Experience the Gulf Coast Story Ideas - Texas State Aquarium

Caribbean Journey

The new Caribbean Journey at the Texas State Aquarium is a $60 million building that takes you underwater with sharks, into the , standing tall with flamingos and hanging out with a sloth! Head into the jungle under the whoosh of the waterfall and mingle with the photo-ready Caribbean flamingos. Take an adventure through the jungles, coastal lagoons, caves, and coral reefs of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and enjoy up-close interactions with reptiles, birds, sharks, and other exotic species.

Hurricane Recovery

When Hurricane Harvey rapidly intensified to a Category 4 major hurricane, there was little time to evacuate the Texas State Aquarium’s animal collection. Staff worked diligently to move species inside the 71,000-square foot facility built to withstand hurricane-force winds, and 20 aquarium team members worked around the clock caring for the entire animal collection. The building maintained emergency power to remain fully operational both during and after the storm. Aquarium staff also cared for animals outside of their own collection, including those undergoing rehabilitation. The Texas State Aquarium is also housing a moray eel belonging to the Aquarium at Rockport Harbor, which transported the eel to Corpus Christi before Harvey’s arrival. The amount of passion and planning that went into hurricane preparations and recovery is amazing. After Hurricane Harvey, the Texas State Aquarium quickly reopened with no damage and is now fully operational and ready to receive visitors!

Vaquita Conservation Project

With fewer than 30 individuals left in the wild, time is running out to save the vaquita, a critically-endangered porpoise native to Mexico’s Gulf of California. Saving the vaquita is currently one of TSA’s top conservation priorities. The Aquarium is providing significant funding for an ambitious vaquita rescue operation and plans to send its Marine Mammal Curator to Mexico to assist with rescue efforts. Meanwhile, the Aquarium is donating thousands to this international conservation project and is encouraging its guests to join them in saving the vaquita.

Enrichment and Animal Care

It takes a lot of know-how, scientific research, and attention to care for over 460 species. The Texas State Aquarium is committed to providing animal care that far exceeds the standards set by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. With rewarding habitats, restaurant-quality diets, and specialized activities called enrichment, Animal Care staff ensure their animals are kept mentally and physically stimulated. Enrichment is used prominently with the Aquarium’s intelligent animals like dolphins, otters, and octopi to replicate their natural behaviors and keep them active in body and mind.

Sea Turtle Rehab, Rescue and Recovery

Five species swim the waters of the , and every one is endangered or threatened in the wild. The Texas State Aquarium’s Wildlife Rescue and Recovery program uses cutting-edge technology and a highly-skilled staff to rescue and rehabilitate stranded sea turtles along nearby shores, then releases them into their natural habitat. Through this groundbreaking rescue program and by educating their guests on rehabilitated turtles, the Texas State Aquarium is inspiring countless others to help protect these vulnerable marine reptiles.

Phasing Out Plastic

The Texas State Aquarium has been Going Green for nearly 10 years as a part of the overall mission of conservation and education. In addition to water and energy conservation, recycling and beach clean-ups, the Texas State Aquarium is phasing out all single-use plastic! Restaurant operations offer paper and plant- based cutlery, water is sold in boxes instead of plastic bottles, and guests receive biodegradable paper straws, which are not harmful to our animal collection or local wildlife. Recycling containers for all paper products can be found throughout the facility and guests can even recycle their paper maps and schedules before leaving.

Seafood Wars

Taste some delicious seafood cuisine and have a conversation with regional fisheries experts as three chefs prepare the night’s featured selection at Seafood Wars. Seafood Wars promotes healthy oceans and plentiful seafood for the future by focusing on sustainably harvested and farm-raised fish and shellfish from the Gulf of Mexico. After hearing from a sustainable seafood experts, guests sample all three chef’s dishes and vote on the evening’s best recipe. Winners are invited back for a year-end Challenge of the Champions. Over 90 percent of Seafood Wars diners say they are more likely to ask for and purchase the fish served that evening than they were before the event.

Touch Experiences

Touch a shark, feel the smoothness of a stingray, be gentle with the spindly spindles of a sea urchin, pet a squishy jelly, and more! At the Texas State Aquarium, visitors can interact with more than 15 different animals in touch pools throughout the exhibits! Friendly and knowledgeable staff are right there to help guests dive deeper into learning about the animals that call the Texas State Aquarium home.

Outreach Programs

As a not-for-profit institution, The Texas State Aquarium relies on support from guests and donors to play an active role in education, conservation, and its community. Guest admission always goes to a good cause, including providing top-notch animal care, supporting scientific research, and wildlife rescue, recovery, and rehabilitation. Through outreach programs, the Aquarium also brings ocean life experiences to schools, hospitals, and community centers.

Sensory Sensitive Sundays

As many as 1 in 45 children in America have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which can make them highly sensitive to light, noise, touch, and temperature. The Texas State Aquarium’s Sensory Sensitive Sundays, organized in partnership with the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), foster a safe and nurturing environment with smaller crowds, modified presentations, quiet zones, and more where children with ASD can comfortably enjoy many of the aquarium’s experiences with their families.