Journal of International Environmental Application & Science
Journal of International Environmental Application & Science ISSN-1307-0428 Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Sukru DURSUN, Environmental Engineering Department, Engineering & Natural Science Faculty, Konya Technical University, Konya, TURKEY EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Dr. Lynne BODDY Prof. Dr. IR. Raf DEWIL Cardiff School of Biosciences, Main Building, Museum Chemical Eng. Dept, Chemical & Biochem. Process Techn. & Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3TL UK Control Section, Katholieke Un. Leuven, Heverlee, BELGIUM Prof. Dr. Phil INESON Prof. Dr. Tay Joo HWA Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, Environ. & Water Resources Engineering Division, of Civil & Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK Environ. Eng. School, Nanyang Techno. Un., SINGAPORE Prof. Dr. Lidia CRISTEA Dr. Somjai KARNCHANAWONG Romanian Sci. & Arts University, B-dul Energeticienilor, No.9- Environ. Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering Chiang Mai 11, Sec. 3, ZC 030796, Bucharest, ROMANIA University, THAILAND Prof. Dr. N. MODIRSHAHLA, Prof. Dr Hab. Boguslaw BUSZEWSK Department of Applied Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, Chemistry & Bioanalytics Environ., Chemistry Faculty, Tabriz Branch, IRAN Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, POLAND Prof. Dr. Victor A.DRYBAN, Prof. Dr. Azita Ahmadi-SÉNICHAULT Rock Pressure National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech - Centre de Bordeaux, Esplanade Donetsk, UKRAINE des Arts et Metiers, FRANCE Prof.Dr. Rüdiger ANLAUF Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Prof. Dr. Irena BARANOWSKA GERMANY Analytical Chemistry Dept., Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, POLAND Prof. Dr. Amjad SHRAIM Chemistry & Earth Sciences Department, College of Arts & Prof. Dr. Indumathi M NAMBI Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, QATAR Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Civil Eng. Dept., Environ. & Water Resources Eng. Div., INDIA Prof. Dr. Massimo ZUCCHETTI Dipartimento di Energetica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Prof.
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