List of declassified files of the

Ministry of External Affairs from 1903‐1972


Compiled by IDSA Library

1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, New ‐110010 Visit us: FOREIGN SERVICE PERSONNEL

Question in the Constituent S.No. Assembly of IndiaSubject by the Hon`ble File No Branch Year Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Seth Govinddass in regard to FOREIGN Service. 2. Decision that women Progs., Nos.Nos. 18(11)-FSP,4(4)-FSP, 19 recruitment to the 1947 are eligible for appointment to the 1947 Service by the F.P.S.C. and the PERSONNEL numberIndian Foreign of persons Service. appointed with Indian Embassies. FOREIGN Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, 2 FOREIGNSERVICE 1947 Service- Application from E.C.O`s. Progs.,1947 Nos. 3(1)-FSP, 10 Draft Indian Foreign Service rules. SERVICEPERSONNEL 1947 1947 Question in the Legislative PERSONNEL Assembly by Shri M.Anantha Sayanam Ayyangar regarding the FOREIGN countries to which representatives Progs., Nos. 18(10)-FSP, 3 SERVICE 1947 of have been Sent a 1947 PERSONNEL prepared to be sent and the future recruitment of officers for the Indian Foreign Service. Particulars of allowance in the U.K. FOREIGN foreign Service Correspondence Progs., Nos. 21(5)-FSP, 4 SERVICE 1947 with U.K. High Commissioner, New 1947 PERSONNEL Delhi. Appointment to the Indian, FOREIGN Foreign service on the basis of the Progs., Nos. 24(2)-FSP, 5 SERVICE 1947 recommendations, made by 1947 PERSONNEL F.P.SC. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Progs., Nos. 17(10)-FSP, 6 SERVICE 1947 A.B.Bhadkamakr. 1947 PERSONNEL Pay and Allowance for Mr. P.N.Menon probationer in the IFS on his appointment as Third FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 7 Secretary, Embassy of India in SERVICE 1947 1947 China Nanking. Assumption of PERSONNEL charge by Mr. Menon at Shanghai instead of at Nanking. Foreign service regulations, Outfit Allowance 2. Grant of outfit FOREIGN allowance to persons, other than Progs., Nos. 21(7)-FSP, 8 SERVICE 1947 Member of the Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL service, appointed to Diplomatic and Consular Posts abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question in the Legislative Assembly by Shri M.Anantha Sayanam Ayyangar regarding the FOREIGN countries to which representatives Progs., Nos. 18(10)-FSP, 11 SERVICE 1947 of India have been Sent a 1947 PERSONNEL prepared to be sent and the future recruitment of officers for the Indian Foreign Service. 1. Question of the form of training to be give to the Indian Foreign Service Probationers in the All India Administrative Training FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(3)-FSP, 12 School, Delhi, and in Secretariat. SERVICE 1947 1947 2. Progress Reports on the PERSONNEL Probationers of the Indian Foreign Service for the first time ending 14th June 1947. Allocation of expenditure on pay FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(6)-FSP, 13 and allowance and drawing of the SERVICE 1947 1947 I.F.S. Probationers. PERSONNEL Books purchased for the library of the Indian Administrative service FOREIGN Training School for the use of IFS Progs., Nos. 19(7)-FSP, 14 SERVICE 1947 Probationers-Question of debiting 1947 PERSONNEL the cost to Ministry of Home Affairs. Continuance of the existing arrangements for the appointment FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(22)-FSP, 15 by the Mysore Govt., of their SERVICE 1947 1947 Trade Commission abroad Subject PERSONNEL to certain Condition. Literatutre and foreign services- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 19(1)-FSP, 16 Training for Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1947 1947 recruits. PERSONNEL Supply of material re: creation of IFS for inclusion in the budget FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(31)-FSP, 17 speeches of the Hon`ble Finance SERVICE 1947 1947 Minister in the Central PERSONNEL Assembly(Legislature)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, division. For more details visit


Question in the Constituent Assembly of India by Shri B.A.Mandloi in regard to various FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 18(12)-FSP, 18 grades of the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1947 1947 Service, Strength of the personnel PERSONNEL of each grade and the method of recruitment for all the grade. Secretariet training for Probationers of the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(5)-FSP, 19 Services. Training of Mr. U. A. SERVICE 1947 1947 Rahman in the External Affiars PERSONNEL Dept. Continuance of the existing arrangements for the appointment FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(22)-FSP, 20 by the Mysore Govt., of their SERVICE 1947 1947 Trade Commission abroad Subject PERSONNEL to certain Condition.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Ahmed E.H.Jaffar FOREIGN regarding the number of officers Progs., Nos. 18(9)-FSP, 21 SERVICE 1947 selected for the Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL Service and their Communal proportion. Preparation of lists of files for the FOREIGN years 1939 to 1947 in connection Progs., Nos. 20(34)-FSP, 22 SERVICE 1947 with partition. Supply of papers to 1947 PERSONNEL Pakistan Govt. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(8)-FSP, 23 Personal file of Mr. M.A.Rahman. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Revision of Consular Instruction so FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(2)-FSP, 24 far as they relate to the Foreign SERVICE 1947 1947 Service Regulations. PERSONNEL Continuance of Mr. Shipton as His Majesty`s officer General FOREIGN at Kashgar till the Expiry of his Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 25 SERVICE 1947 contract in June 1948. 2. Decision 1947 PERSONNEL that the entri expenditure of the Consulate General after 15.8.47

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


will be divided behaviour India and Pakistan Govts. Recruitment of the Indian Foreign service of persons of Foreign qualification and professions, etc, FOREIGN through the special selection Progs., Nos. 22(22)-FSP, 26 SERVICE 1947 Board. 2. Cabinet Decision in 1947 PERSONNEL regard to the revised method of recruitment to the Indian foreign service during 1947. Question of the appointment of an Agricultural Attache in the Embassy of India Washington. Decision that any future post of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(10)-FSP, 27 Second Secy. in the Embassy SERVICE 1947 1947 should be filled by an Officer of PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service who has a background of technical knowledge of Agriculture in India. Selection for appointment to the Indian Foreign service, of officer belonging to the I.C.S and other FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 24(4)-FSP, 28 all India, service. 2. Panel of SERVICE 1947 1947 names o such officers alloted by PERSONNEL the Ministry of home Affairs to this ministry.q Question of apporach to the Universities in India for introduction of courses of study for Foreign Languages, Foreign FOREIGN Affairs, International Law and Progs., Nos. 6(4)-FSP, 29 SERVICE 1947 Current Affairs. Decision that 1947 PERSONNEL Universities should make provision for the teaching of these subjects as a part of general educational Policy. Enquiry from the Dept. of the Govt. of India, in respect of FOREIGN applicant for the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 22(12)-FSP, 30 SERVICE 1947 service who were employed on 1947 PERSONNEL long term contracts with teh approval of the F.P.S.C.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendment of Chapter XXI of the CSR under Section 24(2) of the Govt., of India Act, 1935 in regard FOREIGN to acceptance of private Progs., Nos. 20(9)-FSP, 31 SERVICE 1947 employment by retired Govt., 1947 PERSONNEL servants. Application of the new rule to members of the Indian Foreign Service. Federal Publi Service Commission- Discussions relating to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 16(2)-FSP, 32 conclusion that it is not necessary SERVICE 1947 1947 to consult FPSC while making PERSONNEL appointments of Heads of Mission. Receipt and return of character FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(24)-FSP, 33 Rolls of officers interviewed for the SERVICE 1947 1947 Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL List of Candiates selected by the FOREIGN Boards of Secretaries to the Indian Progs., Nos. 24(27)-FSP, 34 SERVICE 1947 Foreign service who have opted 1947 PERSONNEL for Pak. 1. Question of the form of training to be give to the Indian Foreign Service Probationers in the All India Administrative Training FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(3)-FSP, 35 School, Delhi, and in Secretariat. SERVICE 1947 1947 2. Progress Reports on the PERSONNEL Probationers of the Indian Foreign Service for the first time ending 14th June 1947. Appointments to the Indian Foreign Service during 1947 of FOREIGN Emergency Commissioned Officers Progs., Nos. 5(4)-FSP, 36 SERVICE 1947 on the basis of 1947 PERSONNEL recommendationmade by F.P.S.C. for war Service Candidates. Question of Indian Foreign service of certain technical staff of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(15)-FSP, 37 employement selection Bureau for SERVICE 1947 1947 selecting E.C.O and over age PERSONNEL candidates for Decision not to do

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


so. Question whether a person of Indian residing in a Country FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(17)-FSP, 38 outside India, eligible for SERVICE 1947 1947 appointment to the Indian Foreign PERSONNEL Service. Selection of officers for appointment in the Embassy of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, 39 India at Moscow. 2. Selection of SERVICE 1947 1947 Mr. S. Dutt for appointment as PERSONNEL Secretary, C. R. Wing. Receipt and return of character FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(24)-FSP, 40 Rolls of officers interviewed for the SERVICE 1947 1947 Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of constitution of an FOREIGN extraordinary entertainment fund Progs., Nos. 10(48)-FSP, 41 SERVICE 1947 at our Missions on the basis of the 1947 PERSONNEL U.K.Model. FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service regulations, Progs., Nos. 21(3)-FSP, 42 SERVICE 1947 about conduct rules. 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, 43 SERVICE 1947 Service- Application from E.C.O`s. 1947 PERSONNEL Arrangements for air passage to U.S.A. for Mr. A.K.Dar IFSL in his FOREIGN appointment as Third Secretary Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 44 SERVICE 1947 Embassy of India in U.S.A. Grant 1947 PERSONNEL to him of advance of t.a. and dollar exchange. Preparation of lists of files for the FOREIGN years 1939 to 1947 in connection Progs., Nos. 20(34)-FSP, 45 SERVICE 1947 with partition. Supply of papers to 1947 PERSONNEL Pakistan Govt. Creation of permanent posts in the Indian Foreign Services. 2. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 46 Provision of funds for new SERVICE 1947 1947 Embassies and missions in the PERSONNEL Budget Estimates for 1948-49.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Cuttings from News Papers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 19(2)-FSP, 47 relating recruitment to Indian SERVICE 1947 1947 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Supply of material re: creation of IFS for inclusion in the budget FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(31)-FSP, 48 speeches of the Hon`ble Finance SERVICE 1947 1947 Minister in the Central PERSONNEL Assembly(Legislature) Secretariet training for Probationers of the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(5)-FSP, 49 Services. Training of Mr. U. A. SERVICE 1947 1947 Rahman in the External Affiars PERSONNEL Dept. Proposal by the Governor of French Establishment in India that officers selected for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(29)-FSP, 50 Foreign Service should be sent to SERVICE 1947 1947 Pondicherry to learn French and PERSONNEL live in the French Atmosphere before they are sent out.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Combined exam. for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(11)-FSP, 51 Foreign Service and all India, SERVICE 1947 1947 Administrative service. PERSONNEL Question of recruitment to Indian Foreign Service of temporary Govt. servants under external FOREIGN affiars and Commonwealth Progs., Nos. 22(4)-FSP, 52 SERVICE 1947 relations ministry and holding 1947 PERSONNEL appointment which wil normally be filled by officers of Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Captain B.A.Kumar Roy IFS Progs., Nos. 17(1)-FSP, 53 SERVICE 1947 Personal file of. 1947 PERSONNEL 1. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service through the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(2)-FSP, 54 competitive Examination by the SERVICE 1947 1947 F.P.S.C. 2. Rules- Syllabus etc. for PERSONNEL competitive Examination held in

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


July, 1947. 3. Decision in regard to number of recruits to be taken annually. Question of giving training to officers of the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(9)-FSP, 55 Service in the lines of the Financial SERVICE 1947 1947 training Service to ``Pool`` cadre PERSONNEL Officers. Verification of Character and FOREIGN antecedents of persons selected Progs., Nos. 20(26)-FSP, 56 SERVICE 1947 by the FPSC for appointment to 1947 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. Particulars of Officers who were called for Interview in this Ministry FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(18)-FSP, 57 for selection to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1947 1947 Service and who opted for PERSONNEL Pakistan. Amendment of Chapter XXI of the CSR under Section 24(2) of the Govt., of India Act, 1935 in regard FOREIGN to acceptance of private Progs., Nos. 20(9)-FSP, 58 SERVICE 1947 employment by retired Govt., 1947 PERSONNEL servants. Application of the new rule to members of the Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(12)-FSP, 59 Lt.P.N.Menon IFS Personal file of. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Pay and Allowance of Mr. J.S.Mehta, probationer in the FOREIGN Indian Service on his appointment Progs., Nos. 9(7)-FSP, 60 SERVICE 1947 as Attache in the Ministry of 1947 PERSONNEL External affairs and Commonwealth Relations.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Posting of Officers in the Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(8)-FSP, 61 of India at Washington, and option SERVICE 1947 1947 ofcertain officers for Pakistan. PERSONNEL Question in the Constituent Progs., Nos. 18(11)-FSP, FOREIGN 62 1947 Assembly of India by the Hon`ble 1947 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Seth Govinddass in regard to PERSONNEL recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service by the F.P.S.C. and the number of persons appointed with Indian Embassies. Application from Mr. F. M. deMello FOREIGN for appointment to the Indian Progs., Nos. 4(10)-FSP, 63 SERVICE 1947 Foreign Services under E. A. 1947 PERSONNEL Deptt. Pay and allowance of captain FOREIGN M.A.Rahman an probation in the Progs., Nos. 9(3)-FSP, 64 SERVICE 1947 IFS and his appointment as 1947 PERSONNEL Attache in E.A.Deptt. Tentative programme for opening of Indian diplomatic missions and Consulates abroad during 1947 worked out by the Sacretaries of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(5)-FSP, 65 the E.A., C.R. and Commerce SERVICE 1947 1947 deptts. for the purpose of PERSONNEL Calculation of intake to the Foreign Service. New Staff required other than Heads of Missions. Verification of Character and FOREIGN antecedents of persons selected Progs., Nos. 20(26)-FSP, 66 SERVICE 1947 by the FPSC for appointment to 1947 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Major A.K.Dar I.F.S. Personal file Progs., Nos. 17(5)-FSP, 67 SERVICE 1947 of . 1947 PERSONNEL Foreign service regulations, Outfit Allowance 2. Grant of outfit FOREIGN allowance to persons, other than Progs., Nos. 21(7)-FSP, 68 SERVICE 1947 Member of the Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL service, appointed to Diplomatic and Consular Posts abroad. Formation of the Indian FOREIGN Administratie Service. Pay and Progs., Nos. 20(28)-FSP, 69 SERVICE 1947 other Conditions of service for the 1947 PERSONNEL members of that service. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(4)-FSP, 70 Service. 2. Decision that women SERVICE 1947 1947 are eligible for appointment to the PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian Foreign Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Procedure for selection of men FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(23)-FSP, 71 with technical or specialists SERVICE 1947 1947 qualifications against future needs. PERSONNEL Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Ahmed E.H.Jaffar FOREIGN regarding the number of officers Progs., Nos. 18(9)-FSP, 72 SERVICE 1947 selected for the Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL Service and their Communal proportion. Pay and Allowance of Mr. A.K.Dar, probationer in the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 73 Service, on his appointment as SERVICE 1947 1947 Third Secretary in the Embassy of PERSONNEL India in U.S.A. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Amrik Singh Progs., Nos. 17(6)-FSP, 74 SERVICE 1947 Mehta. 1947 PERSONNEL Record of interviews of war service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(21)-FSP, 75 candidates for recuitment to the SERVICE 1947 1947 Indian Foreign service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(1)-FSP, 76 Draft Indian Foreign Service rules. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Postings in the office of the High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(15)-FSP, 77 Commissioner for India in Pakistan SERVICE 1947 1947 Karachi. PERSONNEL Verification of the character and FOREIGN antecedents of the Emergency Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 78 SERVICE 1947 Commissioned officers selected for 1947 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. Procedure regarding appointment FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(9)-FSP, 79 to important posts patronage list SERVICE 1947 1947 of the Prime Minister. PERSONNEL Question of the appointment of an Agricultural Attache in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(10)-FSP, 80 Embassy of India Washington. SERVICE 1947 1947 Decision that any future post of PERSONNEL Second Secy. in the Embassy

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


should be filled by an Officer of the Indian Foreign Service who has a background of technical knowledge of Agriculture in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(7)-FSP, 81 Personal file of Mr. G.J.Malik IFS. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Posting of Officers in the Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(8)-FSP, 82 of India at Washington, and option SERVICE 1947 1947 ofcertain officers for Pakistan. PERSONNEL Question of Indian Foreign service of certain technical staff of the FOREIGN employement selection Bureau for Progs., Nos. 22(15)-FSP, 83 SERVICE 1947 selecting E.C.O and over age 1947 PERSONNEL candidates for Decision not to do so. Communal and Provincial FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 16(1)-FSP, 84 Representation in the Indian SERVICE 1947 1947 Foreign service. PERSONNEL Arrangements for air passage to U.S.A. for Mr. A.K.Dar IFSL in his FOREIGN appointment as Third Secretary Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 85 SERVICE 1947 Embassy of India in U.S.A. Grant 1947 PERSONNEL to him of advance of t.a. and dollar exchange. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(8)-FSP, 86 Personal file of Mr. M.A.Rahman. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Major A.K.Dar I.F.S. Personal file Progs., Nos. 17(5)-FSP, 87 SERVICE 1947 of . 1947 PERSONNEL Question of giving training to officers of the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(9)-FSP, 88 Service in the lines of the Financial SERVICE 1947 1947 training Service to ``Pool`` cadre PERSONNEL Officers. Allocation of expenditure on pay FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(6)-FSP, 89 and allowance and drawing of the SERVICE 1947 1947 I.F.S. Probationers. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Pay and allowance of captain FOREIGN M.A.Rahman an probation in the Progs., Nos. 9(3)-FSP, 90 SERVICE 1947 IFS and his appointment as 1947 PERSONNEL Attache in E.A.Deptt.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Combined exam. for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(11)-FSP, 91 Foreign Service and all India, SERVICE 1947 1947 Administrative service. PERSONNEL Question of seniority of IPS FOREIGN officers vis-a-vis other officers on Progs., Nos. 7(2)-FSP, 92 SERVICE 1947 their appointment to the Indian 1947 PERSONNEL Foreign Service. Question of consideration of regular army officers for FOREIGN appointment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 22(13)-FSP, 93 SERVICE 1947 service. Decision that such officers 1947 PERSONNEL are not available for appointment to I.C.S. Framing of rules for recruitment to FOREIGN the Indian foreign service through Progs., Nos. 22(14)-FSP, 94 SERVICE 1947 competitive Exam. conducted by 1947 PERSONNEL the F.P.S.C in 1948. Question whether a person of Indian residing in a Country FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(17)-FSP, 95 outside India, eligible for SERVICE 1947 1947 appointment to the Indian Foreign PERSONNEL Service. FOREIGN Foreign Service regulation Re. Progs., Nos. 21(6)-FSP, 96 SERVICE 1947 Allowance. 1947 PERSONNEL Selection for appointment to the Indian Foreign service, of officer belonging to the I.C.S and other FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 24(4)-FSP, 97 all India, service. 2. Panel of SERVICE 1947 1947 names o such officers alloted by PERSONNEL the Ministry of home Affairs to this ministry.q FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(4)-FSP, 98 Only Slip is Available SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Options of IFS Probationers for service under India or Pakistan. Decision that probationers who opted for Pakistan might be FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(7)-FSP, 99 permitted to complete their SERVICE 1947 1947 training at the I.A.S. Training PERSONNEL School Delhi and that the cost of their training should be debited to the Govt., of Pakistan. FOREIGN Indian Foreign service Rules Progs., Nos. 21(8)-FSP, 100 SERVICE 1947 Language allowance. 1947 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Question of scale of pay for the Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 101 SERVICE 1947 Indian Foreign Service. 1947 PERSONNEL Appointments to the Indian Foreign Service during 1947 of FOREIGN Emergency Commissioned Officers Progs., Nos. 5(4)-FSP, 102 SERVICE 1947 on the basis of 1947 PERSONNEL recommendationmade by F.P.S.C. for war Service Candidates. Decision that Recruitmentby Selection for the Indian Foreign Services servants temporarily holding Class I or FOREIGN equivalent Posts should be Progs., Nos. 2(4)-FSP, 103 SERVICE 1947 considered as a Special category 1947 PERSONNEL by the F.P.S.C. and should be exempted from the educational qualifications perscribed for candidates from the Public. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(11)-FSP, 104 Personal file of Mr. N.V.Agate. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(13)-FSP, 105 Personal file of Mr. J.S.Mehta. IFS. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Framing of rules for recruitment to Progs., Nos. 22(14)-FSP, FOREIGN 106 1947 the Indian foreign service through 1947 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


competitive Exam. conducted by PERSONNEL the F.P.S.C in 1948. Pay and Allowance of Mr. J.S.Mehta, probationer in the FOREIGN Indian Service on his appointment Progs., Nos. 9(7)-FSP, 107 SERVICE 1947 as Attache in the Ministry of 1947 PERSONNEL External affairs and Commonwealth Relations. Question of giving assistance to FOREIGN the Lucknow University in Progs., Nos. 6(8)-FSP, 108 SERVICE 1947 arranging special courses of study 1947 PERSONNEL in Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy. Arrangements for the air-passage of Mr. Menon to Nanking and terms of T.A.granted to Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 109 P.N.Menon for his journey to SERVICE 1947 1947 Nanking to join his appointment as PERSONNEL third Secretary in the Embassy there. Establishment of a Separate FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service. 2. Scheme Progs., Nos. 2(7)-FSP, 110 SERVICE 1947 for the new Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Amrik Singh Progs., Nos. 17(6)-FSP, 111 SERVICE 1947 Mehta. 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Foreign Service regulation Re. Progs., Nos. 21(6)-FSP, 112 SERVICE 1947 Allowance. 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(12)-FSP, 113 Lt.P.N.Menon IFS Personal file of. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Question of consideration of regular army officers for FOREIGN appointment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 22(13)-FSP, 114 SERVICE 1947 service. Decision that such officers 1947 PERSONNEL are not available for appointment to I.C.S. 115 Decision in regard to Payment of Progs., Nos. 3()-FSP, FOREIGN 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


T.A. to Indian Foreign Service 1947 SERVICE Officer in regard to members of PERSONNEL their families following them to their Palce of Duty. Arrangements for the air-passage of Mr. Menon to Nanking and terms of T.A.granted to Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 116 P.N.Menon for his journey to SERVICE 1947 1947 Nanking to join his appointment as PERSONNEL third Secretary in the Embassy there. Creation of permanent posts in the Indian Foreign Services. 2. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 117 Provision of funds for new SERVICE 1947 1947 Embassies and missions in the PERSONNEL Budget Estimates for 1948-49. Tentative programme for opening of Indian diplomatic missions and Consulates abroad during 1947 worked out by the Sacretaries of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(5)-FSP, 118 the E.A., C.R. and Commerce SERVICE 1947 1947 deptts. for the purpose of PERSONNEL Calculation of intake to the Foreign Service. New Staff required other than Heads of Missions. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Progs., Nos. 17(10)-FSP, 119 SERVICE 1947 A.B.Bhadkamakr. 1947 PERSONNEL Procedure regarding appointment FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(9)-FSP, 120 to important posts patronage list SERVICE 1947 1947 of the Prime Minister. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Procedure for selection of men FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(23)-FSP, 121 with technical or specialists SERVICE 1947 1947 qualifications against future needs. PERSONNEL Verification of the character and FOREIGN antecedents of the Emergency Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 122 SERVICE 1947 Commissioned officers selected for 1947 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. 123 Communal and Provincial Progs., Nos. 16(1)-FSP, FOREIGN 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Representation in the Indian 1947 SERVICE Foreign service. PERSONNEL Application from Mr. F. M. deMello FOREIGN for appointment to the Indian Progs., Nos. 4(10)-FSP, 124 SERVICE 1947 Foreign Services under E. A. 1947 PERSONNEL Deptt. Books purchased for the library of the Indian Administrative service FOREIGN Training School for the use of IFS Progs., Nos. 19(7)-FSP, 125 SERVICE 1947 Probationers-Question of debiting 1947 PERSONNEL the cost to Ministry of Home Affairs. Particulars of allowance in the U.K. FOREIGN foreign Service Correspondence Progs., Nos. 21(5)-FSP, 126 SERVICE 1947 with U.K. High Commissioner, New 1947 PERSONNEL Delhi. Terms of appointment of Emergency Commissioned officers recruited to the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(1)-FSP, 127 Services. 2. Decision that it is not SERVICE 1947 1947 necessary to issue a Notification PERSONNEL about creation of the Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service regulations, Progs., Nos. 21(3)-FSP, 128 SERVICE 1947 about conduct rules. 1947 PERSONNEL Proposal by the Governor of French Establishment in India that officers selected for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(29)-FSP, 129 Foreign Service should be sent to SERVICE 1947 1947 Pondicherry to learn French and PERSONNEL live in the French Atmosphere before they are sent out. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(4)-FSP, 130 Only Slip is Available SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Literatutre and foreign services- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 19(1)-FSP, 131 Training for Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1947 1947 recruits. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Question of scale of pay for the Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 132 SERVICE 1947 Indian Foreign Service. 1947 PERSONNEL Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service. 2. Application from whether persons who hold British FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(25)-FSP, 133 and American degree though not SERVICE 1947 1947 necessarily First Class degrees for PERSONNEL Selection to the Indian Foreign Service. Particulars of Officers who were called for Interview in this Ministry FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(18)-FSP, 134 for selection to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1947 1947 Service and who opted for PERSONNEL Pakistan. Cuttings from News Papers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 19(2)-FSP, 135 relating recruitment to Indian SERVICE 1947 1947 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Terms of appointment of Emergency Commissioned officers recruited to the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(1)-FSP, 136 Services. 2. Decision that it is not SERVICE 1947 1947 necessary to issue a Notification PERSONNEL about creation of the Indian Foreign Service. Establishment of a Separate FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service. 2. Scheme Progs., Nos. 2(7)-FSP, 137 SERVICE 1947 for the new Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL Service. FOREIGN Captain B.A.Kumar Roy IFS Progs., Nos. 17(1)-FSP, 138 SERVICE 1947 Personal file of. 1947 PERSONNEL Formation of the Indian FOREIGN Administratie Service. Pay and Progs., Nos. 20(28)-FSP, 139 SERVICE 1947 other Conditions of service for the 1947 PERSONNEL members of that service. Question in the Constituent Assembly of India by Shri FOREIGN B.A.Mandloi in regard to various Progs., Nos. 18(12)-FSP, 140 SERVICE 1947 grades of the Indian Foreign 1947 PERSONNEL Service, Strength of the personnel of each grade and the method of

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


recruitment for all the grade.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Postings in the office of the High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(15)-FSP, 141 Commissioner for India in Pakistan SERVICE 1947 1947 Karachi. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri Avtar Singh FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(4)-FSP, 142 as Second Secretary Embassy of SERVICE 1947 1947 India, Cairo. PERSONNEL Appointment to the Indian, FOREIGN Foreign service on the basis of the Progs., Nos. 24(2)-FSP, 143 SERVICE 1947 recommendations, made by 1947 PERSONNEL F.P.SC. Pay and Allowance of Messrs B.A.N.Roy A.S. Mehta G.I.Malik FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(9)-FSP, 144 and Avtar Singh, IFS probationers SERVICE 1947 1947 on their appointment as Attaches PERSONNEL in the Ministry of E.A.& C.R. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(7)-FSP, 145 Personal file of Mr. G.J.Malik IFS. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(13)-FSP, 146 Personal file of Mr. J.S.Mehta. IFS. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL Pay and Allowance for Mr. P.N.Menon probationer in the IFS on his appointment as Third FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 147 Secretary, Embassy of India in SERVICE 1947 1947 China Nanking. Assumption of PERSONNEL charge by Mr. Menon at Shanghai instead of at Nanking. Options of IFS Probationers for service under India or Pakistan. Decision that probationers who opted for Pakistan might be FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(7)-FSP, 148 permitted to complete their SERVICE 1947 1947 training at the I.A.S. Training PERSONNEL School Delhi and that the cost of their training should be debited to the Govt., of Pakistan. 149 Enquiry from the Dept. of the Progs., Nos. 22(12)-FSP, FOREIGN 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Govt. of India, in respect of 1947 SERVICE applicant for the Indian Foreign PERSONNEL service who were employed on long term contracts with teh approval of the F.P.S.C. Decision that Recruitmentby Selection for the Indian Foreign Services Government servants temporarily holding Class I or FOREIGN equivalent Posts should be Progs., Nos. 2(4)-FSP, 150 SERVICE 1947 considered as a Special category 1947 PERSONNEL by the F.P.S.C. and should be exempted from the educational qualifications perscribed for candidates from the Public.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Training of probationers in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(1)-FSP, 151 Indian Foreign Service recruits SERVICE 1947 1947 through competitive examinations. PERSONNEL Revision of Consular Instruction so FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 20(2)-FSP, 152 far as they relate to the Foreign SERVICE 1947 1947 Service Regulations. PERSONNEL Amalgamation of External Affairs FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(2)-FSP, 153 Department and Commonwealth SERVICE 1947 1947 relations Deptt. PERSONNEL Amalgamation of External Affairs FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(2)-FSP, 154 Department and Commonwealth SERVICE 1947 1947 relations Deptt. PERSONNEL Record of interviews of war service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 22(21)-FSP, 155 candidates for recuitment to the SERVICE 1947 1947 Indian Foreign service. PERSONNEL 1. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service through the competitive Examination by the FOREIGN F.P.S.C. 2. Rules- Syllabus etc. for Progs., Nos. 3(2)-FSP, 156 SERVICE 1947 competitive Examination held in 1947 PERSONNEL July, 1947. 3. Decision in regard to number of recruits to be taken annually. 157 1. Amalgamation of the External Progs., Nos. 2(1)-FSP, FOREIGN 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Affairs & Commonwealth Relation 1947 SERVICE Departments 2. Transfer of the PERSONNEL Administrartive Control of the office of the High Commissioner for India in the U.K. From commerce Deptt. to the Deptt of External Affairs & Commonwealth Relations. Question of constitution of an FOREIGN extraordinary entertainment fund Progs., Nos. 10(48)-FSP, 158 SERVICE 1947 at our Missions on the basis of the 1947 PERSONNEL U.K.Model. Pay and Allowance of Messrs B.A.N.Roy A.S. Mehta G.I.Malik FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(9)-FSP, 159 and Avtar Singh, IFS probationers SERVICE 1947 1947 on their appointment as Attaches PERSONNEL in the Ministry of E.A.& C.R. FOREIGN Indian Foreign service Rules Progs., Nos. 21(8)-FSP, 160 SERVICE 1947 Language allowance. 1947 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay and Allowance of Mr. A.K.Dar, probationer in the Indian Foreign FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 161 Service, on his appointment as SERVICE 1947 1947 Third Secretary in the Embassy of PERSONNEL India in U.S.A. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service by selection of overage FOREIGN candidates through F.P.S.C issue Progs., Nos. 22(5)-FSP, 162 SERVICE 1947 of advertisemente by F.S.C. 2. 1947 PERSONNEL Qualifications, for Candidates. 3. Issue of advertisement by F.P.S.C. Continuance of Mr. Shipton as His Majesty`s Consul officer General at Kashgar till the Expiry of his FOREIGN contract in June 1948. 2. Decision Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 163 SERVICE 1947 that the entri expenditure of the 1947 PERSONNEL Consulate General after 15.8.47 will be divided behaviour India and Pakistan Govts.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Selection of officers for appointment in the Embassy of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, 164 India at Moscow. 2. Selection of SERVICE 1947 1947 Mr. S. Dutt for appointment as PERSONNEL Secretary, C. R. Wing. Minutes of the meeting of the Deputy representating external Affairs, copmmon- wealth FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(6)-FSP, 165 Relation, Commerce Deptt. SERVICE 1947 1947 regarding matters relating to PERSONNEL recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service and intake of officers. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service. 2. Application from whether persons who hold British FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(25)-FSP, 166 and American degree though not SERVICE 1947 1947 necessarily First Class degrees for PERSONNEL Selection to the Indian Foreign Service. Question of apporach to the Universities in India for introduction of courses of study for Foreign Languages, Foreign FOREIGN Affairs, International Law and Progs., Nos. 6(4)-FSP, 167 SERVICE 1947 Current Affairs. Decision that 1947 PERSONNEL Universities should make provision for the teaching of these subjects as a part of general educational Policy. Question of recruitment to Indian Foreign Service of temporary Govt. servants under external FOREIGN affiars and Commonwealth Progs., Nos. 22(4)-FSP, 168 SERVICE 1947 relations ministry and holding 1947 PERSONNEL appointment which wil normally be filled by officers of Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(11)-FSP, 169 Personal file of Mr. N.V.Agate. SERVICE 1947 1947 PERSONNEL List of Candiates selected by the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 24(27)-FSP, 170 Boards of Secretaries to the Indian SERVICE 1947 1947 Foreign service who have opted PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


for Pak.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Training of probationers in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(1)-FSP, 171 Indian Foreign Service recruits SERVICE 1947 1947 through competitive examinations. PERSONNEL Question of giving assistance to FOREIGN the Lucknow University in Progs., Nos. 6(8)-FSP, 172 SERVICE 1947 arranging special courses of study 1947 PERSONNEL in Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service by selection of overage FOREIGN candidates through F.P.S.C issue Progs., Nos. 22(5)-FSP, 173 SERVICE 1947 of advertisemente by F.S.C. 2. 1947 PERSONNEL Qualifications, for Candidates. 3. Issue of advertisement by F.P.S.C. Appointment of Shri Avtar Singh FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(4)-FSP, 174 as Second Secretary Embassy of SERVICE 1947 1947 India, Cairo. PERSONNEL 1. Amalgamation of the External Affairs & Commonwealth Relation Departments 2. Transfer of the Administrartive Control of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(1)-FSP, 175 office of the High Commissioner SERVICE 1947 1947 for India in the U.K. From PERSONNEL commerce Deptt. to the Deptt of External Affairs & Commonwealth Relations. Recruitment of the Indian Foreign service of persons of Foreign qualification and professions, etc, FOREIGN through the special selection Progs., Nos. 22(22)-FSP, 176 SERVICE 1947 Board. 2. Cabinet Decision in 1947 PERSONNEL regard to the revised method of recruitment to the Indian foreign service during 1947. Decision in regard to Payment of T.A. to Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3()-FSP, 177 Officer in regard to members of SERVICE 1947 1947 their families following them to PERSONNEL their Palce of Duty.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Federal Publi Service Commission- Discussions relating to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 16(2)-FSP, 178 conclusion that it is not necessary SERVICE 1947 1947 to consult FPSC while making PERSONNEL appointments of Heads of Mission. Question of seniority of IPS FOREIGN officers vis-a-vis other officers on Progs., Nos. 7(2)-FSP, 179 SERVICE 1947 their appointment to the Indian 1947 PERSONNEL Foreign Service. Minutes of the meeting of the Deputy representating external Affairs, copmmon- wealth FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(6)-FSP, 180 Relation, Commerce Deptt. SERVICE 1947 1947 regarding matters relating to PERSONNEL recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service and intake of officers.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Foreign Service Establishment Progs., Nos. 15(2)-FSP, 181 SERVICE 1948 Committee-Proceedings. 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(5)-FSP, 182 Rules.Chapter 5. Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowance. PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(11)-FSP, 183 Rules.Chapter 11. Language SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowance. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pay scales for the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 6(3)-FSP, 184 SERVICE 1948 Services. 1948 PERSONNEL Supplementary Recruitment to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 185 Indian Foreign Service-selection SERVICE 1948 1948 Board for- PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(4)-FSP, 186 Rules.Chapter 4. Outfit Allowances SERVICE 1948 1948 for IFS officers. PERSONNEL Supplementary Recruitment to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 187 Indian Foreign Service-selection SERVICE 1948 1948 Board for- PERSONNEL Training of Indian Foreign service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 188 Probationers recruited on the SERVICE 1948 1948 results of the 1947 examination. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question in the Constituent Assembly of India by Shri V.C.Kesava Rao regarding the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(3)-FSP, 189 condition of eligibility for SERVICE 1948 1948 appointment in the Indian Foreign PERSONNEL Service and the nature of the special Selection Board Etc, etc. Appointment of Mr. V.S. Deshmuh , Civil Judge , Negpur to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN recomendation of the Federal Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 190 SERVICE 1948 Commission and 1948 PERSONNEL Subsequent revision to His Provience before the expiring of the Period of Probation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of appointment of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(75)-FSP, 191 Aziz Ahmed to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948(Secret) Service. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri R. Venateswaran to IFS. Appointment of Shri Venateswaran , I.F.S. as Probationer as third Secretary, FOREIGN Embassy of India m Cario.Grant of Progs., Nos. 5(3)-FSP, 192 SERVICE 1948 Incriment to Shri Venkateswaran . 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Grant of Leave to Shri Venkateswaran, Second Secretary, Embassy of India, Cairo. Grant of 50% additional credit of Leave. Posting of Officers to High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 193 Commissioners Office for India in SERVICE 1948 1948 Paistan , Karachi. PERSONNEL Posting of I.C.S. and Other permanent Class I officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(1)-FSP, 194 selected for Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1948 1948 to Embassies , Consulates etc., PERSONNEL abroad. Question of appointment of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(75)-FSP, 195 Aziz Ahmed to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948(Secret) Service. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Personal file of rai Raja R.G. Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 196 SERVICE 1948 Rajwade. 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Candidates recommended by the FOREIGN Federal Public Service Commission Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, 197 SERVICE 1948 for Appointment to the Indian 1948 PERSONNEL Foreign Service. 1. Shri M.S. Salt I.F.S., Personal files of-2. Grant of additional allowance of Shri M.S. Sait, I.F.S., First Secretary(Commercial), FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 198 Embassy of India, Tehran for the SERVICE 1948 1948(A) Period he was looing after the PERSONNEL Work of the First Secretary (Diplomatic) in the Embassy, in addition to his Own. 3. Grant of Home Leave to Shri M.S. Sait, IFS after relinquishing FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 199 Charge as First Secretary SERVICE 1948 1948(B) (Commercial), Embassy of India , PERSONNEL Tehran. Question of Travel of relatives with Officers to Places abroad againest FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 200 sanctioned for Private Servasnts SERVICE 1948 1948(Secret)(C) Prohibition of Issue of Instructions PERSONNEL regarding.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Mr. C.P. Srivastava to the Indian Foreign Service on the Basis of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(17)-FSP, 201 Recomendations of the F.P.S.C. SERVICE 1948 1948 and His subsequent appointment PERSONNEL to the Indian Administrative Service. FOREIGN Posting of Officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(19)-FSP, 202 SERVICE 1948 of India in U.S.S.R. Moscow. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Instructions for Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 7(1)-FSP, 203 SERVICE 1948 Officers. 1948 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal that the candidates for the ICS who secured high ranks in FOREIGN the competitives exams held by Progs., Nos. 12(8)-FSP, 204 SERVICE 1948 the FPSC during the years 1924 to 1948 PERSONNEL 1943 but could not be appointed may be considered for the IFS. FOREIGN Posting of Officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(19)-FSP, 205 SERVICE 1948 of India in U.S.S.R. Moscow. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(30)-FSP, 206 SERVICE 1948 of India in Iran. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. V.S. Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 207 SERVICE 1948 Deshpande. 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Jurisdiction of the Selection Board FOREIGN and the Foreign Service Board in Progs., Nos. 7(12)-FSP, 208 SERVICE 1948 respect of appointment of IFS at 1948 PERSONNEL Hqrs. Question at transfer of Shri S.Gupta first secy. Kathmandu to FOREIGN another station-Not agreed to. Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 209 SERVICE 1948 Grant of earned leave for 21 days 1948(B) PERSONNEL to Shri. S.Gupta from the 7th May to the 26th May, 1951. Recruitment to the Indian foreign service Interview in London of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(2)-FSP, 210 Candidates serving abroad under SERVICE 1948 1948 the various Ministries of Govt., of PERSONNEL India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Posting of I.F.S. Officers to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(6)-FSP, 211 Embassy of India at Nanking for SERVICE 1948 1948 bearing Chinese language. PERSONNEL Question of Travel of relatives with Officers to Places abroad againest FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 212 sanctioned for Private Servasnts SERVICE 1948 1948(Secret)(C) Prohibition of Issue of Instructions PERSONNEL regarding. 213 Foreign Service Establishment Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, FOREIGN 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Committee-Constitution of- 1948 SERVICE PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(9)-FSP, 214 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 9. Daily Allowances. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(1)-FSP, 215 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter I General. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(13)-FSP, 216 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 13. Conduct Rules. 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(2)-FSP, 217 Rules.Chapter 2. Composition of SERVICE 1948 1948 the Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Saiyid Nusul Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, 218 SERVICE 1948 Husan. 1948 PERSONNEL Decision that ICS officer and Indian Administrative Officers who FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(13)-FSP, 219 are taken on to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service will continue to retain their PERSONNEL lieus on the Provincial Cadres. Training of Indian foreign service Probationers. Expenditure on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(3)-FSP, 220 training of 7 probationers recuited SERVICE 1948 1948 on the results of the Competitive PERSONNEL exam. held in July 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Dr. Curt Pruffer to the Chair of International affairs in FOREIGN the Delhi University in connection Progs., Nos. 9(9)-FSP, 221 SERVICE 1948 with the Specialised academic 1948 PERSONNEL training of Indian Foreign Service Probationers. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(6)-FSP, 222 Rules.Chapter 6. Home Service SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowances. PERSONNEL Creation of temporary posts of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(7)-FSP, 223 Attaches for training of IFS SERVICE 1948 1948 probationers at Headquarters. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(8)-FSP, 224 Rules.Chapter 8. Travelling SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowances. PERSONNEL Decision that ICS officer and Indian Administrative Officers who FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(13)-FSP, 225 are taken on to the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service will continue to retain their PERSONNEL lieus on the Provincial Cadres. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(8)-FSP, 226 Rules.Chapter 8. Travelling SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowances. PERSONNEL Posting of I.F.S. Officers to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(6)-FSP, 227 Embassy of India at Nanking for SERVICE 1948 1948 bearing Chinese language. PERSONNEL Posting of Officers at FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(3)-FSP, 228 Headquaterds(Ministry of E.A. & SERVICE 1948 1948 C.R.) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13-FSP, 229 Indian Foreign Service Rules. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(13)-FSP, 230 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 13. Conduct Rules. 1948 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(3)-FSP, 231 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 3. Grades and Pay. 1948 PERSONNEL Action taken on the recommendation of the special FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(19)-FSP, 232 selection Boans other than in SERVICE 1948 1948 regard to appointments to the PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service. Recruitment to the Indian foreign FOREIGN service from amongst the Rulers Progs., Nos. 8(3)-FSP, 233 SERVICE 1948 and Hens-Apparent of Indian 1948 PERSONNEL States. FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(14)-FSP, 234 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 14. Marriage. 1948 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question of retention of personal titles etc, by Rules Heins etc of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(28)-FSP, 235 Indian States on their SERVICE 1948 1948 appointments of the Indian foreign PERSONNEL Service. Eligibility by domicile for Govt., service in Indian of persons who migrate from Pakistan to India on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 236 who belong to Indina States. SERVICE 1948 1948 Communal Representation-Policy PERSONNEL re roster for recruitment to Indian Foreign Service. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(12)-FSP, 237 Rules.Chapter 12. Discipline and SERVICE 1948 1948 Control. PERSONNEL Enquiry by the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding arrangements for FOREIGN probation and training of direct Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 238 SERVICE 1948 recruits to Central Series Class I. 1948 PERSONNEL Trainin of recruits to the Indian Foreign service. FOREIGN Instructions for Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 7(1)-FSP, 239 SERVICE 1948 Officers. 1948 PERSONNEL Record of the Decisions of the FOREIGN Special Selection Board in regard Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 240 SERVICE 1948 to the Candidates interviewed for 1948 part I PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Shri S.Gupta first Secy. as an Examiner for as history paper of the Allahabad university-Acceptance fo an honorarium for the work done as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 241 an examiner for a history paper of SERVICE 1948 1948(C) the Allahabad University. Issue of PERSONNEL sanction to the air travel of Shri S.Gupta from Kathmandu to Patna and back on official duty in Feb. 1952.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Personal file of Lt. Col. Daya Singh Progs., Nos. 5(31)-FSP, 242 SERVICE 1948 Bedi IPS. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(1)-FSP, 243 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter I General. 1948 PERSONNEL Prescription of standards of FOREIGN examinations in Foreign Progs., Nos. 7(10)-FSP, 244 SERVICE 1948 Languages for the Indian Foreign 1948 PERSONNEL Service Offices. Verification Character and FOREIGN antecendents of persons selected Progs., Nos. 12(16)-FSP, 245 SERVICE 1948 for appointment to the Indian 1948 PERSONNEL Foreign Service. Appointment to IFS & Medical Examination. Appointment as under Secretary Ministry of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(26)-FSP, 246 Commerce. Appointment as First SERVICE 1948 1948 Secretary Djakarta. Appointment PERSONNEL as Officer on special duty at Saigon. Appointment Shri S.Gupta as Under Secry. in the Min. of E.Affairs on trasfer. Grant of advance of pay and travelling FOREIGN allowance to Shri S.Gupta on his Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 247 SERVICE 1948 transfer to Ottawa. Question of 1948(D) PERSONNEL drawal of special pay of Rs. 100/- as Under Secy. by Shri Gupta during the period of his leave from 1.6.53 to 22.6.53. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(12)-FSP, 248 Rules.Chapter 12. Discipline and SERVICE 1948 1948 Control. PERSONNEL Question of passing examination in Modern Foreign Languages viz FOREIGN French German, Russan and Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 249 SERVICE 1948 spanish by Indian Foreign Service 1948 PERSONNEL probationers recruited by Selection. Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(14)-FSP, FOREIGN 250 1948 Rules.Chapter 14. Marriage. 1948 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit



S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Progs., Nos. 5(28)-FSP, 251 SERVICE 1948 N.G.Abhayankar. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(15)-FSP, 252 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 15. Divorce. 1948 PERSONNEL Eligibility by domicile for Govt., service in Indian of persons who migrate from Pakistan to India on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 253 who belong to Indina States. SERVICE 1948 1948 Communal Representation-Policy PERSONNEL re roster for recruitment to Indian Foreign Service. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(40)-FSP, 254 Personal file of Mr. P.Ratnam. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(16)-FSP, 255 Rules.Chapter 16.Dress and SERVICE 1948 1948 Foreign Decorations. PERSONNEL Verification Character and FOREIGN antecendents of persons selected Progs., Nos. 12(16)-FSP, 256 SERVICE 1948 for appointment to the Indian 1948 PERSONNEL Foreign Service. Appointment of Dr. Curt Pruffer to the Chair of International affairs in FOREIGN the Delhi University in connection Progs., Nos. 9(9)-FSP, 257 SERVICE 1948 with the Specialised academic 1948 PERSONNEL training of Indian Foreign Service Probationers. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(27)-FSP, 258 Personal file of Mr. I.K.atal ICS. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL Record of the decisions of the FOREIGN special Selection Board in regard Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 259 SERVICE 1948 to the Candidate interviewed for 1948 PERSONNEL the Indian foreign Service. Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(7)-FSP, FOREIGN 260 1948 Rules.Chapter 7.Leave. 1948 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit



S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Formation of an Association FOREIGN recognised by the Govt., to look Progs., Nos. 12(10)-FSP, 261 SERVICE 1948 after the interests of the Indian 1948 PERSONNEL Foreign Service officers. Question in the Constituent Assmebly of India by Shri R.R.Diwakar regarding arrangements for giving specialised training to candidates FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(2)-FSP, 262 recruited to the 1948 1948 services of the Govt., of India PERSONNEL number of Such trainees whether the staff of our foreign Embassies, Diplomatic Service etc., in wholly Indian. Appointment Shri S.Gupta as Under Secry. in the Min. of E.Affairs on trasfer. Grant of advance of pay and travelling FOREIGN allowance to Shri S.Gupta on his Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 263 SERVICE 1948 transfer to Ottawa. Question of 1948(D) PERSONNEL drawal of special pay of Rs. 100/- as Under Secy. by Shri Gupta during the period of his leave from 1.6.53 to 22.6.53. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(30)-FSP, 264 Personal file of Mr. Gopala Menon. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pay scales for the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 6(3)-FSP, 265 SERVICE 1948 Services. 1948 PERSONNEL Selection of Mr. F.M.De Mello for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(38)-FSP, 266 apptt. to the Indian foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service. PERSONNEL Proposal that the candidates for FOREIGN the ICS who secured high ranks in Progs., Nos. 12(8)-FSP, 267 SERVICE 1948 the competitives exams held by 1948 PERSONNEL the FPSC during the years 1924 to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


1943 but could not be appointed may be considered for the IFS. Recovery of house rent from Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 268 S.Gupta first secy, Ottawa in SERVICE 1948 1948(E) respect of 54 Pandara Road. PERSONNEL Question of providing Caourses in FOREIGN Foreign Languages and other Progs., Nos. 9(6)-FSP, 269 SERVICE 1948 suggestions regarding training of 1948 PERSONNEL personnel to be diputed abroad. Question in the Constituent Assembly of India by Shri V.C.Kesava Rao regarding the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(3)-FSP, 270 condition of eligibility for SERVICE 1948 1948 appointment in the Indian Foreign PERSONNEL Service and the nature of the special Selection Board Etc, etc.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(6)-FSP, 271 Rules.Chapter 6. Home Service SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowances. PERSONNEL Information Supplied to the FOREIGN Ministry of Finance regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(2)-FSP, 272 SERVICE 1948 Creation of Permanent Posts in the 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service Cadre. Posting of Officers at FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(3)-FSP, 273 Headquaterds(Ministry of E.A. & SERVICE 1948 1948 C.R.) PERSONNEL 1. Shri M.S. Salt, I.F.S. , Personal file of- 2. Grant of additional allowance to Shri M.S. Sait , I.F.S. First Secretary(Commercial), FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 274 Embassy of India, Tehran for the SERVICE 1948 1948(A) Period he was looing after the Wor PERSONNEL of the First Secretary (Diplomatic) in the Embassy, in addition to His Own. Creation of the Permanent Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 275 on the Caore of Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service. PERSONNEL 276 Candidates recommended by the Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, FOREIGN 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Federal Public Service Commission 1948 SERVICE for Appointment to the Indian PERSONNEL Foreign Service. Appointment of Mr. V.S. Deshmuh , Civil Judge , Negpur to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN recomendation of the Federal Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 277 SERVICE 1948 Public Service Commission and 1948 PERSONNEL Subsequent revision to His Provience before the expiring of the Period of Probation. Appointment of Shri VH Coelho as First Secretary, Borne . Deputation FOREIGN of Shri VH Coelho to Annecy. Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 278 SERVICE 1948 Grant of Leave to Shri Coelho. 1948(Secret)(A) PERSONNEL Grant of additional Credit of 50% of Leave to Shri Coelho. 1. Shri M.S. Salt, I.F.S. , Personal file of- 2. Grant of additional allowance to Shri M.S. Sait , I.F.S. First Secretary(Commercial), FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 279 Embassy of India, Tehran for the SERVICE 1948 1948(A) Period he was looing after the Wor PERSONNEL of the First Secretary (Diplomatic) in the Embassy, in addition to His Own. Proposal to appoint Shri S.N. FOREIGN banerjee to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 5(24)-FSP, 280 SERVICE 1948 Service. Rejection of Shri Shri 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Banerjee by Medical Board.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Personal file of rai Raja R.G. Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 281 SERVICE 1948 Rajwade. 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(30)-FSP, 282 SERVICE 1948 of India in Iran. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Officer to Indian Progs., Nos. 3(15)-FSP, 283 SERVICE 1948 Embassy , Afghanistan, Kabul. 1948 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Information Supplied to the FOREIGN Ministry of Finance regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(2)-FSP, 284 SERVICE 1948 Creation of Permanent Posts in the 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service Cadre. Appointment of Shri VH Coelho as First Secretary, Borne . Deputation FOREIGN of Shri VH Coelho to Annecy. Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 285 SERVICE 1948 Grant of Leave to Shri Coelho. 1948(Secret)(A) PERSONNEL Grant of additional Credit of 50% of Leave to Shri Coelho. Appointment of Shri R. Venateswaran to IFS. Appointment of Shri Venateswaran , I.F.S. as Probationer as third Secretary, FOREIGN Embassy of India m Cario.Grant of Progs., Nos. 5(3)-FSP, 286 SERVICE 1948 Incriment to Shri Venkateswaran . 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Grant of Leave to Shri Venkateswaran, Second Secretary, Embassy of India, Cairo. Grant of 50% additional credit of Leave. Posting of Officers to High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 287 Commissioners Office for India in SERVICE 1948 1948 Paistan , Karachi. PERSONNEL Appointment of Mr. C.P. Srivastava to the Indian Foreign Service on the Basis of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(17)-FSP, 288 Recomendations of the F.P.S.C. SERVICE 1948 1948 and His subsequent appointment PERSONNEL to the Indian Administrative Service. 3. Grant of Home Leave to Shri M.S. Sait, IFS after relinquishing FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 289 Charge as First Secretary SERVICE 1948 1948(B) (Commercial), Embassy of India , PERSONNEL Tehran. Posting of I.C.S. and Other permanent Class I officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(1)-FSP, 290 selected for Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1948 1948 to Embassies , Consulates etc., PERSONNEL abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal to appoint Shri S.N. FOREIGN banerjee to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 5(24)-FSP, 291 SERVICE 1948 Service. Rejection of Shri Shri 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL Banerjee by Medical Board. Creation of the Permanent Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 292 on the Caore of Indian Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. V.S. Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 293 SERVICE 1948 Deshpande. 1948(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Officer to Indian Progs., Nos. 3(15)-FSP, 294 SERVICE 1948 Embassy , Afghanistan, Kabul. 1948 PERSONNEL grant of T.A. & D.A to Shri Coelho for his visit to Delhi from FOREIGN Mangalore for Consultations in Jan Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 295 SERVICE 1948 & Feb 1951. Grant of Joining Time 1948(Secret)(B) PERSONNEL and Joining time emoluments to Shri Coelho. 1. Shri M.S. Salt I.F.S., Personal files of-2. Grant of additional allowance of Shri M.S. Sait, I.F.S., First Secretary(Commercial), FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 296 Embassy of India, Tehran for the SERVICE 1948 1948(A) Period he was looing after the PERSONNEL Work of the First Secretary (Diplomatic) in the Embassy, in addition to his Own. grant of T.A. & D.A to Shri Coelho for his visit to Delhi from FOREIGN Mangalore for Consultations in Jan Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 297 SERVICE 1948 & Feb 1951. Grant of Joining Time 1948(Secret)(B) PERSONNEL and Joining time emoluments to Shri Coelho. Recruitment of Candidates to the Indian Service on the Results of FOREIGN the Competitive Examination held Progs., Nos. 8(12)-FSP, 298 SERVICE 1948 in Dec. 1948. Question of Sending 1948 PERSONNEL a Departmental Representative on the Viva Voce Board. 299 Provision in the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 7(6)-FSP, FOREIGN 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Service Rules in regard to 1948 SERVICE Manrriage and Divorce. PERSONNEL Restrictions on marriage of Women members and on Male members managing foreigners. Revision of IFS Rules Chapter 14- re.marriage. Recruitment of Candidates to the Indian Service on the Results of FOREIGN the Competitive Examination held Progs., Nos. 8(12)-FSP, 300 SERVICE 1948 in Dec. 1948. Question of Sending 1948 PERSONNEL a Departmental Representative on the Viva Voce Board.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question whether persons holding FOREIGN permanent posts under Govt., Progs., Nos. 12(35)-FSP, 301 SERVICE 1948 should be appointed to the IFs on 1948 PERSONNEL probation. Appointment of Shri S.Gupta first Secy. as an Examiner for as history paper of the Allahabad university-Acceptance fo an honorarium for the work done as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 302 an examiner for a history paper of SERVICE 1948 1948(C) the Allahabad University. Issue of PERSONNEL sanction to the air travel of Shri S.Gupta from Kathmandu to Patna and back on official duty in Feb. 1952. Reinforcements to the IAS from FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(7)-FSP, 303 over-age candidates selected for SERVICE 1948 1948 the IFS. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(9)-FSP, 304 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 9. Daily Allowances. 1948 PERSONNEL Contribution of an article on FOREIGN `Historical Paralles` to the volume Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 305 SERVICE 1948 entitled `India we build together` 1948 PERSONNEL by Shri S.Gupta Permitted. 306 Recruitment to the Indian foreign Progs., Nos. 8(2)-FSP, FOREIGN 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


service Interview in London of 1948 SERVICE Candidates serving abroad under PERSONNEL the various Ministries of Govt., of India. Record of the Decisions of the FOREIGN Special Selection Board in regard Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 307 SERVICE 1948 to the Candidates interviewed for 1948 part I PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. Contribution of an article on FOREIGN `Historical Paralles` to the volume Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 308 SERVICE 1948 entitled `India we build together` 1948 PERSONNEL by Shri S.Gupta Permitted. Study of foreign Languages by the FOREIGN IFS probationers recruited through Progs., Nos. 14(1)-FSP, 309 SERVICE 1948 the Competitive exam. held by the 1948 PERSONNEL FPSC in 1947. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(10)-FSP, 310 Rules.Chapter 10. Rent SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowances., PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Foreign Service Establishment Progs., Nos. 15(2)-FSP, 311 SERVICE 1948 Committee-Proceedings. 1948 PERSONNEL Action taken on the recommendation of the special FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(19)-FSP, 312 selection Boans other than in SERVICE 1948 1948 regard to appointments to the PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service. Question of retention of personal titles etc, by Rules Heins etc of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(28)-FSP, 313 Indian States on their SERVICE 1948 1948 appointments of the Indian foreign PERSONNEL Service. Proceedings of the meetings of the standing Committee of the FOREIGN Legislature for External Affairs & Progs., Nos. 12(27)-FSP, 314 SERVICE 1948 Commonwealth Relations. reg. 1948 PERSONNEL recruitment of candidate to the Indian Foreign Service. 315 Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(2)-FSP, FOREIGN 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Rules.Chapter 2. Composition of 1948 SERVICE the Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Training of Indian foreign service Probationers. Expenditure on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(3)-FSP, 316 training of 7 probationers recuited SERVICE 1948 1948 on the results of the Competitive PERSONNEL exam. held in July 1947. Study of foreign Languages by the FOREIGN IFS probationers recruited through Progs., Nos. 14(1)-FSP, 317 SERVICE 1948 the Competitive exam. held by the 1948 PERSONNEL FPSC in 1947. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(17)-FSP, 318 Rules.Chapter 17.Official Secrets SERVICE 1948 1948 and custody of official documents. PERSONNEL Training of IFS Probationers. Preliminary course of lectures for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 319 Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1948 1948 Probationers. Revised programme PERSONNEL of training. Report on the working of the Indian Administration Service Training School during April 1948 FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(10)-FSP, 320 to June 1948. Training of IFS SERVICE 1948 1948 Probationers recruited on the PERSONNEL results of the Competitive held by the FPSC in July 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Report on the working of the Indian Administration Service Training School during April 1948 FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(10)-FSP, 321 to June 1948. Training of IFS SERVICE 1948 1948 Probationers recruited on the PERSONNEL results of the Competitive held by the FPSC in July 1947. Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service. Information supplied by FOREIGN the F.P.S.C. in regard to the Progs., Nos. 8(13)-FSP, 322 SERVICE 1948 Number of applications received 1948 PERSONNEL by them for the Indian Foreign Service, number called for

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


interview and number selected for the Indian Foreign Service. Enquiry by the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding arrangements for FOREIGN probation and training of direct Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 323 SERVICE 1948 recruits to Central Series Class I. 1948 PERSONNEL Trainin of recruits to the Indian Foreign service. FOREIGN Personal file of Lt. Col. Daya Singh Progs., Nos. 5(31)-FSP, 324 SERVICE 1948 Bedi IPS. 1948 PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(18)-FSP, 325 Rules.Chapter 18. Confidential SERVICE 1948 1948 Reports on Officers. PERSONNEL Provision in the Indian Foreign Service Rules in regard to Manrriage and Divorce. FOREIGN Restrictions on marriage of Progs., Nos. 7(6)-FSP, 326 SERVICE 1948 Women members and on Male 1948 PERSONNEL members managing foreigners. Revision of IFS Rules Chapter 14- re.marriage. Training of IFS Probationers. Preliminary course of lectures for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 327 Indian Foreign Service SERVICE 1948 1948 Probationers. Revised programme PERSONNEL of training. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(18)-FSP, 328 Rules.Chapter 18. Confidential SERVICE 1948 1948 Reports on Officers. PERSONNEL Jurisdiction of the Selection Board FOREIGN and the Foreign Service Board in Progs., Nos. 7(12)-FSP, 329 SERVICE 1948 respect of appointment of IFS at 1948 PERSONNEL Hqrs. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(4)-FSP, 330 Rules.Chapter 4. Outfit Allowances SERVICE 1948 1948 for IFS officers. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(3)-FSP, FOREIGN 331 1948 Rules.Chapter 3. Grades and Pay. 1948 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


PERSONNEL Selection of Mr. F.M.De Mello for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(38)-FSP, 332 apptt. to the Indian foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Saiyid Nusul Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, 333 SERVICE 1948 Husan. 1948 PERSONNEL Proceedings of the monthly FOREIGN meetings of the Secretaries, Progs., Nos. 12(26)-FSP, 334 SERVICE 1948 Ministers of E.A.& C.R., Commerce 1948 PERSONNEL and Industry and supply. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(17)-FSP, 335 Rules.Chapter 17.Official Secrets SERVICE 1948 1948 and custody of official documents. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(30)-FSP, 336 Personal file of Mr. Gopala Menon. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(15)-FSP, 337 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 15. Divorce. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(27)-FSP, 338 Personal file of Mr. I.K.atal ICS. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL Proceedings of the meetings of the standing Committee of the FOREIGN Legislature for External Affairs & Progs., Nos. 12(27)-FSP, 339 SERVICE 1948 Commonwealth Relations. reg. 1948 PERSONNEL recruitment of candidate to the Indian Foreign Service. Question of passing examination in Modern Foreign Languages viz FOREIGN French German, Russan and Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 340 SERVICE 1948 spanish by Indian Foreign Service 1948 PERSONNEL probationers recruited by Selection.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of providing Caourses in FOREIGN Foreign Languages and other Progs., Nos. 9(6)-FSP, 341 SERVICE 1948 suggestions regarding training of 1948 PERSONNEL personnel to be diputed abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Formation of an Association FOREIGN recognised by the Govt., to look Progs., Nos. 12(10)-FSP, 342 SERVICE 1948 after the interests of the Indian 1948 PERSONNEL Foreign Service officers. Appointment to IFS & Medical Examination. Appointment as under Secretary Ministry of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(26)-FSP, 343 Commerce. Appointment as First SERVICE 1948 1948 Secretary Djakarta. Appointment PERSONNEL as Officer on special duty at Saigon. FOREIGN Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(7)-FSP, 344 SERVICE 1948 Rules.Chapter 7.Leave. 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13-FSP, 345 Indian Foreign Service Rules. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Foreign Service Establishment Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, 346 SERVICE 1948 Committee-Constitution of- 1948 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Progs., Nos. 5(28)-FSP, 347 SERVICE 1948 N.G.Abhayankar. 1948 PERSONNEL Question whether persons holding FOREIGN permanent posts under Govt., Progs., Nos. 12(35)-FSP, 348 SERVICE 1948 should be appointed to the IFs on 1948 PERSONNEL probation. Creation of temporary posts of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(7)-FSP, 349 Attaches for training of IFS SERVICE 1948 1948 probationers at Headquarters. PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(16)-FSP, 350 Rules.Chapter 16.Dress and SERVICE 1948 1948 Foreign Decorations. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Record of the decisions of the FOREIGN special Selection Board in regard Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 351 SERVICE 1948 to the Candidate interviewed for 1948 PERSONNEL the Indian foreign Service. Reinforcements to the IAS from Progs., Nos. 12(7)-FSP, FOREIGN 352 1948 over-age candidates selected for 1948 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the IFS. PERSONNEL Recruitment to the Indian Foreign Service. Information supplied by the F.P.S.C. in regard to the FOREIGN Number of applications received Progs., Nos. 8(13)-FSP, 353 SERVICE 1948 by them for the Indian Foreign 1948 PERSONNEL Service, number called for interview and number selected for the Indian Foreign Service. Training of Indian Foreign service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 354 Probationers recruited on the SERVICE 1948 1948 results of the 1947 examination. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(40)-FSP, 355 Personal file of Mr. P.Ratnam. SERVICE 1948 1948 PERSONNEL Prescription of standards of FOREIGN examinations in Foreign Progs., Nos. 7(10)-FSP, 356 SERVICE 1948 Languages for the Indian Foreign 1948 PERSONNEL Service Offices. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(11)-FSP, 357 Rules.Chapter 11. Language SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowance. PERSONNEL Question at transfer of Shri S.Gupta first secy. Kathmandu to FOREIGN another station-Not agreed to. Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 358 SERVICE 1948 Grant of earned leave for 21 days 1948(B) PERSONNEL to Shri. S.Gupta from the 7th May to the 26th May, 1951. Proceedings of the monthly FOREIGN meetings of the Secretaries, Progs., Nos. 12(26)-FSP, 359 SERVICE 1948 Ministers of E.A.& C.R., Commerce 1948 PERSONNEL and Industry and supply. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(5)-FSP, 360 Rules.Chapter 5. Foreign SERVICE 1948 1948 Allowance. PERSONNEL

Recovery of house rent from Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 361 S.Gupta first secy, Ottawa in SERVICE 1948 1948(E) respect of 54 Pandara Road. PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 13(10)-FSP, FOREIGN 362 1948 Rules.Chapter 10. Rent 1948 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Allowances., PERSONNEL Recruitment to the Indian foreign FOREIGN service from amongst the Rulers Progs., Nos. 8(3)-FSP, 363 SERVICE 1948 and Hens-Apparent of Indian 1948 PERSONNEL States. Question in the Constituent Assmebly of India by Shri R.R.Diwakar regarding arrangements for giving FOREIGN specialised training to candidates Progs., Nos. 10(2)-FSP, 364 SERVICE 1948 recruited to the diplomatic services 1948 PERSONNEL of the Govt., of India number of Such trainees whether the staff of our foreign Embassies, Diplomatic Service etc., in wholly Indian. Sanctioned strength of posts of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(14)-FSP, 365 Assistant Secretaries and above in SERVICE 1949 1949 the Ministry of External Affairs. PERSONNEL FOREIGN I.C.S.officers in the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 3(62)-FSP, 366 SERVICE 1949 Service-General file regarding. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 367 Personal file of Shri S. Sen, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 Part III PERSONNEL FOREIGN Postings to the Consulate, Progs., Nos. 3(57)-FSP, 368 SERVICE 1949 Jogjakarta. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Provision of Special facilities for admission of the Children of Govt. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(18)-FSP, 369 Servants serving in Missions SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) abroad in School & College 2 PERSONNEL educations Institution in India. FOREIGN Postings of Officers in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 2(24)-FSP, 370 SERVICE 1949 of India in China, Nanking. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proceedings of the Foreignh FOREIGN Service Establishment Committee Progs., Nos. 15(4)-FSP, 371 SERVICE 1949 Items relating to the commerce 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Ministry- Miscellaneous papers.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Future recruitment to the Indian Progs., Nos. 8(6)-FSP, 372 SERVICE 1949 Foreign Service. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(7)-FSP, 373 SERVICE 1949 at Jalalabad in Afghanistan. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(13)-FSP, 374 Personal file of Mr. P.R.S.Mani. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(27)-FSP, 375 Personal file of Mr. Y.K.Puri, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate, Progs., Nos. 3(33)-FSP, 376 SERVICE 1949 Goa. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Seniority of War Service officers in Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 377 SERVICE 1949 the I.F.S. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Retenchment of I.F.S. Personnel Progs., Nos. 12(27)-FSP, 378 SERVICE 1949 on accountof Economy Drive. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Agreement to be entered into with officers of the Secretaryof State`s FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(15)-FSP, 379 Services retained in service SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) indefinitely after the transfer of PERSONNEL power. FOREIGN Posting of Consulate General, Progs., Nos. 3(56)-FSP, 380 SERVICE 1949 Meshed. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Posting of Officers in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(45)-FSP, 381 SERVICE 1949 of India in Turkey, Ankara. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Mr. P. A. Menon, I.C.S., Joint Progs., Nos. 17(21)-FSP, 382 SERVICE 1949 Secretary File regarding. 1949 PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(17)-FSP, 383 the High Commissioner for India SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) in Pakistan, Karachi. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Fixation of Security of overaged Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 384 SERVICE 1949 I.P.S. officers. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(25)-FSP, 385 SERVICE 1949 of India in Switzerland, Berne. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Retenchment of I.F.S. Personnel Progs., Nos. 12(27)-FSP, 386 SERVICE 1949 on accountof Economy Drive. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Correspondence relating to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(30)-FSP, 387 relinquishment of charge of office SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) by Shri Dharma Yash Dev. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(12)-FSP, 388 SERVICE 1949 in Iraq, Baghdad. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(29)-FSP, 389 Personal file of Mr. B.Sanyal. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(19)-FSP, 390 the High Commissioner for India SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) in London. PERSONNEL

Posting of officers to the Consulate Pondicherry in Connection with the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(21)-FSP, 391 refrendum to be held in the French SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Establishment in Indian in the near PERSONNEL future. Personal file of Mr.F.M.De Mello Kamath. Change of name by Mr. F.M.De Mello Kamath. Grant of air passeges to the family of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(22)-FSP, 392 F.M.De Mello Kamath Consul SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) General of India, Saigon from PERSONNEL Saigon to Calcutta. Postal life insurance of Mr. F.M.De Mello Kamath . Decision that the House Rent FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(2)-FSP, 393 Allowance cannot be exempted SERVICE 1949 1949 from Income Tax. PERSONNEL Procedure to be followed in regard FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(36)-FSP, 394 to the discharge of a probationer SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) whether during or at the end of PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the period of probation for some Specific fault or on account of his unsuitability for the Service. Granter Order of the Govt. of India. (Ministry of Home Affairs). FOREIGN Posting of officers in the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(27)-FSP, 395 SERVICE 1949 in Siam, Bangkok. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Interview of over-aged FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 396 recommended by the F.P.S.C. in SERVICE 1949 1949 1948 for appointment to the I.F.S. PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(55)-FSP, 397 Commission for India in Canada, SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Ottawa. PERSONNEL Medical examinationof Candidates FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(3)-FSP, 398 Selected for appointment to the SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Procedure re. despatch of Progs., Nos. 12(2)-FSP, 399 SERVICE 1949 telegrams. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(2)-FSP, 400 I.F.S. Rules- General file re. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Postings of officers to the office of FOREIGN the Commissioner for the Govt., of Progs., Nos. 3(63)-FSP, 401 SERVICE 1949 India in British East Africa, 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Nairobi. Request form the A.G.C.R. for information re. the officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(42)-FSP, 402 appointed to the Indian foreign SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Services, No. of posts in the Cadre PERSONNEL of the Service, etc. Personal file of H.E. Shrimati FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(12)-FSP, 403 , SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) of India. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate- Progs., Nos. 3(50)-FSP, 404 SERVICE 1949 General, San Francisco. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN I.C.S.officers in the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 3(62)-FSP, 405 SERVICE 1949 Service-General file regarding. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN States of Publicity officers posted Progs., Nos. 12(13)-FSP, 406 SERVICE 1949 abroad. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Visit to Delhi for consulatation of Bhagwat Dayal-Grant of leave to Shri Bhagwat Dayal. Passage for Mr. Bhagwat Dayal`s son from London and Shipment of his car. Question of appointment of Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(43)-FSP, 407 Consul General General at SERVICE 1949 1949(B) Batavia. Question of grant of PERSONNEL T.A.for family of Shri B. for journeys in India. Question of drawal of outfit allowance and admissible to head of Missions- rejected. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Indian Progs., Nos. 3(14)-FSP, 408 SERVICE 1949 Liaison Mission, Tokyo. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Posting of officers in the Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(26)-FSP, 409 of India in Argentina, Buenos SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Aires. PERSONNEL Proposal regarding appointment of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(9)-FSP, 410 Mr. Anand Mohan Sahaij in a SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Mission abroad. Dropped. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Private Secretaries to teh Heads of our mission. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(9)-FSP, 411 Decision that the post should in SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) future be filled in By junior officers PERSONNEL of the Indian Foreign Services. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(24)-FSP, 412 SERVICE 1949 of India in Sweden, Stokholam. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Control and Administration of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(5)-FSP, 413 Indian Foreign Service- General SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) file re. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(10)-FSP, 414 SERVICE 1949 General Batavia. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Embassy of Progs., Nos. 3(6)-FSP, 415 SERVICE 1949 the India in USA. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 416 Personal file of Shri Dinesh Singh. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Charge d`Affairs. Discussions relating to rival claims of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(24)-FSP, 417 diplomatic & Commercial officers SERVICE 1949 1949 for appointment as------during PERSONNEL the absence of Heads of Missions. Duties of the Various officers and FOREIGN the Relationship of the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 12(16)-FSP, 418 SERVICE 1949 Section of a Mission with other 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Section. Instructions as regards cases in which consultation with the F.P.S.C. is obligatony and thosein FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(31)-FSP, 419 which it is not obligatory, and SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) procedure to be followed in the PERSONNEL matter of consultation with the Commission. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(20)-FSP, 420 SERVICE 1949 General of India, Saigon. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(47)-FSP, 421 SERVICE 1949 of India in Ireland. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Provision of Special facilities for admission of the Children of Govt. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(18)-FSP, 422 Servants serving in Missions SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) abroad in School & College 2 PERSONNEL educations Institution in India. Personal file of Raja Surendra FOREIGN Singh of Alirajpu. Grant of leave to Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, 423 SERVICE 1949 Shri Surendra Singh of Alirajpur- 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Appt of Shri Surendra Singh

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Secretary. Brussels. Decision of the Foreign Service Board that control of appointments FOREIGN promotion, postings, etc, of Progs., Nos. 3(61)-FSP, 424 SERVICE 1949 Publicity officer, under the E.A. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Ministry should vert in the Foreign Service Board. FOREIGN Seniority of War Service officers in Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 425 SERVICE 1949 the I.F.S. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(12)-FSP, 426 SERVICE 1949 in Iraq, Baghdad. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(19)-FSP, 427 the High Commissioner for India in SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) London. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(17)-FSP, 428 Personal file of Mr. R.K.Nehru, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Persoanl file of Mr. J.N.Khosla. Selection of Dr. J.N.Khosla to IFS and apptt as Secy., consular deptt. IHC, London. Grant of outfit FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(34)-FSP, 429 allowance to Shri Khosla. Fixation SERVICE 1949 1949 of pay of Shri Khosla of Rs. 1150/- PERSONNEL for the personal file of his stay in London. Grant of HRA to Shri Khosla. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(47)-FSP, 430 SERVICE 1949 of India in Ireland. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Postings of officers in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(4)-FSP, 431 SERVICE 1949 of India in Italy, Rome. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. K.R.Narayanan Progs., Nos. 2(13)-FSP, 432 SERVICE 1949 to the IFS. 1949 PERSONNEL Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, FOREIGN 433 General File Regarding postins. 1949 1949(Secret) SERVICE

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PERSONNEL Application from Mr. Pitri Sharan Raturi for a post in the I.F.S.- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 434 Letter Shri K. P. Bhargava, Chief SERVICE 1949 1949 Secretary, to the Govt. of U.P.- PERSONNEL Not Selected for I.F.C. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(38)-FSP, 435 Posting of officers to Zahidan. SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Future of the Untransferred FOREIGN section of the I.C.S. Family Progs., Nos. 12(35)-FSP, 436 SERVICE 1949 Pension Fund Consequent on the 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL tranfer of Powers. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Abid Hasan Progs., Nos. 5(4)-FSP, 437 SERVICE 1949 Safrani. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. K.K.Chettur as Progs., Nos. 2(19)-FSP, 438 SERVICE 1949 Consul General, San Francised. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(41)-FSP, 439 Personal file of Mr. R.Dayal. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Comments by Non- Officials on the Progs., Nos. 12(17)-FSP, 440 SERVICE 1949 work of Indian Mission abroad. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Rules for the Competitive exam to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(3)-FSP, 441 be held by the F.P.S.C. for SERVICE 1949 1949 recruitment to the I.F.S. in 1949. PERSONNEL Personal file of Mr. S.N.Haksar ICS.,-Question of reversion of Shri Haksar to the Punjab State- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 442 dropped-Grant of leave to Shri SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Haksar-Grant of Joining time pay PERSONNEL and allowance to Shri Haksar to his transfer to headquarters. Personal file of Raja Surendra FOREIGN Singh of Alirajpu. Grant of leave to Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, 443 SERVICE 1949 Shri Surendra Singh of Alirajpur- 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Appt of Shri Surendra Singh

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Secretary. Brussels. Receipt and Return of Character Rolls of certain I.C.S. Officer and FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(4)-FSP, 444 certain officers employed in the SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Ministry of External Affairs as PERSONNEL Under Assistant Secretaries. FOREIGN Personal file of Major General Progs., Nos. 5(55)-FSP, 445 SERVICE 1949 Khub Chand. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. K.R.Narayanan Progs., Nos. 2(13)-FSP, 446 SERVICE 1949 to the IFS. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Fixation of Security of overaged Progs., Nos. 12(12)-FSP, 447 SERVICE 1949 I.P.S. officers. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Personal file of Miss Sanya FOREIGN Gregory, a candidate for IFS-after Progs., Nos. 5(16)-FSP, 448 SERVICE 1949 withdrawn because of financial 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Stingency. Recruitment to the I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(8)-FSP, 449 Recruitment of the London SERVICE 1949 1949 Selection Board. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(58)-FSP, 450 Personal file of Shri J.B. Vasugar. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL

FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(27)-FSP, 451 Personal file of Mr. Y.K.Puri, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Charge d`Affairs. Discussions relating to rival claims of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(24)-FSP, 452 diplomatic & Commercial officers SERVICE 1949 1949 for appointment as------during PERSONNEL the absence of Heads of Missions. FOREIGN Mr. P. A. Menon, I.C.S., Joint Progs., Nos. 17(21)-FSP, 453 SERVICE 1949 Secretary File regarding. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment & Central of Seamens Progs., Nos. 12(19)-FSP, 454 SERVICE 1949 welfare officers. 1949 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Rules for the Competitive exam to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(3)-FSP, 455 be held by the F.P.S.C. for SERVICE 1949 1949 recruitment to the I.F.S. in 1949. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Postings of officers to Bonn. Progs., Nos. 3(60)-FSP, 456 SERVICE 1949 Western Germany. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL 5(10)Drawal of advance of one month`s pay to gether with exchange compensation allowance by Shri R.R.Sen. Grant of passage FOREIGN of family of Shri R.R.Sen.Grant of Progs., Nos. 5(10)-FSP, 457 SERVICE 1949 leave passage to H.E.Mr. RR.Sen. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL ICS Ambassador of India in Rome and his family. Drawal of ECA on the advance of pay by Shri R.R. Sen on his posting to Washington. Decision that Appt., to the IFS FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(17)-FSP, 458 should take effect from the date of SERVICE 1949 1949 joining for training. PERSONNEL Correspondence relating to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(30)-FSP, 459 relinquishment of charge of office SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) by Shri Dharma Yash Dev. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(41)-FSP, 460 Personal file of Mr. R.Dayal. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Dr. H.Ghoshal to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(21)-FSP, 461 the Indian Foreign Service-Offer SERVICE 1949 1949 withdrawn. PERSONNEL Postings of Officers in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(24)-FSP, 462 Embassy of India in China, SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Nanking. PERSONNEL 5(10)Drawal of advance of one month`s pay to gether with exchange compensation allowance FOREIGN by Shri R.R.Sen. Grant of passage Progs., Nos. 5(10)-FSP, 463 SERVICE 1949 of family of Shri R.R.Sen.Grant of 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL leave passage to H.E.Mr. RR.Sen. ICS Ambassador of India in Rome and his family. Drawal of ECA on

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the advance of pay by Shri R.R. Sen on his posting to Washington. Decision that Appt., to the IFS FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(17)-FSP, 464 should take effect from the date of SERVICE 1949 1949 joining for training. PERSONNEL Postings of officers to the office of FOREIGN the Commissioner for the Govt., of Progs., Nos. 3(63)-FSP, 465 SERVICE 1949 India in British East Africa, 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Nairobi. Appointment at Rangoon and Recall to Delhi as Attache. Grant FOREIGN of leave to Shri K.R.Naranyan in Progs., Nos. 5(7)-FSP, 466 SERVICE 1949 1951. Permission to Mr. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Narayanan to marry Miss Ma Tait Tint.Writing an article in a paper. Contribution by Govt., servants attached to Missions abroad to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(8)-FSP, 467 Newspapers & JOurnals or giving SERVICE 1949 1949 broadcast talks on payment or PERSONNEL otherwise. FOREIGN Posting of officers in the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(27)-FSP, 468 SERVICE 1949 in Siam, Bangkok. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Instructions as regards cases in which consultation with the F.P.S.C. is obligatony and thosein FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(31)-FSP, 469 which it is not obligatory, and SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) procedure to be followed in the PERSONNEL matter of consultation with the Commission. Posting of officers in the Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(26)-FSP, 470 of India in Argentina, Buenos SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Aires. PERSONNEL

Personal File of Capt. N.C.Sen FOREIGN Gupta, Counsellor to the High Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 471 SERVICE 1949 Commissioner for India in 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Pakistan. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Abid Hasan Progs., Nos. 5(4)-FSP, 472 SERVICE 1949 Safrani. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Personal file of Major General Khub Progs., Nos. 5(55)-FSP, 473 SERVICE 1949 Chand. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(5)-FSP, 474 Posting of officers at Headquarters. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Application from Mr. Pitri Sharan Raturi for a post in the I.F.S.- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 475 Letter Shri K. P. Bhargava, Chief SERVICE 1949 1949 Secretary, to the Govt. of U.P.- PERSONNEL Not Selected for I.F.C. Postings of officers to the Office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(65)-FSP, 476 the Commissioner for the Govt., of SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) India in Mauritius. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Miss Rukmini Progs., Nos. 5(60)-FSP, 477 SERVICE 1949 Menon. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(25)-FSP, 478 SERVICE 1949 of India in Switzerland, Berne. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Appointment of Raja Surendra FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(8)-FSP, 479 Sinh of Alirajpur to the Indian SERVICE 1949 1949 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Personal file of Miss Sanya FOREIGN Gregory, a candidate for IFS-after Progs., Nos. 5(16)-FSP, 480 SERVICE 1949 withdrawn because of financial 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Stingency.

Appointment at Rangoon and Recall to Delhi as Attache. Grant of FOREIGN leave to Shri K.R.Naranyan in Progs., Nos. 5(7)-FSP, 481 SERVICE 1949 1951. Permission to Mr. Narayanan 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL to marry Miss Ma Tait Tint.Writing an article in a paper. Grant of leave to Shri Bhagwat Dayal, Envoy Extra and Minister Plenipotentary legation of India FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(43)-FSP, 482 Bangkok. E.A. Claims of H.E. Shri SERVICE 1949 1949(A) Bhagwat Dayal in respect of PERSONNEL Journey while a leave in India. Grantof revised foreign allowance

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


to Shri B.D. IFS During his stay in India in 1949. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(19)-FSP, 483 Personal file of Dr. Anup Singh. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Persoanl file of Mr. J.N.Khosla. Selection of Dr. J.N.Khosla to IFS and apptt as Secy., consular deptt. IHC, London. Grant of outfit FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(34)-FSP, 484 allowance to Shri Khosla. Fixation SERVICE 1949 1949 of pay of Shri Khosla of Rs. 1150/- PERSONNEL for the personal file of his stay in London. Grant of HRA to Shri Khosla. Appointment of Private Secretaries to teh Heads of our mission. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(9)-FSP, 485 Decision that the post should in SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) future be filled in By junior officers PERSONNEL of the Indian Foreign Services. FOREIGN Comments of the Foreign Govt. on Progs., Nos. 12(20)-FSP, 486 SERVICE 1949 the Ambassador of India abroad. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(58)-FSP, 487 Personal file of Shri J.B. Vasugar. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointemnt of I.F.S. officers to Progs., Nos. 15(6)-FSP, 488 SERVICE 1949 Sectt. Post. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(36)-FSP, 489 SERVICE 1949 at Manila. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Recruitment to the I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(8)-FSP, 490 Recruitment of the London SERVICE 1949 1949 Selection Board. PERSONNEL

FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(25)-FSP, 491 Personal file of Shri Dinesh Singh. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Proposal regarding appointment of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(9)-FSP, 492 Mr. Anand Mohan Sahaij in a SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Mission abroad. Dropped. PERSONNEL

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FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 493 Personal file of Shri S.Sen ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. K.K.Chettur as Progs., Nos. 2(19)-FSP, 494 SERVICE 1949 Consul General, San Francised. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. K.V. Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 495 SERVICE 1949 Padmanabhan. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(16)-FSP, 496 SERVICE 1949 of India in USSR. Moscow. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Dr. Shaukatullah Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, 497 SERVICE 1949 Shah Ansari. 1949 PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the Consulate Pondicherry in Connection with the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(21)-FSP, 498 refrendum to be held in the French SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Establishment in Indian in the near PERSONNEL future. FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. Mohd Yunus to Progs., Nos. 2(22)-FSP, 499 SERVICE 1949 IFS. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Dr. Shaukatullah Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, 500 SERVICE 1949 Shah Ansari. 1949 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(10)-FSP, 501 SERVICE 1949 General Batavia. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate- Progs., Nos. 3(50)-FSP, 502 SERVICE 1949 General, San Francisco. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(55)-FSP, 503 Commission for India in Canada, SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Ottawa. PERSONNEL Personal file of H.E. Shrimati FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(12)-FSP, 504 Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Ambassador of India. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Postings of officers in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(4)-FSP, 505 SERVICE 1949 of India in Italy, Rome. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 506 SERVICE 1949 of India, Cairo. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Consulate, Progs., Nos. 3(33)-FSP, 507 SERVICE 1949 Goa. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Request form the A.G.C.R. for information re. the officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(42)-FSP, 508 appointed to the Indian foreign SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Services, No. of posts in the Cadre PERSONNEL of the Service, etc. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(42)-FSP, 509 Personal file of Mr. H.S.Malik, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Future recruitment to the Indian Progs., Nos. 8(6)-FSP, 510 SERVICE 1949 Foreign Service. 1949 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Receipt and Return of Character Rolls of certain I.C.S. Officer and FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(4)-FSP, 511 certain officers employed in the SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Ministry of External Affairs as PERSONNEL Under Assistant Secretaries. Visit to Delhi for consulatation of Bhagwat Dayal-Grant of leave to Shri Bhagwat Dayal. Passage for Mr. Bhagwat Dayal`s son from London and Shipment of his car. Question of appointment of Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(43)-FSP, 512 Consul General General at SERVICE 1949 1949(B) Batavia. Question of grant of PERSONNEL T.A.for family of Shri B. for journeys in India. Question of drawal of outfit allowance and admissible to head of Missions- rejected. 513 Posting of officers to Kandhar. Progs., Nos. 3(37)-FSP, FOREIGN 1949

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1949(Secret) SERVICE PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(28)-FSP, 514 SERVICE 1949 of India in France, Paris. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(16)-FSP, 515 SERVICE 1949 of India in USSR. Moscow. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Postings of officers to the Office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(65)-FSP, 516 the Commissioner for the Govt., of SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) India in Mauritius. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(42)-FSP, 517 Personal file of Mr. H.S.Malik, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Future of the Untransferred FOREIGN section of the I.C.S. Family Progs., Nos. 12(35)-FSP, 518 SERVICE 1949 Pension Fund Consequent on the 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL tranfer of Powers. Personal file of Mr. Prithi Singh. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 519 appointment in the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1949 1949 service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. R.K.Nehru, Progs., Nos. 5(17)-FSP, 520 SERVICE 1949 ICS. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that the Foreign Service Establishment Committee should FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, 521 cosider all proposals relating to SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) expansin of our representatrion PERSONNEL abroad. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(28)-FSP, 522 SERVICE 1949 of India in France, Paris. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Medical examinationof Candidates FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(3)-FSP, 523 Selected for appointment to the SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. K.V. Progs., Nos. 5(11)-FSP, 524 SERVICE 1949 Padmanabhan. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question of provision of a FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(59)-FSP, 525 `Promotion Group` in the Indian SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Mr. Mohd Yunus to Progs., Nos. 2(22)-FSP, 526 SERVICE 1949 IFS. 1949 PERSONNEL Verification of Character and FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(8)-FSP, 527 anticedent of Candidate Selected SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) for the Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(36)-FSP, 528 SERVICE 1949 at Manila. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 529 Personal file of Shri S. Sen, ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 Part III PERSONNEL Rules for the competitive FOREIGN examination for recruitment to the Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 530 SERVICE 1949 Indian Foreign Service to be held 1949 PERSONNEL in 195.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Personal file of Mr.F.M.De Mello Kamath. Change of name by Mr. F.M.De Mello Kamath. Grant of air passeges to the family of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(22)-FSP, 531 F.M.De Mello Kamath Consul SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) General of India, Saigon from PERSONNEL Saigon to Calcutta. Postal life insurance of Mr. F.M.De Mello Kamath . FOREIGN Posting of officers at Progs., Nos. 17(5)-FSP, 532 SERVICE 1949 Headquarters. 1949 PERSONNEL Proceedings of the Foreignh FOREIGN Service Establishment Committee Progs., Nos. 15(4)-FSP, 533 SERVICE 1949 Items relating to the commerce 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Ministry- Miscellaneous papers. Verification of Character and FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(8)-FSP, 534 anticedent of Candidate Selected SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) for the Indian Foreign Service. PERSONNEL 535 States of Publicity officers posted Progs., Nos. 12(13)-FSP, FOREIGN 1949

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abroad. 1949 (Secret) SERVICE PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(29)-FSP, 536 Personal file of Mr. B.Sanyal. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Comments of the Foreign Govt. on Progs., Nos. 12(20)-FSP, 537 SERVICE 1949 the Ambassador of India abroad. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Decision that the Foreign Service Establishment Committee should FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, 538 cosider all proposals relating to SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) expansin of our representatrion PERSONNEL abroad. Decision that the House Rent FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 6(2)-FSP, 539 Allowance cannot be exempted SERVICE 1949 1949 from Income Tax. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(38)-FSP, 540 Posting of officers to Zahidan. SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Devi Diyal Progs., Nos. 5(20)-FSP, 541 SERVICE 1949 Bhatia. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL 1. Jurisdiction of the Selection Board and the Foreign Service Selection Board in respect of appointment to aborad. 2. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(7)-FSP, 542 Decision that the Selection Board SERVICE 1949 1949 Shall be consulted only when it is PERSONNEL intended to appointed an officer an officer of the Pool Cadre to a Foreign Services Post. Appointment of Raja Surendra FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(8)-FSP, 543 Sinh of Alirajpur to the Indian SERVICE 1949 1949 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Officers in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(45)-FSP, 544 SERVICE 1949 of India in Turkey, Ankara. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Grant of leave to Shri Bhagwat Progs., Nos. 5(43)-FSP, FOREIGN 545 1949 Dayal, Envoy Extra and Minister 1949(A) SERVICE

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Plenipotentary legation of India PERSONNEL Bangkok. E.A. Claims of H.E. Shri Bhagwat Dayal in respect of Journey while a leave in India. Grantof revised foreign allowance to Shri B.D. IFS During his stay in India in 1949. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, 546 General File Regarding postins. SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Rules for the competitive FOREIGN examination for recruitment to the Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 547 SERVICE 1949 Indian Foreign Service to be held 1949 PERSONNEL in 195. Personal file of Mr. S.N.Haksar ICS.,-Question of reversion of Shri Haksar to the Punjab State- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(23)-FSP, 548 dropped-Grant of leave to Shri SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) Haksar-Grant of Joining time pay PERSONNEL and allowance to Shri Haksar to his transfer to headquarters. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(37)-FSP, 549 Posting of officers to Kandhar. SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Posting of officers to the office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(17)-FSP, 550 the High Commissioner for India in SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Pakistan, Karachi. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Jurisdiction of the Selection Board and the Foreign Service Selection Board in respect of appointment to aborad. 2. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(7)-FSP, 551 Decision that the Selection Board SERVICE 1949 1949 Shall be consulted only when it is PERSONNEL intended to appointed an officer an officer of the Pool Cadre to a Foreign Services Post. Mr. P. N. Krishnaswamy, Deputy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(29)-FSP, 552 Secretary- File regarding. Services SERVICE 1949 1949 replaced at the disposal of PERSONNEL

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Conptroller & Auditer General of India w.e.f. 1.2.1950. FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. S.Sen, ICS, Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 553 SERVICE 1949 Part I-III. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(7)-FSP, 554 SERVICE 1949 at Jalalabad in Afghanistan. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(13)-FSP, 555 Personal file of Mr. P.R.S.Mani. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Postings to the Consulate, Progs., Nos. 3(57)-FSP, 556 SERVICE 1949 Jogjakarta. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(19)-FSP, 557 Personal file of Dr. Anup Singh. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Miss Rukmini Progs., Nos. 5(60)-FSP, 558 SERVICE 1949 Menon. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of Consulate General, Progs., Nos. 3(56)-FSP, 559 SERVICE 1949 Meshed. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Comments by Non- Officials on the Progs., Nos. 12(17)-FSP, 560 SERVICE 1949 work of Indian Mission abroad. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Appointemnt of I.F.S. officers to Progs., Nos. 15(6)-FSP, 561 SERVICE 1949 Sectt. Post. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Indian Progs., Nos. 3(14)-FSP, 562 SERVICE 1949 Liaison Mission, Tokyo. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embassy Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 563 SERVICE 1949 of India, Cairo. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Postings of officers to Bonn. Progs., Nos. 3(60)-FSP, 564 SERVICE 1949 Western Germany. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Control and Administration of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(5)-FSP, 565 Indian Foreign Service- General SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) file re. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 566 Personal file of Shri S.Sen ICS. SERVICE 1949 1949 PERSONNEL Procedure to be followed in regard to the discharge of a probationer whether during or at the end of FOREIGN the period of probation for some Progs., Nos. 12(36)-FSP, 567 SERVICE 1949 Specific fault or on account of his 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL unsuitability for the Service. Granter Order of the Govt. of India. (Ministry of Home Affairs). FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(2)-FSP, 568 I.F.S. Rules- General file re. SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Duties of the Various officers and FOREIGN the Relationship of the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 12(16)-FSP, 569 SERVICE 1949 Section of a Mission with other 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Section. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embasst Progs., Nos. 3(32)-FSP, 570 SERVICE 1949 of India in Belgium, Brussels. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Dr. H.Ghoshal to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(21)-FSP, 571 the Indian Foreign Service-Offer SERVICE 1949 1949 withdrawn. PERSONNEL Contribution by Govt., servants attached to Missions abroad to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(8)-FSP, 572 Newspapers & JOurnals or giving SERVICE 1949 1949 broadcast talks on payment or PERSONNEL otherwise. FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Consulate Progs., Nos. 3(20)-FSP, 573 SERVICE 1949 General of India, Saigon. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Personal File of Capt. N.C.Sen FOREIGN Gupta, Counsellor to the High Progs., Nos. 5(2)-FSP, 574 SERVICE 1949 Commissioner for India in 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Pakistan.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Legation Progs., Nos. 3(24)-FSP, 575 SERVICE 1949 of India in Sweden, Stokholam. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL Personal file of Mr. Prithi Singh. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 576 appointment in the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1949 1949 service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. Devi Diyal Progs., Nos. 5(20)-FSP, 577 SERVICE 1949 Bhatia. 1949 (Secret) PERSONNEL Interview of over-aged FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(7)-FSP, 578 recommended by the F.P.S.C. in SERVICE 1949 1949 1948 for appointment to the I.F.S. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Mr. S.Sen, ICS, Progs., Nos. 5(35)-FSP, 579 SERVICE 1949 Part I-III. 1949 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to the Embasst Progs., Nos. 3(32)-FSP, 580 SERVICE 1949 of India in Belgium, Brussels. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision of the Foreign Service Board that control of FOREIGN appointments promotion, Progs., Nos. 3(61)-FSP, 581 SERVICE 1949 postings, etc, of Publicity officer, 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL under the E.A. Ministry should vert in the Foreign Service Board. Mr. P. N. Krishnaswamy, Deputy Secretary- File regarding. Services FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(29)-FSP, 582 replaced at the disposal of SERVICE 1949 1949 Conptroller & Auditer General of PERSONNEL India w.e.f. 1.2.1950. Agreement to be entered into with officers of the Secretaryof State`s FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 12(15)-FSP, 583 Services retained in service SERVICE 1949 1949 (Secret) indefinitely after the transfer of PERSONNEL power. Sanctioned strength of posts of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 17(14)-FSP, 584 Assistant Secretaries and above in SERVICE 1949 1949 the Ministry of External Affairs. PERSONNEL Procedure re. despatch of Progs., Nos. 12(2)-FSP, FOREIGN 585 1949 telegrams. 1949 (Secret) SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of officers to Embassy of Progs., Nos. 3(6)-FSP, 586 SERVICE 1949 the India in USA. 1949(Secret) PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment & Central of Progs., Nos. 12(19)-FSP, 587 SERVICE 1949 Seamens welfare officers. 1949 PERSONNEL Question of provision of a FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(59)-FSP, 588 `Promotion Group` in the Indian SERVICE 1949 1949(Secret) Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Joining time and joining time emoluments of Govt. Servants transferred to and from posts in Indian Missions abroad, and on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(7)-FSP, 589 occasions of leave. Incorporation SERVICE 1950 1950 in the draft I.F.S. Rules of the PERSONNEL principles regarding- Issue of orders re. joining time and joining time & months. Appointment of Shri R. D. Sathe, I.F.S., as Attache in the Min of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(78)-FSP, 590 External Affairs. Grant of leave to SERVICE 1950 1950 Shri R. D. Sathe, IFS, Attache, M PERSONNEL in of E.A.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Selected applications for posts Progs., Nos. 11(72)-FSP, 591 SERVICE 1950 under E. A. Ministry. 1950 PERSONNEL Question of the reimbursment of FOREIGN the teacher`s fees to teh I.F.S. Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 592 SERVICE 1950 Probationer for learning the 1950 PERSONNEL Prescribed Foreign Language. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 593 Subject is not Available. SERVICE 1950 1950 PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri R. D. Sathe, I.F.S., as Attache in the Min of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(78)-FSP, 594 External Affairs. Grant of leave to SERVICE 1950 1950 Shri R. D. Sathe, IFS, Attache, M PERSONNEL in of E.A.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Note on the future of Indian FOREIGN Inforamtion Services and a Progs., Nos. 1(6)-FSP, 595 SERVICE 1950 proposal for its integration with 1950 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. Prime Minister`s note for the guidance of members of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(88)-FSP, 596 Foreign Service and more SERVICE 1950 1950 especially for those serving in our PERSONNEL missions abroad. FOREIGN Appointment of Shri N. B. Menon Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 597 SERVICE 1950 to the Indian Foreign Services. 1950 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Functions of the `Head of Progs., Nos. 11(86)-FSP, 598 SERVICE 1950 Chancery` in our Missions abroad. 1950 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(3)-FSP, 599 Only Slip is Available. SERVICE 1950 1950 PERSONNEL FOREIGN General file regarding postings Progs., Nos. 3(73)-FSP, 600 SERVICE 1950 and transfers of I.F.S. Officers. 1950 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Grant of language Allowance under the draft I.F.S. Rules. to Shri H. Dayal, Political officers, FOREIGN Gangtok. 2. Decision that the Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 601 SERVICE 1950 language allowance will be 1950 PERSONNEL admissible from the rate succeeding the date of the examination. Fixation of pay and special pay, if FOREIGN any, of I.F.S. Officers appointed as Progs., Nos. 2(5)-FSP, 602 SERVICE 1950 Deputy, Secretaries and Under 1950 PERSONNEL Secretaries to the Govt.of India. Leave-cum-transfer to headquarters of- Grant of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(30)-FSP, 603 additional credit of 50% of earned SERVICE 1950 1950 leave to - Award of Military Cross PERSONNEL to- 604 Prime Minister`s note for the Progs., Nos. 11(88)-FSP, FOREIGN 1950

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guidance of members of the 1950 SERVICE Foreign Service and more PERSONNEL especially for those serving in our missions abroad. Question as to who should be the audit authority for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(85)-FSP, 605 Foreign Service Probationers SERVICE 1950 1950 during the period of their training PERSONNEL aborad. Procedure regarding the FOREIGN Confidential Reprots on I.F.S. & Progs., Nos. 6(2)-FSP, 606 SERVICE 1950 Non- I.F.S officers employed on 1950 PERSONNEL the Commercial Side. Retirement of Shri G. S. Bajpai, FOREIGN I.C.S. Grant of t.a. to Shri G. S. Progs., Nos. 5(22)-FSP, 607 SERVICE 1950 Bajpai, I.C.S., Secretary General, 1950 PERSONNEL Minsitry of External Affairs. Creation of India Foreign Science magnum open by Shri K. K. FOREIGN Chettun, Joint Secretary ministry Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 608 SERVICE 1950 of Commerce in regard to the 1950 PERSONNEL Trade Commissioner`s Organisation of India. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(3)-FSP, 609 Only Slip is Available. SERVICE 1950 1950 PERSONNEL Inper se Seniority of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN on the Deplomatic, Commercial Progs., Nos. 1(13)-FSP, 610 SERVICE 1950 wings etc. in the Indian Missions 1950 PERSONNEL abroad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Training of I.F.S. Probationers- FOREIGN General file re- recruited through Progs., Nos. 1(9)-FSP, 611 SERVICE 1950 the Competitives exam. 2. Revisal 1950 PERSONNEL Programme of Training. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 612 Subject is not Available. SERVICE 1950 1950 PERSONNEL Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Personal file Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, FOREIGN 613 1950 of- 1950 SERVICE

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PERSONNEL Note on the future of Indian FOREIGN Inforamtion Services and a Progs., Nos. 1(6)-FSP, 614 SERVICE 1950 proposal for its integration with 1950 PERSONNEL the Indian Foreign Service. Finalisation of the Situation of FOREIGN initial pay over-aged candidates Progs., Nos. 1(8)-FSP, 615 SERVICE 1950 appointed to the Indian Foreng 1950 PERSONNEL Service. Question as to who should be the audit authority for the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(85)-FSP, 616 Foreign Service Probationers SERVICE 1950 1950 during the period of their training PERSONNEL aborad. Inper se Seniority of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN on the Deplomatic, Commercial Progs., Nos. 1(13)-FSP, 617 SERVICE 1950 wings etc. in the Indian Missions 1950 PERSONNEL abroad. FOREIGN Appointment of Shri N. B. Menon Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 618 SERVICE 1950 to the Indian Foreign Services. 1950 PERSONNEL Pay and allowances of Shri R. D. Sathe for the period 11.5.48 to FOREIGN 10.8.48. 2. Grant of leave to Shri Progs., Nos. 5(78)-FSP, 619 SERVICE 1950 R. D. Sathe, I.F.S. in 1950, 1951. 1950 Vol. II PERSONNEL 3. Payment of balance of outfit allowance to Shri Sathe. Note sent by Ambassador of India FOREIGN in Brazil regarding the Brazilian Progs., Nos. 11(33)-FSP, 620 SERVICE 1950 Preparatory School for 1950 PERSONNEL and the Programme of Training.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Finalisation of the Situation of FOREIGN initial pay over-aged candidates Progs., Nos. 1(8)-FSP, 621 SERVICE 1950 appointed to the Indian Foreng 1950 PERSONNEL Service. 1. Grant of language Allowance FOREIGN under the draft I.F.S. Rules. to Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 622 SERVICE 1950 Shri H. Dayal, Political officers, 1950 PERSONNEL Gangtok. 2. Decision that the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


language allowance will be admissible from the rate succeeding the date of the examination. Note sent by Ambassador of India FOREIGN in Brazil regarding the Brazilian Progs., Nos. 11(33)-FSP, 623 SERVICE 1950 Preparatory School for Diplomats 1950 PERSONNEL and the Programme of Training. Pay and allowances of Shri R. D. Sathe for the period 11.5.48 to FOREIGN 10.8.48. 2. Grant of leave to Shri Progs., Nos. 5(78)-FSP, 624 SERVICE 1950 R. D. Sathe, I.F.S. in 1950, 1951. 1950 Vol. II PERSONNEL 3. Payment of balance of outfit allowance to Shri Sathe. FOREIGN Functions of the `Head of Progs., Nos. 11(86)-FSP, 625 SERVICE 1950 Chancery` in our Missions abroad. 1950 PERSONNEL Conferment personal rank of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(14)-FSP, 626 ``Minister of India`` on various SERVICE 1950 1950 officers. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Personal file Progs., Nos. 5(6)-FSP, 627 SERVICE 1950 of- 1950 PERSONNEL Retirement of Shri G. S. Bajpai, FOREIGN I.C.S. Grant of t.a. to Shri G. S. Progs., Nos. 5(22)-FSP, 628 SERVICE 1950 Bajpai, I.C.S., Secretary General, 1950 PERSONNEL Minsitry of External Affairs. Conferment personal rank of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(14)-FSP, 629 ``Minister of India`` on various SERVICE 1950 1950 officers. PERSONNEL FOREIGN General file regarding postings Progs., Nos. 3(73)-FSP, 630 SERVICE 1950 and transfers of I.F.S. Officers. 1950 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN INDONESIA- Postings to the Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 631 SERVICE 1950 Embassy of India, Batavia.- 1950 PERSONNEL Fixation of pay and special pay, if FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(5)-FSP, 632 any, of I.F.S. Officers appointed as SERVICE 1950 1950 Deputy, Secretaries and Under PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Secretaries to the Govt.of India. Creation of India Foreign Science magnum open by Shri K. K. FOREIGN Chettun, Joint Secretary ministry Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 633 SERVICE 1950 of Commerce in regard to the 1950 PERSONNEL Trade Commissioner`s Organisation of India. Fixation of the Strength of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 634 I.F.S. Cadre. Gradation of I.F.S. SERVICE 1950 1950 Posts abroad & at head quearters. PERSONNEL Fixation of the Strength of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 635 I.F.S. Cadre. Gradation of I.F.S. SERVICE 1950 1950 Posts abroad & at head quearters. PERSONNEL FOREIGN INDONESIA- Postings to the Progs., Nos. 3(31)-FSP, 636 SERVICE 1950 Embassy of India, Batavia.- 1950 PERSONNEL Joining time and joining time emoluments of Govt. Servants transferred to and from posts in Indian Missions abroad, and on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(7)-FSP, 637 the occasions of leave. SERVICE 1950 1950 Incorporation in the draft I.F.S. PERSONNEL Rules of the principles regarding- Issue of orders re. joining time and joining time & months. Training of I.F.S. Probationers- FOREIGN General file re- recruited through Progs., Nos. 1(9)-FSP, 638 SERVICE 1950 the Competitives exam. 2. Revisal 1950 PERSONNEL Programme of Training. FOREIGN Selected applications for posts Progs., Nos. 11(72)-FSP, 639 SERVICE 1950 under E. A. Ministry. 1950 PERSONNEL Question of the reimbursment of FOREIGN the teacher`s fees to teh I.F.S. Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 640 SERVICE 1950 Probationer for learning the 1950 PERSONNEL Prescribed Foreign Language.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Leave-cum-transfer to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(30)-FSP, 641 headquarters of- Grant of SERVICE 1950 1950 additional credit of 50% of earned PERSONNEL

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leave to - Award of Military Cross to- Supply of copies of revised draft FOREIGN I.F.S. Rules to all Missions abroad Progs., Nos. 7(3)-FSP, 642 SERVICE 1950 Comments of the Missions on the 1950 PERSONNEL revised draft I.F.S. Rules. Procedure regarding the FOREIGN Confidential Reprots on I.F.S. & Progs., Nos. 6(2)-FSP, 643 SERVICE 1950 Non- I.F.S officers employed on 1950 PERSONNEL the Commercial Side. Supply of copies of revised draft FOREIGN I.F.S. Rules to all Missions abroad Progs., Nos. 7(3)-FSP, 644 SERVICE 1950 Comments of the Missions on the 1950 PERSONNEL revised draft I.F.S. Rules. Decision that the Period of Probation of Officers who have not FOREIGN Passed the language examination Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 660 SERVICE 1951 will be deemed to be autometically 1951(B) PERSONNEL extended till their pass the examination.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(38)-FSP, 661 Personal file of Shri B.C. Mishra. SERVICE 1951 1951 PERSONNEL Instructions to I.F.S. Officers on the Probation that they are FOREIGN requaired to take an Examination Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 662 SERVICE 1951 in the Foreign language chosen by 1951(A) PERSONNEL them for study for their Confirmation in the Service. 1.Proposal to raise the maximum age Limit in favour of Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes FOREIGN and Scheduled Tribe. 2. Progs., Nos. 1(31)-FSP, 663 SERVICE 1951 Maintenance of Communal posts in 1951 PERSONNEL respect of recruitment to I.F.S.. Submission of returns for 1950 and 1951. Language rewarded for I.F.S. Progs., Nos. 9(8)-FSP, FOREIGN 664 1951 Officers . Decision that the reward 1951 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


will be admissable only after PERSONNEL confirmation in the Service. FOREIGN personal File of Shri .P. Sanara Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, 665 SERVICE 1951 Manon. 1951 PERSONNEL A Note recovered by Mr. S. Dutt on discussion with Sir Willium Strang on the Woring of the British FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(73)-FSP, 666 Forerign Service with reference to SERVICE 1951 1951 its Constitution , Promotion PERSONNEL appointments to Commucial Diplomatic Posts, etc. FOREIGN Appointment ofa Chinese language Progs., Nos. 4(21)-FSP, 667 SERVICE 1951 Expert in the Embassy of India. 1951 PERSONNEL Grant of language allowance or FOREIGN Lump Sum rewards to Officers of Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 668 SERVICE 1951 the I.F>S. Under the Draft Foreign 1951 PERSONNEL Service Rules. 1. pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts in the Embassy of India, Washington, U.S.A. 2. Visit of H.E. Shrimati Vijayalaxmi , AMbassador FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 669 of India in the U.S.A. to Mexico for SERVICE 1951 1951(A) presentation of Credentials. Grant PERSONNEL of travelling allowance and Daily allowance to the Ambassador, Officers and Staff. Question of Promotion of U.R. Naiaranan to the Senior Scale of FOREIGN the I.F.S. , Decision that his Progs., Nos. 4(8)-FSP, 670 SERVICE 1951 Promotion will have the Effect 1951 PERSONNEL from the Date of His return to Duty from Extradinary Leave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Personal File of Shri Rmesh Bhandari. Question of payment s FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(12)-FSP, 671 due to the Private Account of Mr. SERVICE 1951 1951 Bhandari, Sanction for the Air PERSONNEL Journey of Shri Bhandari -

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Appreciation of Hacettstown Rotary club for the Speeker of Shri Bhandari on India. Fuialisation of the Status of the FOREIGN I.S.Officers and Other Central Progs., Nos. 1(26)-FSP, 672 SERVICE 1951 Service Officers holding before on 1951 PERSONNEL the Caore of the Foreign Service. 3.Appointment of Mr. A.B. Bhadkamkar, I.F.S. as First Secretary vice Mr. I.J. Bahadur Singh in the Embassy of India, FOREIGN Washington. 4. Visit of Shrimati Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 673 SERVICE 1951 Vijaylaxmi, Ambassador of India, 1951(B) PERSONNEL Washington to India for Consultation and appointment of Mr. M.K. irpalani, I.C.S. as charge d Affaires ad interim. Drawal of pay & Allowance and Leave Salary etc. by Officers & FOREIGN Staff serving abroad and Report Progs., Nos. 11(1)-FSP, 674 SERVICE 1951 on Title to Leave of Gazetted 1951 PERSONNEL Officers abroad-Issue of Instructions. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 675 Personal file of Shri N. Kushunari. SERVICE 1951 1951 PERSONNEL Confirment of Personal ranks of , Minister etc. on various Officers Abroad. Shri A.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(63)-FSP, 676 Lall, I.C.S., Shri M.J. Desai, I.C.S., SERVICE 1951 1951(A) Shri K.K.Chettur, Shri M.A. PERSONNEL Hussain, I.C.S., Shri T.N. Kaul, I.C.S. Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts in France , Paris. Appointment of C.R. Mithamear as IIIrd Secretary FOREIGN . Apptt. A.N. Medta as first Secy. Progs., Nos. 10(60)-FSP, 677 SERVICE 1951 Grant of Passage to Ambassoder. 1951 PERSONNEL Pay and Allowance of H.S. Malik. Transfer of General Ambassoder & T.A. Bill. Question of Possible Economics in Progs., Nos. 10(40)-FSP, FOREIGN 678 1951 Frais of Head of Missions. 1951 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


PERSONNEL Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts in France , Paris. Appointment of C.R. Mithamear as IIIrd Secretary FOREIGN . Apptt. A.N. Medta as first Secy. Progs., Nos. 10(60)-FSP, 679 SERVICE 1951 Grant of Passage to Ambassoder. 1951 PERSONNEL Pay and Allowance of H.S. Malik. Transfer of General Ambassoder & T.A. Bill. FOREIGN Appointment ofa Chinese language Progs., Nos. 4(21)-FSP, 680 SERVICE 1951 Expert in the Embassy of India. 1951 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Confirment of Personal ranks of Ambassadors, Minister etc. on various Officers Abroad. Shri A.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(63)-FSP, 681 Lall, I.C.S., Shri M.J. Desai, I.C.S., SERVICE 1951 1951(A) Shri K.K.Chettur, Shri M.A. PERSONNEL Hussain, I.C.S., Shri T.N. Kaul, I.C.S. Fixation of Pay on Promotion to the Senior Scales of Overages FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(16)-FSP, 682 receruits to the I.F.S. Who wire SERVICE 1951 1951 initially appointed in the Junior PERSONNEL Scale. 5.Visit of Mr. B.R. Sen , ICS as Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. FOREIGN to Mexico for Presentation of Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 683 SERVICE 1951 Credentials. 6. Appointment of Mr. 1951(C) PERSONNEL B.R. Sen, I.C.S. as Ambassador of India in Washington, U.S.A.. Fuialisation of the Status of the FOREIGN I.S.Officers and Other Central Progs., Nos. 1(26)-FSP, 684 SERVICE 1951 Service Officers holding before on 1951 PERSONNEL the Caore of the Foreign Service. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(37)-FSP, 685 Personal file of Shri N. Kushunari. SERVICE 1951 1951 PERSONNEL 5.Visit of Mr. B.R. Sen , ICS as Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, FOREIGN 686 1951 Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. 1951(C) SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


to Mexico for Presentation of PERSONNEL Credentials. 6. Appointment of Mr. B.R. Sen, I.C.S. as Ambassador of India in Washington, U.S.A.. Language rewarded for I.F.S. FOREIGN Officers . Decision that the reward Progs., Nos. 9(8)-FSP, 687 SERVICE 1951 will be admissable only after 1951 PERSONNEL confirmation in the Service. Amendment to rule 19(1) of the Draft Foreign Service Rules re FOREIGN Provision for Grant of the Cast of Progs., Nos. 7(8)-FSP, 688 SERVICE 1951 transporting Private cars by Govt. 1951 PERSONNEL Servants on appointment to a Post abroad on or on Transfer. Fixation of Pay on Promotion to the Senior Scales of Overages FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(16)-FSP, 689 receruits to the I.F.S. Who wire SERVICE 1951 1951 initially appointed in the Junior PERSONNEL Scale. Grant of language allowance or FOREIGN Lump Sum rewards to Officers of Progs., Nos. 9(2)-FSP, 690 SERVICE 1951 the I.F>S. Under the Draft Foreign 1951 PERSONNEL Service Rules.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of Promotion of U.R. Naiaranan to the Senior Scale of FOREIGN the I.F.S. , Decision that his Progs., Nos. 4(8)-FSP, 691 SERVICE 1951 Promotion will have the Effect 1951 PERSONNEL from the Date of His return to Duty from Extradinary Leave. Personal File of Shri Rmesh Bhandari. Question of payment s due to the Private Account of Mr. FOREIGN Bhandari, Sanction for the Air Progs., Nos. 4(12)-FSP, 692 SERVICE 1951 Journey of Shri Bhandari - 1951 PERSONNEL Appreciation of Hacettstown Rotary club for the Speeker of Shri Bhandari on India. 1.Proposal to raise the maximum Progs., Nos. 1(31)-FSP, FOREIGN 693 1951 age Limit in favour of Candidates 1951 SERVICE

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belonging to the Scheduled Castes PERSONNEL and Scheduled Tribe. 2. Maintenance of Communal posts in respect of recruitment to I.F.S.. Submission of returns for 1950 and 1951. 3.Appointment of Mr. A.B. Bhadkamkar, I.F.S. as First Secretary vice Mr. I.J. Bahadur Singh in the Embassy of India, FOREIGN Washington. 4. Visit of Shrimati Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 694 SERVICE 1951 Vijaylaxmi, Ambassador of India, 1951(B) PERSONNEL Washington to India for Consultation and appointment of Mr. M.K. irpalani, I.C.S. as charge d Affaires ad interim. Grant of education allowance for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(5)-FSP, 695 the Children of Office and Staff SERVICE 1951 1951 serving in Mission abroad. PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service Cadre FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(29)-FSP, 696 (Branch A ) Finalization of the SERVICE 1951 1951 Strength of the. PERSONNEL Grant of education allowance for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(5)-FSP, 697 the Children of Office and Staff SERVICE 1951 1951 serving in Mission abroad. PERSONNEL 7.Grant of travelling allowances to the Wife of the Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. when she accompanies him on His Official FOREIGN visit to Mexico. 8.General Sanction Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 698 SERVICE 1951 for the officer of the Chancery 1951(D) PERSONNEL accompanying the Ambassador during his Officials visit s to Mexico, Subject toa Maximum of Two Occasions in a Year. 2. Decision that the correct Diplomatic Designation of Shri B.. FOREIGN Nehru, I.C.S. , Embassy of India, Progs., Nos. 10(63)-FSP, 699 SERVICE 1951 Washington is Minister (Financial) 1951(B) PERSONNEL and the Correct Occupational Designation is Financial Advisor. personal File of Shri .P. Sanara Progs., Nos. 5(36)-FSP, FOREIGN 700 1951 Manon. 1951 SERVICE

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 5(38)-FSP, 701 Personal file of Shri B.C. Mishra. SERVICE 1951 1951 PERSONNEL 7.Grant of travelling allowances to the Wife of the Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. when she accompanies him on His Official FOREIGN visit to Mexico. 8.General Sanction Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 702 SERVICE 1951 for the officer of the Chancery 1951(D) PERSONNEL accompanying the Ambassador during his Officials visit s to Mexico, Subject toa Maximum of Two Occasions in a Year. Amendment to the Defination of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(7)-FSP, 703 Family in the Draft Foreign Service SERVICE 1951 1951 Rules. PERSONNEL Drawal of pay & Allowance and Leave Salary etc. by Officers & FOREIGN Staff serving abroad and Report Progs., Nos. 11(1)-FSP, 704 SERVICE 1951 on Title to Leave of Gazetted 1951 PERSONNEL Officers abroad-Issue of Instructions. 1. pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts in the Embassy of India, Washington, U.S.A. 2. Visit of H.E. Shrimati Vijayalaxmi , AMbassador FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(4)-FSP, 705 of India in the U.S.A. to Mexico for SERVICE 1951 1951(A) presentation of Credentials. Grant PERSONNEL of travelling allowance and Daily allowance to the Ambassador, Officers and Staff. FOREIGN Personal file of mr. K.L. Dalal, Progs., Nos. 5(29)-FSP, 706 SERVICE 1951 I.F.S. 1951 PERSONNEL Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(19)-FSP, 707 in the Embassy of India in SERVICE 1951 1951 Netherlands the Hague. PERSONNEL 708 Decision that the Period of Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, FOREIGN 1951

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Probation of Officers who have not 1951(B) SERVICE Passed the language examination PERSONNEL will be deemed to be autometically extended till their pass the examination. Amendment to the Defination of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(7)-FSP, 709 Family in the Draft Foreign Service SERVICE 1951 1951 Rules. PERSONNEL Amendment to rule 19(1) of the Draft Foreign Service Rules re FOREIGN Provision for Grant of the Cast of Progs., Nos. 7(8)-FSP, 710 SERVICE 1951 transporting Private cars by Govt. 1951 PERSONNEL Servants on appointment to a Post abroad on or on Transfer.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Position of I.C.S. Officers holding post bornes on the Cadre of I.F.S.- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(26)-FSP, 711 Relies from Officers Intimating SERVICE 1951 1951 their Willingness for Permanent PERSONNEL secondment to the I.F.S. FOREIGN Question of Possible Economics in Progs., Nos. 10(40)-FSP, 712 SERVICE 1951 Frais of Head of Missions. 1951 PERSONNEL 2. Decision that the correct Diplomatic Designation of Shri B.. FOREIGN Nehru, I.C.S. , Embassy of India, Progs., Nos. 10(63)-FSP, 713 SERVICE 1951 Washington is Minister (Financial) 1951(B) PERSONNEL and the Correct Occupational Designation is Financial Advisor. A Note recovered by Mr. S. Dutt on discussion with Sir Willium Strang on the Woring of the British FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(73)-FSP, 714 Forerign Service with reference to SERVICE 1951 1951 its Constitution , Promotion PERSONNEL appointments to Commucial Diplomatic Posts, etc. Fixation of Pay on Promotion to FOREIGN the Senior Scale of its Officers Progs., Nos. 1(5)-FSP, 715 SERVICE 1951 belonging to the E.C.O. Catagory 1951 PERSONNEL who are been initially appointed to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the Junior Scale of the I.F.S.. Representation of the Basic Pay Initially fixed for Such Officers in the regular Junior Time Scale for the I & S. Fixation of Pay on Promotion to the Senior Scale of its Officers belonging to the E.C.O. Catagory who are been initially appointed to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(5)-FSP, 716 the Junior Scale of the I.F.S.. SERVICE 1951 1951 Representation of the Basic Pay PERSONNEL Initially fixed for Such Officers in the regular Junior Time Scale for the I & S. FOREIGN Personal file of mr. K.L. Dalal, Progs., Nos. 5(29)-FSP, 717 SERVICE 1951 I.F.S. 1951 PERSONNEL Position of I.C.S. Officers holding post bornes on the Cadre of I.F.S.- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(26)-FSP, 718 Relies from Officers Intimating SERVICE 1951 1951 their Willingness for Permanent PERSONNEL secondment to the I.F.S. Indian Foreign Service Cadre FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(29)-FSP, 719 (Branch A ) Finalization of the SERVICE 1951 1951 Strength of the. PERSONNEL Instructions to I.F.S. Officers on the Probation that they are FOREIGN requaired to take an Examination Progs., Nos. 9(1)-FSP, 720 SERVICE 1951 in the Foreign language chosen by 1951(A) PERSONNEL them for study for their Confirmation in the Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(19)-FSP, 721 in the Embassy of India in SERVICE 1951 1951 Netherlands the Hague. PERSONNEL

training in the U.S.A. & U.. of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 645 I.F.S. Probationers recruited on SERVICE 1952 1952 the results of the competitive held PERSONNEL

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in 1951. FOREIGN Modern Arabic Arrangements for Progs., Nos. 9(11)-FSP, 646 SERVICE 1952 Study of-. 1952 PERSONNEL Training in the I.A.S. Training Sctod of I.F.S. Probationers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 647 recruited on the Results of the SERVICE 1952 1952 Competative Examination held by PERSONNEL the U.P. S.C. in 1951. Visit to Chila in October November 1952 by Shri V.C. Vijaya Raghavan FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 648 charged Affairs ad interm Embassy SERVICE 1952 1952(C) of India Buenos Aires- Ajustment PERSONNEL of expenditure incurred by him. 1) Pay an allowances of I.F.S. Posts in the Office of the Representative of the Govt. of India Malaya Singapore. 2) FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(28)-FSP, 649 Appointment of Suri & Cacho I.F.S. SERVICE 1952 1952 as fesist secretary (Commercial) 3) PERSONNEL Grant of extensions of leave to Shri Jogundera Singh I.F.S. 4) Transfer of Mr. Joginder Singh. Foreign service Inspectorate Inspection of missions in Europe FOREIGN by Shri K.R.K. Menon, I.C.S., Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, 650 SERVICE 1952 finance secy. and Shri B>n. 1952 PERSONNEL Chakravarty Ambassador of India, the Hague.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Social reports from commission, of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(3)-FSP, 651 India, in British East Africa SERVICE 1952 1952 Nariobi. PERSONNEL Utilisation of Frais by Head of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(15)-FSP, 652 Mission monthly report Kandy, SERVICE 1952 1952 Ceylon. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Raising of the legation of Indian in Progs., Nos. 13(64)-FSP, 653 SERVICE 1952 Baghdad to Embassy Level. 1952 PERSONNEL

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Rewards to I.F.S. Officers in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(6)-FSP, 722 respect of Optional Languages SERVICE 1952 1952 Sanction for- PERSONNEL Study of Asian Languages by I.F.S. Proviences Arrangements regarding. Allotment of FOREIGN Compulsory Languages to the IFS Progs., Nos. 1(30)-FSP, 723 SERVICE 1952 probations appointed to the 1952 PERSONNEL Service in 1953.(A.K. Damodaran. N.P. Ahyadu, , S.S. Nath, A.J. Chif and N.P. Jain)

FOREIGN Appointment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 1(27)-FSP, 727 SERVICE 1952 Service of Miss amala Jaspal. 1952 PERSONNEL Posting of Mr. M.A. Rahman, I.F.S. FOREIGN as First Secretary to the Progs., Nos. 3(22)-FSP, 728 SERVICE 1952 Commissioner for the Government 1952 PERSONNEL of India at Wavioti. FOREIGN Foreign Service Board -Proceeding Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, 729 SERVICE 1952 for 1957. 1952 PERSONNEL Posting in High Commissioner in India -Colombo 1. Posting of Shri K.R.F.hilrani from the Commerce & FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(41)-FSP, 730 Industry Maistry to Colombo as SERVICE 1952 1952 First Secretary Commercial. 2. PERSONNEL Posting of Miss . Rumini as Second Security at Colombo.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Creation of the Post of Secretary - FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(6)-FSP, 731 General in the External Affairs SERVICE 1952 1952 Ministry. PERSONNEL Posting of Mr. P.Vaidyanathan , formaly Economic Attachee in the FOREIGN Embassy of India , Washington as Progs., Nos. 3(40)-FSP, 732 SERVICE 1952 Commercial Attachee in the High 1952 PERSONNEL Commissioner of India in Paistan, Karachi. 1) T.A. for P.A. Menon in respect Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, FOREIGN 733 1952 of his tour to Knocke (Belgium) 2) 1952(A) SERVICE

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Appoint of Shri K.P. Lukose I.F.S. PERSONNEL as Second Secretary as First Secretary in the Embassy - Fixation of his pay and allowances grant of extension of joining time on transfer to Boom. Payment of Foreign allowance to FOREIGN the Shri Ram rao, First Secy. in Progs., Nos. 13(100)- 734 SERVICE 1952 the Commission, of India, during FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL the period be official as mission. Grant of the of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(42)-FSP, 735 minister to the Deputy High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commissioner, in Pak. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Sikkim Social report utilisation of Progs., Nos. 14(9)-FSP, 736 SERVICE 1952 Frais. 1952 PERSONNEL Grant of the diplomatic rank of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(42)-FSP, 737 minister to the Deputy High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commissioner, in Pak. PERSONNEL 1)Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts in the Emb. of India, Buenos Arres. 2) Appointment of Shri A.K. Mitra I.F.S. as 3rd Secretary in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 738 Embassy of India Bueons aires. 3) SERVICE 1952 1952(A) Appointment of Shri V.C. Vijaya PERSONNEL Raghavan as Charged affairs Embasy of India Buenos Aires...... Shri F.M. De Mello Kamath- Grant of leave and leave-cum-trandfer FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(61)-FSP, 739 terms Grant of assitional credit of SERVICE 1952 1952 leave sett;ement of accounts of PERSONNEL Mr. Kamath T.A. Bill etc. Pay and allowance of I.F.S. Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(44)-FSP, 740 in the Embassy of India the SERVICE 1952 1952 Hague-(Netherlands). PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay & allowances of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(18)-FSP, 741 at Headquarters of the E.A. SERVICE 1952 1952 Ministry. PERSONNEL

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Continuance of temporary posts in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(20)-FSP, 742 the Embassy of India, Moscow SERVICE 1952 1952 n beyond, 29-2-52. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Indian Govt. Commssion Aden Progs., Nos. 14(24)-FSP, 743 SERVICE 1952 Utilisation of frais Social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Use of titles hereditory or FOREIGN otherwise by Member of the Indian Progs., Nos. 11(10)-FSP, 744 SERVICE 1952 foreign service before their name 1952 n PERSONNEL question of dropping off. Payment of Foreign allowance to FOREIGN the Shri Ram rao, First Secy. in Progs., Nos. 13(100)- 745 SERVICE 1952 the Commission, of India, during FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL the period be official as mission. FOREIGN Embassy of India in China, Paking Progs., Nos. 14(6)-FSP, 746 SERVICE 1952 Utilisation of frais Social reports. 1952 PERSONNEL 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Officers in H.C. London Terms of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(49)-FSP, 747 leave granted to Mr. P.N. Haksar SERVICE 1952 1952 2) Appointment as Cinsullor in the PERSONNEL H.C. Londomn. Payment of balance of outfit FOREIGN allowance to I.F.S. officers who Progs., Nos. 10(67)-FSP, 748 SERVICE 1952 have been confinanced in the 1952 PERSONNEL Service. 4) Appointment of Shri G.J. Malik, IFS as First Secretary in the Embassy of India Buenos Aires. 5) Appointment of Shri G.J. Malik as charged affairs ad interim in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 749 Embassy of India, Buenos Aires. SERVICE 1952 1952(B) 6) Deputation of Nawab Ali Yavar PERSONNEL Jung Ambassador of India to Argentina to the 7th Sessions of the U.N. General Asse,bly New York. Proposal for the transfer of control FOREIGN over the High Commission, for Progs., Nos. 13(98)-FSP, 750 SERVICE 1952 India, in the United Kingdom in 1952 PERSONNEL 1947.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Leae to Mr. C. Srinivas an, I.F.S, Progs., Nos. 12(2)-FSP, 751 SERVICE 1952 Embassy of India. 1952 n PERSONNEL Promotion of third secy. to the FOREIGN Rank of second secy. of M/s r. K.S Progs., Nos. 11(6)-FSP, 752 SERVICE 1952 Pellai, D.N. Kaul, K.R.P Singh 1952 PERSONNEL Naendra Singh K.L. Dalal, etc. FOREIGN Leave terms of Shi C.N.P. Singh Progs., Nos. 12(7)-FSP, 753 SERVICE 1952 on termination of his appointment. 1952 n PERSONNEL FOREIGN Embassy of India, Kabul, Afghan, Progs., Nos. 14(11)-FSP, 754 SERVICE 1952 Utilisation of frais Social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Pay & allowances of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(18)-FSP, 755 at Headquarters of the E.A. SERVICE 1952 1952 Ministry. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in Progs., Nos. 10(14)-FSP, 756 SERVICE 1952 Moscow. 1952(2) PERSONNEL 1) Pay an allowances of I.F.S. Posts in the Office of the Representative of the Govt. of India Malaya Singapore. 2) FOREIGN Appointment of Suri & Cacho Progs., Nos. 10(28)-FSP, 757 SERVICE 1952 I.F.S. as fesist secretary 1952 PERSONNEL (Commercial) 3) Grant of extensions of leave to Shri Jogundera Singh I.F.S. 4) Transfer of Mr. Joginder Singh. Decision that the private servants of officers posted abroad may be granted the cost of the chipest FOREIGN tornest on second class passages Progs., Nos. 10(69)-FSP, 758 SERVICE 1952 occupy to non-availability of deck 1952 PERSONNEL class servants class passages are the boat in which the servants perform the Journey. 1)Pay and allowances of I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 759 posts in the Emb. of India, Buenos SERVICE 1952 1952(A) Arres. 2) Appointment of Shri A.K. PERSONNEL

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Mitra I.F.S. as 3rd Secretary in the Embassy of India Bueons aires. 3) Appointment of Shri V.C. Vijaya Raghavan as Charged affairs Embasy of India Buenos Aires...... Payment of balance of outfit FOREIGN allowance to I.F.S. officers who Progs., Nos. 10(67)-FSP, 760 SERVICE 1952 have been confinanced in the 1952 PERSONNEL Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year High Commission for India, in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(13)-FSP, 761 ceylon, Colombo utilisation of frais SERVICE 1952 1952 social reports. PERSONNEL Representation of Shri R.K Tandon FOREIGN Against his superession in the Progs., Nos. 13(92)-FSP, 762 SERVICE 1952 I.F.S by three officers Junior to 1952 PERSONNEL him in to cadre. FOREIGN Embassy of India, Bankok Thiland Progs., Nos. 14(4)-FSP, 763 SERVICE 1952 utilisation of trains, social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Deputy High Commissioner, for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(10)-FSP, 764 India, in Pak, Dacca Utilisation SERVICE 1952 1952 frais Social Reports. PERSONNEL Pay & allowance - H.C. London appointment of Mr. P.V.R. Rao as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(53)-FSP, 765 officer on special uty in the High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commission of Inia Lonon for a PERSONNEL period of one Year. 5) Grant of terminal passages to the private servant of Miss K. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 766 Rukmini I.F.S. Second secretary SERVICE 1952 1952(C) office of the High Commissioner PERSONNEL for India Ottawa. 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts in the Consulate General of FOREIGN India New York. 2) Appointment of Progs., Nos. 10(36)-FSP, 767 SERVICE 1952 Shri R. Bhandari I.F.S. as Vice 1952 PERSONNEL Consul in the Consulate General of India, New York. 3) Return to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


India of the private servant of Shri R. Bhandari Grant of terminal passage to him. 5) Grant of T.A. etc., to Shri T.A. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, 768 Menon for consultation at Delhi SERVICE 1952 1952(C) during his leave in India. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Sikkim Social report utilisation of Progs., Nos. 14(9)-FSP, 769 SERVICE 1952 Frais. 1952 PERSONNEL High Commission for India, in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(13)-FSP, 770 ceylon, Colombo utilisation of frais SERVICE 1952 1952 social reports. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN I.M.C Karachi Utilisation of Frais Progs., Nos. 14(38)-FSP, 771 SERVICE 1952 social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Representation of the Govt. of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(20)-FSP, 772 Indai, in Lalaya, Singapore Social SERVICE 1952 1952 Reports utilisation of Frais. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pesting of IFS officer in the Progs., Nos. 3(4)-FSP, 773 SERVICE 1952 Embasy of India , Rio De Jereiro. 1952 PERSONNEL Submission of Draft answers to FOREIGN Parliment Questions for H.P.M.s Progs., Nos. 8(5)-FSP, 774 SERVICE 1952 Approval and Other instructions 1952 PERSONNEL relating to Parliment Sessions. Rate of allowance to Officers who act as Change d Affairs During the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(6)-FSP, 775 Absence of the Head of Mission on SERVICE 1952 1952 Tour in the Countries to which PERSONNEL they are acceredited. Creation of the Post of Secretary - FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(6)-FSP, 776 General in the External Affairs SERVICE 1952 1952 Ministry. PERSONNEL Age of Retirement of I.C.S. Officers holding Posts on the I.F.S. FOREIGN Cadre-Decision regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(5)-FSP, 777 SERVICE 1952 Completation of 35 Years from the 1952 PERSONNEL Date of Arrival in India for Purposes of retirement.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Visit to Chila in October November 1952 by Shri V.C. Vijaya FOREIGN Raghavan charged Affairs ad Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 778 SERVICE 1952 interm Embassy of India Buenos 1952(C) PERSONNEL Aires- Ajustment of expenditure incurred by him. 1) T.A. for P.A. Menon in respect of his tour to Knocke (Belgium) 2) Appoint of Shri K.P. Lukose I.F.S. FOREIGN as Second Secretary as First Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, 779 SERVICE 1952 Secretary in the Embassy - 1952(A) PERSONNEL Fixation of his pay and allowances grant of extension of joining time on transfer to Boom. 1) Pay and allowances - Commission of of Spain Trihidad. 2) Grant of terminal FOREIGN passage to the private servant of Progs., Nos. 10(55)-FSP, 780 SERVICE 1952 the Commissioner of India for 1952 PERSONNEL return to India 3) Sanction to the tour of Second Shri R. Jaipal I.F.S. to Barbadas and British Guana.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in Progs., Nos. 10(15)-FSP, 781 SERVICE 1952 the Legation of India Stockholm. 1952 PERSONNEL 1) Pay and allowances - Commission of India Post of Spain Trihidad. 2) Grant of terminal FOREIGN passage to the private servant of Progs., Nos. 10(55)-FSP, 782 SERVICE 1952 the Commissioner of India for 1952 PERSONNEL return to India 3) Sanction to the tour of Second Shri R. Jaipal I.F.S. to Barbadas and British Guana. Appointment of Shrti V.A. Kidwai Information officer as charge FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(65)-FSP, 783 Affairs Legation of India Demaseus SERVICE 1952 1952 Fixation of the rate of Foreign PERSONNEL allowance for the charged Affairs. Progs., Nos. 10(14)-FSP, FOREIGN 784 Moscow--- Pay & Allowances. 1952 1952 SERVICE

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PERSONNEL Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in FOREIGN the office of the H.C. for India in Progs., Nos. 10(17)-FSP, 785 SERVICE 1952 the Union of South Africa 1952 PERSONNEL Johansberg. Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(29)-FSP, 786 in the Embassy of India in Boun SERVICE 1952 1952 Germany. PERSONNEL 3) Appointment of Shri S. Bikram Shah I.F.S. Second Secretary at Brussels. 4) Grantr of 2 months FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, 787 Home leave to Shri P.A. Menon- SERVICE 1952 1952(B) Sanction for leave passages etc. - PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri Bikram Shah as CDA. Deputy High Commissioner, for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(10)-FSP, 788 India, in Pak, Dacca Utilisation SERVICE 1952 1952 frais Social Reports. PERSONNEL Car Code rules for the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(21)-FSP, 789 maintenance of cars supplied at SERVICE 1952 1952 n Govt. expenses to Head Mission. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Leae to Mr. C. Srinivas an, I.F.S, Progs., Nos. 12(2)-FSP, 790 SERVICE 1952 Embassy of India. 1952 n PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(16)-FSP, 791 the office of the H.C. for India in SERVICE 1952 1952 Ceylon Colombo. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shrti V.A. Kidwai Information officer as charge FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(65)-FSP, 792 Affairs Legation of India Demaseus SERVICE 1952 1952 Fixation of the rate of Foreign PERSONNEL allowance for the charged Affairs. Income tax paid by Shri M.R. FOREIGN Masani, Formerly India`s Progs., Nos. 13(70)-FSP, 793 SERVICE 1952 Ambassador to Brazil on his salary 1952 PERSONNEL earned and paid abroad. Foreign service Inspectorate FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(1)-FSP, 794 Inspection of missions in Europe SERVICE 1952 1952 by Shri K.R.K. Menon, I.C.S., PERSONNEL

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finance secy. and Shri B>n. Chakravarty Ambassador of India, the Hague. FOREIGN Embassy of India, Kabul, Afghan, Progs., Nos. 14(11)-FSP, 795 SERVICE 1952 Utilisation of frais Social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Promotion of third secy. to the FOREIGN Rank of second secy. of M/s r. K.S Progs., Nos. 11(6)-FSP, 796 SERVICE 1952 Pellai, D.N. Kaul, K.R.P Singh 1952 PERSONNEL Naendra Singh K.L. Dalal, etc. 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. officers in the Embassy of India FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(38)-FSP, 797 Peking. 2) Appointment of Shri SERVICE 1952 1952 T.N. Kaul I.,.C.S. as Charges PERSONNEL Affairs Embassy of India peking 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts in the Consulate General of India New York. 2) Appointment of Shri R. Bhandari I.F.S. as Vice FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(36)-FSP, 798 Consul in the Consulate General of SERVICE 1952 1952 India, New York. 3) Return to PERSONNEL India of the private servant of Shri R. Bhandari Grant of terminal passage to him. Pay & allowance of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(21)-FSP, 799 in the Consulate General of India SERVICE 1952 1952 San Francisco. PERSONNEL Pay and allowance I.F.S. posts in Pakistan.2) Appointment of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(19)-FSP, 800 J.K. Atal I.C.S. as eputy High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commissioner for India in Pakistan PERSONNEL Karachi.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Shri F.M. De Mello Kamath- Grant of leave and leave-cum-trandfer FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(61)-FSP, 801 terms Grant of assitional credit of SERVICE 1952 1952 leave sett;ement of accounts of PERSONNEL Mr. Kamath T.A. Bill etc. Foreign service Inspectorate Progs., Nos. 15(3)-FSP, FOREIGN 802 1952 inspection, of Mission in europe 1952 SERVICE

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Supply of briefs to the Inspection PERSONNEL team. Propection of missions in europe by Messrs K.R.K. Menon finance Secy. and Mr. B.N. Chauravarty, FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(2)-FSP, 803 I.C.S, Ambassador at the Hague SERVICE 1952 1952 Replies received from the mission PERSONNEL in Europe in to the Circular Saving issued to them. FOREIGN Representation of I.F.S Officers Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 804 SERVICE 1952 against their Senionty. 1952 n PERSONNEL Social reports from commission, of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(3)-FSP, 805 India, in British East Africa SERVICE 1952 1952 Nariobi. PERSONNEL Utilisation of Frais by Heads of FOREIGN Missions, Monthly Social reports Progs., Nos. 14(12)-FSP, 806 SERVICE 1952 Lahore Deputy High Commssioner 1952 PERSONNEL for India, in Pak. Tour to Zeyddy and Kyanktaga by FOREIGN Mr. Mahboob Ahmad and Maharaj Progs., Nos. 13(62)-FSP, 807 SERVICE 1952 Rana Second Secy. in the Indian 1952 PERSONNEL Embassy, Rangoon, Burma. Representation of Shri R.K Tandon FOREIGN Against his superession in the Progs., Nos. 13(92)-FSP, 808 SERVICE 1952 I.F.S by three officers Junior to 1952 PERSONNEL him in to cadre. Propection of missions in europe by Messrs K.R.K. Menon finance Secy. and Mr. B.N. Chauravarty, FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 15(2)-FSP, 809 I.C.S, Ambassador at the Hague SERVICE 1952 1952 Replies received from the mission PERSONNEL in Europe in to the Circular Saving issued to them. Utilisation of Frais by Head of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(15)-FSP, 810 Mission monthly report Kandy, SERVICE 1952 1952 Ceylon. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Embassy of India in China, Paking Progs., Nos. 14(6)-FSP, FOREIGN 811 1952 Utilisation of frais Social reports. 1952 SERVICE

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PERSONNEL Legation of India, Addis Ababa FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(22)-FSP, 812 Ethiopia, Utilisation of Frains social SERVICE 1952 1952 reports. PERSONNEL Indian Administration service Rule and Indian Administration service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(7)-FSP, 813 Rules 1952 and Indian SERVICE 1952 1952 n Administrative service Rules, PERSONNEL 1952. Proposal for the transfer of control FOREIGN over the High Commission, for Progs., Nos. 13(98)-FSP, 814 SERVICE 1952 India, in the United Kingdom in 1952 PERSONNEL 1947. Income tax paid by Shri M.R. FOREIGN Masani, Formerly India`s Progs., Nos. 13(70)-FSP, 815 SERVICE 1952 Ambassador to Brazil on his salary 1952 PERSONNEL earned and paid abroad. Use of titles hereditory or FOREIGN otherwise by Member of the Indian Progs., Nos. 11(10)-FSP, 816 SERVICE 1952 foreign service before their name 1952 n PERSONNEL question of dropping off. 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. Officers in H.C. London Terms of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(49)-FSP, 817 leave granted to Mr. P.N. Haksar SERVICE 1952 1952 2) Appointment as Cinsullor in the PERSONNEL H.C. Londomn. Grant of diplolmatic rank of Minister to Shri L.R.S Singh, FOREIGN I.C.S., Commercial in the Head Progs., Nos. 13(69)-FSP, 818 SERVICE 1952 commission, of India in the U.K. 1952 PERSONNEL London. Grant of diplomatic rank to information officers. Legation of India, Addis Ababa FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(22)-FSP, 819 Ethiopia, Utilisation of Frains social SERVICE 1952 1952 reports. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Saigon Utilisation of frais social Progs., Nos. 14(5)-FSP, 820 SERVICE 1952 reports. 1952 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 821 Fiji of grains, social reports. Progs., Nos. 14(2)-FSP, FOREIGN 1952

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1952 SERVICE PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(2)-FSP, 822 Fiji of grains, social reports. SERVICE 1952 1952 PERSONNEL Commission for the Govt. of India, FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(1)-FSP, 823 in Mauritius, Port-Louis, Utilisation SERVICE 1952 1952 of frais Social Reports. PERSONNEL Printing of Half Yearly list of FOREIGN Officer on the Ministry of External Progs., Nos. 4(3)-FSP, 824 SERVICE 1952 Affairs at Headquaters and in 1952 PERSONNEL Mission etc. abroad. Travelling allowance claim of Mr. FOREIGN .R.F. hilnani, I.F.S. Formerly First Progs., Nos. 10(12)-FSP, 825 SERVICE 1952 Secretary(Commercial), Embassy 1952 PERSONNEL of India, Prague. FOREIGN Personal file of Shri Abdul Majid Progs., Nos. 5(12)-FSP, 826 SERVICE 1952 Khan. 1952 PERSONNEL Payment of Honoraria to Persons Who are requested to Deliver Special Letters to I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 827 paopatwners Under training in the SERVICE 1952 1952 Special Lecture to I.F.S. PERSONNEL paopatwner Under Training in the I.A.S. Training School. FOREIGN Posting of Officers in India Progs., Nos. 3(15)-FSP, 828 SERVICE 1952 Deligations Office, New York. 1952 PERSONNEL Question of Fixation of Different FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 829 rewards for Different Optional SERVICE 1952 1952 Languages. PERSONNEL Issue of Proviential Authorisation for the Payment of Pay and FOREIGN allowance of its Officers abroad Progs., Nos. 1(19)-FSP, 830 SERVICE 1952 Pending the Fmalition of the 1952 PERSONNEL Distribution Schedule of the I.A.S Cadre.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 831 Rates of Daily allowance in Foreign Progs., Nos. 10(13)-FSP, FOREIGN 1952

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


countries. 1952 SERVICE PERSONNEL Refund of teachers fee to I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 832 Officers in respect of Compulsory SERVICE 1952 1952 Language. PERSONNEL Training Abroad of I.F.S. Probationers recruited on the results of the Comptitive FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)(II)-FSP, 833 Examination held in 1951. Selva SERVICE 1952 1952 Shri D.S. Kamlikar, J.C. Ajmari , PERSONNEL .S. Bajpai , Thomas Abratam and A.P. Venatesworan. FOREIGN Question of increase in the Leave Progs., Nos. 1(25)-FSP, 834 SERVICE 1952 reserve Posts of the I.F.S. Cadre. 1952 PERSONNEL Revision of Secretary of Candidates appointment to the I.F.S. on Probation through FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(24)-FSP, 835 U.P.S.C. on Completion Period - SERVICE 1952 1952 Decision that Seviority of Officers PERSONNEL will not be revised the Light of the Department examination. Revision of the Foreign allowance FOREIGN in the miscous Abroad. Acceptance Progs., Nos. 10(6)-FSP, 836 SERVICE 1952 of the Formula of Mr. B.K. Nehru 1952 PERSONNEL as the baris of revision. Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in FOREIGN the office of the H.C. for India in Progs., Nos. 10(17)-FSP, 837 SERVICE 1952 the Union of South Africa 1952 PERSONNEL Johansberg. Pay and allowances of I.F.S. post FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(25)-FSP, 838 Shanghai Appointment of Shri SERVICE 1952 1952 P.R.S. Mani as Consul General. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Representation of I.F.S Officers Progs., Nos. 11(5)-FSP, 839 SERVICE 1952 against their Senionty. 1952 n PERSONNEL Utilisation of Frais by Heads of FOREIGN Missions, Monthly Social reports Progs., Nos. 14(12)-FSP, 840 SERVICE 1952 Lahore Deputy High Commssioner 1952 PERSONNEL for India, in Pak.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of diplolmatic rank of Minister to Shri L.R.S Singh, FOREIGN I.C.S., Commercial in the Head Progs., Nos. 13(69)-FSP, 841 SERVICE 1952 commission, of India in the U.K. 1952 PERSONNEL London. Grant of diplomatic rank to information officers. Proposal to Give Mr. R.S Mani FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(59)-FSP, 842 I.C.S., and ad hoc assignement in SERVICE 1952 1952 the Indian Foreign service. PERSONNEL Tour to Zeyddy and Kyanktaga by FOREIGN Mr. Mahboob Ahmad and Maharaj Progs., Nos. 13(62)-FSP, 843 SERVICE 1952 Rana Second Secy. in the Indian 1952 PERSONNEL Embassy, Rangoon, Burma. FOREIGN Indian Govt. Commssion Aden Progs., Nos. 14(24)-FSP, 844 SERVICE 1952 Utilisation of frais Social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Pay & allowance of I.F.S. officers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(21)-FSP, 845 in the Consulate General of India SERVICE 1952 1952 San Francisco. PERSONNEL Pay and allowance I.F.S. posts in Pakistan.2) Appointment of Mr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(19)-FSP, 846 J.K. Atal I.C.S. as eputy High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commissioner for India in Pakistan PERSONNEL Karachi. Question in the Parliment of India FOREIGN regarding the appointment of Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 847 SERVICE 1952 Secretary in Charge of U.N. Affairs 1952 PERSONNEL in the Ministry of External Affairs. Posting of Mr. M.A. Rahman, I.F.S. FOREIGN as First Secretary to the Progs., Nos. 3(22)-FSP, 848 SERVICE 1952 Commissioner for the Government 1952 PERSONNEL of India at Wavioti. Posting in High Commissioner in India -Colombo 1. Posting of Shri K.R.F.hilrani from the Commerce & FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(41)-FSP, 849 Industry Maistry to Colombo as SERVICE 1952 1952 First Secretary Commercial. 2. PERSONNEL Posting of Miss . Rumini as Second Security at Colombo. Question of increase in the Leave Progs., Nos. 1(25)-FSP, FOREIGN 850 1952 reserve Posts of the I.F.S. Cadre. 1952 SERVICE

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal to appoint Major S.L. FOREIGN Children Officer Commanding , Progs., Nos. 1(32)-FSP, 851 SERVICE 1952 Gyntse Escourts as Indian Trade 1952 PERSONNEL Agent , Yatung Tibet. FOREIGN Posting of Officers in India Progs., Nos. 3(15)-FSP, 852 SERVICE 1952 Deligations Office, New York. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Preparation of History of Services Progs., Nos. 53(1014)- 853 SERVICE 1952 in respect of I.F.S. Officers. FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Statement of Service of I.P.S. Progs., Nos. 4(1)-FSP, 854 SERVICE 1952 Officers. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Rates of Daily allowance in Foreign Progs., Nos. 10(13)-FSP, 855 SERVICE 1952 countries. 1952 PERSONNEL Posting of Mr. P.Vaidyanathan , formaly Economic Attachee in the FOREIGN Embassy of India , Washington as Progs., Nos. 3(40)-FSP, 856 SERVICE 1952 Commercial Attachee in the High 1952 PERSONNEL Commissioner of India in Paistan, Karachi. Pay and allowances of I.FS Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(3)-FSP, 857 in the India Deligation Office, New SERVICE 1952 1952 York. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Preparation of History of Services Progs., Nos. 53(1014)- 858 SERVICE 1952 in respect of I.F.S. Officers. FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL Budget Estimate from 1953-54 FOREIGN and revised Estimate fro 1952-53 Progs., Nos. 1(29)-FSP, 859 SERVICE 1952 of Expenditure on the Training 1952 PERSONNEL I.M.S. Probations. Payment of Honoraria to Persons Who are requested to Deliver FOREIGN Special Letters to I.F.S. Progs., Nos. 1(15)-FSP, 860 SERVICE 1952 paopatwners Under training in the 1952 PERSONNEL Special Lecture to I.F.S. paopatwner Under Training in the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


I.A.S. Training School.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Posting of I.F.S. officers in the Legation of India, Stockbolm, Sweden. Question Wheather a Jhind Secretary can be made FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(10)-FSP, 861 Directly responsible for the Duties SERVICE 1952 1952 and responsibilities ofa Drawing PERSONNEL and Disbursing Officer without being Designeted as Head of Chancery. FOREIGN Pesting of IFS officer in the Progs., Nos. 3(4)-FSP, 862 SERVICE 1952 Embasy of India , Rio De Jereiro. 1952 PERSONNEL Revision of Secretary of Candidates appointment to the I.F.S. on Probation through FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(24)-FSP, 863 U.P.S.C. on Completion Period - SERVICE 1952 1952 Decision that Seviority of Officers PERSONNEL will not be revised the Light of the Department examination. Confirmation of the following Probationer Officer in the Indian FOREIGN Foreign Service. Messrs S. Progs., Nos. 1(28)-FSP, 864 SERVICE 1952 Krishnamurti, R.D. Sathe , M.A. 1952 PERSONNEL Vellodi M. Rasgotna and Miss C.B. Muthamma . Decision that a weeks training in Cyper wor will included in the head quaters Currium of I.F.S. FOREIGN Probationers on Training. (ii) that Progs., Nos. 1(36)-FSP, 865 SERVICE 1952 I.F.S. Officers who have not 1952 PERSONNEL received training before should get it in C.C.B. before they go out on another foreign Posting. Posting of I.F.S. officers in the Legation of India, Stockbolm, FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 3(10)-FSP, 866 Sweden. Question Wheather a SERVICE 1952 1952 Jhind Secretary can be made PERSONNEL Directly responsible for the Duties

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


and responsibilities ofa Drawing and Disbursing Officer without being Designeted as Head of Chancery. Rate of allowance to Officers who act as Change d Affairs During the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7(6)-FSP, 867 Absence of the Head of Mission on SERVICE 1952 1952 Tour in the Countries to which PERSONNEL they are acceredited. Question of appointment of major FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(37)-FSP, 868 S.M. rishnartry to the Indian SERVICE 1952 1952 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Study of Asian Languages by I.F.S. Proviences Arrangements regarding. Allotment of FOREIGN Compulsory Languages to the IFS Progs., Nos. 1(30)-FSP, 869 SERVICE 1952 probations appointed to the 1952 PERSONNEL Service in 1953.(A.K. Damodaran. N.P. Ahyadu, Natwar Singh, S.S. Nath, A.J. Chif and N.P. Jain) Question of appointment of major FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(37)-FSP, 870 S.M. rishnartry to the Indian SERVICE 1952 1952 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of Proviential Authorisation for the Payment of Pay and FOREIGN allowance of its Officers abroad Progs., Nos. 1(19)-FSP, 871 SERVICE 1952 Pending the Fmalition of the 1952 PERSONNEL Distribution Schedule of the I.A.S Cadre. Training Abroad of I.F.S. Probationers recruited on the results of the Comptitive FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(1)(II)-FSP, 872 Examination held in 1951. Selva SERVICE 1952 1952 Shri D.S. Kamlikar, J.C. Ajmari , PERSONNEL .S. Bajpai , Thomas Abratam and A.P. Venatesworan. Pay and allowances of I.FS Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(3)-FSP, 873 in the India Deligation Office, New SERVICE 1952 1952 York. PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Gradation List of Grade I CSS Progs., Nos. 2(9)-FSP, 874 SERVICE 1952 Officers. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Gradation List of Grade I CSS Progs., Nos. 2(9)-FSP, 875 SERVICE 1952 Officers. 1952 PERSONNEL Recomendation of Advisory Board of Social welfare that Social wor FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(31)-FSP, 876 courses should be Introduced in SERVICE 1952 1952 the training of Future recruits for PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service. Printing of Half Yearly list of FOREIGN Officer on the Ministry of External Progs., Nos. 4(3)-FSP, 877 SERVICE 1952 Affairs at Headquaters and in 1952 PERSONNEL Mission etc. abroad. Revision of the Foreign allowance FOREIGN in the miscous Abroad. Acceptance Progs., Nos. 10(6)-FSP, 878 SERVICE 1952 of the Formula of Mr. B.K. Nehru 1952 PERSONNEL as the baris of revision. Private servant of Shri R.R. Saksena 1) Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in the office of the High Commissioner for India in FOREIGN Canada Ottowa. 2) Grant of Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 879 SERVICE 1952 passage for the second private 1952(A) PERSONNEL servant of Shri R.R. Saksena High Commissioner for India in Canada in relaxation of the normal time limit. 5) Grant of terminal passages to the private servant of Miss K. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 880 Rukmini I.F.S. Second secretary SERVICE 1952 1952(C) office of the High Commissioner PERSONNEL for India Ottawa.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay and allowances of I.F.S. post FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(25)-FSP, 881 Shanghai Appointment of Shri SERVICE 1952 1952 P.R.S. Mani as Consul General. PERSONNEL Indian Administration service Rule Progs., Nos. 11(7)-FSP, FOREIGN 882 1952 and Indian Administration service 1952 n SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Rules 1952 and Indian PERSONNEL Administrative service Rules, 1952. FOREIGN Saigon Utilisation of frais social Progs., Nos. 14(5)-FSP, 883 SERVICE 1952 reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Enquiry from the Commission of FOREIGN India, regarding the daily Progs., Nos. 13(101)- 884 SERVICE 1952 allowance admissible to places in FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL Africa and Certain other territory. Foreign service Board decision that officers on Probation in the FOREIGN I.F.S should not be allowed to Progs., Nos. 13(93)-FSP, 885 SERVICE 1952 draw their next increments under 1952 PERSONNEL they pass their language examination. Representation of the Govt. of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(20)-FSP, 886 Indai, in Lalaya, Singapore Social SERVICE 1952 1952 Reports utilisation of Frais. PERSONNEL Foreign service Inspectorate FOREIGN inspection, of Mission in europe Progs., Nos. 15(3)-FSP, 887 SERVICE 1952 Supply of briefs to the Inspection 1952 PERSONNEL team. Joining time Emoluments of Government Servants transfered to and from Post in Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(10117)- 888 Missions abroad and on occasion SERVICE 1952 FSP, 1952 of Leave. Issue of revised Orders PERSONNEL granting Pay Under F.R. 107(a) instead of Leave Salary. Question of Fixation of Different FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(5)-FSP, 889 rewards for Different Optional SERVICE 1952 1952 Languages. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in Progs., Nos. 10(14)-FSP, 890 SERVICE 1952 Moscow. 1952(2) PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pay and allowance of I.F.S. Posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(44)-FSP, 891 in the Embassy of India the SERVICE 1952 1952 Hague-(Netherlands). PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(16)-FSP, 892 the office of the H.C. for India in SERVICE 1952 1952 Ceylon Colombo. PERSONNEL Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(30)-FSP, 893 in the Embassy of India in Rome SERVICE 1952 1952 Italy. PERSONNEL Delegation of Consular powers to certain officers in the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(34)-FSP, 894 Mission, Abroad. 2. Grant of SERVICE 1952 1952 diplomatic rank to certain officers PERSONNEL in the Indian Missions, Abroad. FOREIGN Raising of the legation of Indian in Progs., Nos. 13(64)-FSP, 895 SERVICE 1952 Baghdad to Embassy Level. 1952 PERSONNEL Commission for the Govt. of India, FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14(1)-FSP, 896 in Mauritius, Port-Louis, Utilisation SERVICE 1952 1952 of frais Social Reports. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Leave terms of Shi C.N.P. Singh Progs., Nos. 12(7)-FSP, 897 SERVICE 1952 on termination of his appointment. 1952 n PERSONNEL Proposal to Give Mr. R.S Mani FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(59)-FSP, 898 I.C.S., and ad hoc assignement in SERVICE 1952 1952 the Indian Foreign service. PERSONNEL training in the U.S.A. & U.. of FOREIGN I.F.S. Probationers recruited on Progs., Nos. 1(1)-FSP, 899 SERVICE 1952 the results of the competitive held 1952 PERSONNEL in 1951. Decision that a weeks training in Cyper wor will included in the head quaters Currium of I.F.S. FOREIGN Probationers on Training. (ii) that Progs., Nos. 1(36)-FSP, 900 SERVICE 1952 I.F.S. Officers who have not 1952 PERSONNEL received training before should get it in C.C.B. before they go out on another foreign Posting.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Statement of Service of I.P.S. Progs., Nos. 4(1)-FSP, 901 SERVICE 1952 Officers. 1952 PERSONNEL 902 Modern Arabic Arrangements for Progs., Nos. 9(11)-FSP, FOREIGN 1952

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Study of-. 1952 SERVICE PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Nawab Ali Yavar Progs., Nos. 5(1)-FSP, 903 SERVICE 1952 Jung. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Pay & allowances of I.F.S. Posts in Progs., Nos. 10(15)-FSP, 904 SERVICE 1952 the Legation of India Stockholm. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(14)-FSP, 905 Moscow--- Pay & Allowances. SERVICE 1952 1952 PERSONNEL 5) Grant of T.A. etc., to Shri T.A. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, 906 Menon for consultation at Delhi SERVICE 1952 1952(C) during his leave in India. PERSONNEL Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(30)-FSP, 907 in the Embassy of India in Rome SERVICE 1952 1952 Italy. PERSONNEL Decision that the private servants of officers posted abroad may be granted the cost of the chipest FOREIGN tornest on second class passages Progs., Nos. 10(69)-FSP, 908 SERVICE 1952 occupy to non-availability of deck 1952 PERSONNEL class servants class passages are the boat in which the servants perform the Journey. FOREIGN I.M.C Karachi Utilisation of Frais Progs., Nos. 14(38)-FSP, 909 SERVICE 1952 social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Enquiry from the Commission of FOREIGN India, regarding the daily Progs., Nos. 13(101)- 910 SERVICE 1952 allowance admissible to places in FSP, 1952 PERSONNEL Africa and Certain other territory.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continuance of temporary posts in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(20)-FSP, 911 the Embassy of India, Moscow SERVICE 1952 1952 n beyond, 29-2-52. PERSONNEL Change in the designations of the FOREIGN Commerical Representation Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 912 SERVICE 1952 abroad Decision of the Foreign 1952 n PERSONNEL service Board.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Car Code rules for the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(21)-FSP, 913 maintenance of cars supplied at SERVICE 1952 1952 n Govt. expenses to Head Mission. PERSONNEL Delegation of Consular powers to certain officers in the Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 13(34)-FSP, 914 Mission, Abroad. 2. Grant of SERVICE 1952 1952 diplomatic rank to certain officers PERSONNEL in the Indian Missions, Abroad. Confirmation of the following Probationer Officer in the Indian FOREIGN Foreign Service. Messrs S. Progs., Nos. 1(28)-FSP, 915 SERVICE 1952 Krishnamurti, R.D. Sathe , M.A. 1952 PERSONNEL Vellodi M. Rasgotna and Miss C.B. Muthamma . Rewards to I.F.S. Officers in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(6)-FSP, 916 respect of Optional Languages SERVICE 1952 1952 Sanction for- PERSONNEL Proposal to appoint Major S.L. FOREIGN Children Officer Commanding , Progs., Nos. 1(32)-FSP, 917 SERVICE 1952 Gyntse Escourts as Indian Trade 1952 PERSONNEL Agent , Yatung Tibet. Central Secretariat Service Reorganization case of Shri J.L. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(101)- 918 Malhotra , Asst. Secretary Indian SERVICE 1952 FSP, 1952 High Commission in South Africa, PERSONNEL Johansberg. Refund of teachers fee to I.F.S. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 9(4)-FSP, 919 Officers in respect of Compulsory SERVICE 1952 1952 Language. PERSONNEL 1) Pay and allowances of I.F.S. officers in the Embassy of India FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(38)-FSP, 920 Peking. 2) Appointment of Shri SERVICE 1952 1952 T.N. Kaul I.,.C.S. as Charges PERSONNEL Affairs Embassy of India peking

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 3) Appointment of Shri P.K. Banerjee I.F.S. as Acting High FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 921 Commissioner at Ottawa during SERVICE 1952 1952(B) the absence on home leave of Shri PERSONNEL R.R. Saksena. 4) Visit of Shri

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


R.R.Saksena High Commissioner for India in Canada and his wife to British Colombia. Grant of travelling allowance and daily allowance to Mrs. Saksena. Pay and allowances of I.F.S. posts FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(29)-FSP, 922 in the Embassy of India in Boun SERVICE 1952 1952 Germany. PERSONNEL Pay & allowance - H.C. London appointment of Mr. P.V.R. Rao as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(53)-FSP, 923 officer on special uty in the High SERVICE 1952 1952 Commission of Inia Lonon for a PERSONNEL period of one Year. 4) Appointment of Shri G.J. Malik, IFS as First Secretary in the Embassy of India Buenos Aires. 5) Appointment of Shri G.J. Malik as charged affairs ad interim in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(42)-FSP, 924 Embassy of India, Buenos Aires. SERVICE 1952 1952(B) 6) Deputation of Nawab Ali Yavar PERSONNEL Jung Ambassador of India to Argentina to the 7th Sessions of the U.N. General Asse,bly New York. Appointment of Dr. K.N. Khosla IFS as Counsellor extract Deptt. FOREIGN High Commission of India London Progs., Nos. 10(56)-FSP, 925 SERVICE 1952 upgrading of the post of Secretary 1952 PERSONNEL External Deptt. in H.C. London to that of Consular. 3) Appointment of Shri P.K. Banerjee I.F.S. as Acting High Commissioner at Ottawa during the absence on home leave of Shri FOREIGN R.R. Saksena. 4) Visit of Shri Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 926 SERVICE 1952 R.R.Saksena High Commissioner 1952(B) PERSONNEL for India in Canada and his wife to British Colombia. Grant of travelling allowance and daily allowance to Mrs. Saksena. Private servant of Shri R.R. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(20)-FSP, 927 Saksena 1) Pay & allowances of SERVICE 1952 1952(A) I.F.S. Posts in the office of the PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


High Commissioner for India in Canada Ottowa. 2) Grant of passage for the second private servant of Shri R.R. Saksena High Commissioner for India in Canada in relaxation of the normal time limit. FOREIGN Embassy of India, Bankok Thiland Progs., Nos. 14(4)-FSP, 928 SERVICE 1952 utilisation of trains, social Reports. 1952 PERSONNEL Change in the designations of the FOREIGN Commerical Representation Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 929 SERVICE 1952 abroad Decision of the Foreign 1952 n PERSONNEL service Board. Foreign service Board decision that officers on Probation in the FOREIGN I.F.S should not be allowed to Progs., Nos. 13(93)-FSP, 930 SERVICE 1952 draw their next increments under 1952 PERSONNEL they pass their language examination.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Personal file of Shri Abdul Majid Progs., Nos. 5(12)-FSP, 931 SERVICE 1952 Khan. 1952 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Nawab Ali Yavar Progs., Nos. 5(1)-FSP, 932 SERVICE 1952 Jung. 1952 PERSONNEL Training in the I.A.S. Training Sctod of I.F.S. Probationers FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 933 recruited on the Results of the SERVICE 1952 1952 Competative Examination held by PERSONNEL the U.P. S.C. in 1951. Central Secretariat Service Reorganization case of Shri J.L. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(101)- 934 Malhotra , Asst. Secretary Indian SERVICE 1952 FSP, 1952 High Commission in South Africa, PERSONNEL Johansberg. Submission of Draft answers to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(5)-FSP, 935 Parliment Questions for H.P.M.s SERVICE 1952 1952 Approval and Other instructions PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


relating to Parliment Sessions. Joining time Emoluments of Government Servants transfered to and from Post in Indian FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(10117)- 936 Missions abroad and on occasion SERVICE 1952 FSP, 1952 of Leave. Issue of revised Orders PERSONNEL granting Pay Under F.R. 107(a) instead of Leave Salary. FOREIGN Appointment to the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 1(27)-FSP, 937 SERVICE 1952 Service of Miss amala Jaspal. 1952 PERSONNEL Recomendation of Advisory Board of Social welfare that Social wor FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(31)-FSP, 938 courses should be Introduced in SERVICE 1952 1952 the training of Future recruits for PERSONNEL Indian Foreign Service. Question in the Parliment of India FOREIGN regarding the appointment of Progs., Nos. 8(1)-FSP, 939 SERVICE 1952 Secretary in Charge of U.N. Affairs 1952 PERSONNEL in the Ministry of External Affairs. Age of Retirement of I.C.S. Officers holding Posts on the I.F.S. FOREIGN Cadre-Decision regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(5)-FSP, 940 SERVICE 1952 Completation of 35 Years from the 1952 PERSONNEL Date of Arrival in India for Purposes of retirement.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Foreign Service Board -Proceeding Progs., Nos. 3(8)-FSP, 941 SERVICE 1952 for 1957. 1952 PERSONNEL Budget Estimate from 1953-54 FOREIGN and revised Estimate fro 1952-53 Progs., Nos. 1(29)-FSP, 942 SERVICE 1952 of Expenditure on the Training 1952 PERSONNEL I.M.S. Probations. Travelling allowance claim of Mr. FOREIGN .R.F. hilnani, I.F.S. Formerly First Progs., Nos. 10(12)-FSP, 943 SERVICE 1952 Secretary(Commercial), Embassy 1952 PERSONNEL of India, Prague. Appointment of Dr. K.N. Khosla Progs., Nos. 10(56)-FSP, FOREIGN 944 1952 IFS as Counsellor extract Deptt. 1952 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


High Commission of India London PERSONNEL upgrading of the post of Secretary External Deptt. in H.C. London to that of Consular. 3) Appointment of Shri S. Bikram Shah I.F.S. Second Secretary at Brussels. 4) Grantr of 2 months FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(45)-FSP, 945 Home leave to Shri P.A. Menon- SERVICE 1952 1952(B) Sanction for leave passages etc. - PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri Bikram Shah as CDA. Question in the Council of State by Shri C.G.U. Reddy regarding the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14417(1)- 654 Method of Selection of Officers to SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 the I.F.S. and Mode of Checking PERSONNEL them ability of the Officers. Promotion of Shri S.G. Ramachandran , I.F.S. as Dy. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1039(1)- 655 Secretary in the Ministry of C & I SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 and representation againest his PERSONNEL Security in the I.F.S. Proposal to alter the Designation of FOREIGN the Nead of the Indian Mission in Progs., Nos. 101(53)- 656 SERVICE 1953 Malay from Representive to FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Commissioner. Appointment of Shri M. Rasgotra FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103159(3)- 657 as Second Secretary in the SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Embassy of India , Kattmandu. PERSONNEL Rules Governing the Study of Foreign Languages by I.F.S. FOREIGN Officers & the Grant to them ofa Progs., Nos. 10922(1)- 658 SERVICE 1953 language allowance reward for FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL their Preficiency in a Foreign language. Recovory from Shri Prem ishan, I.C.S. Charged Affairs , Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1154(41)- 659 of India , Prague of Expenditure SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 incurred by the H.C. of India PERSONNEL London.

Posting of I.F.S. Officers in the Progs., Nos. 10322(12)- FOREIGN 724 1953 Embassy of India, Peing , China. FSP, 1953 SERVICE

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Transfer terms of Shri R. PERSONNEL Goburdhan , First Secretary(Consullor) Embassy of India, Peking. Terms of appointment of Shri R. Goburdhun as Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of External affairs in January 1953. Representation from Shri R. Jaipal , I.F.S. Second Secretary , Office of the Commissioner to the Govt. of India in British West Indies , FOREIGN Turidad for Promotion to the Progs., Nos. 10386-FSP, 725 SERVICE 1953 Senior Scale of the I.F.S. 1953 PERSONNEL 2.Temporary Upgrading of the Post of Second Security at Port-of Spain to that of First Secretary and appointment of Shri Jaipal thereto. Appointment of Shri M. Rasgotra FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103159(3)- 726 as Second Secretary in the SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Embassy of India , Kattmandu. PERSONNEL

Appointment of Shri M.A. rahman to the Embassy of India, FOREIGN Rangoon,. 1. terms of appointment Progs., Nos. 103129-FSP, 946 SERVICE 1953 as First Security at Rangoon 2. 1953 PERSONNEL Terms of Appointment as O.S.D. in the Ministry of Extent offer. Appointment of Shri S. N. Hansan , FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1037(70)- 947 I.C.S. as Minister , Embassy of SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 India , Washington. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri G.L. Puri, FOREIGN Calcutta Relation officer, Embassy Progs., Nos. 10371(17)- 948 SERVICE 1953 of India , Kabul as C.D.A. in that FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Mession. FOREIGN Posting of additional staff to Cairo- Progs., Nos. 10374(36)- 949 SERVICE 1953 Arabic Secretary etc. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Creation of a Temporary Part of Office on Special Duty in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103- 950 Embassy of India, Washington . SERVICE 1953 160(70)-FSP, 1953 Appointment thereto of Shri B.K. PERSONNEL Nephu, formerly Financial Advisor

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


in the Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of General .M. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10347(96)- 951 Cariappa as High Commissioner SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 for India in Australia. PERSONNEL Additional Staff for the Office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1035(1)- 952 the India Delegation to the United SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 nation, New York. PERSONNEL Question of reinvestiment of India FOREIGN Increase Paid by shri T.N. Kaul on Progs., Nos. 10446(67)- 953 SERVICE 1953 the Salary Croud and Drawn by FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Him in Moscow -rejected. Transfer Grant Discussions about FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10143(1)- 954 the Payment of Ocasions on which SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 it Should not be Made. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri A.B. Thadani FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(103- 955 as Trade Commissioner at SERVICE 1953 114)-FSP, 1953 Mombasa. PERSONNEL T.A. Bill of Shri Safrani A.H. Grant to Him of charge of Storage of FOREIGN Personal effect and Handling and Progs., Nos. 10817(12)- 956 SERVICE 1953 Agency charges at Hongkong FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL during enforced half enroute to Peking. Addis Ababa -Major General Hira FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103131-FSP, 957 lal Atal -Proposed for the Payment SERVICE 1953 1953 of His Pension in Ethiopia. PERSONNEL Question in the Council of State by Shri C.G.U. Reddy regarding the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 14417(1)- 958 Method of Selection of Officers to SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 the I.F.S. and Mode of Checking PERSONNEL them ability of the Officers. Retiring Pensions of General .M. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10440(96)- 959 Austrilia Arrangement for payment SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 of the Pension at Canberra. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal File of Shri natwar Singh, Progs., Nos. 10527(53)- 960 SERVICE 1953 I.F.S. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Posting of Shri T.N. aul , I.C.S. , FOREIGN Consular , Embassy of India , Progs., Nos. 1033(1)- 961 SERVICE 1953 Pecing as Joint Secretary , Ministry FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL of External Affairs. Appointment of General .M. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10347(96)- 962 Cariappa as High Commissioner SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 for India in Australia. PERSONNEL Annual Report on the Ministry of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 7163(1)- 963 External Affairs for the Year 1952- SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 53. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri W.E. Eling as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103128-FSP, 964 1/C CCB Ministry of External SERVICE 1953 1953 affairs. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal file of Shri H.L. Mehta Progs., Nos. 10559(1)- 965 SERVICE 1953 Under Secretary. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Procedure relating to the Office Progs., Nos. 11942(1)- 966 SERVICE 1953 Work. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Promotion of Shri S.G. Ramachandran , I.F.S. as Dy. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1039(1)- 967 Secretary in the Ministry of C & I SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 and representation againest his PERSONNEL Security in the I.F.S. Question of reinvestiment of India FOREIGN Increase Paid by shri T.N. Kaul on Progs., Nos. 10446(67)- 968 SERVICE 1953 the Salary Croud and Drawn by FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Him in Moscow -rejected. Appointment of Shri W.E. Eling as FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103128-FSP, 969 1/C CCB Ministry of External SERVICE 1953 1953 affairs. PERSONNEL Disposal of the Estate of the Late FOREIGN Asaf Ali . Grant of Travelling Progs., Nos. 11951(55)- 970 SERVICE 1953 allowance etc. for return Journey FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL of Mrs. Asaf Ali.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 971 Deputationof Nawab Ali Yavar Progs., Nos. 53(103)- FOREIGN 1953

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Jung, Ambasador of India to FSP, 1953 SERVICE Argentina as PERSONNEL REpresentative to the 8th Semies of the U.N. General Assembly held in the New yor in 1953. Appointment of Shri G.J. Naila, I.F.S., First Secretary, Embassy of India , Bueres Airs as Charge D Affairs ad inkrim at the Embassy. Question in the Council of States by Shri C.G.K. Reddy regarding Methods of selection of Officers to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11414-FSP, 972 the Indian Foreign Service and SERVICE 1953 1953 Periodical Chesis to test their PERSONNEL efficiency and Suitability, Disallowed. Opening of an Information Office FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(103119)- 973 at Besrut & Appt of Shri V.A. idwai SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 as Information Officer there. PERSONNEL Fixation of Seviority of Shri S.K. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10146(1)- 974 Roy , I.F.S. Representation SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 regarding. PERSONNEL Mode and Method of Supplying FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11931(2)- 975 Information to the Paistan SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Government. PERSONNEL Representation of Shri A.N. Mehta FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103-171(1)- 976 regarding the Feisation of the SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Fram and Security of the I.F.S. PERSONNEL Question in the Council of States by Shri C.G.K. Reddy regarding Methods of selection of Officers to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11414-FSP, 977 the Indian Foreign Service and SERVICE 1953 1953 Periodical Chesis to test their PERSONNEL efficiency and Suitability, Disallowed. Appointment of Shri .P. Luose as First Secretary in the Embassy of India , Brussels -Question of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103147)- 978 creation ofa Post of First Secretary SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 in the Embassy w.e.f. 23.2.52 to PERSONNEL accommodate his appointment as First Secretary-Dropped.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Mode and Method of Supplying FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11931(2)- 979 Information to the Paistan SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Government. PERSONNEL Posting of I.F.S. Officers in the Embassy of India, Peing , China. Transfer terms of Shri R. Goburdhan , First FOREIGN Secretary(Consullor) Embassy of Progs., Nos. 10322(12)- 980 SERVICE 1953 India, Peking. Terms of FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL appointment of Shri R. Goburdhun as Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of External affairs in January 1953.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Opening of an Information Office FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(103119)- 981 at Besrut & Appt of Shri V.A. idwai SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 as Information Officer there. PERSONNEL Training in the I.A.S. Training School of I.F.S. Probationer FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1094(1)- 982 recruited on the results of the SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Competitive examination held by PERSONNEL the U.P.S.C. in 1952. Creation ofa Post of an O.S.D. in FOREIGN the Ministry of Enlienal Affairs & Progs., Nos. 103125-FSP, 983 SERVICE 1953 Appointment of Shri J.A. Thiry 1953 PERSONNEL againest the Post. T.A. Bill of Shri Safrani A.H. Grant to Him of charge of Storage of FOREIGN Personal effect and Handling and Progs., Nos. 10817(12)- 984 SERVICE 1953 Agency charges at Hongkong FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL during enforced half enroute to Peking. Appointment of Shri G.L. Puri, FOREIGN Calcutta Relation officer, Embassy Progs., Nos. 10371(17)- 985 SERVICE 1953 of India , Kabul as C.D.A. in that FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Mession. Deputationof Nawab Ali Yavar FOREIGN Jung, Ambasador of India to Progs., Nos. 53(103)- 986 SERVICE 1953 Argentina as Indias FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL REpresentative to the 8th Semies

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


of the U.N. General Assembly held in the New yor in 1953. Appointment of Shri G.J. Naila, I.F.S., First Secretary, Embassy of India , Bueres Airs as Charge D Affairs ad inkrim at the Embassy. Proposal for the creation ofa Corps FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 101(36)- 987 of Inspectors for the Indian SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Foreign Service. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Shri F.M. Mells kamath Progs., Nos. 10433(602)- 988 SERVICE 1953 Subsistance allowance. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Shri S. Sen, as Progs., Nos. 10340(55)- 989 SERVICE 1953 Consul General, Geneva. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri S. N. Hansan FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1037(70)- 990 , I.C.S. as Minister , Embassy of SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 India , Washington. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Training in the I.A.S. Training School of I.F.S. Probationer FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1094(1)- 991 recruited on the results of the SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Competitive examination held by PERSONNEL the U.P.S.C. in 1952. Addis Ababa -Major General Hira FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103131-FSP, 992 lal Atal -Proposed for the Payment SERVICE 1953 1953 of His Pension in Ethiopia. PERSONNEL Fixation of Seviority of Shri S.K. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10146(1)- 993 Roy , I.F.S. Representation SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 regarding. PERSONNEL Visit of Shri A.C. N. Nambiar to India for Counlatastion in FOREIGN connection with his Appointment Progs., Nos. 103133-FSP, 994 SERVICE 1953 as Survey Extraordinary and 1953 PERSONNEL Minister Prilitocamairy in Sweden Stac holm. Rules Governing the Study of FOREIGN Foreign Languages by I.F.S. Progs., Nos. 10922(1)- 995 SERVICE 1953 Officers & the Grant to them ofa FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL language allowance reward for

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


their Preficiency in a Foreign language. Appointment of Shri A.M. Sahay as FOREIGN Commissioner in Nawritius and Progs., Nos. 996 SERVICE 1953 Concurrently Consul General in 10392(3106)-FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Oudagarcar. FOREIGN Shri F.M. Mells kamath Progs., Nos. 10433(602)- 997 SERVICE 1953 Subsistance allowance. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Recovory from the Shri Prem ishan , I.C.S. charged Affairs, Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1154(11)- 998 of India, Prague of Expenditure SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 incurred by the H.C. of India , PERSONNEL London. Transfer Grant Discussions about FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10143(1)- 999 the Payment of Ocasions on which SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 it Should not be Made. PERSONNEL Posting of Shri T.N. aul , I.C.S. , FOREIGN Consular , Embassy of India , Progs., Nos. 1033(1)- 1000 SERVICE 1953 Pecing as Joint Secretary , Ministry FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL of External Affairs.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Shri .P. Luose as First Secretary in the Embassy of India , Brussels -Question of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103147)- 1001 creation ofa Post of First Secretary SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 in the Embassy w.e.f. 23.2.52 to PERSONNEL accommodate his appointment as First Secretary-Dropped. Appointment of Shri A.S. Dhawan Under Secretary as Chief on FOREIGN Special Duty in the Ministry of Progs., Nos. 10366(604)- 1002 SERVICE 1953 Commerce & Industry. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri Dhawan as Commissioner at Aden. Additional Staff for the Office of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1035(1)- 1003 the India Delegation to the United SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 nation, New York. PERSONNEL Proposal for the creation ofa Corps Progs., Nos. 101(36)- FOREIGN 1004 1953 of Inspectors for the Indian FSP, 1953 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Foreign Service. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri A.M. Sahay as FOREIGN Commissioner in Nawritius and Progs., Nos. 1005 SERVICE 1953 Concurrently Consul General in 10392(3106)-FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Oudagarcar. Appointment of Shri A.S. Dhawan Under Secretary as Chief on FOREIGN Special Duty in the Ministry of Progs., Nos. 10366(604)- 1006 SERVICE 1953 Commerce & Industry. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri Dhawan as Commissioner at Aden. FOREIGN Appointment of Shri B.F.H.B. Progs., Nos. 103138(11)- 1007 SERVICE 1953 Tyabji Ambassador of India. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Personal File of Shri natwar Singh, Progs., Nos. 10527(53)- 1008 SERVICE 1953 I.F.S. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Creation ofa Post of an O.S.D. in FOREIGN the Ministry of Enlienal Affairs & Progs., Nos. 103125-FSP, 1009 SERVICE 1953 Appointment of Shri J.A. Thiry 1953 PERSONNEL againest the Post. FOREIGN Promotion from Junior Grade of Progs., Nos. 10376(1)- 1010 SERVICE 1953 I.F.S. to the Senior Grades. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Retiring Pensions of General .M. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10440(96)- 1011 Austrilia Arrangement for payment SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 of the Pension at Canberra. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Shri S. Sen, as Progs., Nos. 10340(55)- 1012 SERVICE 1953 Consul General, Geneva. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Note recorded by the Prime FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11937(1)- 1013 Minister on Dress to be Worn by SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Office and Staff. PERSONNEL Representation from Shri R. Jaipal , I.F.S. Second Secretary , Office FOREIGN of the Commissioner to the Govt. Progs., Nos. 10386-FSP, 1014 SERVICE 1953 of India in British West Indies , 1953 PERSONNEL Turidad for Promotion to the Senior Scale of the I.F.S.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


2.Temporary Upgrading of the Post of Second Security at Port-of Spain to that of First Secretary and appointment of Shri Jaipal thereto. Visit of Shri A.C. N. Nambiar to India for Counlatastion in FOREIGN connection with his Appointment Progs., Nos. 103133-FSP, 1015 SERVICE 1953 as Survey Extraordinary and 1953 PERSONNEL Minister Prilitocamairy in Sweden Stac holm. Proposal to alter the Designation FOREIGN of the Nead of the Indian Mission Progs., Nos. 101(53)- 1016 SERVICE 1953 in Malay from Representive to FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Commissioner. FOREIGN Personal file of Shri H.L. Mehta Progs., Nos. 10559(1)- 1017 SERVICE 1953 Under Secretary. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Recovory from the Shri Prem ishan , I.C.S. charged Affairs, Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1154(11)- 1018 of India, Prague of Expenditure SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 incurred by the H.C. of India , PERSONNEL London. Creation of a Post of Vice Consul FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103- 1019 cum Second Secretary in the SERVICE 1953 161(55)-FSP, 1953 Consult General Geneva. PERSONNEL Visit to Gibraltar by Shri Kewal FOREIGN Singh , Charge D. Affairs , legation Progs., Nos. 103- 1020 SERVICE 1953 of India, Ligation grant of 171(43)-FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Travelling allowance.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Note recorded by the Prime FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11937(1)- 1021 Minister on Dress to be Worn by SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 Office and Staff. PERSONNEL Recovory from Shri Prem ishan, I.C.S. Charged Affairs , Embassy FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1154(41)- 1022 of India , Prague of Expenditure SERVICE 1953 FSP, 1953 incurred by the H.C. of India PERSONNEL London. 1023 Annual Report on the Ministry of Progs., Nos. 7163(1)- FOREIGN 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


External Affairs for the Year 1952- FSP, 1953 SERVICE 53. PERSONNEL Appointment of Shri M.A. rahman to the Embassy of India, Rangoon,. 1. terms of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103129-FSP, 1024 appointment as First Security at SERVICE 1953 1953 Rangoon 2. Terms of Appointment PERSONNEL as O.S.D. in the Ministry of Extent offer. Creation of a Temporary Part of Office on Special Duty in the FOREIGN Embassy of India, Washington . Progs., Nos. 103- 1025 SERVICE 1953 Appointment thereto of Shri B.K. 160(70)-FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Nephu, formerly Financial Advisor in the Embassy. Creation of a Post of Vice Consul FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 103- 1026 cum Second Secretary in the SERVICE 1953 161(55)-FSP, 1953 Consult General Geneva. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Posting of additional staff to Cairo- Progs., Nos. 10374(36)- 1027 SERVICE 1953 Arabic Secretary etc. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Procedure relating to the Office Progs., Nos. 11942(1)- 1028 SERVICE 1953 Work. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Visit to Gibraltar by Shri Kewal FOREIGN Singh , Charge D. Affairs , legation Progs., Nos. 103- 1029 SERVICE 1953 of India, Ligation grant of 171(43)-FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Travelling allowance. FOREIGN Promotion from Junior Grade of Progs., Nos. 10376(1)- 1030 SERVICE 1953 I.F.S. to the Senior Grades. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Disposal of the Estate of the Late FOREIGN Asaf Ali . Grant of Travelling Progs., Nos. 11951(55)- 1031 SERVICE 1953 allowance etc. for return Journey FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL of Mrs. Asaf Ali. Appointment of Shri A.B. Thadani FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 53(103- 1032 as Trade Commissioner at SERVICE 1953 114)-FSP, 1953 Mombasa. PERSONNEL 1033 Representation of Shri A.N. Mehta Progs., Nos. 103-171(1)- FOREIGN 1953

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regarding the Feisation of the FSP, 1953 SERVICE Fram and Security of the I.F.S. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Appointment of Shri B.F.H.B. Progs., Nos. 103138(11)- 1034 SERVICE 1953 Tyabji Ambassador of India. FSP, 1953 PERSONNEL Cadre-Indian Foreign Service- FOREIGN Refixation of -on the basis of Progs., Nos. 1(2)-FSP, 1035 SERVICE 1955 anticipated requirements for five 1955 PERSONNEL years. FOREIGN Import duty on cars-concession of Progs., Nos. 117(30)- 1036 SERVICE 1955 Diplomatic officers. FSP, 1955 Part II PERSONNEL Recruitment of candidates to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, 1037 results of the Competitive SERVICE 1955 1955 examinaition held by the UPSC in PERSONNEL 1964. Diplomatic status and designation FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 1038 for officers holding IFS and non SERVICE 1955 1955 IFS posts-Decision of the FSB. PERSONNEL FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(9)-FSP, 1039 Defination of Head of Mission. SERVICE 1955 1955 PERSONNEL FOREIGN Import duty on cars-Concession to Progs., Nos. 117(30)- 1040 SERVICE 1955 diplomatic offices. FSP, 1955 PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Opening of a Consulate at Progs., Nos. 119(1)-FSP, 1041 SERVICE 1955 Khorudmshahr. 1955 Part I PERSONNEL Promotion of officers from the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(3)-FSP, 1042 Junior to the Senior Scale of the SERVICE 1955 1955 IFS. PERSONNEL Instructions to all Heads of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 117(24)- 1043 Missions regarding leave spent SERVICE 1955 FSP, 1955 within their jurisdiction. PERSONNEL Question of a grant of increased FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 111(2)-FSP, 1044 rate of foreign allowance to Shri SERVICE 1955 1955 M.S.Sundaram consequent on the PERSONNEL

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


grant of local rank of Counsellor. FOREIGN Import duty on cars-concession of Progs., Nos. 117(30)- 1045 SERVICE 1955 Diplomatic officers. FSP, 1955 Part II PERSONNEL FOREIGN Import duty on cars-Concession to Progs., Nos. 117(30)- 1046 SERVICE 1955 diplomatic offices. FSP, 1955 PERSONNEL Instructions to all Heads of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 117(24)- 1047 Missions regarding leave spent SERVICE 1955 FSP, 1955 within their jurisdiction. PERSONNEL Recruitment of candidates to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, 1048 results of the Competitive SERVICE 1955 1955 examinaition held by the UPSC in PERSONNEL 1964. Diplomatic status and designation FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 11(2)-FSP, 1049 for officers holding IFS and non SERVICE 1955 1955 IFS posts-Decision of the FSB. PERSONNEL Promotion of officers from the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 4(3)-FSP, 1050 Junior to the Senior Scale of the SERVICE 1955 1955 IFS. PERSONNEL

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Cadre-Indian Foreign Service- FOREIGN Refixation of -on the basis of Progs., Nos. 1(2)-FSP, 1051 SERVICE 1955 anticipated requirements for five 1955 PERSONNEL years. Recruitment of Candidates to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, 1052 results of the Competive SERVICE 1955 1955 Part I examination held by the UPSC to PERSONNEL 1954. Recruitment of Candidates to the Indian Foreign Service on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 2(3)-FSP, 1053 results of the Competive SERVICE 1955 1955 Part I examination held by the UPSC to PERSONNEL 1954. FOREIGN Opening of a Consulate at Progs., Nos. 119(1)-FSP, 1054 SERVICE 1955 Khorudmshahr. 1955 Part I PERSONNEL

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FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8(9)-FSP, 1055 Defination of Head of Mission. SERVICE 1955 1955 PERSONNEL Question of a grant of increased FOREIGN rate of foreign allowance to Shri Progs., Nos. 111(2)-FSP, 1056 SERVICE 1955 M.S.Sundaram consequent on the 1955 PERSONNEL grant of local rank of Counsellor. Book-on `Viceroyalty of Lord FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 117(105)- 1057 Irwin` By Dr. S.Gopal-Grant of SERVICE 1956 FSP, 1956 permission to- PERSONNEL Proposal for the change in FOREIGN designation of the Geneva office Progs., Nos. 51(5)-FSP, 1058 SERVICE 1956 adn the Indian Representative for 1956 PERSONNEL International organisational work. Book-on `Viceroyalty of Lord FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 117(105)- 1059 Irwin` By Dr. S.Gopal-Grant of SERVICE 1956 FSP, 1956 permission to- PERSONNEL FOREIGN Conduct Rules for the Indian Progs., Nos. 5(3)-FSP, 1060 SERVICE 1956 Foreign Service-drafting of. 1956 PERSONNEL

FOREIGN Conduct Rules for the Indian Progs., Nos. 5(3)-FSP, 1061 SERVICE 1956 Foreign Service-drafting of. 1956 PERSONNEL Proposal for the change in FOREIGN designation of the Geneva office Progs., Nos. 51(5)-FSP, 1062 SERVICE 1956 adn the Indian Representative for 1956 PERSONNEL International organisational work. FOREIGN IFS Cadre-Increase in the Strength Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 1063 SERVICE 1957 of. 1957 (Part II.) PERSONNEL Creation of posts of Third FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(10)-FSP, 1064 Secretary in Moscow, Peking and SERVICE 1957 1957 Cairo in IFS. PERSONNEL FOREIGN IFS Cadre-Increase in the Strength Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 1065 SERVICE 1957 of. 1957 PERSONNEL FOREIGN IFS Cadre-Increase in the Strength Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 1066 SERVICE 1957 of. 1957 (Part II.) PERSONNEL

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FOREIGN IFS Cadre-Increase in the Strength Progs., Nos. 1(4)-FSP, 1067 SERVICE 1957 of. 1957 PERSONNEL Creation of posts of Third FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1(10)-FSP, 1068 Secretary in Moscow, Peking and SERVICE 1957 1957 Cairo in IFS. PERSONNEL Prof. K.R.Bombwall-Facilities for Research on `Nationalism and Communism in Vietnam ` to. At FOREIGN hoc of Shri K.R.Bombwall of Indian Progs., Nos. 112(3)-FSP, 1069 SERVICE 1958 Council of World Affairs as 1958 PERSONNEL Conference Secretary cum the I.C.S. in Vietnam Saigon. Appointment as Political Adviser. Question of Central govt., FOREIGN employees wishing to marry Goan Progs., Nos. 117(5)-FSP, 1070 SERVICE 1958 National -reference from Ministry 1958 PERSONNEL of Defence.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of Central govt., FOREIGN employees wishing to marry Goan Progs., Nos. 117(5)-FSP, 1071 SERVICE 1958 National -reference from Ministry 1958 PERSONNEL of Defence. Prof. K.R.Bombwall-Facilities for Research on `Nationalism and Communism in Vietnam ` to. At FOREIGN hoc of Shri K.R.Bombwall of Indian Progs., Nos. 112(3)-FSP, 1072 SERVICE 1958 Council of World Affairs as 1958 PERSONNEL Conference Secretary cum the I.C.S. in Vietnam Saigon. Appointment as Political Adviser.

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List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit