

Article Disrupting Bordetella Reveals a Role for in Coordinating the Adaptive in the Respiratory Tract

1, , 2 1 1 Monica C. Gestal * † , Uriel Blas-Machado , Hannah M. Johnson , Lily N. Rubin , Kalyan K. Dewan 1, Claire Bryant 3, Michael Tiemeyer 4 and Eric T. Harvill 1

1 Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA; [email protected] (H.M.J.); [email protected] (L.N.R.); [email protected] (K.K.D.); [email protected] (E.T.H.) 2 Department of Pathology, Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA; [email protected] 3 Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB30ES, UK; [email protected] 4 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-318-675-5760 Current address: Department of Microbiology and , LSU Health Science Center, † Shreveport, LA 71103, USA.

 Received: 30 September 2020; Accepted: 12 November 2020; Published: 17 November 2020 

Abstract: Recent findings revealed pivotal roles for eosinophils in protection against parasitic and viral , as well as modulation of adaptive immune responses in the gastric mucosa. However, the known effects of eosinophils within the respiratory tract remain predominantly pathological, associated with and . Simulating natural respiratory infections in mice, we examined how efficient and well-adapted pathogens can block functions that contribute to the immune response. Bordetella bronchiseptica, a natural pathogen of the mouse, uses the sigma factor btrS to regulate expression of mechanisms that interfere with eosinophil recruitment and function. When btrS is disrupted, immunomodulators are dysregulated, and eosinophils are recruited to the , suggesting they may contribute to much more efficient generation of adaptive induced by this mutant. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to produce pro-inflammatory , to recruit , to organize lymphoid aggregates that resemble Bronchus Associated Lymphoid Tissue (BALT), to generate an effective response, and to clear bacterial from the respiratory tract. Importantly, the failure of eosinophil-deficient mice to produce these lymphoid aggregates indicates that eosinophils can mediate the generation of an effective lymphoid response in the lungs. These data demonstrate that efficient respiratory pathogens can block eosinophil recruitment, to inhibit the generation of robust adaptive immune responses. They also suggest that some post-infection sequelae involving eosinophils, such as allergy and asthma, might be a consequence of bacterial mechanisms that manipulate their accumulation and/or function within the respiratory tract.

Keywords: eosinophils; Bordetella bronchiseptica; adaptive immunity; immunomodulation

1. Introduction Eosinophils are well-known to be involved in asthmatic [1–10] and allergic reactions [11–15]. However, the dysregulation that contributes to these disorders does not likely reflect the authentic evolutionarily conserved roles of these unique cells in maintaining host health [14,16–20].

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8111808 www.mdpi.com/journal/microorganisms Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 2 of 15

Eosinophils are recognized to play crucial roles in immune responses to parasites [16,21–26], as well as in the maintenance of homeostasis [27–30] and regulation of inflammatory responses in the gastrointestinal mucosal [24–32]. In fact, eosinophils have antibacterial [33,34] capabilities themselves, including the ability to engulf bacteria [35–44], or to form traps [45–47] that physically contain bacteria, similar to other immune cells, such as . However, how eosinophils modulate adaptive immune responses during bacterial respiratory infections remains not fully understood [48]. Intriguingly, there is a correlation between respiratory infections and increasing risk of asthma and [49–54], suggesting that eosinophils might be involved in the immune responses to these infections, and infection-induced dysregulation may contribute to this hyper-responsiveness. However, if the role(s) of eosinophils in the immune response to infection involves complex interactions and communication with multiple other immune cells, it/they might be difficult to detect and/or study in crude models of human pathogens infecting mice. In addition, the more important these cells might be to a vigorous immune response, the stronger the selective pressure on well-adapted pathogens to subvert their functions, obscuring our ability to measure and study them. The Bordetella bronchiseptica–mouse experimental system is particularly useful as a natural infection model that allows for the detailed study of the interactions between bacteria and host , each of which can be manipulated both independently and in combination, to probe and define their molecular-level interactions. Using this powerful experimental system, we recently discovered a B. bronchiseptica sigma factor (btrS) which is involved in the modulation of host immune responses, inhibiting T- and B--mediated immunity to allow bacteria to persist indefinitely. In its absence, the host immune response is much more robust and can completely clear the infection [55]. Importantly, the resulting robust immune response both clears these otherwise lifelong infections and prevents subsequent infections with B. bronchiseptica or the closely related species B. pertussis [55]. The induced protection is stronger than that induced by vaccination or prior infection with the wild-type parental strain; this is further evidence of a coordinated immunosuppressive strategy that is btrS-dependent. This experimental system now allows for an exploration of the improved protective immunity induced by the mutant, to better understand the immunological mechanisms involved that are able to better control and clear infection, which has important applications to ongoing efforts to improve the currently failing pertussis . Transcriptomic data of challenged with B. bronchiseptica (Bb), or a DbtrS mutant derivative (BbDbtrS), revealed that cytokines associated with eosinophil activation and asthma, such as IL-25, IL-33, and CXCL10, were suppressed via a btrS-dependent mechanism [55]. We further observed that btrS mediates the suppression of eosinophil influx to the lungs during B. bronchiseptica infections. In the absence of btrS, eosinophils are recruited to the respiratory tract in large numbers, and lymphoid cells aggregate in the lungs. Mice lacking eosinophils were severely defective in the recruitment of T and B cells and their organization into recognizable lymphoid aggregates, and they were deficient in the production of IL-17, IL-6, and IL-1b, which are cytokines that are known to be critical for the clearance of Bordetella spp. [56–64]. Together, these findings reveal that B. bronchiseptica blocks eosinophil influx via a btrS-dependent mechanism(s), to prevent eosinophil-mediated recruitment and organization of lymphoid aggregates that resemble BALT and stronger protective immunity. Altogether, these results suggest that prior difficulties in detecting eosinophil contributions to the generation of adaptive immunity might be because successful respiratory pathogens have evolved means to suppress eosinophil functions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Bacterial Strains and Culture Conditions Bordetella bronchiseptica RB50 wild-type (Bb) and RB50 mutant strain, herein BbDbtrS [55], were grown on plates of Difco Bordet-Gengou agar (BD, cat. 248200) supplemented with 10% sheep defibrinated and 20 µg/mL concentration of streptomycin, as previously described [55,65]. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 3 of 15

2.2. Animal Experiments Wild-type C57BL/6J, Balb/cJ (WT) and Balb/cJ DdblGATA-1 [66] (EO-) mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME, or our breeding colony (established from Jackson laboratories mice). Mice were bred and maintained at Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences, University of Georgia, GA, (AUP: A2016 02-010-Y2-A3) [55]. All experiments were carried out in accordance with all institutional guidelines (Bordetella Host Interactions AUP: A2016 02-010-Y2-A6). Nasal cavity, trachea, lungs, , and blood were collected, post-mortem, in 1 mL of cold Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). When tissues were used to enumerate colonies, collection was performed in beaded tubes. When organs were collected for immunological studies, they were collected in 15 mL falcon tubes containing sterile PBS. For pathological studies, mice were euthanized by using CO2, followed by fixation with Formalin [55,67]. Tissues were subsequently processed and stained with hematoxylin and . The undersigned board-certified pathologist performed, blindly, all microscopic evaluations of these hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained sections at the Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. was performed as follows. Briefly, the primary antibody used was non-conjugated polyclonal rabbit anti-CD3 antibody (Dako A0452). The antibody was provided as a ready-to-use antiserum with time of 60 min. The retrieval performed was heat-induced retrieval, using citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0 (HK086-9K, Biogenex, San Ramon, CA, USA), for 15 min. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked by using 3% hydrogen peroxide (H312-500, Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ, USA), for 5 min. All other blocking was completed with Power Block (HK085-5K, Biogenex, San Ramon, CA, USA), for 5 min. Positive tissue controls consisted of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded mouse node. As a negative control, the primary antibody was eliminated and substituted with Universal Negative Control provided as the immunoglobulin fraction of serum from non-immunized rabbits. Streptavidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase antibody conjugate system (4+HRP, HP604 H, L; Bio Care Medical) in PBS (K1016, Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA) for 10 min was used as a detection for the secondary antibody. The substrate–chromogen system used was 3, 30 diaminobenzidine (DAB; K3466, Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA), for 12 min. The tissue sections were counterstained with Gills #2 hematoxylin, followed by bluing, and then they were dehydrated in ethyl alcohol levels of 70%, 95%, and 100%, cleared in xylene, and mounted with xylene-based mounting medium.

2.3. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays and Assays Serum samples were utilized to evaluate antibody titers. Then, 96-well microtiter plates (Costar) were coated with heat-killed Bb∆btrS as previously reported [55]. SureBlue (SeraCare, cat. 5120-0076) was added to start the reaction, which was terminated with HCl, after three minutes. The plates were read at an OD of 450 nm. The titer was determined to be the reciprocal of the lowest dilution in which an OD of 0.1 was obtained. To asses IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-17, and IL-6 expression, the collected trachea was homogenized, using the bead mill. Following homogenization, the tubes were centrifuged for 5 min, at 14,000 rpm and 4 ◦C, and the supernatant was collected to quantify levels of cytokines via commercially available ELISA kits (DuoSet ELISA system, R&D Systems).

2.4. Flow Cytometry Spleen and lungs were processed and stained as previously described [55,68–70]. Numbers of live cells were enumerated with Countess II (Thermo Fisher) with trypan blue stain. Two million live cells were seeded in each well, for staining (see Table1, below). The acquisition of the data was performed by using BD-LSR II (Becton Dickinson), and the analysis was completed with FlowJo 10.0, following standard gating strategy. Statistical significance was calculated by using two-way ANOVA in GraphPrism. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 4 of 15

Table 1. List of for flow cytometry.

Flow Cytometry Antibodies Fluorochrome Target Vendor Ref APC-Cy7 GR1 RB6–8C5 Biolegend 108–424 PE CD11b M1/70 Tonbo 50–0112–U100 PerCP F4/80 BM8 Biolegend 123,126 APC SiglecF S17007L Biolegend 155,508 BV510 CD193 CCR3 BD Biosciences 747,820 PerCP CD19 6D5 Biolegend 115,532 PE CD90.2 53–2.1 Biolegend 140,308 AF488 CD4 GK1.5 Biolegend 100,423 BV510 CD8 53–6.7 BD Biosciences 563,068

We used fluorescence minus one (FMO), unstained control, and compensation beads controls in each one of our experiments. Dilutions were titrated prior to the assay, to guarantee no unspecific stains. Our gating strategy included first selecting the single cells population, using Forward scatter height versus forward scatter area density plot for doublet exclusion (FSCH/FSC-A); then, with the selected population, we performed a doublet discrimination (SSCW/SSC-H); and, finally, we cleaned the sidescatter by using SSC-A/SSC-H. We then followed the manufacture’s recommendation to specifically select viable cells, using Ghost dye (Tonbo, 13-0871-T500). From there, we continued our grating strategy by following the criteria shown in Table2.

Table 2. Gating strategy.

+ + + Eosinophils CD11b CD193 SiglecF B cells CD11b CD19 CD4 CD11b CD90.2 CD4 CD8 CD11b CD90.2 CD8

2.5. Ethics Statement This study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. The protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Georgia, Athens (A2016 02-010-Y2-A3 Bordetella-Host Interactions and A2016 07-006-Y2-A5 Breeding protocol). All animals were anesthetized with 5% isoflurane and euthanized by using carbon dioxide inhalation, followed by cervical dislocation, to minimize animal suffering. Animals were handled by following institutional guidelines, in keeping with full accreditation from the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International.

2.6. Statistical Analysis All results were graphed in GraphPrism (version 8.0.2), and statistical significance was calculated by using two-way ANOVA. A power analysis was used (G-Power 3) to compare the immunological response and colonization, and we utilized at least 6 mice per group (and experiments were performed in triplicate), at alpha 0.05 and power of 80%. For all of our experiments, we used both genders (male and female), to account for gender variability. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 5 of 15

Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 16 3. Results 3.1. Splenic eosinophils Numbers Increase in Response to B. bronchiseptica 3.1. SplenicOur prior eosinophils transcriptomic Numbers Increaseanalysis in of Response macrophages to B. bronchiseptica exposed to wild-type Bb or BbDbtrS strains revealedOur priorthat Bb transcriptomic suppresses the analysis production of macrophages of IL-33, IL-25, exposed CXCL10, to wild-typeand other factors Bb or BbD associatedbtrS strains with revealedinflammation that Bb[55]. suppresses Based on thethese production results, we of IL-33,hypothesized IL-25, CXCL10, that btrS andmediates other factorsthe modulation associated of withinflammatory inflammation cell [55recruitment]. Based on and these activation results, we in hypothesizedthe respiratory that tractbtrS mediates[55]. To theinvestigate modulation this ofpossibility, inflammatory we inoculated cell recruitment C57BL/6J and mice activation with the wild-type in the respiratory strain of Bb, tract and, [55 at]. different To investigate time points, this possibility,we enumerated we inoculated bacterial and C57BL immune/6J mice cell with numbers the wild-type in the lungs strain and of spleen. Bb, and, Bb at numbers different rose time rapidly, points, + + + weas enumeratedexpected, and bacterial this infection and immune increased cell numberseosinophil in the(CD11b lungsCD193 and spleen.SiglecF Bb numberscells) numbers rose rapidly, in the asspleen, expected, slightly, and by this day infection three, and increased over three-fold eosinophil by (CD11bday seven+CD193 (Figure+SiglecF 1A), coinciding+ cells) numbers with the in peak the spleen,of bacterial slightly, numbers by day (Figure three, and 1B). over However, three-fold eosinophil by day seven numbers (Figure were1A), only coinciding slightly withincreased the peak in the of bacteriallungs (Figure numbers 1C), (Figuredespite1 B).the However,large numbers eosinophil of bacter numbersia there were (Figure only 1B). slightly The large increased increase in the in lungsspleen (Figurebut not1 C),at the despite site theof infection large numbers suggested of bacteria respiratory there (Figureinfection1B). results The large in a increasesubstantial in spleenincrease but in noteosinophil at the site numbers of infection produced suggested in the respiratory spleen, but infection Bb somehow results interferes in a substantial with their increase recruitment in eosinophil to the numberslungs. produced in the spleen, but Bb somehow interferes with their recruitment to the lungs.

A) B) C) 8 1.5 0.25 RB50 Naïve Naïve Δ *** 7 BB btrS BB ** BB 0.20 BBΔbtrS 6 BBΔbtrS 1.0 ** 5 0.15 4 0.10 3 0.5 Log10 CFU/LungsLog10

) CD11b+CD193+SigleF+ ) 2 ) CD11b+CD193+SigleF+ ) 3 0.05 3 1 # (10 # 0.00 0 (10 # 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Days post-inoculation Days post inoculation Days post-inoculation FigureFigure 1.1. Eosinophils numbers increase in the spleen, but btrS blocks their recruitment to lungs.lungs. C57BLC57BL/6J/6J micemice werewere intranasallyintranasally inoculatedinoculated withwith PBSPBS (black),(black), oror PBSPBS containingcontaining 55 × 101055 CFUCFU ofof BbBb × (blue)(blue) or orBb Bb∆btrSΔbtrS(red). (red). Mice Mice were were euthanized euthanized at diff erentat different times, to times, enumerate to enumerate CFU (B) and CFU eosinophils (B) and CD11beosinophils+CD193 CD11b+SiglecF+CD193+ in+SiglecF the spleen+ in the (A) spleen and the (A lungs,) and the CD11b lungs,+CD193 CD11b+SiglecF+CD193++SiglecF(C). The+ ( graphsC). The showgraphs the show average the average and SEM. and ** SEM.p < 0.001 ** p and< 0.001 *** andp < 0.0001,*** p < 0.0001, usingtwo-way using two-way ANOVA ANOVA test N = test10. N = 10.

3.2. Bordetella bronchiseptica Blocks Eosinophil Recruitment to the Lungs 3.2. Bordetella bronchiseptica Blocks Eosinophil Recruitment to the Lungs Since the BbDbtrS mutant failed to suppress the inflammatory response, based Since the BbDbtrS mutant failed to suppress the macrophage inflammatory response, based on on our previously published transcriptomic data, and induced much more effective protective our previously published transcriptomic data, and induced much more effective protective immunity immunity in vivo [55], we tested the hypothesis that Bb blocks eosinophil recruitment to the lungs in vivo [55], we tested the hypothesis that Bb blocks eosinophil recruitment to the lungs by a btrS- btrS Bb btrS bymediated a -mediated mechanism. mechanism. Consistent Consistent with this with hypothesis, this hypothesis, mice mice challenged challenged with with BbDDbtrS hadhad substantiallysubstantially more more eosinophil eosinophil numbers numbers in both in both the spleen the spleen (Figure 1(FigureA) and lungs1A) and (Figure lungs1C), (Figure coinciding 1C), withcoinciding the peak with of the infection peak of (Figure infection1B). (Figure Moreover, 1B). theMoreover, numbers the of numbers eosinophils of eosinophils at the site ofat infectionthe site of Bb btrS Bb remainedinfection remained high until highD until wasBbDbtrS cleared was from cleared the from lungs the (Figure lungs1 (FigureB,C), suggesting 1B,C), suggesting that thatuses Bb a BtrS-dependentuses a BtrS-dependent mechanism mechanism to block to eosinophils’ block eosino recruitmentphils’ recruitment (Figure 1(FigureC). Furthermore, 1C). Furthermore, the timing the Bb btrS oftiming their of recruitment, their recruitment, which peakedwhich peaked just before just beforeD BbnumbersDbtrS numbers began tobegan decline, to decline, implicated implicated these Bb btrS eosinophilsthese eosinophils as potential as potential mediators mediators of the robustof the robust immunity immunity induced induced by the by Dthe Bbstrain.DbtrS strain. 3.3. Eosinophil-Deficient Mice Fail to Clear Respiratory Infection 3.3. Eosinophil-Deficient Mice Fail to Clear Respiratory Infection To investigate the contribution of eosinophils to the robust immune response to BbDbtrS, To investigate the contribution of eosinophils to the robust immune response to BbDbtrS, we we compared infections in wild-type (Balb/cJ) and eosinophil-deficient (∆dblGATA-1) mice, which compared infections in wild-type (Balb/cJ) and eosinophil-deficient (ΔdblGATA-1) mice, which fail fail to produce mature eosinophils and are one of the most commonly used models for the study to produce mature eosinophils and are one of the most commonly used models for the study of of eosinophilic functions and biology [66]. Wild-type (WT) mice were able to rapidly clear bacteria eosinophilic functions and biology [66]. Wild-type (WT) mice were able to rapidly clear bacteria from from the upper and lower respiratory tract (Figure2). In contrast, eosinophil-deficient mice (EO -) the upper and lower respiratory tract (Figure 2). In contrast, eosinophil-deficient mice (EO-) more more slowly cleared bacteria from the lower respiratory tract (Figure2C) and failed to clear bacteria slowly cleared bacteria from the lower respiratory tract (Figure 2C) and failed to clear bacteria from the upper respiratory tract, even after 169 days (Figure 2A,B). Interestingly, when WT and EO- mice were challenged with wild-type Bb, no differences in the colonization dynamics were detected

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 6 of 15

Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 16 from the upper respiratory tract, even after 169 days (Figure2A,B). Interestingly, when WT and EO - mice(Figure were S1A), challenged revealing with that wild-type Bb blocksBb both, no dieosinophilfferences inrecruitment the colonization and function dynamics via werebtrS-mediated detected (Figuremechanism. S1A), When revealing EO- mice that Bbwereblocks challenged both eosinophil with BbDbtrS recruitment, the colonization and function timescale via btrSresembled-mediated that mechanism.caused by wild-type When EO Bb- (Figuremice were S1B), challenged indicating with that,Bb inD thebtrS absence, the colonization of eosinophils, timescale btrS plays resembled a small thatrole causedin infection. by wild-type Overall,Bb these(Figure results S1B), suggest indicating that that, Bb inblocks the absenceeosinophil-med of eosinophils,iated generationbtrS plays of a smallprotective role in immunity infection. via Overall, a btrS these-dependent results mechanism. suggest that Bb blocks eosinophil-mediated generation of protective immunity via a btrS-dependent mechanism.

A) 7 B) 7 C) 7 ** GATA-1-/- 6 ** 6 ** 6 Balb/c 5 5 5 **** **** 4 4 4 **** 3 3 3 CFU/ 2 2 2 Log10 CFU/ Log10 Log10 CFU/Trachea 1 1 1 Log10 CFU?Nasal Cavity 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Days post-inoculation Days post-inoculation Days post-inoculation

Figure 2. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to clear bacterial infection from the respiratory tract. BalbFigure/cJ—WT 2. Eosinophil-deficient (wild-type) (red) mice or DdblGATA-1—EO failed to clear bact- (eosinophil-deficient)erial infection from the (green) respiratory mice weretract. intranasallyBalb/cJ—WT challenged (wild-type) with (red) 50 µorL ofDdblGATA-1—EO PBS containing- 5(eosinophil-deficient)105 BbDbtrS. At di (green)fferent days,mice micewere × wereintranasally euthanized, challenged and colonies with 50 were μL of enumerated PBS containing in the 5 × nasal 105 Bb cavityDbtrS (.A At), tracheadifferent ( Bdays,), or lungsmice were (C). Theeuthanized, graphs show and thecolonies average were and en SEM.umerated ** p < in0.01, the **** nasalp < cavity0.0001, ( usingA), trachea two-way (B), ANOVA or lungs test. (C). This The experimentgraphs show was the conducted average multipleand SEM. independent ** p < 0.01, times,**** p to< 0.0001, compensate using for two-way possible ANOVA effects of test. times This of theexperiment year and was spontaneous conducted allergic multiple reactions independent on eosinophils times, to counts. compensaten = 22. for possible effects of times of the year and spontaneous allergic reactions on eosinophils counts. n = 22. 3.4. Eosinophils Contribute to Cytokine Secretion in Respiratory Mucosal Surfaces 3.4. EosinophilsThe failure Contribute of the eosinophil-deficient to Cytokine Secretion mice in toRespiratory clear BbD MucosalbtrS infection Surfaces suggests that eosinophils contributeThe failure to the generationof the eosinophil-deficient of protective adaptive mice to immunity clear BbD withinbtrS infection the respiratory suggests tract,that eosinophils analogous tocontribute their role to in the gastric generation mucosal of protective immunity, adaptive also demonstrated immunity within in these the micerespiratory [71]. To tract, explore analogous how eosinophilsto their role augment in gastric the mucosal robust adaptive immunity, immunity also demonstrated to BbDbtrS, we in inoculated these mice this [71]. strain To intoexplore WT andhow - EOeosinophilsmice and augment assessed the cytokine robust levels adaptive in the immunity trachea, whichto BbD isbtrS rich, we in inoculated mucosal surfaces this strain [28], into and, WT where and suchEO- dimicefferences and assessed can be measured cytokine [ 26levels], IL-1b in the and trachea, IL-17, key which cytokines is rich for in the mucosal clearance surfaces of Bordetella [28], spp.and, infectionswhere such [57 ,differences64,72–74], were can increasedbe measured in WT [26], mice IL-1 atb day and seven IL-17, post-challenge key cytokines (Figure for the3A,B). clearance IL-6 was of - increasedBordetella in spp. WT infections mice at day [57,64,72–74], 14 post-infection, were while, increased in EO inmice, WT these mice di atfferences day seven were post-challenge not detectable (Figure(Figure3 C).3A,B). These IL-6 results was increased suggest that in theWT milieumice at of day signals 14 post-infection, instigated by thewhile, highly in EO immunogenic- mice, these BbdifferencesDbtrS strain were are not substantially detectable missing(Figure 3C). in the These absence results of eosinophils,suggest that implicatingthe milieu of eosinophils signals instigated in the cytokineby the highly response immunogenic that shapes Bb theDbtrS generation strain are of adaptive substantially immunity. missing in the absence of eosinophils, implicating eosinophils in the cytokine response that shapes the generation of adaptive immunity. 3.5. Eosinophils Mediate Recruitment to the Lungs The markedly different cytokine profiles produced by these two different mouse strains suggest that B- and T-cell recruitment might be modulated by eosinophils. It is known that eosinophils can present viral antigen to CD8 T cells [48], and there is evidence that they also modulate B cells [75,76]. Moreover, the modulatory effect of eosinophils in B and T cells can be observed even in naïve uninfected mice [48,75,77]. We have previously reported that the T- and B-cell numbers in the lungs of WT mice were at least twice as high on day 14 post-challenge with BbDbtrS as in WT mice challenged with Bb [55]. To examine the effect of eosinophils on the substantial T- and B-cell recruitment induced by BbDbtrS, we inoculated this strain into WT or EO- mice. T-cell numbers were substantially higher in WT Balb/c mice by day 14 post-infection, as in C57BL/6J mice (Figure1), while in EO - mice, there were smaller numbers that increased modestly with infection but were still substantially lower than uninfected WT (Figure4A). B-cell numbers were recruited to the lungs by BbDbtrS in even higher numbers in WT Balb/c mice, but their numbers were unchanged by this severe infection in EO- mice (Figure4B). While in the wild-type mice the numbers of B cells nearly tripled by 14 days post-challenge,

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in eosinophil-deficient mice, B-cell numbers remained much lower and did not change measurably in response to 14 days of infection. This substantial defect in the recruitment of B cells to the lungs of EO- Microorganismsmice suggests 2020 that, 8, x eosinophils FOR PEER REVIEW are critical to the robust local B-cell response to this infection. 7 of 16

A) B) 15000 * 3000 * **

10000 2000 (pg/mL) β 5000

IL-17 (pg/mL) 1000 IL-1

0 WT EO- WT (+) EO- (+) 0 C) BbΔbtrS -- ++ WT EO- WT (+) EO- (+) 600 BbΔbtrS -- ++ *


IL-6 (pg/mL) IL-6 200

0 WT EO- WT (+) EO- (+) BbΔbtrS -- ++ FigureFigure 3. 3. Eosinophil-deficientEosinophil-deficient mice mice failed failed to to secrete secrete IL-17, IL-17, IL-1 IL-1ββ, ,and and IL-6. IL-6. Groups Groups of of mice mice were were intranasallyintranasally challenged challenged with 5050 µμLL ofof PBS,PBS, or or PBS PBS containing containing 5 5 ×10 105 Bb5 BbDDbtrSbtrS; they; they were were euthanized euthanized on × onday day 7 ( A7 ,B(A), orB) 14or ( C14) post-challenge,(C) post-challenge, and tracheaand trac washea collectedwas collected and homogenized, and homogenized, to perform to perform ELISA. Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16 ELISA.The graphs The graphs show the show average the average and SEM. and * SEM.p < 0.05 * p and< 0.05 ** andp < 0.01,** p < using 0.01, two-wayusing two-way ANOVA. ANOVA.n = 6. n = 6.

A) B) 3.5. Eosinophils0.5 Mediate Lymphocytep=0.0512 Recruitment0.8 to the Lungs **** 0.4 The markedly different cytokine profiles 0.6produced by these two different mouse strains suggest that B- and T-cell recruitment* might be modulated by eosinophils. It is known that eosinophils can 0.3 ) in the) lung

6 0.4 present) in the lungs viral antigen to CD8 T cells [48], and there is evidence that they also modulate B cells [75,76]. 6 0.2 Moreover, the modulatory effect of eosinophils in B *and T cells can be observed even in naïve 0.2 uninfected0.1 mice [48,75,77]. We have previously reported that the T- and B-cell numbers in the lungs B cells (10 B cells (10 T cell of WT mice were at least twice as high on day 14 post-challenge with BbDbtrS as in WT mice 0.0 0.0 challenged withWT BbEO- [55]. WTTo (+) examine EO- (+) the effect ofWT eosino EO-phils WT (+)on EO-the (+) substantial T- and B-cell BbΔbtrS -- ++ BbΔbtrS -++ recruitment induced by BbDbtrS, we inoculated this -strain into WT or EO- mice. T-cell numbers were - substantiallyFigureFigure 4. higher4.Eosinophil-deficient Eosinophil-deficient in WT Balb/c micemice mice failed byfailed day to to recruit14 recruit post-infection, lymphocytes lymphocytes as to into the C57BL/6Jthe lung. lung. WT WT mice or or EO (FigureEOmice- mice were1), were while 5 in EOintranasally- mice, there challenged were smaller with 50 µ numbersL of PBS, or that PBS containingincreased 5modestly10 Bb5D btrSwith. Mice infection were euthanized but were at still intranasally challenged with 50 μL of PBS, or PBS containing× 5 × 10 BbDbtrS. Mice were euthanized substantiallydayat day 14 post-infection, 14lower post-infection, than uninfected to enumerate to enumerate WT T ((Figure AT )(A and) and B4A). ( B )(B cellB-cell) cell populations. populations. numbers WTwere WT indicates indicatesrecruited Balb Balb/c, to/c, the and and lungs EO- EO- by BbDbtrSstandsstands in even for for DdblGATA-1 higher DdblGATA-1 numbers mice. mice. BbD in WT btrSBbD Balb/cindicatesbtrS indicates mice, if intranasal bu ift theirintranasal challenge numbers challenge has were been unchanged (has+) or been not (-)(+) performed.by or this not severe (-) p p infectionTheperformed. graphsin EO-show mice The the graphs(Figure average show 4B). and the While SEM. average * in< the0.05, and wild-type ****SEM.< * 0.001,p < mice0.05, using ****the two-way p numbers < 0.001, ANOVA.This using of B two-way cells experimentnearly ANOVA. tripled was conducted multiple independent times, to control for possible effects of times of the year and by 14 daysThis experimentpost-challenge, was conducted in eosinophil-deficient multiple independent mice, times, B-cell to numbers control for remained possible effects much of lowertimes ofand spontaneous allergic reactions. n = 20. did notthe change year and measurably spontaneou s inallergic response reactions. to 14n = days20. of infection. This substantial defect in the recruitment3.6. Eosinophils of B Are cells Required to the lungs for an of Effi EOcient- mice Antibody suggests Response that eosinophils are critical to the robust local B-cell3.6. Eosinophilsresponse to Are this Required infection. for an Efficient Antibody Response To investigate whether the defect of B cells’ numbers in the lungs of EO- mice is reflective of - systemicTo diinvestigatefferences inwhether B-cell response,the defect weof B measured cells’ numbers anti-Bb inD btrSthe lungsantibody of EO titers mice in theis reflective serum of of wild-typesystemic anddifferences EO- mice, in atB-cell various response, days after we inoculationmeasured anti- withBbBbDDbtrSbtrS antibody. In WT mice, titersBb inD btrSthe -specificserum of - antibodywild-type titers and increased EO mice, to at overvarious 1000 days by dayafter 21 inoculation and over 4000 with by Bb dayDbtrS 28.. In In WT stark mice, contrast, BbDbtrS EO-specific- mice antibody titers increased to over 1000 by day 21 and over 4000 by day 28. In stark contrast, EO- mice barely generated detectable antibody titers by day 21, and values had only risen to about 100 by day 28, even though the bacterial numbers, reflecting antigen load, were sustained at much higher numbers than in WT mice (Figure 5A,B). These data indicate that eosinophils play a crucial role in systemic antibody production in response to respiratory infection, which can explain the delay in clearance of the bacterial infection from the respiratory tract.

A) B) 50,000 8,000 GATA-1-/- Balb/C Naive 40,000 ** 6,000 *

30,000 * 4,000 20,000

2,000 IgG1 titers in serum in titers IgG1 10,000 in serum titers IgG2a **

0 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

Figure 5. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to generate protective antibodies. WT or EO mice were intranasally challenged with 50 μL of PBS or PBS containing 5 × 105 BbDbtrS, in two independent experiments. At different days, mice were euthanized, and serum was collected to perform ELISA, to evaluate anti-Bb antibody titers (results are the average of two independent assays in triplicate). IgG1 (A) and IgG2a (B) were evaluated. The data are shown as average and SEM; * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01, using Student t-test. n = 6.

3.7. Eosinophils Contribute to an Organized Local Immune Response

Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16

A)0.5 p=0.0512 B)0.8 **** 0.4 0.6 * 0.3 ) in the) lung

6 0.4 ) in the lungs 6 0.2 * 0.2 0.1 B cells (10 B cells T cell (10 T cell

0.0 0.0 WT EO- WT (+) EO- (+) WT EO- WT (+) EO- (+) BbΔbtrS -- ++ Δ Bb btrS - -++ Figure 4. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to recruit lymphocytes to the lung. WT or EO- mice were intranasally challenged with 50 μL of PBS, or PBS containing 5 × 105 BbDbtrS. Mice were euthanized at day 14 post-infection, to enumerate T (A) and B (B) cell populations. WT indicates Balb/c, and EO- stands for DdblGATA-1 mice. BbDbtrS indicates if intranasal challenge has been (+) or not (-) performed. The graphs show the average and SEM. * p < 0.05, **** p < 0.001, using two-way ANOVA. This experiment was conducted multiple independent times, to control for possible effects of times of the year and spontaneous allergic reactions. n = 20.

3.6. Eosinophils Are Required for an Efficient Antibody Response

To investigate whether the defect of B cells’ numbers in the lungs of EO- mice is reflective of systemic differences in B-cell response, we measured anti-BbDbtrS antibody titers in the serum of Microorganismswild-type2020, 8and, 1808 EO- mice, at various days after inoculation with BbDbtrS. In WT mice, BbDbtrS-specific 8 of 15 antibody titers increased to over 1000 by day 21 and over 4000 by day 28. In stark contrast, EO- mice barely generated detectable antibody titers by day 21, and values had only risen to about 100 by day barely generated28, even though detectable the bacterial antibody numbers, titers byreflecting day 21, antigen and values load, were had sustained only risen at tomuch about higher 100 by day 28, even thoughnumbers the than bacterial in WT numbers,mice (Figure reflecting 5A,B). These antigen data indicate load, that were eosinophils sustained play at a muchcrucial role higher in numbers than in WTsystemic mice antibody (Figure production5A,B). These in response data indicateto respiratory that infection, eosinophils which playcan explain a crucial the delay role in in systemic clearance of the bacterial infection from the respiratory tract. antibody production in response to respiratory infection, which can explain the delay in clearance of the bacterial infection from the respiratory tract.

A) B) 50,000 8,000 GATA-1-/- Balb/C Naive 40,000 ** 6,000 *

30,000 * 4,000 20,000

2,000 IgG1 titers in serum in titers IgG1 10,000 in serum titers IgG2a **

0 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

Figure 5. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to generate protective antibodies. WT or EO mice were Figure 5. Eosinophil-deficient mice failed to generate protective antibodies. WT or EO mice were 5 intranasally challenged with 50 µL of PBS or PBS containing 5 5 10 BbDbtrS, in two independent intranasally challenged with 50 μL of PBS or PBS containing 5 × 10 × BbDbtrS, in two independent experiments.experiments. At diff Aterent different days, days, mice mice were were euthanized,euthanized, and and serum serum was collected was collected to perform to ELISA, perform to ELISA, to evaluateevaluate anti-Bb anti-Bb antibody antibody titers titers (results (results are are thethe av averageerage of two of two independent independent assays in assays triplicate). in triplicate).IgG1 IgG1 (A) and IgG2a(A) and ( BIgG2a) were (B) were evaluated. evaluated. The The data data are shown shown as asaverage average and SEM; and * SEM; p < 0.05 * andp < **0.05 p < 0.01, and ** p < 0.01, using Student t-test. n = 6. using Student t-test. n = 6. 3.7. Eosinophils Contribute to an Organized Local Immune Response 3.7. Eosinophils Contribute to an Organized Local Immune Response We anticipated that failure to generate a robust adaptive response would lead to differences in the lung inflammatory responses. In order to investigate how the local inflammatory and cellular response mightMicroorganisms be affected 2020, by8, x FOR eosinophils, PEER REVIEW we challenged WT and EO- mice to examine 9 of 16 changes in the induced lung pathology.We anticipated Wild-type that failure mice to generate developed a robust organizedadaptive response inflammatory would lead to differences cell-mediated in responses (Figure6A), withthe formation lung inflammatory of lymphoid responses. In aggregates order to investigate assembled how the intolocal inflammatory recognizable and BALT.cellular EO - mice had response might be affected by eosinophils, we challenged WT and EO- mice to examine changes in less lymphoid activity,the induced despite lung pathology. having Wild-type higher mice bacterial developed number, organized and inflammatory formed cell-mediated only indistinct structure, characterized byresponses fewer, (Figure smaller, 6A), with and formation less organized of lymphoid accumulationsaggregates assembled of into macrophages recognizable BALT. and neutrophils, with few lymphocytesEO- mice had (Figure less lymphoid6B), suggesting activity, despite defective having higher generation bacterial number, of localized and formed immune only response in indistinct structure, characterized by fewer, smaller, and less organized accumulations of these eosinophil-deficientmacrophages and mice. neutrophils, These with distinct few lymphocytes responses (Figure indicate6B), suggesting that defective eosinophils generation can of regulate both the inflammatorylocalized response immune and response the in generation these eosinophil-deficient of protective mice. These immunity distinct responses by mediating indicate that the formation of eosinophils can regulate both the inflammatory response and the generation of protective immunity lymphoid aggregatesby mediating resembling the formation BALT, of lymphoid in response aggregates to local resembling respiratory BALT, in infectionsresponse to ,localanalogous to their role in the gastricrespiratory mucosa infections [28]., analogous to their role in the gastric mucosa [28].

A) B)

Figure 6. Eosinophil-deficientFigure 6. Eosinophil-deficient mice weremice were deficient deficient in in generating generating organized organized BALT. Groups BALT. of 6 Balb/cJ Groups of 6 Balb/cJ (WT) (A) and GATA-1(WT) (A) and (EO GATA-1-)(B) mice(EO-) (B were) mice were intranasally intranasally challengedchallenged with with 50 μL 50of PBSµL containing of PBS containing5 × 5 105 105 BbDbtrS, and, at day seven post-challenge, lungs were fixed in 10% formalin solution for × BbDbtrS, and, athematoxylin day seven and post-challenge,eosin staining. Scale bar lungs = 3 mm. were n = 6. fixed in 10% formalin solution for hematoxylin and eosin staining. Scale bar = 3 mm. n = 6. 4. Discussion We recently demonstrated that btrS-mediated mechanisms contribute to B. bronchiseptica’s ability to suppress immunity to persist in the respiratory tract [55]. Here we demonstrate that btrS- mediated mechanisms suppress the accumulation and function of eosinophils, identifying these cells as targets of immunosuppression. More detailed examination of eosinophil-deficient mice revealed profound defects in aspects of the stimulation and organization of functional protective adaptive immunity. EO- mice were defective in the ability to produce key cytokines, recruit lymphocytes, and organize them in aggregates in which local adaptive immunity can be generated. In addition to revealing important new roles for eosinophils, this work suggests that targeted disruption of eosinophil functions can suppress the local immune response in the respiratory tract. Other persistent commensals and pathogens are likely to have evolved similar strategies, potentially explaining why these important roles of eosinophils were not previously readily observed; successful respiratory pathogens can block them. The particulars of the role(s) of eosinophils in adaptive immunity in the respiratory tract are intriguing. One hypothesis is that, during bacterial respiratory infections, eosinophils facilitate

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 9 of 15

4. Discussion We recently demonstrated that btrS-mediated mechanisms contribute to B. bronchiseptica’s ability to suppress immunity to persist in the respiratory tract [55]. Here we demonstrate that btrS-mediated mechanisms suppress the accumulation and function of eosinophils, identifying these cells as targets of immunosuppression. More detailed examination of eosinophil-deficient mice revealed profound defects in aspects of the stimulation and organization of functional protective adaptive immunity. EO- mice were defective in the ability to produce key cytokines, recruit lymphocytes, and organize them in aggregates in which local adaptive immunity can be generated. In addition to revealing important new roles for eosinophils, this work suggests that targeted disruption of eosinophil functions can suppress the local immune response in the respiratory tract. Other persistent commensals and pathogens are likely to have evolved similar strategies, potentially explaining why these important roles of eosinophils were not previously readily observed; successful respiratory pathogens can block them. The particulars of the role(s) of eosinophils in adaptive immunity in the respiratory tract are intriguing. One hypothesis is that, during bacterial respiratory infections, eosinophils facilitate immune homeostasis and adaptive immunity [78] by influencing the cytokine milieu and immune signaling pathways [79–84]. This would generate a strong selective pressure on bacteria to evolve and develop mechanisms to block eosinophilic functions. Excitingly, we report a new role for eosinophils which involves the generation of robust protective immunity against bacterial respiratory infections, apparently mediated by the formation of lymphoid aggregates near the site of infection. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which eosinophils mediate the recruitment, organization and maturation of lymphoid aggregates can provide novel targets for therapeutics and potentially augment vaccines inducing local mucosal immunity. The defects of EO- mice in cytokine production, lymphocytes recruitment, and lymphocyte organization into aggregates suggest eosinophils may be important in the efficient generation of local lymphoid structures in which lymphocytes are activated and develop. Eosinophils possess Toll-Like Receptors [85–89], indicating that they harbor receptors to respond to infections and trigger the required immune response. This response could be relatively direct; for example, eosinophils might directly present to T cells, as they do during parasitic [24,25,90], viral [48], and allergic reactions [91], indicating they have the required machinery to respond to bacterial infections and activate the subsequent inflammatory response and augment the following adaptive responses. Bordetella spp. provide an exceptional natural-host experimental system in mice, where aspects of bacterial–host interactions can be probed at the molecular level. However, Bordetella spp. are not the only pathogens well-adapted to manipulate respiratory immunity to persist. The revelation that eosinophils can mediate effective protective immunity leads to the expectation that successful respiratory pathogens have been under strong selection for the ability to disrupt these functions. It appears likely that one or more human pathogens that were previously common can similarly suppress eosinophil functions, and that their partial or complete control (via medicines, vaccines, and “hygiene”) would likely leave eosinophils tending to be excessively activated, potentially contributing to the upsurge in asthma and allergy. The mechanism by which B. bronchiseptica interferes with eosinophil recruitment and function could be an important target for the development of novel therapeutics against eosinophil-mediated pathologies like asthma and allergy. Conversely, understanding how eosinophils contribute to the generation of protective immunity could also facilitate the development of more effective vaccines inducing local mucosal immunity and therapies against a variety of respiratory pathogens.

5. Conclusions It is well-established that Bordetella spp. sense details of the local host environment [65,92–95] and carefully and coordinately regulate multiple mechanisms to modulate host immune responses, suppressing the generation of robust immunity [55,92,96]. The type 3 and type 6 secretion systems [97,98], adenylate cyclase [99–101], pertussis toxin [102,103], and other immunomodulators can affect immune cells in vitro and in vivo, and disrupting their carefully Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1808 10 of 15 choreographed expression can lead to much more robust adaptive immunity [55]. Our previous work revealed how classical Bordetella spp. (B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica) similarly respond to blood and serum [65], and one of the genes that increase expression levels in response to blood and serum is btrS (sigE type sigma factor). When btrS is knocked out, B. bronchiseptica fails to dampen the host response and induces much stronger protective immunity [55]. Here we reveal that btrS is involved in the blockage of eosinophil recruitment to the lungs, reducing adaptive immune responses and promoting persistence. Moreover, our data indicate that eosinophils mediate cytokine production and B-cell responses to respiratory infections, providing new roles for these cells in the generation of protective respiratory immunity. Excitingly, our work associates eosinophils with the generation of lymphoid aggregates, suggesting that a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms can provide targets for therapeutics against a broad spectrum of diseases. There is also a positive correlation between Bordetella spp. infections and the development of asthma and allergy [104–111], highlighting the clinical significance of these findings and suggesting there may be more implications in this complex interaction.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at http://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/8/11/1808/s1. Figure S1: Colonization levels in the lungs of Balb/c and DdblGATA-1 mice following infection with Bb and BbDbtrS. Author Contributions: M.C.G., conceptualization, developed and performed experiments, analyzed the data, and writing. U.B.-M., performed all the pathological studies included in the manuscript. H.M.J., performed experiments. L.N.R., performed ELISA and analyzed the data. K.K.D., performed part of the pathological studies. C.B., brainstorming and conceptualization. M.T., brainstorming and conceptualization. E.T.H., conceptualization, mentoring, funding, editing of the manuscript, and brainstorming. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the Harvill Lab Start up package and NIH (Grant Number AI122753). Acknowledgments: The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication. The authors would like to thank Laura K. Howard and Margaret R. Dedloff for their passion and good work, supporting the generation of data for this manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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