The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot
TH E AU TO BIOG RA PH Y O F j U D A S I S C A R I O T A LF RED T RESI DD E R SHE PPARD LONDON ! GEORGE ALLEN 69° NWI N LTD U , . R S KI N HO S 0 M S M STR ET W C I U U E , 4 U E U E , . THE A U TOBIOG RA PHY O F J U DA S ISCA RIOT WE came to Joppa on the m or ning of a blue Moon ool and gold day ; but , entering the p in early evening , found ourselves shrouded by mist and overhung by tenebrous cloud . On a bale of of sesame , I sat and watched the sights deck Lo - . w and shore , rock bound coast , the surf white and high against it ; broken and battered r of walls ; at the ext emity a tiny cape , the of white town sandhills and beyond , groves blossoming fruit , white , and pink , and yellow . The quay was clamorous and crowded . Wheat , of sesame ; olives , golden piles oranges , great of stacks timber from the Lebanon forests , or s lay disembarked to be embarked ; Jew , -t nicians Arabs , Greeks , Syro , here and there a Roman soldier , haughty and erect , of Italians , natives the Gentile Islands , negroes , of o f made a medley colour , a Babel sound , 5 4 7 9 5 " 7 6 . £ AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF a str nge enough to my ears , which for so long had heard but the swish and rattle and hiss of - of seas , and the monotonous ship talk my companions .
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