University of Richmond UR Scholarship Repository Honors Theses Student Research 1-27-1962 An introduction to John Dowland's lute songs Anne LaVerne Morrow Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Morrow, Anne LaVerne, "An introduction to John Dowland's lute songs" (1962). Honors Theses. Paper 609. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Research at UR Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of UR Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND LIBRARIES llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 3 3082 01 028 1953 Ln:rn,"-.R'f llNMRSITY OF RIOH~~N@ - YIRGINIA 231711 ~· Art Introduction to John Dowland's Lute Songs by Anne LaVerne Morrow Prepared for Miss Kidd Music History 331 Westhampton University of Richmond January 27, 1962 . .VH1Gii~lA .23173 1·0 ~ri-lE l{IC~Irr IIC)NORARLE SIH GEOHGE CAlC\', OF THE :\lUST IIO~Ul\:\HLE 01\DER OF TJJ E C.\ I\ TEl~ K:\ IG liT, Haro" oj 1/uusdou, Caj>laiuc uf llt'r .\laieslies Gct~tlemt'n J>eusiot~trs, Cc~twrnor of the ble of \Vight, Lieutenant of the Countie of ~outht: Lor./ Clwmbal.ltn~ of lt~r .\l,zjr.,tirs most Royall lloust, a"J of her ll•ghnes mo•t honorable priuie Counsell. II A r harrn11ny (Hil-{ht honorable) which is skilfullie exprest by Instruments, albeit, by reason of the T \';uu·tv of number & proportion of it selfe, it easily stirs up the mind~ of th~ hearers to :ulm~ration .'\: deh~-:ht, yet for ha~her authority any power hath been euer worthily attnbuted tfl that k1nd of ~I u-.icJ,,., wluc!, to the sweetnes of instrument applies tlw liuely voice of man, expressin~ some worthy r.l'nt.-awl" or ,.