Warrant Officer Myles Johnston,

1. Member has 25 plus services

2. WO Johnston joined the Canadian Forces in April 1986, as a 031 Infmn. After completing basic training at CFB Cornwallis, he was posted to CFB Wainwright were he completed the QL3 basic Infmn training and then was posted to 1 PPCLI at CFB Calgary in Nov 1986. He remained in 1 PPCLI until July of 1989 when he was then posted to CFB Gagetown to the Inf School. During his posting to the Inf School, WO Johnston completed many courses such as the Infantry Section Commander Course at CFB Petawawa. He was then posted back to 1 PPCLI in 1994 and promoted to MCpl where he remained until 1997. WO Johnston then went on tour to Bosnia with the LDSH (RC) Battle Group from July97 – Jan 98, upon return he was posted to 1 PPCLI at CFB Edmonton where he stayed until his remuster in Jan 1999.

In Jan 1999, WO Johnston began the QL3 EGS Tech (Electrical Generating Systems) training at CFB Gagetown at CFSME. WO Johnston completed this training and then was posted to 14 Wing Greenwood in Sept 1999. He returned to CFSME in April of 2002 for the QL5 Training and upon completion went on tour Op Athena from Feb – Jul 2003, where again he was promoted to MCpl. In Feb 2005, he was the sent on tour to CFS Alert from Mar – Sept 2005. WO Johnston remained at 14 Wing Greenwood until he was promoted to Sgt and posted to CFSME as an instructor for the EGS Cell in 2006.

During his time at CFSME, WO Johnston spent time in CETS, Standards, and CEMS, and completed ILQ training as well as QL6A and QL6B. WO Johnston was then promoted to his present rank in Apr 2009.

In Jun 2011, WO Johnston was then posted to 4 ESR as the Construction Tp WO. He remained in that position until June of 2012 when he moved to the 45 Sqn Ops WO.

3. WO Johnston and his wife Melanie will remain in the area as he has accepted a position with the Regional Solid Waste Commission as the new operator for a generation system which was installed. WO Johnston and his wife have 3 children, Dayle who is a paramedic and Luke and Erin who are both in construction in Ft Mac Murray.

4. 14 November 2012 at Camp Petersville, CFB Gagetown, forward attendance to MWO Don Lees at 4 ESR 506-422-2000 Ext 1380, CSN 432-1380

5. Congratulatory messages or anecdotes can be sent to MWO Lees ([email protected]) by 10 Nov 1012.