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Governors consider proposal Board to be cut? by Brad Fay meetings will be more productive. about 40 (former fraternity buildings). The Board of Governors last night "It's very difficult running a meeting The number of governors from off viewed and voted on a package of pro- of 50 people...It 's tougher for people campus will remain at two or be reduc- posals for the streamlining of student t o speak 's too formal. " In ad- ed to one. government at Colby. The most signifi- dition to governors, Board of Gover- According to Lovejoy Commons cant of the proposals was the reduction nors meetings are attended by Stu-A P resident Mike Heel , the proposals of hall governors on the Board of executives , commons presidents, com- were not as radical as they m ight have Governors from 34 to 13 or 14. mons coordinators , and the director of been beca use the committee felt the Each part of the proposal , which student activities. system should be kept as intact as was approved by the Student Govern- The second proposal is to give the possible to give it more of a chance. ment Evaluation Committee chaired by four Commons Councils responsibili- At the committee 's Tuesday after- Cici Bevin , would require a two-thirds ty for determining their own member- noon meeting, tw o other proposals vote by the Board of Governors to be ship. In addition to the three governors were voted down, but according to. made referendum questions for the representing the council on the Board , Heel , a member of the committee , the April 8 Stu-A elections. For any con- each council would consist of several Board of Governors had the oppor- stit utional amendment to take effect , tfore governors who served on the tunity to overrule those decisions last two-thirds of the students would need ftuncil alone. night. to approve it , with at least one-quarter flBpne of the problems Claytor said he The first proposal voted down was of the student body voting. Bees will be improved is unequal to make of all-college Finance " I?think the proposal is excellent ," representation. Currently, some gover- Chairperson an appointed rather than Stu-A President Tom Claytor said. He nors represent as-many as 99 students believes that with fewer governors (H eights), while others represent only GOVERNORS Page 5 Alcohol rules won't change by Mary fMcNear states which will raise their drinking or become intoxicated , and then return In anticipation of the Maine drink- age this year because of the new federal to Maine. ing age rising to 21 , the Colby ad- government law which will deprive Thus, in order to discourage people ministration does not' anticipate mak- states which do not raise their drink- from crossing state lines in order to i ng any changes in-its alcohol policy, ing age to 21 of five percent of their purchase or drink liquor , the governors at least not right away, according to federal highway funds during the first of all New England states have agreed Dean of the College Earl Smith. year , and even more in succeeding to work together for a new, cohesive Smith said the college will keep both years. d r i nki n g age, which Davis hopes will Women the caterer 's liquor license and the Davis attributes the imminent be in effect by hig h school graduation , 's Coach Gene DeLorenzo presents com- memorative jersey to Spa's liquor license. change not only to the federal law, but this year. Therese Langlois in a ceremony which It seems likely that a bill , which has also to the fact that recent studies show retired her number after four years of outstanding play for Col- not yet been submitted to the state that although people in the 18 to 21 age by. Story page 10. _ cho photo by Tina Zabriskie legislature by the governor's of fice, will bracket account for only 10 percent of take effect sometime in 1 985, accor- license holders , they are involved in 21 ding to Robert Davis, special assistant percent of all alcohol related driving Diplomats debate Latin America to Governor Joseph Brennan. accidents and fatalities. According to Davis, for those peo- "Obviously, " Davis commented , - by Dave Scannell ported by many Latin and South Cuban influence in the region was real. ple who turn 20 before June 1 , the date "we're concerned about the dispropor- United States intervention in Central American countries which would ex- He .called Nicaragua's Sandanista which the governor 's office op- tionate number of accidents that this America was the topic of a debate bet- clude all foreign military powers from government an "imperialistic opera- timistically sets for the enactment of age group is involved in while under the ween Robert White, United States Am- the region. tion " which "hasn't hesitated to export this bill , there will most likely be what influence of alcohol ." bassador to El Salvador under Jimmy According to White , the United terrorists [to El Salvador]. " He said, is known as a "grandfather clause. " Carter , and Kenneth Bleakley, a State States "supported Contadora " until "When Cubans walk in with San- In other words,, those who turned 20 The governor 's office is also con- Department representative who Nicaragua also stated its support for dinistas [to Contadora talks], there's before June 1 would still be allowed to cerned about the fact that currently , formerly served in El Salvador. the proposal. He asked if . it was not in no question where the power lies." drink legally even after the new drink- people who are not of legal drinking Discussion at the beginning of the the " national security interest of the In response to the change that ing age is 21. age in Maine arc able to drive to Ver- debate centered around the "Con- United States to exclude the Soviets Cubans exert a great deal of influence, Maine is one of several New England mont where the age is 18 , buy alcohol tadora Process "—a proposal sup- and Cuba," from Central America. White stated that the Reagan ad- "If it was," White wondered , "why ministration and "Field Marshall" doesn 't Ronald Reagan move to-ward Weinberger "need to stop seeing Com- assuring national security throug h the munist Russian and Cuban phan- 'Blue light' br ightens Colby contadora process?" toms. " White quoted a Central by Angela Piscitello tion and the drink was an instant success. Accorking "I am no great admirer of the American diplomat who said that the . Potent.' Blue. Unique, Fruity. Innovative. Creative. to Beaudoin , who describes The Blue Light as a "frui- Nicaraguan revolution or the flow of arms from Nicaragua to El Sensational. The Colby Cocktail. The Blue Light. It 's ty cocktail ," the "beauty of the drink is that Nicaraguan government , " said Salvador was a "trickle. " the talk of the campus. everything is versatile its ingredients can be ad- White ," but it is thc only one which He also cited the Boland amendment Rumors of the mysterious Blue Light , Colby's new justed lo taste. " has unequivocally stated its acceptance which states that "no government cocktail , have been passing by word of mouth around However, Donate claims that while people like the of the Contadora treaty. " funds can be used to overthrow the campus. Everyone everywhere is talking about it. taste, there has been one noticeable drawback to the Bleakley, however, contended thai government of Nicaragua," according Damn Donate and John Beaudoin , thc Blue Light 's cocktail: After only one drink your tongue turns blue. The United States still supported the to White, "This is precisely what is i nventors , have.answercd the cry that has come from Then there's a progression until you wind up with blue Contador treaty. "Of course wc sup- happening, " he said. thc Colby student body: "We need a school cocktail!" teeth and blue lips, " He also noted that the morning port Contadora ," he said. Bleakley concluded , however , that After all every college or university in the Ivy League after everything looks green , but that it is nothing a White also criticized an apparent DEBATE Page 5 has its own official drink: There's the Harvard Cooler , good brushing cannot take care of. change in United States policy in Cen- the Brown Cocktail , and the Princeton , just to name tral America that President Reagan a few. On February 14, 1985, after quite a bit of trial- Since the time of the Colby Cocktail Party, several alluded to in a news conference last f > and-error, Colby not only deserved a school drink , Blue Light parties have been , appearing around cam- Thursday evening. According to but had one too. pus. It seems to be a sensation that is catching on and White, the President stated that United Inside: The Blue Light first achieved its fame though the being passed around campus. Beaudoin and Doniito States policy is " not- to interdict MSGS community, Colby 's computer users' message would like to sec the popularity of the drink spread , shipments of material [i.e. weapons system . Donnto, inspired by Colby s conlinued quest and arc hoping to pass the recipe along to Sellers from Soviet powers], but to remove •Gravity stone ' ^ and |>aRC 3 for image improvement , sent a message to the com- Thc Court House. • it. " puter "hackers " asking for suggestions about an of- Unfortunately, the Bind Light cannot be declared "The United States intention is ob- •Pickering breaks ficial Colby drink. Suggestions poured in at the thc official Colby drink until everyone on campus has viously not to intercept the supposed state record pfl j .c 12 message center and the MSGS community became tasted it. Tom .Claytor , president of Stu-A nnd Head shipment of arms from Nicaragua to ^ responsible for the cocktail's initial promotion, Soon resident of the Heights , has promised that the dorm El Salvador , but thc removal- of thc Beaudoin announced the occasion for thc invention will be throwing a party featuring the Blue Light as Nicaraguan government. " • Vision Quest reviewed pajjc 13 of the Colby cocktail , the Colby Cocktail Party , and part of thc cocktail' s pi umotion. White further stated thnt the "sup- the invitations were extended ,to thc MSGS community Here's the recipe: 1 shot Blue Curacao, '/_ Shot Tri- posed shipments" would be used by thc •Storey and Langlois and their friends. ple Sec, Vx Shot Rum. Fill the remainder of the glass Reagan administration as a " pretext " numbers retired pajje 20 Inspired by the unique color of Blue Curacao, the with 7-Up or tonic water. Thc ingredients can be nd- for further American involvement in experimentation and tasting continued until thc Blue justcd 'to taste. (For additional sweetness, add more Central America. Light wns created. The formula was a hit combina- rum nnd 7-Up). Bleakley countered by snying that I Drinan to speak Monday Off the Hill

Human rights activist Father Robert F. Drinan, professor of law at Applications on rise Georgetown University Law Center There has been a 16 percent jump in applicants for Bowdoin's class of 1989^ and former congressman from over the number applying for admission to the class of 1988, according to Massachusetts, will be at Colby, Mon-. the Bowdoin Orient. day, March 4, to speak on "The The significant jump, "the biggest in recent years," according to Margaret Church, Liberation Theology, and Dunlop, the associate dean of admissions, was attributed to the exposure Joan Latin America." Benoit, an Olympic gold medalist and Bowdoin alumna, gave to the college. Sponsored by the Department of Religion and Philosophy, the lecture will be at 7:30 p.m. in Lovejoy 100. Colby president William R. Cotter will Liberal club form ed introduce and moderate. A group of students at Wesleyan University has formed an organization On Tuesday, March 5, at 9:30 a.m. of liberal alumni called Wesleyan 's New Progresive Alumni Network in the Smith Lounge of Runnals (WESPAN), according to the Wesleyan Argus. Union, there will bean "open session" According to the group's founder, WESPAN was formed to provide "pro- with Father Drinan to informally gressive" graduates with the opportunity to get together and have some kind discuss any topics persons may wish to of voice here." The group has raised $400 to date. bring up. Father Drinan, art ordained Jesuit priest who is internationally renown- ed for his outspokenness and work in Dor m fee protested the defense of human rights, is author of six books including "Beyond the All UMass-Amherst students will be required to pay a $110 dorm fee next Nuclear Freeze," "Honor the Promise: year if the University's Housing Services Department has its way, according America's Commitment to Israel," to the Massachusetts Daily Collegian. "Vietnam and Armageddon" and The dorm fee will be allocated to pay for large scale building renovations "Democracy, Dissent and Disorder." at the University. As U.S. Representative during 1971-8 1 for the fourth district of Massachusetts, he was on the House committees on the Judiciary, Internal Security and Government operations, Report and House select committee on Aging. Securm/ He served as chairman of the subcom- Father Robert F. Drinan will speak at Colby March 4. mittee on Criminal Justice from 1979 to 1981. Rights, Council for a Livable World sional delegations to Vietnam , It was reported to Security that J.C.I was vandalized over the weekend. , Drinan is board member and former Educational Fund National Con- Malaysia, Thailand , Indonesia, the On the 2nd floor in the women's bathroom the. shower curtains were torn president of Americans for Democratic ference of Christian and Jews, and People's Republic of , and on down and ripped apart. On the 3rd floor a window was broken out of the Action and on the boards of Common honorary president of the World privately sponsored human rights mis- hallway door. Cause," Bread for the World, Lawyers Federalist Association. sions to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Committee for International Human He has travelled on official congres- Nicaragua. There has been an outbreak of thefts outside the dining hall areas. Be sure Fiske, Beaudoin elected to keep valuables with you or locked in your room at all times. A maroon, long Buxton wallet was reported stolen from the coat rack out- side of the dining halls in Roberts Union. The wallet contained: dorm keys, to direct radio station mailbox keys, a Colby I.D. and a driver's license. WMHB held its annual station elec- Secretary, respectively. agreed. "It seems like people were tions on Feb.20 , after having Fiske said he thinks the new officers apathetic.towards the station because A maroon Etienne Aigner wallet was reported stolen from the coat rack nominated candidates ago "will work well together," and hopes of technical problems we had, which outside of the dining halls at Roberts Union. for the executive positions. The new of- to carry through some of his ideas, forced us to go off and on the air." ficers will begin their duties this Fri- which he must think about before im- She added that this apathy showed day in what current Station Manager plementing them. through in the lack of station A telephone receiver was ripped off the telephone on the 2nd floor of Keyes. Robin Bye calls a " promising " He said the music format would re- nominations. semester, main basically the same as it has been For now Fiske wants to review the Junior Tory Fiske will become the in the past— progressive. But one big station 's budget and see how much is new Station Manager replacing Bye, A dark grey C.B. jacket was reported stolen from the 2nd floor of Roberts hope Fiske has is to get many more available for hew equipment and other Union. and sophomore John Beaudoin will promotional records from big label projects such as record giveaways. assume the Program Director position. companies. Other new officers include Kate Referring to the recent elections, Carpenter , Mark Kelleher, and Lori Fiske said they were extremely y Redken Retail Center— . Berger, who will take over as Assistant apathetic. "A lot of the positions even Founded in 1877, the Echo is Station Manager, Music Director , and went uncontested,.-it 's jiist sad ." Bye publish ed weekly except during vaca- Chic Hair F < * tion and exam period by thc students | | ^°™ of Colby College. Mon. — Sat. 8am-5 pm . All correspondence should be ad- \ 'RP^St j dressed to the Editor , Colby ECHO, Tues. evenings by appt. Colby College, Waterville , ME [ . ^^St^^ ^ 04901. Subscriptions are avhilabl»,at $12 per 'schoo'l year. 15 College Ave. Waterville POSTMASTER: Send address ^ |^H|L / \ ^ changes to Thc Colby Echo, Colby College, Wate rville , ME 04901.

BY*8 VHAR] ^C -ifS- ¦ supp ubs I ^ 107 Main St., Waterville i^** , K9 j scmol ¦ II /PRIN TS, P OSTttS 872-2182 ' - nboikood ¦_,, IO * 7DtfK LAMPS I fy.oui¦ ^tiEndCif ^Ei g loB SS 7ATI0MM I \^W (@) we givecash a (S) IALS V^fcSy On Wednesday N^^p^-/x loM JAM MAK* I ^^5^ 10% discount on all non-sale sates **—^ 1\V Iwjj'a ^taitottm. ~\ I Drop by for all your prescription needs, Ht Ni ° nfflrr , art bujijiIIm , rufltinn franiiuij ° ¦) H vitamins, greeting cards, gifts and cosmetics. Browse I \ vli M ll>utl1 "*rfri iwdwHlf , iimiiip 04001 if / Hj through our paperbacks and school supplies sections. ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦- — ¦¦- —- ' - — — "— — ¦ •—-—--- — —^-->------, Gravit y stone continues to DEFYING GRAVITY remind of 6 f uture blessings'

by Rob Cummings dependent gravity researchers. wou ld account for his involvement on Twenty-five years ago, Colby College Roger W. Babson established the a more personal level. One maintains accepted a gift of , 12,500 dollars in foundation in 1948. Babson is pro- that his grandson , Michael, died in a common stock . This wholly bably best known for his stockmarket swimming accident. Another claims unremarkable anniversary is notewor- newsletter , Babson Reports Inc. [He that Babson 's son died in a plane thy if only for the unique monument predicted the crash of '29 but he also crash—either of which could have been that accompanied the gift: the Anti- said the depression wouldn 't last more prevented with an anti-gravity device. Gravity stone. than two years.] Babson also founded Colby's acceptance of the founda- the Babson Institute in Wellesley Hills, tion gift in 1 960 met with some disap- MA and Utopia College in Eureka , proval, especially in the science depart- Originally erected outside Keyes, the KA. Babson graduated from M.l.T. in ments where the Foundation's research stone now resides across the street from 1898 with a degree in engineering. He was generally regarded as M Arey. Some students may have notic- ickey made his fortune in stocks and in- Mouse. The administration , however, ed the largish gray stone that crouches dustries as diverse as lobster fishing accepted the financial gift.and the re- half-hidden in a grove of pines near the and mining. quisite monument. tennis courts. The stone bears a curious epitaph: "This monument has been Babson was a prolifi c author of The significance of the Gravity erected by the Gravity Research Foun- business literature and some less em- Stone was not lost on the student body, dation, Roger W. Babson founder, it minent essays on gravity, including the either. The 1961 Winter Carnival is to remind students of the blessings now classic — "Gravity and Ventila- featured a snow-sculpted anti-gravity forthcoming, when a semi-insulator is tion " which advocated sloping floors monument which bore a close discovered in order to harness gravity to drain the bad air from a room. resemblance to Bozo the Clown. Fre- as a free power and reduce airplane Babson was also a teetotaler, and quent gravity-checks were also per- accidents. " ran for president on the Prohibiten formed using the stone as an indicator. Party ticket in 1940. Eventually the stone was moved to its The Gravity Research Foundation 's present location„where it has remain- primary objective is to find a substance Babson 's interest in gravity may ed stoically anchored to its mooring. that is resistent to gravity. That is, a have been triggered by the great inven- substance that will interrupt gravity 's tor, Thomas Edison , who once Gravity 's last lapse occurred one pull like a dinner plate held in front of remarked to Babson , "You'-ve got to spring night in the early seventies. The The Anti-Gravity stone is an object that has often gone unnotic- a flashlight would deflect the beam of find something that isolates from stone appeared the morning of Com- Colby students in its home across the street from the Arey light. At present the foundation con- gravity, I think it 's coming about from mencement day resting.quietly outside ed by Science building. ECHO photo by Steve Runge ducts no scientific research of its own some alloy." Keyes. Since then the gravity 's been but serves as a clearinghouse for in- There are several anecdotes that functioning pretty much as usual.

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Jfl^N/F i— f^t T MffXtSSBSBk^^^^^mlBKIS^SKK^^^ C om. In and chtcli I limn out __flv_l ' i__r ^^- a_flfl____m (t ' ¦—__H__I^__^II ^HH—HlflB__H a y >l { t ' 1. T AArM ^r } ,.. ^______^____^_^S^^ _H-_-_-R-\.' ' ^ ) ' ' '' - * < **- A ^^^^ V ^^^^^^^ Hh ¦BPJ^^ ^_^^^^^^ P^^^ ^^^^^ |P^^ ______^______!_^___lvtl ¦ L i * v """) mmmmmmmm ^^3 jX .______^^ , f ashions mm^!!mw _ . • ¦ ' ^^^^r^L "* and ^fxtinq - h^J^^^^^^. r-lf Ji ^mmmmmmmw^ .^^^^^ k^^mmm\. ; sport A NEW YEAR - A NEW YOU!! f Panel addresses women in s by Meghan Casey ' There's a slim new You hiding under those unwanted t' audience that low attendences at games The coaching situation of women's A panel discussion addressing the may be caused by the commonly held teams was the next major question I pounds. M problems women athletes face at Col- perception that men's sports events are dealt with by the panel. Maisel pbinted You can lose 10-30 lbs. THI S MONTH! ' by was held Sunday evening in con- more interesting than women's, out that some coaches of wornehs' * ' . junction with a week-long forum on DeLorenzo said, "Does the men's teams are also football coaches who Guaranteed results with safe, proven formula. Send "Women in Sports" being held this basketball team play at a better skill therefore owe their first allegiances to ' -. ' week by the Women's Group. level than the women's? When looked the football team. "How can a woman ' only $39. (check or order) for 4 weeks supply, ; [ Members of tlie panel included at in isolation, women sometimes play hockey player think herself equal to a ; to: . ; Director of Athletics, Dick McGee, a better brand of sports." « male hockey player when the men's Coaches Gene DeLorenzo , and The next issue addressed was how coach is primarily a hockey coach, and ,' CARTER ASSOCIATES, P.O. Box 697 . | Deborah Pluck, Professor Sandy the budget for women's sp orts com- the women's is primarily a football ' Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 1 Maisel, and four women athletes: pared to that for men. McGee said that coach," Maisel said. He said that the Carol Simon, Cathy Blagden , Cathy there was substantially more spent on women's coach doesn 't get on the ice Hughes, and Terri Hanna. Professor men's sports than women's sports. with his team until three weeks into the Phyllis Mannocchi was the moderator. That discrepancy was due mostly to season. The first question addressed to the football and the division II men's ice "What this all comes down to is that " ^ " REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT panel concerned the normally low at- hockey team, both of which require a we're spending too much time on foot- tendance of women's sports events. "It good deal of financial support. McGee ball," said McGee. But he added he STOPS DORM THIEVES! is very easy for people to attend men's estimated that the ratio of spending was satisfied with the money that 's be- games," said DeLorenzo. "It seems to between men's and women's sports ing spent on women's sports. "I be very difficult, though, for women was approximately 60—49 percent, disagree that there is a lack of support to cheer for other -women, arid also for favoring men's sports. Other members for women's sports." young men to cheer for a -woman." of the panel claimed that the ratio was As a final question, Mannocchi ask- "We put signs all over the place," closer to 2 to 1, again in favor of men's ed the four athletes on the panel what said Simon in response to the same sports. one thing they would most like to question. "We say to our male friends What do you lack as a soccer change in women's athletics at Colby. , "«'«~-®*OT_&~-sl!w "" 'Please come to the game.' They say player," McGee asked Simon in All four said, in essence, that they maybe—you know that means no. response to a quesion about why more would like to see more support for their Flip a small leve r to actuate BUBBLE BOX' S suction mechanism , insert your cash How many times can you ask?" money was spent on men's sports. "A activities. "I'm sick and tired of and other valuables in its 72 cubic inch interior , and lock BUBBLE BOX with its Responding to a comment from the practice field ," Simon answered. reading the paper every day after our built-in S-pin tumbler lock. Then go on your way with complete peace of mind! game and seeing picture upon picture Leaving on a trip? Use BUBBLE BOX in your car or hotel. of the men 's team," Simon said. T ^ Award winning Fren ch design , patented in jS if _§&rf^ f' n «_«« n _ r. "How many times do you see Bill Cot- the U.S. and throughout Europe, and CoW ' P Council candidate ter at one of our games?" . precision engineered for lifetime service. v South Road, Kingston, RI 02881 PORTABLE SECURITY FOR ONLY PENNIES A DAYI Hanna added that she'd like to see recognition by the school that there are SEND FOR INFORMATION NOW! THIEVES DONT WAIT! has strong Colby ties women's teams. REMEMBER , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! DMr. DMiss DMrs. DNIs .' : College & Class Democrat Barbara Sweney , an ad- live in this ward and have been involv- missions interviewer and wife of ed," said Sweney. College : Home Address " _" Adress English Department Chairman John Sweney will face Republican Orville Sweney, has announced her candidacy Olsson, a local store owner, in the race- termed for City Council from Ward 3, which Both candidates expressed hopes THE RIGHT CONNECTION Box 260, Dept. C South Road , Kingston, R! 02881 encompasses Colby. The special elec- that Colby stud ents would vote. "We tion will be held Tuesday. encourage Colby students to vote. successfu l "I felt that I was ready to run. I both They would be a block if they came in According to Stu-A President Tom masses," said Olsson. Claytor , Thursday 's blood drive was He also denied rumors that his cam- the most successful in recent years. : paign would challenge the Colby He called the 128 pints collected mmmmmmnm mmmmmum i mt m i l i i S***) * PRmi 'NGinmm *m*mm*mm*mm*mmmmmBR^rB fe* «_--__ ^ i*" p™-" -_«« -' ballots on the basis of his opponent's "outstanding, " and cited the- new Colby connection. "That just isn 't Heights location as being largely so," he said. responsible for the success.

¦ : *y , s' -tww* ' ww. y % v : f _-_-_-_-_--r vv ^ ^1 . -y * ' -ww. ^ -ttt -t _l^_Hfc' cJ___c ^^- P ^B-t a___B_i_^_9_i_K 9Kf \mm^^^ mMVnmmwl ^mmMWBMBwmW^S^y ^ ' J_ k- T" T" "T "T T" ~T T T A \ Elm Tree Mark et & Deli ^ r- H

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Flwt Age z ¦ w^ m ~ m m m m Addrut I Campus Rop/OffIce 6..m. toMldnl flhtWe -kdiy» / A , ' K . ., City ; ' H -ft 873-7171 -i Slit - zip L CORNERS OF ELM AND WESTERN, WATERViLLE J Phon - i \ i ... r X X ' ' _L ---_-¦¦ i-______¦_-__-__X ' .____¦__JL «-_-_h-iJL -__-__--i a____-_«XI ¦_¦_ _¦ * , mmmmmA i Debate Continued from pae«e 1 15 than in El Salvador, Bleakley said, "picked out of the slime and made College Ave. j although the U.S. record in Latin "Ask [EI Salvadorian President Jose eligible to break bread with the I /^tnn&\ America is "not entirely clean," The Napoleon] Duarte. He'll tell you. At- Secretary of State and other notables." WllBtft a Waterville : American goal is to continue to pro- tacks on the go-vernment [in the press] During closing.statements, both men I / mote "a greater degree of pluralism" are incessant and uncensored. reitereated their positions on United ^ S 873 2715 i in the region. White disagreed that a greater States involvement in Central America. I ^ ^ He pointed to El Salvador as an ex- amount of pluralism has been created Said White, "The overriding sin of the ample of how the administration 's ac- by the Reagan administration in El Reagan administration is to take a Front End Shocks tions have promoted "pluralism" in Salvador. He said that under the perfectly normal foreign policy issue Latin America. In response to White's Reagan administration , Alberto and rais- it to the level of a crusade." Exhaust Brakes assertion that there is a greater degree d'Aubuisson, a leader of El Salvador's Bleakley stated that "5000 Cubans I Free Estimates Available of journalistic freedom ia Nicaragua right wing and a "murderer," was [in Central America] are not phan- \ toms." He expressed hope that the ; Visa, Mas tercard and i "threat" they present could be dealt Governors with peacefully. i American Express accepted j Continued from page 1. campus social , cultura l, and finance elected position. The second was to in- chairpersons and the student body The debate concluded a day long I personal check guarantee j clude Commons Presidents on theStu- president and vice, president. This discussion at Co lby about American ^ - -'-Tr.I. _. I. .H _h lfl__ftA_l_*__ft_ft_ft_ -_l_i___ ^rt_._ftn«__n>_- -i -i a -i ¦ -i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ J A Executive Board. year 's elections have been slated for involvement in Central America. The Board of Governors also April 8 with the runoff on April 10 for discussed amending the constitution to the student body President and Vice m^^zz t r-r ^tz \¥/_r_r_^x'' allow for the elections of the all- President. z^ /^t — ______^¦^m »-n«^______g______n__ tTSmttrnTmii^ ^^ tr^^ - -H i ^~^Ymr^» Tmt^~m nr ^ a ^ 1 * ™ ^All you can Eat* PIZZA PARTY with ELM TREE PIZZA

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Cam pus Unity ACCORDING TO our ; WORLD NEWS TONIGHT POLL The room draw proposal recently presented to the student ¦51 PERCENT 0F THE A1WM body has created a great deal of resentment and frustration RVertTfo - - among students. These feelings are well-founded, as the pro- - "PVIBL\C RWOR Trtt OEMAH P, posal is too long, complicated , unfair , and most importantly, HAVE m ABORTIOM -OH- based on a central flaw—the pursuit of commons unity. ij $ PERCENT ARE Wm The Room .Draw Committee has worked long and hard on oft OfpoSfcD TO ABORTUS the procedure, and what they have come up with is probably TrtESE the best one under the circumstances. WEC«pep-AUD OF TO But the circumstances should be changed . The Trustee Com- 10 PERCENT Trtt EATENSD mission on Residential Life charged the Board of Governors B0tt8"THE At«-AN PUBLIC with finding any popular room draw system, so long as it TONIGHT. enhanced commons identity. This, alas , is the tragic flaw in AND/OR WORLD HEYIS the plan. It is unrealistic to think that a fair and simple room draw procedure can be developed under that limitation. Dorm unity and campus unity are realistic goals. We are all members of the Colby community and are to some degree en- thusiastic about Colby. We also live in dormitory halls where close living conditions foster close relationships. Why, then, do we need a highly arbitrary and unnatural grouping of dormitories? This is not to say that the commons have no place at Colby, but it is unnatural to pressure several hundred students to find Are we getting . 'Cultural? ' an identity with something that is too big and ambiguous. "cultural ," or do we just appreciate but in the end, it shouldn 't really mat- What is wrong with encouraging students to choose hous- the excitement of hearing someone i---_-_HHHHHM_B_Mike -_-H_------HeelaaMiV-_n_a_g-M_a ter, because students are attending ing from all dormitories on campus with upperclassmen get- famous? these events and are learning from ting some priority as it has been in the past? I have felt privileged to have been a Cultural Life has had no real dilem- these expefiences. member of the Stu:A. Cultural Life ma this year in dealing with this ques- The Board of Governors and deans should recognize the committee this year. Our meetings on tion. The committee, under the direc- So, when we get back to the initial that committee have been short and query of wondering whether or not strong opposition to the room draw proposal and hold off on tion of Sue Perry, has tried to combine productive, and the events we have the attractiveness of a famous name Colby students are "getting cultural," it for one more year. In the meantime, the student center would planned have all been well-received on with the substance of an issue of im- one practical answer must be "yes." be completed , and more consideration could be given to com- the Colby campus. portance. Controversy has been the We can, in the future, begin to suc- mons identity. What I am wondering at this point result, and most often this has been the cessfully sponsor lecturers with "small Most importantly, a referendum question could be includ- is how cultural the campus is truly get- intent. For the first time in a while, names." This is nof an impractical ting. The committee has been trying to goal. For now, let us continue our drive ed on the Stu-A ballot in April over the question of commons literally hundreds of students have get speakers at Colby -who will tell us come together to hear a speech and to provide what students desire, and as the basis for room draw. something we don't already know—a question its validity. Ideally, this goal offer new and diverse ideas in the non-textual education. With Helen of a liberal arts college will become the process. Caldicott, G. Gordon Liddy, and Alex- norm rather than the exception in the By the way, the next Cultural Life ander Ginsburg, Colby has shown that near future. event will feature Seymour Hersch in it does have hunger to meet the new Until that time arrives, we must con- the chapel on February 11. Don 't miss Fantastic and intriguing personalities of the day. tinue the work that the Cultural Life the lecture or the reception. yet, how much of this hunger is really Committee has begun. Sure, we can the fascination of Colby students with question whether students are atten- Mike Heel In the words of the National Basketball television promo- , '85 is a regular Echo big names? Are we really becoming ding events for the " right " reasons. columnist. tion, Colby hoop fans were fantastic at the game against Bow- doin Saturday in Brunswick. Both the men's team and the fans put in a valiant effort and Struggling with Cent ral Americ a should not be embarassed about losing, in the last seconds of the game. Clearly the team and the fans forced their counter- ed in a few if U.S. chose to help bring that. A new way needed . Up to us..We parts at Bowdoin to raise themselves to a much higher-than- Leslie Robinson the people and their governments must befriend , in each « case, the normal level. together. Such disparity between needs government and the people. The number of Colby fans and their level of enthusiasm vir- Central America. Ponderous ques- of people and actions of governments. tion. To ponder is to be confused. To Blew it with Nicaragua. Didn 't tually made Colby the home team . If this is indicative of the No wonder revolutionary fronts thrive. listen to "experts" is worse. Who lies, gauge revolutionary fervor. Now we're school spirit at Colby, we should surely be proud. • Ask a reporter who has spent much making an enemy. distorts , doesn 't know? All I know is time abroad and answer always same: And now, to the ECAC playoffs! that I don ' t know. peoples of the world have limited faith Ex-ambassador to El Salvador Must think for self. What necessary? in U.S. government , but abiding faith White recommends signing a certain Peace. Friendly relations with those in American people. If Americans treaty witn Nicaragua. No foreign countries. Zero or limited presence of knew the truth , folks think , they 'd set military personnel in Central U.S. enemies. their government straight, America—no Cuba , no U.S.S.R., no Constantly hear from our govern- We run risk of losing that faith. U.S.A. Verifiable. Makes sense. ment mouths that nations must have • " Who can believe in nation that spouts Sure would help clean out our democracies. But down there democracy and backs dictators? Who t% Colbg p> " "backyard ." $d democracy doesn rh'ean elections, 't can trust state that yells about human And then we could woo the Central elections don 't mean democracy. All rights and sends money to butchers? The Colby Echo , founded in 1877 , is Sporls Editors Bob A»bc Americans with our winning ways, that aid hasn 't meant U.S. -style Our government's policies arc our published weekly on Thursdays except dur- Tim Bonang Aid. Business? Education. Business. ing vacations and exam periods , by the Paul Mooney governments. own. Maybe world's peoples shouldn ' t students of Colb y College, Tliiviews ex- . t-hoto Editors Laura Brown Never will. No reason at all for First trust us.' Revolution "strong in thcair. Can ' t pressed are not necessarily those of thc stu- Belli Hen I y World system to fit snugly into Third No nation better equipped to make afford to get on wrong side of it, Move dent body, faculty or administration , nor PMT Assistant Deb Gassner are views expressed In letters or commen- World. Their circumstances different. friends than this one, Strength. Money, soon, maybe can help assurc 'some of Layout Editor Tina Zabriskic 1 laries necessarily those of the Echo. Layout Assistant ,, .Katie Moloney History, culture, economic situation. Knowledge, and people willing to im- it will be bloodless kind . Let 's dance Business Manager Bill Kulcs Not thc same as ours. Require a system part it. at this revolution. Office hours Production Manager Carol Dunn of government that matches their par- Countries down south can 't be forc- M on, -Tues. 1-4 p,m, and by chance ot Ad Sales Manager ,. , . John Habcrstock ticulars. Probably will employ the best appointment. Pltone at 872-3348, Ad Soles , Gina Cornacchio ed to like us, can 't be forced to hang Leslie Robinson, 85 is a Chris Parker of democracy, the usefu l parts of ou t in our camp, Nicaragua' proved regular Echo columnist. Board of Directors Ad Design Manager .,. l-orlsnnn Weber socialism. Kaihy Colbert Ad Design Lisa Maria Hard notion for us. We arc Cnrln Thompson Circulation Manager ,, . .Elliot Koloilny capitalism. Democracy. Let freedom Bradford Fay Typists ; Amy Dleakney Joshua Shapiro Mary Boston ring. Writing letters Bill Rules Patty D'Agostino Indeed , let it, Central American- Earl Smith, Advisor Ellen Galnmbos style. Bury cultural superiority notions The Colby Echo encourages letters from readers , especially those within , -.¦ i i • . * Kati e Hollander and aid them to find themselves, find Editor should be typed , double- Kdltors-ln-Chicf Lisa Kerne y thc Colby community. Letters to thc. Fo "^lord Abby Lousier their own way! Allow them to enshrine spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. Letters must be signed , , Joshua Shapiro . . ^ Sm|| in their constitutions their routes to and in ihcEcho office by 6:00 p.m., Monday, unless , special contact has News Editor Dave Scannell '' Z' life , liberty, maybe even happiness. been made with thc Editor. All letters from members of thc Colby com, A ' - - Features Editor Karen Buckl ey "^ °^ *»'* S They're par ti al t o ;those thin gs , too. ¦munity will be printed as long as they arc not libelous or obscene, - arid Aru Bdhor Mary Bomou . Meta T , How will they get them? Some coun- meet thc above requirements. The Editor has the rlght ,to correct-spelling tri es with armed revolution , maybe and grammar and/or shorten letters with the advice of the writer. several with it. Perhaps could be avoid- 'Star Trek ' Letters to the Editor ponders Colby (among students, faculty, and favorably to those at comparable -The Quad area behind the library. administration)? Maisel asked why schools such as Bowdoin. Learning These roads are all fire lanes and Whitmore many women athletes play three how to use the most popular word- must be cleared at all times. This in- Reagan sports, afid also why some coaches of processor

Continued from page 7 students. In the student handbook make it, we can sit back and let this blems in the present system, the ma- with the departure of the summer very seriously, distributed narrative President Cotter claims that, "Cam- proposal go through or we can do jority of the people continue to sup- students and the arrival of the Spani-h course evaluation forms every pus residences of any kind should be something about it. We need to think, port their go-vernment. All students, our new classmates. We semester, .every year, for more than equally all students... about ourselves and about others. Nicaraguans want peace. Many also chose our courses, each according to * fifteen years and will, I'll bet, con- and foster the opportunity to make This* campus is far too small to be affirm that there would never be his major. These courses range from tinue to do so. The contempt for lasting friendships." limiting our choices. Let's speak out enough support for the Nicaraguan genetics, economics, and international students which your editorial implies At the room draw meeting for and let the administration know what government to attack another coun- law, to art, history, and literature. simply—and thank God—does not Mary Low and Lovejoy Commons we are thinking, and see whether they try, though the Reagan Administra- This system affords us the double op- exist, at least not in that department. students were told by the Room Draw care or not. tion sees Nicaragua as the aggressor portunity of pursuing a variety of in- Thanks for the space, Committee of students that, "We are Daryl L. Angney '87 in Central America. terests as well as sharpening our skills Sincerely, forced to promote Commons unity, I urge you to visit Nicaragua (or at in Spanish. Extra help sessions with Doug Archibald we don't like it either, but the Trustees least read more about the country). the teachers, arranged by Professor Dean of Faculty said we have to promote it." Nicaraguans Learn about the false conclusions and Cauz for Colby in Salamanca We the student body didn't ask for fatal errors of Reagan's foreign policy students only, aid us in overcoming this system, so why do we have to set- peace there. A trip to Nicaragua will also re- whatever complications we encounter tle for it? We've been told to question want mind you how much more difficult during class hours. Furthermore, our Room draw authority, so let's question it. We To the Editor: life is in an underdeveloped country Spanish counterparts are usually more need to either give the Commons Nicaragua has been, and right now for lack of things we use every day than willing to lend a hand. In the too limiting system our full support or reject it and is, the central focus of U.S. foreign (such as motor vehicles). There you'll beginning, it should be noted, we present a system that a majority can policy in Central America. After 43 discover how peace loving and would sometimes grope for the entire To the Editor: agree on. Why do we have to years of the U.S. supported Somoza generous the people are. Most impor- arm. This letter is in reaction to the compromise? dictatorship, a unanimous revolution tantly, you will see that Nicaraguans Our options regarding housing Room Draw Committee meeting for It appears that the existing room ousted the third Somoza. During the are not "commies" but rather are have been more numerous ,than at Lovejoy and Mary Low Commons I draw proposal contains many five years since the triumph the San- people who want to be friends with Colby. We were afforded a choice attended at the Heights. I listened to loopholes and ways around the dinistas have created a new,economy us and have good relations with the among dormitories, families, or people arguing back and forth, solv- system due to opposition to the and put a new emphasis on social im- U.S. apartments with other students as liv- ing nothing, and I talked to people system in the first place. Why go provements to help the majority of Note: I , and Kip Penny,'74, will be ing quarters. As the dorms here are afterward. The feelings I got from through such a useless charade to ap- the population—the campesinos. giving a critica l slide presentation afflicted with a much dreaded curfew, these people as I left were of pease the Trustees, when we are the Since Mr. Reagan became Presi- about Nicaragua on March 6 at 8 we all opted for either families or dissatisfaction , disgust and most of all ones paying the $12,000, and having dent in 198 1, he has unhesitatingly p.m. in Lovejoy 100. flats. Either choice has resulted in a to live with the system? -financed a covert war against continuous use of the native tongue disbelief. . Joe Baker. '85 This disbelief seemed to stem from Last year at Colby we celebrated Nicaragua in spite of the disagreement in our lives outside of the classroom: the stipulation laid down by the Board diversity and confronted intolerance, ¦voiced by citizens of many countries You should also note that these two of Trustees, and that is that the cur- this year according to the new pro- around the world, including our own. No regrets choices spared us from - Spanish rent room draw proposal can be any posal we can only be diverse within Recent U.S. ambassador to the cafeteria food much inferior to our sort of proposal, provided that it con- our Commons, in our same diverse United Nations and right-wing hawk, beloved Seiler's. tains a step whereby one must main- room, unless one wants to go into the Jeanne Kirkpatrick stated that in Salamanca The city of Salamanca has been tain a Commons affiliation. diverse all campus, no seniority room Reagan's foreign policy has pro- centered around the university for To the Editor: What is the Commons system? draw. Not only does this system lack gressively lost its sense of reality. In centuries, and as such , Salamanca Saludos a Colby de todos aqui en you ask. Two of the four Commons diversity, it lacks the equal accessibili- our democracy, if we sit back and let caters to the whims as well as the Salamanca! After a whole semester of Coordinators left because they didn't ty that President Cotter promotes, our government forget reality and needs of its giant student populace. being away from our Mayflower Hill know, but hold on, the Trustees and and will inevitably create much un- support the of innocent peo- Pubs, discos, movie theaters, and roost we fifteen or so here at Colby Bill Cotter know. In the college necessary work for the Housing ple, you and I are the killers . We are cafes all abound in Salamanca. City in Salamanca, Spain, would like to catalogue the following is stated Director. responsible. nightlife usually begins around mid- extend greetings to our friends back about the Commons system, "In the I obviously do not have any hard We citizens of the United States night on weekends, shortly after din- home. There is no doubt that it's been fall of 1984 Colby will have created and fast answers, but I feel strongly have a right and an obligation to learn ner time. On a typical evening out we tough to adjust to living away from four distinct small communities with about the issues I have raised and I about and understand our govern- are - likely to see tunas, bands of ^ Moose U., but nonetheless we're its own dining halls and governing feel a great need for something to be ment's actions. Our investigation is students dressed in traditional often distracted by our wonderful ex- unit that offers new advantages to done. This is our school, it is what we especially important in the case of costume who sing local folk favorites. Nicaragua, where the humanity and periences here in Spain. Through the And what small city Salamanca'(pop. the very legality of Reagan 's policy various Echo issues we have.received, 200,000) doesn't provide, weekend has been criticized by so many we are aware of the painful transitions junkets to nearby capital Madrid reputable sources. Among them are Colby is undergoing. We would like often do. the International Court of Justice, the to let you know a bit about what Cultural activities here in Salaman- Contadora Group, and former Am- we've been doing . ca are varied and many. We have been [ M/^TIl^WDILILi | bassador to El Salvador, Robert We arrived here at the end of treated to bullfights, a public concert White. In a debate at Colby against August for a month-long summer by a popular Spanish new wave tS^M a U.S. State Department Represen- orientation course at the University group, Buddy Rich and his Big Band , tative, Ambassador White made it with high hopes for the year ahead. a carnival during the month of | | ©[^DW^T | clear that we could easily achieve our It wasn't long before we were immers- September , and performances out in security objectives by signing the Con- ed in an advanced program in conver- the Plaza Mayor. tadora agreement. That agreement sational Spanish with students from The decision to leave Colby for a would prohibit all foreign military in- all corners of Europe. Endlessly con- year was a hard one to make, but cursions into Central America. But he fusing and usually amusing was the after half a year in Spain , we enter- | 270 Kennedy added that the Reagan Administra- prospect of conversing intelligently in tain few, if any, regrets. We miss you J tion pursues its not-so-covert war Spanish with Frenchmen, Portuguese, all with the reassuredness that we will because it simply lacks the will to Italians , etc. The result left many of see you at Colby again in September. reach a peaceful agreement. us with new friends and a very strange Until then , hold the fort. Hasta luego. $ Memorial Drive $ Five weeks in Nicaragua have Spanish accent. ~ Adam Hirshman '86 S 873-5184 | taught me that although there are pro- University classes began in October Mike Madigan '86 WE DON'T LIVE HERE $ DISCOUNT ANYMORE | ? ¦ < S BEVERAG ES S and other titles by Andre Dubus : B i now in stock at The Colby College Bookstore i s Largest Selection of fc ? Robert's Union ! KEGS in town! fc : Hours: M, T, W,F 8:30-5:30 \ * 7/7 8:30-6:3 0 . ' J \ * : S 1 1-4 I & Buy 2 Lg. Italians & • i ^ J get the 3rd one j FREE! fc * & Beer Specials |j k Vt Brl. Coors $43.50 fc * < S 1/4 Brl. Coors $26.25 | Andre Dubus will , fc 6 pack Moosehe ad $3.49 fc read from his work S 12 pack Bud $5.79 8 Th ursday, Feb. 28 at 8pm in the Robin s Room at Roberts Union Dave's Barbershop ^i Tue-Fri: 7:30-5:00 Q73:imo Sat: 7:30- 1:00 c^ m^) * _45;Main_ Si.__. Waterville-

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' ' ' ' 4 Kenned y Drive • Waterville , Me. 873-6565 873-7574 * * ~ ; G.®W_B ' i Viden Continued from page 7 McCoy: What the Devil! What could trickle down to the poor , also? Fresh Dough Pizza a na tural propen sity for self- this man , Reagan , possibly be think- Spock: One could only hope not destruction. ing of? Does he expect intelligence to McCoy. ' ' ©_« Kirk : Comment noted , Mr. Spock. In : * all t his madness , what does the intellec- tual communit y have to say about Friday & Saturday thi s? I am aware that there are many j Al Corit . I universities in the U.S. J2 . Nights Till 2am Spock: The number of learning institu- ^ tions may be drastically reduced in MvsiO . fillfTIB - r time. Reagan has propos ed to cut off : **************®y[B_ ©-BBo ^D^El^Tr Vd_^[K_ . : loans for a large sector of the popula- tion. It appears that if he gets what he Come in, sign up for our wants , only the rich will be able to af- EVER YTHING IN MUSIC ford such an educa tion. Thus, the FREE DRA WING educators of this century are in jeopar- M MMN SmEET m-mi dy, themsel ves. -*¦•-»¦*-»*------>-¦ -¦-- -- - ¦ _-.-- -k------L-t-. _-_fc_- _. _. _. _- _. _. J-__ _i _- _. _. _. _-. _. -¦ ¦- -> -. -__--.----j-l--i,.-i l l»^r^ «%l» ^i-fcl Panasonic VCR Recorder Dra wing April 6th, 1985 Have stongfest you -^mm*^_^ta__-^ * - ^ __^^______IH----B---1-----^-^ read rg Kegs Bar Bottl es in Stock Wmt your i —^f i*, M^^ lPz.xi.on.cLl ? B_i_-K_rACH Es izMm -- ' R ¦ t-^mtmttf jK&Htt$BBSR___ ^UBMmW&&F&i, : - <•= ' " < ' i^_*S_£-__B__IHHH -6~0nB_^--HH -_i .«»-Ma_EayBM* ar ~w'' 'i" •* • •• '' <¦ _9_i__K_SH_ bMBIT pr ' • v.-_ * ** *&^B ^tt£5zff iKf WmiW^ _w_ * ^^^ __HRri ^_H_B__^______B ' ' _l___$______H____r§*?^u^—1^___h__h__H_V!mk _^ —\;»" - —rf-____fl___—__¦__! wb^ .-y-rfwiS-. ^g^H______'' ^ u_ >> » ^S_H_Bs_H_i P3a<__fFWT¦_/ t-pP^ * * * jff* ' ir^^B^K^^^B^Bl^B^^^MisLiM&SB^ly' ^a ^SaSSm ^m^z^^SwBBK* ' ^'^ ^^ *^ u -wWBflllprirr _B______l r- "Wm&m ^^__ra _K* ^-HI iiHNft %_ r^^^¦^B^ffl ¦ ^ I a^fc ^ A -.A ^ r A «B ^A___«i_l_fl__Hr _fl_UH_-__H_jnMnK _E£__B_H_H_B _B C i ,I____rtlJffl _-.^^ IF* ", - £ _ktw_ilk$J!.t4SliflSM P^S 5 fcVJ^ ^i^^l?^R^? ¦ . ^ I ^ ^^^ ij -SSil ^ fS* Your Bahamas College Week Includes: iffailfflff ^ FROM$W| • Round-trip air transportation from your home city to Bahamas • 7 Nights accommodation in ^Ktf ^^^ f^^^ Miu ^K^AS ^^t^^^ft P|us 15% tax and services ¦ Freeport (Freeport Inn—casual club like hotel located downtown , next to El Casino and opposite to M^ In ternatio na 1 Bazaar) or Nassau (Dolphin or Atlantis Hotel—ideally located across the street from the ¦BIIIIm ^ beach within walking distance to everything). Price based on quad occupancy. Trip le add—$50.00 Your Springiest Holiday i n Miami includes : Double add $ 100.00 • Roundtri p airport/hotel transfers • Hotel room tax • Gratuities for bellman , cha mermaids and poolman • College Week activities—sports , parties , music , fun. • 7 nights lodging at the first class Monte • Springfest activities Including — Concerts Hotel Opt ions Carlo , Eden Roc or Holiday Inn Surfside by nationally known music groups and Nassau—Add $25.00 for deluxe Cable Beach Inn , add $60.00 for delux e House Hotel Hotels; Tourist class lodging at the mini concerts on the beach. Wet T-Shirt , Freeport—Add $50.00 for first class Windwa rd Palms Hotel. ¦ Crown and Atlantic Tower Hotels; Budget Beer Chugging, Ms. Miami Beach and Mr. SPACE FILLING UP FA£_T - • BOOK NOW!!!!! class lodging at the Pengui n, Arlington , Legs contests. Sports competition — ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ and Sovereign hotels. • ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ - ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ HM-1 Volley Ball , Tug-of-War. Poolside ¦ • Round trip Jet fli ght from N.Y. (Add $40 promo tions. (March 2 - April 6 only) r p|^j^|_^>* 212-355-4705/800-223-0694 (reservations only) fro m Boston , Chicago , Detroit and tbi p dates and prices " ~" Bahamas College Weeks ¦ Cleveland. Mir Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr " Apr " I ¦ Lll ite 1 ¦ f-w!TJl!uiV-Sv_ ? Feb 23-Mar 02 D Apr6 ^Apr J3 D May l8-May 25 I • Taxes and gratuities prepaid before j£j g« IATE D MarO2-Mar 09 D Apr 13-Apr 20 ? May 25-June 0.1 H $99 sw sw sw sw -sw , ?. ¦ ! HOLIDAYS_-S7,T_^ r__!-INC. arrival. With lll . ht 269 269 260 269 269' 269' 219 t) Mar09-Mar 16 ? Apr 20-Apr 27 D June 01-June 08 I Tourist 129 129 129 129 129* 129* 79 Z 501 Madison Ayenuo D Marl6-Mar 23 D Apr 27-May 04 D June 08-June 15 " with (tight • 299 299 299 299 209* 299* 249 I New York , NY 10022 q Mar 23-Mar 30 , D May 04-May 11 D June 15-June 22 1 FlratClass 179 179 179 179 179" 179* 129 ? Mar 30-Apr 6 ¦ I I Check One: ,? May 11-May 18 ¦ •$50 Holiday Suppl ement ^mJlL A..l ^li ^. ^^ ±. ^L2 ^L ^. ¦ O FREEPORT D NASSAU Occu pancy ¦ ¦ All prices plus 15% tax & services (Sat. departures) (Sat, departures) D Quad CI Triple D Double | I a Sounds good. I' ve checked the week I want to party and enclosed a $ 100 deposit. ¦ ¦ ¦ D Send Brochure 5

I I WC SCHOOL | ______Fl**G*IMIRroillOIATl HOUDAVS 501 Madison Avenue , New York , NY 10022 • (212) 355-4705 | S" **¦ I EnclosadlaS (SBOdapoailperptraon) Today'sdata j . . I ADDRESS DEPARTURE CITY ¦ ¦ ¦ FIlQhl d.alrad from (writs "driving " II not flying) ** I ¦ Trip Departure Data School " ' | | OTY STATE ZIP PHNO 5 Cluck Ono: P Budgat class G Tourlat class n Flral dais ¦ ¦ ¦ LAST NAME MsJMr : First Aga * All price ? plus 15% tax and services. I Campus Rep/Office I 5 ¦ ¦ Address _, Price based on departures fro m JJ I Campus Rop/OMIco ¦ New York & Boston , City (Add $20 from | | | Baltimore and $40 from Philadelphia). ¦ Slats , J. Zip., __ ¦ Each traveler must fill out separate form , ¦¦ Phono , _ : : I . ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ J by Tim Bonang Harland Storey who came within two assists of register- ing a Johnson-esque triple-double (15 points, 15 rebounds Last Saturday 's game with Bowdoin was supposed to and 8 assists). be a positive closing to Colby's regular season and a fine- No slouch in the department of crowd pleasing was co- tuning process for the coming ECAC playoffs. captain Matt Hummel who scorched the nets for 31 points Instead, the contest turned into a tribute to parity in Divi- on 15-25 shooting. sion III basketball and another win for good ole American Chris Powell (10) and Ernie Perry (10 points and 9 under-doggedness, as the Polar Bears squeaked out a 80-79 assists) rounded out the double figure scoring. win in the packed Mornell Gymnasium. Colby, the number one seed in the upcoming ECAC Divi- The loss was particularly disheartening for a number of sion III tournament , will play Wesleyan at 2:00 Saturday reasons. in Wadswopth Gym. • First , it ended the Mules winning streak at 22 straight games. • Secondly, it ruined Colby 's bid for a perfect record in • • • the CBB (the Mules did win the crown). The uniform number of Storey was retired Thursday at • Lastly, the loss came with probably the largest Colby- Wadsworth Gymnasium in a ceremony preceding the Bates- away-game cheering contingent in recent history. Colby basketball game. The 6'6" forward became the sixth Before you get too blue about all this, consider that the basketball player so honored in Colby history. Mules came back fro m a 9-point half-time deficit before Over the four years that Storey has worn the number losing it in the last few seconds. 34, the Mules have posted a 75-18 record , including four Bowdoin , which played an incredible game, was CBB championships and this season's record winning streak outscored 68-58 from the floor by the Mules but made-up of 22 games. His individual achievements include being for it with a bit of official generosity at the line outscor- named ECAC and New England Rookie-of-the-Year in ing Colby (25-11). 1982-82; All-New England and All-Maine first team in Bowdoin made the most out of every possession , tak- 1982-83 and 1983-84; and AU-American third team and All- ing time off the clock (like they did in the previous en- ECAC first team in 1982-83 and 1983-84. counter in Waterville) and putting the ball in the hoop. Storey's L687 career points (19 per game), make him the Colby, on the other hand , was slow afoot on defense, third all-time Colby scorer behind Paul Harvey and Brad tentative on offense (not to mention cold-shooting), and Moore, and his 926 rebounds (10.5 per game) rank him worst of all, unable to grab the big rebounds. fourth. Tom Welch (25), Joe Williams (18 points, 15 rebounds) Head coach Dick Whitmore says that Storey's contribu- and Rick Boyages (17 points, 9 assists) were the chief tions throughout his career have been immeasurable. "He villains in the Mules' eyes. has been a great player statistically, but there's no number Matt Hummel (26), Harland Storey (17 points and 9 re- that can represent the influence he's had on this team. He bounds) and Chris Vickers (10 points and 11 caroms) pac- has become a great player in every facet of the game. ed Colby. Chris Powell came off the bench to contribute "This is a fitting tribute to a player with certainly one 9 points. of the finest careers in Colby history, and probably one On Thursday, the streak was run to 22 as Colby walked of the finest in New England Division III. " all over Bates 89-60 as everyone saw action. Storey was also honored by the ECAC last week for be- The Colby fans found particular delight in the perfo r- ing named to its weekly honor roll for his performances mance of the Bobcat's big gun Dave Kennedy, who shot in the NCAA nationally number-two ranked Mules' vic- ¦ 3-14 from the floor and had to score late to finish in dou- tories over Connecticut College and Eastern Connecticut. ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦¦¦ . '¦ »" ¦ i-m_i_ww i-mpwraimwimimTii in-iH iiii —¦ ¦* -«____*.. ,.,*IM~:-: *iZ»£&wmtam&g^®& ble figures at 12. No other Bates player scored more than 9. He tallied 49 points, 25 rebounds and four blocked shots Senior Matt Hummel drives to the hoop for 2 of his 31 points * Especially gratifying to the crowd was the play of in the weekend sweep. against Bates last Thursday at Wadsworth Gyrin. ECHO photo by Bill Kinney Women to hit road for EG AG' s by Paul Mooncy to do it in Boston, in the confines of lege of Boston has been chosen by the four seed Eastern Connecticut for the the underdog Polar Bears to prevent a The good news is that Colby will get what amounts to a high-school ECAC selection committee to host the New England championship on Bowdoin sweep of the evening. a chance to defend its ECAC women's gymnasium. tournament as its first seed. Clark of Saturday. Hardy led the Mules inscoring, basketball title, having been selected as The Mules will have to forego the Worcester (17-6^seeded third , will be col- The committee's decision on the site lecting 15 points from the bench. the second seed in the four-team post- comforts of Colby's friendly surroun- Colby's first-round opponent tomor- of the tournament -was- received with Langlois scored 11 and grabbed season tournament. dings and Sellers.*, home cooking this row night, and the winner of that game 9 re- disappointment by many at Colby. bounds before the raucous The bad news is that they will have time around, because Emmanuel Col- will face either Emmanuel or number Bowdoin Snubbed by the NCAA for a berth in crowd. that tournament , Emmanuel was selected to host the ECAC's on the Although Colby led the entire game by basis of its 17-5 record , despite being as many as 10, BowcJoin remained ranked behind the other three teams in within striking distance until a key miss the New England poll. with 35 seconds that would have put Colby coach Gene DeLorenzo was the Polar Bears ahead led to a Suej-ar- dismayed. "We feel that certain dy layup at the buzzer, giving C.blby statistical facts were overlooked in the 58-54 victory. making the decision. When you look at strength of schedules and records against common opponents, thc choice Of the ceremony honoring Langlois, should have been obvious," he said . DeLorenzo said; "I thought it was a fitting tribute to a person who has con- Four of Colby's losses came against tributed so much to Colby oyer four tough opponents, including Div I years." . , - ' UMO, Div II schools St. Anselm and St. Michaels, and Div III power Salem "She has been an outstanding stu- State. In addition , Colby has defeated den t as wel| as great athlete, and while both Eastern Connecticut and Clark , she has never sought the limelight , it 's "It's disappointing, " said DeLoren- good that she's been noticed , both zo, "and it would be nice to win it here regionally and nationwide. " again, But we're extremely pleased to have made it at all after it looked like "She has . been an inspiration , and we wouldn't have a shot a month she'll be greatly.missed;" ago." Langlois, the third women's basket- ball player to have her number retired , Colby secured thc spot in the closes out her career second on Colby's ECAC's with wins over Bowdoin and all-time lists in both scoring and re- Bates last week , raising its record to bounding. Her 1,336 points. (14.5,, per 16-7. game) and ,895 rebounds have been bet- The Mules put Bates away early with tered only by Kaye Cross. 20 of 34 shooting in the first half , en rou te to the 73-48.trouncing. Thcrcsc Over her four years, the Mules have Langlois , who was honored at halftimc compiled n remarkable 75-24 record , of the ensuin g men's game in a including thc 1982 MAIAW'champion- ceremony in wh ich her num ber 32 was ship victory over Maine and last year 's retired , paced Colby with a game-high ECAC title. 20 points, and Karen Jodoin added 14. The proceedings Thursday were con- Saturday night , thc Mules managed ducted at the half of thc Bates game Harland Storey receives his ceremonial jersey from Coach Dick Whitmore as his number was to salvage one victory for Colby in before one of the largest crowds of thc retired before Thursday's game against Bates. Storey went on to have 15 points, 15-rebounds, Brunswick, holding off a late surge by season. * : and 8 assists as Colby walked away with a 29 point blowout. gcho phot* by qui Kin-oy Women prepare for meet at Tufts Would I trust The women's indoor team is prepar- 200m dash, the 55m dash and the long On the injured list is frosh sprinter ing to compete in the ECAC Division jump. She is also the lead-off leg of Tracey Morrow. Morrow, who sat out this hair to just IU Easter Championships to be held Colby's outstanding sprint relay team. the New Englands with a pulled at Tufts this weekend. Triple jumper Heidi Irving is the top hamstring, might be able to compete The meet is contested by Division III seed in the triple and the second seed this weekend. She has qualified for the Maine. 55m dash and 200m dash and is a leg teams, from West Virginia to^ in the high'jump. Irving has the Col- Colby has placed third out of the 25 by record in the triple jump and the in- of the sprjnt relay team. Professionals At teams competing in the past two door high jump and has qualified to In last week's Division I New championships. compete in the Division III Nationals Englands, Colby's sprint relay team of This year coach Rick Bell sees a real in the triple jump . Hoitt, Hanna, Walsh (replacing Mor- hea d Quarters opportunity for a first or second place Kris Walsh will anchor the mile relay row) and Blanchard placed fourth finish. ''If we can just perform as well team of Debbie Lindberg, Terrie Han- behind the University of 1 as we have in the last several weeks and na, and Marcie Campbell. Walsh will Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Nor- our middle distance runners and also run the open 400m and will be theastern. Fifth place was won by ii. mJ! ^ Jeannne Guild have a good meet we looking to break the Colby record . She Boston College and sixth place went to ^ , .^ can contend for the title—but you can has also qualified to run the 200m. Boston University. never be sure what will happen when Debbie Lindberg and Nicola Rotb- A bad handoff between Hanna and 25 teams match up." - ' ing will compete in the 600 meters and newcomer Walsh (which was caused by " Colby will be depending ori Terrie 2 mile relay. 800 meter runner Marcie an official who confused Walsh with f Hanna and Robin Blanchard for depth Campbell will be trying to qualify for a Connecticut runner) resulted in Col- and points; "Terrie has qualified in the the Nationals in the 800 as well as an- by's slowest time in the past four long jump, 55m dash, 55m hurdles, tri- choring the 2 mile relay. weeks. ple jump, sprint relay and mile relay Senior Jacqueline White will be go- Hanna placed fifth in the 55m while Robin has qualified in the long ing for her first Eastern title in the shot hurdles in an excellent race which saw jump, triple jump, 55m hurdles, 200m put. She will be going head to head all six finalists place with times between CANTONESE CUISINE & dash and the sprint relay." Noted Bell, with Tufts' Jan White with only inches 7.9 and 8.3. First place was won by | | "Together they compete in eleven separating their best throws to date. Northeastern 's Kelly Toole. S JFK Mall, Kennedy Memorial Drive n events and they have been our strength J Waterville n all year." | On the injured list is frosh sprin ter S Two freshman stars will also help OVERSEAS EMPLO YMENT J Tracey Morrow. Morrow, who sat out fj make or break the Mules' chances for J Q the New Englands with a pulled j a title. Kristin Hoitt, who is Colby's ;WOR LD-SIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN ! J |_ hamstring, might be able to compete _^ j top sprinter "Vith the 200m indoor [JAPAN - EUROPE - AFRICA -, AUSTRALIA - THE SOUTH record of 25.3, will compete in the IPACIFIC - SOUTH AMERICA - THE FAR EAST. •EX CELLENT BENEFITS. HIGHER SALARIES AND WAGES! I FREE TRANSPORTATION ! GENEROUS VACATIONS ! More-than 300,000 Americans Japan , Africa , The South Mules win — not including members of Pacific , The Far East, South the armed services — are Am eric a... nearly every part now living overseas. These of the free world ! ^ i7iK-__ _ j,i i ¦ Ciuri y pi j people are engaged in nearly (3). Companies and h _w~-j m C fca ft vr>fc- lra ^ ^ r i" ^ i_ >^SMC_i )- »>- aiii ain iii tCad i f two; end everypossicle activi- Government agencies, ' engineer- employing personnel in near- ing, sales, transportation , ly every occupation , from secretarial work , accoun- the unskilled laborer to the at .500 ting, manufacturing, oil college trained professional by Boh Aube refining, teaching, nursing, man or woman. METR iQ MOJORS I Paul Marleau 's power-play goal at government , etc .-etc. And (4). Firms and organiza- f 10:24 of the third period a 1-1 many are earning $2,000 to tions engaged in foreign con- deadlock , and Colby held on for a 2-1 $5,000 per month.,.or more ! struction projects, manufac- win over Trinity on Saturday in its To allow you the op- turing, mining, oil refining, season . portunity to apply for engineering, sales, services, The Bantams had taken an early lead overseas employment , we teaching, etc., etc. 3 I on Rich Stetson's first period goal, have researched and compil- (5). How and where to apr despite being outshot 14-6 in the ed a new and exciting direc- ply for overseas Government | Do you want to get caught with 1 period. Vin Paolucci evened the score tory on overseas employ- at 16:55 of the second , extending his jobs. | a dead battery??? I goal scoring streak to five games. ment. Here js just a sample (6), Information about The -White Mules dominated the of what our International summer jobs. | Do your car a favor...See us! i game throughout , and only the solid Employment Director y (7). You will receive our play of Trinity netminder Art Fit- COV rs. Employment Opportunity zgerald kept the outcome in doubt. Fit- ( 1) . Our International Digest...jam-packed with in- zgerald stopped 36 Colby shots, while Employment Director y lists formation about current job his counterpart , Walt Edwards, was re- dozens of cruise ship com- opportunities. Special sec- j Metric Motors quired to make only 16 saves. panies , both on the east and tions features news of J On Friday evening, Colby broke west coast. You will be told overseas construction pro- The Foreign Car open a close game with four third- what type of positions the jects , executive positions 1 Specialists! I period goals on its way to downing hire, 1186 DrummorKJ Ave. . 873-1924 § Connecticut College, 6-1. cruise ship companies and teaching opportunities. rc3__aiatSl_flfiUi _jl_flM* Greg Apostol sent Colby out in front such as deck hands , 90 Day Money quickly with a goal at 2:03 of the first restaurant help, cooks, Back Guarantee bartenders , just to name a period , but Tom Scala responded just Our ^International Employ- two minutes later for the Division III few. You will also receive ment Director y is sent to you Camels. The score remained that way several Employment Ap- with **this guarantee. If for until Jon Doehr beat Camel goaltender plication Forms - that you any reason you do not obtain Steve Barriere with a wrist shot may send directly to the overseas employment or you halfway through the second period , companies you would like to are not satisfied with the job all seasons sports giving Colby the lead for good . work for. offers...simply return our Marleau had two goals for the White (2). Firms and organiza- Director y within 90 days and C/a_._.-c J ^£Aign± ujitn ityLe. ana f unction Mules in the third period , while Apostol and Paolucci added the others. tions employing all types of we 'll refund your money pro- Colby controlled the action against the personnel in Australia , mptly...n o questions asked. Retail Store Camels about the same way they did against Trinity, outshooting Connec- ticut College 37-18. ORDER FORM Arch-rival Bowdoin eliminated Col- International Employment Directory , OlATS wqUTn CAl I) I )f

a_ HEADING SOUTH FOR [j 1 ^ SAVE I IT SPRING BREAK? K [| of 1 See the BEST Select ion f DURING OUR | Swlmsu its and Trunks in the Area at: ' ' REMODELING I JtSlPl S teOTIIM f I Ml BPMWI1W €§018 . ¦ ¦ ' 1*_# _f" m -Li Urn u m l - II? Ma im 8 ?. ' Men's LEVI'S i F AimiiB ' Blue Jeans and Corduroys Iim ib— m / ! ¦ __. i i_r~ '* **¦ i «sst 458-1212 BOYSS 4M-M14 ILTHEIE¥INIE STORE FOR MEN AND I M nrir& K24 00 / Downtown Waterville \ Libi fjnue...q>£*,uu . college I.D. Ludy '21 Pacy '27 Howard '40 " 1 I Show current *1s ^ QQ R to get a 10 percent PLUS...Free length alterations for perfect fit. on non-sale items nn nndiscou mint nil nil mi. ini,/ innJ { Is. MEmBbiiaZ.*" «&" : a*** --WSK " j_____ I_hB_____H___k^ - '" x 'k '&£m3 JUbHSBBIB/k>j "*K :§lli '*** * pottery H-__B_H_B_k lililfSi^ pursues _^____R^____H[__-_B______M_--H ¦ *&_! Student "^^nrt ifffMlfllllM >i "a ¦>'^mm 'kM -|^m«HHBHHn r ^ ¦I^w-si r ^<^-^^»H_H-B-l--_--9l-H----n. - -; ______§ ' |IHIIII _ M.W.BI...... _. - . A^mm ^MWMw r*'-™ - ~«_£3_»P_. release v. as constructive _HHH -_H_M—_f9_B_N__H_M_H_B-l_F >^_Brm__I f * -____Hi____B_H__-_H-H___H_HH-_H_-:HBn_-__^__^___HB____ l__BHBh r._ 3&rafaP-___Bf___i , - »**. ** - -* fi -^r <^HMBBHHB gM_M-_MW_H_^- -, - - *¦ Jfflfgffl by Debbie Fisher ._i^^_^^S^BH^_HB_____H^9-R_--__RR__^______--&_^ : A * _J$S@HH_ to his success was patience. he must keep the weight, and the sizes ii-iii ^ tlMmsm One of the most ancient forms of art "Everything starts with tlie basic accurately measured and proportional. _-E-_K---ffil---SfiR9B5-----H----__l_-_-_^_S__Er-i- 1II-----R--H__-_--« ™Bff*1ffl-^^ *'vfi»--r $§9 -E-SHBraK9 ^-_-9i-^-__8_l-_H_BI_H_l_0----F 3____fl______H^_r_-_8 - TWaffrfflHin - 'm ^?i_E ^__i,__ is still practiced in the basement of cylinders, " said Schlief. From there He also has a wide variety of glazes ' Roberts. In a room, by a window, sits however, he was able to go off on his he can choose from, these are recipes 95mh_b______HS_H__R9_HH__Blu_a—mmm§a^f .___m_9_H_tWSSF __9Sm SH_SS_-Sl!^l^^hbIBB —_9_s9_n_M_u£s_t MBc v* t._ 4 ~*-gt _mBBH-____HH_8___BH-_Hk T^^ 8t _Bi 1 ' a man at a wheel. Curious persons may own. He says of himself: "I tend to be of iron and metals that react under in- ^^^ ¦_*"^"" pri_ MliB 9S_S86Bl__Hi__k_M—S_H_i'W f '^--i ¦a-SEaM* ~k»_B_i ^sJ-B-JM-BiSmBiffi^ii-ai-iwander past the faded, gray room to extremist." tense heat to create the beautiful col- --WW lftmlMKMMSBHE^^ t _LadsHHHflHH i_M_n_l^__B____N___—nam__9_B_H see Mark Schlief seated at the wheel, Schlief's other interests include ors. Even with these strict guidelines, raising a column of clay and thus con- marathon running and wood-working. however, the finished piece always re- tinuing the ancient art of pottery. He compares pottery to marathon run- mains a surprise. ning. He feels that they arc both a JBmBHMWHHB HHW Schlief is a senior Biology-French His plans for this semester include major whose hobbies, among other means of constructive release and he organizing a wea-ving and jewelry club «-H______fiB______9__r . ^^ ^ ^^ ^' «~wH_8__ HH__9_i_H-H____B_H__-C- r * "n-iniif-a-B-r ^£s- *! ^_-_B_B9HBH*fagBnHniHB| _SS_IRa things, include pottery. About twenty- hopes to continue these activities with senior Sylvia Wyler. Itt lffllMa'jSM ' ' ^J _2_H-H_lH-_____S___-__llii He and throughout life, ¦ ¦ five hours a week, Mark en ters the Sylvia found two old looms in the base- ¦^ ll 7 , ' realm of clay and _ firing [baking the He also enjoys the act of "-watching ment of Roberts that had been in «DHnmfflH*liifflt P^ 4 ' ' ¦ "- .' , -^MBBttH ^BBBBBsBm ; v " """ . .. A "y^»~... ,A<^gfX^BBS^SSB8^SSm^^Mclay] setting his imagination to work something grow" from his pottery. He storage for fifteen years. They hope to """^ ni 'MlllMllr ' ' " ' - -£:; _JH -H_^^___B__H_H_iil .a||g|™ " ^ to create up to six pieces an hour. compares pottery , the act of making get them iri working order. ^wB|B|jB|flflMB^ i ' nP^HM^ v' " JBHHhHHHHHh Pottery, to him, has become almost a pot, to embryology. He says that like Schlief and Wyler are also co- ^jMBjB8BBB}BM|Kau ^ f,„ ,_8«Rn__n_____i___H-_i an obsession. He finds satisfaction in embryology you know the steps and organizers of the pottery club. With TfI|Rfl l|PM am> ^^ n ^ ^ raH j ^ B the release of tension it gives. He also you can see them taking place. You are tentative plans for the enlargement of ^mH^_^___^_h______F " "A* jfr-!£*£._ * _ jQMPfflp_M-_MMM_M_l ^ n ' ' ' v si_)1_HHPm enjoys the sense of accomplishment controlling them—kneading the clay, the pottery club room, they hope to be H ^ that comes from making a piece. He centering it , pulling it up, and able to put the looms in there and put A^~ ^^*WNuBGBHnBmKgB ff^ says that it is impossible to recreate ah spreading it into a pliable cylinder. them to work. They also have A'-' ^ Ail^^l^n lt^^^ identical piece on the wheel. Therefore, Once this is done, anything is possible. workshops planned for demonstrating \ every piece is new and unique. He Other forms of art can be added to it. the wheel and consistent schedules of . ¦&___, mBKWMSM* '' AHKlgP ^mUDlBw!.!iJlMfe gg^*¦*** ^' describes these pieces as being almost The clay is fired , glazed and fired. firing. • . ^* m *i ^R : * „ a "part of you." It takes a certain degree of engineer- Schlief has been selling his work and ^^^^B^ fA Schlief began doing pottery in his ing and mathematics to make this all will continue to sell it this semester. He • " gKMB-KBwBE&'l 'T'r yffi 1 m^SSK^^i^M - < * *-''^^ 4MiH8HH|M j |k freshman year during Jan-Plan. Atten- come together. He says that you usual- and Wyler will be exhibiting ^TOWMB BffiBilli^ S-a^-iw- - «* some o f a ^tUmMrfanmimmivMi«ii i ii iiiiiCT-inwWwIlrlfflWrT ding the pottery class with Nancy ly come to the wheel with a certain ob- their work for sale in the glass case ' ^^ig/ f/tQ&£&&pnBBsB^MIBB^H^ ^BBBBtF^^^ ^H.HIMH -OB-BHBiMB 'r ^ '-•'i.HV^ iL Meader, he saw results early. He says jective or idea in mind. Many times, behind Roberts desk. He will also be that for beginning potters, the clay he may be petitioned to make a set of putting his work on display at the L_-______-H_l_H ^ ^ ^H-^^ H_Bm _-^fflB-W-ft_8£>i ^itstMl ^tiSSBSSSSS ^^ S ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ktends to lead and mold you. The key mugs or a set of plates. In these cases Coffeehouse. BS^SSSKKSBuift^^^ fl^^ N^Hfl ^^^^ HBfafc ^^^^^ S ^^ S ^SSlilis^^" ^ i ''^^^ SKm^Jtt^^mBS t^ ^ *> ^wwT^T^ Senior Mark Schlief pursues pottery to release tension as well as an interesting hobby which has become an "obsession." Movie review ECHO photo by Beth Healy Vision Quest a blurr ed search A recor d re vie w by John Moore strong acting and directing. However, in Vision Matthew Modine stars as Loudin , a senior high Quest-, director Becker cannot even copy honestly. school wrestler in the Harold Becker film Vision The oivious intent of Vision Quest is to cas h in on Quest. By entering a new weight class, Loudin the " underdog wins" theme in a crowd-yelling Vicious Vinv l challenges the best wrestler in the state in an attempt showdown between good and bad. Yet when the film to prove himself. With the support of his girl friend , finally made it to the big match, I could have cared Loudin practices and trains towards the eminent less whether Loudin won or lost. I was not emotional- wrestling showdown and the climax of the movie. ly involved , only bored. Vision Quest is simply " The Karate Kid and Rocky To the film 's credit is Modine and a superb sound- Replacements rock Go To Wrest/ing. " Becker has digested those two track. Modine handles the role capably despite in- movies and reproduced them in the form of Vision ept directing. Modine's frank one-liners give Vision by Scott Blair and Heidi Cool you know she's sportin ' a chain , same Quest. The morning runs, lonely practices and Quest its comic moments . Along with Modine is an Rock and Roll goes schizophrenic. hair revolution, same build evolution , physical injuries are once againrepeated. Rocky had excellent soundtrack featuring Madonna , Journey We all recognize that today's modern tomorrow who's gonna fuss, and they an eye injury, Daniel(Karate Kid) had. a bad knee, and Foreigner. music is diverse. We no longer have love each other so, androgynous." and in Vision Quest Loudin 's nose is constantly Ultimately, no quantity of Modine or music can sufficient adjectives to describe the These words remind us that we are in bleeding. save this film. Vision Quest has too much of other tunes we listen to, so v/je try to com- the eighties , and perhaps songs today . lt is acceptable" for a director to borrow a basic movies and not enough creativity and originality. Vi- pensate with generalities such as hard- don 't have to be obsessed with body theme and produce a respectable film , for example sion Quest has not set itself apart and has no clear core, or heavy-metal. Unfortunately, parts or fashion. John Carpenter ' s Starman has the basic themes of identity. Rocky IV anyone? in describing the latest album by the *% E. T. and // Happened One Night. These films had Replacemen ts, we cannot even cop-out However, since this album likes to by using any one of these terms. They do a bit of everything, "Gary's Got a are a group of four able musicians Boner" reminds us that body parts are from Minneapolis who play a wide still in fashion. If this album has its variety of styles. Using guitars, piano, flaws, this is the major one. Although bass and drums, the Replacements play we like most of the songs on Let f t Be, everything from standard ,, thrashing this seems to come straight from a bad hard-core to simple ballads. On Let it Aerosmith album. It should have been Be, excusing a few faults, they manage allowed to rest in peace. to play each format as though it were their specialty . Overall, the Replacements' Let It Be Side one opens with "I Will Dare," is a fine album of unpretentious rock the single released from the album. The and roll. It 's refreshing to listen to a song is relaxed , innocent rock and roll group that can cover such a wide range that basically just makes you want to of ityles with the energy and rebellious bop. If the song reminds you of attitude from which rock originated. R.E.M., feel justified , as Pete Buck of Most popular corporate bands of to- R.E.M. plays on this cut. The driving day seem to have forgotten this. They rhythms of "I Will Dare" make even opt for glossy, flashy, seemlessly the most inhibited listener start his/her perfect music that leaves the listener fingers snapping. feeling empty. Rather than questing for some intangible perfection , this band Those of you who like to thrash will focuses on creating energy to maintain find the opportunity with "We're their musical momentum, and frank- C * Out." The song is basic, yet omin ly this works as well now as it did in listenable hard-core except for a break the early days of rock and roll. The two thirds of the way through that in- band sounds like they're having cludes a lilting piano melody which as mveh f un playing tlie music as we were builds back into thc thrash for the listening to it. Granted that thc vocals, climax. * reminiscent of Bruce Springsteen at Yet another surprise is the ballad times and also of. Aero-smith,'s Steven "Androgynous, " It Is a simple love Tyler (on the few poor cuts on thc song, which will cause you to sing album), arc not the group's forte, their along, yet the lyrics nnd piano keep it strong playing and committment to Students Elizabeth Hallstron (piano) and David Rudge (violin) performed in a rec\la\ Sunday from becoming sappy . ''Here comes basic rock make thc plbum more than in the Chapel , echo photo by Rob CummlnQB Dick wearin g a skirt , here comes Jane worthwhile. We highly recommend it. * s. Africa I performs Stu-A f ilm preview Hachey & Thompson's by Karen Buckley masks aim to purify the earth and Fifteen dancers from Africa , the those who defile it. 'Silkwood' ARBO'S Carribean, and the United States who The dancers next performed "Chant call themselves Africa I performed in of Rejoice," which is the formal ballet Transmission Rebuilders Strider Theater Saturday night. The of the ancient Manding Dynasty, never fails Sales • Parts • Service program consisted of dances which dating back to the 13th century. Amid by Marcus Ratliff 95 College Avenue spanned ancient Africa to modern and a flourish of robes, the men and Silkwood, Starring Meryl Streep, women stamped out their rejoice in one Waterville, Maine 04901 contemporary folklore. The Cher, and Kurt Russell is the film African dances are about life and are of the more upbeat dances of the Free Towing in Most.Instances adaptation of the true story of Karen derived from the earth and creatures evening. Silkwood , who died several years ago Wholesale Prices and Free Estimates . of the earth. After a brief intermission, Africa I in a mysterious car accident. Many I .(207) 873-6316 Rick Crowley The program opened with "Fanga," performed "Court Dancers" which people claim that the investigation she a dance of friendship and greetings. was a dance by the women of the royal was doing into the chemical plant This high-spirited dance set the tone family in homage to the ancestors. This where she worked gave her superiors for the rest of the-evening. was one of the more serious, yet equal- a motive to arrange an accident for her. ' Next, Africa I performed "Mask ly vibrant, dances of the evening. Streep is excellent as always, though ELM CITY PHOTO Dances," which provided profiles on Finally, the company danced "The the bubblegum-popping Texan is very three mask rituals. According to the Bakisimba" which is community dan- different from : herv previous roles. ANNOUNCES narrator, masks are linked to purifica- cing from Uganda. This dance was ac- Silkwood's boyfriend is powerfully tion rituals. Farming is considered an companied by intense drumming, grass played by Russell, and if Cher is ever offense against nature. Thus, the skirts, singing, bells and many smiling good (which is doubtful), it is in this faces. movie. There is a fine backup cast, in- " 1 HOUR SERVICE" cluding Ron Silver: who now stars in Hurly Burly on Broadway; and ON 35 MM FILMS Chinnock to play Richard Hamilton who has been off- HOP ON THE 35 MM EXPRESS Get ready to rock, Colby, because social life chair Kami Harnett. Broadway Bill Chinnock will play this Sunday Opening for Chinnock will be Silkwood never falters. It bqilds ex- night for as lo.njg as people want. If he "Devonsquare," a Maine band that cellent and believable characters who intends a repeat performance of his last appears in bars and, according to proceed to grow with their own strug- appearance here, the music will last six Harnett, "is a fun dance band." gles and advance the themes of the hours! Chinnock, the original leader of Ticket sales for the Sunday night movie. Silkwood is an important O^ Bruce Springsteen's E. Street Band, is - performance in the gym are as follows: American film—one which stands now out on his own and is preparing Roberts Desk on Thursday, Friday and nearly alone in its powerfu l attack on __A ,^J*^- ^(m$^ for a national tour with a tour of Saturday nights from 5 to 7 and Fri- chemical plants,- arid the Anne Bur- Maine colleges. day and Saturday from 12-1; Dana oh fords of America. AwtffvPt/ -7W^\ "He's really eager to give us a touch Friday and Saturday nights from 5-7. Silkwood will be shown Friday and of Springsteen-like music for all of us Tickets are $6. Saturday nights and 7 and 9:15 in tJ k^fi tec \ who were unable to see him," says Lovejoy 100. ^vTu^ L ^__^ 45


Thursday, February 28 - Friday, March 1 Saturday , March 2

The Whitne y Room Restaurant Under the new management o'f Will Foster, Andy Hoag and Dave Goldberg, The Whitney will offer the following : House Salad Rolls and Butter Prime Rib or Scallops Nova Scotia Baked Potato or Rice Pilaf Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk $4.00 Residential Students $5.00 All others, faculty and staff Appetizers, f ancy deserts, beer and wine available at an extra charge. Call x3382 f or reservations before 1:00 pm. Please indicate your meal choice. This student run enterprise is your place f or fine dining at Colby. "There is no greater thing under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry. "

Commons Happenings Chaplin and Johnson Mary Low Commons ¦ ""' * . Lovejoy Commons Commons Monday , March 4 A- Eric Rolf son plays Monday, March 4^Homc'made Breads Saturday, March 2-Steamship Buffet for your dining pleasure. Rolls . Smorgasbord with Asst'd spreads Thursday, March 7—Int 'I Cheese Nile % Did You Know That... • ...the studen t body at Colby College will consume 29> 180 heads of lettuce this year \ \ ...and f or desert 4,866 gallons of hard ice cream. ; ; C a m dus Class if ieds ' a round... I' m sure we'll miss you. trip from Waterville to Paris for only 500 F. Hit cookies good weekend! To Lauren Various babes upstairs and hoola-hoops included! Incroyable! Tous nos P.B. Announcements A Foss inhabitant .' ' amours; D-eb. ANNAFANNABELLE!!!!!! I'm inn luv! Running? What' s this - a bizarre form of SAS torture? Estelle et Ines. ___ Happy Birlhday! -Who SOCIAL CHANGE JOBS: Professional and summer ' A fellow Sufferer T.C. and T.V. Love. Karen positions with Public Interest Research Groups • I hear Ihe Colby-Newton connection is hot these Purple Deirdre. . . 156!?!?!?! (PIRGs) available nationwide. Work on environment- Eardrum. Eardrum"? No. Get out! We' re lifters. days... When does the next train leave? talfsociaL-justicefcorporate and governmental ac- You'll never guess Signed, the'' 4th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHI (alias Skippy) and BRAD ELI-You know, baby food isn't really that bad once countability issues. Interviews are scheduled for you get used to the consistency. And when you're Lisa and Paul P.S. "Naughty, naughty..." Who farted on the way (alias Sid) March 6. Sign up now. For more information call ' really hungry, you take what is available, right ...? Don't be strangers... revived after 23 years? to Portland? Get psyched for birlhday shots Salurday night!! Claudia Baso (617) 423-1796. ~ -Susan Allergic Kevin. To the Trout and the Bass Vengan Todos a Comer en la Mesa de Espanol. Pretend this is February 14th. Happy Birthday! Hey-Janet-Take a chill, he's only a sophomore. And ' To (he Bald Eagle in Leonard, she is my sister! K What kind of Hollywood wives eat pizza every night? " " _ lake pity on the rest of us. What about Ihe man from Hay Tres: Brownie, lei's hope this SF thing works! Sue Fish-wives (ha-ha) - an anchovy Lunes - 5:30... Para Todos Portland and your divorcee, huh? You have a Love ya. K. Mel. I love my little snuggle bunny , so don't ever leave me. Martes - 5:30... Para Beginners You All-American you. I just heard that they're go- monopoly going, and that's illegal. Look what hap- Jiieves - 12:30... Para Todos K ris. So you think you're ready for next year. Huh? This includes next semester! Doesn'l it? Yessss it pened to Ma Bell. Be warned. ing to retire number 47. Get psyched for Lacrosse does, doesn Vengan al comedor pequeno. de Foss Para hablar _, Tin 't it? Yessss! I love youl-Muff-P.S. Go . -Susan and Florida! Waska y veran cuanto'se aprenden y cuanto. Se divierten. Hamilton from 1st lloor Dana. ¦' Roomie o'yours. Look , Tramp, we have to gel together for a , 9:00-1:00, the German Club is It's when you least expect it!!! Bun spew 'n'brew session. Revelations we won't On Friday. Feb. 25 The Women 's Ice Hockey learn • Thanks.all of the sponsoring Fasching, a cultural event celebrating, the The gals down the hall. Happy early birthday! 19! ! Hope it's special. I'll do remember , but cheers to the new "outlook." Trollop fantastic fans that came to our last two games. Thank my besl. Last year is in Ihe past! I love you, M . German "Karnival". It takes place in the communi- Happy Birthday. Kristen! Twenty one and finally legal you_-_ . you're the greatest! David Lee. ty, room of the Heights. (Get psyched, wear your in little R.I. Enjoy il! . Bun Do you remember something about Cerebal Salad? straightest costume, and live it up wifh "X-Dreams." Love. Kerri Just to say. I love you forever - Baby! Since you missed it, try and figure this out: MOO* We need to pick a night for brainstorming!! Free Admission; the person with the besl costume Bloodhound. -Me Crazy Eddie will win a dinner for 2 at Johann's. German beverages Eleipses otan imouva styv ellada! I just wanted to inform you that you are in the finals Dear Mets fan. Hey Imo Kim Amy, Robin, and munchies will be served. Ha Ha Ha . . Terri. Lisa. Jess. Amy and for the big flirt award. Love, ? Hope you keep thinking because I know thai I am. everyone else. Jusl TWO MORE DAYS!! We can't Had a great time Saturday. Thanks for being there. The Colby Hillel Foundation has established an elec- N umber 3Y. wait . YEA! KT and AS tronic mail and message service on the College's . Bentley. Love, the Plumber What 's up. small guy? '' I' Vince VAX computer. Information about future Hillel ac- m not your friend anymore. How could you let them . Signed. take me?? Some Iriend you are. Thelma Wouldn 't you like to know jusl what I know .... tivities, opportunities for study in Israel and for Just a sideline admirer Tues. was lots of fun! We should do that more olten!! employment, and other miscellaneous items of news Your ex-friend. Sylvesler Jen. N ibb How does "Tuesday Afternoon Drinking Club" will be sent to all interested students, faculty and . Are you in ihe mood for good pizza tonight and sound? Welcome to our madhouse ! We ' re so glad you mov- If you drink Ihis weekend it 'll have to be severe ear- ' staff. Students and faculty who have already express- hungry? Come up to the Heights lonjght from 5 pm Your drunken roomie ed in: we couldn t be WAKJ withoul you!! ed an interest in participating in Hillel programs and ly morning b-ball treatment., .be good. to 7 pm and EAT as much Elm Tree pizza as you K and A ¦Your Tuesday Alternoon Drinking Club, who have computer accounts have received several neighbor. want .lo benelil Big Brother/ Big Sister . Our double vision always seems to make the best of Greg, If you would like to receive Hillel elec- There's a crazy girl on campus that appears to live —— messages. time. You ready for the formal? You'd belter be! tronic mail, please contacl Professor Jay Labov, in her P J.s. Keep it up Mutl • the world is crazy I experience a wonderful seasoning ol all enjoyments . KT anyways. -More members need Department of Biology, extension 3329. Those peo- often. Thank you. Anne. ple who have never used the computer pro- _Ker WELZ Grossman basement Since Sandy's gone I'm going to take over where he Have fun Sat. night; I know I will!! It's going to be vided with directions for utilizing the electronic mail To the person who took my wallet • Please, please To the Firemen. a nighl for "! ¦ left off. So as the saying goes "When I'm up "double vision system. .find a way to return it to me how about thru cam- Don' forget Ihe fire sale. Special low price on fur- _ everybody's up RAAAH!" k "Meditation" - 2 hour workshop with Lillian McMullin; pus mail? Thanks! niture and clothes. Thanks for your help! YMMIT GNANOB Bill (or can I call you Elvis?) Thursday, February 28, 7 - 9p.m. in the Smith-Robins . Elizabeth Holt Room 201 P.S. Sunday night was only a preview of whal' I think my picture looks good in your room. room, Roberts Union. Wear loose, comfortable s Io Hey Bitches. To Brigid. Karyn. and Wendy: come Best wishes, Clint E. clothes. Sponsored by Health Education Committee. Well let me correct thai. Beelches! Aren't you all glad Miss you all.. And the Goose and Firkin! seniors: Matt ¦" you have me as your friend. Oh. come on. admit it. Winners of Women 's Lacrosse Raffle were: Hoops! ' Nice visit you hoser. Hope you regret leaving. Glad Love, your friend (J.W.) Start gelling psyched for the Graduation Ball! It s only First .prize of $50 - Dan Delduca -Beth. i three monlhs away! We need your help! you came anyway. The D.U. crew Second prize of S25 - Kristen Roeder Hey Joi. Como Esta? Nosotros te exlrariamos aqui! ¦ ¦ Wanted Colonel Third prize of $15 Mike Paquin You' re not joiful! •Cap and Hoop .Don't ever eat my donuts again. ' Commons coordinators (2). No experience I will rip your arm Colby in Dijon (France): Beginning in the fall semester To my Seven Sisters. Katie! necessary-in fact it's prelerrred. B.C. oil and beat you over the head with it. of this year, Colby .will offer a one-semester program Saturday night is coming near and our party will soon W here do the Greeks put il? Down with commons. Rob2 Grendel in French to be given at the Universite de Dijon. be here: Lei's hope the night goes well and that Dear D. and J.. Lauren Designed primarily for students currently enrolled in everyone thinks i! was swell. I may not be a poet but To the Stalue(s): Well , here it is... The classified you've been holding Why don't you buy some stock in Elm tree pizza. French 122, there will be some space available for at least I'll give a go at it. "B" there will be no fall- I think we ' ve seen enough. Keep it behind closed your breath for! Hope you're happy now guys • I'll Maybe you'll get a discount! olher students and/or incoming freshmen with an ing. "Tee" there will be no bending of the knees. "Al" doors- try not to get your hopes up like that again! Have a Guess Who adequate background in French at the secondary there will be no architecture. "S" swimming is -the rest of campus school level - usually 3 or 4 years, with a strong over!!! (Thank God). "Calh". Pat's here!! (Single- audio-lingual basis. Satisfactory completion of the time). "Kim" no rubber band women, and "TB". no course will mean the completion of the language re- dancing on broken heels. quirement and will provide credit in literature, history, Love • Skippy ¦ If you would like to put a free personal or announcement in art. etc., depending on the level of work done by the P.S. No peanut butler for me! •/-T. 'jTC If the students. An organizational meeting for interested Wanted: Humans with amazingly stupid tricks to per- Echo., send them through the Echo ' students will be held on Monday, March. 11 at 5:00 (IJ'iTJ^ . liXCifal s mailslot on third floor fo/m on stage for a late night production. Contact the » P.M. in Lovejoy 212. Gin Pup at 872-9800. Ca > Roberts or in the envelope near the post office boxes. Other Tonight-Thursday. Feb. 28. 7 and 9:30 p.m.. Film- Mr. H, classifieds are $1.50 for 30 words or less, and 5 cents for each "Repo Man"-in the Coffeehouse. FREE . I miss keeping you warm. You know, you're not very additional word. Payment must be included with any ads other exciting when, you get cold. Looking forward to /_T! *£* S. ¦another weekend like the last one! vXiH00ttt£ijf0 than Persona's a°d announcements. All classifieds other than , Love, Betty personals should include your name and phone number. Help Wanted WOOTEN. You must not miss Sylvester very much • I haven't seen any sign ot the ransom. He 's beginning to like START YOUR CAREER NOW! Earn money and work the weed so much he might not even want to go on Fortune 500 Companies' marketing programs on . home! i1-rir\-^„* _rfhi__ i. l<**h ^^ campus. Part-time (flexible) hours each week. We Da Circle of Da Guys -- give references. Call 1-800-243 -679. To My Loving Roomale. Help Wanted: An experienced maih tutor needed for Keep pulling that Nivea on your bonky because you a Waterville high school Algebra II student. Two to never know who'll be touching it next weekend! ROCK N' ROLL COWBOY PRODUCTIONS three weekly sessions can be held on campus bet- From your ever loving rommale ween 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. Hourly rale of $4.00. Call ¦ ext. 3184 after March 4 and ask for Pam. Glenn. Thanks lor the great weekend. BRINGS BACK TO MAINE . Love. J.W. Juli . Person als It ' s time to hand over your Loretta shoes to someone who can handle Ihe pressure. Maybe Monica can. I've been looking over her records and her Flirt-chart Hey. I hear it's been cold oul there. 70's and 80's looks promising. oul here. Wish you were here. Love, Madame Loretta BILLY CHINNOCK Time Fairy : : Ice Hockey, Holiy! You could al least lell me what was on your mind From the first hello... I miss you. belore you pushed me to the side. ¦ J.S. , J.W. Colby 8. or is il T> Howzit guys? Try Io gel BC to Hackett, slop grabbing his lit! I'm tense ! Tenor in CA ___. . . . , If anyone knows Ihe whereabouts ol Sylvesler please let me know. WRITE me. you scum queen! ^ _ 2nd Floor Dana, Room 23Y Love. Monica. (Bloodhound). Time Fairy I just wanted Io say hello. So nice!! Stop sniffing oul / Ms Cuddles Puddles livos. . ' j these guys. WTOS^^I^^M^^v» i v^ v-» ^mfl , Jt V-i flB ™»'*pRoiiLit ,,oNs Single, hairless male seeks single, hairless lemale, A friend wjSfffB^^jB^t Pl^ll-f^i ws* i I_Bp! ' S and M, B and D, for knky grk/fr fun. Musi enjoy the i • Dawg, waler, am discreel, r.y. box 1701. I say we go alter Ihe moiher I—er. Nice buns anyway, The swim team thanks L. Holmes and family lor an but gel a real squeeze, wouldja? ¦awesome lime Salurday. Il just does mailer. ' XO, A Secrel Pa l ,. Josh. Rick. Happy Birlhday ONE WEEK LATE! I'm so sorry Hope ykw is great ! I can' t wait to see you after Brad I forgol. You know what? Our season's all over!!! buys you a couple ol pitchers! ] Sue _ . Love ya! Sully. Dear Julio and Juan, Have a go'od weekend - if that 's possible wilhoul us Mon Dleu, do you miss Paris as much as we do? Guess what? We just heard about a great deal, round To tho iron-man in Dana 327-1 want (need) your in- credible bod. Merrinor ex tremely shy thanks for being so warm and open, your family to me Yo Kath, K. P.S. Jeff , I halo you! DEVONSQUARE Full moon soon. Orion, too. Or maybe just Orion's to my Utile T-bono Don ' boll, Jollout t gel razor burn, and good luck in the New (>(/ ]<¦ ¦•"' it .iuni <•- « ' Huntress Englands, I be misson you. t iw/ -/)<'* id! .1/1/ ' . SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd , ; p t '^^^^___('^^^^^_^^c«__^^_^^ ^__-*" »<--^^«-_^ ^--S-_^ "l«i_^^*ll Colby College, Wads worth, Gym, 8:00 pm l Ij i& lfi AUTO PARTS ( MONDAY, MARCH 4th UMO, In the Pit 8:00 pm j Oakland ? Kennedy Memorial Dr. . lickots Available at thc ticket otliccs ot both school * IF IN NEED - WILL DELIVER j and at DeOrse y ' s in W'atorvilk ' ( Machine Sho p Service \ $6"in advance, $8 day of show Complete Line of U.S.7& Foreign Parts N I IUST RELEASEDl l 465-7963 J BILLY'S NEW ALBUM i: 873-0677 j ROCK ROLL COWBOY! N' i ] w ww* i + ' vwwwwwwvm »»!»»¦» mmw\*vmwwm++< *>vw*r 'B mmm

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