The Inventory of the Charles Angoff Collection #1420

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The Inventory of the Charles Angoff Collection #1420 The Inventory of the Charles Angoff Collection #1420 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center ANGOFF, CHARLES Inventory. \l{ b'\ bv' lt; Printed items. Box 1 Tho Litezm J!niov (C.,A •. one ot the editors) 4 Autumn 1,9,S • "lb:ri. lfoe•,. (story) Win-tor 1957•'8 • "M:>rt1-r" (story) Autumn ]96<> • PS$• S-48 "'l'be ~ o:t tM 1Yentie1 11 (essey) 11 11 Azriel and Yolanda ( etory) 11 w1be Cultured Ona ( st,ory) "I Saw Walt Whitmanrt (Poem) 11 "A M:>tber to ltttr Sleepina Chi.ld. · (Poem) ''Saturday" (.Poemi) "An Afternoon in tw, Fin• Arto Museum" (Poem) 1'Roundelay' tor these !rimes" ( Poem) "':rb.e J:nwortallo• ot Charles Augoft"" (2 appraisals by Thomar; Yoselo:ff e..n4 B'Arol4 U, Ribalow) · Bummer J.963 • "~e Towerina Figures (essay) AutUillll 1$63 • "Va.I) w,'Clt Brooks" ( ea say) Winter 1964 ...196, • Bditorial notea Horth American Revtev Spring 1939 ~ Notes on .Amerioa.n Literoture '' section Books' •ction Winter 193940 11Benet1t For !l.'b.t Se~n" (dramatic r,ati:re) · Drama Section .Books' section Bo x 2.73 ~Livi~~ April, J.939 !Attere and the Art1:1 • section BOOks Abroad seotion February, l.940 • I.ettera am the Artn section M~:rch, l.940 • Letters and the Arts section April, 1940 - Letters and the Arts tc-ection \ May, 1940 - Letters and the Arts section. \ Box 2 Tue eation A1):cil 3, 1935 - ea_ito:dal ( a:1.::i)\UCL:.G that Charles Angoff bas ~oincd tic cdit0~~Ql jo~~d) ~ /1=,r l.i ~ ,~,:.~ 5 - (?(~.:5_tOl"'i:J.1 ::;ec ·:,i0~ 1• ( P:i:::t I) Ju;_1c 5, 1935 - ec1:ito:,·ial cccticm June 19, 1935 Sur:iner Fiction section; 2 bool: 1~eviews Jlme 26, 193 5 - cc1itorial section Jul:' 3, 1935 - editol'ial section a;-1d Boe,];: i·evieu T'·0n1i Jn_l_~, --,-..J,)1n ·:,c - eQ'i·'-o·__ L, -··,•·ial "'c-ecJ-i'o·1 L, 1-, _.) --- sect:io11 editorial section m'.d Boots section Ja:,_1. 20, 1958 - Bool~s section la1·cb 3, 1958 - Books cection Jan. 28, 1957 - Books sectio~1 Jru. 1l~, 1957 - Booli: section Se:_·rt,. lS, 1957 - Dool: section Dec. 3, 1956 - Book :~; cct:i_o!l Aug. 2:), 1956 - BooLs section 1 i'ov. 7, 1c :,() - Bo'.:ll~s r.:ection D2c. 3U, 1~\'.>3 - /\ycic.7-c "C , c:--:.·'., 1!:,·:i.t:i ·,::; o..""d Creative ifritc1·s " (C. A. ;Jo ye,j_ -i1;,: •c(· , , o.. :••; ,:i.c .le on l)C. 21) 3 Box 2 Charles Ango:ff Pdnted Works ( Con' t) October 12, 196~- - "Young Israeli I s View .American Jews " Box 3 Jewish Spectator May, 1957 - "Hebr ew, English, Yiddish" Sept., 1957 - "Wanted: A Jew:tsh Bohemia" June, 1958 - "George Jean Nathan" Sept., 1961 - "Mina. And Boa.y" ( poem) The Christian Century Sept. 18, 1963 "Secret Me taphysics" (Poem) ( 2 copies) Jan. 6, 1965 "No .Answer " ( Poem) University Review Smmner 1957 - "Silence" ( Poem) 1·linte1° 1961~ - "Liberalism in the Upper Brackets" ( inside ".A Childs I Hands"­ poem) The Reconst:ructionists March 9, 1956 - Book section .April 20, 1956 - "Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan: .A Tribute From a Writer 11 December 27, 1957 - Boolt section January 211., 1958 - Edito1°ial section ,, Box' 4 The M-eno:cah Journal Valedictory issue, 1962 - Memoirs- "Memories of Boston" .Antioch Review Slm1mer 1963 - "Oswald Ga.n~ison Villard ana. The Nation: .A Memoir" Summer 1963 - Sarne article torn from magazine The Atlantic 1 December 1962 - "C..eorge Jean l'Jatha.n ' Southwest Review Winte1", 1963 - Critic At Large -"Thomas Wolfe and The Opulent Manne1"" 11 Winter 1960 - "Rebecca, ( stapled article) 4 Box 4 Charles Angoff P:rintec1 Works (Can 't) Stmrraer 1957 - "Everybody Can Be a Success" ( a:cticle staplea_-not whole book) Arts And Sciences Winter 19611--1965 - "Mike Gold: Leader of' Proletarian CultuTe" The National Jewish Monthly January 1965 - letters to the editor section Nov. 1961+ - "GJ.oomy Report from Euro1,e If Author and Journalist February 1956 - "Writer7 be Yourself!" ( 2 copies) South Af1°ican ------Jewish Times September 1961 - "Bewildey·ed Intellectuals" Militay•y Life January 1965 - a1°ticle on novel An1erican Judiasm Fall) 1963 - "Louis D. B:candeis: a footnote", a.ls6 Jewish fiction j_n paperback section (includes 2 le.tters ) ' The Clearing House ( journal fo:c mode:cn Junior and Senior high schools) January 1959 - article about ChaTles Angoff by Philip S. Bl1.w1be:rg 11 11 July - Augv_st) 19L1-l - '.1.1he Doctors and the Artists of Hea.ven ( 3 prose l)ieces ) Jan.- 1'.,eb. 1939 - !!The Telephone CaJ.1 11 PTai:rie Schooner Winter 1941 - "Lost Oppo:rtun:Lty" Winter '611-/' 65 - article sta1:,Jed: "On Wilham Carlos WilUams: A Wil1foms 11 Iv:e mo :Ll0 Benjamin Fra.nldin and the American Character 1955 1955 - "Charles Angoff: Benjamin Franklin" Sc:coll March 1955 - "The Great Lite1·a17 Op1)01·tunity" by Dan A. Wolochow ( article Box 5 Char1es Angoff Printed ~lo:clrn ( 9.5?n I t) on Char le s Angoff ) Also piece from Haclassah Newsletter 11 Books 11 Fairleigh Dickinson University Faculty Publications Resea1·ch Jan. 1, 1958 - Jan. 1, 1960 - pg. 1 - Boal~- 11A Tribute to George Ade" by Lowell M:atson ( Charles Angoff mentioned j_n forewora.) Q,ua1,terly Review of Literature Srnnmer 19!~l1. - Book Review section New Athenaewr1 Wj_nter 1958 - C.A. named in Poetry Prize (The Dynamic Poem Prizes) Jewish Affa:lrn November 1956 - 11 Phyllj_s" (short story) Winter-Sp1'ing, 1956 - "The RGaso11 11 (story) Apri1 1921~ ( 2 copies) May 192!+ August 1921~ January 1928 - "The Railroads Ne Bay 11 March 1932 ( in black binde1') ( includes pictures, es:p. of H. L. Mencken) ( loose leaves-notes on jou:cnal) ( c.A. 1 s personal copy) Town§::. Country Feb. 1951 - "Happy Birthday, Dear George 11 Charles Angoff Printed Works (Can 't) Box] Wisdom Feb. 1957 - "George Jean l\Tathan, Dean of D1°ama Critics" ( includes letter from "Wisdom", M:uiaging Editor E. M, Rosen) World Jewry Feb. 1960- "The Novels of Charles Angof'f" by H. Riba.low ( enclosed is letter) America (A Catholic Revfow of the Week) Dec. l+, 191+8 ( no C .A. mentioned; note: E. Boyd Barrett) Fact Jan.- Feb. 1965 -"A Readers' Chide to Current Periodical Literature" Cape Rock Quarterly ( a Jouisnal of Poetry) Fall, 196l+ "San.eta" "Tb.e Real" "Unl;:nm•m " "The Unknowable" "A GirJ_" 11 Ihlpro1n°iety" "Secrets " Four Quarters Nov. 15, 1952 - "Something About My Father" (a sketch by Chaisles Angoff) College English Feb. 1965 - "American Literatu:ce in Europe and Israel" The ~oetry Society of America Bulletin April 1962 - E:xcer1Jts from an editorial by C. A. in the S1n°ing, 1962 Literary Review Octobe1° 1961.i- - name on lJg. 27; lJicture of C.A . and family (p1acec1 wreath on grave of John Keats, Rome) South Atlantic Quarterly Spring 196!.!. - rep1·int of article "!I. L, .Mencl~en : A Postscript" The Educational Record April 1962 - 1°eprint of article 11America.n Literature in Great Britain" 7 Box 7 Charles Angof:f Printed Wo:rks (Con't) :Menckeniana Spring 1962 issue in envelope Smith's Book Store ( A ndscellany of Iv; - Books anc1 parnphlets by H. L, Mencken) Scribner's Comrnentato1· Nov. 1939 11 If You Read in Novernber'1 Dec. 1939 - 11After Reading The New Books 11 Jan. 191w - 11After Reading The New Books 11 Saturday Review May 1~, 1963 - Book' s section, One World of Fiction section 11 11 Aug, 10, 1963 - 1Vlencken: Prejudices and Pro1)hesies ( enclosed: 2 letters) Circle in Jewish Bookland Oct. 1955 Sept. 1956 Dec. 1956 Forum (Univ. of Houston) \- Fall 1961:- - 11Robert Frost 11 Poet I.,01~e - World -----Literature --and --The ---Drama Autwm1 19l+1 - 11 To a Little Girl 11 (enclosed: author's note) The Wr iter June 1958 - 11 Thoughts On Writing the Short Story" S. A. J. Bulletin (Society fo:r The Advancement of Judaism) Sept, 24, 19 51~ The Tl':rnple Bulletin The Bulletin of Tern;ple Emanuel (Newton, Mass.) Nov. 5, 1953 Oct. 15, 1953 (B:rotherhood News Bulletin of Temple Emanuel) 8 Box 7 Nov. 15, 1953 (Brotherhood News Bulletin of Tenrple Emanuel) (Breakfast; Clippings as speaker at Temple :Emanuel) Photostats "Za1.rnon the Wise" 11HarrelhJ:-fit-The-Pants" "Tante Bessie" "The Tanager" 111/ir. Harmon" "Bertha" "Disillusionment" 11Jerry11 11Alte Bobbe" "Willie 11 Unlisted printed m + 1 - boxes 8-10 Some containing articles by CA CHARLESANGOFFINVENTORY Correspondence Box 11 Folder 1 Und. Angell, Norman. TLS, Saugatuck, Conn., Aug. 29, 1 p., Atlantic Monthly. Folder 2 Und. Nathan, George J. 3 ALS (1 is postcard) 2 TLS and notes on short sketches submitted by A. to Esquire and 2 TLS from Mrs. Julie H. Nathan. Folder 4 1935 Mencken, H.L. TLS to A., Mar. 16, 1935, 1 p. Folder 5 1932 Tullly, Jim. ALS North Hollywood, Calif. Dec. 22, 1932, 1 p. 1934 Leonard, W.E. 2 ALS, Madison, Wis., May 5 (1 p.) and May 18 (1 p.) 1934. Folder 6 1943 Allen, Frederick (Atlantic Monthly). TLS. 1943 Hearth Songs. TL (card). 1943 N.Y.P.L. TLS. 1943 Newman, Ernest. TLS. 1943 Tadworth, Surrey. Oct. 11, 1943, 2 p. 1943 Prairie Prose (E. Lavine, ed). ALS. 1943 Shattuck, Charles (Accent). ALS. 1943 "Talaria" (magazine) ptd. slip signed B.Y.W. 1944 "The Tanager" (Grace Hunter), ALS. 1944 Wimberley, L.C. ALS. 1945 Bell, Bernard S. 2 ALS. 1945 Mayflower Log (F.B. Cook ed.) TLS. 1945 Wimberley, L.C. ALS. 1945 Welch, Louise A. TLS. 1946 Author's League of Am. TS (Christopher La Purge, Pres.) TLS. 1946 Houghton Mifflin (Martha Foley) TLS.
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    INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type of computer printer. The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print t>leedthrough. substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. In the unlikely event that the author did not send UMI a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to t>e removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Oversize materials (e.g., maps, drawings, charts) are reproduced by sectioning the original, beginning at the upper left-hand comer and continuing from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps. Photographs included in ttie original manuscript have been reproduced xerographically in this copy. Higher quality 6" x 9" black and white photographic prints are available for any photographs or illustrations appearing in this copy for an additional charge. Contact UMI directly to order. Bell & Howell Information and Learning 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 USA 800-521-0600 UMI* CHARITY WORK AS NATION-BUILDING: AMERICAN JEWISH WOMEN AND THE CRISES DSr EUROPE AND PALESTINE, 1914-1930 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Mary McCune, M.A. ***** The Ohio State University 2000 Dissertation Committee: Approved by Professor Susan M.
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