Town and Village Directory, Bolangir, Part-A, Series-16, Orissa

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Town and Village Directory, Bolangir, Part-A, Series-16, Orissa CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SERIES 16 ORISSA PART X DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOO~ PART A-TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY BOLANGIR B. TRIPATHI of- the Indian Administrative Service Director Df Census Operations, Orissa CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 DISTRICT CENSUS HA-NDBOOK PART A-TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY BOLA_NGIR PREFACE The District Census Handbook first an ancillary to 1951 Census appeared as a State. Government publication in a more elaborate and ambitious form in 1961 Census. It was divided into 3 parts: Part] gave a narrative account of each District; Part 1I contained various Census Tables and a ~eries of Primary Census data relating to each village and town ; and Part III presented certain administrative statistics obtained from Government Departments. These parts further enriched by inclusion of maps of the district and of police stations within the district were together -brought out in ODe volume. The Handbook, for each one of the 13 Districts of the State was acknowledged to be highly useful. 2. But the purpose and utility of this valuable compilation somewhat suffered on account of the time lag that intervened between the conclusion of Census and the publication of the Handbook. The delay was unavoidable in the sense that the Handbook-complete with all the constituent parts brought together in one volume had necessarily<to wait till after completion of the processing and tabulation of Gensus data and collection and compilation of a large array of administrative and other statistics. 3. With the object of cutting out the delay, and also_ to making each volume handy and not-too-bulky it has been decided to bring out the 1971 District Census Handbook in three parts separately with the data becoming available from stage to stage as briefly indicated below : Part A-This part will incorporate the Town Directory and the Village Directory for each district. The Town Directory wIll contain certain essential data completed in six statements relating to each town of ~he district. The Village Directory, besides giving statistical data relating to various amenities existing in a village, will also provide basic data bearing on land use. A separate consolidated Town Directory will also be brought oUJ at all­ India level as well as at State level in Par~ VI-A of the Census pllblicatiol1 series at a later stage. VI Part B-Part B will render a statistical account of each village as alsO' ef each tewn tahsi1wise and within a tahsil, pelice-statienwise. Fer each town the data will again be presented wardwise and further dDwn in terms Df each enumeratDr b1Dck. The data sO' presented by the lDwest administrative unit wi1l include the number of Dccupied residential hDuses and heusehDlds, tDtal pDpulatiDn by sex and literates, pepulatiDn Df Scheduled Castes and Scheduled. TribeS, workers classi­ fied. intO' nine industrial categories Df werkers and nen-werkers, generally referr,ed to' as Primary Census Abstract or simply P. C. A. This volume will alsO' cDntain administrative maps Df the district, tahsils and police statiDns. Part C-This will contain a shDrt write-up on the district and will alsO' centain administrative statistics and various Census tables Df the district. 4. In pursuance Df this scheme, publicatiDn of Parts A and B of the Hand­ bDok has been taken in hand. It will be Dur endeavour to' bring DUt both the parts fDr all the 13 districts Df the State cDmplete with P. C. A. and maps Df different administrative units during this year and the next. Part C ef the Handboek will come out later. 5. An explanatDry nDte is given at the beginning ef the Town DirectDry as well as the Village DirectDry intrDducing the statements included therein. The concepts and definitiDns Df the variDus subjects cDvered in the DirectDry and the abbrevia­ tiDns adopted have been explained in these notes. TO' facilitate location Df any particular village, the villages Df each pDlice statiDn in a district have been arranged in an alphabetical order alsO' indicating the cDde number of each village. The list is appended at the end Df tJ?e Vi11age Directory ef each tahsil. An admini­ strative map ef the district is given af tp.e beginning Df the volume. 6. The infDrmation on amenities in the Village DirectDry have been cellected thrDugh the agency of the Census enumeratiDn staff and that of land use from the Tahsildars. The statistical data relating to TDwn Directery have been cDllected frDm different departments,Df the Central and State Governments, BIDck Develop­ ment Officers and Executive Officers Df Municipalities and NDtified Area Ceuncils. 7. Cellectien, collatien and compilatiDn of such massive data in respect of each Df 51,639 villages and 81 towns in their variDus aspects is a fDrmidable task. ThDUgh all Jrossible care has been taken thrDugh check and recheck to remove discrepancies in the figures, the possibility of errDrs stilJ Vll creeping into them cannot be altogether ruled out. Notwithstanding these limi­ tations, the mass of the statistical information presented in the Directories will, it is hoped, come handy and prove useful to the Government, local bodies, scholars and other data users engaged in rural and regional planning. 8. I must place on record my deep appreciation and thanks to the Heads of Departments of Government, Local bodies, District Officers, Tahsildars, Block Development Officers, Executive Officers of Municipalities and Notified Area Councils among others but for whose unstinted co-operation and help this vdlUminous compilation would not have been possible. In my office I am specially indebted to the Deputy Director Shri B. N. Das, Tabulation Otficers Shri D. Satpathyand Shri L. N. Misra and staff for the perseverance, diligence and zeal with which they applied themselves to this non-too-easy and arduous task. CuTTACK B. Tripathi The 10th January, 1972 CONTENTS PAGE I. Preface II. Town Directory Fly leaf 3 Statement I-Status, ·Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 9 Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 10 Statement Ul-Municipal Finance, 1968'-69 11 Statement IV-Civic and other amenities, 1969 J2 Statem.ent V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities 13 in towns, 1969 Stat,'ment VI- Trarle, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 14 III. Village Directory Fly leaf 17 1. (i) Village Directory of Bolangir Tahsil 23 (if) Alphabetical list 01 villages of Bolangir Tahsil 80 2. (i). Village Directory of Sonepur Tahsil 91 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of-Sonepur Tahsil 138 3. (i) Village Directory of Birmaharajpur Tahsil 147 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of Birmaharajpur Tahsil 184 4. (i) ViIlagt! Directory of TltJagarh Tahsil 191 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of TitJagarh Tahsil 254 5. (i) Village Directory of Patnagarh Tahsil 265 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of Patnagarh Tahsil .. 306 IV. ApPBNDICES Appendix 1-TahsiIwise A bstracts of Educational, Medical and "th ..r amenities of the District (Rural) 314 v. Administrative Map of Bolangir District Faring page 1 ERRATA Page SI. No.1 Column FoT Read Page S1. No.1 Column For Read No. L. c. No.1 No. NJ. L. c. No.1 No. Line No. Line No. 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 S 3 Last line Comprechensive Comprehensive, 134 L. C. No. 207 3 764 64 13°-8' E 83°-8' E 10 Sl. No.3 3 174 L.C, No. 26 2 Sarmunda Sarmundapal Duugripali f8 L.C. No.64 2 Dangripali 178 L. C. No. S3 2 Dhelel Dhelei 35 Line 19 13 189 139 180 L. C. No. 93 2' Balabasapir Balabasapur 35 Line 26 13 388 338 192 L. C. No.3 4 Pro S _ ~6 L.C.No.21 2 Guchepali Ghuchepali 224 L. C. No. 16 2 Magurjanga Magur J ang al 46 L.C.No.24 2 Banipali Banjipali 227 Line 12 11 8~8 3S8 46 L.C.No.25 2 Gondurmunda Gundurmunda 227 Line 13 11 19' 119 53 Line 4 15 47 <;7 227 Line 17 11 841 341 56 L.C.No.139 2 Mandipadar Mandiapadar 227 Line 18 11 178 173 59 Line 7 14 18 13 227 line 19 11 889 389 70 L.C.No.149 2 Gudhkapala Gudkhapala 227 Line 20 11 801 301 75 Line 15 14 17 47 227 Line 21 14 48 43 83 SI.No.249 3 0 80 230 L. C. No. 69 2 Giriajor Gariajor 83 SI.No.79 2 Tusrabhai Tusrabahal 285 Line 7 11 5 57 86 SI.No.33 2 Barhiakuna Barhakuna 288 L. C. No. 71 3 1,501 89 SI.No.191 2 Pratapur Pratappur 296 L. C. No. 29 2 Kumbhakkhuan Kumbharkhuin 10) Line 10 14 110 10 298 L. C. No. 47 2 Bbuliagandh Bhuliabandh 103 Line 21 13 49 46 298 L. C. No. 56 3 3,156 3,176 -121 Line 1 13 61 615 307 SI. No. 12 2 Kuripani Khuripani 124 L. C. No. 73 2 Hardapa HardapaIi 308 S1. No. 179 2 Suliamal Sualiamal 131 Line 23 10 Rice 309 SI. No, 72 2 Khuprakhal Khaprakhal 20 Line 17 2 pressure rent pressure t; !:l. ~~. -~ m " 'Y " E 0 "\ r- 0$' 3> 0 . ::v~ Z n..., ;:; "~ J: " ~ ;::II:J -, 0, :s. (J 0 ~ , .,. "S- O -t- <:) ~ :s. .-;) z ... ': , ~ ". ~ ;. ~ ~ f. ~ ~ if ;- (;' [ r '! i ~ ;: [ ~ { ~ [ " f-f--f-I--- ,.. J .E_'" "0: ~ ~ ! 1 it " .. ~ ~ , ~, r ~ ~ f ~ ~ [ j ~ .. ~ $ , '" ~ -< ~ i ~ '"~ o· Il' ;' [ f f .. " ~ ~ ~ • * .:3_ '"< { or g; :; l ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g "l ~ ~ "l 8 8 8 o· ..Q_ '"if ~ "'l-. i" " 1 ~ ~ ,.., /(~V~N3A ~ < z ~ ~ " "~ ~ ~ e; ? '§ ? J;l "' " r;> c ~ •i ~ Cl " I @I ~ 0 • Ol' .. 3: • o! ,. 1'; ~ '" !i I~ ~( I ~ I I I q~ ~~ TOWN DIRECTORY TOWN DIREctORY Town demographic and socia-economic picture of the agglomerated urban area as a whole and of its­ The definition of town for 1971 Census constituent units separately.
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