The Martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth by Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise
The Martyrdom OF JESUS of NAZARETH. A HISTORIC CRITICAL TREATISE ON THE LAST CHAPTERS OF THE GOSPEL. BY REV DR. ISAAC M. WISE. רה אמת בשם יהוה "Only truth in the name of Jehovah."—2 Chronicles xvii. 15. Third Edition. THE BLOCH PUBLISHING AND PEIBTH& COMPANY, CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO .83״1 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by ISAAC M. WISE, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. DEDICATION. This volume is respectfully dedicated to one of Israel's most illustrious sons, the noblest and most consistent demo• cratic patriot of France, the true philanthropist and apos• tle of justice, freedom, and equality.- Isaac Adolph Cremieux, Member of the Provisional Government of the French Republic in 1848 ; Member of the French Government of National Defense, and President of the Delegation in 1870; Minister of Justice to both these governments; Member of the National Assembly since 1871, etc., etc., by the Author. PREFACE. PREFACES are tedious, and I will be brief. I, would . (Hi not write, if it was not for the term standpoint, about which something must be said, to facilitate a correct un• derstanding of this treatise. I have dedicated this volume to the great Parisian jurist and democratic patriot, ISAAC ADOLPH CREMIEUX, not merely because I hold that illustrious gentleman in the highest esteem, both as a scholar .and a philanthropist; but also because in him the Jew of the nineteenth century is personified. It is the standpoint of universal benevolence, of broad and liberal principles, of pure and exalted hu- manitarianism based upon profound and sublime principles of ethical religion.
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