit Catlrolics,Jclv-* Itopt' .lolttt t:ontintltts lo stl'{!ss tllc j'i)iiK---irr. t'1ltiiat was lt':,'irt:i {'hurclr's unilusaliiy in lhc rtam. Itl,)\Y Y()liii--'l'lrc rlit't'clrrr' r;f ;r-'1:;iy t,iuHt.rrt: L';rr'- i ivas doing gap ittrl oI its t':rlriittlls. tln Ilult'art of lnfolnr:rtion, Nl- s(lti lllilkr', eitiei r:xtcttiivc offir:r:r lo brirlge a of [ottt'lttttttltctl ll tltt: li rl i t c tl I'rcsbytcrt'iau yrtars of lristor;' cattsctl lt1' tltt: .\r'elrhisltop lti{tcl is thc sistlt tiotutl (lalltolic \Vclfirt t-. Cottftr'- ('lrulclr in tlru li.S.A,, saitl in a Refot'mation. 1l'his was n ltltlch l'.S. r'ar'

"THE PAST, PRESENT ANO FUTURE-Tho nsw rimplified hcaddrer {rbovc, right) will be rdopled by thc Sislerr of Providencc of Sl. WEST tirtial' lotr ligltlll' 't leliqion Mary.of-the-Weodr, lnd,, on Tucrdty, Dcc,2l. Thit ir lha recond mrior chrngr in crp: which the community har mrda in itr hirtory. t;rlit,* irt' ::iantt'tl th;rt rrr'tt.':tl'il]' irn ittiittcnctl fttr Shown rbovc (left) ir lha communily'r foundrer, Molher Theodorc Gucrin, wearing tha modilied form of lho Fren

I THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 23' 1960 PAGE TWO ArchhishopRitter rs first FloosierCardinal

enthronontetrt was lhc cclcbr.iion elevatiotl of Alchbislt- centenary of the tliocese of -"*Yy:'}'}ll}]Yji''"5,}I'I'llT'{' The of thc oD Josel)h Ii' ltittcr of St. in lhe original See saysschool intesratio* (Thc Scc was I.ouis to' tltc Sitct't'd Collcgc city of Vinccnncs. I}|I'}}j]l|j'}rrr*'rrrrrrrrritr transfcrr'erl to In(lianap. marks the first tirnc in ltis- officially .isr-trcrl 'diffiCU[t' - olis in 1898, altlrottglt ltishop l"ran' I,'otiou,i,r0is.thc .slrrrerrrori ttu Ar<:ttttisllopscrrultc on torv that a llati\:e bortr lVaS deCiSiOff cis S, Clratald had nradc his Ihc elllratiott, oJ lris prcdecc.s.sor, Arcft.Lislrop Jo.lcph 1,. RitLer, Lo Hooiler has bcen nattlcd a Car' residcncc in IntlianaPolis since the ColleTe oJ Cnrdirtals. dinal. S'l'. l-OUIS-Cardinal Joseph Il. in mccting {lrc challcngcs that lic I 878. ) Thc s i n grr I a r ccclcsinsticitl Itittcr acknorvledged hcrc Lhat the aheatl." pctiod llishop Ilittct"s .lohn Thc of honor conferrcd hY I'oPc l$47 tlcscgrcgation of Catholic 'l'. adnrinistration was not one of DR. EDWIN Dalrlberg, rvlro XXIII clinraxcs a blilliant chttt'clt sclools was onc of thc nrost cliffi. major growth for the tlioccse be- rctilcrl llris nrontlt as national career for Cardinll Rittcr, tvlto cull, proble ms hc haS Iacerl, . cause o[ thc dcprcssion, its R[tct'- ien'ed in lndianirPolis as Priest, the outbrcak of World rhcArchrrishop or sr. Louis alt'hbishon bcfot'c bc" math antl Sitqlfi,ili,."JilT.iJJ;lil|":'ifl;;: hishop and told a prcss War I[. Ncrv Parish constrttction conferencc tlte di.ffi- cstant and Or.thot.lox botiics, was coming of St. Lottis rvas helrl to a tltinimttttr as only culty was not bereause of the civil arnong those scntling lclicitaiions. in 19.16, thlcc Intlinnapolis p:rrishcs wefe Born in Ncu' Albany on .Itll)' hc sair,, foundcd*St. ehristoplre r, Chltst iif':i',,,'i::':'lih,,?llln'i,iflj',:,Jj .,,:TJi":::::"nc,,ment," 80. f89?, Cai'tiinal Ritter rvns one 'I'ltotttas thc King an

Pope John (fll chilrily - l-,:runch sllrut cracli(lo\r,n - Oppose visil. lly Castro = = THE VATICAN glcltcst I Chnlity finds its ap' provai in Clrlis(ilnity, Pope John xXlll toltl Italy's niltioniil St' Vincertt de I'llttl Socicty.'l'ltc . I'olte spokc of thc lolc of cltttt'it'y in lhc Clttrlclr. t'ccalling thlt ihroughotrt histoll' tlte tjhttt'clt has alg'nys llccl lirrkcrl rvith cltar- ity antl lhrt in tlrtr Iilst Clrt'istiln r:rlrtttttttnitios it rlts llrt' thrl]' of lhc rleitcons to tlistlillute itlrtts ittttl givc lrclp to tltt' ttoctly. Tlte l)optr apologizcd to ltis listt'ncls lor ttol "lqvcr!" having a prcPlrctl l.c\t, (!8y is a feasttlitl'," ltc s:titl. t'tl' cnlling tlrat lhe tlay lrt'[ott'(l]ct'- "citt't'ftrlly E), htt hntl tlclilclctl a prt'pat'cd" tliscottt'st' ott tltc li't'ttsI of tlte Itrttulcttlitttl f'oncr:ption. ABROAD 'fhe * Crrbln lllerrricr 0 IIoll' Scc rlill sotltt tlocidc 0llAVANr\ on n petitiort ({) slill'l llror:cctliinlls l,'irltrl Cnsllo lras callerl llil,ana's AT HOME "Jurlas. " Ca rrlinal-Alchbishop ft-tt' ihe .citttoltizatiott of +tt ltt'ati- a fictl rvho $'cl't' nlalt)'l's eltrlirtg tltc I[c clrlrgurl in a nrnratlron spceclr I)rotcstant iit'[ot'ntiltiotl irr l')rli.i' llrat Clr't'r?'1>.'.i11l'1'3.ryn1:'::':]:r.*. Pittrnan-Rit:e Fuel (lo. "Service At lts Best" ME 2-7473 3409E. Washington ME 2.6565

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' FAI\'IILY CLIATIC TI.IE LIFE OF OUR LORD Girl tr)u,ntsto be u, nun; A breach of the law SHEED $,ashingtlre lrands lrcfore cating is mo.c frivolitv. OLLOWING ilrc shocks Our 4, ittlnrittis- l9l1!, our. f,orrl scems ouly to ha\.e LeIc([ [(] t lr e thlough Calikre ts opposed i,rOo,." uf iirn 'Iakinglxrss.cd this time, conuert-parent ilrc aDosilcsIIe .tc'u.atuni .l*u* rvcnton to

By JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. tionsotlhcrlisnisIi!o{l[cli'eoftteNtrniIgnIcotsc.rrtadv[nassllv.dl.cotdingtotl"p'u.E/i.|lptNsii;;;";i': 'ql il"lliiiill]il*,ll't,rtul"JiiI]H,.'ff;ll",,l;:#lllx1'":lli:'."*"J,$m:.tii;."l"-*iu;Ifi:l;iiitil,''Ni,ix'I#t.;l'..'....'...' li;iiii"'iii;'"m,iiit*.t\tlhinai'aiioitnsoxiinl|i{c.bu| F .|gmi||hcologirn,s''Thon''si'i;i;;;;'i;$ l..n".|ncoiox'rn'sI'rhon|'sli!lcrnnd Itope auuliotts ol inrril tr s(l lorlt i llc cos_ trtcr. of science i,ijl*'"lTllln.,ll:"';l1;g";illlIJii'-il,.]il{x1x,.|lliJ:i"'.l'".:l!itf$:du..'.L:!VA'lICr\N tll'l'Y-IIis Ilolint-.ss PoJrc John XXIII lras gcnl.ly chitt- ctl nrcrr ril' scierrce rvho makc ptolloullcentcnts on rcligiorts nat- [crs rvitlr li{.tlc r-rr no knorvlcrlgc of thc Biblr:, 'l'lre l)o1re offelctl his rnilrl iili.,!iili lli,ilil.. cliticisnr ii',:rili,i,ii;ni'i,"ii,iliit,ii:"ii.:"rlilxli"ii,,i,'ri xl,ilifl lt

rii',',$*,Iri'iir1Mike Kelley (lo. ilil,tllll.iliiug,lil1i$lliilfti,',,ffi idlti-,ilti-r*isli L, Slr'itrrss & -.thm=l$i':i*.,q'&:ttluulu*'llll-.,*.fxq;f:.?i""i]l'"-k!ctnllllttni'Nfrloh'ffilil+:tiulli:'iffi;i*lt*l*,,i:*\i;H {*ili**'.s;'tr*tl+ll[ll$glf*;l lml,,,: *] i|NH||sHFt|FxpFeT[icY||"..iiilli,'iIn''{lh!liI{.ri4*d*t=**=;:;l fi$15dtiiiillii-ili$:ff

'$ l)l\)itrluls to urt'r't u rlcfinitc rrr,erl. rtt'tlrl llc ;rn inrplit'it atltttission llrrt rvlat (:()'l(,s ()*t 'l ir 'lrr'l ltt'(fonrl)irtlv A tttotlctrtlc ttse of lrlcohol is tltlr acttt;rllyltrrtl iht' cor'cs Il,(,.1 l1c 1tr.r.t, lrrr

irlusnt'ss ol llrrr evil ef I

'l'lrc orrr rtalional lilir. ir "ail,l"i'J" """" "" -; --_----"'--- is nrakirt;iupott thc pclsonal,lircs I -: ,.i,;.,,i;i,;:'r,,,i:lri,,* lj.i,i'Ji, arlnrir it. ol.trtrr.peo1ilt.lrlrr|tircii-.i.iri'i.ti.liIii1j.ih:'.:i;;;ii"J',;;;l.:,.Jl,.,'','..':n.,i1ii:'.l:...''.,ol.trtrr.peo1ilt.lrlrr|tircsrri'iirlattt|i.iil,iil..r'",..',r'tIictetIanr|ltectltt.tt,s,l.Itr..t.tlltt'tlulllllllllllcrct|| il',1,",'i*",,j'li'il,l',lJltrllill.'iil.,,ii'"1 ;, .";;,":;; io attr,rro .*rsr rre,r or 'ur rr'rr'*'cirizen' ,-:i;;"';;;.., I ii,,;il;'iii;i';ii,;;'ii;;;;il;";;Ittsco|tttttttl'try",ti,unt"li...ji"lil;l.:"ill},].]]]]', ,li ,,.,r.,i,,i",i,.'i;il.,;; ttittttt'c lnrl colrsr,(luellc('s of tlris t.his rnotlct'n rvorlrl is the tht'eat plr_, can 5c callc1 "i-':1:' ,,,,llilt.:lli;i,,:1,,i,,:11i,.:1i:ll.. ,ill: i\ill:ljl,Jll,,t:.;lll.l,,i;:',ili":il " --.,,.,1.- sociulso('litl nloblcnrpl'ol)lcnr rs is lllC lhc ht.sl. host urr.- ot of (lollllllttnlslll.(lotnnrtrnisrn. No oneolle itrll.l hisllls cr...', r\nolht r 5 nrillion huto l)l'C- vcnt,ivc,lo llrc sPrcatl (h'cat li;1ht scust's is going to rlucstiotr rc.thctl lrc p,ti;ologilur or"so',,r of il. "itlcollol-,.,ii.1,1,;l: s'.t'irlcs":". ltrtvc"i'.'' ltct'n "" tttatlc (rrr on manyrrr(r'rr tltc alttl llte, l)otcllcy u.hat\\'llilt tsis rlcsignat

1'0 itt()t,I) 1.Iill l,Ivrs or cltILDREN on the pirttern ol the Saviour of Bethlchem -tltis is lhe holy desire of yourg (tatholic girls rrho wish to serve God ar l+aehing sls- terc. The r\N'|ONI.{N SIS'I'EIIS in LBRA- NO;r- contluct twenly schools there in shich they lrain Lebanesc childreu in thc rays ol Christ. SIS'I'DR |UARID NOEL rnd Sts't'nn E ROSE D..INIEI. lre novices in this Commu- oily. Could lou llny for ihe training of one of them? Thc cost 16$300.


tr i'on *,rart ffick or um€ ror rhc I'he Criterion necessarlr shonping) tou are in need of r Chrisrmas remcnF Of f icnl Neuspcper of the s,*ry brencc for sonrcbody, why not one ol lhe irltowlng: Archdiocese ol bttlianapolis I. or lftasses for thc lntenlions of the recipient. 2. Membership in the CiYIIIOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIA'I'ION. 3. A donation lor the building r new Church, School. Cor vent, ,1. .{ Sacred ..\rticlt lr;r I Mission Church. ilsHER i. luemllcrshin l in r CA'I'IIOLIC NEAB EAST IiISSIOI| CLUB. 6, A donation lor an inslitution od mercy in Mirslol lands- lF YOU WISII TO RI)MEMBEE someonc in rnt Funeral Seruice ol thc rbovc xlyr we \vill s€nd that penion r beautilul Ctrrlstmar Gift CsiL t+lling ol your rilt in hls or her honor. There lr di|| $mc tot thc Card !o reach thc percan during thc Chrlstmar Selsoa, s Finest Possible Al2carEst0)issions6 At LousestPossible C *lr9r, Jocpl t. fior, X.?.1 IG't USI|ER[n0RIUARY 3rd oll corrlnrrlcotlou tol | ye!r, I CATHOIIC NEAR EASI Price 14.00 2-9352 WETFAREASSOCIATION Publirhsd Every Fridry tltl W. WashingtonSt. MElrose 48{l lcxington Avc. ot 46th I St. New Yo* l Z, N. Y. #:tso€' PAGE SIX TI.IE CRITERION, DECEMBER 23, 1960

Net tourney A Christrnas Letder

By MRS. J. B. STEPHENS dates listed 51. Barnadetle Parlrh, lndianapolis Dear Johnnie: the CYO Edlted hy the ,Iosrrtt Clertcg at lVest Baden CoUetu. Rbto to ovct'look the ntttllcrorts ll'frs. Santa CIausP and espensive ehristnlas dccora' tions in most of ortr citics nnd lorvns: ttt'es Rnd wroRths, sleiSlts anrl reinrlet't'. eantlclnhra nnd t'nnrl.v t'nnos, nt tlrc expense ol tlre llrre ntlt'nclion: tlto Cltristmns Divlrion lr Sl. Joan of Arc ,15, lloly Crosr lloly {3, St. An.tr€w 32, St, of Jcstts' ?6; Irinily Clib nnrl tlrc bir{lt Pius X 58, Sl. Ilrchncl,{0; Sl, Chrlsloplrtr 41, $r, i,\alth.rw 26; Chrisl lhc Kitr0-lnrnrdc. liodrl, porlponod. Bul when St. Nick, lhrl uldta lollY Dlvision 2: 0ur tn(lv ol Lourdcs.l2, Holy bishop o{ lhc Church rccording $tririt l5r Sl. Bornrdottt'd.1. Si. Calhorirr 55, Rorh.t6; st. f'hilitt lo legend, who hrr ruffored 4?r sl. lJlrirl sr. N.ri 3?, litlle Flo|cr ?B; Lrlin Sch00l, byc. enough rt lhe chrnget hir nrma l,arlur strndlng$ has laken lhroush lhe Yerrr' 0ivision l: St. Clrrislot)h0r 3.0, St, Join of Arc 30; 5t, Pius X ?.1; tlolY Irinily ?.1, drermllY findr hir namesoke Christ thd Kin0 l.l r ltlx)rdrul,rta llcarl l.l t escorting r charming Young St. Ao(lr0w 1.2; St. Alicltdcl l.2r 5t, l\1.rlll\o!v 0.3, lloly (t(lrs 0 3. Chrmbrr of Commerce damsol, 0lvirion 2: L.rlin School 2.0; tourlel ?.1; themselves at lht: linos, tltc ltr'li' it ic lime for romething io bo 5t. Prltick ?.1; llrtly Sltiril ?.1; 51. Philit, rlopler eante lo$'ot'and lorvcr, lltc llrtu 2.1; Sl. Roct) l.lr Sl. BornJ,htlt l'l; d,rne' Lrlllc llOwar 0.3j 51, Cdllrrlilna 0.J. band plal'cd lottrlrrr' attd Iotttlcr, and lhe rvltole ottnosJrltctc gt't'rt' tcnse rvitlt rxcito('l cht'ers anrl Grmss of Srlurdry, Deccfibor l/ "4h." 'I'lten !ivirion l: lloly Iroity 66, Sl, frdncis of fxpccttlion. a I l; Inlnlaculdla llrtdrt 53, 5t. flus X 35; St. Pdlrick 38, (ltriil tha KitrO 30; lloly little boy pointed nnd 1'clletl; (hrisloplr0r "Thcrc {.osr ?9,51. lB;51. Michrel 41, htr is, . . I -scchinr, . . Sl. tnwr[nc? 6, in lha rvindor\'!" 0ivkion ?r Iiltlc lclo\t.r 30, llolv Nanrc ?4; ll0ly S'riril 24, St. Roch 23;51. talh. All lrerttls turnod and t'a{ehctl rri{la 20; Sdrrtd ll0nfl 1,1; St. Mnrk ?8, St.8crfl,rd0lle l?t 0ur Lddy of Grernwood the blob of gral' gron litr'ger ttntl 2Z,0ur tddY of l"ourdcr ?3. l:,rlger ns the nrlcltine finally krgur Slandlngr Divklon l: lloly Trinily 3.0; Inrnrocuhlr touchcd its three n'hcels on cartlt. Hearl 3'0; lloly Cross 3.0; Sl. lolrrck 3.0; r\s lhe doot' openctl. thr: ltantl Christ thc King 1.2; Sl. Ir.rncis l-2: Sl. "Sania Michacl 1.21 St. pius X 0.3; St. Chrislopher srvrtng irtto: Claus Is Cottr- 03; Sl. Lowrcrtce 0'3. inq 1o Torvn," nnd n flt jovirl 0lvlrlon 2: Lillle Flowc. 3 0: Our ladv llililililiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiilililllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllilllliillllllilllililllillllllliiliiii of Grocnvood 3 0; Sl. Mrrk 3 0; lloly lN LINE WITH lhe exporinront Itllol th'tssed in led movc(l out Narrr ?.1; tlolv SDirit l.?; Sr. B0rtri(iarte of In51 1'sny, Inrlianapolis Juniors llre rloor, thcn sutltltrtly stcltpod l.2l 0ur tady of lourries 1.2; Sl. (,lthcfit0 1.2, 5t. Rocb 0'3; Sailcd Hoill 0.3. Whattolleges should teach nntl (l:rtlt,ts rvill l-rnck. compete in trvo Out cnnrc s l'ollng \1'onliln, I rlcitncry torrlncl,s and rvilI scntl J'(lrng \ronlrn rlrcssctl in rcil, n l\\,(i toiuls into eitch Alcrlrrliocesan Thrt e lnitlrs bnck "IIls. 'l.he nl{)\/Lt {ll:irrs." drrl' w:rs :r tlly alfair, rvhilo thc North Vclnon in nrirl-Nrrlt-tnlrt'r, 51. Nichol;rs atttl llctlfolrl rlonnt-fies n6nirt nlr: Irrncd in his lhoitsuntl-t't'lr "tlgh " Fravc. | he nrust havc to courbino anrl prorlrrcc ollc "I'or srid. all lltcse )'r.at's llrc t'lrlnrpion fol tlclr of the trvo u'olld *'as satisfictl rvillr St. Nicli, toruncl's, All Srnior CY0 play, lhen Srnta Clarrs. Rrrt lhc luen- caDtr ttAcul "'l'hev Irou,r'r'cr', rvill bc ort n stlict rlean- lioth ccnlurJ has to tlo sonrcthing n'rll oftcn npllly thcnrselt,e's o:rrttcstll'onrrrrglt to lhcir' Ginfs of S.l!rd!y,0,(embcr l7 "lrrrt crirlcttrte f()l'tlrc cr'1'llasis. Brol"isl)uI.g like thntl" Chrislnms Cheer 0ivirion lr l{oly Ifl!ity 63, 5l- Anlhorr'7 strrrlrcs." lrr:,suirl, liltltr lilsto 1rt'tils urrtl lhc 3li St. Ann l, lloly Anqcls 0 iloffcrr; 5t. l't.u,lliir; of l ltltt oi scl't it'c-rvlrr'(lrcl it lrt Ilre irtlcllcctiiul Silcs fol tlrc Southcln anrl Cl)rist0ph0r 3J, Sl. Malrchy ln:itolc FOR THE LIFE of nre, I t'rn Yorrr t'rlitor rccnlls r bit o[ 30; 5t. ,uorriro 30. Si. Sus.1ililJ lB;51, rltichool 3?,5t. Jo. scrvicr. of tltc st:holltt' ot' tltc pttblic sot't ict' of a t'it'il r.'irlt'r't'." Nollhclrt first-r'otrn

DINING ENJOYMENT JUNION.SENIOR TIAGUT Grmer ol Sundiy, D..embar ll li\\'sr t 0ivirion l: Sl. Llr.r,iophcr 31, (oljrcr!ral tlf tlrc 16; Sl, Joar ot Arc )/, 5t. iliclldcl 2n; fioly lri.rly 59, Intrrr.culdlc lJedrt 40, 5t. ll!orrrns.lJ, St. Ailllrony 23; St. Rito, trye. Divirion l: Sdcrad llf.lil 4,1, 5t. Jorenh ARRCS CON MARISCOS {Sheltryville) 3B;51, ll1ark 50,5t, Roch.t3; talir 5Lhool.t5, l{oly fross,l0; St. (arlr. .TEQUILA €rin.,l6, l{0ly Ndrnc 2B;51. Judl. bvc. SOUR Dlvlrlon 3: 0ur Ll,iy of l0urloj 10. (l,ri1r SFiRIMPAPERITIVO tu. 1;','r J8; St. fl'',rn Nilh 60, St. Pi(,s X ?5; t iltlc Ilov/et 35, Sr ,ilr';lilr* 3l; Sl. i xo-ord riebcr n' G.lluvlord SEAFOODWITH RICE A1dlllrc\y 52, Sl. trincir ?B; t{nly 5pirrt, bre. I I *DECANTEROF lrrtu. Slrndin03 riofer & Reilly 0ivision l: I I CHILLEDSAUTERNE Sl. Chfi3tophe. 3,0; St. Rira ?.0r Sl. Jodo of Arc 2-i; tloly Iriility ?.t: tl InsuronceAgency, lnc. I $t. lhornir 2.lr €rthedral l'2j lmmdculdte MONDAYS ONLY "Conilont Proferrionol Scryicr* llr'otf 0.?; Sl. Micha!l 0-?i 5t. Anlhonv 0-3. i | | Divirion 2: Iatin Sclrool 3-Oi Srcr€d [l.nrl il trnx.ootoworcl,tr.q KEY ?86i Madison Avenue ?,1; St. C6tllcfrtrr 2.1; St. tlirk ?,ly Hoty WEST sT 6.1441 llonrc l.l; Holy Cross l-lr Sl. Joseph (Shel- !yvillc) 1.2; 5t. judc 0.2; St. Roch 0-3. 0ivirion ir Sl. Philip 3.0;0ur l"ady of SHRIMP totrrdes 30; Lilllf flolver 2.0; St. Pius X 2 l; Chr:st lhc Xrng 1.2; St. it.ttlhcw l.?; HOUSE lloly SFitit 0.2; Sl, frariir 0.2; Sr. r\,r. drew 0-3. tl0ltr No tYo [rrkrlb.ll grnrr In rny ol lhc livr lergutr will tr pl.f€d 0tr Silurdry, DrE.14 or Sund.y. D!r.25.


WASIIINGTON - T'he Catholic For Holiday Parties {lc:iiiiiittcc for nefilgecs-Na- W "The tional Cathclic Wclfare Confe r- Best in Botties" cncc has since 1$4ti nssistcd in lronk Porrely ond Chor' DYc'l the resettlcrncnt of 3,3?7 chiklrcn, exclusive of Ilungarian rcfugces. l'lorne Beveroge Store "?oilfitl,t8t#" "u"'*on'sGorose :- rhod ond 3lorkcd lcc 1t a--il O Cn | lroy and &lodiron Avr. lI.6'8656 ' GINERAT AUto Walar Syslenr, wll *tPAlRlNo Plumbing lnslallotions I sArEs& sERvrcE Blue nidge nd' Ph' EX' 8''2ll gL ll 138 t. Jockron Ph. EX. 1'?616 | 6055E. r6rh FL ?-?565 ll * wE sERvrcr ll RtllfAL II\N originalMOVIE BAR Ar.r.MAKES * ll . MIXED DRINKS E WINE ' IMPORTED BEER . COLD CHAMPAGNE . "Unusual" In Ottr Cat'Ly Otlt Depat'tttlent APOTHECARY 157 VAItlltl'lFlS of LIQUORS nnd 45 I]ITANDS oi CULD BEEfT Prescriptions Exclusiv elY 1\Ir. Turkey Is f,Iere 2773 E. Michiqrn Sl. (rl Rurrl) Free Parking I20 WEST JACKSON

at FitchFurniture Barn Greene's Poultry Farm Opengunday: !.6 Weekdayr !?-9 P.fl' (Wholesrlers ol fhe Finesl) "Quolity Furnifuroot Born Low OverheodPrices" Hoyes Phormocy, Inc. Bostin Tire Service (U.S.40 E) fL 6'3205 B. GREENE & SON 9600 t. Woshington Johnlhomar W Grnc Hoyrr COOPERIIRES "Prescripf CloredWod. ion Specialists" Recoppingond Vulconizing llortinrvlllc l4oorsrvilla "*r. tt. 2-7rE. Pt(|( uP IcIr0!tr Sffi'lM'*-'t|rt|E- lo,tl_]. South on Turtdayr Ae Strong antl Tough ar tasl on l{€dnesd.yr i APPLrcAnoNsNow REcEtvED i West on Ihu.rdryr Yon Know What ' ' ' j roR wtNrER rERM Slore lndianaBank &.Trusl lloflh on Frid!yr i Phelpsllrug f Acccptablc applications are bcing processcd norv for Jantt- I 'nfou Pr esc r ipl ion Slo r e" g r i ar-v to'fl ent|ah'ce. Officcs open 8:00 to 4:30 and rrrrtil- nog.n i Cornpany GIIADY'S No. Side ol Squore "Conlpletc I iaiurtlays. Cat1 in pcrson or phone for appointment. Ont'oll' i llanking Servlce nrent linritetl. Sitrcc I909" i I Dl. 2-3321 't\', ASPHALT BUsINFss,CoLj-EGE ol Indiaoapolls' I N, (-iolttcr o[ Sq. | _ rtris- is the INDIAN.'\ illuncie, Lr-rgansport, Anderson' R. B' Graily I I ftre oineis sre at l\larion, t W. J. Grady i Ir Xokomo,Kokomo, Lafavette, Colrrmbus,colllmbus, Richmond,Richmonrl, and Vincennesvlncennes l!' fI private.private bttsiness college-establishedcollege-established io 1902. li 4iana's.diana's lcadin'q 1I Wilhite c&Sou See, write or phone the loeation preferred, or i I I 'oFuneral Patronize Mcnlrtorr md Appltsn ol Rocdr Oll To CentralBusiness College flonte" Eaulrlf,ed ^lrphdl ii ! lndirnr Buslnersnrto.'li11,tJ"''nnBuslnetsCollege Building Advertisers 0t t'3t'8 the el1| COLLEGE AyE. cL. [.!361 It uo'802 *, ntT'J'lIN. ru. Meridirnrueriairnl?lirnr "tSt. '""'"H"'"-IndianrPollr ME ''""''ir.a33ri tl6 t' Plks lf, il , ..1- THE CRITERION,DECtsMBER 23, 1960 PAGE SEVEN

C athedr:al Mass to be televiseqi CHITTSTNTAS li'or llrc fourllt sucecssit'r-' 1't-'rtr, I[r:rntann, maslcr-of'cerentonics I\[r. Terry Gallcgos, of the WI'BilI Tic Tacker Wt,'I]tr[-'f\r, L'hrnncl (i, $'ill tcle- at tho thronc; and I\[r. Janles technical staff. visc llre Chlistrnas illitlnight l\lass O'Rilc.y, cross llearer. Archbishop Schulte rvill olfer a II,IIDITIGIIT TTASS at SS. Pctcr nntl Paul Calherh'nl, The tclccust will begin prontpt' Amhbishop Scltullo s'ill pr'csitltr irt ll' nt. ntidnigltl. rvith 1\Ir. William Pontifical l\lass at I1. a.m. Christ. SS. Pefe r. and Paul Cathedral, Indpls. thc sanctrtlt'y anrl rvill prcaclt I S. Sahm sert'ing as narrator'. Tlte mas morning in SS. Peter and front, Chlistrnrs horttill'. l\lass will also be carried on s I'aul Cathedral, assisted by the Calcblaut of thc j\Ilss rvill bc sinrulcasl, lrasis on WFBII radio, Assistingfrom the Throne: Archbishop Paul C. Schulte, llre llcv. lL Fluncis Vittr lleutcn. on both thc A.[t. and ]'.[I. fre" Archbishop of Indianapolis. l\linistt'rs o[ tho l\lass rvill itt- tlucnrtics. chulc: Rcv. Ilcllitt'rl Slrcir ittttl Plovitling lhe nttrsie lor llte Narrator: Mr. William S. Sahm llcv. nlr. Joscplr r\Itr(littltry, rlcn- teloviscd i\llss rvill be the Cathe- pacclni cons of horxrr; \'at'l' Ilcv. A(lolI dral Sclroh C]ttntorttnr rtnder tlte CothedralChoir, under Diroctionof Mr. Renato Glosbelgs, alrrlrplios{; ll c v. rlilcction of Rcnrtto l}aeini antl ,Jalnes l). Iliggins, tlcircott ttf tltt-' tho (lirls' Cltoir, tlirected b1' Sis- 'l'hc . Ilc.v. Mr. Gt'olgc Coffirt, ,,,t ,;,tt1,lvirrvc Ccttile. organ- (6] r\l:rsi; wFBtr[TV sulrtlt-tcon o[ tltc i\lnss; ller'. ists tvill be r\tiee Ilattsser and 1\'illirrnr (i. Iiippt't'rict', ntastcr'.of- i\Iary Ititt Babbitt, WFBfiIr Radio(A.fiI. ind F.M.) eclrlrrrotrics; Ilight lltrv. Ilcnry illtc tclccast rvill be directetl lty l2 (Midrtight)C.D.T. |||||||l|||llll|||ll||||ll|||||lll||||ll||l||||lll||ll||ll|||l|l|||lll||||||ll|l||||l|lll|||||l|ll||l|||||l|||l|||ll|illl|lll|||||l|lil||||ll[|[ V%loilna-and. Jelnoition d- ,l:

il;l),i.ii:.-.)Jlftil/lllVd .,.r.".rrrrrr.il.ll ,tr 0,30 il,nl,-S,trrr.lH(rnrt.,...... (tll + l():00n,r|..-(lrislrltrllrrs ...... ,.(6) 10,30a.nt.*[ook t r) And tivc ...... (l]) (]tt DCCr.ptfiCt' ?5. lhC UltltO]ie rtidrv ladio llorrr on rltlio rvill prcscnt a 6:00 r,rrr.-s,rcrcdilrrrr ...... w[,\15 prdnlicfo pcrforrnancc d,f c. Atex. SundayRadio "illissn l'olorlttiri's Nativi- l2,00.r.rrr,-,1,\iijnirrlrtrr,1ri; .,... $rin$" itlrrler Al,t & t,!1 lirlis" as l)('i'f0nlr0tl lry tlte ltoys' 6:15 r.nt.-SocrrtjNe.]rl ....,...... !VlSll ('luli' of S[. Ilel.nitrrl'S IrAfiSh, $;-1(.!6.n1.*ly1 l\,irid llour . .,, l0:30 o.nr,-ttorrr0t st. Frrncis.::::.ii;'ii,bi ['iltsl)ur'{ll. ltul nttntbcrs of tlte 9:300.rn.*Crlhrrlicllour...... ,W1RE l)ittslltrt,gl Sy.tpl*rny OrChcst.a, 'r'lrtr r,rs p.u,.-#Ll,'ljt",llll' Tl'111,...... *,oo nt's, ,\rlss, b:rsctl orr t ffiilr coNNlRsvtttI A[rA ct'ntttt.r' lftclttrlt Noel anrl s't'itton Rrdio-.Surrday [or' lro]'s' r'oiccs ntxl olclrt'strir, 12r00p.nr.*.Sacrcd lledrr ....,...... VJCNt} U,ill llc crr.rlrtctetl lty i\lr. pClr- 'r,r,i..'l'his tVAH$VltttARIA ...,i..rlttitt. pt't'lot'ttlitnce rvill $und.y ,al0vision It,30 o.nr.*,,ie;o"ibso;;',.,.'..,...... 04) malk lhc firtll progritttt in tltc ll:30 s.nr.-Christcohurs...... ,.....(/) Cllrr.olll []Atlrolit-- ]ltr1f SefiCS, "l,ir.ing {,ts p.nr,-rrc{tolit'u]li|...... ,,...t,, r\lusic of thc chulch." Rrdio Progrrnt 4' $undry 6r30 a.nr,-.Avc,\hrirlidur,...... "r!vlfs ,\ syrt'ciill [)l'ogritnl of rttttsir: ntttl '],.',1 or i:ll::i'jil"f;l',1;,ll''l'll.:::::::\1,'.ll'l ti,,"pr.t nln:ltion ott tlrc hiltlr srturday ('hlist rvill lttt pt'trst'ttttrd oo .,('hIislian 1,00 p,nr,*-[ccrl(,]rhoric Prnq, ...... t!00F irr i\cti0n" (AllC ra- 'l'ltc MADlsoHAlltA rli6\ On l)1t:crrrltcr 25. pr.o- lidlo-Sutrdny ;;rt5 0.nr.-,10rrr{rt sr. }rn.cis .-,,,.\{0Rx glutlt rvill l)c Ptrff{)rlll0(l }tl' lltc (]ilt)p('lln (lltoir N'RrH vrRN'N At[A n of l)orninicltt 'l:',8;n::$::',{ril;,-{iJi.l:::::::::Wgflil;,il'lli,,*.,'llii"T'*1,l,"llll;.i'111, ()uinn, *rw ATBANyARIA oI thc llev, i\lallchy O,P. r,ro n.,n.-t,r"1li"r'r',iei;i;",'L1..,...Hit^s $ "('ltttt'clt ((lllS rr,ro p.nr.-.,ri|1$,1;lunlll....,-.,unuo of tlttr i\it"' '*- dio) rvillpt'cscttt llrtr llcv.'flttlmas 4:300.nr.-cJrhori' H""r .....:::::.i'iii; .l'r'ov, f;lf l:ll:ii'll,,it'i';,,"111'1.:::::::$,1IfiPltcl:trt t,r Nc$' Yofk, ,rn its o,l5 r.i,i.-!ntidHcorr Houi ...iii,iiriej .lrtuturt'.y l- bt'oarltra.sl, Ii'tttlrcr 9:'5,!.nr.-yourc0lh0rrc visiror .....SllJ Phclan's llc p.nl.-s,tcred talk rvill entitlcd 6:45 llc.rrt ilour ., ,,il'lrc 7t30 p.nr.-cdrhoric 10uf .....::::::,iiffii Tlurology of \\ror.k.,l ,0,.,00.,.*T,lJ,Li,Y,'lli 1'.tu'ir"1.....**r,, *, 'ts# ,,Cath_ 6,.15o.m.-Rosary ll0rrr .,...... !V!RP On Srrnrhl'. Jan. 1. tho olitr. Ilottt'" 'attio) pre- | I zrs0 p.nr,*r,r,o.rJl'Tt?**" .,....!!lrAS iNBC rvill scnt a s1lccial.;lto1.1ram. fcntrtling RtefiMoNpAntA lllon. . Fri. R.dio;sarurdt' lts gttcst spcaket'(--aldirtal Ilich- 6rl5 0.rn.-flourof Sr. lirroris .....,\.!r.BV Ar.tl Ctrsiring.'',';i"':i*',il'u""?iiiliTl,'"'.fi:ii; Ar.clrbislX4r of llos_ ;,';;.,;;:-;;.,,;*111...... ,,-" ili;'1. sAtllit aR(A (llrr.istiau lntl thc (bnrrurtnih'.',

FRIDAY, December fl tf"p"l n"*'*,". af"".t, for e Special lnleniion of r member ol the Apostolote. MONDAY, December 26 (Tepe) Rev. Kenny C. Sweeney and nrembers of thc $t. Theresc Charity Section of St. John's Parish.

Su n da v- lc levir io n 9r30 u.nr.*Lool: u1i anit I 'vr, ,...,.\lltlt.lV Radio-Sunday 7:15 o.rrr,-Ihc Chrrrtrrnhrrs' ...... V/Illl

IETRI IIAUIE AR[A S a lurd,r'i - Te lavi siotr l:00 o.nt.--ReliorID in Ney/s . ...,.V,,Tlll.IV 6:00 6,nr.-SJ{.rer Hcart ...... ftJ1111 Sundny Icleviiion B:00 p,or,'-0irthrlay. {iilr'ljr}qj ...... ,,(l0l Srdio-0ailv 8r,15 6.m.-Cdltrolic Hour .'...... , .lVTHI

Waiierman.Riggle tNc.

HARPER'S "Homr Lodge Brothers For funaral{' 02 5o. llth Phono 2217t iEt FURNITUREAND APPLIANCES DRUG STORE 10l-6 W. f,toln ?honr 79ll tl{ t, ilaln 5t, Phono 7C KeystoneBeverage Co., InG. wHolrgAlt DtstR|lulons0? KAIB L Sehlitz - C.V. - Corlings Elock lqbel Patronize 5rqngsrg ffi Red lop - Cld Dutch - Falsrsft Servl:e - Our ond Corlings Red €ao Ale Adaertisers lubricotion Our 3porlclty lRYHOSKINS Cor. Walnul I Alsln lhmr tl irncrol Alcnogr t2la CnIIN tlnEtt

DRY CLEAIIERS lnsure crnd Bg Srue KRAUSBEK "Fi:ia Dn, Cleankvgl' SheelsIns. Agency al3 s. lSrb c652S ?49 ll6ln St- Ph. S80 tug 'Te Soclable Erve I Peprl" Patronize m P.tt.rit. 0ur BURKHART'S 0ur PIUiIEING & HEATINO Adaertisers 'flm-ken Llll Burnerr f,hones and Furnaccs ltlrJ-3;:l ldverlisers TERREIIIUTE SIVIIIGS BA]IT TheFranklin County National Bank

rl{enrberol Federol DaposilInsuronce Corporollon ol Brookville 'Leadership thmugh Serviu:. t. W. Cor,6lh ond Ohlo G.95t6 trEllaEa rEDsear. DEpostr uttoul{cE Co8,pogamr PAGE EIGHT THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 23, tt60 * t Socialists honor Remember Them In Your Prayers

lt. NT$' AIBANY Survivors, husbind, Richnrd O,, dauqhtcr, new Catholic films ftll:l Rore Kldwell; ronr, Louis J., nlch.rd A., CAnt J. nllIER. 63, Sl. Miry's (hurch, t and Edward t.; rist*, -An'a Conlon, i.F, Dec, 21. Sl. Mlry's Cenrelery. Survivorst ,.{:! ANTIVERP, Ilelgium-A Cath. brothoru, Cnrdinal Joseph E. Rlllerr Arch, iri t HERETIA A, tl(llllNBIRG, 78, Sl, Jodn ,- bislrop of 51, lguitr Dr. Hrrry Rillsr, Loul!. olic-produced movie about Italian 'l vlll.r sisl?r, Sislcr Mnry Crlhorlnr, Sirl€fr of Arc Church, 0cc. 17. HolV Caoli Ccme. tcry, Survivor! r daughtor, Hilda 0'Connor, "The il''tl of Charily, Cltrksdale, Miss,r n son, Dr. miners in Bclgium, Poor Frank Rillerr Ann Arbol, Mlch,l rnd r ron, Edwnrd, daughter, Mrr. J. Pdul tippr, New Alblny. I suggest that you listen elosely, tr'lower [Ias Withercd," has re. iil + OtlYlA L CASs:r, Ol, Sl. Roch's Church, ' Dec. l/. St. Josenh eameterv, in t JoHN wrttrAM irnvix, 60, Hory 1;rniry Survlvorsi the silence of a prayer{ul hour, ceived special prizcs fronr both ,::l wife, husbnnd, Roberl R. Sr.l soD, R0b0rt R. Jr.l Church, Dec, 13, Sutvivors: Emma; son3, listen .,;, d.uqhlers, Mrs, Vlclor Wyss, and Mrs, tloward to learn if . .lohr, of Now nlbdly; Willianl, of [oui5. God might not be the Socialist lrctlcration of Cin- R, Rose, sislcrf Mrs. Mdrion Myrtcll. i,i ville; dnuqhlerr, Mrs. W. Howird Jackronr calling you give ol Louisville; Mrs. Robcrl C. Jdckson, of to of yourself as ema Clnbs and the Catholic Film ..i', (ross Brlndcnhurq, Ky.; til(l Mrs. Jdilles D. Rannk{r, t JOHN H. ffafff, SZ, ffotr ttrurch a missionary, a teacher, Lcague. :"!j, of Sn'llcville, Ky., br0tlrcr. Thonrns, of New Dec, 19, 5t. Josaph Cntrlerv. 5urvivorsr or at lhc Alhailyt sislcts, Mrs. 0tvllle Barr, tloyd wile, Cl€rnerlin!; sols, John Jr., Miclrdcl. very.tcast a govcrnment-paid nnd Suran ludor. Ron.ld, Jo\€ph, rnd Donakl; rilotlret, Mrs. Rolh prizcs rvcrc givcn here Krtobs, lrrrl.t Mrs, 0f _ technician sharing your Iouisville. Xy. Mirlhr .Fri.ee; -hrothers, Glenn 6il(l Roberl, s-kills iisler, Arlella Schusler. at the Ilelgian film festival, with olhers who must leal,n to help t Jos:pll w. tnoss,J-r-.-st. F,rlrick.s churctr. themselvcs. which also gavc its prize for ex- Dec. 20. Sl. Joseph Cerrretcry. Survivor i Listen. wifc. Eilrnr. E. collenco to lhc movic.

t lrucn J. rocrns]17]rrot, (rosr orurch. (errrrlery, .Dec._.20. llOly CtOst Survivorsi Wilr, fl0rcrtce; Irf0llters, Josenh and Georr;c.

t ltEtEN C. trrox,lJ]i .Jamcs lro creator Churclt, Dec, 21, lloly frots Centlterv. Mdry flurly, lrrortrrr. Iran. :li"t:.';;"jli:.,,

t MARY lWItNfY,-g:1, Si f,t'itin ilcri Ururrlr ('alvdry Dcc. 22. Ccnrclrry. Survivori bfollrcr,0(rnicl C.

School, lndianapolis, er- COME, LET US ADORE HIM-These lhree lirsl groders rt St. Philip Neri They ere, lefl to right, presr fhc Chrislmas spiril ar lhey sing carole before r Nalivily scene. figures were made of Roxannc Taylor, Joseph Okerson cnd Brrbar-a Ann BraCy. Tho 2O'piece crib prrish. (Staff photo) purc whife porcelain by Mrr. Joreph Glass of Sl. Bernrdelle'r . ANNE CULKIN Mitchell trRWIN GNEBNHOUSE SAVE TIME SAFETY piants f la-ntel Di-shec,Wedding Flowors and Potted Blooming life N. 8fh St., Bvs. and Rer. PhonaI5I MITCHE-LL, boredwith tND. She's Dial3-6688 Dial -- r'Low'Its I1.,1lt ill i.s.r os'n cigalcttc f ilsl. r\ pt'irrtat'1. -l'-:-T:llllT ll 1ry9:!t' : __ _*_ -.- (-'rrlL'irr: rrrle of coultt's1' rvls rtt rvorli in ETEVENHUNDRED CAR this-thc runn pr'otcctinl{ tlrc n'our- FITCH CHEVROLETSALES lll ll po)'orl.! 'l'utll1', SERVICE possilllc I.hirrL: f'r,r lun fLonr rllrngcr'. Complele Car & Wrecker Service-Slorage spoilcrl cttd crl. hos'cvor, utatclres itrttl ciglrlt'ltc r.l'phq" 6l_ 'l'hc Il_I_!HE!_!_!!Dlly rrril lltcl rrrrtUbc lighlols olfct' Itrv pcrils. if is thcir farrlt. larl)"s cigarcttc is lit.ilrtcr[ l'ilst. rlly ;rrof rlott is M''CHELL, lhnl orrr school :llll15g SpringlJlill lnn o.flcirs irole rrrc. Tccns 1'ou rr,otrIr{ llin/,' r'c tlcrc MITCHELL_Ph. I8I BEDFORD-Ph. BR 5,2478 irr J,'irrdo'tlnltoi .qil\'c l CI.ARA J. ttlcNAMARA, ;'1, Sl' Jo,rn ol fcnrclcly, tllc urdy lltc .Si.stt'r'.r'cotttfttt't ottf rvha t Arc cltrrrclt, {)cr;. ?0. lloly Cross ('rtlkirt. B&RSAIES&SERVIG dcncc.s. I'itr rto sttob, illiss e$Hs' III]NSCIIt.]f, NIJNNIi'TT _ ORVJI,I,'I ROO'| l)t{i I'l'e {r('r'tt nrottritl tttott'Iltott ones. r:lainrs tletticd I,'notr'. I Rcrl cnl, othcr st'tiior I tt'rts r\[ lt-'rtst hllf of tlursc rvc visilr.d Maylag-Frigidaire-GOOD SERVICE otrly lrlcllc rr'lr'rt. I r{'(,nl ld },'ra. llrlrr:lic:rlly bou'k,tl trs uvct' rvillr 6th srreer roprt oriri lost. stotrttttrt I ttrt.s itl ll1 :""t.1 glali{utlc, artrl tlrc blit'fcst Llrk by Vnlicittt IIatouii. I tlott'l fhirrA' l'll ct'trl rc- []il[)t:r at th0il circuurstlnccs coultl tcll not atf oirlirrrT llre rirttttb rrf. 0rdt trs thlt n'lrat. rvtl blotrillrt rvas nol \/ rV l'l (i.,\ N C I' l'\' -- - l.' ( )s s c t' v it t o rtr Jait'.s llof lhc sclool los. ltrf. uy sorn€lhins exlra fol iirc ('irlist- t:ltitllctr(t'rl t'cports inoiiir'i' iirirrks f rciii. i-to tr:ttt:' Ilotnatro lr:rs Ieffersonvillc 'l'. lrrls s('irs()n, lrrrI sonrcllrirrJl abso- ilfat'ir: circtrl:rlcrl by tltc llttngitt'iittr lcga- lulely necessary, sornctlring they Denr ilaric: tiou to Itlly rvlriclr cltrirtts tltilt tniglrt uul ollll't'u'ise hut c llolterr 'llrtsc pelccf cxist anyn'ltct'e. rvc.r'c poor l)oo- ul ;rn

!l Chr:isl rnas lhcrno Iv I v tt nlorc religious !f Iv - $f f' l,ONl)0N lluistmas in Eng.i !{ * land is becorning molc Chlistian, I !f if pulrlic rlecot'ations nlc intli- ll any | i!- cllion. I n1- :'i 1)ictulcs oI llre Vilqin nnrl Clriltl ,t at'c appcat'ing rrtt billbolr'rls anrl .\k ureeungs- vv,vJv in thc winrlurvs oli slrops and :., --,X 'kt C) horttcs, "; * .l lilcn llcgcnt Sllect, mlin ar', rs* lcry o[ .[,ontlon's shopping aret, is F fi lcttuliug angels iu lhis ycar''s Yerlit lilihLt,!r!.rrt{!r?rall}i}itlfr}rh!4hh!I!rattlitltih}lrr}}iti>lnlr,r,r,rrva# Cltt'isttuas {lccollttions. liolty-six of lhctrt in'c poisctl higlr ovtr' llrc LANTERN ROOM Itt't-rad :rutl wiltrlirrg Ilrrrlouglrfar'1r, GEORGEF. KIRKHOFF CHUNG'sINC. Piping, I'htrnl:ing, lkrating, (ihinese-Anrclir:anllcstaulnnt Air-Corrdil.ionins anrl llcfri(emtion Opcu Dnily 11a.m. - 10p,rn. '::Ttl:,':':.Til':; 445/ Lesloy Ave, li e.ZllO cHirsrMAs naNcEnFrtpr.r,taNcERLr'pr.rr oroilh. rn. -".'"'lir'.rl1i'.1'.'",ri-.;iGhrrrrD.rnmr'rt !{d tn r'ilo6 Ff 'l+:*j'ii-l',1:l:"[lr'1::i:* 1766-68N. Meridiln st. wA 5.9700 cHnrsrMAs J.-flfui,iJJ."*rp. Fo6d In Thurtnih,.mhr .t l|':::j.*Y.|:L: lusp.r by ino$r, w.. rttr .td il.nr.. t. m.d.l.d in N.Fl.t in lM li r.m.rl.bl. in lt 'l tr't tr'Y'rd m'nvilrr" rremror'F ' hrk'h hrff md ii. i."n. oml. F.omth. N.v r.taa*. n m i."riiiii; l',:*;.nll';'.1'',:S;'J';T'T"1'#*' OUY MONTANI WALTERA. SMITH FINE FOODS 0oI'IiR.,l:rHD lil/ JI:SLtI'I:S lVc Dclivcr'-Estirblishcd 1884 _. Postmaster - 12 Wesl zlth Si. WA 6.6565

LOLA'S GRILLE BITTRICH'S in i?ome "lloritc MEAT MARKET Biblicel center Cool',ittg Our Spueialty" 4216ROCKVILLE ROAD E. Ir. ilIcngcs*lli,(iladc i\lcats PopePius X cH {.0920 City Mrrket ME 4.1815 by DILLMAN F, A, Wilhelm

fourtc{ed inrlitult Biblical ccholrrr rrc few- WOOD PRODUCTS 8y JAMESC. O'NEILL the worklord of thc DAVISA KUNKEL ConstructionCo., lnc. by examining thc lrnguage ro' prrlicullrly ot fhe rarified levcl STEINMETZ 3510Division Indianapolis, Ind. Itt)lll':- l'trtt lttttttlt't'tlIt'it":t{ lrltr por'irrg oVot' Iht' tcxls quircmenls. ol lhe :cieniific expert-and tr GARAGE ('ltttlclt's rvorltl's bt'st scllot'lit lll(! largcst illl{l l'ol'Q' each arlicle of thtr r rerull Produtod 116Mrin 51.,Brech Grovc FLOWERS !urlsl-- - ct'ltlt'l' ol il(lvall('('([hibliclrl slttdics ltet'c. by r scholar is read crilicallY l]iblicll lttstil.ttichas jtrst sT 6.{508 3310Carson Ave, Chas, Pallerson Shoe Co. Dorn's Pharmacies, Inc. I'lrc .lcsitii-t,l,r't'irlt'tlI'rlnliIiclrl ond iudiciously by his fellowr. il.' 5tt-ri':tt' ttutt'li. l)cspitc ils sltolt histot'1" llte - I)olntr,rrvn Local irrns *- Irusst,tl li'fcn(:h - 5ht'iner & t.it'nct' Shoes P ttlrlSCllll,l'l0NS iiilllir',t.,rrr,lrs il is r'ot)lll)0lllv Nrrrrrr-lluslr Slrocs lrur llcn - Ilass - Opln Daily 8 a.rn. [o 1l p.lri, kuott'tt itt llotlttl, occttllit's lttt two 1t'nt's tt the' polttilicrtl insti' OPTICAL CO. lloccasins Sl.clsoll llctt's Slloes Inc. FOX | 30.| N, Pennsylvania M E 4.63'|9 iutprtt'llrttt irl lhc in- tilt(r, DIEBOLD, l4? N. Pennsylvanio ME l'9650 ltosiliott 572 Massochusetts Ave. ME 6.1646 I'it'ltl rrl llilllicltl 238 Soulh Meridian Slreel Ittiutliorutl HOUSED in I sontiter, gt'attitt: l0ll North Meridirn Slreet -;;;r-ro.i' strtdics. brriklin{ ttext rlrtrrt to tltc Jcsttit- ME 2.2448 'l'ltt ME 4'3451 lustitrrlt' \ its osli{lrli\llo(l l)i' t'rrtlrlrrt'lt'r[ ['trtttifit'itl (ircgoliln 'l'llo PHIL BAYT llopc St. I'itts \ rtt ltlr)l). I'oPt) tlnirclsity, the llihlicrrru is a strlf & DISTRIBUTINGCO. \\'lltt(,(l to cl'('cl lllt illstittlti()ll lhlt curtt:rincd ttnit, PROSECUToR q'orthl lltttt]ls: I tlo Iuil nllrvitlt' .\llrut ll() Jesrtits urtrtllt'isc its Vacuum (jlcancls and lleplilinpl pLtifcssots mrnroN couNrY scicnlificllll' lll'opiltt'rl facrrltl'. lts studcttt botly includes POYNTER I of sitr:t't'tl scrilt' PIERSONCLEANERS 247 N. Delaware ME 5"3543 .1ntl sclttrllrt's tlte rnl)l'r\ thnn ?ll(.)ptiosts ft'ont tloretts tttrt's atrrl rttlt'k fot' lll(' ilclx'l'il1 ,10 WELDING SERVICE| -"- - of natiotts lttttl tttot'c thnn reli- ;:;;r,l!;:,rir':li{li,:;:::ilii:,r-,ilill20?5Erst r0th streef inrJrtovcrrrcnl oI tltr'lt'rtl rrf ('ath' ,.f5,,',?'LLi;,i'1,":l"i-'': i\i: giorrs otrlt't's as n'cll Rs nlnny )trrr"rrr^rr'(r trrt-l W.Tenrh sr. ME l-29151 olic scltrrllrsltip rtt tltt ficltl o{ orrll' c()nrnroll litttxttnije lhll. i'l),llli:t::ll::,llrr1('rr ME 8'0400 3636 Sander's Delicatessen rlirrrt slttt 1tt'ir'sts. 'l'hr. pliosls [r'onr Victltltu. lirlzil, tltc Dady's Super Markets biblicitl sttuitos. offt'rs cotlrs(,s '['ltt: 'l'hat irrstitutt trvo I St'l'vint.l Slttrtc l'irrrtl J{r llilrli- lrt it-. Iir'.t }rurs, lht' ol strulics. {)rro is sllictl-l'lirrritctl 'l'his 1802W. Morris ME 2.0088 ltas lirr'rl ttll t{) ils (\p('(rtil- ttttLticttltttttt'ctlttit't's a lt.pptsnrkrrrsl r:ttttt Io biblicll stutlics. lrrrr this itll 1'ertr"s lrns lrtc(,\(,1'Lr(l SsE N I *l'i!';"t:',n.:'J:"1;j;"i'if*,,r 1269Oliver ME 7'0804 t iorts. sturk'nts to talit llJ lt,],,]:*,,..::lrr.eatlh rrf rrp-to.uol lost civilizn-l FOXD E L I C AT E " 1427E, Washinston ME 7.0645 t'anrliilltr:s trtttsl. ltitve tt

3rlilrlllnillmrllrllllrllllrrlrlhSPIRIT OF CIIRISTMAS CriWled Formosatl Seasons nrud-brick housc on thc outskilts ol Taichung.

THE STAFF ai, lhe local hos' pital, rvhere Ling-Yuan \vas trrat- Creetings ed Iollowing the' aecident, rvas cet'tain the boy cottld never be titted with artificial lintbs be' e ause of sut'gicsl complications. Lirg-Yran was sentotlced to r ffi iife of hotrelessness tlntil li'nther I\Iichael J. O'Cjonnor, ItI.II., of KLEIN'5 ,Associated Nerv York walketl into the picttue. QUALITY FLOWERS Oil Burner Service After visiting thc boY anil his l{30 Kentucky Ave. farnily sevcral tintcs, tlre llfary' "" ":l knoll nrissioncr rvl'otc to fliends llll li: :.1::l:i' in thc U.S., nsking fol atlvice and suggestions on ltorv to help the youtlr torvald rchnbilitution. Circle City BARRY COMPANY One of lrathor O'Connot's let" Decorating Inc. I)LUI\II]ING SUPPI,INS lels rcucltctl I'ctcy Ilealing oI Co., f09 Fulton Ave. STATUESSTOLEN Pooplo's Bank Bldg. tlrges revival in hotne ll0S'l'ON*Sltltues of the lllcss. cd Virgin, St. Joscph and thc DAcEereeinic Gorl's gi tl lo rrlilrl 1'lrlec Wisc ilcn-all gifts of alea SEARSotL co. Cirl Scouts-rvclc stolcn fi'onr n CO., Inc. BY REV' PAUL J. COURTNEY of traditiorrs 4025West l0th Streel comrnrrnity clcche in subulban 67 North 2nd Ave,, Beoch Grovc iI IIRIS'fl\IAS is stleh a bcirtrtifttl ftr;:st Bcltnont, ]'hc thicf lcft thc statue cH t.8323 torrcltes tts all rvith a .qctttltr bttltt-titlcss. It sT 7-5305 awilkctts tttc'trtofics of s(]crllcs wc lttlve nt\\'cf secll, of stlrttttls $'c hllvc trt'r't'r heat'(l' B&B \Ve ltettr lltc tncrrv jirrgling oI tltc -slciglt JOHN BERFANGER bells ott lltt: slcighs'rve lle\'('1't'otle, \Vc sce WELDINGCO., Inc. nqlitt lhc lolling ('ottlllfvsi(lc blatrkctcd in AUiTOUPTIOLSTBRY llic stlft ittttl glt'lttrtitl.t{ sllow lhat fitll.s otlly 4869 Mehaffey ( Lawrence) l0l2 5. Worth Sl. on t'hlisttttai cartls. \\'o gazt: itt attttttitl Lt 6.9/42 lllenlor)' tlpoll;l (lltIistnras lree tlf sttelt svllull0lr'\' itrtrl At'acc, of sttt'lt l)0rfcct hill'' rirorrv urril llclrtitv tlutl tltt'trt'e of'ti0 is PRITCHETT.HUNT ltave. I{t'ctt ollr htlll'l- BASKETGROCERY brtt a shaclorv of thc. trec rt'c tt*cti to & O'GRADY,Inc. ble noses etttel t,ltc sllirit of llre ft'asl :rltd con.ittt'c ttp 143Wosl l6th Street mon0rics of cltestntrts l'0itslilltl t)n x hcill'th \\'c ncvcr hild. -- ME 4.4265 Bowt,tNc_ ffl2 E. Washington Sr. FL 6.0713

"an ruraking enthusiastic hoblty out of things lhat should renlly be sinrpk', solitl rttrl n rlignificd DANNER'S MORROWNUT HOUSE sanctih'ing tlrc honrc." nreatrs of 5, lOc & $1.00Stores STORE No. I tEEKING 56 MonumentCircle ME 4.4287 Associateslife OLD CUSTOM ::0s'ron0s ttr?if lb Sclve You ln Inrliana In lllth.ccntury Ilugland grain l:;,l,ryrva"r,ME{.rr2i Insurante Agency uns exposc

1024 Virginia Ave.

EVANS ARTIE'S POTATOCHIP CO. PLUMBINGCO. 6400Brookville Road 84/ Errhrrt FL 6.?485 tsL 6.7?89

RALPH CAIN Costin's Complete \\'e urust u'rlch. lhorrgh, Icsl lilic cxcitccl chilcllcn, & ASSOCIATES Standard Service Station \\'e ignorc tltc gifl for the n't'appings. --. INSUItANL'li) - 5269Eart Warhington St. llte Suile l?5, Lemcke Building FL 9-7300 tt4E ?.5.1!5 MILLER'5 INDIANAPOLIS REGAL MARKET LINDSAY's BATHS HOLLINGSWORTH "Wc STATUARYCO. Ncvcr Closc" TOOL WORKS 450t2'rMrsstchusefts Avenuo l5{9 Mrdison Avc. ME t.7575 l0ll 3. Delrware St. ME 5.966t

MUTUAL CHINA MID.WE-CT lndianapolis COMPANY Office Supply Co,, Inc. MACHINERYMART i 209w. WASHINGTONST, CO., Inc. lt32 KENTUCKYAVE. 128S. Meridian5t. ME 5.5525 155 Kentucky Avenut ME 4'3446 3700 Southearlern Avenur ME 2't37t ; ME 4.4591

LUNCH TIME PINKY'SMARKET Dir,isionof QLIALI'|Y rllllATS PaulJ. Kervan li',\(;lL lt cryl'ultl|r-G sli liv lcD l,'t'cc Ncighhorlroo

F'ornrer Japanese 'suicide' pilot Sieasons birthpluce omlainetl llriest Christ's TURIN, ltall'-A fornrel Jap. anege kamikazc (suicitle) pilot who lost f aith in his cottntry's Creetings cause aftcr the atonric bombing of lliroshinra has bccome a Cath- by time olic priest of thc Salcsian Order unchenged hera. ;::,i;',ffl'ii::;::i]::"il*ll\[jl'.';l,"ll,:i1Jil:ii:ii;Iiil:ft*l;':l'**:"::]ff,fr*$l*it1ulrmf'Hti[Tft'|*.'.li['3EIu''.' ii.'ll,,'H[[ill'.ll.l;J':l'.,f:lll.i;'li'lliI"1*.ilJ'"*.u",lji:.","1il]Tl'lil'i;.ill:'illlifl '"il:,'i'1i:lii'l''"f" is asrrar ntd ; lx;:M$$|ilt$il{:lilllffil"n'j'$\rul[q.diilll'lllll"*'''.i.$ffi[il#'il#ili|,:,'ift:i|;"'"..,'.*'|'-"" :xli,:tf ir,ri'iiri"l,lr

.il.il,l-.*."""'"*"n",,.l"*"l,il^'|.I]li,^'"^l\;.,."l-|"i,.ll.1"]l::olr:.ringing rngelr, lhe shopherdr rnd lht Magi, arc tll ctched on r [ivr': of Kagosima, rrear Nlgisaki lr,r,l,r"xiilli"i1ll,:x i;i',4iil *:-llt*"*l includessPace ase crib 'lf i..;$".ll..i1i;]i,iii'.iih6".:ll."In:.fxl.villNid'caniltriiii.i...a"*l"t..tj.illlvDoihthb0strplrt|"i);';[*li;T"jlTii ["$,*ftf:"." H,i\llrfltll,nilil*'1d:Hffii;;-;r*,i,li"orjtiiij'ti,,:ii,ji,\'Ji,ir* ;; i""jf nlitil***Jiru'# l;^;;";;;l-*,Jff*-,#-

i'l"."*"".l''j:.:h:.,ll:i]l.i]'.i]ii'|';1llll"l'll.'..l.liff.illi litll*i-i-$t*['lil*iiJi'':i',-g.IollhrIrdii,.ii,"-i,il"l*i,l"*]:Ii":iiiit8Jl:iHlI[lI.|i$xit,'lll}T'tjiili"J,[ll:i].x1Itf;| i'i,i',;i : nnrl l'ltl"r'i,,:iili:'iti,,l"'ipr:tsnntschitngc little, lf therc llrtll\i"t\\'ils nn.\'lltitlgirirt j$ixltjtllc tnitrlgt't" it ,hr'bu''c'v'"'r"""'""'''{l*,*iiililtl h;i}:l:lii::'"il,,l.i.,if i'i:i'Ii#uit'*"*rl ***lllUltUiisiq'iliq'i'i,ifl! Mcrry tlcltit:tittg il,,::r,i*,:*'lll":ilii,.,,l".-..*'3"'o*' scette *##,t 'l::,.,,":,,,"::::,(lhlist cltikl in ;l;; l)('(l hrrt rt'hiclr is Iletl lecltniquesused ::::., of thc ltaliattislantl MORTGAGES,Inc, I NEW HOPE 'l lictltlcllt'ttr nl lltlv lltllc.il"':i,,,ll ltl li iililxiil;,il,i,lll:'ll,'i'",,ilil,l:llil-/,Gd:"#\I fil ',.. ".*o s,.-Roon5,! | NURSINGHoME

nt rluling tltt't'cigtt ol' (.1.1:l\'lilL.\:,jl)(r,I:\'lilrr_D - ('Urnurunistti{trnilris( aud nN ttallctlcilll.d uritt l"atltct'Bilsso[ to BETHLEHEM rvtls fttttttct'lv it l]rrpc l,ius \rll is


(;oillililtjstoFt lililt(;tlAN1'li rritlri.liiimxi, ;m 4""$*:r*rl;$i.." lr,"*\l'r'r*i' lrrr, *.nru.n, O"., CH f.0g3l nttnlltct' tltin ltaill'\Vorkcr. illustratc rvhat a small Ilut llctlrlt,hcrn cannot lrrse tlrc srving-MoDERN ou. on tltc 319s' New Jersev st' ME 1'1459 1 "[,et us ca.c lror your car" ,,",f:i:li'"""'.':'lll',1:,il,"'iril:i.i.::,,,'ll:i:"')i,i,1 li'.iir"'1i,,.'""'l,,,iii; lll;ii:"ll$',,i1"1.#',ili1,'l;"i.1"i A t'lr|s|nlis(inln&lAts['clts[md.."".|lll.Til];";]:"l.;'l.""lilli'illi:i'l}"'ii" *il"iJli.":l"l*'i'illl" "iiilli"'i." T;'u"f,i,,i' PHARMACY ;l'1,"1' ttr* questiott

pnrnfidol rnn in mccrhEs,lo tccr ilil.rcr i,sur.s ivark .munF (ifccf, .--* til{r,d. rhcr a tnrour 'l'he1' I l_ . .. . - _l-=- .lci\rsil Dilllltr.r'to rlo 1L-Sr.istmns at a irt'irk. nlso choosc an ll is a place, however, wherc unlns.

/-\ | tH_EEEDS coDilntrlhh.$ilh onhrnrdh lrclllchctrrisofdir l___. -.... -....__l ,.. .l j [Eli":r:',|$$Jl;l$iItr;1{l{i"-lliil$l.)iir,ll'''.''|'.#Tlii!'.l;:u*tttissiortar'it's|-;;;''-;l'"i^i,iJtiiillll'l'lll r^ucuKdonitNo-"ilrnhv l lJ l.r-crson c I l;il il"l,.,:ii,,i;j'hinru il";i',lli#'"n:i'iil \€#;;i:"''"|,q$.i}'hlltl[.$odd,"iiill*l-};llii}:.ji}"l.ry;fi|;ll.';;'il#i:::;|,,,,l'.m;r*r-']]-'-:..'..'.:]:..'...l*''l'lill"lili';,i$","l..i:;1illll'riralcst:|trrrrlsh

tlltonum.ntGlrcE | "ndu."dbyr t!!!ANAPoL|s.mE|ror.9.l3,t|-"idl.*il"1l,.;l]\.];"iI,'.:;,;;;;;girclr[.J'S.|rrallsnnn , ot cod. I - - ronrrictor HEATING co. sr.r u,rrioni,o,. noon r'"rmi r- a. o*'* ii iiiiiii.l (rn Broadnipr; otrry) | | & '- I LIMB CORP " il nrudoro1116rrnxtcnndDnLoclirllll..disco\crcdllEllhcyhndh.etl!t2Errra3rdSt...i .i#"i+i$,!li:fiTl'"1* cLl{Itltt3NonhPh.unrrrn. "ME7i358l ""'lno " v Il r(ado and [ia[ schooL t. h.h, shootrn{ {l oncn ourtrr rn i'ill', u'cl (WOIIEN'SAPPAnEL)" - ''' --:: I 1120N. D.vidr.n M u,-*"*n'-n il iii:liidi'ni:llf'lirrlrfl.',ld"1"{fi'llli""f :: :-.--l------"'. ;"::;.; ,, ;,,,1 II ll$$ll iii.:*#lifii:{il:$fi}'fii:llli!'cnlnpnncicacrirsin$ciancc,iii;ii,,:iii.i"Jii,? Btrlsc*iir'+lfi:llrT'iril$'rirl:"_!"11$'i1 rishns. . l--* ------*l- !l .li'It:;,.tnalhcn,ilrrsrndnrodernlorcisn IarherKronc(itter.rconscripll | | Ilerry" il n,cNndc trndor ^ ilJ\,1':iX$:""ii1l,I",T;i.lil"",lilrns -,;;,;,,;;..,N.E.w.CoMPANYI sleceus | _ !l p,ii;i,i""-#dJloiiiiviriiiiib":oecicnrs r"uirn n;om".'il-' ero.romanrrr (ompany I I Nyland Sheet filetal "'lJi,,,!,^christmas gip$*iffiIl [:'t,l;"1";'ll,ll;,1""]l{,il,i.lil Llil*;",llT :*il11,"T"'"';.", Lr7n5!0 r,2,N,.ft w.!, sL MEr.o,8rl n,i,nrir, pilosthoo_d ! Wffi Vl*ld,echinsrn-cililks or b rintrtrc; minor rcmoitotlng fiftilffi1'"',),',.y,,:,"f.'.,^-"],,,":r"iifTiT1,'l-ordaincd to.thc andl - - I l'--'li1l**ltdt N. SHERMAN**' oRtvE FL i "ffi RockD^,1r.r--rlsland $l*:iJ-::HT#lllil**-**.'",*#::H:H}l,#:,#"il:IllT*l-as,Bncil,o,hembs's,nKmrl--.---- 11"-:':*:1: @ryk'ePmssiethi,s"lh trt RefiningC(orp.'::''''n(orp';ii s't t a^-^^^^ il;;;'""^^;;;,1 I _n,AcH,NErooLs_ 2l4l ShelbySt. sT 6.2221 -{fr#kJ lrro, Or,rro*o i '000w86'hsr $ilffi'ffi y"so'rsfilul tn"nll ol:,j!"rnnnt"n*r:rrrrarru*lr lll -lW,YKffi Greetings xffii{fl't}i l-s-cl I rcnou il^"".*';-*,"".-*l 1 1ll,l",li;,'i,i#,1:,:::' C0.,ll{c y 'i sr. 4.5083 PENNSYLVANIA fffffiilffiffiffiffi::;":;:;11tl|LarPenfef 5 ls#E il,!,5r.d,s^re. llls1,,,,",,"".fl11,1lll*t sourx , r| &r1".*oo*l!r)r*)i* H r.$ao##.#ffi'ff't'H$ffi '"*::"::''.'"n"InlernationalUnion $ fi ,-,$,"x,."'." ,tl"J*.'rru* pAUrAr.ul{ i* ffiffi furuffi United ili1,..-..::'::"*' ;:,",.,1 l-:'..;i:lir"llil'u'l"" "J'n'*" "' l,*,.:..:;'""'T.,.,*;.""^ott-tt*;iit"lii"'"""" l.llliff:fjiilll i iiffiffi ---';----Brutherhoodil *^;* l-*#"^-l-l*",.];:rooL- : iii lRggllll 9of! i SirtERHousE .ffi;-;::' g ii,,,{:fli:t?^:",i;ri'u*i${iii-lri#,fr*l,'.".*wsrour 1 l**-.j*:1,1*'(ompanv ! Carpenterr& loiners ol- America ii-;1;"; I\r" I rrE'. -^ ' '*:li.['|" ;;.;;; ;;; * C"mnenv_ lnr- il,o,,,,.G I "'qsn,'nv;i1.1^"^T,'J I a SON, Inc. to"" i - - -. wooD,,,l lT1:,,, il li"**in: w 5Lchr st"r t€ t{rl0 1,,,r::1,-Tl'arhine'vrxor^t^Polrt ;..;;'- jnr m.*..ru..niAvr. M: 5iorl ilttDuDlr\lrrlr!----r----.-.,--,-. DtlltltlllJ--._","-,-tii i , 125 THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 23, r?ou PAGE THIRTEEN

Christmas traditions of h"ly" Venito region Christn_.as Pledge a "Calhollc , , -. !rr-nl, (RsPrlntsd lrom Mcn") Seasons d0tWlg Ou,un to pre-Christian ttmes l. I promlse to nralre nry Cliristmas r holy day with Christ-not haue roots o r holiday without IIim. "pinza" Christ' the sttnds as r rymbot l. I iromlce to obsarve Christn'ras as the blrthday ol Christ-not 8y ANTONTO NIERO rpecial broad made for givc rirs Eve according to n ccntttries- for the breed eaten bY MarY afid rhetely as a day to a.ntl reccive ntcrchantiise, Creetings "Pinza" VENICE, ltnlY-Clrristrrtas tre' recipe' eonsists of way to Bethle' old Joscph on their t. I promlro to ieurernbet that rcal sytttllols of Christntas are the thc Verreto rt'gion stlr' raisins artti bits ditions in eom florir. white hcm. l'he origin of this tradition citY ol Star, the Stable and tha Crilr*.iot Santa Claus and his reindeer. toun{ing this frmctl of dried lig, rvorked into a rough cen' ls lost in the earlY Christian "Santa canalg are tlividotl betwecn honte with plenty of rvater' It is "plnza" promlro dough turles, btrt the rvord goes a. I to terrch nry chiltlrcn that Claus" is e-nick. and churclt, with rrrots in sonte cooked in hot wood ash. In hontcs "Saint back to the tinre of the Roman nama which sttnds for |'{icholas." ol them rvhich go back to Pre- gas has been installetl lor "Plnza" "pinsa" rvhero entpire, or ls I C--hristinn tintcs. wood ash is 5. I promlro to help ono poor fltnily, in honor ol Jesu$, Mary cookingl tha Prcparod Venetian vornacttlaf {orm of iho for the cooking of tho "patris anrl Josoplr, thc IIoly Ilstnily of IJetltlehctn. TERESA LAFFEY IJere in the Venice Patriarchato esneeiillv latin pinsntttttt," rvhielr "ilnla." Vcneto Christmas fcstilities bcgin with a lor no ortc in the glound "pinza" nreani brcad mrde ol 1.. I promise to scrxl Chlistmas cartls renrindlul ol IIin, the in- consitlars the ntrthentic if 't novena. Churchcs are {illetl evcry tortl, gsnss, puppy CITY CLERK * wood lant Savior'-not tlccoratcrl only witlt candy dols, motnittg atrd clattiug rtith the it does not have a llurnt ribtrorrs an(l tvl'oirths. f rrithful prt'parirrg themselves llavor. DURING THE nftolnoon oi De- arottttd tho grorvn'upr spiritttslly for the conling of Itr the countrYside cenrber 2.1, whilo t. I promlro to urRkc roour in my honte for IIim, Who lound no "Christutas thesc dlrys it is cotlt' ,7crorvrl to the churches lor confes' Gifts for tht Clrrist. On rtrom at tho inn, rvitlr a Chlistnrrrs Crib to rcntintl me that lle F)ntireI'arnily't orr tlteir rvay sion, the young boys of the house' 'in nrott to sce farnilies 'silent was born a stable. roath the chuin on which tho to chttrch along tht'cottntrl' Night' comDoscl's hold take Paul's Department Stor. bcforc the day's lirst liglrt is in l. pot hnngs irt the open fircPlace t. I promise during this soason, in n spccial way, to honor lllary, Open l,'ri. & Sat. Till I p.I{, the sky. anrt drng it along the road' Thc IIis rrrothot', rvho kepl the lilst Cltristmas vigil bcstde the gravel of llte roatl claaus During thtlstl drrYs too tha fig' dust and mangcr. the blackenetl . chain irnd will ttres for the chrrrcltes' Christntas to be notcd t. I promise rlay nry frurily to IIis centenary make it shlne lor Christnrns l)ay. lo llogin this by lcarliug toble cribs are hrortght out of their to bs thc hottso i\tcanwhilc the girls of tltc ltortsc lo loccivc thc llrcatl of Lifc. boxes and rrt'aPPirlgs, llRr\tlNA{J, Artstt'in*This torvn lcr's chiltlhtrotl, though rvhitcwash the hearth, polislt the ' "Glory CRYSTAL FLASH JOHN F. RAFTERY cleancd, tlustr.'tl snd rcpairttctl. rvltet'c lte \t'its lttlttt still stands, 10. I promise, on this nnrl evcly rlay, to give to God in on the (icrnran border is PrePar' brass vases and cautllcstickg antl "Peace A clroPel in caclt r:hltrcn is s('t the highcst," anrl [o rvork rntl play lor on earth to PETROLEUMCORP. Circle Tower to celclrrrte tha centcnar)' of copper pots that harrA Buildlng boys ing shine tho aside for thc crccltt', and the rurcn o[ l(oor[ rvill," of one of its two fnnlotts in thtr hitchcn. Then theY Pttt 3tB Wrrf l6th 5t. antl girls of thc parislr help tlto the detth ME t.6306 tho last linishiug touchcs to tll: pastoi hang cttrtitins, or ntold sons: l'rnnr 6rtrblr' contpost'r of has been let the "Silcttt fantily crcche wltich |||l||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l|||||l||||||||l||l||||||l|||l|l||||||||ll||||||||||||i|||||||lii|||iii paper irrto ihapes to srrggt'st the Chlistntar h1'ntn 'l'ht'y up in a conter of ihe roonr. vattlts of hcavetl. intpro' NiEht." vise systt'nrs of illrrnrinatiott to Night fnlls antl lhe bells nf the McMAHAN'5 JAMES ELECTRICCO. the orictrtal fairYland of Ovcr the nlslllory of its otltcr churches ccho caclt othcr irt thtt create SUPERMARKET - CONTRACTORS- canrcls attd Palnt trccs, and Put famous son. Adolf IIitlcr, it ltas tlarkness rvhilo the fanlily gathcrs crest'ent moou atld stnrs in the for its mcsgcr Christntas llve a cast q utantlc o{ oblivion' Offico: 1270N. Port Rord sky to captivaio the minds of suppel'. Afterrvirttls ovet'yone sits llrtunau ltas sct uP I t!ollltllit' children rvho cotrtc to rvorship tho arountl a big table to PlrtY lotto Merry ehrist chiltl. tee to establislt a ntentot'ill ltortl until tinre to lcavo for trlitlnight for Gruber. It will be known al llirss. Thc bclls ring their last ON THE DAY bt'fort' Clttist' t'The Toler of Ch|istllras I'cRct'," call antl all rise from tho tnble to hies, evor.vons pf t!t)iltcs for tltc nnd rvill bc plnccd over Grttber'r put on their $'raps, On the stroke er'+rtt to f t'llorr', Workct's At'tat grave in the villago ccnletcry. of rnirlnight 0vOry ehllrcn is filled irul pcnsurtls stop their lalltrrs Christmas point with tho faith- cnrol to a bursting eat'ly in thtl aftt'ttroon atrd go to Every Chlistmns Evc his ful who, rvith tlte birth of the thcir holltcs. Stt'ict nbstinetrce is n'ill be sung ft'om tlte torver top Saviour, Rre reborn to thc blessetl on Christtuas llve nntl by r loeal choir. It will bo broad- observrrtl infancy of the sPirit lrotu tlte *t catt throughortt the worltl. - :t:ll5-i: i'l !:l*i::i:'-ll:*: nriscrics nnd blowg of rlaily life. EMERSONF. DAV|S I r,lnYs PATNT Brownsburg Christnms Pra-Yer InsuranceAsency la WAILpApERCORp. "AIl l,ix'nrso[ [usul'arrcc" RrllY .Icstts. I rrrr e".t renttr st. FL a.l{tl llortt toditl . 3302Mrdiron Ave. ST 7-t?5tI DICKEY'sMARKET Iltrc's it rvislt, Seasorts l,-----* (iroccries - l\leats - l'rorluctr - l,'rozen ['oods I scud 5'ottr tt itl': l0 E. Mr_ln SL ,-tt: aLsco _____Ut- l'rttm 1'ottr stlblt', GE6RGEo. I \\'arnr rnd l.'"isltt, DESAUTELSco. ED. KING INSURANCEAGENCY, INC. liless thosc slrtl wittltlor I ,o,,,,t1;li,l,luJ}l,fllll,.-,, 'l'hrorrgh Creetings tttjt"r?i"li;- l4l E. Main 5t. Brownrburt ttigltt- - -- thc iranurnctur.r,r-sr\11t'rrrs I .i{,tlilHt Bus. PhoneB'burg UL 2.2216 'l'hc little htntbs, tl02N. MaridlanSt. wA 3.2403lddl Wertlfih Sr. ME ?.5515*- 'l'hat uo olttr ltlvcs. 'fhc liretl, the sick. il*i*ooo REA.LTY.'MPANY 'l'he rvouudetl tlovt's. Restaurant -.. trlt^L ns'r'A]ll, - '_1t'1: tf" Brownsbur titl Roscoelurner BryantHeating Yt_1_tll-Yl BROWNSBURGSTATE BANK AeronauticalCorp. andAir BR,OWNSBURG,INDIANA

I(l8 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA wElR cooK E. ALLEN HUNTER ('*t"T:liH,:o' MUNICIPALAIRPORT ME s-5008 MARION COUNTY IUlodernCfeaners & laundry Bccch L'raft Distributors TREASURER.ELECT Merry cH {.2401 BROWNSBURG l{0 E. Main Phonr UL t-{217 BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION SUPPLY DRIVERS, WAREHOUSEMEN& HELPERSLOCAL lndiana(entral UNION No. 716 Danvillc 8{9 S. MERIDIAN ST. (ollege DICK'SB. & H. RESTAURANT 3810W. Wash. Sf. F)-vrcrienceSet'vice - (iootl |ootls - Open ? I)ays a Week MOOSECAFETERIA Jordan Funeral ll South'Wrrhington DANVILLE, lNO. 2660 Lafayerte Rd. WA 3.0291 "Ilonre {OOIOTTERsEIN AVE. - I35 North Delcwarr of Itelsonal 5360 N. Keyslone cL 5.07t4 sT 7.t101 TROONEY.JUII'TILERWARD 1{28 Eert l0rh Sl. DANr'-'-rii;-lsr.--* 2935 5. Madison sT 7.289{ - rtLowFr Rs,,iilll.i tik - Jll'il'IoNs SEVEN TO ELEVEN You'll Find No Finer CAR BUYS ln 196l . . . Choore IMPERIAL - CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT LAWRENCE PHARMACY SUPERMARKETS Donnr-Mar Realty "t-:"'DANVILLE, INDIANA a.c6rt ":::ltl il ll0l N. Lghy l{icolay AI t.,l96t Battery GeorgeB. GATESiIIOTORS, INC" **_- - 1':']'j il-:: WA ,t.1844 t4ih &. N. rLLrNors wA 6.13f3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK (ompany Rolfsen,Sr. Y ou,r' I,'r icntll u Battl; Abrams Realty --?liy'i::-lll-ilL iockish Fiowers n10 u.s.il, souTH ffiET'SDRIVE-IN 10I Mrln 5t. 5T 6.t483 ,,ACROSS II N. SHERMAN DRIVE FROM RIVERSIDE" THE DANVILLE STATE BANK 16t6 S. Errl oEEau ^6AtrA 9EE!n ViVta FL 6.0608 Wi'h BRANCHESAT i129 WEST 30rh STRSST . rNDrAiiA " 1::T ::'-A.'roL-il':i:E' Home Budget Service American Hardware & wltilAME. wlLsol{ R0BIRISftfl0I0RS 272{ Eart Washinglon Sl. Supply Co. Smith- DouglasAnchorTool Co. 3UPERINTENDENTOF PUBLICINSTRUCTION SALES& SERVICE ME 9.3369 l0It Virslnlr Avr. Dodte Carr - DodgeTruckr * Uled Crrr "Designcrs STATE OF INDIANA IXD' and lluiklcrs 56 X. WarhinstonSi. SH 5'4421 DANVILLE' 'l'ools (ompany of Special and Inc. 1\Iachinery" MRS.QUINN Goodman's Shoec t060 w. f lNNEsotA sT. Fortville ROOM rnd BOARD NORAPLAZA cH a-{41r GEORGEFJIORTOI{ DAVIDSOI{ 24{ N. RandolphSt. ME 24295 26ll Wert Mlchigan Sl. STROUGHGROCERY FORTVILLE,IND. Independent BISCHOFF BowersEnvelope friAYoR0{ARLES H. Boswttt PRICE JE\^/ELRY RE-NEW{I FORTVILL=, IND. Window BrothersInc. & LithographCo. PAINTINGCO. CHEVROTETCO. CONTRACTORS KEMERLY I2I7 WITTFIELD AVENUE HARmg,T,,, c. 957W. MTCHTGANST. tze 720 Maln Sl., Beech Grovr tot*,il,l,l;,1:'' fHg:*,S:; FL 5-{4t0 ll5i"l9,[""c"9;:..1I sT 4.1609 ME 5.7466 3616SOUTH FOLTZ CoonsREXALT Drugs (entral - loyalOrder AFL-C|O GEORGEK. JOHNSON DRUGS - COSilIETICS PAINTS Localll9 Nonferrous '*:_:_:::_'::' FORTVILLE,INDIANA Roofer's LahorCoundl of ' of frlooseNo. 17 Foundries,Inc :'.::. 5{T EAST IIth STREET liarion(ounty FIRSII{ATIONAI BAI{K 220' N. SHERIIIAN DRIVI (olf,PAl{Y, ITt I{. DELATYAREIT. REIS l1{( MEMBERF D IC rnd FRATERNITYJEWELER3 Brnk in Hrncock Coun?I lrc t iitt IO35, MERIDIAN ST. WHOLESALE Only Nrtionrl mg ,.atJa Lt l.3t3t t E E.Ut' FORTVILLE,INDIANA ,2il 3. MERIDIANST. j lNolANAPoLlt THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 23, 1960 PAGE FOURTEEN who tells tlrc Popewlrut to do t""i""r*,u"U:tr'.i$",n'':I*"ril',1.*i*lil::: =Z Tl,u man =:ili*il:1.----, *lilili:,."*;'r*"i;",i.ii '.'l]lil'i;li.#i;i;;";.;..'...".,"}:'l$:#l|li:f \,^I'IcN cr[Y - o-'"..fJl[T.l"i',ii'T iiiili'i'tii.ri'Klii.ii;."o"'*.1:L,.;'";;.;"'";",.".i$Iyltl^z*{#,}*.:ui"l,-i-4;ill;$i1*'131ipqli}l,l1l.ir;i]")ii1',]-is.,j,ll:5'.j,iT$[t*:q}i$ii#if'm'**+ti.i*$n.:..:[if!lfl$$'.1!f;l":l;ll.r""l;l:i].i;i||: iljl":,;-;";,;."-.-' jj,'"$'r ;{i;liir irx,,r;"'"r"ri*rr,li'i,""ir,*,*illll*r-$i$.':#flLU'jr*lt;i ii,r"]ri'*r"rll* ilnJ{tlllll.lw'"HHitiJitJ*$;l*ixitiri'.'..':.llir"lillh'i.lll.,ltll.""*xi.lf:.;'fl."llmui-jljlii1Ti:'"l''J[;il,{D;;i;'; "',ur e' 1"r,;q;ii;td"ll}f$f*}j.ill.li*fl*r l$li+;,'+,f{$l$ iflnj$t,,il-.f llTffl"il*i.:}iHl|l Sectsons iil[]ir,',ili#iti$i$$l^illll-":x.u"'""" ..yr:r.,"...,1ir,?: ; .$-r_e I .""''"' Grcetinssi lllt' ll)()\clll*rcu ycrrr. hihrc '*"" ":li 'll a l):rtrt. rlircrlt'tl clrcmonicr for {c churchilttlili:i[":i"'r':*g;fiffi,lfitH,.:i'1T",1'*" court. ill"il:i'liili,l."i"lt!"it""i',il 'il) ('at'(linals' I Httiu,,""l"tl,,j,: ' - -- lll()l;r5riffi**qrurii*c tllatl ;ltiill"t"hs. #Itr I f'5$',ffiilrdgl5gggftF"ifrtrllb"n coN(rrn W i atttlatltl N chose l'-atlter gc ir ,,i',i,.,liri,itr,urrs,,i irr', httitl,olts antlitlltl bislropsbisltops l'ope St. I'ius il. tnught rtrnshr phrhilr:ilDh} trnrit r0:|0. rn" rrr""ilnr,t rrnnsilnor r l:1..1'..t'iljl.i1,^r.1"' li ttn llrc Nhrrlr t't'littttc thll ttrlkcs tht' Iortlrcpr{Ir}.tcarslrha ii;,'ii.:'';.'"..'".":|lcniUrdllhcnloni.ron[tArchitlrr. llcttitissltttcc slllt'ntlor of ri*.roA. rrc.oniltriliillor.r(h ilrfdrshDrlnlccrcnronios. hhis .::'l::;;-'-,.-:---:.--- l-, '_ll - , .,,.hntrd iltr rh. ntonsirnor's lnilA fl.ilr! (lurch in llDnrc h lrilf swEsT BIOADWAY \l:!r l)rrl. is (.nslrnlh rt lte suIhtrlcd nI ':ri;.i'i rrir l,n(. l{rr' i.rtrcc lrt r.aisina.hi3..'conrprt l l -il",]i:+,1lTi: Oaklandon ''.,;1,.. "Hl-T:[i.-;j I g Ir o r c A C L U l ot cs t t rrrii,,ii;,::,r.'r:',r"':,tri,rir'rrl ;:-" P- i'llion drsrre.ursrrrclhcIhc trrr'iilviliail rr:r 'i:l'in ',ilils;i' ;,i;,,;il",.}x',.r..nrs ;""",$,".,,,111i s. il,. rir-{ or | $;*-'+l[[i;it-iliitiillnstn* r,rc-roi,-n*crr*ir.il-n'..c. rro rad."r r.I "fii""iin-"" m .'ii:l'liyj,jlJilil,,y.rilr rs{. /-r r I lllli:" L. W. MOHLER ,,,t*,:;;.^il:*:'ill:. G IIN}.:RAI, }I IiRCIIAIVI) IS II] {r(ri.....*.n, OAKLANDON, ":;;;;;;;;im'li'+rffiifl;:j"i,i-i{ll**ilr.;if*,;t3iif:'fliiil on Christnlas Pt'ogrlTl lf;** IND. - .,i1,'iii.tl' ;;,1i::"'ii"i'.,,riiii""r'$j5,,i"r,'"illii ;il\*#"=ilt*[rli]i,+f*nls,lrl[' wr ,"-:*]l---il;;;"H#" l..irlr,cc1rctfcct:l.li:i'lii,"1"!lli;:]utNNael[oifll|M|li.:ii]:.l'.*"lilllll.',l,];i$idi:.:::"::.::::-:iiWI.1Vlerryliir,r,rr.lx,rf.r,, :rlrir.n;r^rtl":r*"; ifi.;$in'.1itr;ilili*il:i :i:_f,r.___i__i:,,__ii ffi{, lvlerry il- .""'^""""''"",, .lr.isrr'.ssr.rrxrr *iiir,*rtii;ririg [i[1;'r'ni|r':*ihrir; -lfli-r::'fru:,,ltllli W( .,:,": - ill Moorcsviilc l'.i'.lll,,i.:;{.;tiil'i:$I'i'li;#.ill{.[*fuqu;*lliil..;l|lillt'mrulfiiWClristma'|l# i','j.;'..:l']i''.'l:']i|;:'''ll''.]li;..ll.i.^llll"'l,.i.]l;I""l]iilj:li:;"fll A'GMARKET :i;:;:rriI,ii;i,rr;:ii-:,:'rlri,ili*:'i-$ii'':i*$+i11l'.16.,p1;'6[*$1iii,i$if*,iii.'.,.,'';[iili1i;{|l ;;iii**1 lq**il;H l];::::"::,g"r[lr,;;:'l Mar:riusvillc ll ."::::E's '''',]']::.',],ll''i'il'.:.li,.i1.,1;;1',..,'*,,""iliil,ll.;llil;il1rxiliIl1|]];:jiJ{I;

irnriir({l rnsirild, rlninr\l ll,rl rh pnDlrr {n(s. trtrt lrslcnd r.rr il tt)l - ! s* .t. n*i*i;J"";]i^'"1,'',=*ilJ;J.'.;I#;,*;--'1""nffi,,,}.,;;;.--"";;""- I yrc*,P;.) Merryiffii;i,::*: **'i,%i""Ai$itll'[';'$iliJili",ili,j.''i 2-'-: r,,',,1,,,'*,,. ii,i, th',itn,il.s"nr\ Lril' ro rh tnm,.rDj*rs In,(icr''r'nl Ur:ll:r^ l. (-- E..-^".1 ll^-. | I: ffiri* i 7^\r ii [r*'"'iTu'*.'l*iii*iillpst,.lffi*llr;i*:i:x,:::rwilhite * l"x'rffi#;ffi#;::'"" 1,,"/i,:,.::):l*rll.*rlr'l*...... ii,ii$i'f]1{W,:i,.1"' Y 1::::'lHomel-*]if;Tl**il#;. n" ""ii';*:!iiiG "I"iloiil''it;,lii''-h''"" *r{u,Ki.({tr{r(trrrwr**rr*iirrr"*K(qi*si {| ;llYiX.:;,lillJ:'liil. I liranklin'r'anKrrn alrl\rt.' l! L_- -ii li seasonsii nnsrilAIloNAtilAIr'NAt BA.{KBAI{K GRAN'PA'S Finanrerinanre,rofil;;;;'il;mooresvire Innn'rrnxr *niic',-A^*.lll-- - rvon""""'"o"lolln*",", ffi{llllll ij l""ur", rrur"'rrndttniic'-rvondcdtr'"o"lolln*",",,nt.!,no. FAAIilliltiqq{FHIU t'trrrinsville,trtrrrinsville,Indianr 1""u,i,, sr i,,h*"yrfFirsiFedera|Savingsand.-"^.':::::,-'|i'ffffiffiy,(]|.eetul8Sitwlw I {$,ffiH]Hill ill //1 /1 ,:,,*^ i l.orou,".,,*"..l.o ,ou,".,, *".. 71?' E.z. M^rN of Franklin I93 N. M.ilr Plainliclcl *TLDMAN'S,*5w-t^LRY PLAINFIELDFLOWER SHOP \l\|1ll'rVl\rr\.rl\t- nvLr!Y r, ii:ry|ffi TrTIr: e'36009.3600t' l-cuB$.+r,,$-9o.,$F, INSL]RANT'I,1.INSLIRANt'l'1. ltlir\l.ltli;\1, l';s'1"\'['l:i,l'lS'l',\'l'l:1,.{-q5},c,.r.,,*,* l,t)'\\sl,t)'\IS ll ( trrll9 vln'Vincvinc st'"1-Strcelstrcet 1_ ll Crcenwotlc[\-- ifCenWOOC[ | n,.n,,,,c'.rr.'r.rar'r't'regr.^ph Dcri'er'],-- llll-^-'-*--'-^'...^---_i\lcntllct'rrfI.'|rlral,|.t'legr.rrphDc|iver.},--..,-._]_|t:-y.-rg: - '-- -l 'l ,6,rrF. r,..rF, I E. T. BuRNsiDE FLINNand IIIAGUIRE lL- GRIMESgRtMEsHorELHOTEL c"'r""nsh.,hv'n. ' HoMEHgM.E& cARDENsHop :i:5: i:l:: 1"."".,,'X"!l'!.lu'lrui'h;ll.iii*ti'- -FUNETALHOMC- I -rItNTSIOBEVERYSURFACE-+,,94[P5II.J.T9P I| PLAINFIELD,"I AINFIFIN INDIANA -.__l::- Amu.m.s.Nr. fr.nHin,Indr.nrrrr0w. M"r -. --*- --..____*______I9 l1l-r1l*-----* i Lucls MoToR EXPRESS,Inc. | ELLIS MARKET rnri.n.poils. cincinn'ti | J sh.rhvvirr..indi.n. Phor Frhllrhc ?ttlt.T an I fO. COMMISKEY DRUGS I r".c*rc.*.""1.g."gg1 11gr."^..rrcir'.8{tcdcood3l!:g'!:_l!1, rEnmns-rnusrco..--|;;:[|If*YNDRUGsl-:.:,...-.-i,,..'''.'1':fi$$,i'l':-:-::-T.""a|r.".r'.-.l.*-.1.'&"i*;.l;f{;-"I'Ex&{4'.iil I llUJ I Wo I e REENwooD,rND. l___-_* | SPEARS DAIRY SALES ---- -*I "'li:i;'illl''''""Ji.lil,i'"u,r...,no. A {io!'D,Dfr.A(E.roB^NKf l.A(E10 a^NK l- I sxlw'ssHAW'sMEN&BoYsWEAR- MEN & BoYs WEAR 1,,,.".,^rl&T,'llj" - Errrhiiih.rEsrrbiiih.d ror2r!12 -_ | ADAMS CORNER I| w"w; (ii\" rftililctrrrcdttcd $nnrrs'$nn,ri' __-- - _---l'j'-',.."11:'-'11:'il1!:-11 . - . FRANK!|N.6dwH|TE!ANDl!hrhv.||.YR."dTul{700Gl..nw..d,|.d.|3o'w.M.lnsk..|ion #|rttnl(Ttltlt'Btl'u^\|,'\|'l|'ll\t'Es1r|nE+-'--.'"-9.".|:-|',,o^trtltlt'Btl'u^\|,'\|'l|'l'\\t'Es11|nn Grcc'field I i wALDON PHARMACY | pLA'MI:LD "r ArNrtrrtrrr.r su":"*u1_cltptrp DRUGS lt"l,*','1,-:l! --- {irrorls [lat'rlrvare - I'ltrrn[rin( Srrllplie's Sllot ting ... 11,.,*,.,,",,.."Iif,""!Lf!:,utsll"-,,,,*.,.,,1 l*-*"_:_iii.r*1".*,sfl'.,.".""'"''"'rnd' Ef 8.8ry1 S. Harrison Si.-*__- slrelbvvrrre' fhonc ,:109 - NAY'S JEWELRY 18 W. Main Street GREENF DEDERT'SFOOD CENTER STRAFFORDDRUG STORE GREENFIELDCITIZENS BANK - (ircenu'oorl's -- I,'ir.st Supct' r\lat'kct PLAINFIELD, IND. GREENFIELD, IND. SURE You So""...-: Shop DEDERT'S FIRST_ -*_8. -. PLAINFIELDVARIETY STORE Dr-G-Dl (ll !., (lo. FURNITURE INDIANA TUCKER'S PLAINFIELD, -- TYDOL GAS I,'L RNt'l'UItU and APPLIANCBS VEEDOLOIL - Qualit) at thc Lorvcst Pt'ices - SieberlingTires - Auto-LiteBatleries GREENFIELDBUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION hi lhe Intersection of U.S. 3l and Highway tl3l (JOHNF. MOHR) WALDRO*' '*o, INO. ru HamptonFuneral Home *"! rol tzzs GR,EENFIELD, ----t:t: ]'e3oi__ fn"_". ANDIS MOTORS,INC. Plainfield, Indiana _ t-657t DODGE DART NationalBank 0f Greenwood ,_olt"o* rt.__--- --.T_E DOBBINSCLEANERS & LAUNDROMAT 201 Erst Main 5t. HO : COSTINBUICK COfIiPANY GREENFIELD, INOIANA I*---| !*.-.++'- .rchErch savinersavinsrAccount Inrurcd up to 110,000 2l I West Main Street MUELLER,S MODEnf,fMODERN ;1nOfMOTELii--_-l I SEASON'SGREETIl\I;S HO ?.4040 open A'Yerrr All Yerr IiottndRo"nd R. R. 6-Box ItlS Mrs. Mueller,Ir",, *s1_t)penMgr. ji.ts*ii]relGrlcnfirld. Ind, SUBURBAN FEDERAT I A ll'll I ll.ll-, BUrcKBALPHpoNrrAC HOCKETT DE'\LER I -, PRESHANNA ffTVROtET CO. GREENFIELD I sAvlNGS & t0Ail ASSI{. c()nPoll.l'l't(}N _.! ____:r - Slrclb.r'tillc ('irbitrct l)ir isiort oFFrcE-GREENw:o:.- DIt,\t,F;lr phonr GREEf..|FIELD BANKii{G CO. 1cor.Mrdiron .", ,llXJn ru l'2511 SHELBYVILLE . . . INDIANA BRANCHoFFlcE-EEEcH GnovE Itl Horth Mill GREENFIELD.lND. lrron, sr a.fr106 7thl Mrinl, l THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 23, 1960 PAGE FiFTEEI{ BUT,,, HOW COME HE ArN'T BUSyl Tl-ll9 19 SURE ONE NI6I{T WHEN HE ArN'r^6oI-!g rTlME TO WAsTE.'

'., ::l:;fr IndianapolisParish ShoppingList -\*,{t)

Assumption Lady of Lourdes * St. Bernadette * * str L"*r""* * St. Philip Neri

of lhe Dede family, nalives of Terre Hrule. All eight mamberr of lhc famlly are in religion. Shown DIRK'S MARKE'I' left tq right, above, ore Sister Anilo Therese, S.P., of Holy Spirit School, Indianapolis; Slster Mary Durrin'r(lr4Bbr) service Mark, S.P,, of Holy Family School, New Albany; Sisfer Mary Helcnc, O.S,B., of Our Lrdy of Grace Acrdemy, Beech Grove; and Sisler Angele, S.P., of Holy Trlnlty rchool, New Albrny. Anolher mem. Aulomlllc transmlrrlon RaPilt ber of lhe family. Sister Marie Arihur, S.F,, is stationed in Chlccgo. Two brolhers are priesls llrrkor rnd Notor lu[o'U$ Jlrt i! N. 6h.d.land Av!, rL $0270 and e third brother ir lllending Kendrick Seminery ln Sl. Louis. Frther John F. Dede, S.S., tst Rd, 100) ir an inslructor rl Sl. Mary Seminary in Brltimore, rnd Frlher James Dede is assislant pastor at rcminarirn ir Peul Dedo, (Staff photo) Gillie Hardwaro & Supply * Cathedral * .l:tl:l tingllsh A16. M& &tu3l{ * St.Mark PAlN"l' rndl T'ntjillo sleps up anti-Church driue 109 N. Pontr. l'Jo5 N. I'enE Hourecleonlng Supplier Lettcr:s l;rser 8otrss llilloluh APrr, furnr€r Piper, fillcru & fiitingr STOREY'S FOOD SHOPS (Continuctl flom pagc 4) Everyday rnrt t:PlL-tlle tood! MORAN'S pagcs considct'ably and rlcscLvcs l,0sost Postlblo llrlces MAFFETT& lltts. $$J;l ilti. i.96tE SERVlCE plaise. PURVI, spccial Also tlescrving of spccial notice STANOAR,D SERVICE Hrnrro $rvr vou Wl AnfrIti0t,Y0tJr Eusints\' I Inqlirh & tmerrotr \\'ll tl I tllr \ Llt\ lil.\l li.. I (,li()l Anthony's Flower Shop trt r\l l l \ l.ltllis I lhonltttoh ou'lsl.\\t)t\(' llrl lls.\\l) | Joc .t \\'llrrra t.\nlhoilyl vll('ll|.\ltl.l,S I St. Catherine ItroDrhlorl ll05 Mrrlison Avr, S'1. l"l6l6 Sotrt hport. tnd' "Drut ;; ;';;;;; I L€t Ur Supplt Your Nced/ l\ illt: sl. llt:(ili\ ilililililililililfi ilililililililililililililililililililililililil1 | st. Whtro l lth Ctoc.cq I'rrnqtlvtttir MORROW'S PHARMACY * Ro.h-* |I $1. +!'l{1, CARI.OS BAKERY ittcirkrntsrcpoltcrl irr- CALENDAR tvlt. 4-| 036 !:02 Olf UItrjltnlAN (Al ltrvmrlnd) ()[,n li0l llrill ltd. (Ju{r {tft Slr(lisotr) vlsl'l' Nnw (Fornrertr St. liosis llf,rktt) | s'1" 6-21?8 P.O. Sub-Station MORROW'S PHARMACY . l)clicl{)us l}lkcrl (i,rorlr r Prdscrlpilob St)eal.llrtt * Presr:ription Specialirts * \lcrlrlirrg Cokes In(l (:ulicJ lror Any 0t c u slotr t0til S. illt:ltllllAN S1'. {.1515 MUI.HERN'5 STANDARD lJ.S. Porto(ftco subltatton Nor open) ^ SERVICE ,6. ,l[L,'0,T,',loI,. St. Michael rk St. Thomaj I'A|DARDI Art 5.0s58 A Fish Fry ,,t i-nn,t Sociot at T .v Erl,crt r,urlrrcrilon a ilrn rtt tloll' Nanrc in lkrcclr Gr.ovc. nnd llotler! Servlea Bradiey Hardware Co. Florida Fish CRr \\'a.h Safeway Foodr & Poultry S'.eic tlr| Mon. thnr. Srt. t:to r.n Quality DECEMSER 24 g 3'tmoui lor (tut gcr roorlr tll $ P.m'-{ul. r.m tll I P-n 'l'lre l,AlAlH'll'l laD. Salurrlal' Social rvill not be ComnlatP [,lne Hf,rdwrta .t'ltllts,lVE Nl l.lsh I OIS'l'Dns a iU}.lMP REAI ESTATE, DEIITE BEAUTY sAION ''l'resb lrckl toniglrt, durdrall Paintr Cholcr cut' dlestr t"n "",t__'."""r:"*tr t](r\\|l. lt.\s(.11. ()\ilcr RENIs, tNSURANC! Norns thef,oNelh .l frulino l],rrn. 00erdtors .nl? G. WASll, !'L. f.t€. _ _:i"" {l;orulcrlr \rtlll ltIirltl\ Srrlor} oI llllt St.) Vllll Our Newatr rtart Gl , . . ThomasA, IYelchGo. l.!l:l N. l'cnnsl lrrnin llll. 5-37t1 St. Patrick . c()Iil'l.ri ll.: llt.:.\t"l'\' sliltvl(ilt t and Flamingo lrvington PAT I.'OLLEN'S tO4 Inland lldg. fit.8-6564 Ask Abouf clrrr Slcr:ial Fall .\ppl, Flower Shop ${l lvcrt SJrd. (ll, t{trl. PartrlineAlsl 0nen Eve. by rl''u,r,.;sH .,flowert tot All Occarrons" FREE! uu,l,rtDAtE,. I S JoHNSoNAVr. lvo but otrt oNtr rrult! Nnd rogctrbl"r KK{€{gt.fi{l€ Kr{r,q{€t'{r,(tKKr,€]ff r,6r.6t€r,6r€t€r.6{6!6 One EeautifulChristmas Tree lront (itow?rt, lnrutrt (tcth FL 6.5508 fhlt tou Holy Angels OrnamenlWith Every Purchase trers rnd iol}d qu6lltt. R.r. Cl 5.90/9 rt .:flr DOYLE'S BRAUN & SCHOTT WOI-MAN'S DRUGS 5HELLsERVrcE dtlllh EVERLY MARKET n$HIA ll6t M0th sr ltA 6..t0ti5 \ll,ZZ l50l Prorpecl \\X1442 SHELL SERVICE * Fine Meatr * -:r- ME 1.0816 TI- QuslltyFrult.r artd Vesetabler RegisferNow For Drawing 4601 N. lllinoir tt t.0930 - GO0DYIARltRrs * r or0R luN€.uPs Dec,24th lst Prire RoadServicc *_t,ick.UD dnd Daliv0ry ?6" BlKE (Boy'sor Girl's) _ St. Francis * 2nd Prire*l GOODYEARTIRES * Hotycross * ooq?I*l".l|lf"lT.o.t Oiher ValuablePrires BROWI.I'SSTANDARD AMERICAN i SERV!CE ESTATESCO" FRUGS .l9lh I Pcnn. I fl. 7-3678 Inrtlonopollr, tnd. ART'S Cl 5.0933 ARrllUlt J. llllltrNlEtt * LOMPTETE AUIO SERVICT * 5420 N. Collegc Ct. l-9402 Woddells Frc. p..r.ription q.tivery $lr ^ Standard I "Yorrr specirlira in lubricrlion. moto, rrttrse liquott - Montv lun!up tircs, nnd bailrri?s -A Service I orrlrrs REXAI,L Drugqist'r - Iosnltin tarvicr - Short orderr frec Plckuo and Dalivery - ffih ,tru i'"n,rt'*r,r** | lith St. f,r stalitln St. l,l 6.6.113

W- "",,,"Corrrp ,-::'-u1::.i..rb . ij,tr t1rrh*.." l*.=_-=-;"*-S[AS0N'S"**;"---GR[EI|N6S| -ltor('a ru'tn'rJP I * rtoryN''". *,i A. __.. ilj': t!i;,.,i @ .,Ji{il: JAP ond ANN * DB,U{j $?()rtnr COMELLA'S BAR ICUOEN}:B'E PHA'IiltAC} Good dRINC YOUR PRESCBIP'I'I0N T'O US SCHtllZ on IAP Wltb thc arsurencG that tt *'tll :t",tx* Lorge Voriety Pockoge Ae FlUed'rExactb' ar lVrltten" ,6 -''"^"J-l;1.,,Ti1i,-'"^-ll*:#;H;i Iiquorr rtitll N. ll,l,lN(llS tSlilll To Go _**-_CL, tWF' - | 2849 Shelby St. SI.4.00t2 C Brake servrgerrn{t .eprrr ' llo(l|llNO OUTTELiNO rnd RoPAltrs ecener&r Palnttng*lnterlor .nd gxterlor Low- "r.:::.trl;:t "l'.l"., I est porrlbl. Drlc.r. Lonnls lbrner tUE. ,.5658 -- R llEll.:4r[fi{i!

MID0LE.AGED IADY fo. Priesl's fio!seleefer. T OUI of Cil.r, |tes, ',\44tt^ hom.- Renlv Bnx l. tlo, 200, c/o fhc Critcrion. n0ss ilI(l8:"1?'I..__-iI-_1-Yl !.:(,r)rl quallty -ry Chester B. Ellis, D.C. l50l trsr l0lh CHI ROPRACI OR 39 itt. on Lril Sidr MON.,WID & FRI. - T l-5 6.8 o.m' Church- School- Home- Flaintenance JOTIANTGEN'S (lonlraetor* - Srrppliera - Electricians - Carpenters RURAL PHARMACY r ltlumbers - Itlastercrs - Paiuterg - Fencing ffift ,,.,"?l'lfiir." St. Jude A. J. loker ond Sonr * @ "Jl;n';llli,. Ertctlor P6lnlina DGcot.tlnJ GLISS rL. t'0501 lnt.riol GIPIT||I Clllt i, loib .Bd !:iUl:Rs{ril R t ^un *t"'-tio?.rrru CorrlOleta Autunluhll" tleudlrlnr llrtil."'.", ()ut .,8tb lllc, 'A Ycrt ftFall coilPAl{Y, Jervtce Near Io Servo You- Chocl Up Tlmr" rl Wolfe Shell Service Station CHRIS J. GREINER Slorc Fronlr rrh lE{s l: 0llcHlGAN AND SONS Furniture IoPr luulrrt Eip. Lub., l'tr. sstterY I serv waih -srmonlt. ?lombing ond Hcollng 'Yl/indow Glasr RNFtt 7vii7 EquipPcci ior SUI//IZZ . SDRVl(;li (:Al,l,E a Ncw- Re m odcl I ng-RePo lr € ME l.0us5 Mirrorr Sincc I 89O a220 r. torh tl" 6-46t9 cHitstMAS ilOWrR! Alrynite f ibre Glosr HEIDENREICH "IttE Indianapolis Heating Co. Boitey Glosr Sliding lEtLPiloilE ftoRt51,, o We Phon. Flo^er5 Any..,hera 2216t rorhsr. ME84631 A.I HOOVER l8l4 Doort Applfg.le Ml 2-9491 0il.0ir 8!rnrir-9lrcl.Catl furrrcal iAltorber ol 5t, Judc's) SALESond SERVICE -24 Hr. SErYi€a- fhermopono w||rrRED c. SrnlIH ME 8.1816 Vacuum Clcancr Erpcrlr on All Makcr and 0lodeh 1\ GErrrnlctd I l'ull Ycrr McFarland Meat Markel ^ltl Work I SPTVEYY n Ft.. PrcllD & D.llTart 5650 (lleanen Mcf.rl.nd td. 3T 6.l,tgt HASSE'S BAKERY Rcconditioned LEADED GLASS - lrrcsh Cut - u low sr $12'95 1316 r;. torb rtt ula. &5t61 Advertising STAINED GLASS Top t\Ieats o ShoPPing Qttalit;, Communitl' . BISI.HDAY CAKES lt0MtfnttrtR ttEYtcr Dcllgnr Modc . WtsDUlNC CAKIiS Plozs Hqnd-PalnfadSpeclol Windowr EO'l O(}NU'rS E;ir0 e.S. li,,r,/ ?981 Pl,urliltER for Church rola * St. Lawrence * cvdB9 DAll Pays 7t{ {omr D!montitl Ll. 5-:1897 Chur

lCrlntirrrrt'tl ft'onr plgc. l) cost thcm onc ;rlls rlilisiorr," ltisltolt Ilollis l ;tt ttt,rl.

"Mid.holidays PLAN LITTLE FLOWER DANCE--A Danco" witl bc presenled in the Little Flower" CONTNOLSERVICE prrish audilorium, Indianapolis, on Wednesday evening, Dec.28. The Crusrdairs will furnish ihe "Brick INDIANAPOLIg music for the affair, proceeds ol which will go into lhe new church Fund." Commillee mem- bers above ore, sealecl, left fo right: Mrs. Robert Dangler, general chairman, and Mrs, Mel olvey. Standing. leff to right: Joseph Delaney, Mrs. Joseph Delaney, Mel Olvey rnd Roberl Dangler. Mrs. \iYillirmBeaven is prcsidertt"t tn"l".l':; -,"J}$t headsrhe Men'e club-cospon- " - .-";--- i-t?"::j. ililissft | I HOMEMADr BUTTER CANDTES (:r'catcc[ '',:h*;;::1,:,llr"" Abp. llittt:r' is a Cardinal I ' ll. long.eslablished traditiorrs on at lrc cle ltcrl sr,\'cn n('w cnrrlinlls spenkiug nrcnllr('l's of tht, Slclt.rl I has hccn a sirrr:ereplea" (bllcgt', leasf aight occasiotts. l:r-sI Jlulch. Poltr' ,lohtt antrottncerl {)the r' l:rrrgrraq(' gr1}ul)sl: srrre [o be of serr.ice to you lllll l lll l lll llllllllllliliilii tlllllll tlilililililfiiiifiiiiillllllilllillliillllllllllllllllillllllllllliliiliiifiil ()ttct.Itct.irist,t|||retrrllrt.ltlrt|nitlno(liltl(|thcl.thrcc..ittat(lS1lattish,li};I,)trglis|r-l:]:|r_-T dut'ing tlre pasl .year. NIay f,irr/?,ss r,(rir||l,t'|ll|Ulriltlt't|\l|||l.l{(.-ll't.iristr||ltt't'r'clt'r'ies|rlt|rtrr.lllk \t'0 c0lllillu0 [o lrlcusc you in iortsIn fr'ot,eignLangueges thc cotning urontlrs. "[Vo Speciulize In Seruica"

ltittlnltrrtlltr't.ittl|tt'Sitt't.t'r|(,.rr|.....]u,.|,,,,l|rrlltt,r|att.rr|.l|lr.ir,,iitrtl{.r|rc|,|ti|i1l1litlr,s).|.# lcge.|lclrtitct.lrisc<|,',..|i]:j''l'..':.itt,ttti..lrp1lrlirlt||l('nl.llltasttrrt||ist|x1rt:t:lr't|tlrill,\r't.lr]r,r.'ii,1,i|@ KlnfnC IInOS. fisrntrtistrerlr{fe2 of ,.\ntr.r'ican r,;trrlin;rls lr |liglrcstinlris|or.1'',j:li:::lii:lll.:;l',;::ll:;il.'li;',1,,.ll',l..ililI.Cutholic Supply llouse lnc. tlre tttrrllrr:r' of titulitr { /r llork 3ourh ol Aynr) ME,8-34I6 I19 S. Illrrirlian i^r. 8-34r 7

l'otttllct..Il)ili,lrr.r'lr'...,iilr"t.,iirll.l'r'tlttr'tt.'|lltliatts.ittt:|tttlittglltt'(lilla|l.'i('ttx.()|.t|tt.t:ttt.i:t'*....''1|# t.crrlre's1i1l .f tlrt' S.c.r,tl'trrrr,i M..ry You Have \'t'rtczrrllir, .llP;rn. llrc l"tlttclt. anrl onc r';rt'h lrr. l., 7;. Il s,trs t1t, tir..t in i'.,i1.1.,. lront' A '('.1'l!'l(X) 'l'irtr{;rrrliliirrr 'l'ht'i lniserl Sacrt'rl tttan-r', SPaitt llrc MERRY CHRISTMAS lri*lr. to tlu' nnrl {t.S. .I.1c ('r,llr'1:r'. ('lr.rlirr;rl [,attt'inn Iltr, :\rncrir,itn irr thr' <'rrlia is r\lilisirrs r.rrr rrr 6 t,r .f (,lrt.rlltrirls'i 'i;;;;,,, i orrclMuch Happines* t:intrlrtvrt. llisltoD ol llul

Jameslitzgerald PalrickJ. Fitzgerald IhomasM. fibgeral4 Sc 0athetineI' fitzgerald

Harold H. Beck Robert A. Beck ,t)^xetrlfARD#ls James F. Brown Dannie Qlr?.i"--^' f E L. Carey fttl I Ernesl A. Cherry George A. Corey HARRY J. FEENEY MANUFACTURTNG JEWELER Waller C, Currie Joseph H. Eck (Jetvclcrs For Four. Gener.ations) You Control the Cost Wilmer J, Farley when you Call ID i a rn rl n d s "'TH,'iiT,iiTl,"3l'"1.XX1"fu Brrlova, llnrnillon UYnlehes l{TnDDMANN I.orge S:k*lioq frY,m fs{.95 to $Ij-O.0O Larrrfra Dinmonrl Vatches Our Specialtl ilINBilffi BEERlts Registercd I 5& Flo'ot ldcrctgni: Bdr:! B!